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2093868 No.2093868 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to play this for the first time. How does it compared to the other SNES RPG's?

>> No.2093879

There are better versions of this game, but if you're bound to this one, then it'll probably fall in the better half of SNES RPGs.

>> No.2093930

I already own it, it came in a big lot of games I purchased last year, but haven't gotten around to playing it. How do you like the remakes?

>> No.2093934

Too story driven. Expect losing control of your party and party composition a lot.

>> No.2094136

How so? Party members change and revolve too much?

>> No.2094168

>too much
More than other Final Fantasy games but you might like that. It is quite story driven and has some of the simplest mechanics this side of FF1. One of my least favorites, although I'm actively searching for a loose copy since I have the box, book and maps.

>> No.2094176

Why are you not playing the superior DS version?

>> No.2094179 [DELETED] 

Personally, it is one of my least favorite Final Fantasy games (at least of the main series), and probably up there in my list of RPGs I don't really enjoy.

Why? Well, I don't like the magic levelling system, and the game almost has no idea what sense of progression is at all. You can find really tough enemies pretty close to the start of the game, and the game doesn't really have any checks in place to make sure you can't get insanely powerful by just using magic a ton.

Yes, that's partially the player's fault, but progression in FFII didn't really feel smooth at all to me. Everything in the game just kind of felt clunky as well. There are a bunch of dumb idiosyncracies that pretty much go against everything that any other final fantasy game did right, in my opinion.

It's different, yes, but not in a good way IMO. I feel like FF5 (on super famicom but it has a translation and a good GBA remake) did just about everything imaginable much better.

Of course, other people are free to disagree, but I feel like FFII is one of the weaker games in the series and could not really enjoy it at all. Just thought I'd offer a differing opinion.

>> No.2094192

Because I own it on SNES.

>> No.2094212

It's a phenomenal game, but you're asking how it compares to other SNES RPGs? Well, shit, that system cranked out phenomenal RPG after phenomenal RPG. I think it stands shoulder to shoulder with titles like Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana while just hedging out the slightly second-tier (but still pretty fantastic) Illusion of Gaia, Final Fantasy IV and Breath of Fires.

>> No.2094217

It's pretty much the worst game ever made.

>> No.2094290

It's pretty easy and short over all. It's also dumbed down from the original Japanese version.

>> No.2094356

makes sense since white people are essentially just dumbed down japanese people

>> No.2094363

>FF4 > FF4

Nigga wat.

>> No.2094716


This is the first JRPG I ever played. Still chasing the dragon all these years later looking for anything that comes even close to the feelings of wonder and joy this game brought me. Solid fun game play, the flow of battle is just so right. Story is a little weak, one char yo-yo's too much. Best musical score out of any game, ever IMVHO.

>> No.2094724


It is about the most generic JRPG ever, which is either great or terrible depending on how much you enjoy JRPGs. You will be rescuing crystals and saving the Earth with the power of friendship, while riding an airship and having stupid hair. The only thing that's missing is that the main villain isn't named Chaos.

You decide if all this makes for a good or bad game.

>> No.2094734

The worst installment of the FF main series. Which doesn't mean it's awful, it's just as good as any generic RPG churned out at the time, but nothing more and nothing less.

And yes, I'm talking about IV, not II. II was better.

>> No.2094738


Quite possibly the worst version of FF IV there is.

>> No.2094741


Ridiculously overrated garbage.

>> No.2094742

So much flat out wrong info going on in this thread. The GBA version is completely bugged so that the ATB doesn't even work properly.

>II was better.

Hipster as fuck.

>> No.2094745

Prolly meant V

>> No.2094746

overall an excellent RPG. alot was lost in the US translation unfortunately. still, decent story, atmosphere and music is well done, battles that require strategy at times, and it's not too easy. if you like RPGs, definitely play.

>> No.2094756

I don't even like II. II was pretty garbage, but IV was even worse. Ridiculously overrated.

>> No.2094853

IV was at least playable

II made no sense at all. Easy to see what they were going for, but how they did it was absurdly stupid.

>> No.2095086


Great tale of Redemption

>> No.2095176

My least favorite Final Fantasy. Found the story incredibly generic and dull. I'd say it's an average RPG, nothing more than that.

>> No.2095221

It's pretty typical. The biggest weakness is the lack of any kind of stat customization or novelty game mechanics. Everyone's in a fixed class and levels up and learns skills linearly and there's really nothing for you to think about outside of combat and navigating dungeons.

