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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2007237 No.2007237 [Reply] [Original]

What were your first games, /vr/?

I remember when I was real young my mom brought me some PS1 games. Technically I had experience with games because of my older sister but I didn't have games of my own. They were a few licensed games; Smurfs, Dexter's Lab, Looney Tunes, PPG.. I hate this game. Love the graphics and sound but the actual fighting is so annoying and I can barely beat anyone to this day,

>> No.2007248

First game I owned was Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario World and the SNES systen from my grandparents for my Brother, Sister and I.

Then my dad took us out on boxing day and bought us Megaman X.

Man... my dad had some fucking amazing taste back in the day. Every game he bought for me turned out to be a classic.

>> No.2007258


My sister had a SNES but has almost no games. She's not even 30 so I assume she was too young to have good taste.

>Super Mario World
>Madden 95
>Mega Man X
>Super Mario World
>The Lion King
>Primal Rage
>The Lion King
>Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

>> No.2007820

I actually feel bad for mostly playing shitty licenced games as a kid. Tons of more well known and good games missed out on because I wasn't familiar with them.

>> No.2007829
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Outlaw for the atari 2600. My granpappy got a ton of games after the crash for cheap so I was born with a joystick in my hand. The most fun of my life.

>> No.2007831

My first games were on the ColecoVision and the Amiga.

* Smurfs: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle
* Mr. Do!
* James Pond 2: Codename Robocod
* Oh No! More Lemmings
* Walker

>> No.2007836
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My dad came home one night with this. Toys, Lego, pogs and sports trading cards were all my older brother and I knew so it was pretty exciting at the time. We owned a total of 6 cartridges for the thing before we borrowed our cousin's SNES for a prolonged amount of time; then moving on to the PS1.

>NES Play Action Football
>Rollerblade Racer (hated this shit - couldn't never get far)
>Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt (2-in-1)
>Super Mario Bros. 2
>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
>Videomation (probably my favourite of them just messing around drawing things)

>> No.2007863


>> No.2007865


huh, i never knew about this.

mario paint was one of my favorite cartridges of all time though.

>> No.2007885

absolute first was SMB/duck hunt
Mario 3 was next.
when I was 3 or so, my dad pulled out the 2600 so I played donkey Kong, pacman, missile command, space invaders, pole position and grand Prix.

we got an SNES when I was 5 and with it dkc, and I played that. yoshis island was another...and Mario kart and Mario paint.
Mario RPG came a little later.

in 1998, I got an n64, with starfox, wave race and pilot wings. had Zelda in 1999.

from there, i no longer consider it "early".

>> No.2007886

Wish I had the opportunity to play Mario Paint back then. Never knew of its existence til early 2000s because of the Internet. I've heard good things.

Videomation is pretty solid though. If I remember right it had this thing where once you finished a picture, all the stamps, lines, etc. that you slapped on would get all animated.

>> No.2007913

>first games were playstation games
I hate getting older. I have to share the board with you children

>> No.2007976

My actual first game was a 10000-in-1 bootleg cartridge that looped the same 10 games over and over with just slight variations/hacks. It was the infamous Unchained Melodies cart.
My first official games were Sonic Adventure and Donald Duck Quack Attack for the Dreamcast.

>> No.2007981

The first game I remember playing was Tooth Invaders on my father's Commodore 64. I'm sure he had some other games as well, but that's the only one I remember.

My first game, as in the first game I personally owned, was probably Megaman 3 that I got as a present either on my birthday or on christmas.

>> No.2008002

Frogger, on some 2nd gen console. I was like five at the time. A few years later my folks bought me a Nintendo.

>> No.2008012
File: 455 KB, 1280x1721, Nintendo Power Startropics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first game was Metroid.

My second game was Startropics.

They both continue to be some of my favorite games ever, even today.

>> No.2008030


The first game I owned was the Home Alone game for the SNES. That was soon paired with Super Mario World, then Final Fantasy III and it really expanded from there.

>> No.2008258

First ever? It's in between a DOS port of Pac-Man or a copy of Doom with Cheats on (guided my my dad of course).

He still has fond memories of him and me playing at the office computer during idle time. Later on during the year he also managed to snag me a copy of Shareware Quake (and Doom 95 prior).

