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File: 183 KB, 602x312, SFA3Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2055052 No.2055052 [Reply] [Original]

why is alpha 3 praised so highly here ?
it was defintly a step backwards from alpha 1 & 2
the music is awful and sure it has a big roster but its nothing compared to the previous two

>> No.2055064

Well what makes the previous ones so much better, besides the music?

>> No.2055065

I don't really know, either. I guess it mostly has to do with the roster, as you said, though. Or maybe all the different styles you can choose from. Alpha 2 Gold will always be my favorite.

>> No.2055078

eh alpha 1 sucked. alpha 2 is god tier. 3 is alright. dont like how v-ism dominates the game

>> No.2055080

what dont you like about alpha 1?

>> No.2055093

just felt real basic and stages looked shitty

>> No.2055107

This. It just feels like street fighter 2 new dudes edition.

>> No.2055135

I like 3 because it's the only one I can stand a chance at winning in.

>> No.2055174


>> No.2055178

Because Alpha 3 is somewhat more obscure than Alpha 2, and some people like less popular games more.

I personally think Alpha 3 is pretty good (although not the PS1 port), but Alpha 2 gets the cake, it's one of my favorite SF games to date.

>> No.2055190

alpha 3 max is one of my favorite games to emulate, i get people who hate games to play it and have fun

it's retro and bangin and all-around a good time

>> No.2055207

Two words

Best balanced, V-ISM,

>> No.2055208

Alpha 1 is like the prototype for the Alpha series, kinda unfinished
Alpha 2 is definitely what 1 should have been - this is classic Street Fighter booted up for the mid 90s
Alpha 3 took things to the X-TREME with more modern music and got all the classic characters and some new ones too and it was extreme radical with all those ISMs and schisms, plus dat announcer

I think Alpha 2 probably reflects the Street Fighter spirit a lot more but I like 3's change in style and tone plus EVERY CHARACTER.

>> No.2055248

>Alpha 3 is somewhat more obscure than Alpha 2

>> No.2055260

for the same reason people like Marvel vs Capcom. It's crazy and colorful. Alpha 3 is basically MvC1 but just street fighter characters.

>> No.2055283

Yep, 3 was the absolute worst of the Alpha/Zero series. It's basically made and rebalanced for beginners. 2 is best, 1 is good, 3 is still good but much less so.

>> No.2055295
File: 1.06 MB, 1458x984, 1412645323320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha 2 hipsters are the worst.

>> No.2055306

I loved all three games personally. Alpha 1 is quaint, Alpha 2 is just a great game and Alpha 3 takes everything to the next level; tons of intricacies, tons of characters added to the home versions, great hidden characters, lots of modes, the excellent World Tour mode of course. The especially great versions though are the Saturn version and the PSP version. The others are okay, but not nearly as good.

>> No.2055329


but Alpha 2 is the most popular in the Alpha series.

>> No.2055348

The answer you give to this question decides if you're patristan or plen:
Double Impact or Third Strike?

>> No.2055360

Alpha 2 and 3 are both *generally* liked.

The only "hipster" fans are those who like Alpha 1.

And even then, I understand, because it was the last time Guy was broken.

>> No.2055383

alpha 3 max > alpha 2 > any other alpha

not retro though

>> No.2055391

>why is alpha 3 praised so highly here ?

It isn't. I like it, but for all the reasons it gets shouted down for. If you think the majority of /vr/ fighting game enthusiasts endorse this game you need to lurk moar.

>> No.2055458

>Because Alpha 3 is somewhat more obscure than Alpha 2

Alpha 2 was bigger in the 90s sure but these days I rarely see anyone mention Alpha 2 anymore yet still gush over Alpha 3.

>> No.2055510

Alpha 3 isn't highly praised here.

>> No.2055518

Is that why PS1 fans constantly list Alpha 3 as their favorite? And where's the Alpha 2 port for Dreamcast, GBA, PSP, etc.?

>> No.2055601

whats wrong with the playstation alpha 3?

>> No.2055604

>And where's the Alpha 2 port for Dreamcast, GBA, PSP, etc.?

Well by that logic, Final Fantasy IV is the most popular FF game worldwide.

