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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2053468 No.2053468 [Reply] [Original]

Did not age well at all.

>> No.2053472

I felt it was more half-n-half. Half of the game aged great(relatively open, requires some thinking) and the other half didn't.(Dying dumps you back to main menu, AI is pretty lame).

>> No.2053476

I guess you can excuse the bad aspects by thinking of them as so bad it's good. I'm thinking dialogues mostly. And the way enemies will run around like complete idiots when they get hurt.

>> No.2053545

>age well

This phrase has absolutely no meaning in itself and generally reflects poorly on the intelligence of the people who use it.

>Dying dumps you back to main menu

As opposed to what? Just quickload and savescum your way through like every other PC FPS.

>> No.2054084

It always looked ugly as shit and was clunky to play, bro. I know because that was my reaction when I played it for the first time in 2003. It is still a fun game.

>> No.2054090

Thanks, /v/. Quality thread and post from a quality poster.

>> No.2054091

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.2054103

>This phrase has absolutely no meaning in itself and generally reflects poorly on the intelligence of the people who use it.
It refers to how relevant the game's design is today. This isn't difficult to understand, so of course autists take it literally and shit up threads with their "GAMES DON'T LITERALLY AGE" idiocy.

>> No.2054108

I wonder if my Windows tablet can play this game.

>> No.2054115
File: 72 KB, 516x550, 1268967844386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought Deus Ex on Steam months ago, i just can't enjoy it no matter how hard i try

>> No.2054118

Deus Ex is legitimately the most overrated game ever. Lower your expectations by about 50%, and you'll probably have some fun. It is a long game with a cool story and lots of build options.


It was ugly and dated looking when it was new.

>> No.2054135

>It was ugly and dated looking when it was new.

It looks like an N64 game if it had high-resolution textures. Everything appears kind of blocky.

PS2 games looked better after a spell.

>> No.2054137

Needs better graphics, voice-acting, and enough time and funding for the inclusion of the left-out story routes. Still quite enjoyable as is though.

>> No.2054140

>Deus Ex is legitimately the most overrated game ever
Agreed. I always hated it. Such a pile of shit.

>> No.2054175

>It refers to how relevant the game's design is today.

This doesn't mean anything either. Relevant to what? How would that have any impact the original content? Games don't just not age, they don't change at all by themselves, and whatever sucks about Deus Ex sucked in 2000, too. Are you or the OP capable of any criticism that isn't just some contentless, hand-wavey abbreviation of "it got old and therefore less good"? We happen to enjoy old games all the time here.

>> No.2054202

you shouldn't be allowed to have opinions

>> No.2054212

It's not even retro, but go fuck yourself anyways.

>> No.2054215

The PC is a pre-1999 platform.

>> No.2054225

Deus Ex was released 2000.

>> No.2054228

And in line with the rules, the PC is a platform launched in 1999 or earlier.

>> No.2054230


>> No.2054234


you can accept a game didnt age well and enjoy it anyways.

>it got old and therefore less good

it isnt that, but you have to face the fact who people who grew/get used to newer games tend to find more flaws in older games.

For example if you played Postal 2 and then try to play the first one you wouldnt able to play it more than 10 mins without wishing it was like the second one. But if you played Postal 1 first you would enjoy both. Same with Age of Empires. I always play 2, but when i play the first one i wish i wasnt rebuilding my farms manually or sending villagers to cut trees one by one.

My point is games that age well dont have this problem. In 50 years more any person can grab SMW or Metal slug and enjoy it. But that doesnt mean Deus Ex or GTA 1-2 are bad games because they are a bit cluncky.

>> No.2054241

Those aren't the rules newfriend.

Computer games have a hard cutoff of December 31st, 1999. If not we could talk about modern Call of Booty games.

>> No.2054242

Everything is right, except that Postal 1 is better than 2 because it was way too try hard to be edgy.

>> No.2054247


i was pointing just to the gameplay. Of course Postal 1 has a history more interesting than the second one.

>> No.2054248

The rules are at the top of the board and in the rules page itself. There is no special cutoff.

By the way, what's everyone's favorite WoW expansion pack?

>> No.2054292

i agree and system shock 2 also sucks

>> No.2054309

All I know is you can't do shit like this in a more "modernized" game like Human Revolution

>> No.2054338 [DELETED] 

>Release date June 26, 2000
And also a pretty shitty thread that doesn't bring anything constructive to the table. Mods, please delete it.