Also, eventually I stumbled upon Master Fighter on NES (and eventually SF2 and MK3 on SNES). Thanks to that I've grown attached to fighting games ever since.

>> No.2008417

Super Mario World. I still haven't gotten past Donut Plains

>> No.2008428


Stop being such a grump, you're not even old. It can't be 2004 forever

>> No.2008784

Wait until Xbox is allowed and we have daily Halo nostalgia threads.

>> No.2008815

>there are people on 4chan right now who weren't alive yet when Halo 1 came out

>> No.2008827

I think maybe Dig Dug in a pizza place.

First owned game was Kirby's Dream Land.

>> No.2009134
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Dad bought an NES in 95 when I was 5. He got Donkey Kong, Kirby's Adventure, and Silver Surfer with it plus the obligatory Mario/Duckhunt. Played the shit out of all of them except Silver Surfer which was oddly my dad's favorite game.

After that every time a new Nintendo console would come out my dad would get the previous generation one. We got a SNES in 99 and a N64 in 03.

>> No.2009198
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Probably loderunner on an old Macintosh

>> No.2009209

Either the first Sonic or Super Mario 2, I forget which one I played first.

>> No.2009249

Being a BR, computers took a long while to arrive here. So my first game was probably Pitfall on the atari. Either that or Enduro.

But the first game that really got me into it was probably Alex Kidd for the Master System.

>> No.2009332

When I was a kid I had a Spectrum with a fairly decent sized library of games, I don't even remember getting it, I was that young, so I couldn't say what my first games were. The only ones I can specifically remember now were Mario Bros and Donkey Kong which were my favorites.

It served me well until I got a Game Boy.

>> No.2009353
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NASCAR Racing for DOS.

>> No.2009407
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I got my very first game on the gameboy colour.
It had a little gecko as the protagonist. Upon searching it was pic related.
I also had Wario Land 3. But back then I don't remember much, just that the game was one of my favourite and it creeped me out at times.

>> No.2009449


You poor sap. The console Gex's are great but I can't imagine a Gameboy version being good

>> No.2009454

Yeah I pulled up an online version.
It's full of nostalgia.
But I can't say it's particularly fun.

>> No.2009458

Mario 1, 2 and 3.

Living in Yurop was painful back then.

>> No.2009556
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This beauty for the Mac Plus. You can still emulate it, too.

>> No.2010447

Madness and the Minotaur
Color Cube (Rubik's Cube knockoff)
All played on a TRS-80 Color Computer

>> No.2010843

The first game I remember playing was probably Popeye on the Atari 2600.

>> No.2013398

Dr. Mario and Ducktales, the GB versions.

>> No.2013415

My friend showed me the N64 version once, said he and his brother loved renting it as kids.

We then proceeded to beat the entire story mode in 10 minutes by spamming jump kicks, and we found no reason for he and his brother to have ever enjoyed it.

>> No.2013428

My very first games would have had to have been some random computer games my dad had for windows 95. Stuff like Wacky Wheels and some game about a guy picking up crates to get decals for a racecar or something come to mind.

But for games I actually got into? Pokemon Red and Sonic 2 were easily that. My brother and I (well, my sister too I guess but she was 3 at the time, so) got a Gameboy Color for christmas in 1998 and then a Genesis sometime in early 1999. We weren't a rich family though, both of those were off ebay and outside of what they came with we never got anything else for them really. While the GBC came with a few good games like Link's Awakening and SMB Pokemon was the one my brother and I played the most easily. I remember one night staying up until the batteries died under our living room lamp (gotta love that lack of backlights back then) just playing Pokemon. The genesis though came with pretty much nothing but garbage, except for Sonic 2. I'd play that game religiously, which is kind of sad considering I was so bad at it that I never even got past Chemical Plant Zone Act 2. Only saw Casino Night and Mystic Cave back then becuase of 2P mode.

>> No.2013460
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Inverted since day one.

>> No.2013504

I'm as old as the Super Nintendo, yet still shocked and frightened by OP being old enough to post here.

