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1981394 No.1981394 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else liked the MMX series a lot more than the original one? People bitch about how there won't be any more normal Megaman games but I really feel sorry for the X series, Legends too but mostly for the X series.

Wish there was a more Metroid-like X game with more areas.

>> No.1981419

Personally, no.

Mega Man X is excellent, but its sequels are significantly lesser games, in my opinion. I like them far more than the Zero games though.

>> No.1981430

I don't know how people can say that about X games that aren't X7, just a bad departure from the formula overall, and maybe 5 and 6 for getting lazy in some aspects (spikes everywhere in the final stretches of rooms). But I really wouldn't call anything except 7 "significantly lesser games".
What makes X1 so untouchable to you?

>> No.1981436

for >>1981419

>> No.1981503

I gotta echo the sentiments here. The first X is an amazing classic which I've played through dozens of times and will play through in the future dozens more. Even installment afterwards just gets worse than the last. The series was already starting to be a pile by the time it hit the PS1 with X4.
Legends on the otherhand was cut tragically short. I was playing it for the story more than anything, and it was just started to get really juicy by the end of Legends 2.

>> No.1981510


I don't think he was talking about X1, just the aftermath. I personally think 4 and onward was pretty bad. The constant interruptions where the dialogue box pops up to tell you how to dash or jump over walls makes me want to grind my face off. X1 had literally no tutorial, but the way the introductory stage was set up, you learned what you were capable of anyways by the time you reached the end. X1 and X2 also really felt like the gameplay was fluid. You were encouraged to go as fast as you could, a lot of times you could barely snake by traps if you were hurrying, or you could play it safe and slowly progress. But it seems like from X4 onwards, they try to punish you for moving at breakneck speeds. Even if you know when traps are coming up, they're designed to hit you unless you stop and let them pass. Which defeats the entire purpose of learning the layout of the game.

>> No.1981513

Have you played the Megaman Zero games? Or the ZX games on the DS? They are sorta metroidvania-ish.

>> No.1981538

I really didn't have that problem with X4. If anything X4 plays much faster for me than X1-3, I just speed through shit with Zero like nothing and a little slower with X but still pretty damn fast. X4 is a really fast game. It only gets slower in X5 and X6 because of the added RPG-ish features and whatever, but the slower pace doesn't screw up those games for me. I can't believe some people let tutorial shit/dialog boxes ruin games for them.

>> No.1981550

>Megaman Zero

Every sequel got worse, the fourth one was a farming simulator.

>> No.1981583


I love Megaman X4. I have to play it again every so often.
The later games are just bad, though. X8 had promise, fortunately or not.

>> No.1981586
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Mega Man X is the only good one.

Mega Man X also pretty much killed all hype in the franchise by the constant bad rehashes and terrible games. It's funny how I remember 2005 quite vividly and no one ever wanted another Mega Man game considering there were 3 series going on at once and releasing a new game from each of them every year until 2010.

It's kinda funny, I'm even getting tired of the MM clones that the indie scene has been releasing lately.
It's tired, I want it to rest.

>> No.1981595

>MM clones that the indie scene has been releasing lately.
What are these?

>> No.1981596


Gunvolt and MN9 are the only things I can think of.

>> No.1981602


Shovel Knight.

>> No.1981604

Is there a reason why Capcom released so many Mega Man games?
As a kid I never asked myself that, but now what they did to Megaman reminds me of Activision and Tony Hawk/Guitar Hero.

>> No.1981616


>Anyone else liked the MMX series a lot more than the original one

Literally everyone.

>Wish there was a more Metroid-like X game with more areas.

Oh GAWD yes!!! Take my money plz!!!

>> No.1981641

>Literally everyone.
Well that's not true.
But I love your enthusiasm. People who shovel so much shit on any MMX game other than X7 are fucking crazy.

>> No.1981642

>Oh GAWD yes!!! Take my money plz!!!
>never played ZX or ZXA
>not completely metroid like, but definately has elements.
>sorry for non-retro

>> No.1981647

I kinda thought Zero 3 was the best one. The first Zero game was a bit too unforgiving, IMO

>> No.1981648

Why wouldn't you keep pressing an IP thats popular, incredibly easy to develop (Megaman 1-6 only have very minor gameplay adjustsments) so you're basically making a new set of levels, bosses, weapons and some items. Very easy to do that when you have most of the ground work developed from previous games.

Capcom has been doing that shit for years, and you wonder why we get Street Fighter 4 turbo edition, and Marvel Vs. Capcom a million iterations?

Its because its a really fucking easy way to make money.

>> No.1981653 [DELETED] 

>blatantly untrue statement

>greentexting this poorly

Can you guys fuck off back to reddit please

>> No.1981656

Fucking iphone switched that shit around

>> No.1981668

Put it this way Mega Man was the original but still flawed, however they kept pushing the envelope until 3 and then it was like, "another Mega Man sequel" but around 6 they were probably developing Mega Man X at the same time which is why 6 was published by Nintendo cause they thought "RIGHT THIS IS THE NEW MEGA MAN GONNA BE REVOLUTIONARY" but after that game was released it was like "how do we improve this again it's too good" so they were probably like "oh well just more sequels I guess" which is why 7 happened cause it's like "well we should probably have a classic one on the snes then" and then X4 and 8 were just the "32-bit" versions (along with rockman & forte for "kids" as capcom themselves said) but by around X5 and X6 they were obviously trying to "keep up with the times" with 32-bit trends which sucked which is also why X7 went 3d cause "goddamn every1 doin 3d games now!" and Legends was the "32-bit 3d" version for PS1 but obviously by PS2 they were like "well we can now do a 3d X game" and it turned out to be a bad idea and then that's why it was like "well we'll just go back to the oldschool on the wii lol"

That's the true history of Mega Man here guys, basically Mega Man 2-3 and Mega Man X are god-tier, 4-7 and X2 and X3 are cool games, X4 and 8 are surprisingly good!! games and then it just goes to shit aside from Legends but that was something a bit different anyway. i guess the retro revival is good too idk

>> No.1981672

If you knew as much about writing as you do Mega Man someone might actually take you seriously.

>> No.1981675

This is vr I don't need nobody take me seriously

>> No.1981691

X4 and MM8 aren't just "suprisingly good" to me. They're fucking great, just not built on the exactl same system and pacing as the previous ones so they shouldn't really be compared to them"

Really wish X4 got better sequels, though X5 and X6 were far from terrible games, and wish 8 got sequels other than Megaman & Bass.

>> No.1981716

I'm getting so tired of grammarfags. Just who cares anymore as long as you have a vague idea of what they're talking about? Some people are gonna have such a hard time about precise grammar when current kids that don't give a single shit about grammar grow up and change/relax the rules of grammar

and I'm not even that same guy

>> No.1981723

>I kinda thought Zero 3 was the best one

For me it's the first one, i liked the bare bone nature of the title.
Are the ZX games better than zero ?

>> No.1981729

Wish there were more Megamans in the 8 style too. It just needed to be a little faster imo but otherwise more fun than 1-6

>> No.1981730

Sorry you have such low standards. I don't like reading paragraphs thrown together as if written by an 8 year old with no concept of periods or sentence structure.

I won't have a hard time with kids changing grammar because they'll be serving my food to me while I take my lunch any time I want.

>> No.1981736

His post was literally one giant fucking rambling sentence. It's a chore to read.

On topic, I think the X series isn't as consistently good as the classic series. I like X and X2 more than I like any of the classics, but the quality of the rest varies quite a bit from game to game. IMO, the classic games are all about the same level of quality, some better than others but not by a huge degree.

