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2093194 No.2093194 [Reply] [Original]

I fully replayed Star Control 2 for the first time in a long while thanks to The Ur-Quan Masters (which I didn't even know was a thing until last year) and I really enjoyed it. Is anyone else a fan of this series, or enjoyed one of the games? My favourite race is probably the Orz

Stardock also took this domain a little while back and seems to be sitting on it, I'm curious what they're going to do with it

tfw I was younger and stupider I used to post on the un-official star control forums and make a complete ass of myself

>> No.2093252
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>> No.2093269

Why don't you like 3? That bad ending where the universe comes to a screeching death is fucking awesome.

>> No.2093272

I think the plot is cool, but almost unanimously from talking to other people who have played the game it feels rushed and the puppets are pretty hilariously bad

I also like the combat in 2 more, it's more crisp

>> No.2093348

I just started playing this for the first time the other day. Pretty much just been upgrading my ship, but I got to Rigel. Any tips?

>> No.2093353

This. Probably the best manifestation of Lovecraftian horror in video games.

>> No.2093356

Nigga you dumb? SC3 is the FO3 of the mid90s.

>> No.2093357

I'm still waiting for someone to recreate SC1 using UQM source.

>> No.2093372

As a kid I thought there were pool of blood (underwater lol) with their "fingers" bloody?

>> No.2093379


That's not water.

>> No.2093392

whatever the filling is

>> No.2093394
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>> No.2093454

Are you happy camper?

>> No.2093472


Played it a number of times, but my favorite race has to be the Thraddash.

The fact that these idiots have nuked themselves back to the stone age over 20 times, and are proud of it, is just mind-bogglingly hilarious.

>> No.2093749

I liked the puppets even, lol. The ships were really unbalanced and combat was pretty ruined. Colony management was kind of crappy too. Plot was pretty reasonable really.

It's bad only in comparison to SC2.

>> No.2093819

Anyone else find the whole shofixti maidens quest thing really creepy and pervy?

>> No.2093893


No, get a fucking grip.

In a previous thread someone said that every race was a stereotype. That boggled my mind because the races in SC2 are without doubt the most original I've ever seen, and there are SO MANY of them.

>> No.2093921

Seriously it was implied the maidens would sex slaves and all.
And it was treated as a joke.

>> No.2093960

I'm sorry that the rest of the universe doesn't subscribe to your white middle class american liberal fantasies of what a society should be.

>> No.2093967

I'm sorry the rest of the world doesn't like your deranged fucked up furcon fantasies.

>> No.2094343

Nope, rodents breeds fast.

>> No.2094387

>Zex is a depraved fetishist, has tentacles
>Vulnerable totally naked "maidens" reduced to a literal object, a quest item, for you to claim
>Implied non-stop furry harem orgy

Some sci-fi furvert probably sneaked on the writing team and did some wish-fulfilment. They were common in science fiction circles back in the day.

A weeaboo too probably, considering how Japanese the shofixti were.

>> No.2094426
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The Ur-quan Kohr-ah did nothing wrong.

>> No.2094625

>The Kohr-Ah did nothing wrong
Bullshit you cum-guzzling oxygen thief. While yes, they were righteous in their endeavors to exterminate the Vux (decadent squid dandies), eliminate the Druug (space jews), and eradicate the Utwig (ballsack monsters), they fucked up and killed the Thraddash, Spathi, and Yehat. Tell me again that they did nothing wrong I fucking dare you.

>> No.2094642
File: 2 KB, 55x30, Melnorme_captain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Game is amazing.

Exploring all the stars (occasionally finding weird things) was fun, the aliens were interesting, the plot was engrossing, improving your ship was exciting, the music was always fresh, the constant humor a nice touch...

Side note, I really enjoyed using the melnorme in melee.

>> No.2094648
File: 1 KB, 55x30, Orz_captain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ask me about the androsynth.

i fucking dare you.

>> No.2094740

Played the fuck out of SC2. Had notebooks full of coordinates, VUX's "elephantine beast" quote, even came across a glitch (can't say I'm the first one to discover it as it's simple, but it wasn't known until some time after. It's the "sell another planet lander bug").

In my opinion it's still one of the best games out there. The story is timeless, the design is perfect for gameplay and storytelling. Music is awesome, dialogue is hilarious and deep.

This is the game of games! Everyone should play it!

>> No.2094749


oh god, i just remembered another thing... a small thing... but...

remember how miserable it is maneuvering your apparently amazing ship in the beginning? how even ending up at the right planet takes planning?

and then, how satisfying it is to have all the motion jets? OMG

>> No.2094754

Anyone have an .gif of Talana with heaving breasts as she breathes?

>> No.2094759


are there any good longplays on youtube? I.e., ones that really go through every nook and cranny?

sounds like a great candidate for all sorts of nice WEBMs and GIFs.

> 2014
> no sa-matra webm

>> No.2094761


UGH I just checked a random video and the pleb is sending chmmrs at sa-matra? wtf, send pkunk nubcake

>> No.2094762


320x200 should fit well in .gif.


Nooos. I cannot .webm in IOS.

>> No.2094785

>like five videos in. Finally done with sol, got some planets mined, got fwiffo.
>leaves solar system, 'whats this.'
>starmap. He is one pixel in a giant sea.
>oh no. I'm ... I'm in trouble.

>> No.2094808


it was so amazing playing a game back then.

remember having NO CLUE what quasispace was, and just entering that portal and tripping balls?

>> No.2095151

silly cow

>> No.2096068

Is there any other game or anything that has managed to pull off dog piano as well as this game?

>> No.2096139

If there were one game I could completely forget and play again new, it would have to be this one, almost without a doubt.

I'm definitely glad that I had the chance to play it back when I was ten. Being so young made it even more mind blowing.

>> No.2097159

Anyone have any little-known knowledge about SC2? For example, planets with spectacular mineral deposits; exploits; easter eggs, etc.

Also, does anyone know where scans of the paper instruction booklet from Star control 1 can be found? it had some illustrations of the various races, and some bits and pieces of lore from the game universe.

>> No.2097224

It used to be on the ultronomicon and the wiki but those sites have been neglected for a while so who knows what is up and what is gone anymore.

>> No.2097731
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>> No.2098326
File: 59 KB, 485x213, Thraddash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2098334
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>> No.2100447


glorious fanart, they're definitely the kind to chill out in over-powered battle armor

side note, playing the melee for fun, thraddash are hilariously effective against the apparently most powerful ships (chmmr, ur quan, kohr ah). flame arcs ftw

>> No.2100592

I remember thinking I was so badass learning how to play this on the electric guitar as a kid

>> No.2100723

Post tabs. It definitely has a macho feel to it.

>> No.2100813

I didn't just use tabs, I just felt around awkwardly for an hour and a half until it sound like the song

I don't know anything about playing guitar it was my sister's old one