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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2029909 No.2029909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What controllers are best for retro gaming on the PC? Is pic-related any good?

>> No.2029940

dualshock 4 is best. download ds4tool, then just set the buttons you want in the emulator it reads it manually. You can also keyboard mapwith it.

also the touchpad works as a mouse!

>> No.2029953

The pro controller is very good, but you'll need an adapter. I don't think there are any drivers for it yet. The d-pad is great, and the 80 hours of battery life per charge is untouchable.

>> No.2029965

get some mayflash converters and actually use the real controllers

anything else just feels weird

>> No.2029967
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>DS4 d-pad
>"best for retro gaming"

The best retro controller for a PC is the controller that was meant for the console with a mayflash adapter.

Wii classic controller with an adapter is the best if you want an all in one solution. I prefer the original classic controller but a lot of people like the Wii Pro controller better because of the handles. (NOT the Wii U controller)

>> No.2029973

For older games which look for the gamepad via Windows just get a Dualshock 2-to-USB adapter.
For games which absolutely require a gameport you can probably grab one of those megadrive controller clones which plug into the gameport.
For best support, just get an old gameport MS Sidewinder. It has preset settings in almost all Win9k games.

>> No.2030034

I have one with handles, excellent purchase. Sync via Bluetooth on android and play it on my tablet with a keyboard dock so I don't gotta balance a screen anywhere

>> No.2030767

Good luck playing comfy Nintendo 64.

>> No.2030773

The Wii-U's Pro Controller is fantastic.

I played about a 100 hours of Monster Hunter until I had to recharge it for the first time. And it's very comfy.

It feels cheap at first but you get used to it.

>> No.2030774

I've have almost fourteen pieces of controlles in my hands, how do u aply on that?

>> No.2030776 [DELETED] 

the answer is any controller you like.

how fucking stupid do you have to be to ask this question? only you know what you're looking for, dumb shit, and if you don't just stop playing games because you're pathetic.

>> No.2030791

There are wireless drivers for it, you need a bluetooth dongle though. Look up wiinupro

>> No.2030907

But is there any input lag with an adapter?

>> No.2030912

Is OP supposed to buy every single kind of controller to find out which one he prefers? He doesn't necessarily know which controller has what he is looking for. He is asking a completely legitimate question.

>> No.2030934

that's not how it works. if op specified what he wants in a controller because he doesn't know which of them has that option, fine.

to ask a stupid fucking question like in the op is cancer and can go back to /v/ or wherever the fuck. you can go too.

>> No.2030971

Your first statment is true.

But fuck man, have you actually played retro games with a dualshock 4? It works extremely fucking well. Much better than Dualshock 3 (not nearly as hard to press down), corners are easy to activate (unlike the Xbox 360 controller), triggers are analog (unlike Wii U or Pro Controller), and it's more comfortable than anything that's not a 360 or Xbox One controller. Also built in battery and wireless that works on every windows and linux machine, unlike 360 (requires special dongle and batteries/rechargable battery) or Xbox One (wired only on PC).

Nintendo is the only company with a truly competing dpad on a reasonably priced controller, but the lack of analog dpad on the Pro and Wii U controller, or the requirement of using a mayflash adapter or Wii remote to connect to my PC is annoying.

Also the DS4Tool lets me use my DS4 as a normal Xbox 360 controller plus a mouse with the thouchpad. Literally nothing can beat is unless you have a bunch of old controllers and mayflash adapters for all of them.

>> No.2031103

>asking for controller suggestions on a video game board

Why you so mad for?

Anyway, I think I'll try out the Wii U one. I just kind of want a jack of all trades that I can use with games from any console. And I can use it with my Wii U if I want.

>> No.2031469

What is the best wired controller for retro console PC? Not the original controllers for the systems.

>> No.2031496


Why does it need to be wired? For playing Mario at 144hz?

>> No.2031497

I play my retro vidya with a DS3 and ScpServer drivers, and I find it to be a very good alternative as well if you don't have DS4.

