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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 323 KB, 624x957, ScreamsInternally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2054502 No.2054502 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>2048215
(We mainly talk Doom, but Unreal/Duke/Quake/Marathon/whatever are also welcome! Let's post like gentlemen)


The OFFICIAL Doom Wiki, actively maintained and supported by the Doom community. Want to learn more about Doom? Check this site first!

FAQ/Pastebin, updated semi-frequently

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Channel: #vr



Vanilla/Boom: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/
/idgames torrent (as of 11/25/2013; 12GB): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13513277/idgames.torrent

##Our WADs can be found here!##
http://pastebin.com/5sKRiJzS (old)


200 Minutes of /vr/: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=17781
Cyberpunk Shootdown: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48332341/cyberpunkshootdown-v4.2.pk3
Demonsteele: http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5302
GMOTA: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=742401
HDoom: http://hdoomguy.tumblr.com/tagged/hdoom
Metroid Dreadnought: http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4561
The Space Pirate: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37064

Doom RPG: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=33292
DoomRL Arsenal: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=37044
Hideous Destructor: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=12973

>> No.2054503


[11-06] Going Down final release: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?file=levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/gd.zip

[11-06] Thy Flesh Turned Into A Draft-Excluder final release: http://doomworld.com/idgames/?file=levels/doom/Ports/d-f/draftex.zip

[11-06] ZDoom Pistol Start Options updated again: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1320003

[11-05] Scroton Code™ is pleased to announce DOOM NEO: https://github.com/SCROTON-CODE/Doom-Neo

[11-05] Nightmare Gore is back (pre-alpha, GZ/Z&2.0 only): https://www.dropbox.com/s/jmzf4zyb4v637r7/m12-nightmaregore_1142014.pk3?dl=0

[11-03] RageCTF, 19 maps from the makers of Velocity CTF: http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3753

[11-02] Two new Heretic maps at once: The Reservoir http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1318869 and SSSK http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1318817

[10-31] Demonsteele update: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=46787

[10-31] GMOTA v0.9.6 released: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=45115

[10-30] Crispy Doom v2.0: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1317326

[10-29] Zandronum v2.0 needs testers for release: http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5380

[10-29] Swift Death, a megawad of difficult speedmaps: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1316750

[10-27] Dinner With Mancubus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eBVa38PgP8

[10-25] Scroton's Rideable 3D Moving Platforms: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1315756

[10-25] Chocolate Doom v2.1.0: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1316673

[10-25] T/nC 467: http://www.doomworld.com/php/topstory.php?id=4249

Some dork's been working on a site for us to replace the old, shitty one! Will this one thrive or will it flop as well? http://万板.縮.jp/ Edit: Survey says it's flopped.

Here's a music stream that only plays Doom music, 24/7; feel free to listen if you're interested http://liquiddoom.net/


Got something news-worthy? Reply to this post, or it'll certainly be missed.

>> No.2054507

thanks to >>2048390 for the idea for the picture

>> No.2054521
File: 203 KB, 640x360, doom movie comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wad based upon the last non-retro FPS game you played becomes a thing.

How is it?

>> No.2054525


>Super Smash Bros

It's already being made, the push mod

>> No.2054526

>Metro 2033 or Last Light
I'd totally seperate the weapons into it's own mod so I can play with that glorious Uboinik

>> No.2054527

Smash isn't a FPS though.

>> No.2054528
File: 51 KB, 346x423, 1357507004249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh fuck me I'm dumb. I just processed non-retro game.

Uhhh... TF2 then.

>> No.2054529

I can see the more basic elements working. Classes, weapons, and capture the ghost gameplay wouldn't be too hard to do. I don't know how you'd accurately replicate vision modes, bullet penetration, or leaning, though.

>> No.2054534

Binding of Isaac... It's doable and can be fun.

>> No.2054538
File: 90 KB, 2002x1238, i dunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shadow Warrior remake

A remake demake?

>> No.2054539

Adventures of Square v1.0 released.

>> No.2054541

Is it any good? It looks meh.

>> No.2054547

Not a FPS

>> No.2054549

>Ballout: New Begas

I wonder how that would work...

>> No.2054583

It looks meh and playes really _meh. Just give it a try.

>> No.2054609
File: 23 KB, 300x400, penn_jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are jumping sections

>> No.2054610

The heck is this?

>> No.2054621

a mockery of DOOM RETRO basically

>> No.2054626
File: 9 KB, 165x163, Hitler_trollface_close-up[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are amateur game devs with many years of forking experience.
>We rely on your generous financial support to continue forking and rebranding various Doom source ports.

>> No.2054669
File: 757 KB, 1200x676, tumblr_mof07hxMxu1r2to8go1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be a good slaughter wad to play? I don't think I've tried one yet, so I'm curious.

>> No.2054672

Going Down is best in show for me.

>> No.2054674

Deus Vult is pretty entry level.

>> No.2054685 [DELETED] 

Your mom is pretty entrylevel.

>> No.2054686

So who the fuck keeps on uploading Terrywads??

>> No.2054690

Me. AMA.

>> No.2054695

Anyone else reckon the doom 2 music feels off in TNT?

Plutonia, the music from the iwads doesnt seem so bad (for most maps, anyhow). Only thing i didn't like was map11 using the e3 ending theme.

But in TNT, the doom 2 music clashes really hard. They should've done an entire set of new songs, instead only doing like half new songs, and half doom 2 songs. It makes me wonder if they were forced into using songs from doom 2 for some levels by id.

>> No.2054696

hell revealed (1997)
alien vendetta (2001)
kama sutra (2005)

>> No.2054698

It was either that or time constraints.

>> No.2054703

If you want acceptably balanced hard/slaughter, play stuff like Hell Revealed, Alien Vendetta, Kama Sutra, and Deus Vult.

If you're a masochist, play stuff like Sunder, Slaughterfest 20xx's, and Holy Hell.

>> No.2054706

Get a life

>> No.2054708


Alright, thanks guys.

>> No.2054710

>implying I don't have one

>> No.2054716

Omegalore, he seems to genuinely like the concept, he just released a 1hour video announcing UAC Military Nightmare 2.

>> No.2054717

I reckon TNT could've benefited well if Mark Klem and David Shaw were involved.

>> No.2054720

Of course he like concept, he's an autistic retarded paedophile.

>> No.2054721

Holy Hell isn't hard, it's more endurance based.

>> No.2054726

>holy hell isn't hard

prove it.

>> No.2054727

i can't even get past the mass of revenants at the start :(

>> No.2054728

I guess its more tedious, than sunder tier difficulty. But i still wouldn't put it in the same boat as HR/AV either.

>> No.2054731

Holy fuck what a winnit

>> No.2054735

I've always wanted a post mortem style map, complete with literally shit waking up as soon as you start. but in the fuckhuge size of deus vult/holy hell.

>> No.2054736

Holy Hell is hard though because there is very limited healing for a good portion of the levels and also they throw absolutely massive amounts of enemies at you.

Doing it in one life is very hard.

>> No.2054737 [DELETED] 

Doom is the most epicest fps game ever it is so hardcore and elite and only for hardcore extreme players like myself

I spend my days writing on map theories and angle calculations in regards to how optimally I can move the bestest videogame characktter ever; doom man

the AI is so tough and tricky to deal with the AI was programmed by a pure genius and it hasn't been surpassed in 30 years now because it really is so epic and hardcorre i just dont get how it's so genius and kepes things challenging for a hardcore player like myself

i find myself shitting my pants in disgust at people playing fps games that aren't doom because it's truly the only fps and the pinnacle of fps games and u arent a hardcore gamezor if you dont play doom on extreme every day like me u casual

game is really easy for player like me but other people will say it's a fucking joke for them too so i am quick to post "NO IT NOT IT HARD" in an attempt to shut them down and make them feel inept because i am the bestest doom player and the bestest game ever is doom so i am the best NOT THEM!!!!!!

anyway tthis game really is my favorit and so hardcore my elite club of people practice killing AI on hardest difficulty only all day because it's true and pure skill to beat a computer it make me feel good n u a casual if u not like doom man

>> No.2054738

>circle strafe x100 most fights
>yay you win

There i proved it, now go away.

>> No.2054740 [DELETED] 

thanks for sharing

>> No.2054742

Thats not proving it, thats just stating basics.

You might aswell say pressing w+m1 = its not hard.

>> No.2054745

Holy Hell doesn't have the layout to let you circlestrafe lots of their encounters.

Many times enemies are pouring in from many different angles.

>> No.2054746

>Doing it in one life is very hard.

Damn near everyone in this thread isn't capable of that except me and a few others, so that's irrelevant.

>> No.2054747 [DELETED] 

thanks man it's so great to be here with all these elite players such as urself it really is an honor to be in my bunker playing doom all day and fragging npcs with my M4D 5K1LLZ while i listen to grandpa metal

god bless the rock god and god bless doom!!!! *does the finger thang*

>> No.2054748 [DELETED] 

Duke Nukem Heh .jpg

>> No.2054749

>dying is irrelevant to difficulty

>> No.2054750

do you have a page on the DSDA?

>> No.2054751 [DELETED] 

btw when i mean the finger thing i mean the thing where you see it in concerts and stuff like i was at a metallica concert and pulled out my fanny pack a copy of doom to play during the concert to get me a big frag score just wanted to clarify im not a fag and really hardcroe

>> No.2054753

That is Holy Hell to a tee 8 out of 10 fights.

Hell you can practically walk through the levels if you know you're good enough a strategist.

>> No.2054758

>Only a few skilled players can do it
>So it's not hard

Even if you are saving constantly Holy Hell is still a challenging level set.
Many people would struggle with the HUGE Chaingunner ambush in that small series of rooms without knowing the exploit to not get locked in.

There are a fair amount of mindless sections but there's a lot of challenging ones too.

It's all a real slog though.
I wouldn't say it's anything less than challenging though.