>> No.2055617

Roster, mostly.

Personally I liked some of the stuff you could do in it (like hitting hard counters and then being able to jump up and hit your opponent on the way down).

It's just a fun fighting game.

>> No.2055618

As it should be.

>> No.2055619

Both of them turn into

>muh custom combos

at the high levels. Crouch canceling completely ruined Alpha 3, so Alpha 2 ended up being better. But they both suck.

An Alpha 2 with CC's disabled would be a damn good fighting game.

>> No.2055651

In terms of balance, roster, and smooth game play Alpha 3 takes the cake


To me Alpha 3 was a step back in terms of music quality and story compared to Alpha 2 Gold

I loved how in Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 Gold there was this awesome one player mode where your final opponent depended on what character you picked

Ryu's final opponent was Akuma, Charlie's final opponent is Bison, and Sagat's final boss was Ryu

To me it was a huge step back to have Bison at the end of all storylines

>> No.2055654

Also I felt the backgrounds in Alpha 2 were more intricate and creative than Alpha 3. For example

Sakura's stage
Alpha 2: backyard with kid playing nintendo
Alpha 3: random Street

>> No.2055679

I think it might just be people playing devils advocate by saying A3 > A2.

most people who prefer A3 play fighting games casually anyways, I bet a lot of /vr/ is the same.

A2 is like smash melee and A3 is like brawl, a3 being better on the surface level in terms of content, but a2 just generally being more fun to play

>> No.2056264

Ok and to further elaborate, and to answer


THIS photo illustrates one of the main reasons Alpha 3 will always be my most highly regarded fighter ever


The PS1 version that I played had all this except for Maki, Eagle, and Yun and Yang.
(They're in the PSP version)

Other than that, EVERY FUCKING MAJOR FIGHTER from SF2 and the Alpha series is present.

Greatest. Roster. EVER.

Only SF4 comes close with throwing in several SF3 fighters, but I still think this is the greatest character select screen of all time in a Street Fighter game.

On that note, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 also had an incredible roster.

>> No.2056265
File: 45 KB, 480x272, sfa3max-s9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and here's the picture

>> No.2056271


PS1 fans list the worst port of Alpha 3 as their favorite?

Also, Alpha 2 was even ported to the SNES.

>> No.2056292

>Implying you pick anyone other than ken or ryu

>> No.2056325
File: 108 KB, 640x480, explus2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>most of SF2 CE characters
>also, SkulloKAMEN RAIDAmania

My choice. I only miss Balrog here, E. Honda can gtfo.

>> No.2056408

I like 2 but 3 is pretty great, even music. I like Alpha games in general, yet generally it seems to be shit on which I think is weird.

For me Alpha > 3 >IV > 2>>>EX

>> No.2056621

Cracker Jack is pretty much Balrog tbf

>> No.2056629

I agree. Puzzle Fighter is the best one.

>> No.2056731

Interestingly a similar sort of rivalry has gone on between the second and third Darkstalkers games. Each has its own loyal players that swear it's the best one. It's just more limited to Japan since that was where most of that series' long-term fanbase is.

>> No.2056738

>Alpha 1 is like the prototype for the Alpha series, kinda unfinished
It was made in less than a year and the production values are clearly a step down from its contemporaries (Darkstalkers, X-Men), so yeah. It is pretty much a prototype.

>> No.2056778

I play only SF2, all the characters added after that are meaningless to me. Cammy is an almost.

>> No.2056895

Obviously when comparing to the PS1 port of Alpha 2.

>> No.2056928

The difference is NW and VS are both great games. Alpha 3 is a broken piece of shit.

>> No.2057129

From what I've read, Alpha 2 is the most liked competitively
Alpha 3 is the most liked casually.
Grain of salt and all that though.

>> No.2058926

Alpha in general is a step back.

It's shit

>> No.2059960

I'd like to see at least one full remake for V and VI someday

>> No.2059965

I always found it weird they made a GBA port with new characters, isn't having a game like SFA on GBA a step down?

>> No.2060008

this is a silly thing but console versions of Alpha 3 had my all time favorite single player modes, a dozen survival modes and world warrior

>> No.2060047


>a step down

no, because it's portable.
I never played that version but I've heard it's not all that bad.

