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File: 66 KB, 460x600, 10653449_811245312259402_512064732612595063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1977829 No.1977829 [Reply] [Original]

Playing FFVII for the very first time, and I missed Yuffie in the Junon area. I'm going to obtain her in the next forest as I'm already in Corel Desert, but what exactly did I miss?

>> No.1977842

None too much really. She gets chummy with Red XIII while you're playing as a SOLDER and when Barret talks about his past she ends up being the only unsympathetic person in the party.

>> No.1977923
File: 125 KB, 458x245, sephiroth attends aeriths funeral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you didn't miss the funeral, so you're good.

>> No.1977934

Seriously, you're missing out on one of the most annoying characters in all of FInal Fantasy history. Just make sure you get Vincent though, he's fun.

>> No.1977950

she's pretty funny on the boat to junon. how do you miss her? you just grind till she appears and that forest near junon is actually a decent spot to grind.

>> No.1978736

You can easily miss her if you don't know to look for her.

>> No.1978819

Holy shit what is going on with that picture? I don't think I've seen a jpg in worse quality in all my life.

>> No.1980447

Why would you ever grind in FF7? The monsters practically lie down and die for you if you play normally. I don't understand you.

>> No.1980449
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PC version adds these mouths.

>> No.1980456
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>> No.1980463


I SWEAR they actually have mouths, they just can't see them most of the time because it's just a line.

>> No.1980465
File: 58 KB, 650x728, 1386202083195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but what exactly did I miss?

the only character in the damn game with an actual personality

>> No.1980483

God, I miss pseudo-punk rock Cloud. Mouth or not, the "new" Cloud looks like a generic anime faggot

>> No.1980501
File: 43 KB, 450x450, that's real fuckin' disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like adding faces to Castlevania sprites. You just don't do it.

>> No.1980503
File: 724 KB, 547x781, FF7 preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yuffie is one of the only fun characters in the game

when i was a 2edgy teen i always used vincent or cid over her and now i can only look back and marvel at what a fool i was

>> No.1980509


Someone's been trying to be witty and funny and made a jpg. That's all there is to it. I've seen worse.

>> No.1980519
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Man I don't get the pickiness over this game's characters. I liked them all, personally.

>> No.1980523

Genkishit does not count as "personality."

>> No.1980539

I bet you didn't think you would grow up to be such a huge faggot, did you? Yuffie is worst character and only waifu autists like her.

>> No.1980541


>> No.1980546

Materia and Limits. That's it though.

>> No.1980564

As a kid, I used to find myself things to do in FF7, because it didn't provide those on itself, and I was too young to just quit playing the game I was told by the mags was the next coming.

For example, a fantasy of having all master materias on every character can easily take you back, like, 50 hours. Looking for spots to grind at, grinding for a couple of hours and quitting is how it worked. Then I got another idea, like having all items, and got to that, until I got bored, too.

>> No.1980765

She's also pretty useful with the Conformer equipped with Morph materia. Especially on the Glenika or Gongaga

>> No.1981187
File: 134 KB, 311x372, Yuffie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genkishit does not count as "personality."

it does when combined with a personal goal and side quest line that is not defined by Cloud or Sephiroth.

>> No.1981196
File: 139 KB, 255x532, why would you ever dress like this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuffie is worst character and only waifu autists like her.

No that's Tifa, whose entire personality revolves around sucking Cloud dick, dressing like a slut and having tits

>> No.1981213

>implying Yuffie doesn't dress like a slut
>implying she's not pandering to the pedophile flat-chest audience

>> No.1981247


>doesn't argue the point of Tifa being a vapid shallow bimbo who can only think of the MC

>> No.1981280

The pedophile flat-chest audience is conformed of sophisticated gentlemen with good taste, Tifa is just for horny teens and frat boys.

>> No.1981328

>that image

I missed both missable characters my first time through FF7 though. It's too easy when you don't know they're there.

>> No.1981532


What I want to know is how you didn't know they where there.

If you followed games at all then FF7 was spoiled to hell bad back months before it was out

>> No.1981543

Aeris was the only good female party member and she gets killed halfway through

>> No.1981562

That's the ideal girlfriend. Why would I need to argue that?

