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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2081394 No.2081394 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for god-tier 3rd party N64 games. (No Rareware, no Nintendo.) Factor 5 is acceptable.

>> No.2081407

God-tier is tough. WCW vs NWO if you like that, Ogre Battle maybe but nothing else godly.

>> No.2081408

Battletanx: Global Assault

>> No.2081412

Gauntlet Legends
Turok 1,2 and Rage wars
Mischief Makers
Doom 64
Hexen 64

>> No.2081413

oh, i forgot one god tier game too
NFL Blitz

>> No.2081421 [DELETED] 

>>god tier
>>N64 games
is that ever the greatest oxymoron in /vr

>> No.2081427
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Is hating the N64 the new thing now? There's tons of awesome games for the console.

>> No.2081442 [DELETED] 

no, ive hated N64 since 1998.
no there isnt.

>> No.2081447

>/vr/ is one person

>> No.2081460
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>> No.2081465

>be a kid
>play Ogre Battle 64 for the first time
>totally blown away

My first srpg. Loved every second of it

>> No.2081494

Really though, you've been shitposting for a long time. Don't you have anything else to do with your time?

>> No.2081496
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Why are you here?

>> No.2081498

No its not new some of use never really liked it much. But it was the first console for a whole new generation and it was pretty fun party system.

I wouldn't say tons, when nostalgia is washed away though there are some pretty solid titles left though.

Doom 64 was damn good and I still think it has my favorite in the Gauntlet series which that is pretty big as its a long running title.

OP's pic is not as good as we remember, if I had a PC at the time with Quake it would have seemed a joke. But I didn't so I have fond memories, but would sooner play any of a dozen titles these days instead.

>> No.2081501

Been thinking about buying The World Is Not Enough for N64. How does it compare to Goldeneye? How is its multilpayer experience?

>> No.2081502

Also, Shadows of the Empire is still one of the best Star Wars games.

>> No.2081504

If I recall most of the Golden Eye successors actually improved things, but I may be mixing that one up with another.

Also forgot to add the wreslting games were good and fun I don't even like wrestling.

>> No.2081508


It has the worst multiplayer maps I've ever seen

>> No.2081513
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>> No.2081515


I think it's all one guy tbh.

>> No.2081526


the big open town level and the snow level with the cabins were both awesome

>> No.2081529

TWINE N64 is one of the blurriest games on the system. But it's one of Eurocom's best games. The campaign has lots of variety and fantastic weaponry. Higher difficulties have more objectives. It has features which later turned up in Nightfire like enemies surrendering if you point a gun at their back and bullet ricocheting off surfaces.

However, the game does have some difficulty spikes. And the campaign isn't SUPER long. (Not that GoldenEye/Perfect Dark were long.)

For some reason the game defaults to mono audio.

>> No.2081530 [DELETED] 

>implying everyone has to like Nintendo to be retro
Let me guess you're one of the fags that also think that Goldeneye revolutionized console multiplayer even though quake (only 2 player) and quake 2 (4 player) had the same kind of multiplayer AND co-op. The same year as goldeneye or probably earlier duke nukem 3d had online multiplayer on top of splitscreen and before that doom was on atari jaguar but only had 2 players and needed 2 consoles but that was 1993 on a 4th generation console.

>> No.2081537


i laughed even if this is bait


i dont hate the N64 but it gets way more praise than it deserves. Anyways i still think is the console with the best exclusives in any console ever released.

>> No.2081538

Istanbul was awesome. Fall back, son.

And this, too.

>> No.2081539

I wore the comment in the box.

I owned an N64 first, and then got a PSX years later when the PS One was released. I was a stubborn Nintendo fanboy.

Now I enjoy great games from all consoles, thanks Sony!

>> No.2081542

The PSX and Saturn were superior.

Much Retro Nintendo Effect.

>> No.2081552

A few devs were able to pull some solid titles out of the systems crippled ass that are really good. And for those of too poor for a PC it was the best multiplayer we could get.

>> No.2081560
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i'm glad you express that opinion every time discussion revolves around twine.

>> No.2081564
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>> No.2081573
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Why is no one mentioning Body Harvest?

>> No.2081579

Might order this game for myself this Christmas. I lost my copy.

>> No.2081684

Body Harvest is good, but it's kinda clunky and frustrating in places. I think Space Station Silicon Valley was ultimately DMA's superior N64 title.

>> No.2081718

>systems crippled ass
There's nothing "crippled" about the N64, except maybe cartridge space. Many devs learned how to do proper 3D programming for the first time on the N64. PS1 was barely even real 3D.

>> No.2081756

>There's nothing "crippled" about the N64, except maybe cartridge space.
To be fair, the default N64 microcode was terrible and inefficient.

>> No.2081763

That's a problem with documentation as opposed to the console itself though

>> No.2081782

Space Invaders 64
Quest 64 (not god tier, but a fun, mindless, "babby's first rpg")
WWF No Mercy
WCW/NWO Revenge
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour

>> No.2081819

I didn't say it wasn't full of fond memories and fun times, but it very much was crippled.

