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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 70 KB, 621x254, Final_Fantasy_Tactics_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2026771 No.2026771 [Reply] [Original]

Post your ultimate comfy game.

>> No.2026781

ravness was better

>> No.2026785


Better than agrias? I agree.

>> No.2026789

Settlers III

it was one of my most beloved RTS games and it was super colorful and comfy. I want to play ot again so bad but I can't find a download anywhere and apparently it has problems running on anything post win2000. Feels super bad man.

Also yoshi's island is ultimate comfy

>> No.2026793

>early game spear user
Don't make me laugh like that.

>> No.2026816
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Maybe "comfy" is the wrong word but it's a game I have a bit of a history with. Used to play it with my dad and sister, they're not much into video games nowadays so this is pretty much the only thing they'll play.

>> No.2026819


>implying I care about their in-game abilities

Do you have autism or something? I meant she was sexy as hell.

>> No.2026845

>sperging out over which sprite is sexier
>calls other poster autistic

Damn it /v/, stay in your own board.

>> No.2026849

Dungeon Keeper is so comfy.

>> No.2026905
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Vandal Hearts.

>> No.2026908

I'm going to go with FF:Tactics too. I don't think I've ever sunk as much time into a console game as that one. Trying to master every job on every character (including Rad, Lavian and Alicia) then the deleveling/leveling scheme to max out stats.

Hell, I might just go play it again now.

>> No.2026928

I just started the game.

Any early-game tips? I heard it's possible to fuck up permanently and having to restart by not being prepared for the solo fight against Wiegraf.

Also Archers and White Mages are fucking shit and do incredibly little damage/healing. Should I change their jobs or stick with them?

>> No.2026953 [DELETED] 

why dont ppl undersor modern computingtand 4chan is the cox f

>> No.2026959

I'd just say keep a backup save so you won't get stuck in one place.

I'm not the best of tactics, so if you don't find a use for archers don't force it, they are good with range and shoot the further the higher they are.

White mages healing ability is linked a lot to their faith stat and zodiaz compatibility, so if your WM has poor zodiac compatibilty with you main character (or a lot of others) the healing ability will suffer a lot. You can bring up a hand cursor in status screen to check the zodiac compatibilities whenever, so you don't have to memorize them.

Hope this helped even a little bit.

>> No.2026972

Grind. Fighting is fun in this game, so you shouldn't feel bored.
Get everyone the 'Gained JP UP' skill, it's incredibly useful.
Get Ramza 'Auto Potion'. You will thank me for this once you have to face some bosses.
Look up a Job tree on the net, see what classes you're interested in.
Like >>2026959 said, have a backup save. Hell, I always had 4-5 for this game. You never know what might happen.

>> No.2027318

Some tips for you.

Bravery affects a few things in the game. The likelihood of your reaction abilities (might just be Counter-Tackle or Auto-Potion at this point for you) triggering. Also, if you have Move-Find Item, an ability that lets you discover items on the battlefield (sometimes even rare or unique items!) the lower your Bravery, the better the chance. However, at a certain point, NPCs may leave quit your whole team if their permanent Bravery gets too low! So practice raising and lowering it permanently carefully.

Faith operates in a similar manner. The higher your Faith, the more damage / healing your spells do... and the more they do to you. So, if you lower your Faith to a 0 in a fight, you're now immune to magic. But that includes things like Cure or Raise. Playing with that stat is as fun, or even more fun than playing with Bravery, because you can make magic-immune juggernauts, or super mages.

Like Bravery though, taken to extremes, Faith may make your teammates abandon you. Play carefully.

Oh. And if you don't know how to change those numbers, there's a handful of ways, but the mainstay is using the Mediator class (Chemist > White Mage > Oracle > Mediator). They can raise and lower stats with their abilities.

>> No.2027420

Who the fuck is Ravness

>> No.2027424


A unit with too high of a faith stat will leave your party just like a unit with too low of a Brave stat.

>> No.2027437

People have beaten FFT with nothing but magic-less calculators.

The best advice I can give is to just have fun and mess around, and try not to ignore the optional jobs from the bars that you can send allies on from chapter 2 onwards, they're a fun way to grind little chunks of JP without actually having to do very much. Not that you'll particularly miss anything if you don't do them.

>> No.2027526
File: 5 KB, 91x108, Worker 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worker 8 was probably my favorite optional character. Most of the humanoid characters were either too strong (Orlandu, Agrias, etc) or too weak (Rafa, Malak, Cloud [even with Short Charge, meh]). But Worker 8 was just plain fun to use. Especially as a mobile platform to reach higher areas.

