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File: 44 KB, 500x375, ULTRA-RARE-BLUE-PLAYSTATION-PS1-DEBUG-UNIT-H1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2069501 No.2069501 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know a good place where I could buy one of these debugging Playstation 1 consoles? Looking for one so I can play a stack of Japanese PS1 games my friend gave to me. Any help is greatly appreciated.

>> No.2069545
File: 27 KB, 250x250, 21708044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really man? you want to buy one of the most covetated PS1 versions just to play some imports?
guy their are way easier ways to do that, two dirt easy ways would to either get a swap disk, theyr like 10 bucks from EBAY or a goldfinger, which plugs into the back I/O
Then thirdly their is mod chipping, which will require either more money than the previous two or some skills with soldering... and still more money...
>mfw I found out about all this trying to instead play homebrews

>> No.2069548

>spend $$$$$ for something that youll only use 1/10th of its abilitys
>spend $ for only exactly what you need

>> No.2069550

Yeah, really. Hell, 50% of the PS1/PSones you buy here on flea markets are already modded, and cost like 10-30 bucks.
Trying to get this debug model is gonna set you back at least 500.

>> No.2069551
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>> No.2069560

Is it hard to mod your PS1 to play imports? I have the original brick PS1, and a soldering gun thing.

>> No.2069564

if you call is a soldering gun-thing, then you probably shouldn't be doing it, but it can be relatively easy if you watch enough youtube tutorials

>> No.2069565

Yeah, you need to buy a modchip first, but you may do some swap tricking instead, if I'm not wrong.

>> No.2069578

uhg though i would highly not recommend that man, shit can over time fuck up the motor on your disk spinner, + if you already have a heavily used one it sometimes wont even work.

>> No.2069582

I think these display some games glitchily. So have fun paying a ton of money for something that's inferior just because it's rare and blue.

>> No.2069590

not op but id actually love one JUST because its blue, like if i had the chance id take a broken one and swap the cases.

>> No.2069624

>some skills with soldering
Why do you people act like soldering is such a big deal? It's piss easy and and important thing to learn if you want to deal with old electronics.

>> No.2070212


shit's cheap, bought both a black and blue a few months back.

>> No.2070214

Making ugly and unreliable joints is easy, making good joints takes practice. Watch some soldering videos on Youtube and solder and desolder various scrap boards until you get the hang of it. And use a soldering iron, not a soldering gun, soldering guns are for plumbing.

>> No.2070250

>anyone know a good place

you've heard of ebay right?

>> No.2070384

go on...

>> No.2070568

Someone here in my town is selling that system you posted for $100. Thought about getting it myself, but as others have said, I would just mod chip my regular psx/ps1 systems instead.

>> No.2071146

>if you call it a soldering gun-thing, then you probably shouldn't be doing it
So many times, this. Then again, he's only going to lose thirty bucks if he fucks up.

>> No.2071163

it's probably better to practice on something that's broken rather than something that is not

>> No.2071172

Just because you can melt some solder wire does mean you can solder well.
There's a reason that many video game moders/repair are in business right now. And it's not because people are lazy.

>> No.2071178

YI: The best PlayStation is an original Japanse model SCPH-1000 that has been modded with the laser mechanism from a PSone model SCPH-101. This gives you the best audio and video fidelity combined with the longest lasting and most reliable laser.

Bonus points if you perform this mod on a DTL-H1000 model blue debugger PlayStation.

>> No.2071183

The sound is the exact same.

>> No.2071191

it's not, the 1000/1 has a better DAC

>> No.2071197

No. Please just stop with the audiophile shit.

>> No.2071207
File: 99 KB, 464x508, Studentin_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can buy a modded PlayStation for a fraction of the price of those these, and it will provide superior performance.

Also, are you aware some of these have buggy GPUs and won't render games exactly correctly?

Also, the laser mechs on most of them are completely shot, and the ones that are left over would probably be best not to be put into service for daily playing seeing as how these things are only going to get more rare. Sure, you can swap the drive, but we'd like to keep them all original if we could.

A SCPH-1000 costs less than fifty bucks and will let you play your games. Leave the debuggers to the people who really care about such things.

>> No.2071208


You either got very lucky or you're dirty liar. Especially for the Yaroze.

>> No.2071209

hear and cry!

>> No.2071215


>> No.2071218

I originally posted this statement that has now become pasta and I immediately corrected it in the same thread, but for some reason people keep leaving the part out about these things having issues with gouraud shading if they have the oldest GPU revision.