>> No.2054759 [DELETED] 

is that you j4rio ?

>> No.2054760 [DELETED] 

ikr this is the thread with the most skillest doom players in the whole universe us mere mortals are in awe of raw talent of good doomer men



>> No.2054764 [DELETED] 

are we being raided?

>> No.2054765

It's tough if you don't save, while maps like Sunder or Newgothic are difficult regardless if you save or not, that was my original point.

Nice needless forum drama reference.

>> No.2054768 [DELETED] 


>> No.2054769

no i was just trying to think of people who are skilled enough to find holy hell easy and who have definitely posted here before

>> No.2054770 [DELETED] 

No, it's a shitposter.
Guess what country he's from.

>> No.2054772 [DELETED] 


>> No.2054773 [DELETED] 


>> No.2054774

I feel that even if you do save Holy Hell isn't particularly easier other than removing the absolutely massive endurance run.

But like I said I also view Holy Hell as a slog so I just can't really recommend it for anything other than the novelty that you're playing this map with an absolutely massive monster count that isn't Nuts.

>> No.2054780

Btw, while we are one Holy Hell topic, check out "Impossible: A New Reality" by the same author. It's mindbending.

>> No.2054784
File: 253 KB, 512x384, 1414700098060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case i'm sorry, i'm just getting annoyed at all the doomworld discussions that's been taking place in the last few threads.

>> No.2054785

Actually, ignore the holy hell recommendation. Its very long and boring. The world record for uv max is 3 hours IIRC.

Replace it with Newgothic

>> No.2054807

I'll check that out, thanks.

>> No.2054821


I'm sorry, I'll be sure to not reference any other forum relevant to the subject matter on our glorious message board.

>> No.2054831

This is gonna sound dumb, but did omegalore make that pic? I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

>> No.2054834

He did

>> No.2054846

>Half-Life 2

>Heavy Bullets
All enemies are +fast, all bullet-firing enemies are stationary. You have three hearts and a giant fucking revolver. Better hope you find some missiles.

>> No.2054847 [DELETED] 

You know damn well that's not what he's talking about, don't make me bring up the archive.

>> No.2054850
File: 974 KB, 255x138, revolver impressed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Holy Hell is the only one of those wads that I've completed

>with Russian Overkill

>> No.2054851

I always thought that slaughterwads are maps specifically made for OP weapon packs like Russian Overkill. It's pretty boring otherwise

>> No.2054859

Slaughter maps, at least the ones in the vein of HR/AV, are actually aimed towards speedrunners, IIRC.

>> No.2054862

nuts.wad was made before weapon packs

>> No.2054863

I thought Nuts was a jokewad

>> No.2054869

Technically speaking, it's both.

>> No.2054873

Was nuts even meant to be played though? It's a joke wad more than anything

>> No.2054882

It was unplayable when it was released.

>> No.2054887

Exactly, even now it's hard to play it with good framerate

>> No.2054896

>what is PrBoom+?

>> No.2054897

I wish author didn't stop making WADs. They were pretty funny when he made jokewads (that RUN ending...) and pretty original/kickass when he made serious ones (Grove and Equinox are in my top ten I think).

>> No.2054898


for a ZDoom TC, it plays really fucking hard after the second half. Once Tarnsman's level begins, you're in for a wild ride.


>> No.2054901

I can play with a good framerate in prboom-plus.

(g)zdoom still hates it, though.

>> No.2054902

I still hold that Doom 2 2 is the funniest thing he did. Nuts 2 was also pretty hilarious.

>> No.2054903


because G/ZDoom bends over like a sassy bitch in almost anything done in Boom format.


>> No.2054912

>boom format

Nuts was not made in boom format....

>> No.2054913


point still stands, try to play hellbound map29. the fucker has its own wad because it was too big to handle

>> No.2054914

Hellbound isnt boom format either. It was "limit removing"

>> No.2054924
File: 148 KB, 250x400, 1407199810509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2054934

What is the best custom weapon and why is it the flamethrower?

>> No.2054936

Git out.

>> No.2054939

There are lots of flamethrowers, they're stupid easy to make.
Which one do you like?

>> No.2054947

>limit removing

Whre the fuck do you think that phrase came from?

>> No.2054970
File: 47 KB, 378x364, errands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you finished those backups?

>> No.2054973

Limit Removing and Boom Format are not the same thing.

Limit Removing literally just means vanilla, without the engine limitations that cause crashes if exceeded.

Boom format uses the new features Boom introduced. such as silent teleporters, or doors that specifically require the keycard variant of the key colour.

>> No.2054978


and conveyor belts

>> No.2054979


and faggotry

>> No.2054981

There are non-boom compatible ports, with the limits raised/removed, dude. Doom+ for example.

>> No.2054986

What he meant (probably) is that Boom was first succesful limit-removing port.

>> No.2054987

Even so, my point still stands. Limit Removing and Boom Format do not mean the same thing.

>> No.2054994
File: 5 KB, 289x325, just don't.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder, /doom/.

>> No.2055027

I dun get it

>> No.2055089

Yo GZDoom users, do you have fog on?
I find it makes shit way too dark in some maps.

>> No.2055102

I always turn fog off in every game I play, but only if it can be done from within the game itself and not with some sort of mod.

>> No.2055147 [DELETED] 

Hey guys, uhh.. I'm sort of new here.

Played through Doom and tackled Strife fairly recently, the final boss is kind of a bitch on higher difficulties since using the Sigil makes it impossible to survive without bringing some health items in.

What I want to know is.. what's your beef with Brutal Doom?

>> No.2055152

The fanbase.
Also too much damn blood, and the sounds are ear rape as fuck and tiring, specially the enemies agonizing ones (there's another grip of mine, demons begging and being pussies. Kind of weird.)

>> No.2055153

It's too mooving.

>> No.2055157

i've been here since a month or two after the board was created, and i've seen brutal doom discussed so many times. i even answered the first three or four times earnestly, making more or less the same post each time until i got sick of having the same conversation over and over again. at this point i imagine most readers of these threads are in a similar position.

so, basically if you want to know what /vr/ thinks about brutal doom....

>> No.2055169

let's DO this

:: [BE] Montreal :: Chaos From Hell Invasion v1.08b

discovered this invasion .wad recently, it's a nice change of pace from playing armageddon all the time and the new weapons are pretty neat IMO

>> No.2055179 [DELETED] 

did you shag blackbird? this is important

>> No.2055189

fuck yes, i would want that.

>> No.2055198


Wouldn't that basically be Demonsteele?

>> No.2055212

Since shagging Blackbird amounts to getting a good ending, hell yes I did. Final boss is harder too if you're going for that, I believe.

>> No.2055217
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20141108_210307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>window model still does not work as it should
>"fuck it, I will do roof then"
>export map into obj and import it into 3ds max
>model a basic roof, unwrap and apply texture
>export to obj, and fire it up in MM3D so I can convert it to MD3
>model looks fine in that program
>set up decorate and modeldef
>fire up gzdoom builder and load the model
>second smaller roof that is inside of bigger roof instead of being outside
I have never seen a stupid bug like this one, also for some reason model is 244 units too short, no idea why

>> No.2055230

Might wanna unpeg the upper and lower textures for the windows.
Also, sweet Jesus, do NOT use 3D models for every single window, that will NOT be fine on anyones computer. Please use mid-textures instead!

>> No.2055235

>not using slopes
Do you even optimisation, mate? If not, then this crap is gonna be freezing a lot more often than STALKER itself, which sort of ruins the idea.

>> No.2055239

this building is far from finished, these windows you are seeing are not models, these are 3d floors
there are not that many buildings in stalker, so I doubt there will be problems
using slope for roof would be more time consuming than working with models, which I have to figure out anyway

>Do you even optimisation
I doubt that this 14 poly roof model is resource consuming

>> No.2055243

>I doubt that this 14 poly roof model is resource consuming

You'd be surprised.

>> No.2055245

just did a torture test, copied the model around 400 times and game was still running smoothly, brb, making some high poly model to test the engine further

>> No.2055251

In GZdoom, models -- at least in older versions -- are more efficient than sprites. http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=37943

>> No.2055257

Get an FPS counter with unlocked FPS , and compare those FPS.
"Smooth" doesent meen anything.

>> No.2055261
File: 931 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20141108_213616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go anon
24 models, 1280 polygons each
you can see the framerate on screnshot, its from fraps, I have even increased fov to 130 so I could put more models on screen, do you want a screenshot from editor too?

>> No.2055271

And what's your FPS with slopes?
Whats your FPS without anything?

>> No.2055274

>I doubt that this 14 poly roof model is resource consuming
In GZDoom? It'd get there pretty fast if you use enough of them.
Also, don't go crazy with 3D floors, those are horridly optimized in GZDoom as well.

>> No.2055303

screenshot I posted here >>2055261 has over 30000 polys, so polycount is not an issue

slopes will not allow me to go autistic with detail so I dont want to be using them for anything apart from minor detail and terrain, since torture test went so good, I may as well just port models from stalker instead of remaking them.

>> No.2055305

What's this? Where can I get this? When can I get this? Who am I? What's going on?

>> No.2055309

Daily reminder, that not all Doomer's have supercomputers (quite on the contrary), and MD animations suck harder than a bulgarian hooker. There is a reason nobody does that.

>> No.2055312

It's the bfg equivalent in some mod or other, i'm not sure which

>> No.2055313

for some reason i think it's TSP, but that can't be right because TSP is on indefinite hiatus

>> No.2055314


It's the BFG for Space Pirate.

>> No.2055315

What's TSP. Sorry for being new here, so I don't know the abbreviations.

>> No.2055319

This guy >>2055315
thanks you kind anon.

Is it in the mod or WIP?

>> No.2055320


It's WIP.
If you're really interested you can pull the build from the git, but I wouldn't expect much more than what's being shown in the webms.