>> No.2013537

>First thing my bro got as a present
NES - SMB/World Track Meet/Duck Hunt
>First thing i got as a present
Gameboy - Tetris
>First thing my bro purchased
PS1 - a whole bunch of games (Crash Bandicoot 2-3, Chocobo's dungeon 2, sports games, all working bootlegs)
>First thing I purchased
Not retro

>> No.2013546

My first game played was Descent. The first game I owned was Starcraft.

So good.

>> No.2013563
File: 21 KB, 242x267, SuperMarioBrosDuckHuntCart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dad is a huge Mario fanboy and this was pretty much a permanent fixture of our house until the SNES came along. He says I was playing it before I could walk but I doubt that

>> No.2013571

Donkey motherfucking Kong on the NES

>> No.2013753

possible candidates:
-asteroids, since it was a favorite of my dad and my uncle had a cab of it.
-a random table cab at a convenience store.
-one of our 2600 games.
-math rabbit.

couldn't tell you my first. it's more like i was brought into a world with games, not that games were at some point brought into my world.

>> No.2013970

don't doubt man.
apparently i knew how to plug in the AV cords to the back of the tv when i was 2.
then when my bitchass wanted to watch tmnt, i plugged the VCR back in

>> No.2013987
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Still fun too.

>> No.2014262

It was Super C, SMB and lots of 10in1-1000in1 cartridges on an nes-clone. I don't really recall much but I think it was my grandpa that took me to the store and got it for me.
What I do recall was my first pc. I got Soldier of Fortune and Tiberian Sun which I still play to this day regularly. There was Simcity 3k, some Honda game and a Fifa title that I barely recall too.
It really annoys me that I completely suck at Super C now, while when I was younger I could easily finish it in one sitting.

>> No.2014607
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Yes, I am that old. I remember playing this as a 4 yr old and my mom had to hold me up st see the screen. Good times

>> No.2014626

My parents borrowed an NES from one of their friends once when I was probably about 3. We did not have it long so my memories are vague, but I still remember the day moment when a random man pulled up into the driveway and handed me a milk crate with a bunch of weird shit I never saw before in it and the zapper sitting on the top of it all. There was SMB/Duck Hunt, SMB 2, Milon's Secret Castle, and some football game.

When I was about 6 or 7 I got a Saturn with Virtua Fighter 2, Sonic 3D Blast, Daytona USA, Virua Cop 2, Sega Rally Championship, and a demo disc with Clockwork Knight 2 and some other games I can not recall.

Got a Playstation a few years after that.

>> No.2014705

The first games I ever had were Animal Quest and Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego for DOS. For my 6th birthday or Christmas (I don't recall which, only that my parents made me open it last) I got a Genesis bundled with Sonic 1

>> No.2014709
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I'm pretty sure it was this. Either this or Prince of Persia on DOS.

>> No.2015258

i think my first few games were Worms World Party, NeoGeo emulators Tortuga 1 or 2, Star Wars Galactic Battleground... basically anything i could find on my brother's PC back when i was like 8
my first multiplayer experience was with GTA 2 when my brother wanted to try connecting two PCs directly to each other
I won that time :)

>> No.2015984


>signed by Al Alcorn

As one who has probably seen more games come and go than any of us, you probably have an interesting perspective on games, but I'm not sure what exactly to ask about.

>> No.2015987
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Literally the first game I can remember playing.

Fuck I'm old.

>> No.2016286


I learned how to read because I wanted to play Final Fantasy II with my grandma when I was too young to read. The shit you can do when you're young and determined man!

>> No.2016295

>first game

Get off my fucking lawn.

>> No.2016302
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Forgot my image.

>> No.2016321
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>> No.2016326

It's easier to live with it when you forget you have it. On the plus side, when I do get alzheimer's, every time I start up SMB3, or SMW, or any classic RPG it'll feel like the first time.

Not the worst way to go all things considered.

>> No.2016364


Descent was pretty damn good, motion sickness-inducing camera aside.

>> No.2016391


>get alzheimer
>thinks the dragons on rpgs are real, then you shoot at tv
>actually you don't have a shotgun, it's your dog

It's a terrible disease.

>> No.2016415

So you're saying it's fun for the whole family.

>> No.2016420
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I never beat it

>> No.2016441

Your first priority should always be to get the options.