The best PlayStation is that same mod, but only when it is done on a system with the second GPU revision forward (which included some blue debuggers).

>> No.2071240

They sound the exact same.

>> No.2071306

Mind elaborating on those issues? I'm curious.

>> No.2071348
File: 1021 KB, 2304x1728, IMGP2819_zps4a11ebb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not blaming shit tier sony cable
>comparing games without native 44.1KHz sampling
>arguing over ANALOG audio performance
>not modding for superior digital out

>> No.2071369

>arguing over ANALOG audio performance

Uh, yeah, that's what a DAC is supposed to be good at.

>comparing games without native 44.1KHz sampling

So you mean comparing games which don't exist?

>> No.2071384

Soldering is like magic to a generation that takes their phone to the apple store when their battery goes does.

>> No.2071461

I'm 22 and I don't know anything but the basics of soldering and didn't attempt anything yet, basically because I don't have something I could afford to waste in the case of fucking up (including my hands). I suppose people familiar with soldering had a lot of scrap hardware to mess with, or a parent/relative which did it for living, and could experiment and learn from mistakes and so on. Some people aren't that lucky and can't get over things that fast. If someone doesn't know the first thing about soldering he doesn't deserve to be picked upon.

I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to this kind of stuff and I could even get shaky hands so the least I could do is studying a 300 page paperweight about soldering so there is nothing left to doubt. I'd also like to do a clean work.

I'm also not a fan of raising pins. Call me a failure, but my anxiety gets the best of me.

>> No.2071470

Just get a modchip. MM3 at Eurasia is like $5.

>> No.2071473

Oh, not this tripe again. Just shut up about your stupid audiophile nonsense. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.2071474

speaking of soldering practice, that's one ugly-ass mod

>> No.2071481

OP, the cheapest/best way to do this is probably with a softmodded slim PS2. The games will play identically to the way they did on the PSX. Look into FreeMCboot.

>> No.2071487

>So you mean comparing games which don't exist?

All games that use CD Audio have native 44.1khz output on the Playstation. Mostly games from the first few years.

They switched over to using XA Audio to save space, which is 37.8khz ADPCM, so totally not cd quality.

>> No.2071492

vinyl > cd's like it or not!

>> No.2071496

Assuming it was recorded and mastered entirely with analog equipment every step of the way without any digital equipment bottlenecking the signal. So basically every record pressed after 1985 is identical to its CD counterpart.

>> No.2071509

Sample and sampling are two different things. The internal sampling for ADPCM is locked at 44.1KHz as far as I know, not to mention you're not forced to stream music from a file.

>> No.2071598

>I don't have something I could afford to waste in the case of fucking up
go buy thrift store VCR or something to practice on

>> No.2071658

As a matter of fact I do have a number of broken VCRs. Some are gone crazy, while others just have dirty heads or just can't move the tape on their own anymore.

Let's say I take the crazy one, I don't know what shock caused the electrical part to schitz out, but I don't think it can be repaired without the replacements, so what should I practice on, exactly? Adding/removing resistors, connecting pins, that sort of stuff? I wouldn't know where to start.

You mean post 1985 vinyls have 16bit sampling?

>> No.2071661
File: 17 KB, 241x241, fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave and don't come back

>> No.2071664

The argument falls apart even more if you consider stuff like 24bit 96kHz digital. That's beyond the physical resolution afforded by the vinyl monomers.

>> No.2071683

What are some games with CD Audio?

>> No.2071718

The Wipeout series for one. Although "CD Audio" doesn't mean much in his case, CD tracks are basically really long 44.1KHz 16bit samples. This means Sequenced music can also achieve CD Audio quality since it's also sampled at 44.1KHz, but then you're limited by the sound RAM.

>> No.2071721

>You mean post 1985 vinyls have 16bit sampling?

Not the records themselves, but they can only recreate the sound that was pressed on them, which quite likely was recorded on or mixed/mastered through something with 16bit sampling.

>> No.2071736

You basically just confirmed everything you replied to was true but somehow see it as being "picked upon" followed by loads of excuses why you can't do something. It's like you're trying to reenforce all the sterotypes of a 20 something autist.
Few people here had all the shit you believe they did to learn how to solder. They just fucking did it and learned instead of tisming over reading a 300 page book and somehow holding the soldering iron by the wrong end long enough to so serious damage.

>> No.2071741

"aduiophile shit" has nothing to do with the 1000/1 coming with a DAC that is objectively better

sorry to cause pain in your anus, but it is true

>> No.2071749

Please, post some sources that actually confirm the DAC as giving better output. I want _at least_ a comparison of frequency response for each model.