>> No.2055325
File: 385 KB, 1884x1026, SUPERCOMPUTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon thats some nice shitposting there, maybe you should double check things before you say them.
my pc is average, and all this time when I am mapping/testing, I have 3ds max and modded stalker loaded up, and these are not exactly lightweight things.

>> No.2055332
File: 1.85 MB, 850x530, GMOTA multiplayer in Epic 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo niggas.
Now that the /doom/ playlist is fucking dead, can you recommend me some good Doom related videos to watch?

>> No.2055334

please don't respond to shitposting with more shitposting. (referring to image covered in greentext and catchphrases)

>> No.2055335

I am getting tired of Reelism, what is a good instant action WAD to try out?

>> No.2055340

jesus fuck
I want something like this for Dewm.

>> No.2055343

>Disregard the animation
>Bash sarcastic quips

>> No.2055345

I am not concerned about animation for a STATIC model, once I start porting weapons and npcs I will think about using either sprites or models, right now its not an issue

>> No.2055398

What's the name of this game?

>> No.2055404

You should check out Error: Doom, it's sort of like Parse Error.

>> No.2055417

little late to the party, but


It'd have to be more like Payday: The Heist, but I'd imagine it as sort of like invasion mode, or something.

>> No.2055420

>Left 4 Dead 2
So basically an easier Doom with zombies instead of demons and linear levels?

>> No.2055439


has anyone made a version of this with the added sound effects removed? they ruin an otherwise good "enhancement wad" (if anyone knows of any more of these let me know)

>> No.2055445

USe slade and remove it yourself. That's actually would be easier than posting here about it.

>> No.2055448

I'd rather that they would just be quieter.
they are deafening to me, it totally ruins it while it could have been the best thing about it.

>> No.2055449

tried a few times already; SLADE crashes whenever i try to save

>> No.2055517

Is there a way to always show the gzdoom inventory bar in DECORATE or ACS

>> No.2055631



>> No.2055647

Name your top 5 best/shittiest mappers of current decade.

>> No.2055656

Top 5 Best
1. Omegalore
2. Omegalore
3. Omegalore
4. Omegalore
5. Omegalore
Top 5 worst
1. Omegalore
2. Omegalore
3. Omegalore
4. Omegalore
5. Omegalore

>> No.2055657

What source port is the worst and why it's ZDaemon?

>> No.2055660


That's a strange way to spell Doom Retro, anon.

>> No.2055662

I think you meant DOOM RETRO

>> No.2055665

What's wrong with Doom Retro though? Never cared about it but it seems like a nice "vanillaesque" port.

>> No.2055668


That's the thing. It seems like it, but once you go inside it is neither nice nor vanilla-esque.
It's someone trying to panhandle off a dehacked-esque list of changes for cash.

>> No.2055669

ZDaemon is adequate, if horribly dated.
I'd nominate either DOOM RETRO or that dedicated Sonic one that's forked from Legacy and uses LUA.

>> No.2055670


so you dont know the story about it? lemme give you some keypoints:

>Chocolate doom is open source
>some fag forks it and breaks some features of game, such as infighting
>adds sprite rocket trails to player and revenant rockets, which makes it harder to recognize them
>shills it, asks for donations and calls it DOOM RETRO with all caps
>"all other source ports are shit, this is the way doom is meant to be played" -fag that made DOOM RETRO

>> No.2055671

This. There's really nothing that DOOM RETRO does that another sourceport can't do with some mod-files, and better, while otherwise staying true to vanilla.

>breaks some features of game, such as infighting
This is one of the most inexcusable things.

>> No.2055676

>scp containment breach

that actually sounds really cool

>> No.2055678
File: 146 KB, 260x350, happy acguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with this

>> No.2055681

im actually surprised there isn't already a counter strike mod for z&

>> No.2055682
File: 228 KB, 500x394, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A Skeleton.

>> No.2055684

If it's too dark, by the way, I'm processing a light-em-up enhancement. Youtube seems to like darkening all my videos to an unacceptable degree.

>> No.2055689

reminder of what?

>> No.2055690

AAAAAHHH out of 10

>> No.2055694

This is going to be a god damn nightmare on many maps with lots of Revenants

>> No.2055697
File: 529 KB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2014-11-08 20-12-39-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claustrophobic invasion maps with player collision

Why do people do this

>> No.2055701

Invasion is meant to be done with multiple people.

>> No.2055707

i just want a FEAR mod that makes fear look like doom.

>> No.2055708


>> No.2055717

he even throws boners at you.

>> No.2055725

>Battlefield 4
I'd play the fuck out of it holy shit

>> No.2055752


>> No.2055754 [DELETED] 

I better will upload some more semen into your moms vagvag lel xD

>> No.2055761

I'm assuming this is gonna be a special Revenant and not just replacing the regular ones? Maybe add a slight echo to the AAAAHS and other noises to make it stand out from the other skellingtons.

>> No.2055763

I wouldn't mind a FEAR mod for Doom that gives you FEAR's weaponry and slow motion to fight all the demons with.

>> No.2055772

I have no idea what Kegan intends to do with it.

>> No.2055786

hey /doom/ is there any well balanced reventant only wad out there?

>> No.2055793


>> No.2055795

Battlefield with Doom physics would be fucking glorious IMO.

>> No.2055801


>> No.2055821


He's gonna be the revenant replacement for GMOTA. I'll probably tone them back once Vince finishes up with them and I get them.

I definitely want the skeletons to add mayhem though. And Vince has done a fine job of making a batshit insane skelly

>> No.2055828

you're not term
but you will do

>> No.2055830

Consider keeping the batshit skeleton as a rare enemy.
It could maybe have that echo to their voice and maybe leave a trail in the air like Alucard in Symphony Of The Night.

>> No.2055834

I thought Space Pirate was dead.

>> No.2055835
File: 31 KB, 400x300, cartoon-jameson-2135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2055837

Oh my god this is fucking awesome.

I love that beam.

>> No.2055840
File: 302 KB, 1600x1200, cubic_bezier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WOG beam now has cubic bezier curves as an option toggleable via cvars, instead of just the existing quadratic ones and the straight line beam.
Nah, just progress slowed a bit. Everything required for the next update is planned and known (as in it's known how to do it), it just has to be done.

>> No.2055841


There are people who hate rare enemy variants and shit. They'll be flat out replacements. I'll tone their insanity back a little once I get my hands in them don't worry

>> No.2055843
File: 1.03 MB, 343x239, sudden-boner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is some fucking TIGHT shit!

>> No.2055848

But I like the batshit skellington =(

>> No.2055853


They're still gonna be insane, I like them too. I'm just gonna tweak the rate they shit bones out when headless

>> No.2055862


Oh but the SOTN style echo to their voice sounds top tier. I'll look into that

>> No.2055870
File: 139 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20141108_222527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you gonna get on irc?

>> No.2055874


In about 3 hours when I get off work

>> No.2055885

A while back some guy on doomworld made maps based on his designs back when he was a little kid. Anyone remember what they were called?

>> No.2055893

I am the only one autist who plays vanilla Doom under DOSBOX rather than using ports when possible?

>> No.2055896

i play chocolate doom

>> No.2055902

Oh wow, looks like space pirate will be getting updates now that the focus is back on

Well it looks like the beam is going to be really awesome. I can't wait until I get to play it in 2018.

>> No.2055956

I havent touched vanilla.exe ever since i discovered Chocolate Doom.

Even then, I prefer using PrBoom+, because I want opengl and 1080p.

>> No.2055959


I might not even use scroton's math-powered curved whip thing. But I definitely wanna see it in action

>> No.2055976

Chocolate Doom looks nice. I will buy an old PC and will install DOS on it to play old games though rather than using ports.

>> No.2055981

What's the maximun number for an item in zdoom again?
It was some sort of code that meant infinite items or a ridiculous amount or something, but I can't remember what it was

>> No.2055984


>> No.2056000

0x7FFFFFFF, the hex value for something around 2 billion.

>> No.2056014

Yeah, thats it. Thanks

>> No.2056109

To remember it I just remember 0x7 and seven F's. The one seven reminds me of the other seven. I dunno, works for me.

>> No.2056128

Top 5 Worst:

No seriously. Play his recent megawad, and you'll instantly know why most of those maps were rejected from serious projects.

>> No.2056129 [DELETED] 

What a hater.

>> No.2056145
File: 6 KB, 765x43, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I feel bad for this guy.

>> No.2056156

Looks cool. Brutal will remain crowned to be king of mods however.

>> No.2056175

i think you need to cap the number of targets it can hit with one shot before expiring. in its current form, it appears extremely - by which i mean "russian overkill tier" - overpowered.

>> No.2056176

Term sure likes himself some female MC's doesn't he?

>> No.2056179

That's Marty's mod.

Also female MCs are awesome.

>> No.2056180 [DELETED] 

um, tsp isn't term's mod

>> No.2056182

You wouldn't see if it you played it embedded, but on youtube the description says
>This is an older version from about a month back before Scroton nerfed it and made it prettier (it curves now!)

>> No.2056184

ah, fair enough. i did indeed play it through mpv, which plays videos much more smoothly than firefox.

>> No.2056185
File: 170 KB, 638x1250, Joanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know rite

>> No.2056189
File: 63 KB, 320x200, timetoshred.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056209
File: 10 KB, 272x216, carn10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a minion of him. heher

>> No.2056212
File: 15 KB, 71x100, crappy_explosion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 5 Best
1. Terry
2. Doomguy 2000
3. Kyle Hudak
4. Bioshipcoccinellidae
5. DrewPicklesOgre
Top 5 Worst
1. LesicDoomer
2. Exakerer
3. Obsidian
4. Omegalore
5. Terkar Sergant

>> No.2056246

Literally whos?

>> No.2056253

Which one?

