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File: 24 KB, 316x316, Star_Ocean_Second_Story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2011069 No.2011069 [Reply] [Original]

This is a pretty fun game.

What am I in for if I fight the final boss with his limiter off?


>> No.2011081

Getting hit by shit for 9999 damage, you need to have your skills in order to not get shit stomped.

>> No.2011116

hell unless you have party with long combo attacks and you're lucky

Opera can tear him a new asshole, limiter or not.

>> No.2011119

I have most of them maxed out on some characters.

Unless you mean spells and killer moves. What should I use?

>> No.2011152

he can be stunlocked perpetually with noel

>> No.2011157


Parry is a must otherwise he will instantly kill your party with his shock wave, since it does obscene damage with the limiter off.

It's mostly just kill him before he kills you though, I think that one summon type spell he does can just obliterate your party regardless of what you have for skills.

>> No.2011159

Well put it like this....have you ever wanted to turn a pear into a peach?

>> No.2011181

How? I've always thought Noel to be pretty bad.

>> No.2011192

he is, but ironically he can trivialize Indalecio
I can't remember which spell, one of his weaker ones

>> No.2011786

1. Farm Iseria Queen until you have two Angel Armbands on every party member.
2. Fight Unlimited Indalecio.
3. Drink a Coke.

>> No.2012706

The Queen is easier? Figured she'd be a lot tougher.

>> No.2012835

Does regular Indalecio still have that giant woman behind him during the fight?

Because I had such a hard time against him as a kid (to the point that he became kind of a joke between me and my brother) that I think I removed his limiter on accident.

>> No.2012895
File: 366 KB, 1280x1556, 1411325733594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pickpocket the Mischief accessory
>Once in a while I get a Forged Medal from it
>Master the Reproduction skill
>Use the Magical Camera and Film on the Medal
>Get a whole new medal

I advanced forward so hard.

>> No.2012962

I loved those accessories that randomly dropped items all the time. I got so much loot I wasn't supposed to have yet.

>> No.2013014

>one shot boss before fight even starts with that kill instantly shield

well..that happened

>> No.2013214

>Get that sword from the old man after the Lacour Tournament
>Customize it with Mithril gotten from upgrading Radar a few times
>Get second strongest weapon in the game halfway through disc 1

>> No.2013379

I know, right? Between that and the Reproduced Forged Medals, and all the free shit from Mischief letting me Customize everybody's weapons to among the best available, I'm blasting through way too easy.

>> No.2013828

yknow it's weird the only parts of this game that ever gave me trouble was a random boss in the mines (when you first recruit Leon), he kept wrecking my shit and to this day I'm not sure why...


>> No.2014524

I dropped this game shortly before CD2. I was overwhelmed by the min-maxing you have/can do, and overall the battles were pretty bad. Do I give it another try? Does it get better?

>> No.2014583

>I was overwhelmed by the min-maxing

what? the only thing you need to do at the start is max out that skill that permanently decreases the amount of points you have to put into other skills.

and if you want to make sure your character will be good at stealing, your char has dexterity as an initial talent at the start of game by restarting until you do.

after that it's all good and stress free

>> No.2014587

I didn't know anything beforehand, so I had to restart the game some three times. That's where the stress came from.

>> No.2014606

>I cant have fun unless someone is holding my hand

>> No.2014612

I restarted exactly because I went in blind, then read later on how pickpocketing is so important. I won't play the game and miss out on something so big that you basically can't use if you're not lucky as you start.

>> No.2014643


It's not that big of a deal, the biggest thing about it is getting that fucking insanely strong sword right at the beginning of the game.

If you don't want to completely break the game and ruin the experience, you don't need your protag to have pickpocketing.

I wouldn't recommend it for the first time through the game, since its already pretty easy on the standard difficulty.

>> No.2015332

>I can never replay SO2 because I have to keep restarting until I get dexterity so I can get Mischief/Sprite's Bracelet
>Also I have to keep referring to PA faqs

>> No.2015890

Pickpocketing is only important if you want the first half of the game to be a cakewalk. It evens out on the second disk and you dont have any particular advantage over if you did have pickpocket.

Plus getting the skill points to max "perseverance" first (lower sp needed for all skills) and immediately after that,maxing poker face and courage to actually have a good steal rate is very time consuming.

