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File: 137 KB, 288x334, Quake1cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1968127 No.1968127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Doom is my favorite videogame of all time, so I tried Quake the other day, which for some reason I never played.

I'm really having a hard time liking the singleplayer portion of the game. It's nowhere near as fun and solid as Doom was.

>Color pallete is really dull and consists of a lot of brown
>Music is dull too. I get they were going for a more ambient soundtrack but it just doesn't fit.
>Not having an action button really takes the fun out of finding secrets
>The arsenal consists of 4 weapons and a more powerfull version of 3 of them
>Enemy variety is also very reduced compared to Doom 2. While Doom had 3 varieties of soldier, quake has only 1.
>Level design is more claustrophobic. A matter of taste but I think doom had more variety between open and tight levels.
>They throw you ammo like it is candy. It's impossible to run out.

The game was clearly designed with multiplayer in mind. The campaign so far has been a borefest. Romero didn't want to make this game and it shows.

Is quake 2 any better?

>> No.1968149

Stop whining, go download some bots and start practicing.

>> No.1968165

Have you tried Quack?
It's better and has more ducks

>> No.1968172

Protip: When baiting /v/ doesn't work out, /vr/ usually won't go so well either.

>> No.1968175

Protip: Someone finding a game boring is usually not baiting

>> No.1968219
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>Color pallete is really dull and consists of a lot of brown
So is Doom and it's fine.

>Music is dull too. I get they were going for a more ambient soundtrack but it just doesn't fit.
It fits pretty well the Lovecraft/Cthulhu surroundings it wants to be.

>Not having an action button really takes the fun out of finding secrets
Nope. In Quake you actually need to look and find clues on the levels. In Doom you just press the action button on every brick of every wall until you find something.

>The arsenal consists of 4 weapons and a more powerfull version of 3 of them
So is Doom with Shotgun/Super Shotgun, pistol/machinegun...

>Enemy variety is also very reduced compared to Doom 2. While Doom had 3 varieties of soldier, quake has only 1.
Fair enough, Quake have less enemies. But you're wrong again, Qquake have 2 soldier varieties: Grunt and Enforcer.

>Level design is more claustrophobic. A matter of taste but I think doom had more variety between open and tight levels.
Fair enough again, but Quake needs to be Quake, not a second opinion about Doom. Also you can always look for some custom maps if you want to see bigger ones.


They throw you ammo like it is candy. It's impossible to run out.
Is that really a bad thing?

>> No.1968241

>Is that really a bad thing?
It is in a kind of game where exploring is requirement for survival.

>> No.1968250

I'm the opposite OP. I always loved Quake but could never get into Doom.

>> No.1968251

I played Doom and Quake when they were released. To me they were both fun, just very different. Rather than hordes of monsters, Quake was slower-going and with a bit more of an eldritch horror atmosphere, with all its strange architecture, dark corners, monsters lurking in the shadows, and crazy traps like that shit in Satan's Dark Delight.

Anyway, yeah Quake multiplayer is fun, but online deathmatch was really a novelty for me back then, so that was part of the appeal. But, it eventually got boring, and I started playing CTF instead of straight DM. As far as SP goes, I always liked it, but used to seek out new add-on levels as they were released (google "SPQ levels" to find loads of them...) and really enjoyed the Quake Mission Packs.

If you really like multiplayer though and can't find any opponents, there's always bots. I would occasionally DM some reaperbots, or load up the Painkeep mod that has its own bots (because I could seldom find anybody on PK servers). Dunno if there's any CTF bots though, I always played that online.

>> No.1968263

Forgot to mention: Unlike Doom, I always played Quake without any music. The sound effects and environment noises are so well-done that I think they're enough to make the game come alive. Adding music on top of that seems superfluous, and even artificial.

>> No.1968272
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It's a good game...

>> No.1968278

Quake's gameplay and level design (in terms of layout) are both far superior to Doom's.

>> No.1968282
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Are you good enough to find the hidden Nightmare skill?