>> No.2056257

>1. Terry


>2. Doomguy 2000

Terrywad maker / doomworld troll

>3. Kyle Hudak

Never heard of him, probably a terrywad maker

>4. Bioshipcoccinellidae

Never heard of him, probably a terrywad maker

>5. DrewPicklesOgre

Ultima Realms Software member (i.e. Omegalore fanboy - see http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post-hell/67227-ultima-realms-software-is-dead/ ), terrywad maker

>1. LesicDoomer

Never heard of him, probably a terrywad maker

>2. Exakerer

Never heard of him, probably a terrywad maker

>3. Obsidian

Well-regarded Doomworld speedmapper, 1 of 3 "most promising newcomer" winners at 2013 cacowards. "odd man out" of the list

>4. Omegalore


>5. Terkar Sergant

Never heard of him, probably a terrywad maker

>> No.2056258

>3. Kyle Hudak
>4. Bioshipcoccinellidae
>5. DrewPicklesOgre
>1. LesicDoomer
>2. Exakerer
>5. Terkar Sergant

>> No.2056260

you dumbasses...

>> No.2056269

the last 3 are shitty terrywad makers

>> No.2056270

>Well regarded doomworld speedmapper
Well explain the fact that the parody of his works (Bob Bobos' speedmapping session) has gotten higher ratings than any of his Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions?

>> No.2056275

i want to make dungeon themed (heretic or hexen) maps but i have no clue how to design one from scratch. i'm not a very artistic person

>> No.2056279

1. Anonymous ratings don't mean anything.
2. You and half the people on your list likely voted up the "parody" to troll.

>> No.2056283

But AAS maps are terrible anyway.

>> No.2056303
File: 2.36 MB, 640x320, stupid boneheads.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys please this is not how you cooperate in an attempt to kill me



>> No.2056327


>> No.2056331
File: 99 KB, 320x320, 1406101574080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way to not credit the music

>> No.2056421
File: 136 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_Doom_20141109_142321_GoldenSouls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056436
File: 79 KB, 638x475, xulda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056469
File: 32 KB, 240x200, thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face.

>> No.2056485
File: 222 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_cchest4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056495

Apart from the nonsense movement, that looks pretty cool.

>> No.2056502
File: 897 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20121029_141601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is uncanny, i screencapped this exact secret back when CC4 was new.

>> No.2056513

Time for some slow mo dynamic lighting action

>> No.2056517 [DELETED] 


>> No.2056521 [DELETED] 

Nice blog!

>> No.2056539 [DELETED] 

>Back then
Beautiful colors and sharp graphics
Blurry mess with shitty filters everything looks like it's made of soap

>> No.2056556 [DELETED] 

fucking agree, why people do this? this games were not made with smoothie graphics in mind.

someone actually busted their ass trying to make the individual pixels look like something.

>> No.2056567 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your purity shit, not everyone has to play the same way you do.

>> No.2056572 [DELETED] 

Even as someone who hates purists, I'd rather work without those stupid filters going on.

>> No.2056583

it probably only works this way as long as there are enemies nearby (slaughter maps).

still, it would be nice if it stopped at tougher enemies or after certain amount of damage dealt.

>> No.2056584 [DELETED] 

Ur a faggot

>> No.2056592 [DELETED] 

it's not purity, it's respect for the original artists and the new ones as well.


>> No.2056593 [DELETED] 

Seriously though, if you don't like it, just scroll past it. It's not like you absolutely have to rant about it.

>> No.2056598 [DELETED] 

I'm done.

>> No.2056601 [DELETED] 

I was ninja'd, however my point still stands.

>> No.2056604 [DELETED] 

By a bunch of retarded children maybe

>> No.2056614 [DELETED] 


>> No.2056617 [DELETED] 

Your point was stupid and assumptive, bilinear filtering isn't even my main play style.


No having no respect would be overriding the original textures with a gameplay mod or HQ filtering.

>> No.2056619

ironically, you have those the wrong way round. >>2056502 is the older screenshot.

>> No.2056625

He meant that back then games were made with love to every pixel and now textures are filtered 100x times.

>> No.2056626 [DELETED] 


>> No.2056630 [DELETED] 


>> No.2056635

>>>/v/ too

>> No.2056643

What if I told you there is one such wad in progress?

>> No.2056648

Here's a list of the best mappers in my opinion:

>1. Mouldy

>2. Ribbiks

>3. Joshy

>4. Cannonball

>5. TimeofDeath

>> No.2056652

Who is Joshy? Good list btw.

>> No.2056654

I'll probably list an unpopular opinion, but I like Shadowman's stuff.

>> No.2056656

Speed of Doom, Resurgance, etc.

>> No.2056685


Carmack thread, the funniest shit ever

>> No.2056691
File: 7 KB, 247x281, 1394692155436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056709

We need an edit of that with Sir Blaz instead of Doomguy.

>> No.2056716

>Stop saying that everytime I join a community project, is this a meme?
Oh god.

>> No.2056734
File: 20 KB, 400x400, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056742 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 600x600, 1415556044814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say they seem to have a bone to pick with you.

>> No.2056746

what's the c

>> No.2056751
File: 21 KB, 260x260, hfwsheseesyourpenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chibi hand

>> No.2056752

hand on chin

>> No.2056758

Don't lie to me Anon, don't give me something and then just take it away

>> No.2056771

whats a good megawad to play with doomrla

>> No.2056775

So what is this?

>> No.2056781

Super Doom 64: The Golden Souls

>> No.2056793
File: 439 KB, 640x360, =)c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056794
File: 332 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Flashback_to_Hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056798
File: 38 KB, 304x200, carmack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humorless brainiac who invented critical technology

>> No.2056802
File: 44 KB, 332x200, romero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creative, charismatic leader, tactless but hilarious

>> No.2056804
File: 37 KB, 296x200, hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has weird ideas that he pursues with childlike enthusiasm

>> No.2056805


They really should've just banged.

The fact their wives look like each other doesn't help hide the bromance.

>> No.2056806
File: 40 KB, 348x200, petersen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no-nonsense journeyman outsider hired to deal with unexpected workload

>> No.2056808

So what does that make Adrian? Tully?

>> No.2056864

But Romero's current wife doesn't look like Carmack.

>> No.2056873
File: 276 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20141109_161810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056880
File: 2 KB, 172x91, 1415560889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, this thing is new. and there are a lot more people here than i thought...

>> No.2056892

Is this compatible with 4chanX?

>> No.2056894

>''Oh wait, I think I mixed up my timeline. Brb, changing time frame.''

>> No.2056903


>Fistful of Frags


>> No.2056908

There's already a SW TC out there on ZDoom forums
Also, yeah Demonsteele is better

>> No.2056917


Walking Doom : Survival Instinct.

I'm sure it'd be loads better than the real thing.

>> No.2056920
File: 349 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Gehenna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056923
File: 242 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20141109_165300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056963

Is StalkerAnon still here?

>> No.2056968

yes, got into the general like 10 minute ago
soon to start mapping, why do you need me?

>> No.2056970

I just wanted to say that you're a sexy beast. :)

>> No.2056975

you do realize that because of your two posts I will look like some sockpuppeting now?
and I am 5/10 irl at best

>> No.2056978


huh, how do you get that?

anyway, you're forgetting about lurkers, which, all things said, are a lot more than people might think

>> No.2056980


wait nevermind I just had to refresh the page. sorry for being dum

>> No.2057000


That >>2056970
was not me.
Tripping now... A-a-a-and... Everything is trippy. Damn I'm high.

Anyway... Thinking of ripping the weapons off of Stalker. The version I'm going for is SoC with sigerous mod (whatever I have installed). I don't remember if weapon models are different from the original game, also I can't find that vertical TOZ shotgun I was fond of several years ago.
Would SoC Sigerous weapon models be OK with you or do you need strictly Call of Pripyat ones?

>> No.2057001

Meant to link to >>2056975

>> No.2057002 [DELETED] 

What's with these autistic tripfags lately?

>> No.2057003

Are you sure that was not you?

>> No.2057008

I like Autumn Aurora 2's weapon models and hands.

>> No.2057032 [DELETED] 


The point of a trip is to identify yourself if you're working on a project, and we have a bunch of people working on a project, so get bent, kid.

I know, >responding

>> No.2057035

any stalker will do, I am not going for 100% accurate port, so if you are porting model of AKM, pick the best one, the only thing that you should remember is to have matching hand models

>> No.2057037

>Vertical TOZ
Check LURK.

>> No.2057039 [DELETED] 

That you acknowledged it doesn't erase the fact that you're an enabler.

>> No.2057048 [DELETED] 

You don't have to use trip to show that you're working on a project, KID.

>> No.2057051

>it probably only works this way as long as there are enemies nearby (slaughter maps).
It does; it only tears through enemies if it can see them.

Even so, it's already been nerfed as >>2056182
pointed out; it's limited to 20 targets at full charge, and if all projectiles hit targets then it deals about as much damage as a bfgball+tracers.

It also doesn't deal enough damage to instakill anything in the game, and many tougher enemies from hell knights on up can take multiple shots. It will also not target the same enemy twice consecutively, so it can only hit an archvile or a cyberdemon or spiderdemon multiple times if there is a target to hit inbetween them, otherwise it's limited to a single hit which doesn't deal nearly as much damage as a bfg ball, instead only 35.

>> No.2057078 [DELETED] 


No, but it keeps others from imitating and/or mimicking you by faking screenshots and/or announcing cancellations, which we've had happen before several times, KID.

>> No.2057081 [DELETED] 

Don't enable the /v/irgin.

>> No.2057119 [DELETED] 

terminusest13, ijon, marrub, vince, scroton, mike12, never use trips or even namefag

>> No.2057130 [DELETED] 

Which is probably why they are all Literally Whos.

>> No.2057151 [DELETED] 


>> No.2057154 [DELETED] 

Mods seem asleep. This is VERY disconcerting.