>> No.2027531

As an addendum to this, Brave is something you probably want to max out on everyone, save one person on item finding duty.
95% chance of R abilities triggering is just too good to pass up.

>> No.2027532

>doesn't know how overpowered Malak is

Personally I always liked filling my parties with Generics and Monsters.

>> No.2027543

If you got some advice for Malak, I'm all ears.

>> No.2027580

Malak isn't overpowered at all.
He can be a decent character if you take the time to lower his faith and buff the shit out of his brave he can be decent, but we're talking about tactics, where you can literally have guys that are basically invincible one shotting multiple people at a time WHILE multi-turning them.

Malak and Rafa's heaven/hell skill has the potential to hit like 8 or 9 times, and if you get lucky you can hit a single title in the cross that many times and kill Altima in a single turn. The liklihood of that happening is basically zero

>> No.2027620

FFIX, and just IX. The atmosphere just grabs me and exudes comfy.

I get the same thing from Pokemon and Wild Arms.

>> No.2027634

Probably final fantasy tactics as well, so many games in my log that I need to play yet I always end up beating it again. Just way too much fun to use a team of generics, name em up as my bros and go on a great journey. So much extra content too, and it's an easy game.

>> No.2027648

That's essentially what I figured. Malak's potential to be great is the same as any other generic NPC. It's his Hell Knight abilities that are perpetually meh. Even if you design him to maximize their strength, they'll never be remotely in the same realm of the top tier NPCs.

Hell, they're not even mid-tier with Mustadio or Reis.

>> No.2027686
File: 46 KB, 447x373, SaGa-Frontier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2027702
File: 85 KB, 600x952, 20090712174928Resident_Evil_1_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2027716
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Planescape: torment.

>> No.2027718

>So much extra content too, and it's an easy game
It's not if you don't grind.

>> No.2027727

I've only used generics, and I don't do unnecessary battles. I usually never get to crazy levels and don't do every side quest in a single go through. I've beaten the game at relatively low levels.

>> No.2027756
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>> No.2027782

It's all comfy until you make a stupid, simple, yet critical mistake that flushes the entire hard fought battle down the drain, or buddy crystalizes because you dropped the ball.

Then it is rage and shame.

>> No.2027792
File: 131 KB, 323x308, NTSC_Resident_Evil_2_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're mah bro, bro.

This is my comfy RE game.

>> No.2028027

>Doesn't know that Reis is the best character
pls, stahp

>> No.2028556

Pokemon Gold Version, the second game I ever owned after Rugrats in Paris for the GBC.

>> No.2028639

In the psp version my favorite is what's her face. Orlandu has all her break skills but now that they work on everyone but people with Item-protection she's a lot better. I have to emulate it though because fuck the forced lag.

>> No.2028662


>what's her face


>> No.2028681

Yeah. It's been awhile since I played it but her skills were my favorite but the inability to use them on anything but Human units was terrible.

>> No.2029171
File: 150 KB, 640x640, 1314172571624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2029175

Ultimate comfy. Every time I play this I'm 10 years old again.


>> No.2029194

Easy mode?

Ramza on his own can clear the game through an oversight that allows the players to indefinitely buff their speed and attack strength. Otherwise, work on getting at least one Ninja and Monk. Ninjas can dual-wield weapons, and Monks have incredibly busted attack strength without weapons. Put the two together, and you have an unbeatable double-attacking buttfuck unit that can kill anything before it blinks, especially if you choose to do this with Ramza.

For fun, I build up units from scratch and give them the names of my OC. You have to diceroll for gender at the pubs, but personalized units are the raddest fucking shit in this game and I'm disappointed that later installments didn't allow this. Mage crosstrained as a Monk, Archer crosstrained as a Red Mage, Dual Wielding Monk, Dragoon.

>> No.2029220

There are more interesting combinations.

Like a Ninja with Jump and Equip Spear, a Wizard with Draw Out, a Dancer with Sunken State, an Archer with Battle Skill and Concentrate, having a character with very high HP cast Golem, give a Wizard Summon and Short Charge, equip your entire team with Chameleon Robes and Calculate CT5 Holy.