>> No.1981737

They're very similar, but still different. They have a much more connected world to explore, but it ends up just being a chore every time you need to scour the landscape looking for a new area. The in-game map is super unhelpful. I enjoyed it, though.

>> No.1981790


what a self adsorbed douchebag

>> No.1981806

I know it hits close to home. Not my problem.

>> No.1981829

No mystery why you're upset, is there?

>> No.1981921


Yes. I love the way you can move in the X games. So free.

>> No.1981925

There's a Metroid-like Mega Man X fan game in the works. It's looking good

>> No.1981938


if you don't like it, get off 4chan (where everyone all over the world who uses it apparently according to you must have a full grasp of the english language) and read a fucking dickens novel.

>> No.1981954

Is there really?

>> No.1982049

For me, I sum up what I've played of the Megaman series like this

God Tier
Megaman X1, X2
Megaman Zero 1, 2
Megaman ZX, Advent
Megaman 1 - 6, 9, 10
Megaman Legends
Misadventures of Tron Bonne

High Tier
Megaman X4
Megaman Zero 3, 4
Megaman 7, 8
Megaman Legends 2

Okay Tier
Megaman X5, X6

Don't even bother me with that shit tier
Megaman X7, X8

>> No.1982052

Oh, forgot to put in Megaman X3 in High Tier.

>> No.1982062

I mostly agree, although I think Tron Bonne is in okay tier and Legends and Legends 2 should be swapped, although I completely understand why you would rank Legends above Legends 2.

My list would be like:
>God tier
X1, X2
Zero 1, 3
Megaman 1 3 6
Legends 2

>High tier
X3 X4 X5
Megaman 2 4 5 7 9 10
Megaman and Bass
Megaman Legends
Zero 3

>Okay Tier
Tron Bonne
Megaman 8
Zero 4
X Command Mission (actually pretty gud)

>Don't even bother me with that shit tier
X6, X7, X8, Megaman and Megaman X collection on ps2/gc. Its just not the same, same wtih PS1 and Saturn? I think ports of X3 and shit like that, just utter garbage.

>> No.1982075

X6 was such a garbage entry because of its stupid stage design, but for some reason, the music was among the best in the series.

>> No.1982150 [DELETED] 

Cry more, fucking baby. How can you not be embarrassed white knighting this hard? Lel i really hit a nerve with you

>> No.1982810

I really wouldn't call it garbage. There were some lazy "spikes everywhere" rooms but not enough for them to ruin the game for me. I guess it's just a slower-playing game than most of the others but that shouldn't make people shit so much on it.

>> No.1982818

Of the ones I've played:

>God tier
Zero 2, 3
Classic 3

X4, 2
Classic 2, 9

>Still Good
Classic 8, 7, 1
Zero 1, 4

>Shut up Alia

>> No.1982862


>> No.1982871


Oh! I love these.

>God tier
2, 3
X1, X4
Z1, Z3, Z4
BN2, BN3, BN6

>High tier
7, 9

>Okay tier
4, 5, 6, 8
X2, X3, X8

>Don't even bother me with that shit tier
X5, X7
BN1, BN4

>> No.1982872

How could I disagree when you posted the best X game?

>> No.1982875

X6 is much better than that piece of shit X5, which is a shitty rehash of X4 and other past X games that couldn't even recreate the good parts of whatever they were reusing.

>> No.1984653

>exactl same

>> No.1985230

MMX4 was the last unequivocally good X game, in my opinion (even if X3 was a mediocre game).

People have mentioned some bad 32bit game design creeping into the series. X4 had some cheesy shitty anime cutscenes (like MM8) that are fun to watch and are skippable. X5 had forced interruptions that make it a pain to play, and X6 has lousy level design.

Surprised with one anon's dislike of the ps2 X collection. It's basically like having the PS1 games (and SNES games) on one disc, minus the artwork. It's the best way to play the X games, imo.

>> No.1985497

The spaceship hunt of X5 remains a mystifyingly-awful example of game design and progression.

X6 nudges forward even if it isn't all that great.

>> No.1986363

I don't get why so many people hate the Z series. You don't like the artwork, of fine.

But the games have excellent playability, pose a challenge, great OST, they are great.

It's always the artwork that sets people off.

>> No.1987461


Yea, personally Zero is my favorite. It's like a mix of MM an Strider. If you haven't yet, I'd check out Strider 2 on PS1/MAME.

>> No.1987465


The Zero series is fantastic tho. ZX I haven't played yet.

>> No.1987471


Capcom pulled some bullshit with "Ultimate MvC3" like 6 months after the original, but otherwise Capcom VS had relatviely few re-releases, and MvC2 is so huge had fun it's hard not to forgive.

>> No.1987805

i like you, although i might have switched z1 and z2

>> No.1987816

I kinda like the art, some people say it makes everything look like plastic, but i kinda like it.
Also I prefer the art in zero 1, as I think the scetchyness adds personality

>> No.1987872

Literally everything in X5 is crap. It took the best parts of previous games and made them shitty somehow. Not even the music's good.

All it really had was some climatic battle with Zero.

>> No.1987897

I mostly agree, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it "crap". It is pretty damn mediocre, though. I think X6 has problems and I find it frustrating as hell sometimes, but at least I'm not bored playing it.

>> No.1987917

I just don't have any fun playing X5. It feels like one nightmarish mess of a game, like they threw the whole thing together in 5 minutes with zero playtesting. It's laggy and slow and heavy; I feel held back by the game's physics. It took the very worst parts of X4 and combined them all into one messy game, which is funny because those exact parts weren't so bad in X4 to begin with. Seriously I'm tired of that cart stage and the motherfucking door puzzles. Alia interrupts you all the fucking time and even gets you killed. I could go on describing my eternal grief stage by stage but I think I've made my point.

Despite the questionable level design and the occasional quirk, X6 feels like an extremely solid game. It feels like the Super Turbo of the series

>> No.1988959

I find that I do favor the X series over the original, but it comes with a bit of guilt and uncertainty.

I was first introduced to the series when my mom bought me MMX and Starfox for my SNES back when I was a kid. I instantly loved the game and proceeded to play the piss out of it and all of the sequels I came across. In fact, I didn't even realize that X wasn't the original series until much later. And, once I did learn of the original, I tried my hand at it but just couldn't get into it.

Being much younger at the time, I couldn't really appreciate the sudden change to 8-bit when I was so accustomed to 16-bit Megaman. Also, a lot of the mechanics I was used to seemed nonexistent(wall kicks, dashing, etc.), so I feel I never gave the original Megaman series a fair chance. I still find myself wondering to this day, if I tried it again, would I feel any different?

>> No.1988972


I grew up on the original mega man games myself, and consider megaman X1 to be the best in the entire megaman franchise, but I know where you are coming from. I couldn't get into the original castlevania games because I never owned/rented them as a kid, and trying to play them after playing super castlevania 4 with its whip freedom and later on SOTN, was iffy at first, but I tried them again several years ago and found an appreciation for them, and better appreciation for classicvanias in general.

>> No.1991427

Try again with Mega Man 2

>> No.1991452

I've always loved the mega man x series, the first 4 were excellent imo.

X5 was really annoying with alia interrupting you. and the sigma stages being less than stellar
X6 was just plain weird and difficult, didnt feel like megaman x.
X7 wasn't that great for me.

and X8 from the little i played seemed better than those 3 i mentioned.

One thing I loved the X series for was the music and its futuristic setting, with X one probably having the best music.