>> No.2057157 [DELETED] 

>Literally Whos.
back to your containment chan

>> No.2057158 [DELETED] 

>supporting censorship

>> No.2057163


Pass the whiskey

>> No.2057168 [DELETED] 

While the mods are asleep I'll play with fire

Can someone tell me why brutal doom is never discussed/frowned upon here? I'm not trying to start anything, I'm about a month or two new to these threads and I have never found out why.

>> No.2057172 [DELETED] 

>inb4 Donald
>inb4 IMX
>inb4 /doom/ comic
>inb4 Brutal Doom
>inb4 IRC drama
>inb4 filters
>inb4 Zandroshit vs [NO]Doom
>inb4 gamma
>inb4 samefag

>> No.2057173 [DELETED] 

You already know.

>> No.2057178

Quake is a thing, doom guys.

>> No.2057179 [DELETED] 

Except I don't. Enlighten me.

>> No.2057180

And I hate it.

>> No.2057182 [DELETED] 

It is literally impossible not to know if you've been here for longer than two days.

The reaction you get to asking about Brutal Doom is all you're fishing for.

>> No.2057183 [DELETED] 


>> No.2057187 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20141106_211649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot from map progress.

After this level there's one more to work on then I'll release the wad for real for real.

>> No.2057189

I like using those Quake weapons in Heretic.

Does Quake even have co-op?
I know everyone is all up in it's deathmatch grill, but I hear nothing about co-op.

>> No.2057194
File: 115 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20141104_205319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some Quake Live every now and then.
It's nice to have rocket jumping being a more integral part of gameplay, plus all that delicious vertical movement.

Wrong screenshot. I'm dumb. THIS is the one I meant to post.

>> No.2057198 [DELETED] 

thank you based mods

>> No.2057201

Quake has no direction

>> No.2057204

>I love me some Quake Live every now and then.
So sad that the update failed to retain new players. http://steamcharts.com/app/282440
The game is just missing so much stuff.

>> No.2057217 [DELETED] 

>doing it 4free

>> No.2057269

So is there a hdoom changelog somewhere?
I am only seeing 3 new scenes and the ability to spawn barons in the lady's chambers.
Even after reading the tumblr I have no idea what actually changed. For example It is heavily implied that there would be an ending CG for episode one in this release, but I dont see anything.

>> No.2057270

e2m6 on nightmare in doomrla is fucking ridiculous. i don't remember this map being this bullshit even with the harder enemies

>> No.2057274

What do you guys think Quake would've been like if it followed Romero's vision? I remember something about the main weapon being a hammer and some sort of spirit that would attack you if it was too long since you fed it an enemy by killing it.

>> No.2057286

and whats worse is the fucking traps always end up killing me, not the enemies

>> No.2057295

Quake was Carmacks game iirc, based on his D&D sessions
one of the reasons they could not make it like they wanted to was that monsters and such took up way too many resources

>> No.2057303

Really? Could've sworn Romero was the one who came up with the idea, because he didn't want it to be another Doom.

>> No.2057307

Wasn't it more that they wanted to release asap to have the first 3d engine out, and they were already late for the release date?

>> No.2057312

Yeah, Romero's idea for Quake was a medieval fantasy game based on their D&D games, which Carmack was the DM for. Everyone else just wanted to rehash Doom, and, well, that's what we got.

>> No.2057407

>Everyone else just wanted to rehash Doom
No, everyone realized that it was the best option for getting the game out on time.

Romero had insisted on his concept, and he wanted to design for it, but he didn't want to do his fucking job, the team was waiting for his directions but he was constantly gone somewhere being a vidya celebrity and playing deathmatch.
People had been making textures and levels for months, just churning stuff out waiting for his directions, but it didn't materialize, because he was never there.

Eventually an emergency meeting was called, their deadline was approaching, and besides graphical assets, very little had actually been done of Romero's ambitious ideas, it was decided that Romero's concept would be scrapped, because it would never become made, and they'd just patch together another shooter like Doom out of the stuff they had already made. That's why it's so disjointed at places, and why some things were flat out not finished.

I like Romero, but this was his phase of Not Getting Shit Done, which would culminate with Dai-Katana.

>> No.2057428

Yo /doom/, gimme a casual wad (ie not slaughterwads or shit with high monstercounts unless it's a big map) to play, and a gameplay mod.
inb4 sunder and hideos destructor

>> No.2057432

Try Whitemare. It's not really casual, but I think it's pretty fun.

>> No.2057438


Stapler-san would post changelogs every time there was a release, but ever since he and the artist had a falling-out Stapler-san's kind of vanished.

>> No.2057440

>Casual difficulty
Scythe 1 and 2 are both pretty simple enough for about 20 levels each.

Honestly though most wads that aren't slaughtermaps are pretty much what you want.
Just pick something like HMP and it's got you covered.

>> No.2057450

Is the Doom movie good?

>> No.2057470

how many film adaptations of video games are good anon? I can count two

>> No.2057484

What are they?

I think all of them are really terrible.

>> No.2057485

Mortal Kombat was fun. Legend of Chun Li and Mario Bros are good badmovies.

>> No.2057490

for me it was Postal movie and Silent Hill

>> No.2057517
File: 248 KB, 613x606, that'sright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice smear campaign m8

>> No.2057529

>falling out with Stapler-San

anon pls. Who do you think is doing the code?

will probably be a changelog with the next patch, along with the ending CG I promised (the artist who took it up had some other shit going on)

>> No.2057530

Hey is it worth it to buy the Quake CD for the soundtrack? I installed quakespasm and the Trent Reznor music won't work.

>> No.2057535

You know, now that Romero learned his lesson a long time ago and that he said a couple months ago that he was interested in making another FPS, I wonder if he'll make it into basically what he wanted Quake to be.

>> No.2057538


Fuck that. Daikatana 2: dai harder

>> No.2057554


I don't know who's doing the code. You talk a lot about artists coming on board and art you've gotten, but what's going on code-wise is kind of...silent.


I was just saying what I'd been told, sorry.

>> No.2057560

Yeah, I figure he has learned a lot from his mistakes, Dai-Katana must have been very humbling. I'd like to see him get involved in some FPS again.

Hell, it would be really nice to see him just make a set of levels for Doom some day, just for the hell of it.

>> No.2057583


that ain't nothing. we used to have almost 100 dudes around us at one time


as a matter of fact, that's what Doom the way id did was supposed to be, 8 new levels from Romero himself. it's on doomworld if you don't believe me

>> No.2057586 [DELETED] 

Report and ignore.

>> No.2057591

He only payed attention to the project and said "that's pretty cool", he wasn't actually involved in it. I would like to see him take a look at some notable levelsets, and then make an episode or two with say, Boom, to get around some of the limits of Vanilla, see what he can really do.

Oh get lost.

>> No.2057601


if i recall correctly, he was offered to do the levels, but then he used his dw account (he has one, "romero") and gave his best wishes + reminded everyone of his self-imposed rules he had at the time regarding mapping

months later, on that episode 1 video he did with IGN, he mentioned how he wouldn't feel good releasing maps "straight from 1993", and hinted that he would go full ZDoom if he ever gets on doom mapping again

it's around e1m7 if you guys want to look it up

>> No.2057610
File: 50 KB, 640x400, 2s0l8wg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2057613

Why don't you two just fuck already

>> No.2057614

I'd love to play modern Romero maps.
I'd really like to see if he still can do well.

>> No.2057629

If he goes full Zdoom, he should get Tom Hall to help out.

>> No.2057637

I have a feeling if he makes a new FPS, it'll be open world and have RPG elements. And multiplayer will be Battlefield-esque

>> No.2057643

he said that in ign video

>> No.2057648

>I have a feeling if he makes a new FPS, it'll be open world
mite b cool

>> No.2057660

If I can make a suggestion, please add the number of scenes for every demon in the changelogs, not just the new additions.
It took me over a hundred slain pinkies to see the buttsex scene because the RNG god hates me. If I was not 99,9% sure it existed I would probably have missed it, then on a later date when a new scene for them is announced, either miss it again or miss the new one thinking the addition was buttsex.
Only having a changelog of new additions may lead to nightmares to newfags trying to get something like a specific imp color into a given scene, which may not exist yet in that color. Shit like this will only get worse as more content is added, specially if rare enemies like arch-viles end up with several scenes.
Would also be nice if there was a sure way to consistently get enemies horny. Either by a difficulty setting that always produces horny demons instead of killing them, or perhaps if the finishing blow is the pillow it always occur or something. Fucking through the whole episode 1 and getting no horny barons really breaks the mood.

>> No.2057687

Spartan Total Warrior, it's a pretty fun GoW style game.

>> No.2057698

Thank you, I'll check that out.

>> No.2057734

Anyone know where I can get the original ZX Spectrum Doom musics?

>> No.2057737

>thinking that Doom really was on the ZX Spectrum
...was it?

>> No.2057738

No but someone made a little fan game on it.

>> No.2057740


>> No.2057743

I want to go download a ZX emulator and play it now.

>> No.2057785

There was a demo made to test if it was possible, but nothing much else came from it.
It has one or two really kickass tunes, but the gameplay is seriously watered down.

>> No.2057794
File: 68 KB, 640x488, QKsSSmcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zach's Non-Ultimate Doom.

>> No.2057827

mortal kombat
ace attorney

the holy trinity

>> No.2057845


>> No.2057850

Can't remember what fps I played last but the last shooting game I played was risk of rain, that would be really neat in DOOM actually, has anyone done that yet

>> No.2057860

Epic 2 and demonsteele go well together

>> No.2057925

up to 82 now, but i realise that doesn't tell you much, it doesn't distinguish between thread regulars and single-post drivebys

>> No.2057940

As a regular lurker I will now post, not as a drive by, but as an acknowledgement of my presence. I just don't have anything to say, but let me be counted.

>> No.2057968


We're glad to have you all the same, mate.
I know things can get a little weird here, but the more the merrier.