>> No.2054364

It wasn't great when it came out either.

It was a one of the first games to mix fps, rpg and stealth
but each part is pretty mediocre on it's own.

Also it's freedom of choice is vastly exaggerated.

>> No.2054375

Man, /vr/ was so great in the early days,
but then these fags started showing up.

>> No.2054380

>hand-wavey abbreviation of "it got old and therefore less good"?
By definition, aging well is not hand wavey it god old therefore less good. Because a game CAN age well.

>> No.2054383

Like Homeworld. Fifteen years on and it's still amazingly good.

>> No.2054385
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>People who can't differentiate between "i don't like it" and "it's shit"

Funny, because bringing up a non-retro game would've gotten you BTFO when the board was new.

It was only when it started getting overrun with petulant manchildren who can't handle being without a hugbox that we couldn't start pointing out that sort of stuff.

>> No.2054386

Well games can age well. Deus Ex isn't one of them. It was in rough shape even for it's time.

>> No.2054389


Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.2054402


Why are people complaining about the voice acting? It's perfect. I love the voices and the dialogue.

Only the NPCs from Paris and Hong Kong are terrible, because it's white people putting on terrible accents. But even then it's funny.

>> No.2054403


/vr/ is over moderated, and the rules are too strictly enforced. /vr/ should be like /m/. "Mecha" is used pretty broadly, and they talk about whatever they want to.

>> No.2054406


>> No.2054413

Please, show me the posts from the tank or exosuit boards that spills over into /m/echa. By all means, there is a place to discuss non retro games. If anything it's not regulated enough. There's a board for video games that can be discussed in general. Also, letting in /v/ crap will bring more of the /v/ community over here which will shit up the board even more.

>> No.2054417

This game did get a PS2 port that had a slight graphic upgrade in exchange for watered down mechanics. Whether or not it's /vr/ is arguable, but I usually like to associate it with System Shock 2.

>> No.2054426

God, there is nothing worse than when one board breaks off from another and the original board becomes the big bad bogeyman every dipshit loser who takes anime imageboards too seriously accuses others of being from like it's a dirty shameful secret when they were all from that board to begin with. It's also like that on every 4chan knockoff, except it's the whole site

>How DARE you talk about this 14 year old game on a retro games imageboard! Don't you know this game came out ENTIRE MONTHS after 1999? Only a complete FOOL from /v/ would make such a shitpost! SHITPOSTER! I bet you're from /v/ AREN'T YOU? I've seen through your deceitful ways you /V/ SHITPOSTER! BACK TO /V/ WITH YOU!

>> No.2054432

>Relevant to what?
Modern design conventions. With time, game mechanics are refined, graphics improve, etc. Games that are released when a design feature is still being figured out age poorly because the industry passes them by. Generally, for a game to age well, either it must establish a standard or follow the lead of a game that did. Still, sometimes even established design features fall out of favour, and then a game can age poorly because 'what the fuck, we don't make games like that anymore'. Adventure games with text-input, for example, are incredibly dated, even though text is superior to point-and-click in a host of ways. It's all about knowing where the wind is blowing.

>> No.2054456

There were some good voices (like Walton Simons and JC/Paul), but it's the endless samefagging (female characters, Manderley/Jock/Tong) that makes it sometimes hard to take seriously.

>> No.2054590

you're not supposed to take it seriously. It's a campy fun game about every crazy conspiracy happening at once.

>> No.2054595


>> No.2054598

There's a pretty good mod pack at www.moddb.com/mods/new-vision that vastly improves the textures and allows for other options such as rendering and resolution.

>> No.2054640

I actually played it once and enjoyed but that's it, I don't feel to reinstall it and play it again every time someone mentions it

Bloodlines on the other hand

>> No.2054658


Warren Specter said he really wanted to port back the upgrades to the engine that were done for the PS2 version back to the PC version. Maybe that would have also meant porting over the models. I don't know. His superiors said no to the idea though.

No clue why modders haven't done it.

>> No.2054671

Deus Ex isn't isn't /vr/.

>> No.2054725



I just love the voices and the dialogue in the game. Something about the pace of how they talk.

The main characters have nice voices, but the NPCs (NSF and UNATCO soldiers) are pretty goofy. Love them.

>> No.2054771


Faith in modern gaming restored.

>> No.2054775


>slight graphic upgrade.
I've played the game. There is no graphical upgrade, it looks worse. Even before considering that it's only 480i.
Faces look a bit better though.