>> No.1991549

Damn, no one likes 8? You guys didn't enjoy beating Dr. Wahwee with Sailor Venus alongside Duo stating the obvious?

>> No.1991721

Megaman 7 and 8 are some of my favorite Megaman games personally. Though 7 really suffers from its overly large sprites.

>> No.1991746

To me, MMX is the DmC of Mega Man. Did Mega Man really need a super cereal story filled with anime dialogue ("WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR?!?!?!")? I doubt it.

>> No.1992171

Well everything after MMX 4 was pretty much filler to sell games. The series was planned to end with MMX 4, but Capcom saw plenty of space to milk some cash. The Zero games are good, athough they dont play nearly the same. The ZX games are two of my favorite in the series, Minus the god awful quest system in the first game. I had more fun than I probably should have with MMX Command Mission, I cant really explain why I like it so much.

>> No.1992195

>The series was planned to end with MMX 4, but Capcom saw plenty of space to milk some cash.

Inafune actually wanted it to end with X5, but you're right that Capcom was just trying to milk it by that point.

>> No.1992262
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>I had more fun than I probably should have with MMX Command Mission, I cant really explain why I like it so much.
Nothing wrong with liking Command Mission.

It was relatively well executed RPG that didn't drag on too long.

>> No.1992541
File: 60 KB, 552x460, IMG_240192838911168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 is awesome. The music doesn't get the love it deserves, probably because of how it's subtle and percussive, unlike any other MM game. The weapons are some of series best too, if not the greatest set there has ever been outside of the X series. The stages make use of the weapons too, in 8 they're more than just a boss weakness, many of them are useful for getting through stages. The game play would have been greatly improved with a slight speedup, if you play it in an emulator and crank up the speed 5-10% it feels great. I think it's a beautiful looking game too. Other than that, most complaints that could be made about 8 could be made about any MM game.

>> No.1992558
File: 62 KB, 468x544, 4514-120248-MegaManXfromX7jpg-468x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think X is a mix of the best and the worst. Classic is more consistent but never quite reaches the same highs or the same lows. I started with the X series (X1 to be exact) and I'd have to say I prefer it. Yeah there were a couple of stinkers later on, but nothing in the Classic series could ever match the feeling of X1, X2, X4, or X5 for me. I think even Maverick Hunter X was a better remake than Powered Up.

>> No.1992584

>that faggy bitch voice
>only good weapon was tornado hold or whatever
>mediocre music

I don't see why you put so much praise into this game. Worst MM in my opinion.

>> No.1992589

I wasn't expecting a whole lot out of this game, but I found it to be pretty entertaining. I think 9 and 8 are tied for the best weapon set.

>> No.1992595

Because I have my own opinions too ya know. I think it's a fun game, it's a flawed game, but I like it. I play the Japanese Saturn version, which is why I forgot to bring up the ridiculous English VA. Also, jump jump slide slide isn't much different than the bike segments in X4 and 5, it's singled out in 8 probably because 8 is already singled out for many other things that some people dislike about it.

>> No.1992867

I hated the snowboard part in MM8. That fucking shit voice.

>> No.1992871

>only good weapon was tornado hold or whatever

Opinion discarded. You know nothing about this game.

>> No.1993104

battle network master race

>> No.1993274

The only weapon in 8 I haven't found a good use for is the water balloon one. The places it would be useful at are places where other weapons would do the same job better.

>> No.1996420

I was sad to see Mega Man X not be the special character revealed for Ultra Street fighter IV. It was X's 15th anniversary, if I recall correctly.

>> No.1996483

MMX in SF4?

>> No.1998379

The soundtrack felt very samey. All the tracks use, it feels, the same beepy-boopy telephone tone. It lacks any of the range, or hard-edge of the previous soundtracks, which all sounded fairly varied and iconic.

>> No.1998446

I did. I actually could never get into the classic megaman games, they're too slow, you can't climb, you can't dash, etc...

>> No.1998538

I like the X series a bit better cause of all the movement options.

Part of the reason I love X3 is because of all the shit you can do movement-wise. Typical playthrough for me is getting no body parts except the leg part and chip.

>> No.1998545

>Doesn't know about the hyper chip

>> No.1998548

Obviously I know about it smart guy. I've beaten X3 more times than I can count. I just prefer vanilla runs with foot upgrades only. Don't need all that other fluff.

>> No.1999782

Same here

>> No.2000594

I liked MM8 so much more than the classic ones. Yeah it's kinda slow but that doesn't bring it down for me.

I wish instead of 9 and 10 we got games in the style of MM8 or X1-3 or X4. I mean I'm all for rampant nostalgia shit but fuck it in this case, the 8-bit MM style should have stayed dead.

>> No.2000598

Am I the only one that didn't hate JUMPJUMPSILIDESLIDE? Sure you'll lose a lot of lives until you get the hang of it but it's pretty fun.

>> No.2000641

It's not my favorite part, but it's not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It seems like it's the same as Navi in OoT, a mild annoyance that gets blown way out of proportion.

>> No.2000646

I like that kind of stuff personally. Even if all the "edge" ends of up being funny instead of awesome the experiment was worth it, and it made X's atmosphere better than the original's to me

>> No.2000651

Yeah 7 is pretty underrated too. Really wish they continued trying to polish 7 and 8 instead of abandoning them.

>> No.2001002

Not really indie but Monster Tale on the DS was pretty damn close in terms of movesets and layouts.

>> No.2001050

Yeah it's kinda exaggerated. Likely comes from the same people who vastly overstate the sprite sizes in 7, as if it looks like Art of Fighting or some shit.

>> No.2001063
File: 10 KB, 256x224, megamanviiu0011kh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vastly overstate the sprite sizes in 7

You really can overstate it though. It made boss fights a lot less enjoyable.

>> No.2001076
File: 2.71 MB, 2560x1920, rejected MMX bosses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2001275

Megaman X's problem is that it stopped being Blade Runner.

>> No.2001285

>Megaman X's problem is that it stopped being Blade Runner.

>> No.2001305

I think he means the story got really dumb.

>> No.2001306

The first game was about a cop, himself a robot, hunting down irregularly, but ultimately innocent, acting robots. We only call them "Mavericks" in the states to make them seem evil. Them being "Irregulars" in the Japanese versions is more pointing to the fact that the Sigma/Maverick Virus is making them act like they normally wouldn't. X, like Deccard, is just doing his job; wheither he knows they're really innocent or not.

>> No.2001318

>but ultimately innocent, acting robots
Have you seen Blade Runner?

>> No.2001339

I like them better because I find the Megaman games on NES to be way too fucking difficult. I also don't like the movement of megaman in those games. He seems to slide a bit before a stop.

I have played and beat megaman X 1-4. I like 4 the best.

>> No.2001375


You sir, are crazy.

Do you know why Mega Man's name is originally Rockman?

Because he fucking rocks. The soundtracks for the original 1-6 is chiptuned rock music. You should be grateful that 9 and 10 went back to rocking hard.

8 does not rock. The protagonist of 8 is Eurotechnoman. That shit is so far gone from rockin'. 7 was not nearly as rockin', but okay, some of the songs rocked. 8 is the Ecco Jr. of Mega Man.

>> No.2001419

Majority of the posts saying X is better boil down to not playing the classics first or they're too hard lel

You're lying to yourselves saying X series is better. There's no challenge.

>> No.2001428

Jesus Christ. 9 and 10 are stunning games which you clearly haven't played. I hope for your sake you're talking out your ass.