Stop worrying about games so much. A first playthrough of a game is to be enjoyed on your own pace, not dictated by a guide. Grow some balls.

>> No.2016109

What level is recommended for the final boss with the limiter off?

I'm on the default difficulty.

>> No.2016205

the disc 1 is a cakewalk if you don't bother to use any of the magic-users except rena, and get ashton and operah.

bowman can be good for chaining combos but requires lot of training to be useful. also useless normal attack.

>> No.2016212

PAs are totally optional unless you really want to turn off that limiter, and pretend you're playing romance-sim.

and i guess there's one PA that makes precis less shit, if you have ashton with her.

>> No.2016340


Probably 255.

He's a piece of shit no matter what difficulty you fight him on.

>> No.2016480

200+ for Claude, everyone else in your main party 160+, maybe. Basically finish the Cave of Trials first and you'll be ready.

>> No.2016494

>and get ashton and operah.

you can't get ashton AND operah you have to choose one or the other

>> No.2016506

Playing romance-sim was one of the main reasons to play this back in the day.

>> No.2016527


I bet the game as a retarded kid, there's no min maxing necessary, and there is a shitload of optional content that exists just to make the game easier. There are swords that trivialize 90% of the game that you can acquire in the first disc if you know what to do.

With that said, the gameplay is dated. If you didn't care for the story or characters enough to ignore the gameplay, you won't care about them the second time around.

>> No.2018142

>I was overwhelmed by the min-maxing
Seriously bro? Putting a few easily gained skill points into Kitchen Knife and watching the enemies drop like flies really doesn't count as minmaxing.

>> No.2018260

OP here

Beat the CoT, Iseria Queen, and Indalecio

Pretty easy fights with the Bloody Armor on, but Indalecio sure was irritating. It's like fighting those stupid witch enemies but with millions more HP

>> No.2018268
File: 494 KB, 500x259, 1405781739426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first RPG as a kid, played it to death. I beat Indalecio with his limiter removed when I was 8.

A lobotomized fetus could beat this game on normal without thought, so I have to ask: What the fuck were you doing?

>> No.2019962


Bit dissapointed nobody got the reference. Makes me suspicious that anyone here has played it.

>> No.2019993


>> No.2020235
File: 244 KB, 758x851, 27217679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Second Story several times, but never to completion. I got damn near the end of the game last time before I just set it aside.

Time to remedy this.

>> No.2021139

Yeah, Claude's soundclip during Ripper Blast. I hear it properly though.

>> No.2021473

Playing on the hardest difficulty with rena as your character, so you can get claude dias and ashton all on the same team, is the only way to go.

>> No.2021510


Meh. I'd rather have Bowman.

>> No.2024338

OP here

Damn, I missed out on hella good endings

The only good thing I got was Claude making a babby with Rena

>> No.2024383

One of the most interesting ways to play the game is with Claude and Rena as your only characters

There's an entire bonus segment where Rena beams up onto Claude's dad's ship at the end of the Expel arc that you will never see otherwise. You can even steal a copy of one of the game's best armors that way. Beating Indalecio without his limiter under these conditions is probably impossible though.

as for Indalecio without his limiter, I believe I beat him with Claude, Rena, Dias, and Precis, with Precis spamming, surprisingly, the attack where she kicks Bobot like a soccer ball, while Claude and Rena were on Auto-battle and Dias was the main damage dealer, using Hawk Scream Blast, which is also kind of surprisingly one of the strongest attacks in the game, from the way it will hit multiple times during its start up if you wedge him in behind the enemy while the other characters knock the enemy back into him so it keeps hitting instead of knocking the enemy away from him. (HSB is so strong it does 9999 pretty much every hit, and can hit 4 or more times when you're doing it right)

>> No.2024401

But you can steal that armor with Claude. He was my pickpocketer.

I forgot about the armor though when I was there. Whatever though, Bloody Armor worked for bosses.

>> No.2024406


I got that one and Leon and Noel broing up at the end.

>> No.2024979

Dias actually ends up as one of the worst characters. He is strong granted but his moves are ineffective and dont have the useful stunlocking properties. Plus a lot of them are sloooooow

>> No.2025694

He has the bizarre niche of being a high power long ranged swordsman. The only way to make him really useful against the super hard universe mode bosses is to use him in the way I described, but when you do that he ends up being pretty great.