>> No.2060074


They did a way better work with SF2 Revival than SFA3 on GBA, but still a decent game. Also, you have based Eagle.

>> No.2060912

alpha 2 was out for saturn so why would they port it again to the dreamcast?

>> No.2061008

alpha 3 was on saturn too

>> No.2061554

3rd strike fucked up my mains of Ibuki and Necro.

>> No.2061624


You better not be forgetting about Cracker Jack. He has Balrog-tier fisting and does homeruns for days.

I play Darun there though. Gotta love dem pelvic thrust juggle loops.

>> No.2061675

why is alpha 3's music so boring?

like none of them have any memorable melodies

>> No.2061775
File: 113 KB, 650x650, 44016-Street_Fighter_Alpha_3_(E)(Quartex)-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you for the most part, Alpha 2 had the best music

Alpha 3 actually took a step back in music for Ryu, Chun-li, Guy, Sakura, Dhalsim, Sagat, Charlie (His theme was AWESOME in Alpha 2 Gold), Zangief, Adon's theme is butchered in Alpha 3, etc.

But Alpha 3 has a couple of catchy tunes

The ones I like:

I LOVE Balrog's tune, it fits his brutal style very well

For some reason this has always been my favorite Cammy theme:

Ken's theme is just.. so ... Ken
It captures his cocky attitude perfectly

I happen to think Dan's theme is superior in Alpha 3

GOAT Akuma theme

And finally, HOLY SHIT this tune, one of my favorite of all time:

>> No.2061786
File: 40 KB, 222x289, Street_Fighter_Alpha_2_flyer[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can see the direction they wanted to take for Alpha 3.

Alpha 2 was all remixes of their original tunes (surprisingly, even with Birdie and some of the original Street Fighter 1 characters)

for example



Having played Street Fighter 1 growing up, I LOVED the remixes

compared to

>> No.2061796

On the other hand, Alpha 3 they wanted to have all-original music, but they wanted to keep the original feel of the characters, something inspired by the character, to varying degrees of success. Some of the songs are nice, like the examples I gave earlier, some sound extremely generic.

My least favorites

This song
for some reason turned into

This one is horrible
turned into

generic as fuck

And, to me, the greatest offense.

They turned Sakura's theme
which was fresh, poppy and cheery, and it fit her perfectly, into
which sounds like every other song in the game.

>> No.2061801


The themes I liked the most from Alpha 3 is Akuma's and Shin Akuma's. Maybe Evil Ryu's and Brave or Grave.




Ryu's theme felt less cooler than Alpha 2 (Gold)'s. Then again, my favorite Ryu theme is the one he had for X-Men vs. Street Fighter.

>> No.2062073

alpha 2 is the best because its the one where my waifu is op as fuck

>> No.2062201
File: 961 KB, 300x267, 1411791697725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is interesting - profiles how the (imo excellent) port on the GBA spelled death for the studio who ported it.

>> No.2062213
File: 38 KB, 540x700, sodom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Alpha 2 track


close second:


>> No.2062347

I started with Alpha 3 and love the shit out of it, still play it every now and then. Dont care for the previous because i prefer the cast number and announcer of Alpha 3.

>> No.2062498

>it has a big roster
that and being able to choose play-styles, the playstation version has an even bigger roster and that mode where you build up your character. It is a fun game but not balanced

>> No.2062525

Alpha 3 was better than Alpha 1 and 2 in pretty much every possible way.

1 and 2 were horribly broken and 2 was unfinished.

No just no, Vism is far worse in Alpha 2 than it is in Alpha 3

In alpha 2 there's a glitch that makes it unblockable which leads into 100% damage combo for most of the cast.

the game is also painfully unbalanced, theres a reason why Alpha 2 is dead and Alpha 3 still sees competitive play.

>> No.2062663
File: 710 KB, 1632x1100, Street_Fighter Alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha 2 is a broken mess

>Unblockable VC's.
>100% damage combos.
>Characters have no close standing attacks.
>Lots of bugs some of which cause characters to freeze in place forever.
>Horribly unbalanced with literally only 2 viable characters who are leagues above the rest of the cast.