>> No.2054779 [DELETED] 
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>x isn't isn't /vr/.
metatrolling galore.

>> No.2054809




My favorite character was the lesbian versalife employee in the hong kong bar

or the drunk russians

that game is hilarious

>> No.2054816
File: 182 KB, 634x941, hail hydra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deus Ex is a masterpiece and it's all I can do to chuckle at people who don't like it. Genuine plebs - the people who don't like Deus Ex are the same people who will tell you "reading is for faggots" and ask you when you show up to work if you "caught last night's game" or "did you see that latest Transformers movie!? Fucking awesome!"

I just don't understand - the game isn't catered to you, so why play it and then complain about it?

>> No.2054817

No argument there, System Shock 1 was a much better game. Levine has always been a hack who hates the medium he's stuck in.

>> No.2055004

>deus ex is only for mature, highly intellectual people such as me

>> No.2055008

How does "I hate System Shock 2" turn into "I love System Shock 1?"

>> No.2055013

People who hate System Shock 2 usually like 1 better. I'm one of these people.

>> No.2055017

>hurr durr
Why bother with deus ex when I can just go out and read and watch the media it shamelessly tears its content from? You're like some retard celebrating that he's eating shit that was once a fine meal.
Really it just shows how much of a bad game it is since nobody talks about the gameplay and just circlejerks about "muh deep story". Shits as bad as bioshock infinite.

>> No.2055020


we are complaining about the mechanics and the gameplay. The story is excellent. Go be a snob on /lit/, faggot.

>> No.2055105

/v/ leaked.
Ho well...

>> No.2055117

>/v/ leaked
Nah you're just a retard. /v/ loves this game.

>> No.2055150

The problem is that what is and isn't retro isn't clear at all, not matter what arbitrary bullshit cutoff date the sticky tries to force on us.

So a pc game from 2000 isn't retro but if I make a game for the Snes today it is?

>> No.2055163

I didn't ask for this.

>> No.2055181

Yeah man, tough shit. It's not aimed at the lowest common denominator.

>> No.2055192

Ah yes, it's only aimed at the smartest anime imageboard users, got it.

>> No.2055196


>> No.2056061

I hate Levine as much as the next guy but SS2 is a good game.
Although it's hugely flawed and not as good as SS1.
SS2 done right would be excellent.
Hopefully Arkane's SS2 successor will at least fix the combat related problems(I can't see them fixing the RPG mechanics and I would imagine they'll just remove them instead)

>> No.2056076

>It was ugly and dated looking when it was new.
Examples of games that looked significantly better?

>> No.2056079

Games don't age, anon. The same game doesn't gradually get worse over time, instead you look back and realize how awful it was in retrospect.

That's what happens when you feed into the hype. It's fine to get recommendations from hardcore fans of a game/series, but disregard their opinion when they begin sucking its dick, and be sure to judge the game on your own expectations instead of someone else's.

>> No.2056094

Deus Ex is my favourite game of all-time, but even I have to admit it went over my head the first time I played it.

Treat it like a stealth game, play it slowly, explore everything and become engrossed in its story then you will learn to love it too.

It's also one of a small handful of games where you keep discovering new things in the 3rd, 4th, 5th.. playthrough. Truly a masterpiece.

>> No.2056136

Shenmue and Code: Veronica both came out the same year, but those were Dreamcast games.

>> No.2056597
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this thread is so pleb it hurts

>> No.2056628 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 426x756, 1272490356397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't say i didn't deserve it, maybe i will give it another try someday , i can't get my money back anyway


I remember when i was also interested in System Shock 2, but, i didn't want to make the same mistake again, i watched some gameplay videos, and, to say the least, the game looks boring, i should have done the same for Deus Ex

>> No.2056631
File: 85 KB, 426x756, 1272490356397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't say i didn't deserve it, maybe i will give it another try someday , i can't get my money back anyway


I remember when i was also interested in System Shock 2, but, i didn't want to make the same mistake again, i watched some gameplay videos, and, to say the least, the game looks boring, i should have done the same for Deus Ex

>> No.2056659
File: 202 KB, 268x320, 1397941192045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on /vr/ who cannot enjoy Deus Ex

>> No.2056671

Funnily enough they certainly have no love for AC either, which is another masterpiece.

>> No.2056673

armored core?

>> No.2056681

The only people who think that AC is not a masterpiece must hate 4X games in general.