>> No.2057985

How's it work that out, is there something in the 4chan api?

>> No.2057991


just F5 the thread, you don't need any extra scripts. it's built in

>> No.2057996

I actually had to activate it in the settings.

>> No.2058004

Oh nice.

>> No.2058007

Anyone know where ZDL saves its save files too?

>> No.2058053
File: 520 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20141110_040210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2058078

Borderdoom 2
900m+ randomly generated guns.

>> No.2058086

Why is HDoom in popular mods?

>> No.2058103

because it is a common topic of discussion in these threads

>> No.2058104

I just played the "from your mouth" wad that altered the sounds and I was a bit amused (yes, I'm easily amused).
Any recommendations for silly mods ? Even simple stuff.

Because it's popular.

>> No.2058106



>> No.2058109
File: 80 KB, 491x414, 1413619389182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that slapping

>> No.2058112
File: 446 KB, 1613x887, d61cf451641095781822e88438ad455b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking get how to make doors in GZDoom builder, am I missing something obvious here?

>> No.2058121
File: 124 KB, 472x252, grr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ripping weapons from STALKER
>static lighting gives lil' bloom on the guns edege (it's pink cause bkg pink) ->ugly
>dynamic lighting makes gun look piss shiny
>been trying to make things decent for 3 hours by tweaking STALKER and having it crash every second time


>> No.2058124


can we throw bolts at the demons too

>> No.2058125

also lol forgot my trip.
The trip is a failtrip. Notripping mode on.

>> No.2058127

Sure, why not? Ask the StalkerAnon

Are you ok with pissshiny? (the wooden part of PM looks like it's metal too)

>> No.2058136

greetings all, would somebody be kind enough to give me basic instructions to setup a server with doomseeker? would like to have a shotgun frenzy server for me and my friends to play on

>> No.2058151

Combat Shock 2 map04

>> No.2058252

What is this?

>> No.2058337 [DELETED] 

Is Memfis gay?

>> No.2058440


>> No.2058462

Hey StalkerAnon, are you here?

>> No.2058510
File: 49 KB, 640x617, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder what she's going to be like

>> No.2058520


i feel some people will be extremely underwhelmed, dont know why

>> No.2058523

My money is on snuggly.

>> No.2058529

What's this?

>> No.2058543

What mod is this?

>> No.2058545

Looks like the design for the Cacodemons in H-Doom.

>> No.2058548

god damn. take a wild guess

>> No.2058560
File: 116 KB, 1224x653, 7u65432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2058561

I have no idea and the ZDoom forums don't give any results either.

>> No.2058569


>> No.2058571

Yeah, I vote for snuggly too.

>> No.2058580

Snuggly and insecure about her one eye.

>> No.2058592

So why are monster sounds in h-doom English only?

>> No.2058597

I get pretty bad motion sickness from Doom or just about any FPS game. Is this common? Do you just have to endure it and eventually it stops happening or am I fucked? Am I looking at something wrong?

I don't want to take gravol and shit every time just to play Doom.

>> No.2058598

You're fucked. This is the first time I hear about shit like this in my life.

>> No.2058602

If it's from the head bobbing, you can actually turn that off with a console command... I just don't remember which one it is.

>> No.2058603
File: 28 KB, 182x252, new_pics0008_by_spat856-d7ufnj9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orgasmic moaning sounds the same in any language. at least, that's what i've been led to believe.

>> No.2058605

It's not that uncommon, especially with racing games.

>> No.2058608

English moans = OOHHHH
Japanese moans = EEEEEEEE
Spanish moans = AAAY POPIIII
Doomguy moans = UNF UNF UNF

They're different in every language

>> No.2058609

Except you don't always hear orgasmic moaning.

>> No.2058610

i heard using a hires port with uncapped fps can help

>> No.2058616


>> No.2058617


Worth a shot. I'll take some ginger root before hand too.

If not, I'm stuck with DoomRL forever.

>> No.2058626

it was a common enough thing that it even has an entry in the official DOOM FAQ.


( personal opinion: those not familiar with this entire document need to remedy that immediately. )

>> No.2058642

Don't you know that only americans go to hell?

>> No.2058646

there's movebob and stillbob in the console if you're, say, using zdoom. you can set them both to 0.

>> No.2058647

Sadly the best part about H-DOOM is Cybie pic.

>> No.2058650


Out of all the things to possibly nitpick, you go with English sounds?

>> No.2058651


Try putting movebob 0 in the console and playing on OpenGL mode in GZDoom or Zandronum. Does that help any?

>> No.2058653

I'll try when I get home from work. Wasn't expecting such quick replies. This board might as well be /doom/; only Doom threads are active (and I have no problem with that).

>> No.2058656

># PAIN ELEMENTAL (even more disgusting huge Cacodemon-like blobs):
But Cacos aren't disgusting. The hell?

>> No.2058664

Right? They're adorable from what I've seen

>> No.2058674
File: 50 KB, 382x235, SP3_red_hhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My God, it's beautiful. There should be...some berserker and melee weapon mod incorporating the Splatterhouse universe and all the fucked up enemies. Gibs flying everywhere with da chainsaw and the double-barrel oh god yes

>> No.2058679
File: 989 KB, 1920x725, CONBACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice :)

>> No.2058727


My name is Whogivesafuck and I approve of this message.

>> No.2058742 [DELETED] 


>> No.2058743

My dick is so ready.

>> No.2058747 [DELETED] 


>> No.2058750

I wish I could use it as desktop background and non-cropped version makes me uncomfy.

>> No.2058758

Time to fuck-up some demons

>> No.2058768

who is this semen demon?

>> No.2058779
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, CONBACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be more clear from this censored version.

>> No.2058785 [DELETED] 

He still uses Skulltag? Why?

>> No.2058805 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 640x640, filters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2058817
File: 2.93 MB, 400x372, 1406642549216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that would be the cutest!

>> No.2058820

That's creepy.

>> No.2058823

The hearts in the eyes are great.

>> No.2058825

Other than the bobbing as other people have said, it could also be your FOV

>> No.2058832
File: 1.36 MB, 1320x1396, 1406643849819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I don't even like monstergirls but I think Gazer is cute as fuck.

>> No.2058836

where are you taking these pictures from and where can i find lewds

>> No.2058838 [DELETED] 

the leftmost eye staring at the butt lol

>> No.2058839 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 900x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never find it

>> No.2058840 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.03 MB, 500x1500, 1415651055046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's done a bit for H-Doom as well.

>> No.2058841

use iqdb

>> No.2058842 [DELETED] 

This is a family friendly blue board. Please don't post more pics like this. I repeat: don't. Thank you :)

>> No.2058845


>> No.2058852 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 250x332, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I just fapped.

>> No.2058867 [DELETED] 

should I try Brutal Doom?
i come from /v/ so i have no idea which mods are the best

>> No.2058873
File: 164 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20140429_222330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw bolts at the demons

>> No.2058874
File: 169 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20141110_174828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems legit.

>> No.2058876 [DELETED] 

go back to /v/

>> No.2058878 [DELETED] 

Not now. v20 draws near and is looking much better than v19.
Also, wait for the v20 version of Sperglord Edition.

>> No.2058881

should i fap to this >>2058779 ?
i came from /h/ so i have no idea how to fap to doom

>> No.2058883 [DELETED] 

by all means try it, just don't come back here to tell us all that it is How Doom Is Meant To Be™.

>> No.2058887
File: 172 KB, 395x452, fuck yer shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least you don't.



>> No.2058889
File: 532 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20141110_072858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very slowly porting over an Edge mod called "Shut up and Bleed" to Zdoom. The screenshot's a thing only because the mod author was like "If you do this, put in the ability to see the ammo of all the non infinite ammo guns in the HUD"

>> No.2058890 [DELETED] 

did mods delete my comment?
I asked how Brutal Dooms is...

>> No.2058891

If you like SUPER GORY ACTION, reloading, kicking shit, and having demons scream like babies when their arms/legs/guts are not where they should be.
There are other mods that aren't ear-rape torture porn, which also add reloading and neat weapons.

The general consensus here is to try Doom with vanilla settings first. It's a very arcade-y game by itself.

For more arcadey stuff, try looking for a mod called Make It Snappy. That makes everything even more arcadey.
You could also try DemonSteele, which is kind of like first-person Devil May Cry.

WildWeasel makes just about every awesome weaponmod. Look for Nazis! or Terrorists!, or if you're looking for classic stuff try searching wwhc-diaz on doomworld.com/idgames

GMOTA is also very arcadey, but instead of just being DOOM with extra arcade, it's something like Ghosts-n-Goblins or Castlevania.

Complex Doom is very hard, but also fairly fun, and also adds reloads.

>> No.2058894
File: 2.35 MB, 1100x1791, 2c85ed8fc0a7aece90bbbae3b2c78cc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is off-topic but cool.

>> No.2058896 [DELETED] 

Nah, see, posting about BURTL DUUUM is shitposting, because every time someone asks about it the whole thread turns into "BRUTAL DOOM IS WHAT DOOM SHOULD BE" versus "SERGEANT MARK IV IS A SHITHEAD AND BRUTAL DOOM IS FULL OF HORRIBLE CODE/EAR RAPE"

>> No.2058901 [DELETED] 

no you didn't, you asked if you should try it, which i answered honestly.

if you're asking how it is, then my answer would be "please feel free to try it and find out for yourself, but also please don't come back here to tell us all that it's How Doom Is Meant To Be™".

>> No.2058902

>WildWeasel makes just about every awesome weaponmod
this. if it ain't by wildweasel or terminusest13 it ain't worth the download

>> No.2058903


>implying samus is not doomguys hot cousin/sister/gf

>> No.2058904 [DELETED] 


At this point, "I'm new, how's Brutal Doom" is guaranteed to be an attempt at bait.
Just report-bomb and don't respond.

>> No.2058905

Of course you shouldn't. Find the uncensored version first and only then fap.