DS in general is just a comfy as fuck controller, retro vidya or not.

>> No.2031529

I love the Wii U pro for VC games. It is like the perfect child of a SNES pad and a 360 controller.

>> No.2031537

If you play retro games on a desktop PC, you don't need wireless because the PC is right there, you would only need wireless if you play on a couch and TV, and you wouldn't have to worry about battery life.

>> No.2031551


I usually use a DS4, if you want it to be wired you just leave the usb cable in

You can get a Type A Male to Micro USB Male (DS4 cable, same as most smartphones, kindle, etc) for a couple bux

>> No.2031552

PROTIP: If it's a white controller then it's good

>> No.2031559

so one of the worst possible controllers for old games is good for old games?

>> No.2031565
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>> No.2031595

PSP with Fusa Gamepad.

>> No.2031636

I feel this way too. It's weird to me that the Pro and Game Pad controllers don't have analog triggers while the GameCube and Classic Pro controllers did, though. On one hand, I can't think of any games that really need analog triggers since most of the time you're pulling them all the way down anyway, but it just seems like an odd step back. Otherwise the buttons, d-pad, sticks, and shape feel great.

>> No.2031637

are you kidding? just map the dpad to the analog stick and youre good to go

>> No.2031642


>360 analog stick
>using an analog stick as a dpad


>> No.2031645
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>> No.2031646
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right and I suppose that measn this was shit too

>> No.2031649

it probably is

>> No.2031650

>>360 analog stick

Uh, the 360's analog stick is great.

>> No.2031654


If you play nothing but shitty FPS I guess

>> No.2031657

worse than ps by a mile

>> No.2031659

Majority of the time, I use the 360 for emulating 3D titles.

>> No.2031660

If you're talking dpad, sure.

360 analog is more comfortable and has a better position on the controller.

>> No.2031662

360 analog is way better ergonomically, but I can't tell you how many I've went through because of how easy the analog gets screwed up. PS is a lot smoother and more reliable.

>> No.2031664


No, the asymmetrical analog sticks are literally made for FPS. They're shit for everything else.

The 360 controller is literally (literally) made for FPSkiddies.

>> No.2031667

>They're shit for everything else.


Explain what's shitty about them in, say, a 3D platformer.

>> No.2031669
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N64 analog is best analog.

>> No.2031671


Because they're not made for platformers. There's a reason why people who aren't codkiddies prefer the DS4 or Pro Controller

>> No.2031672

>Because they're not made for platformers.


You aren't explaining why it's worse other than "Well because." which really isn't a (good) reason at all. Make a substantial post. What about the controller design makes it unfit? "It wasn't made for it" is a silly argument. The mouse wasn't created for RTS and FPS, but it does a damn good job of being used for both of those.

>> No.2031679


>why isn't a flight stick good for driving
>because it's made for a different genre
>i refuse

Seriously fucking what?

>> No.2031683

360 controller isn't any more or less suited for retro games than a playstation one is. it's just shittier in build quality. period.

>> No.2031684

Those are false equivalences, and if they weren't, they don't attempt to answer my question at why the 360 pad is bad for 3D platformers, which you still haven't given me an answer for.

I don't know if you're stupid or shitposting, but have fun spending the rest of your night like this. Later.

>> No.2031686

excluding the dpads obviously since we're talking about analog sticks specifically

on the whole obviously PS is better

>> No.2031694

>on the whole obviously PS is better

Well that's just your opinion, really.

>> No.2031697



>> No.2031701 [DELETED] 

Can I see your scientific studies that prove that one controller is objectively better than the other.

I'm going to head off to bed because you don't have any.

>> No.2031704

the dpad is better on the PS than on the 360. Everything else is about the same. This alone makes the PS controller better by default.

>> No.2031706

Do you know what a scientific study is little boy

>> No.2031707

To be honest it doesn't fucking matter.

>buttons of some sort

you're good

>> No.2031708

sorry buddy but I'm pretty sure nobody has ever done a scientific study on "what controller is better." Asking for something you know you can't get is for babbies