It's conformed of neckbearded faggots who think traps aren't gay.

>> No.1981563


Tifa very much seems like a last ditch token female.

Like they deigned Aetith to be the lead heroine decided they wanted to go the tragic route with her, made Yuffie to be the fun genki girl foil and then realized fuck Aerith is dead and Yuffie has no real connection to Cloud so they came up with some lame childhood friend business.

There's just too many gaps that should have been explored. How did Tifa meet Barret and join avalanche for one.

>> No.1981573

Eh, that seems like a stretch.
More likely is that she's just a poorly developed and largely unimportant romantic interest. Which would hardly be a first; just look at Rosa.

>> No.1981576


Eh Rosa wasn't meant to be a love interest in the traditional sense. Her and Cecil where already an item so really she served more as an emotional support for him which she did mostly okay

>> No.1981587

Sure, but she's still passive, uninteresting and unimportant. Compare and contrast with Rydia.

>> No.1981627


not saying Rydia's the more popular one for no reson. Just that rosa wasn't without her role

>> No.1981659

This is true. About the only time you can see it is on tifa's closeup at the end of disc 2

>> No.1981679

grinding for items to steal, enemy skill, materia etc etc

>> No.1981686

most people didnt have internet back then. At least kids didnt. I only played it for the first time in 99 and had nothing spoiled and I read a decent amount of video game magazines when forced to go to the supermarket with my mom

>> No.1981695 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 604x800, PSM-Issue-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people didnt have internet back then. At least kids didnt.

it wasn't the magazines that did it. This shit was on the cover of literally EVERY gaming magazine released at the time and most everyone of them went into huge detail

>> No.1981705
File: 118 KB, 604x800, PSM-Issue-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you must have gotten lucky because A LOT of the magazines went into insane detail. EGM2 was especially bad about letting it slip Aerith dies

>> No.1981721
File: 6 KB, 219x230, Vinnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what the fuck happened to Vinnie, he got all emo mc angstington later on.

In 7 he only kind of looked that way but whenever he said anything he was kind of a dork. Like he knew how he looked and was self aware of it. I remember he even thought it was funny or cool that people said he seemed cold

>> No.1981735
File: 7 KB, 187x269, cid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cid is the best character

>> No.1981743


sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn tea

>> No.1981751

Vincent's the only character with a backstory tragic enough that I'm okay with him being "dark"

>> No.1981754

Man, I wish there was another FF like 7. One that modernized the setting without making it too "real" and bland like 8 and some others did. 10 did it in some ways imo but not well enough.

Sure take it out of the medieval times but give the characters unique looks, well-defined personalities even if they're stock-y at times, make the world colorful and memorable despite stuff like corporations being a part of it etc.

>> No.1981771


Vincent's back story wasn't tragic. Vincent's back story basically amounted him to being to much of a pussy to talk to the girl who was clearly into him so she went and slutted it up with Hojo

>> No.1981797

The point I was trying to make is that the role itself is lame, particularly for a (non-optional) playable character.

>> No.1981850


she's also the cause of Kain's drama. So there's that.
I agree she needed more personal goals though

>> No.1982340

I died on my way to that Chinese village. I ended up not going back until much later.
By the time I finished the game, I found out that I missed her.
I got Vincent though.

>> No.1982356
File: 1.97 MB, 288x216, yuffie kiss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I managed to somehow completely luck my way into getting Yuffie.

I understand you can cheese doing her event over and over to to gain affection points

>> No.1982378

>Chinese village.

You mean Wutai? It's clearly Japanese.

>> No.1982382

Chinese, Japanese.
They both look the same in the end.

>> No.1982387

>You mean Wutai?
Yeah. Whatever. It's been years.

>> No.1982420

I ended up with Barret. No idea how.

>> No.1983109
File: 25 KB, 259x259, 1389035286269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get drunk with Barrett and Cid

>> No.1984403

When I was a kid I used to think she had a really chunky arm.

>> No.1984423

>I ended up with Barret. No idea how.

you have to purposely be a dick to both girls and never use them once.

Really strange to do on unintentionally