>> No.2058915

I agree, I posted it because it struck me as sufficiently doom-like, but also was lamp-shading that I was technically breaking the rules nonetheless.

>> No.2058923

>infinite sniper ammo on GZDoom
>however, not on skulltag

why would anyone want to develop something for an ages-old and no-longer-supported port with a metric shit ton of missing features?

Apart from that, the sniper scope feels like a cheap rip of the awful CS-style snipers and the spritework in the whole wad is quite shit, however that map looks kinda fun to play. I wouldn't mind giving it a shot.

>> No.2058930
File: 242 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_mandinga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2058931


>> No.2058932
File: 47 KB, 405x600, the_bronze_statue_of_the_happy_days_character_arth_48ab84525d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2058937

Not even close.

>> No.2058951

What are some good vanilla or boom (or light ZDoom scripting, basically stuff that won't break) mapsets that aren't listed on the 10 years of Doom or cacowards? Preferably mapsets rather than individual maps so they're balanced towards consecutive play and aren't as long as a single map usuallys runs.

Asking because gathering stuff for a compilation project. Basically a 600+ map megawad with random or structured random level progression. Structured random meaning it will take you from a map01 to a map02-map04 or so, then from there to ones at similar progression/difficulty rather than a map01, map29, map07, map07, map30, etc. Will include settings for things like not allowing map30, not allowing map07, not allowing map01, etc, even for otherwise fully random level order.

>> No.2058979

DOA - The Conspiracy (Part 1 - Part2)
Invasion: Contamination - Upper Decks
The Apocalypse Part 1-2-3-4-5
Master Levels for Doom II

>> No.2058980

Lost Maps.

>> No.2058992

don't be stupid

>> No.2058995

Why is that stupid?

>> No.2059001

he wants good maps that have been overlooked, not some 13yo turdlord's turds.

>> No.2059002
File: 57 KB, 530x600, 1415651886345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2059004

This is not my problem you can't enjoy level without because some texture misalignments

>> No.2059021

i actually like sloppy mid-nineties mapping. i do play and enjoy the modern stuff but at the same time i am always struck that modern maps are too sanitized and perfectionist, and their gameplay too choreographed.

>> No.2059025
File: 153 KB, 700x700, 1398846597780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what if, just bear with me for a moment.

What if HDoom had monster infighting?

>> No.2059028
File: 902 KB, 1280x1080, Untitled-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, a few days ago I got bored and joined in a co-op game. After watching people fling each other off of pillars into instant-kill grounds with their SSGs, I decided to spend an hour and come up with a gameplay mod (tentatively) called Push.
Push is basically, well, push-griefing in co-op made legit. It's a Last Man Standing gamemode (since the game considers instant-death floors to be suicide, it doesn't work in DM), where you wield a laser gun with massive knockback and try and knock off each other into pits. The idea is that gameplay is very simple, with nothing especially complex or difficult to approach...but it relies a lot on reflex and skill, with a massive emphasis on mobility, anticipating enemy movements, rocketjumping and accuracy.

I shat it out in an hour. The server has been pretty much non-stop active since. Just about every day there's people coming in and lots of matches going down.

While a lot of /vr/ bros have already been interested in mapping (and several have already made their own maps), I figured I'd make this a post and ask how you felt about making this an official /vr/ community project and see if you guys would be interested in mapping.
What would be the difference between this and the other ill-fated attempts, you ask?
Well, for one, the gameplay is already solidified. There's not a whole lot of other things to mess with.
For two, we already have 18 maps in. That's, like, over half a megawad. The only question is filling out the rest of the slots.
And for three, making a map for this is stupendously simple. Hexen/UDMF format, massive room, a bit of geometry, instant death floor, DONE. It doesn't have to be complex or pretty--we've got simple maps, complicated maps, bare maps, decorated maps, small maps, big maps, of all kinds.

Would anyone be interested in coming along for the ride?

>> No.2059029

No none of my waifus need to be NTR'd by my other waifus

>> No.2059030
File: 58 KB, 588x423, Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>600+ map megawad
Is this even possible? What wad has the most number of maps?

>> No.2059035
File: 326 KB, 558x691, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1411334137448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carmac wills it.

>> No.2059036

That is the stupidest looking cyberdemon I've ever seen

>> No.2059037

Sure man, count me in
Any restrictions on the map we can make?

>> No.2059038

Mock 2 (41 maps)?

>> No.2059041
File: 42 KB, 588x470, CyberDemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2059046


>> No.2059053


Not him but what's so bad about joe-ilya's maps? I never played them before.

>> No.2059058
File: 627 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20141110_180214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not really in particular, aside from what I mentioned (massive room, instant-death floor).
Oh, tracker music is preferred, but if you can't find any songs or don't especially care, then I can whip up some music.

If you want to go super-ambitious with custom-textures and make something pretty as hell with a specific theme, go right ahead.
If you want to use like only one texture and slap together random shapes, go right ahead.
If you want to use 3D floors, go ahead. If you don't and want to stick to solid platforms, go ahead.

I guess probably the only major rule would be "don't make a goatse map or something like that".

>> No.2059059

there is a dwango compilation wad which has hundreds of maps in it.

>> No.2059060 [DELETED] 

go and play them and form your own opinion. a link has already been posted upthread.

>> No.2059062

go and play them and form your own opinion. a link has already been posted upthread.

edit: in fact you replied to the very post, which i failed to notice somehow.

>> No.2059067
File: 54 KB, 620x165, 0875274212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't make a goatse map

>> No.2059081


>> No.2059086

Sounds pretty good! Last thing I need to know : can we make our own hazards/monsters too?

>> No.2059089


>> No.2059093
File: 803 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20141110_183049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In one map there's Hitler portraits that shoot pushy fireballs at you, and in another map there's fire pillars that throw the player upwards combined with conveyer belts that throw them off into the floor.

>> No.2059096


>> No.2059097

Doomguy2k made a wad with 30k levels. It ducks and every level is a 64x64 box with an exit switch.

>> No.2059102

Holy shit!

>> No.2059106 [DELETED] 

They are good and only hated because design is simple. And gameplay is fun.

>> No.2059126

>and only hated because design is simple

write that again with a straight face

>> No.2059131
File: 516 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_mandinga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2059146

RIP Demonsteele

>> No.2059148

Oh fuck, some of the the fucking posts in that thread.
Do they not get that it's a joke? Please tell me it's a joke wad

>> No.2059153

Those look like vagina eyes.

>> No.2059162
File: 27 KB, 400x267, 876543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat fireball

>> No.2059164

Thanks for the suggestions. Had to run to class right after posting, and gotta run again now, but will check all those out.

>Is this even possible? What wad has the most number of maps?

Yeah, it's possible. The biggest challenge is going to be properly categorizing maps in terms of progression and the painstaking process of combining all the texture definitions together in a new textures lump to reduce filesize. Will have to see what will be done about music; there will probably be a with music and without music version so that you can either have the original music or use less filesize and just use it with something like Jimmy's Jukebox.

The goal at the end is to have a very very large compilation of high quality maps that you can do whatever you want with. Load it up and pistol start 20 random levels in a row, try out a new mod with 10 maps from 10 megawads that have a decently balanced progression, or play through a full megawad's worth of levels with DRLA and DRPG instead of something oblige spat out. If it's well liked it may be expanded to include even more levels.

>> No.2059168
File: 112 KB, 1627x784, Centurion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why in the world would I stop work on DemonSteele, anon?
Push took me an hour to do, give or take a few other minutes on days in order to polish up stuff people send me. It's not that in-depth.

>> No.2059173
File: 569 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Occult_Library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2059179

Because this is exactly how demonsteele started up again recently.

It didn't take that long to throw together because you were able to use that one weaboo's mod as a base. Then all work on breadnut ceased.

Or how when you started breadnut it quickly came together because you were able to use slightly modified tichycode for most of the weapons. Then all work on samsara holyhell ceased.

Or how when you started cyberrunner it quickly came together because you were able to use slightly modified tichycode from his jumpmaze work.

Mark my words, as soon as you get a git for pushmod, work on demonsteele will probably cease. It looks fun though, so that's a plus.

>> No.2059192

>none of these things have anything to do with ijon leaving the projects

I mean, one man can only do so much, and I know there's different people that excel at modding different parts of Doom. It's one of the reason Term needs mappers for stuff like Push and Cyberrunner(RIP). Part of the reason Cyberrunner didn't take off was because of the lack of maps for it, or else you're just playing Cyberrunner on the huge zDoomwars maps.

>> No.2059207
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>> No.2059210

I might be able to make a map, seems simple enough. Besides if I work non-stop on Hexen Combat Overhaul I'll burn out and leave it to gather dust ;-;

>> No.2059219

Uncensored? Please!

>> No.2059220

>no horns to put a wedding ring on
this had better be a rough sketch I swear to god

>> No.2059224


it's in the pk3 brah, just download it

>> No.2059232
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I can see where you're coming from, but let me clear a few things up.

Work on Breadnut ceased because it got a complete v1 release. Simple as that. People wanted custom maps and enemies, I recruited people to do exactly that, and nothing resulted of it. Besides, the only tichycode I nicked for the weapons is the Long Beam trail.
Work on Cyberrunner ceased because there was nothing to play it on aside from the maps we made, which were terrible. Not to mention the, uh, "goes so fast it breaks the renderer" problem.
Work on Samsara ceased because the codebase has simply become a hack-filled monstrous pile of nothing that's painful to work with--so many other people have stuck their finger in the metaphorical pie that I have no clue what the majority of the functions and scripts do. Add on to this that the updates were being ignored in favor of the add-ons, and I think it's probably for the best to put it on the burner if people are much happier playing an older version with their other characters.

If anything, I've learned a lot from these past experiences.
From Metrood, I've learned to release early and release often. After a v1 release, there's a big sense of "what now?"--not to mention people play it, people go through it, and then they're done. An unfinished build may be unfinished, but discussion continues--even just a simple "this would be cool in the future".