The overall story is cliched by modern standards and the first half of the plot is bland but things get weirder and move faster later on.

The music is really good; actually better than VI, I'd say.


It would be really cool if people could stick with independent judgment rather than basing opinions in part on /v/'s hype cycle.

>> No.2095520

That specific version is terrible and ruins the only thing FF4 has going for it - a smooth difficulty curve where the game never becomes easy but is never too difficult either so long as you don't grind. You're not going to have much fun with it.

>> No.2095751

Great game. Gear is huge. So save your stuff. Pay attention to attack multipliers

>> No.2095859

Ignore the naysayers. I feel that FF4 has plenty that makes it unique. The game is exciting enough to play without having skill customization. I think people easily forget just how rapid enemies take their turns.

Also, out of all similar RPGs, this game arguably takes the most advantage of how party members and party setups will play differently. You don't get to choose the party, but for example at one point you'll be playing with 1 fighter and 3 mages, and then after that you are playing with 3 fighters and 1 mage. The dungeons, too, do a great job of mixing things up by throwing new things at you.

Don't feel bad about playing the SNES version. Honestly, until the PSP version came out, I considered the original SNES just as good as the other ports. Really, the multitude of versions for this game are all sidegrades, so opinions vary due some factor or another being more important to that person. If you only play FF4 once you aren't missing out on a ton, and if you play it again you have the novelty of other ports to look forward to.

>> No.2095919
File: 45 KB, 256x255, Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna borrow your thread OP.

25 y/o male here about to play FF7 for the first time. FF4 and FF6 are my favorites in the series that i've played so far. will i love this one too?

while we're at it, any tips or suggestions?

>> No.2096072

Doesn't everyone love VII?

>> No.2096096
File: 26 KB, 400x300, ALOT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alot would have made this game better.

>> No.2096669

Hard to say. If you liked 6's system you'll probably like 7's since 7 is pretty much 6's system anyways. 4 doesn't particularly have much in common with 7 aside uhh, cant say cause spoilers so wont ruin it for ya.

Suggestions, always have Enemy Skill Materia equipped. Some attacks are broken as shit.

>> No.2096696

Not me.

>> No.2096741


>> No.2096817

it's the first FF I ever played and I've never finished it, neither the SNES nor the DS version

>> No.2096819

it's unfortunate Alot was left out of the english translated version

>> No.2097220 [DELETED] 

Aeris dies

Tellah dies
Palom and Porom survive
Yang Survives
Edward survives
Cid survives
Kain will betray you

>> No.2097227


what is wrong with people

>> No.2097347


>The GBA version is completely bugged so that the ATB doesn't even work properly.

That was only the US version.

>> No.2097447


alright thanks! ill keep that materia suggestion in mind.

tell me something i don't know already

>> No.2097707

Care to elaborate?

>> No.2097887

Decent story, though from a gameplay perspective, I'd say get one of the later versions of this game, just keep it 2D (stick with a GBA port and you'll be fine)

Overall, nice music, decent story (very much like Star Wars) worth playing

>> No.2098932

How was the 3D remakes overall in the FF series?

>> No.2099086


The DS remake of IV was pretty damn good, it had the same stupid story but the difficulty was consistently hard (at least compared to most other FFs) and the extra content is interesting. Most of the hatred comes from the low poly from what I've seen.

>> No.2099087


As for FF III, the difficulty scale is kinda retarded for a few reasons; FFIII itself is kinda different from many of the games with the way it works, and the remakes buffed enemies to make up for the fact that fewer could be shown on screen at once. The jobs in the remake have been balanced more and there is some extra content that is available without wi-fi on alternate versions, but it's not too much of an improvement outside of aesthetics otherwise. The OST is GOAT though.

>> No.2099117


The difficulty was ridiculous for stupid reasons though. Not that I didn't enjoy it for its difficulty, and giving the bosses and enemies more devastating counters to fuck with holding the attack button down, but doing shit like removing the requirements for some enemies to use their attack was retarded.

A good example were the mage groups on the moon, in the original versions of 4, they wouldn't hit you with the highest level of magic unless only 1 was alive, in the DS remake, I hope you don't get ambushed cause your party will be wiped out before you can blink, and that's not a good thing, it comes down to rng if you will survive or not.

For the most part, the DS version is ok, but it really gets fucking stupid near the end.

>> No.2099231

6 is mechanically only barely similar to 7. 7 follows the "equip jobs to you characters" format instead of "characters are THIS class".

>> No.2099236

I meant V.