>> No.2001434

>they're too hard

The vast majority of the games in the classic series aren't hard. The final bosses in X, X3, and X4 are harder than any one boss in the classic series, Mega Man and Bass Nonwithstanding.

>> No.2001442

I didn't say they're hard, did I?

Look at the posts in every one of these threads saying MM doesn't move well enough and MM1-10 are impossibly hard.

Here's one with both.

>> No.2001452

From the NES games i have completed just the first 3 games, 1 was fun, 2 is okay but i don't get the hype, 3 was pretty fun. Still, i prefer the X series so far, especially X and X4.

>> No.2001462

Rayman Origins is fucking spectacular. For anyone who gave up on modern platformers you need to play this. I know I'm late as fuck but it's really fucking something this game

>> No.2001573

As a series? No. Megaman X1 is the best game in the entire franchise for me, though. Otherwise the classic series is much more consistent than X.

Ms Splosion Man is also a good modern platformer despite its obnoxious humor.

>> No.2001578

They are easier but not by a lot. It doesn't matter when the games are just so damn fast and fun though. Plus the new mechanics add a lot of replayability.

>> No.2001973


I started with the Zero Series, then Classic, then X, and I'd say:

Zero > X > Classic

Difficulty I honestly can't tell which is harder. I only get better at being MM games as time gos on, so i can't tell if I'm better or a game is easier

>> No.2002294

>EVIL Clever Dog
why did I laugh so hard?

>> No.2002297

Well this seems like a pretty fucking stupid logic.

>> No.2002415

That and the "crazy ox" rhinocerous always get me. That is one crazy ox.

>> No.2002649


I thought it was fine when I played it as a kid. Haven't gotten back to it so idk.

>> No.2002654


Eh, MM9 's whole point was that it was a throwback. I think it did a pretty great job to. but for MM10, yea I would've preffered an aesthtic more like 7/8/X instead of rt-treading already re-treaded ground.

>> No.2002659


This is why I love the Zero series so much. I feel so free, not only with dashing but the sword as well.

>> No.2003595

Frostman's stage has some of the best music in the series period.

>> No.2003598

It's like how 2D games that use 3D cameras look like a Toybox.

Changing the sprite sizes and messing around with the way the background animates can drastically change the perceived camera

>> No.2003861

I love all the tracks in 8, minus Clown Man. My favorites especially are the intro stage theme, Saturn version's Tengu man, Grenade Man, Frost Man and Wily 2. Overall a wonderful soundtrack, it's a slow-burn kinda thing imo, when I first played 8 I didn't like it for all the common reasons, but over time I kept finding more things I enjoyed about it, and the music earwormed in. I guess the game is an acquired taste, but it also is a MM game that isn't 2 (the Pearl Jam Ten of classic MM, great game that overshadowed the entire series so badly that despite later games being great too, some arguably better, any discussion of the series is quickly framed around how the other games stacks up to 2).

>> No.2003942

thats more of a ducktales clone

>> No.2005193


>> No.2005267

MM7 was like playing those early Gameboy Megaman games. Way too cramped. I say this as someone who loves the game despite that. I liked both 7 and 8.

>> No.2005283

I thought it was kind of OK. I agree it's a bit cramped, but I thought the Zero series was way worse

>> No.2005292

Yeah, I'll never understand why nobody ever complains about Zero when it had it way, way, way worse than 7 ever did. Especially with Zero 1's bullshit where the screen could scroll even during boss battles, forcing you to make blind jumps constantly.

>> No.2005662

>the Zero series was way worse
Not even close.

>> No.2007538

For some reason I could never get into the X series. Something about the way it controls and handles, I always feel more comfortable with playing the first three or four Megaman games.

>> No.2008698

Part of the challenge of the Zero series is how little space you have to work with; it demands almost inhuman precision. You get hit, you take tons of damage and you have low health. Because of the small screen, you also have reduced amount of time to respond to threats while progressing through the stage.

The fucking rolling enemies in the first game would _always_ hit me.

>> No.2008814

Im newfag here, please recommend me the easiest megaman game on any platform.
i played megaman and bass on my gba and that shit is really hard.

>> No.2008830

Mega Man X is pretty easy.

>> No.2009001

> decides to play Zero on an emulator
> it's playable but doing the dash is inconvenient without the L-button
> 50% of the fun in the game is dashing
Why is life so suffering?

>> No.2009004

What the hell do you mean its inconvenient?

>> No.2009012

What does this mean? Do you not have an L-button on your controller??

>> No.2009023

I have to alternate between three keys (A, Z, X -- maybe changing to Z, X, C would help a bit) which is awkward compared to holding L in a gba and using A, B as normal while I am doing some maneuvers.
It's an emulator and I don't have an emulator controller geez

>> No.2009071

>keyboard user

A = dash
S = jump
D = attack
Z = whatever button is left

Ring finger on A and Z. Middle finger on S. Index finger on D.

Enjoy being able to do fucking anything.

>A, Z, X

That sounds painful.

>-- maybe changing to Z, X, C would help a bit

It's the master race. Do it.

>> No.2009250
File: 99 KB, 400x400, 4199831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of what I've played:

God Tier:
MMX, MMX2, MMX3 Zero Project, MM5, MM6, MM9, MM10, MM Unlimited (it's so good it counts!)

High Tier:
MMX Command Mission, MMXtreme2, MM&B, MM7, MM4, MM2, MMZ, MMZ2, MMZXA, MML

Mid Tier:

Shit Tier:

>> No.2009757

Megaman 2 on US Normal mode is the easiest Megaman experience.

>> No.2009802
File: 32 KB, 480x320, mega-man-zero-collection-ds-screens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? pic related doesn't seem too b
ad compared to >>2001063

>> No.2011527

Come on, Mega Man 7 had much more space to work with. I think you just felt sluggish because of the limited movement options since it's a classic series game.

>> No.2011551

I have no idea if this is true but maybe the Zero collection used the slightly larger screen of the DS to make it less cramped.

>> No.2011557

No it didn't do that at all. Everyone was disappointed.

>> No.2013229

Wasn't there a hack that enabled full Zero gameplay in X3?

>> No.2013250
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I always liked the X series a bit more. It's just speedier and a tad bit more technical.

I don't get why so many people prefer MMX over the other X games so strongly. Even if it's good it was by far the easiest one and way too easy in general. I mean, of course you could just do a "no upgrades" run or something but I don't really like limiting myself too much to find challenge. I kinda prefer X2 and maybe X4 and X5 after that one. X3 had a retarded buster upgrade which I did not like but otherwise it's good too. Oh, also the main reason I prefer the X series is the dash and MMX doesn't start you off with it so that's points off right there. It's nearly mandatory to do Chill Penguin first because I want that freaking dash.

>> No.2013257


If you like speedy games, why do you like X5? It's slow, laggy and heavy.

>> No.2013267

I haven't played it in a while but I don't remember it being particularly slow? Apart from those fucking unskippable conversations I mean. Fuck those.

>> No.2013278

Mega Man ZX was pretty cool but the overworld design made me want to scream. Advent is better but I didn't like it as much gameplay-wise. You need to get pretty far to get your sword and it's plagued by a ton of transformations that are extremely limited in usefulness. Should have just had the "Mega Man" forms.

>tfw there will never be a new Mega Man X/Zero/ZX style game

Anyone here have an opinion on Gunvolt? I know it plays differently from Mega Man but looks nice.

>> No.2013282

All I remember from that game is hitstun, a dash that's basically crap, apparently intentional lag in several stages, mostly crap music, alia being a shit and getting me killed, crappy parts system and X vs. Zero.