From both Cyberrunner and Metrood, I've learned never to plan for something you can't personally do yourself. This may sound cynical, but if someone offers to help there's generally only a slim chance that they'll do it. You usually can only rely on yourself, because you know what you can and can't do.
That doesn't mean to stop checking for interest, though! There's a lot of people with budding skills just waiting to be honed, and sometimes you have just the thing for them.

With Samsara, I learned, uh, never let anyone else code something you don't understand how it works.

>> No.2059237


>never let anyone else code something you don't understand how it works.

That's some damn good advice

>> No.2059245

I guess ijon doesn't believe in good documentation? (e.g. commenting basically every line of code with some sort of description)

>> No.2059250
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>> No.2059253


At the time, no, he didn't--though I think it was less a lack of belief and more a lack of need. It was a much simpler time with a firm divide, I'd handle simple stuff and he'd handle complex stuff.
Unfortunately as the complex stuff got more complicated and as the engines updated (Samsara's been around since the Skulltag days, so it's had a looooot of updates to tangle with), the need arose and things got less...uh...capable.

We're both much better now, of course, but you know what they say about hindsight.

>> No.2059262

>good documentation? (e.g. commenting basically every line of code with some sort of description)
jesus christ, people actually believe this

>> No.2059263

Don't be such a terrible cirklejerker. what a disgusting mentality to have.

>> No.2059267

Hell fucking yeah people believe it! Have you ever tried to trace spaghetti code? Not fucking fun.

>> No.2059290

So basically, if ijon tichy did it, it's beyond understanding now? Ancient secrets from the age of wonder now forever lost to modern man?

That sucks. Is he going to come back to work on future projects or is it now just gonna be terminusest13 only?

>> No.2059291

it's mostly true though. I can think of mayyybe 5 mods this isn't the case for.

>> No.2059293

>So basically, if ijon tichy did it, it's beyond understanding now?
essentially, yes
ijon was compared to carmack for a good reason for a long time
the dude's coding ability is fucking crazy

>> No.2059295

If the code is organized it should be easy to follow for anyone that knows that particular language.

Would you consider descriptive variable names to be a form of commenting? Cause that's much more intuitive and most people do that.

>> No.2059313

And there's not a single other person in the whole of the zandronum community that could understand it and help terminus? Isn't that Aenima guy (yeah avatar I know) supposed to be amazing at coding too? It'd only need to be done until it got to a completed state, then it could be done like how Russian Overkill is 100% finished.

Is the divide between ijon and everyone else ability based or knowledge based? Is there the future possibility of ijon passing on his knowledge and creating a bunch of little ijonlets to go code other mods or is it just nobody else has the raw brain power? They wouldn't even need to be as good as him to understand his code, since it's probably much harder to create code than to read it.

I'm sorry if I'm asking impossible shit or not grasping the situation. I've only ever mapped so I don't know the full extent of what goes into a mod.

>> No.2059319


>little explosions everywhere


>> No.2059325
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>> No.2059328

I consider extensive documentation necessary, no matter if the code is organized or not.

Yes, descriptive variables help, but puzzling out well organized code with no documentation does take time, especially if it's lengthy and complicated. If the code is unorganized and undocumented (spaghetti) the time and effort to understand it can easily triple, especially when the developer who wrote it originally is unreachable or unknown.

>> No.2059331
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>> No.2059337
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>> No.2059389

>Is there the future possibility of ijon passing on his knowledge and creating a bunch of little ijonlets

Considering ijon is retired from doom and has no desire to get back in, no.

>> No.2059407


>> No.2059421
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>> No.2059423
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>> No.2059472
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>> No.2059474

hey if you put like two thousand enemies together is an EPIK map right?

>> No.2059475

Is there a way to make the player deal more damage in every weapon he has? Including custom weapons as well

>> No.2059480


>> No.2059498
File: 117 KB, 340x363, euuuugggghhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GvH is still played every god damn day
>tfw noone's in the Ghouls World b9 server

>> No.2059575

maybe Oneshot though I dunno if you can adjust the damage multipliers freely in that.

>> No.2059582


Well one method is to make a dummy power up that gives the player an item. And then when you attack with the weapon, make a a_jumpifinventory check to jump to a powered up attack

>> No.2059598

Couldn't you just us a PowerDamage derivative?

>> No.2059623

okay so if I run doom through gzdoom the game opens on my primary monitor (because I changed it in the config file) but when I run brutal doom it keeps opening in the wrong monitor (running vanilla doom did this before I changed the config)

using vid_adapter doesn't work when I use brutal doom's console

what do

>> No.2059628

You report the issue to Mark.

>> No.2059664

Someone should make a doom mod that is an MMO with functioning raids and loot with mechanics for 25 players

>> No.2059692

Why so mad? The current GvH mod is fun.

>> No.2059710

I loved this map, good tribute to MAP02.

>> No.2059727

>v0.31 any moment now
>c'mon term, hurry up
every time

>> No.2059782


>> No.2059813
File: 584 KB, 1356x696, rustling retards reef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had an idea for a Push map: a reef in the middle of the sea. If you touch the water you drown, and sometimes flying fishes jump out and fuck with inattentive rocketjumpers. Here's the layout I've been working on. I still need to polish it, and I think it should be bigger so I'll be adding a third "section". But I got a few question first

>> No.2059818
File: 940 KB, 1353x693, rustling retards reef 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The sea is made of two layers: the blue (floor) and the white waves (3dfloor right above the first one) and both's textures scroll in different directions so the ocean look spiffy as fuck. However I can't seem to get the 3dfloor one to move when on top of the first one, even though I set it to -move slowly- on it's original sector. So, how can one make a 3dfloor's texture scroll?
-What's the max texture size allowed? I made my ocean textures 128x128 to be sure but it makes them look pixelated as fuck and ugly from afar.
-Any tips on how to make the map look more colorful or interesting? Make the scenery look better? Grey rocks aren't exactly the funniest thing to look at.

>> No.2059837

While we're discussing this someone tell me a few that are compatible with gzdoom without any texture glitches, and is actually beatable with or without cheats (preferably without having to use idfa 200 times).

>> No.2059838

>-Any tips on how to make the map look more colorful or interesting? Make the scenery look better? Grey rocks aren't exactly the funniest thing to look at.

Since you mentioned you wanted to add a third section, you could make that a small tropical island with a tree or something.

>> No.2059852

I was hesitating between that and the remnants of an old wrecked ship. That'll probably be a pain to model in the doom engine though, I'll probably just do a bank of sand.

I think I should also add a bunch of coral sprites everywhere, sticking out of the water and on rocks near the water. That should make it way more colorful! Gonna be a pain to sprite all that though

>> No.2059859


Damn, that looks pretty cool.

As for your first question:
http://zdoom.org/wiki/Scroll_Floor - You'll want this as your ACS.

As for your second question, I don't really mind as long as you don't go full WDI/retard with filesize. I guess for the sake of having a guideline, let's go 256x256 and expand it if we need.

As for your third question, how about some little crabs roaming around? Or perhaps some differently-colored rocks, like brown or white? Maybe a few clumps of dirt that washed onto the rocks? Some dead plants? Seashells? A few carcasses washing on shore?

>> No.2059865 [DELETED] 
File: 927 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20141111_010310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Push map.

>> No.2059869

That looks really cool.

>> No.2059879
File: 139 KB, 256x233, 1289478305369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some little crabs roaming around
Nigga that's kawaii
Also I like the idea of different colored rocks, I'm gonna go mess with photoshop and see how this turns out.

Thanks for the Scroll-Floor thing too!

Hot damn dude
I'm getting a Duke Nukem 3d vibe from this map, I dig it

>> No.2059889

that's just called masturbation sweetie

>> No.2059901
File: 1005 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20141111_012057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops some massive texture misalignments were fixed.

>> No.2059921


There's infinite ammo guns?

>> No.2059932


Well techically there is one weapon that has Infinite ammo and one that doesn't require ammo, but it takes health to 'reload' it.

>> No.2059967

you could've just deleted the file instead of the entire post.

>> No.2060034

Yeah, well, you know, that's just like your opinion, man.

I personally find WildWeasel's shit not all that hot.

>> No.2060048

it seems like every weapon mod assumes the player uses always-mouselook, and thus finds it acceptable to fuck around with turn and pitch, to simulate realistic recoil on firing. thus after firing a few shots you are facing backwards and pointing at the sky. i find this unplayable.

>> No.2060067

Any tips on how to create good looking dungeon themed maps?

>> No.2060083

I really like that Demonsteele has a cvar specifically to disable that, it was a nice bit of thought.

>> No.2060093

find one you like and copy bits of it. errrr, i mean, take inspiration from it, whilst adding your own ideas too.

http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=15220 was a pretty good torture chamber map, as i recall.

>> No.2060098

>Τηε Λεγενδ
This is like reading ebonics.

>> No.2060121

>Xaser's post

10/10 I laughed

>> No.2060195
File: 42 KB, 533x637, 80d70207e09c9f1323de6d7f1ec1f049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a sprite artist so I have to port all of heretics/hexen mobs

>> No.2060202
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>> No.2060229



>> No.2060267

Are you seriously playing keyboard only?

>> No.2060517
File: 5 KB, 140x190, 1392972946953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post from several locations.

Some others might too.

Sorry to burst thine bubble.

>> No.2060685

>Grey rocks aren't exactly the funniest thing to look at.
Give some of the rocks a different tint, like one cliff can be using textures tinted a bit yellow or brown, another could be tinted slightly red or purple, and one slightly blue. One could be a brighter gray, another a darker gray.

>> No.2060687
File: 466 KB, 1112x1033, 1335241325412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using mouselook
If you really insist on not using mouselook, you can comment out those recoil things in Decorate in one fucking minute.