Its antipiracy and ass backward design made it hard to dev for.
Cart sizes made it difficult to expand games.
Carts made it more expensive to produce games, slashing into budgets.
Its 2D support was beyond poor throwing the load of backgrounds and things that should take few resources into the same pool as everything else.
Its draw distance was aggressively low for the types of games it tried to spawn even for its time.
3D was nothing new by the time it came out and neither was multiplayer FPS, it gets credit for doing it on a console that was popular, but this shit was long since done by then. And 4 ports wasn't new either just repopularized by a device that was many peoples first console.

Basically the NES and SNES were king for their third party and variety of games. N64 punch both of those qualities in the nuts and that started with its design choices, which were largely made thinking 3D would be the only thing in the future and CDs would be too easy to pirate among other things. They paid the price for bandwagoning and trying to control hardware markets with their brand influence.

The people who paid for it were the gamers. I remember those long droughts of nothing new on the horizon for the console and only padded as hell find the shiny thing parts left in games in between that many a friend went through. (Star Wars games were glorious though)

They tried to force 3D so badly, but pulled the rug out from under effective PC porting due to its cart issue, but even with discs much of the rest bottlenecked away from that anyway.

So yes carts and next to no proper 2D rendering was a crippling issue that dried up its third party support and robust game library. Sorry if this isn't the most coherent statement but up too long, you get the idea though. Hell I was a Sega kid, that thing was a piece of shit in a lot of ways too but still fun in a lot of ways.

>> No.2081839

>Its 2D support was beyond poor throwing the load of backgrounds and things that should take few resources into the same pool as everything else.
literally every console ever except the saturn has no separation between 2D and 3D
>Its draw distance was aggressively low for the types of games it tried to spawn even for its time.
what games by nintendo or rare have bad draw distance?
>neither was multiplayer FPS
multiplayer FPS with split screens was actually new
>but this shit was long since done by then
n64 is the first console with 100% hardware accelerated perspective correct 3D

i agree with some of the other things you said though, there's no question the n64 was a fuckup, but the technology was good and some of the things they tried to do were good except for the storage medium

>> No.2081843

You have some valid points, but the N64 was perfectly capable of doing 2D games. It's even possible to render graphics on the N64 without using the co-processor or the 4kb texture cache. The 64doom homebrew project renders everything on the main CPU and writes it directly to the framebuffer. (There's no way in hell Nintendo would have allowed that sort of thing, though.)

Ultimately, the N64 was a console crippled by Nintendo not trusting 3rd parties to do ANYTHING innovative with the N64 hardware until about 1999. Imagine if Sony had taken one look at Crash Bandicoot and exclaimed, "FUCK THIS UNORTHODOX SHIT. YOU GO RIGHT BACK TO AMERICA AND CODE THE GAME THE WAY IT SAYS IN THE MANUAL."

I've heard a rumour that apparently natural disasters resulted in cartridge prices skyrocketing when they were supposed to gradually fall. But I dunno how true that is.

>> No.2081846

>The 64doom homebrew project renders everything on the main CPU and writes it directly to the framebuffer. (There's no way in hell Nintendo would have allowed that sort of thing, though.)
Nintendo did allow developers to use the CPU-to-framebuffer trick to render FMV. Assuming you could meet their fanatical image quality standards, I don't see why Nintendo would have banned such behavior.

>> No.2081856

>Ultimately, the N64 was a console crippled by Nintendo not trusting 3rd parties to do ANYTHING innovative with the N64 hardware until about 1999
there is two good reasons (well good is kinda subjective) why nintendo didn't want developers to mess with the n64 hardware

the first is that silicon graphics (SGI) the makers of the N64's GPU told nintendo that the programming the microcode is really easy to screw up because there's no conventional way of debugging it

the second is that the N64 GPU was once state-of-the-art and nintendo was paranoid that if they told developers too much about its inner workings (like the microcode) the shit might leak to nintendo's competitors

>> No.2082398

>literally every console ever except the saturn has no separation between 2D and 3D
Wasn't talking about separtion just support, devs at the time bitched up a storm about this because it cuts into the bag of tricks they use to get around hardware limitations.

>what games by nintendo or rare have bad draw distance?
Goldeneye, I love that game granted its been replaced but fuck it was fun. But holy hell gray fog, gray fog everywhere. Seriously once you notice it, its hard to stop noticing it, but if you play some N64 realizing it you'll see either gray fog after 20 feet in every game or games that were clever enough to corridor it off right at the draw distance.

>multiplayer FPS with split screens was actually new
>n64 is the first console with 100% hardware accelerated perspective correct 3D
Oh yes N64 was undoubtedly successful because of splitscreen and four controller ports, which really held it up against competition after the Zelda and Mario 64 hype faded a bit. But I was talking gaming in general and PC had group fps and 3D down pretty solidly before this, and shockingly it wasn't that many years before when consoles were actually more powerful for gaming.

Sorry I know i come off hating the console itself, and I do in some ways because it really marked a point where Nintendo started to do things their way and expect everyone else to get in line or get fucked. But I have good memories of it and mine is still plugged into the main TV even right now.

I know it could do 2D, but I think its lack of anything 2D shows about how fun it was to do 2D on though. Hadn't heard the natural disasters thing may have to check that out. From my understanding though Carts were always pretty expensive and things like the NES really operated off small margin between retail and physical costs. Makes since if you think about how much a flash drive cost when those came out for comparison.

Sorry think I'm derailing stopping now.