>> No.2029496
File: 161 KB, 512x448, new-horizons-20090406094411731_640w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comfy

Especially playing as Pietro Conti

>> No.2029757

you know what, they're all the best character

>> No.2029807
File: 83 KB, 320x240, SCUS_942.21_26102014_090733_0778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Final Fantasy Tactics, has anyone heard of the Arena mod? It sets up the game so that you can set up teams of 4 AI controlled characters to fight against other teams of AIs.

>> No.2029923

Don't forget to recruit Cloud. He's a got a cool little side story and he seems more confused and apathetic than a sad emo faggot like in every other game (other than the original FF7)

>> No.2029924

Shining Force.

Hell, I think most SRPGs are just comfy games, especially in the winter.

>> No.2029934
File: 85 KB, 395x279, Pilotwings_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy with a side of incomprehensible rage.

>> No.2030317

Sorry bro, but I just can't get into this as much as Romancing Saga 3 or SF2.

I think the unfinished-ness and the translation did it. Dat battle system though.

>> No.2030391
File: 138 KB, 1024x639, dagfall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFT is a good choice, its one of those games I find myself going through at least once or twice a year. For me my ultimate comfy game is Daggerfall, even with the mandatory Bethesda glitches. I love the ridiculously huge open world and the labyrinth style dungeons. Also it was the first game I played that let you run around as a naked chick, so its got special a special place in my heart (and my pants).

>> No.2030674
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brave fencer musashi

>> No.2030694
File: 204 KB, 500x347, Breathoffire2_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can probably play this game in my sleep from playing it through so much. But it is my go to comfy game

>> No.2031220

aw yisssss. If I am not mistaken, this came bundled with Encarta 95? I sunk many an hour as a young lad under the foolish notion that there MUST be an end to it at some point.

>> No.2031325
File: 375 KB, 1600x986, FinalFantasyVI_SuperFami_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2031350
File: 107 KB, 413x700, Lunar - Eternal Blue (U) (Front).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever I need to remind myself why I like JRPGS (which is sadly far too often) I pop in the Lunars or Grandia

>> No.2031483

...but there is.

Not that it's anything interesting

>> No.2031484
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>> No.2031492
File: 45 KB, 512x480, SLUS_006.26_29032013_120839_0356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tales of Destiny is still among my favorite comfy games

really cozy soundtrack


dat snowy town really makes me want to curl up with some coco and Rutee is mai waifu

>> No.2031510

that color palette

>> No.2031960
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>Better than agrias? I agree.

>> No.2031967

Chrono Cross and Vagrant Story, depending on my mood.

>> No.2031970

Holy shit, really?

Next you'll be telling me Rampage has an ending.

>> No.2031983

This nigga

Ultimate comfiness in Koorong, I can listen to this song all day on loop, do cozy stuff and feel good.

>> No.2032139

Im going with X-Com Ufo Defense, the PC Version (now playing it with Open X-Com).

Especially once you develop the laser weapons that have infinite ammo and you can just blast away through buildings and find the aliens without manually searching through them. Fuck civilians, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

>> No.2032290

Ultimate fucking comfy. Dat down, dem comfy graphics.

>> No.2032295

Ah, my bro.
Lunar, Grandia and Skies of Arcadia have to be the holy trinity of "feel good" JRPGs.

>> No.2032793

Megaman Legends

>> No.2032878
File: 180 KB, 256x358, Shinobi_III_-_Return_of_the_Ninja_Master_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've pretty much got the entire game memorized from beginning to the godzilla scene. For me playing this game is kinda like performing a dance.

>> No.2033070

Anyone know some essential comfy retro games? Preferably for SNES and Genesis.

All I can think of is Harvest Moon and Ecco the Dolphin.

>> No.2033243
File: 86 KB, 800x600, suikoden-ii-dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Trigger and this. I remember playing this as a kid

> complete the sindar ruins
> go through the matilda border
> explore the matilda forest
> fight doremi elves at lvl 17
> all my characters die except riou
> instantly lvl 72
> solo luca blight

>> No.2033250

>kinda like performing a dance

Wow, took the words right out of my mouth. Probably one of the most elegantly simple and tight action games on the genesis. I'm at the point where I never really need to use my ninjutsu.

>> No.2033663
File: 37 KB, 220x305, 220px-Phantasy_Star_EotM_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my personal favorite. ever.

>> No.2033674


The suikoden games were always insultingly easy to me, even though they had solid stories and recruiting all the characters was enjoyable as fuck, I was disappointed by how easy they were, and any difficulty could be eased by the fact that you could level all too easily.