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File: 65 KB, 640x480, Alundra_Seventeeth_Gilded_Falcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1996282 No.1996282 [Reply] [Original]

Can we discuss how Alundra is a better Zelda game than any of the recent Zelda games Nintendo has been releasing? I didn't realize that there were good Zelda clones. Any more you guys can recommend? Also, I've found a lot of Gilded Falcons...what are they for?

>> No.1996291


Id say it was better than most of the old Zelda games

>> No.1996301

Better than the NES ones.

>> No.1996308

Well, that's not saying much. It look a lot of inspiration from Link to the Past.

>> No.1996314

I bought this game when I was a kid but didn't liked it. I wasn't on 2D games anymore, so I though it was shit. Then I bought 2 and enjoyed the hell out of it. Looking back, Alundra 2 seems pretty bad in comparisson to the first one. Now that I grew up and stopped being a 3D whore, I'll try this one. Looks neat!

>> No.1996334

A Link Between Worlds was awesome though.

For games similar to LoZ (not necessarily clones), try StarTropics and its sequel for the NES, Golden Axe Warrior on the Master System, Beyond Oasis/The Story of Thor on the Genesis, Crusader of Centy on the Genesis, and Crystalis on the NES. I think the Mana series (Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3, both on SNES, being the best of the series) qualifies as does Terranigma (SNES) and Illusion of Gaia (SNES). Okami and Okamiden too.

Nah. I enjoyed Alundra quite a bit, but overhyping it on /vr/ seems to stem from it being a more obscure game and some on here playing it for the first time. It's good but not better than Zelda.

>> No.1996354

I still need to play both this and the Mana series.

>> No.1996358

Don't neglect Terranigma while you're at it. Hell, start there.

>> No.1996361

Oh shit I forgot about that. Should I start with Terranigma or start with Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia?

>> No.1996394

>A Link Between Worlds was awesome though.
Damn right it was.

Start with Soul Blazer.

IoG is really the only game I like from that trilogy, but you should start from the beginning.

>> No.1996396

I suggest starting with Soul Blazer and moving onto Illusion of Gaia. Before you get used to a more refined gameplay system, you might want to enjoy the story and settings.

>> No.1996408
File: 34 KB, 220x385, 220px-GunpleGunmansProofJPBoxShotSNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunman's Proof is my favorite Zelda clone, but I have a weakness for westerns.

Also Darksiders is a fantastic Zelda/Hack n Slash game

>> No.1996440

Not retro, but for Zelda clones, try out 3D Dot Game Heroes for PS3.

It's the most shameless clone of them all.Though it also takes a lot of leaves from Dragon Quest as well.

My only regret is that I never finished it, because apparently there's a bug or something where you can't get a key item if you don't find it at the right moment in the game.

>> No.1996443
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 3DDGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then I forgot my pic

>> No.1996454 [DELETED] 

>alundra is a zelda game because it's a top down action adventure game

stop spamming this shit you flaming fucking faggot

>> No.1996467

>I have a micro-penis

>> No.1996507

There needs to be a nice image chart for these kind of games.

>> No.1996519

Dude it destorys zelda. Alundra actually has challenging puzzles and real rpg elements. Zelda is for kids alundra us for adults

>> No.1996523

Just stop

>> No.1996529
File: 252 KB, 640x360, uvalol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda is for kids alundra us for adults

>> No.1996539

Why so salty? Spend too long at sea?

>> No.1996843

It's pretty good but it has some huge flaws. The biggest one was probably the platforming, where a completely fine looking platform can't be climbed because it's bigger than you, but you can't tell from your own perspective.

>> No.1996847

Alundra is great, but it has its issues.

If you want other zelda "clones", I guess crystalis was pretty dope.

You'll get jimmies right rustled if you call top downs zelda clones around here, though.

>> No.1996848

>A Link Between Worlds was awesome though.

Eh, not really. It only feels that way because of how far the Zelda series has fallen. It's a just a competent game, nothing more and nothing less.

>Alundra actually has challenging puzzles

I don't play Zelda for puzzles.

>> No.1996890

>Eh, not really. It only feels that way because of how far the Zelda series has fallen. It's a just a competent game, nothing more and nothing less.

So, like, does it have to completely re-invent the action adventure genre to be anything other than "okay" to you?

>> No.1996909


A Link between Worlds is only pandering to the retro faggots that complained about 2D zeldas being dead so they basically just made a game set in ALTTP world so they wouldn't have to actually make a new game or world, and instead just had to remix some bullshit, and add a few new mechanics.

>> No.1996917

>Zelda is for kids alundra us for adults

I hope you're not serious.


>> No.1996959

No, but A Link Between Worlds didn't have any passion put into its development. They looked at the surface of LttP without looking at how much care and attention went into crafting that game. You see the familiar obstacles and design elements but it still feels half-assed because they just copied the LttP world and modified the Dark World a bit.

>> No.1996987

>so they wouldn't have to actually make a new game or world,

You haven't actually played the game, have you? Be honest.