Alpha 3 was just an all round much better game both competitively and casually.

>> No.2062679

Ermm. Everything aside from the music is better on alpha 3. The stages, the arcade mode with the cheesy dialogue... Even the artwork. And before tourneyfags ruined it by discovering the V-ism grab glitch bullshit it was a VERY, VERY balanced game. To this day its a blast to play, either against the cpu to see the cool endings either against a friend. And its not hard to convince someone to sit down and play it.
I also love alpha 2 gold, but almost everything is better on the sequel.

>> No.2062684

Fuck off back to reddit

>> No.2062687

The therm tourneyfag was born on /v. Fucking newfag.

>> No.2062707

Go back to reddit and stay there you underage casual.

>> No.2062719

Go back to your super smash bros, babby

>> No.2062754

>Using the word "trourneyfag" unironically
>Calling VISM a glitch
>Playing against the cpu

Holy shit could you be any more of a casual?

>> No.2062759

The irony here is staggering.

>> No.2062803

The only irony here is people so new that they don't know who dylan tanga is, let alone the stupid reddit remark.

>> No.2062809
File: 48 KB, 350x466, 1406127594986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha go back to reddit, casual.

>> No.2062854

There is a glitch, dumbass. You can OTG command throws during custom combos in alpha 3. It wasnt well known until tourneyfags started to bitch about it

>> No.2062943

That's not a glitch you fucking retard. OTG command throws works in any SF game with Custom Combos.

>> No.2062960


That isn't a fucking glitch, you blistering retard. That is an intention function of how VISM works, it just so happens that VISM is fucking stupid and causes the game to completely fall apart at even a moderate level of skill.

>> No.2062976

>VISM is fucking stupid and causes the game to completely fall apart at even a moderate level of skill.
Wrong, if anything VISM makes the game more balanced, if the game had no VISM Guy Sim and Gen would shit over everyone for free.

>> No.2063000

V-ism doesn't even come close to making the game broken, quite the opposite in fact.

>> No.2063170
File: 218 KB, 345x521, sfz2jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy this thread went to shit fast.

>> No.2063180

>V-ism doesn't even come close to making the game broken, quite the opposite in fact.

That's only because Capcom sold the "everyone is equally broken" type of bullshit as "good balance".

>> No.2063373
File: 20 KB, 560x407, 1399280429887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hard to take what you say seriously when you obviously don't know anything about the game.

>> No.2066902

Just like the game itself.

>> No.2066919

Because fighting games are generally measured by the complexity and fairness/balance of its gameplay over whether or not the music is good. In a tournament setting you'll be lucky if you can hear the "hadoken!" let alone the BGM.

I agree Alpha 2 has better aesthetic values, but Alpha 3 is a more sophisticated fighting game.

>> No.2066921

The first time I saw Alpha 1 in arcades (it was in an unlabeled cabinet) I thought it was some amazing unlicensed knockoff.

>> No.2066931

>And where's the Alpha 2 port for Dreamcast, GBA, PSP, etc.?
Generally speaking, new consoles didn't get ports of old games at that time unless it was part of a compilation (like SF2 and Vampire). Also generally speaking, ports generally use the final edition of something, not the middle entry.

I noticed you didn't ask about the PS2 (the most popular system of that era), probably because you knew it WAS on the PS2 (again, in a compilation) but chose to conveniently ignore that.

>> No.2066962

I think you could throw A3 Shin Akuma's theme into Vampire Savior and it'd be right at home. In fact it sort of reminds of me a VS tune:


Since you're a fan of Sakura's poppy, cheery theme, I assume you're familiar with this rendition:


>> No.2066967
File: 92 KB, 676x232, Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 4.23.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I liked in alpha 2 were the backgrounds, I mean Birdie's stage is in the fucking bathroom, how can you not love that?

>> No.2070004

Sakura gained several much-needed tweaks from SFA2 to 3. Off the top of my head:

>DragonPunch+Kick special, excellent anti-air and for keeping opponents guessing. cancellable, too.
>MP Shou-ou-ken is god-tier juggle finish
>taunt does 2 damage
>close standing FK is versatile and OP
>Hadouken is better overall and has 9 choices for strength/speed

In SFA1/2, Sakura was mostly a Shotoclone. In 3, she became a full-fledged badass that most people would underestimate.