>> No.2099239

Look at sceenshots. If you think N64 looking 3d (ok, its a bit better since it has textures) looks ok, they are ok. I think they are ugly, and III's remake has serious problems. It was originally for the DS, and the number of monsters is cut from 9 maximum to 3 maximum due to hardware specs. So classes that rely on AoE, like Black Mage, are gimped.

IV remake is ok, but I love the graphics in FF IV SNES and think the remake looks like ass by comparison.

The PSP HD remake (HD 2d graphics) likewise is ok. The tilesets look stunning in HD, but the new character sprites are not nearly as charming and the enemies are hit or miss.

There is NO definitive version of FFIV/2us.

>> No.2099271

What version of 4 and 6 should i get? I've only played 3US(snes) and 4US(psx). I've beat 6 many times and am looking for a change for my next play through. I only beat 4 once and that was over 10 years ago and i don't remember it too well, i tried playing 4 on the snes last year and got bored very quickly.

>> No.2099276


The moon was a pretty drastic increase in difficulty across most, if not all versions of the game, but I see what you're talking about. Flamehounds made the Tower of Zot a complete nightmare to traverse.

>> No.2099278

>I don't like this game
>which version should I play

None of them, apparently.

>> No.2099282


If you're looking for a complete experience(for better or worse) then the FF PSP collection is identical to most copies of FF4 difficulty wise, but it comes with the Interlude and sequel. Many people didn't like the sequel but it's partially because FF4 itself was praised to heaven when it was never really that great.

Alternatively, you can go for the 3D versions of FF4, which are much harder overall and have a stronger emphasis on gameplay, with minor things like augments to increase replayability.

The GBA version with the sound patch seems to be the best overall, but the palette is inferior and the Woolseyisms are gone. Haven't played the iOS version but nothing about it looks appealing.

>> No.2099283


The last paragraph refers to ff6 just in case you might get confused.

>> No.2099321

> There is NO definitive version of FFIV/2us.
I would contend that FF4 the Complete Collection on the PSP gave us, at long last, a definitive version.

>> No.2099340

It doesn't have the original graphics...so no.

>> No.2099408


>> No.2101527


It sucks without a guide

>> No.2101915


the PSP version is based on the GBA version of the game, which while similar, isn't really easy type, its more of its own version.

>> No.2102165

Interesting, although just don't understand your reply. For you a definitive version would have to have 'easy type' hp values? (and skills/items?) And by 'easy type' you refer to FF2us, not the literal FF4jp easy type with the coral sword?

Your reply would be less surprising if instead of "easy type" you meant the opposite (non-easy type FF4jp stats/mechanics). Maybe that's what you meant?

>> No.2102853

party switched was introduced in FFVI so in this game what you get is what you get in any given moment

there will even be a point where you will have 3 mages and only one non-mage in your party, hope you're good with magic

>> No.2102858

I like it
but I can't say I love it

>> No.2102860

if you like 6 you'll probably like 7

they're pretty similar

>> No.2102898

>How does it compared to the other SNES RPG's?
Pretty fucking bad on almost all points except the music.
The graphics are so-so, story is nice but gets a bit retarded after a while, characters are decent/good, music is great and gameplay is...well, FF, so the most generic JRPG you can get.

As long as you want to play a classic Final Fantasy and nothing more than that it's a great game, it introduced the main narrative formula and character roles, there are nice throwbacks at FFII on the NES, like Kain, and there are some memorable moments, the art direction is great and there's a good amount of crazy stuff like traveling to the Moon and shit.

But if you compare it to most other JRPGs of the same age it's frankly, a bit pathetic on all fronts.
It had the luck of being one of those JRPGs that made it out of Japan but most of the less known or popular stuff like Romancing SaGa 2, BoFII and Live a Live absolutely demolish FFIV.

Again, nothing more than a solid FF game, definitely much better than FFIII.

>> No.2102907

What was the best version of the first game? GBA remake? I've played the NES, GBA and PSP versions, but I've played the GBA remake a long time ago that I don't remember it much. The PSP remake was casual as fuck and just boring, no challenge at all. You are getting way too much exp. And the NES version suffers from the grind that NES RPGs had. How did the GBA version compare to that?

>> No.2102938


The GBA version of FF1 is just as easy as the PSP version, the PSP version and GBA version do benefit from having all the optional bosses, that aren't really that hard, and really annoying to get to, but essentially if the PSP version was easy for you, the GBA version will offer the same experience.