Only the last point was a positive experience

>> No.2013285

Guys, X7 wasn't really that bad. It has its own share of issue, but it's really tiring to keep hearing X7 as this irredeemable piece of junk that most of you have probably not even played.

>> No.2013291

It is absolutely mediocre. It's not unplayable but made me wish I was playing a good game instead.

>> No.2013294
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>Guys, X7 wasn't really that bad.

Opinion discarded. People can even agree X6 is good, but that's too much.

>> No.2013295

It has its fun moments. The armor was pretty sweet. Also you have to give Capcom credit for legitimately trying something new with the franchise.

>> No.2013302

X7 was a failed experimental.
X6 was fucking lazy.

>> No.2013307

>X6 was fucking lazy.

Maybe, but there's still a pretty solid game underneath the stages you hate.

>> No.2013310

I disagree. I prefer to think of it as a potentially solid game that they left unfinished and filled the remainder with spikes and poor stage and boss design

>> No.2013316

That's exactly what I said. X6 is the game that feels best when playing to me.

If there's ever been a game deserving of a ROM hack, it's X6.

>> No.2013325

I'm not sure if X6 is that worthy of a ROM hack.

Taking a step back, let's see what's worth saving:
- The X armors are pretty bad
- X's saber is dumb.
- The weapons are useless, as has been the case starting form X4
- Zero's new style is pretty odd
- Having the heart tanks affect only one character is and will always be a dumb idea
- The parts are pretty fun, but that started with X5.

Could that all be changed and improved? Probably. But at that point you're basically making a new game based on X6's visual elements alone.

>> No.2013334

>The weapons are useless, as has been the case starting form X4

That's the only actual complaint and can be debated.

>But at that point you're basically making a new game based on X6's visual elements alone.

The point would be to edit the stages. Maybe fix some controls like Zero's down special. Everything else is fine.

>> No.2013345

You don't think splitting the heart tanks is a dumb idea?

>> No.2013347

I felt like this was the exact problem. The core game is good but I just hate most of the stages. This was even more the case with X8. I thought many of the stages were horrible which was a shame because it seemed fun at first.

Like I don't need every single stage to be the traditional "run through enemy infested platforming to boss" but when almost every stage is a gimmick stage it's just annoying.

>> No.2013359

It's the same way in X5. But now that I think about it, yeah. It's rather annoying. I have 2 saves, one for X and one for Zero.

X6 is the Super Turbo of the series. The engine is perfect, but the data on top of it isn't. X8 is another example. Hated the fucking cart stages.

Wish I could hack PSX.

>> No.2013369

That's the strange thing about the transition between X5 and X6.

X5 tried adding a bunch of new systems (multiple characters, parts, multiple armors), which came with their own problems.

X6 fixed none of them and added its own share of stage design problems.

>> No.2013373

X6 fixed parts.
Armors are fine.
Multiple characters could use more separation.

X5 had plenty of stage design problems. I consider it worse than X6.

>> No.2013387

I thought the X6 armors were worse than X5's (which already weren't very impressive), and definitely hate X6's stage design a lot more, but we'll leave it at that disagreement then.

>> No.2013395

>I thought the X6 armors were worse than X5's

Why? X5 armors were useless, the only good one was the falcon armor.

Shadow is very fun with excellent close range game, no weapons. Blade has excellent mobility but buster could be a bit better. Wish falcon could still fly.

>> No.2013410

>the only good one was the falcon armor.
Well that's one of the two armors, so that's pretty good.

Shadow armor is a bunch of good ideas that don't really work out together (still better than the Gaea armor though. If we're talking rom-hacks, that's the top thing I'd want fixed). Spraying shots, and high jumps sound cool but they don't have that much of a use. Nice charge shot though. Overall, it's a fun armor to try out once and never use again, unless you want a fun challenge.

The Blade armor, on the other hand, I have no love for. It's terribly generic, I never found a use for the charged saber, and the mach dash is too clunky to be an upgrade in mobility.

Also, a shout-out to X7's armor, which I really enjoyed.

>> No.2013424

>Spraying shots

I thought they were okay. It'd be interesting if there could be more shots on screen with faster fire rate and slightly wider and more random arc. Deal with swarms of stuff.

>and high jumps sound cool but they don't have that much of a use.

I think that's a stage design issue. Also, maybe it'd be cool if you could dash as many times as you want and never fall down, just like you don't slide down walls.

>Nice charge shot though.

Fuck yes m8. The saber is also good, it's faster. Jumping slash is broken.

>I never found a use for the charged saber

Maybe it could be stronger and fire a sonic boom.

>> No.2013502

>Wish I could hack PSX.

I heard its one of the harder systems to hack. Do you think /vr/ could do it if a group got together?

>> No.2013659

X6 has some decent weapons though.

>> No.2013782

>1 hit killing last boss with based zero + parts + shield

feels good

>> No.2013880

X > X2 > X4 > X3 > X8 > (large, huge, seriously enormous gap in quality) > X5 > X6 > X7

>> No.2014001

>x5 above x6


>> No.2014019

X6 is pretty much dumpster tier in terms of... well, everything.

X5 was the decline, it tried to innovate and ended up being a weak entry, but was far from the garbage that was X6, and X7

>> No.2014027

Only garbage here is your opinion

>> No.2014039

Its not even just my opinion, its fairly commonly accepted that X6 is terirble

>> No.2014083

I do enjoy X6, it's one of my favorite X games. I think it's a bit unfairly hated on, especially by people who don't know how to handle Blaze Heatnix's stage. X6 isn't so difficult when you're using your weapons right, which is a complete u-turn from how you could nuke everything with the mega/X buster in previous games. I'm not arguing that X6 is well designed, I'm just saying it takes a lot more finesse to suceed than usual for a MM game.

>> No.2014103

Why are you upset, you don't like opinions other than yours? Dumb fuck.

>> No.2014115

Your opinion is literally garbage, I really laughed a lot when you said X5 tried to innovate

>> No.2014121

I never played those games. I'm just saying you look stupid getting pissy on 4chan. Nobody wants a kid like you around here.

>> No.2014141
File: 1.02 MB, 325x203, there-is-reason-to-be-upset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody here is pissed but you kid

>> No.2014409

>I really laughed a lot when you said X5 tried to innovate

New things in X5
>Switchable characters
>Multiple armors
>Post-boss upgrades
>Bosses have levels
>Branching story paths, multiple endings
>Crouching/hanging from bars

wow x5 no innovation

New things in X6
>Get parts from reploids instead of bosses

wow x6 so innovative

>> No.2014676

No Mega Man ZX sequel ;_;

>> No.2014743

I didn't say X6 was innovative either, get some basic comprehension skills fag

And all of those "innovations" were nothing but pure shit in X5, and everything else was a shitty rehashed version of X4 and even previous games, if you want to say a game is innovative try one that didn't literally copy good games of the past and somehow fail to be as good

>> No.2014883

ZX is pretty sweet. Model HX is master race, you can do ANYTHING.

>> No.2014943

>I really laughed a lot when you said X5 tried to innovate
>Implying X5 did not try to innovate
>Provide list of new things X5 tried
>Well they were shit anyway

So much for comprehension

>everything else was a shitty rehashed version of X4 and even previous games

Name me any prior Mega Man game that has any of these
New things in X5
>Switchable characters
>Post-boss upgrades
>Bosses have levels
>Branching story paths, multiple endings
>Crouching/hanging from bars

>b-b-but X5 is shit anyway you're still wrong

>> No.2014954

Having new things is not the same thing as innovation you dumb fuck

>> No.2014961

>Having new things is not the same thing as innovation you dumb fuck

>verb (used without object), innovated, innovating.
>1. to introduce something new; make changes in anything established.