>> No.2070035

>Characters have no close standing attacks.

this feels so awkward and unfinished, it really bugs me.

Also, does anyone know about how Dan's Shoryuken can flash white and he'll be invincible? Shit's cash.

>> No.2070050

It's the Bay Area bathroom, from Final Fight 1.

>> No.2070151
File: 822 KB, 600x224, z2-sagat2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this was my favorite stage from Alpha 2. It was this or the big waterfall area.

>> No.2070621

No it's not. The setting is specifically stated as London, England; Metro City is in the USA. Also, Birdie is not a Final Fight character.

>> No.2070658

See >>2070621. Birdie is british and they made sure to add someone with a mohawk and lots of union jacks all over the toilet.

Fun fact: Birdie was white in street fighter 1 and pulled a reverse michael jackson or whatever

>> No.2070874

X-Ism Sakura is a monster

>> No.2072983


>> No.2073326

This stage is great. Tis is when Ryu fights Sagat, right?

>> No.2073337

It wasn't a stand-alone port on the PS2, though.

>> No.2073484

That's acknowledged in the very post you're quoting.

>> No.2073676

So fuckheads which is it, alpha 2 or 3 which is more broken? Every time I saw this thread before it was alpha 3 was imbalanced shit but had a good roster and everything where as alpha 2 was good and balanced and no glitches. Now alpha 2 is the glitchfest and 3 is good, I don't think you kids actually know what you are talking about.

>> No.2073694

Street Fighter 2 Turbo of course.

>> No.2073712

tiger tiger tiger tiger


>> No.2074601

Fighting game players tend to gravitate to the latest patched version of each "series" just like players of every other genre.

That's why alpha 3 is "the" version of Alpha.

That's why SuperTurbo is "the" version of sf2 dispite the fact that maybe 3 people had it for their 3d0 back in the day.

that's why when people say third strike instead of sf3.

and etc.

>> No.2074671

Strikes a nerve huh?

>> No.2074694


Except Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 are completely different games. Not just an upgrade version.
There's Alpha 2 Gold, though.

>> No.2074701

Alpha 2 is more popular than Alpha 3 in the US, the reverse happens in Japan

>> No.2074887
File: 14 KB, 446x194, StreetFighterAlpha2-USA(Charlie)[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is Charlie's stage

On top of a skyscraper with a fucking jet fighter in the background

>> No.2074892
File: 19 KB, 384x224, sfus0046[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was also not as buff, but then again every character got on steroids for the Alpha games

>holy shit Sagat, lay off the steroids

>> No.2075173
File: 39 KB, 768x240, StreetFighterAlpha2-China(Gen).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked how many of the Alpha 2 stages put the "street" in street fighter. Bad neighborhoods and alleys are places where you'd expect a brawl to go down.

>> No.2075181

I also like how Gen's stage underscores Gen's power--despite being an old man (often seen as weak and benign), he's right at home in this shithole.

>> No.2075203

both games are busted, but alpha 3 has enough zazz and characters that it's fun to mess with

it also has lots of neat stuff like your ism changing your movelist and unique characters like karin or mika that give me a reason to play it over actually good sf games

i'm half convinced that all the praise alpha 2 gets is just from the a bunch of david sirlin sockpuppets

>> No.2075204

>david sirlin sockpuppets

the what?

>> No.2075212

my biggest issue with alpha 3 is that fireballs are worthless, they do no damage at all

>> No.2075252

We're on 4chan, all people with a dissenting opinion are actually just a single person here. Makes the other side feel like they outnumber the one person and thus "they're right"

>> No.2075348

Every point you made also applies for alpha 3. The series is badly tested in general.

>> No.2075735

lol that's what I love most

I hate projectile spammers

>> No.2075738

It's not spamming its zoning you derp, you're not trying to keep them away from you or to do serious damage actually you're trying to control the playfield so when they try to go on the offence you can lay a combo into them.

>> No.2075748

I don't like it when the opponent relies entirely on projectiles, yes I can get over them and deal with it but SFA3 feels the most balanced to me in this regard