The best version of FF1 may be the PS1 version, as it has the face lift of the GBA version, but allows you to play it with the NES mechanics, such as missing attacks on enemies that die, and keeping spell charges, as well as the level 50 cap.

>> No.2102957 [DELETED] 
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>gameplay is...well, FF, so the most generic JRPG you can get

Seinfeld is such a generic sitcom, I don't know why everyone loves it.

>> No.2102973
File: 37 KB, 343x481, 1417584683459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point being?

It is generic, that doesn't mean it's good or bad, just that it's not really a novelty one should look forward to.

>> No.2102976 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.2103002

He's referencing people going back to Seinfield after its time and wondering what the big deal is.

Of course FF4 isn't going to seem special for what it did if every other game after it did it. You've already been exposed to what made it special.

This isn't to excuse it for not holding up. I found that V and VI held up much better. But if you want to understand why people thought something was special, sometimes you must examine it within the proper contexts.

You can see this in other games/genres, too. A person who started playing fighting games on any game made after The World Warrior (this is also including later revisions of SF2) may not understand why WW was such a big deal.

>> No.2103017

BoF2's story was pretty fillery for most of the game.

>> No.2103050


BoF1 is a better game and has way better pacing IMO.

2 starts off well enough but sort of turns to shit the further you go.

>> No.2103104 [DELETED] 

You've just described the whole BoF series except for 5. I like how the 2nd game is the only one guilty here.

Take your hate for 2nd best game of the series elsewhere, autist.

>> No.2103152

Looks like the whole BoF series minus 5 to me. Also looks like most of the other games from the category. I like how BoF2 is the only one guilty here that should be ignored for every other aspect including story viewed from other perspectives.

BoF1 is an archaic game with generic story, tedious gameplay that has no redeemable factors whatsoever except for being first in the series.

>> No.2103263

"Qualities" suits sentence better, I guess.

>> No.2103295

2's the one that's the most guilty because its the one that tries to pass off shit like going into the queen's stomach to kill fat demons as an actual plot point.

Yeah the Romancing SaGa games don't really have a linear plot and they have you spend a lot of time doing quests for the actual plot points to show up, but at least its obvious that the quests that you're doing are generally not related to the actual plot.

Also, 2 doesn't even have a multiple perspective thing going on, they don't focus on anything but Ryu's story. The only ones from that list that do it are Rom SaGa 2 and Live a Live.

>> No.2103298

>other RPGs of its age
>breath of fire 2

Are you for real?

>> No.2103345

There's the other meaning I brought into perspective, it is not necessary events being viewed from different character's perspective, but let's us work with whatever you think there is:

>they don't focus on anything but Ryu's story
And there isn't much to work on. You are blind.

>> No.2103354

Not him and BoF2 has points over other popular games. Those points should be taken into consideration.

Now, as for
>Are you for real?
Let's not exaggerate things if you didn't like the game.

>> No.2103450

Outside of the events in Sten's hometown and the Nina thing, 2 didn't really do anything to warrant being considered as having multiple perspectives.

4 was the only one that did it properly.

>> No.2103705
File: 105 KB, 500x500, 1415492461683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BoF2 is a game I liked more than 1 when I was a kid, but after replaying them recently, 2 has fallen to my least favorite in the series, its such a slog and the game is so boring throughout, that I can't be bothered.

The dragon system is shit because they are summon spells, the fusion system is shit because you revert when you get low on hp for some reason, half of the characters are worthless leaving only one good party selection.

Not to mention that the dungeons are somehow more of a slog than the dungeons in the first game, and the final dungeon is an absolute borefest and overstays its welcome.

The item drop rates are fucking absurd, 1/16k or some shit to get some of the ultimate weapons for a character, eat your heart out FF4.

Saying something is archaic as a mark against it is pretty dumb if the game you think is superior is equally if not more archaic.

While BoF2 does have more fleshed out characters, the characters are so fucking boring that it almost doesn't matter. You can't possibly compare BoF2 and FF4s character development at all, they aren't even close, you couldn't force me to give a shit about BoF2s characters.

Also the translation is absolutely garbage, while true of the first game as well, it didn't seem as offensive because there wasn't nearly as much dialogue, while BoF2 actually thinks it has a story and not just a bunch of hilariously unlinked plot points, you basically spend the game doing fetch quests for people and then you are at the final dungeon that comes out of nowhere with little relation to the rest of the events in the game.

Sorry for the autistic TL;DR response, but I'm tired of this shit, and fuck kattfag, even if she is a qt.