>> No.2014963

Innovation is associated with success you autistic retard, if your shitty idea flopped it isn't innovation. World's full of shitty inventors and shitty ideas like those they put into X5, actual innovation is very few

If anything X6 is the innovative one, it finally fixed some of the shit that was clumsily implemented by X5, but even that's a bit of a stretch because certain parts are all shit in their own way.

>> No.2014980

If innovation is associated with success, define "try to innovate"

Oh wait, try means to attempt, and is independent of the subsequently success or failure

Let's re-read the wording on your post then.
>I really laughed a lot when you said X5 tried to innovate

I'll be waiting for your next "b-b-but x5 is shit so it doesn't count anyway" comeback. Reply soon!

>> No.2014990

>try to innovate

Pretty much the same can be said of X6, X7, X8, virtually any game in the series kid

>> No.2015021

I found this game in a goodwill yesterday for $1. I bought it. Did I do good, /vr/?

>> No.2015093

X was much better than the original series, but most Megaman games aren't really very good. Even in the X series, the only particularly worthwhile games are X1 and X4.

>> No.2015109

I can definitely agree with that

X1 and X4 are the uncontroversially good games from the SNES and PSX generations

>> No.2015173

So why would you laugh when the guy said that X5 tried to innovate, if you acknowledge that X6, X7, X8 did?

Thanks for admitting you're wrong.

>> No.2015179

Because he thinks it's enough to set it apart from X6, which is a much better game than the trainwreck that was X5

>> No.2015220

But that's where the series got really shitty

>> No.2015223

My opinion is kinda tainted because I didn't have a console as a kid until the PS1 so I started the X series with 4, but I still really like it. That being said, X3 is a much better game and I really do like the series. X5 was kinda....lazy, I tried to like it but I never got into it like I did the others, and the stages just felt poorly designed. X6 was just bad. X7 was terrible. I never got around to X8, but I'm told it's better than X7.

>> No.2015228

>X3 was better than X4

W... What...

>> No.2015238


The best thing about X4 was playing as Zero, and it is fun.

X however feels like a lazy version of the game, because so many stages felt more tailored towards Zero's playstyle. Also, IMO X3 had better Sigma stages.

>> No.2015240

How so? I remember having great amounts of fun with both Zero and X. The former does have superior mobility which are enhanced by his moves but the latter has advantage against bosses

I honestly don't even remember the X3 sigma stages, I don't play it much, but I do agree the X4 ones are a bit lacking.

>> No.2015924

On the other hand, X3 Zero was lazy as shit. It was basically a joke how you could play as him. It's like they give you god mode then take it away.

>> No.2016045

i still have no idea what to do in x5 or x6. i start playing and have to skip all this lame dialog then i get all these stats i dont care about and there's a timer and bullshit SHIT

>> No.2018859

... You pick boss stages and kill stuff until you reach the final stages.

What don't you understand about X6?

>> No.2018867


X6 is a much better game than X5.

X6 just has shitty stage design and can lead to some infuriating difficulty when it comes to trying to save everyone.

X5 has this stupid timer where you have finite time to get some shitty weapon to destroy something, its bullshit and one of the reasons X5 is a complete joke.

As for the stats that's just X5 and X6 having a ranking system sort of, can be safely ignored unless you care about it, also I think it has something to do with how the boss levels may be calculated, but who the fuck cares.

>> No.2018879


Wow, awesome ableism, can you please teach me to be as cool as you?

>> No.2018882

You know what would make a good Megaman Game? Something like Saints Row IV. A sandbox with missions that involve a bunch of cool building climbing, hovering, shooting shit with random powers, and the occasional vehicle.

You know why Megaman died? They never introduced good shooting/fighting mechanics past X4, they stopped introducing cool powers to steal, they never put in co-op, they never figured out how to do 3d well.

>> No.2018998

>You know why Megaman died? They never introduced good shooting/fighting mechanics past X4, they stopped introducing cool powers to steal

Yeah, this is especially obvious in Zero's case, he has the same exact moveset in every game.

>> No.2020029

>Yeah, this is especially obvious in Zero's case, he has the same exact moveset in every game.

Well those are some very fundamental attacks.

>giga attack
>down spike
>dash slash
>sonic boom

Zero's gotta have those to be good. Anything else is a bonus. I wish he'd start the game knowing them so they could free up weapon slots for experiments.

>> No.2020743

I've never played a Megaman game, and I want to get into them. Does anyone have a tier list?

>> No.2020772


Literally all of the games except for X5, X6 and X7 are good and worth playing.

>> No.2020780

What's wrong with those?

>> No.2020783


X7 was done in 3D to mix things up I guess, but it was horrible, X8 is ok as it went with 2.5D and retained most of the feel of the X series.

X5 and X6 are detailed throughout the thread, but X5 is mostly just riddled with garbage design decisions, while X6 is incredibly difficult but only because of horrible stage design. X6 does have excellent music though, I would argue best in the series, but thats about its only redeeming feature.

>> No.2020858

Starting with MM6.

>> No.2021025

>X6 is incredibly difficult but only because of horrible stage design

It's worth playing IMO.

>> No.2021042


That game is my guilty pleasure and even I wouldn't say it's worth playing.

>> No.2021361

Why not? The stages are actually okay, besides blaze heatnix which was mostly lazy.

>> No.2021841

Yeah, some other stages like one of the Gate stages with all the spikes are pretty lazy too but overall the level design isn't THAT damn bad.

>> No.2022202

I'd say it could have been more creative but it's okay really. Certainly not as bad as people make it out to be.

>> No.2022261

>Literally everyone.

No. Plenty of people, myself included, prefer the gameplay of the original, particularly 2 through 3 before Charge Beam was added.

>> No.2022332


This guy.

But I would put 8 in God Tier. I love the Sega Saturn version.

>> No.2022369

>particularly 2 through 3

so 2 and 3?

>> No.2025146 [SPOILER] 
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8 God Tier? In trash you go.

>> No.2025281

Should check out hideofbeasts channel on youtube and watch his no damage mmx6 run, you'll appreciate exactly how much mental anguish such a challenge could be with that games super random enemies and garbage level design.

>> No.2025286

>he doesn't know what adsorption is

>> No.2025856

>go watch some buttfrustrated guy taking a literal diarrhea dump in your ears about a game he's mad about because he's playing on a self-imposed challenge the game wasn't really designed to handle

>> No.2025871

>challenge the game wasn't really designed to handle

Games aren't typically designed for the challenge runs we impose on them. That's part of what makes them fun, learning how to get passed it.

>> No.2026609

why does everybody hates X6? i actually though it was pretty well done, the soundtrack was cool and the bosses as well, i also liked the fact it was way harder than any other megaman before since i like hard games. The only thing though i really hated was how easy the final boss fight was with anyone but regular X.

>> No.2026613


He's not really buttfrustrated though, he's generally calm as he describes how much work it took to get past each segment.

>> No.2026653


Yeah, the programming was amazing too. I like how they made Zero's saber ignore boss invincibility when using the shield power, allowing you to instakill pretty much everything. Oh, and randomly being made invulnerable to enemies is awesome too.

The actual stages themselves are terrible though.