>> No.2056748
File: 156 KB, 800x800, 645874523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056764

it was shit at the time as well.

It would've been better on the Dark engine.

>> No.2056767

I thought you meant Armored Core and Animal Crossing.

Which are also games on the "If you don't like this, I'm reporting you to Interpol" list.

>> No.2056872

since when? they even shit on FO2 because it's "2D and turn-based is for grandpas"!

>> No.2056879

You haven't seen the threads that go on for hours where it's nothing but people saying they like Deus Ex and keep referencing it?

>> No.2056904

>durr hurr
It's a more than a decade old game where the story is a big part, of course the story will be more discussed than the gameplay at this point.
The same is true for most games unless there's a new player asking questions.

If you have some childish grudge against the game for not living up to some arbitrary standard of yours that's fine, but desperately trying to pass it off as shit because of that is just sad.

>> No.2056906

I'm not a huge fan of DE story-wise -- I don't really pay much attention to story, anyway; sue me -- but, it had some fantastic level-design.

>> No.2056912

I think he's more angry at people making it out to be the greatest story ever told.

>> No.2056914

I played this a couple of years ago, it didn't quite live up to the hype, but I enjoyed it.

>> No.2056991

>did not age well
Why contain it? Let it spill over the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end they'll beg us to save them.

>> No.2057047


It's cool

>> No.2057061

>greatest story ever told.
Whelp if they'd actually played System Shock 2 they'd complain about the exact same bullshit. Fortunately there was Babbyshock so at least SS2 won't get shit threads like this.

>> No.2057075

I played it the first time in 2011. Was great and sounded excellent.

>> No.2057143

What a shame

>> No.2057156

i agree its a shit game like system shock 2

>> No.2057160

Take this shit to /v/, I'm sure they will shitpost some fresh hot memes over there for you.

>> No.2057258

>Treat it like a stealth game, play it slowly, explore everything and become engrossed in its story then you will learn to love it too.
That would work if the story was engrossing and the stealth wasn't awful.

>> No.2057283 [DELETED] 

>So a pc game from 2000 isn't retro but if I make a game for the Snes today it is?

Except it's not. Because here we solved Sorites paradox with the simplest method, group consensus. Which group, the administration. So while you may not like the definition on /v/ it's the rule of law that defines what is and isn't retro.

By all means try to convince moot or the moderators to give a shit about supervaluationism, hysteris, fuzzy logic, and so fourth. You're unlikely to succeed in that endeavor and should you prevail you may be displeased with the result as it's high likely that many of the properties of Deus Ex end putting it outside the retro pile after you do so.

So I'd suggest a resolve in which endeavors which relieve your pygalgia.

>> No.2057287

>So a pc game from 2000 isn't retro but if I make a game for the Snes today it is?

Except it's not. Because here we solved Sorites paradox with the simplest method, group consensus. Which group, the administration. So while you may not like the definition on /v/ it's the rule of law that defines what is and isn't retro.

By all means try to convince moot or the moderators to give a shit about supervaluationism, hysteris, fuzzy logic, and so fourth. You're unlikely to succeed in that endeavor and should you prevail you may be displeased with the result as it's high likely that many of the properties of Deus Ex end putting it outside the retro pile after you do so.

So I'd suggest a resolve which endeavors such relieve to your pygalgia.

>> No.2057478

>trolling this hard

>> No.2057492

The rules state that it's for platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. I'd say that includes all Windows 9x games, of which Deus Ex is a part of.

>> No.2057673

Deus Ex's stealth is mediocre at best.

>> No.2057676

To be fair FO 1&2 have bad TB combat.

>> No.2057679

Level design is probably Deus Ex's biggest strength; gameplay wise it's mediocre at best.

>> No.2057686

Not that guy but SS2 has huge flaws(average at best gameplay,poor system design and balancing,the Rickenbacker segment) .I can see someone getting angry at it because of all the praise it gets.

>> No.2057804

Ehhh, I can acknowledge a preference (especially for Shenmue which looked/looks amazing), but third person action games get an automatic advantage in that the further perspective gives an automatic texture resolution/blockiness bonus. Not really a direct comparison.

>> No.2057992

Well I can't help it if you've got shit taste. Consider a new hobby.

>> No.2058035

I played Deus Ex for the first time in 2008 and I thought it was more fun, more immersive, and more intuitive than anything new at the time.

>> No.2058047

>implying im trolling
>implying you feel trolled
2 ez xD