>> No.2103736

Putting aside the fact that I don't like BoF 2, it is 4 years newer than FF4. In the 90s, that was basically an entire generation.

>> No.2103876

OP here

>play FFIV on my Supa Boy
>no problem
>log 6 hours of game play on a file
>turn it on
>all files except one erased
>one isn't mine

What the fuck, I've never seen a game randomly delete files and save others. What the fuck. Now I have to sit through alot of shit again.

>> No.2104703 [DELETED] 

Aside from Fou Lu 4 characters had a little to no character developement and spotlight.

> its such a slog and the game is so boring throughout
Ayy lmao. In 2 you spam the same move for 10 minutes. In 1 you spam the same move for 60. B-but epic hidden HP bar. Let alone 2 has non mandatory minigames (fishing and hunting) which are god-tier and which are brought to drive away the boredom.

>The dragon system is shit because they are summon spells
No problem here. There are other things in the game that make for a "loss".

>the fusion system is shit because you revert when you get low on hp for some reason
>low on hp for some reason
Low hp is made for the balance, you moron.

>Not to mention that the dungeons are somehow more of a slog than the dungeons in the first game, and the final dungeon is an absolute borefest and overstays its welcome.
Top entitlement.

>Saying something is archaic as a mark against it is pretty dumb
Saying whatever you say, which suits every game in the series and moreso is pretty picky, you little nigger.

>While BoF2 does have more fleshed out characters, the characters are so fucking boring that it almost doesn't matter.
Top entitlement.

>hilariously unlinked plot points, you basically spend the game doing fetch quests for people and then you are at the final dungeon that comes out of nowhere with little relation to the rest of the events in the game
BoF1, 3 and 4 do this. Have fun, you lil' picky nigger. And there is a moderately (in scale of BoF) reasonable link between subquests and main plot.

>> No.2104704 [DELETED] 

You don't like 2 because of inner autism? Cool story and no one fucking cares. I can say I started BoF with 3 which is a dog shit and then moved onto 2 which is a God's blessing. But I don't. Just don't jump every time BoF2 gets a spotlight, you fucking wannabe hubs of the universe. What I am saying ITT is that BoF2 has points over other games that should be taken into consideration, it is a game (not necessary a SNES game) to deal with.

>> No.2104729

Aside from Fou Lu 4 characters had a little to no character developement and spotlight.

> its such a slog and the game is so boring throughout
Ayy lmao. In 2 you spam the same move for 10 minutes. In 1 you spam the same move for 60. B-but epic hidden HP bar. Let alone 2 has non mandatory minigames (fishing and hunting) which are god-tier and which are brought to drive away the boredom.

>The dragon system is shit because they are summon spells
No problem here. There are other things in the game that make for a "loss".

>the fusion system is shit because you revert when you get low on hp for some reason
>low on hp for some reason
Low hp is made for the balance, you moron.

>Not to mention that the dungeons are somehow more of a slog than the dungeons in the first game, and the final dungeon is an absolute borefest and overstays its welcome.
Top entitlement.

>Saying something is archaic as a mark against it is pretty dumb
Saying whatever you say, which suits every game in the series and moreso is pretty picky, you little nigger.

>While BoF2 does have more fleshed out characters, the characters are so fucking boring that it almost doesn't matter.
Top entitlement.

>hilariously unlinked plot points, you basically spend the game doing fetch quests for people and then you are at the final dungeon that comes out of nowhere with little relation to the rest of the events in the game
BoF1, 3 and 4 all do this. Have fun, you lil' picky nigger. And there is a reasonable (in scale of BoF and moreso) link between subquests and main plot.

>> No.2104731

You don't like 2 because of inner autism? Cool story and no one fucking cares. I can say I started BoF with 3 which is a dog shit and then moved onto 2 which is a God's blessing. But I don't. Just don't jump every time BoF2 gets a spotlight, you fucking wannabe hubs of the universe. What I am saying ITT is that BoF2 has points over other games that should be taken into consideration, it is a game (not necessary a SNES game) to deal with.

>> No.2105329


Personally, I couldn't get into it. The game is more interested in telling its stupid story than it is interested in providing an enjoyable and challenging experience for the player.

There's little to no customisation - for a lot of the game you can't even determine who is in your party - and several characters are OP to a broken degree.

The music is good, though, that I will concede.

>> No.2105352

It's my favorite SNES Final Fantasy game, but I don't think it's the best. FFVI wins that award, in my opinion.

FFIV definitely has the best boss music, however.