>> No.2026935

Just going through the X collection myself, I had already played the games waaay back (bought the US carts of 1-2-3 on their respective release days and you wouldn't fucking believe it, I've actually GIVEN THEM AWAY to a friend of mine when my us snes stopped working and I was going through a "meh, video games" phase)
I've always considered it one of my favorite video game series and I wanted to see how it held up years after.

X1: amazing game, tons of fun, great stages, great bosses, awesome music, bit on the easy side but that's fine, some parts are still a challenge (Sigma last form).

X2: An improvement on the X1 formula. Great stages, great bosses (now with special attacks!), more secrets, the inclusion of optional bosses (X-hunters) is a fantastic idea. Great music, nice colorful graphics. Too bad it's way easier than X1 (either that or the new augmented buster is broken). 9.5/10 would play again

>> No.2026937

X3: Mixed feelings about this one: bosses lack charisma, too many enemies require you to stop and wait for them to be vulnerable, killing all momentum (whereas 1&2 encouraged to rush through the stages and damn it was FUN), stage themes are a big stepdown, and this is where capcom started going crazy with all the secrets within the secrets (parts AND special part chips BUT WAIT if you skip all the chips then you have the golden armor!! also robots). Zero was cool though, Vile was cool, bosses were actually hard if you went buster only.

X4: Definitely an improvement over X3, stage designs are better and offer more variety, less useless gimmicks, difficulty feels right, great music again. Stages tend to go on for too long though imo. Cutscenes are laughably bad but who gives a shit.

X5: What the fuck. How could it go so wrong? Alia keeps interrupting to give useless info and her post boss fight dialogue goes on forever. The guy who came up with the time limit idea should be shot in the head. Going for a 100% is a fucking ordeal. Waaaay too many secrets (hearts+sub tanks+4 fucking armors+all those parts bullshit). Stages are just bad, too many rage moments (fighting the U555 everytime I had to go through that deep sea stage was so fun! also I am NEVER doing that jet stage again in my life). Story feels too dark compared to the rest of the series. Fuck this game.

About to play X6 and get it over with but I have doubts, I remember it being just painful to play...

>> No.2026948

>holy god damn
>i hate this game
>endless fucking bullshit
>hate this game
>hate this game
>hate this game
>why am implaying this game

>> No.2026952


Try to find a pre-made save with all the reploids rescued and max souls, but no bosses killed.

It's very fun that way. Zero gameplay is furious

>> No.2027239

>X4 plays much faster for me than X1-3

>> No.2027261

>But it seems like from X4 onwards, they try to punish you for moving at breakneck speeds. Even if you know when traps are coming up, they're designed to hit you unless you stop and let them pass.

I can't say I've ever had that problem. I rarely ever stop dash jumping through levels unless I have to kill something

>> No.2028072

It's true. The PSX games are much more fast paced and fluid.

>> No.2028110

I dropped Mega Man after MM3 and X after X3. It's just rehash after rehash. I believe the X series has some fresh ideas after X3 but MM is pretty much more of the same till the end.

>> No.2028156

X4 > X1 > X3 > X2 > X8 > X5 > X6 > Shit > X7

MM2 > MM4 > MM1 > MM3 > MM6 > MM5

MMZ3 > MMZ1 > MMZ2 > MMZ4


>> No.2028224

X loved X. it feel apart for when with x4 with that horrible voice acting. Game play was ok. Place near me has MMX. I might go buy it. don't know.

>> No.2028384
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>judging voice acting based on the dub

>> No.2028696

>x6 > x5
>mm1 > mm3


>> No.2028883

ok, why would you use regular non upgraded mega man instead of the fully upgraded one?

>> No.2028884

I don't know. Challenge?

>> No.2029120

>all these hate on X8
It's not that bad of a game with a decent twist.

>> No.2029135



>> No.2029297

X4 gotta be the most overrated Megaman game ever considering how mediocre it is overall.

>> No.2029310


It's hyped by people because you can actually play the full game as zero.

>> No.2029317


God Tier: X1
High Tier: X3, X2
Mid Tier: X5
Low Tier: X4, X6, X8
Shit Tier: X7

Games are ordered within their tiers from best to worst

>> No.2029319

The only thing X6 has going for it is cool armors. The levels are full of fake difficulty, and the final stage in particular is very poorly designed. The "timer" in X5 isn't even an issue if you have half a brain.

Still, neither of them is particularly good.

>> No.2029712


No, fuck you.

>> No.2029932


X4 is completely dependent on whether you are a fan of zero or not. It was the first game that really solidified what Zeros gameplay style should be, as opposed to the shitty treatment he got in X3 where it was clear the designers really didn't know how to implement him. That's why some people consider it the best X game. It's a subjective thing, like most tastes. Quell your autism.

>> No.2030356

>not being a fan of furious zero gameplay

These people exist

>> No.2030368


Switch X4 and X5 and you got it.

>> No.2030385

>you got it

No, he didn't. His opinion is in no way indicative of any consensus.

>> No.2030389


Oh man, and here I thought he was king of 4chan or something and that was an edict and not just something I was agreeing with.

Thanks for reeling me in.

>> No.2031718

There's little doubt in my mind that X4 got a ridiculous amout of praise just for mindless Zerowanking.

>> No.2031735


God Tier: X1, X2
Nice but underwhelming Tier : X3
Nice but quite flawed Tier: X4, X8
Not worth much Tier : X5
Garbage Tier : X6, X7

>> No.2032230

Mindless? Zerowanking?

>> No.2034142

Prove the list wrong by providing your own, and stating why your list is superior.

>> No.2034151
File: 99 KB, 350x496, 6a00d83452033569e2016761e2f7e4970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Tier: X1, X4
High Tier: X3
Mid Tier: X2
Low Tier: X5, X6, X8
Shit Tier: X7

>> No.2034154

>God Tier

Sorry, that's wrong. X4 is wildly overrated, and mediocre at best. People just think it's good for the same reason they think FF7 is good: It was the first one they played, so they're blinded by nostalgia.

>> No.2034164

>Sorry, that's wrong.
>Your opinion is wrong.
>People just think it's good for the same reason they think FF7 is good: It was the first one they played, so they're blinded by nostalgia.
11/10 autism level

>> No.2034176

>not knowing what projection is
>calling others autistic


>> No.2034306

I couldn't bring myself to finish X6. It's just so bad and annoying. everyone stage has a shitty gimmick and I can't imagine how someone could think Blaze Heatnix stage was a good idea. Even the rest of the stages just reeks of bad design. It's nit hard, it's just bad. Fuck that game. It's everything that was wrong with X5 (minus the time limit) times 10, and X5 was very shitty to begin with.

>> No.2034313
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>against someone who didn't even argue

>> No.2034417

>God Tier
>Mid Tier
You blew it.

>> No.2034436

>It's everything that was wrong with X5 (minus the time limit) times 10, and X5 was very shitty to begin with

Thinking about it, I find it pretty strange how Capcom kept shitting sequels about everything back then when they are so anal about numbers now.

>> No.2034443
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>I find it pretty strange how Capcom kept shitting sequels about everything back then when they are so anal about numbers now.
Easy money.

>> No.2034454

X1 started the original concept. Others repeat the formula.

>> No.2034470

>not the worst level design of the original 5
>not the easiest bosses of the original 5
>not the most pathetic story of the original 5
You need to step it up.
Everything post Inafune is not canon so I don't count them as anything but shit.

>> No.2034475

>not the worst level design of the original 5
That honor goes to X5. X4 right behind.

>> No.2034746

So I just started X4 last night, really like the synths firing off everywhere in the soundtrack. First thing I did was beat the walrus boss. Is it just me or is wall-jumping worse in X4 than it was in X1? Seems way clunkier, but I was playing as Zero for the change-up.