>> No.2071752

Yes that's what I meant, but why would they do that? Weren't masters really high quality tapes or something? Props for preserving a digital hard copy of them, but I expected real masters (at the time, of course) to always have been 22KHz analog recordings with no sampling whatsoever. Way to take away the only advantage vinyls had.

>> No.2071763

>I'm 22 and I don't know anything but the basics of soldering and didn't attempt anything yet, basically because I don't have something I could afford to waste in the case of fucking up (including my hands).
You can get a simple PCB, wires, LEDs and a 9v battery, plus solder and an iron for under $25. If it's something you wanna learn how to do, go for it. It's not as hard as people on here are making it out to be. Modding a console requires you to understand circuit board diagrams and stuff; it's not easy but it's also not that difficult.

>> No.2071778

What's the story with long-term longevity of CDs vs vinyl? I know about disc rot but I'm sure most 20s 7 inches aren't doing that great either.

>> No.2071784

I'd argue that 12"x12" album art is pretty cool, but yeah, DAT was 48khz at 16bits.

>> No.2072429

Just practice desoldering and resoldering whatever is in there. It's not that hard to learn

>> No.2072571

>not superior DTS-HDMA

>> No.2073937

>7 inches

>> No.2074002

Nigger I bought a $15 "how to solder" kit on Amazon, played with it for a few hours, then successfully installed a Saturn and PS1 modchip.

It's seriously not hard to do, don't let some spergs or your anxiety tell you otherwise.

>> No.2074042

The blue ones aren't particularly valuable unless there just happens to be one overpriced eBay auction running at a given time. They produced thousands and thousands of them, unlike the Yarouze. I worked at Crystal Dynamics towards the end of the PSX era and we had stacks of the blue debug units floor to ceiling.

>> No.2074047

yeah, it's really not hard at all. a steady hand at best is all that's needed.

>> No.2074065

So what's the difference between debug units and regular consumer ones? Aside from having the 100x back. At least with the Yaroze you could run stuff from a PC or Workstation.

6th gen debug units had superior hardware in comparison to the consumer console.

>> No.2074114

>$15 radio shack soldering iron
be ready to burn traces on newer systems with it

>> No.2074595

I bought a real soldering iron as well as the little kit.

>> No.2077171
File: 27 KB, 725x700, battle-zoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vinyl is generally MUCH better than CD because it's not nearly as cranked and distorted from the loudness war.

>> No.2077924
File: 652 KB, 3715x2089, bqIP0sJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I might be able to get one of these, but it is really beat up. What would you say is a fair offer to make?

>> No.2077928
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Can't tell if it says H1001 or H1101

>> No.2077931
File: 698 KB, 3715x2089, Z5UjQsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, no s-video port.

>> No.2077934


The guy says it does work, but not very well. I have a spare SCPH-1001 that works excellently, so the drive being worn out isn't such an issue (I can just swap them).

>> No.2080141

You dont speak jap then do you?

Could you list a few from the stack?
Just wandering if Acecombat 3 is one of the games? The western version was so cut back, you barely knew what was going on, but I got the impression it had a great story ~ it always bothered me that I'd never experience the complete article.

>> No.2081357

My guess is $50-$90..that's just me though. And I think the model number is H1101

>> No.2081728

I offered to trade a boxed gamecube + accessories + metroid prime for it and he turned me down.

>> No.2082378

Scrap for soldering? This is not welding
The very first thing I ever soldered was a psx mod chip when I was 17. Dead serious. I then soldered 2 more for friends.
...scrap... Really? Its easy man, try it.

>> No.2083647


You know the multi-out carries s-video, right?

>> No.2083674

why the fuck would you want a debugging PS1 version just for playing games?

this version is only interesting if you develop for it. otherwise just emulate.

>> No.2083778

>he doesn't know DTS-HDMA is LOSSLESS

>> No.2083982

it's better to mod one, otherwise it's a waste and debug ones might not perform as reliably as retail units.

and for actual debugging, emulators have decent features in that direction.

>> No.2084037

I can play imports on my PS.

I bought a 20 bucks external chip like 17 years ago.

>> No.2084051

Just look around Ebay OP and you mght get a good deal on a NTSC-J PS1. I was able to snag one for $45 and it came with two controllers and a nice stack of games.

Luckily the seller was in Canada so I didn't have to pay out the ass for shipping.