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File: 118 KB, 1024x768, Unreal-Gold1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1981885 No.1981885 [Reply] [Original]

About to play this for the first time.

What should I expect?

>> No.1981891

An unimpressive game.

>> No.1981892


>> No.1981939

Skaarj ambushes.


>> No.1981941

Amazing goddamn music
Atmosphere that no other game has captured since.
Feels a bit shallow now due to there only being shooting and not much else.

>> No.1981949

>hardly any intrusive story bullshit
>huge fucking expansive levels
>many levels not a simple "follow the path to the end" like fucking shitty HalfLife and its ilk
>awesome weapons
>awesome enemies
>dat enemy dodging/retreating/working together
>dat fucking final boss
Kicks the living shit out of goddamn Half-Life yet that crappy game gets all the love. There's no justice in gaming.

>> No.1982054

and cool looking but too much long maps

>> No.1982123

OP here, just got to the Water God Temple level. It's confusing and my god does it drag... not sure what I'm supposed to be doing.

>> No.1982130

I always considered the Unreal games more of an engine showcases.

Not saying the game is bad, though, on the contrary the engine works well for what it tries to do.
Looks good even on software and my Pentium II definitely appreciated it.

>> No.1982132


To be fair, I consider the Chizra levels the worst part of the game. They're all designed around opening gates and revisiting the same parts multiple times, triggering things across the level.

Stick with it though, amazing shit comes up in the back half of Unreal.

>> No.1982149

I raged so hard on that tower level. I could not figure out how to get out of there for weeks.

The very first thing you should do is disable the double jump thing. Otherwise you'll be accidentally jumping off of cliffs left and right.

>> No.1982189

>hating chizra-nali water god level, the coolest part of the game where you have to fucking figure out how to proceed instead of blindly following a path like most fucking FPS

>> No.1982210

>The first time I realized that the flak cannon's alt fire was beastly in corridors
Ohhh man

It was all fun until I realized how to make rockets have 5x travel speed, and turned the stinger into a rocket minigun with 10,000 ammo capacity.
I miss being a kid.

>> No.1982213
File: 500 KB, 500x235, The Dude Opinion Man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Missing point behind HL

Both were good games, but narrative lovers like me prefer Half-Life

>> No.1982225

Mediocre game that's overshadowed by its superior multiplayer successor.

>> No.1982262

Amazing soundtrack
Amazing atmosphere

It's pretty long for a single-player FPS, but it's worth finishing

>> No.1982367

The AI for the Predators is blowing my mind.

>tactical rolls that actually dodge shit
>feigns death occasionally

The other enemies don't seem as interesting so far.

>> No.1982491


being very lucky to discover this gem for the first time.

>> No.1982494

More like you being a spineless little bitch.

>> No.1982495

Make sure to get the OldUnreal patch, which fixes some issues.

You're in for one hell of an atmospheric ride, HD textures on or off. Make sure to use the translator whenever you can

>> No.1983474


Man, Chizra is so boring. Really repetitive level design, water everywhere, and not particularly memorable except for how tedious it is.

Sunspire, a certain waterfall town, terraniux, the castle and bluff eversmoking; all of those levels are absolutely awesome, dripping with atmosphere and great design.

>> No.1983783

The OldUnreal patch should only be used on newer computers. I forgo it entirely on my newer PC and use the DX10 renderer to get a stable framerate and correct FOV.

Expect Skaarj to dodge and play dead. The warrior type Skaarj can be formidable, but the trooper Skaarj are armed with most of the same guns that you do. The ones with rockets and sniper rifles can be insanely dangerous.

>> No.1983813

The music is dynamic too, special music for battle and other events. A lot of newer games could benefit from this since it is usually only found in RPGs nowadays. To get the combat music out of the UMX file, you have to save certain sequences to MP3 using ModPlug Tracker.

>> No.1983832

is that on easy mode?

>> No.1983852

Confusion and frustration.

Enjoy getting lost/ having no idea how to progress.

>> No.1983871
File: 80 KB, 1000x1000, 1411243328674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Unreal is confusing and frustrating

I beat this game many times when I was 10 without help or walkthroughs. I mean the way to go isn't spelled out for you but jesus fuck the levels aren't exactly mazes. Why do you kids need to have your hand held so much? Use your fuckin brain and figure things out.

>> No.1984275

A somewhat bug ridden experience with animations too fast and the wrong rendering dll.

>> No.1984371

So whats the easiest way to get this running on Windows 7?

>> No.1984431

1. install
2. play

>> No.1985954

You should expect to spend a lot of time if you want to finish it. It´s really fucking long for a shooter, maybe even too long.

>> No.1985975


>> No.1985978

25 awesome hours at best.