>> No.2034774

>not shit-tier

I mean, it's well-put-together, but it's just so unfun with checkpoint starvation, too many ways to be OHKO'd in levels, not to mention the final boss being an unwinnable fight against Zero.

>> No.2035214

>Everything post Inafune is not canon so I don't count them as anything but shit.


>> No.2037534

One of the reasons X4 isn't up there at all are the crappy new controls.

>> No.2037557

>crappy new controls

The controls were fantastic.

Or did you actuall play the shitty non-Saturn version?

>> No.2037576

The PS games controls are feces next to the original snes games. In particular X2.

>> No.2037619

>The snes games controls are feces next to the new PS games. In particular X4.

>> No.2037623

>Or did you actuall play the shitty non-Saturn version?


>> No.2037630
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>> No.2039368

I don't like this meme of X5 being bad.

>> No.2039372

>likes X2
>doesn't like X4

your the autist

>> No.2039374

I don't like this meme of X6 being bad.

>> No.2039450

Didn't the X series have an official end with 5? Pretty sure that's what the Zero games deem canon, anyway.

X = Classic

>> No.2039460
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>Pretty sure that's what the Zero games deem canon, anyway.
X5 was the original cutoff, but even up until Command Mission is considered canon, from a technical point of view.

>> No.2039464

What makes you say that? The Zero games mention the colony falling and everything becoming as fucked as it is, and some of X's adventures, but nothing after, from what I remember.

>> No.2039468

Who--Who is this?

>> No.2039470

>Didn't the X series have an official end with 5?

Lol nope. X6 explains how Zero put himself in stasis in a far future ending.

>> No.2039473

Then what about 7, 8, and Command Mission where he's all there?

>> No.2039475
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Zero being placed into stasis confirms at least up until X6, and as for Command Mission;

It's tenuous at best, but the Zero drama tracks confirm the existence of "Final Strikes" in that continuity.

Put off until a later date.

>> No.2039478

X6's ending is at an unspecified time. It doesn't really happen immediately after the game's events.

>> No.2040106

For me the Zero series is the hardest, at least on the first two. The third is questionable but I still put it above X's general difficulty at worst, and above Classic at best. Fourth is kinda too easy.

>> No.2040335

I loved playing as Zero so X4-X6 were a blast for me. I never understand why people hate so much on the man with the saber. I admit that the boss and level designs weren't as consistently good as in the first three, but when they were good, they were really fucking good.

>> No.2040350

Have you played the Sega Saturn version, as in, the Real Megaman 8?

>> No.2040360

Kill yourself

>> No.2040498

It sure was better than the PS one. It sure was better in japanese.

>> No.2040564

When the "current kids" get to job age and can't spell, speak, or write worth a shit, they'll be passed over for the people who aren't functionally retarded. Enjoy your incoming generation of homeless idiots and welfare abusers.

>> No.2040671

I love Megaman 7 and 8 above everything else

>> No.2041340


>> No.2041378

>getting offended on an anonymous image board

If you legitimately didn't know the correct grammar for the sentence, then you should be happy someone' calling you out. If you're just being lazy who gives a shit?

>> No.2041381


Can't you map the controls anyhow?

>> No.2042198

Was it too hard for you?

>> No.2042348

Just map dash to something you can reach easily.

>> No.2042357

Best robot gets best transformation, no surprise here.

>> No.2042362

Yeah, HX is the embodiment of everything that makes the X series and its contemporaries good. Insane movement options means you're unfuckingtouchable if you have skill.

It's just so fluid and feels so good

>> No.2042417

I keep getting the urge to play x5. maybe I should hook up my PS2 and get at it again

>> No.2042424



>> No.2042440

damn it I like how Sigma looks! Don't judge me!

>> No.2042480

>building a X6 save with everything collected as Zero, max souls and no bosses killed

I'll share it with you guys later if you want

>> No.2042679

What is the best shader?

>> No.2043097

That sounds interesting, anon.

>> No.2043669


need the name of this song D:

>> No.2043663


>> No.2043958


>> No.2044001


>> No.2044093

... I have no idea.

>> No.2044128

>Wish there was a more Metroid-like X game with more areas.

There's a Metroidvania Megaman X fangame being made, all with custom graphics and music:

It's a fangame, but it looks SO good it might as well be official. The Music while all original really looks like something out of the X games, and the sprite work is SUPERB.

Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXd6mE-HYIo

>> No.2044147
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You guys are WAY too purist. Personaly, I like and enjoy almost all x games. Except x7 because that game was a complete mess. I even enjoyed the megaman x command mission, even though it was a very generic jrpg I still liked it much more than the megaman network games.
And on

>> No.2044154

I don't think anybody genuinly enjoys X7. There are people who get wet over Red fucking Axl, but they don't actually like the game.

It's sad because X7 was proof Capcom was just unable to properly make the series evolve to keep up with modern gaming.

>> No.2044156

Can't argue with megaman 2 fans. They are blindfolded. Megaman 2 is the worst one after 1.

>> No.2044158

>It's sad because X7 was proof Capcom was just unable to properly make the series evolve to keep up with modern gaming.
I'd say the failure of Legends was proof enough that they couldn't.

>> No.2044161

>It's sad because X7 was proof Capcom was just unable to properly make the series evolve to keep up with modern gaming.

They actually experienced a lot during that era. X7 even being such a failure, spawned x8. And x8 was a good game (not just decent, but good). But the ps2 era wasnt kind at all for sidescrollers as they became more and more a niche genre specially outside japan.
I also have a major dislike for axl voice actor and his voices in x8 tho.
>eat this
>eat this
>eat this

>> No.2044163

Legends and X are two very different kinds of games though.

Legends is like Resident Evil 4, while X is like Devil May Cry.

>> No.2044164

>And x8 was a good game (not just decent, but good)

Bullshit, it's decent at best and boring at worst. It's overrated because it came out after X6 and X7 that were horrendous but it's still a bad game.

It's a platform game with almost no platforming, just gimmicks and minigames, you could add co-op and tweak the stages a little and you'll have Mega Man X Party.

>> No.2044179
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X8 was enjoyable. And there is a considerable amount of platforming in some stages only, most it was mostly a game with emphasys on action and Im ok with that. They did some experimentation in that game with the character swapping, My major complaint with that game is the voice acting and some lame OHKO boss bullshit.
Whats with the "party" thing tho? Isnt this the same board that idolizes smash bros 64?

>> No.2044185

X8 looks like ass, so I'm happy they didn't keep the alien-ish redesigns.

>> No.2044208

I love celshaded games. Im ok with the visuals.
Again, you guys are way too purist and didnt want to see the series evolving at all. Maybe this is the true reason megaman is dead for long now.
The whole butthurt over megaman legends 3 sounded like a lot of hypocrisy because that game flopped hard outside japan and received mixed reception by purist fans.

>> No.2044212
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No, no, anon, see, I'm good with cel-shaded visuals. I'm complaining about the new designs by the Breath of Fire guy. The ones that haven't been seen since X8

>> No.2044235
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Wasn't the design used in Maverick Hunter X a tweaked version of that?

>> No.2044236

No wonder x looks like ryu from breath of fire IV.

>> No.2044247
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>> No.2044253

Well that's good. I haven't played MHX in years and couldn't remember.

>> No.2046054

It's not fucking out yet? How long must they torture me

>> No.2047981

Better than X7 and it has plenty of replay value. Some stages are annoying though.