>> No.1997162

>all this not-retro talk
Why not. ALBW's biggest sin is the item rental system: It robbed the overworld of any sense of mystery and progression.
Otherwise it's solid Zelda game.

>> No.1997369

I agree here. Dunno why everyone kept praising the item rental system. It was my only problem with the game. I really enjoyed the twist at the end.

>> No.1997408

Gilded Falcons allow you to buy ultimate weapons later, but if you miss even one (and they are missable) you cannot get the ultimate wand that owns the boss at the end (game is still beatable though)

>> No.1997521

>Dunno why everyone kept praising the item rental system.

Because it made the world feel more open.

Which is something I like about Zelda 1. You don't have to go in exact order, and in LBW, you can do the main dungeons in whatever order you please. It's a nice level of player freedom that's not too terribly common in the Zelda series.

>> No.1997749


You've got to be joking. I felt that A Link Between Worlds was crafted with extreme love and respect for A Link to the Past. One only has to listen to the soundtrack to tell. Fuck, the artstyle is a perfect update. The game is way better than I had an expectation of it being.

I think it's the better game of the two honestly.

>> No.1997796

easily one of the best zelda games ever made

i love the color palette, the soundtrack, the puzzles, the items

it's just sooo good

>> No.1997836

I still have the original Alundra lying here next to my PS2, but never played it aside from about 10 years ago and having buyers remorse. Boy, did I hate it - Especially after playing Zelda.
That annoying sound effect when text displays, that annoying slowness, that perspective that always bit your ass at the worst possible time.
I don't think Alundra is that obscure hidden gem it's made out to be by some, it has it's moments, and that intro was cool, but the gameplay, well, it just didn't work for me I guess.

>> No.1997863

Nobody mentions neutopia?

Its perfect.

>> No.1997881

I can't stand Zelda games for the most part, and I enjoyed Alundra. Of course, it was frustrating as shit at parts with enemies taking too long to kill, puzzles being far too precise, and a few other things, like magic being far too overpowered later on.

Otherwise, its good, and I much prefer it to Zelda, of course its hard to compare 1 game to an entire franchise, you know?

>> No.1997918

At the time, I compared it to stuff like Wild Arms, Suikoden and Secret of Mana. Not having played any Zelda except OoT (bought Alundra and OoT about the same time I think, OoT was the first Zelda I played). When Alundra was released, for it's day and age, it's gameplay was already pretty bad. So I'm going to go and agree to disagree here. Zelda's gameplay (I'm referring to A Link to the Past here, which I played a few years after, 2001-2002-ish I guess) was already well rounded and, well, fun. To me it's no surprise Zelda is this big franchise, and Alundra is not...

>> No.1997957

Play the other games from that saga, starting with the original: Landstalker

>> No.1997995

>A Link Between Worlds was awesome though.
It was okay, the out of the way chests that only had ruppees or monster parts in them really pissed me off though

Also ruppees in general in this game

>> No.1998001

>and in LBW, you can do the main dungeons in whatever order you please
Except for the Sand Temple which has to be completed after the Thieves Hideout

>> No.1998023

Zelda has the mass appeal of simple puzzles with simple solutions. Alundra had legitimately difficult puzzles, some difficult because of puzzle difficulty, and others difficult because of execution difficulty. Alttp has mass appeal because its easy. Its easy to progress, the "secrets" are actually really easy to find. Its just that kind of game. Alttp also had its pedigree and the Nintendo brand name to give it a shitload of mainstream appeal.

Alundra doesn't have that mass appeal. Its loosely based off of Landstalker for the Genesis, which was less popular than the NES/SNES in America. Its more difficult in combat, puzzles and the secrets are much harder to find.

There was nothing "bad" about Alundra's gameplay. You seem to think that Alttp is the end all be all of the genre, when theres a lot that could've been expanded upon. Alundra took it in a decent direction when the genre was basically dead for that console gen. Like I said earlier, its flawed, but Alttp is flawed too, but everyone forgives it because its constantly on the top 1 spot in "Best SNES games" when I think there are much more deserving titles.

>> No.1998059

A harder game isn't a better game. And Zelda's puzzles aren't 'easier' than the puzzles in Alundra. They are just more intuitive, the puzzles in Zelda are more cleverly thought out. I remember often times getting stuck in Zelda, only slapping myself in the head for not thinking of the solution earlier: once you know them, they make sense. Whereas in Alundra, it's more of a pull lever, a block moves, or a bridge appears, or push blocks to a certain place in a certain order to progress. I like Zelda's puzzle style better - More thought went into it is the best way I can explain it. They all seem so obvious...
-But only when you solved them!

>> No.1998154

pity this game was not released on pc & with editor support like rpg maker

>> No.1998324
File: 82 KB, 720x540, Batch 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Genesis/Megadrive game that was really good and underrated was Crusader of Centy/Soleil

>> No.1999472
File: 66 KB, 640x512, 15-SLES_011.35_19092010_235021_0646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That roulette is a dick.