>> No.1968286


So it's not a bad thing in Quake.

I have a lot of fun exploring the levels, but it was not really a requirement for survival or to complete the game.

>> No.1968303

Doom babies at it again.

>> No.1968335

I still prefer Doom but I love Quake's singleplayer. I think I have beaten it ten times in the last year alone.

Play without dying, play without saving, play on nightmare.

>> No.1968337

i played quake before doom somehow, and i still ended up liking doom more. it's just more fun.

quake was made in early days of 3d gaming, and it shows.

it does have a nice atmosphere to it though and is more convincing at making a fairly immersive setup (doom feels a bit cartoonish due to low definition of some enemy sprites). also multiplayer feels better.

both games are cool, doom is more fun to play imho, but quake is no slouch.

>> No.1968339

quake1 soundtrack is so-so. track 1 is great, but rest if mostly an afterthought. too bad it didn't get much more attention.

>> No.1968349

> track 1 is great

You mean the first half of track 1.

Quake's soundtrack is Trent Reznor recording himself randomly pushing keyboards keys while high on heroine, and that comes from someone who puts Nine Inch Nails in his Top2 favourite bands. It's obvious he didn't put much effort in it, it's exactly the kind of 'average' musics that the musicians of his level can pull out at will with no effort, but that they would never keep for their own albums. Sure, they 'work' (as in there is nothing wrong with them), because a musician of that level has written so many songs it's become natural to write stuff that 'works', but there is no effort and no soul put into it (I've played in 3 bands including one that a major national label wanted to sign, so I've seen this kind of stuff).

>> No.1968356


You're an idiot. There's a bunch of amazing dark ambient stuff on there.

>> No.1968361

>I've played in 3 bands including one that a major national label wanted to sign
so what went wrong fag?
also what instrument do you play?

>> No.1968374

>quake was made in early days of 3d gaming, and it shows.

Yeah. I think they could have got around this by making more abstract enemies like the vore, shambler, and fiend than ones that were supposed to be something more recognizable. Though with maybe more variety in texture mapping, since those three have pretty similar coloration.

At least there's nothing like the imp or arachnotron in quake, they really don't look like they belong alongside the other monsters in Doom. I think the demon looks good, even though like the imp I believe Adrian Carmack just drew it out freehand versus having a model.

>> No.1968383

>Enemy variety is also very reduced compared to Doom

Lets look at Doom (the original one). Imp, baron of hell = 1 enemy. Soldier, shotgunner, = 1 enemy, Cacodemon, Pinky and lost soul. Doom II adds a few but some fall under the same categories of enemy. By the same enemy i mean basically variants of one enemy with a different graphic and tweaked damage, health and fire rate. So im going to be pretty generous and say doom II has about 6 types of unique enemies.

Quake enemies are all vastly different (soldiers aside). You have fucking ogres who fire grenades that you must dodge as they bounce through tight areas, wizards coming in from above to throw poison at your shit, Fiends being all jumpy and fast, can even jump over some gaps; Shamblers are huge, shoot lightning and dont take as much explosive damage, Knights shoot fireballs but also tank and charge you, Little blue ball things, rottweilers, Vores with homing missles and zombies which must be gibbed to die completely. Dont forget the fish underwater as well.

Every single enemy in quake requires different tactics to effectively kill without taking damage. Doom's only real strategy is strafe strafe strafe, SSG, hide behind corners, dont get hit by fireballs, use plasma on more dangerous enemies and repeat.

>Didnt play past episode 1 because 1 type of soldier
>Throw ammo at you
Try nm mode
>came here without looking at quake 2

com on son

>> No.1968390


>tries to objectively prove something is shit because they don't like how it sounds

Fuck off!

>> No.1968396

Nobody here likes Quake except for a few people it seems.

>> No.1968426

Plenty of people like quake, even the ones discussing it's flaws. I'm one of those, and I like quake.

>> No.1968469

I never had any problems with Doom's imp. He seemed pretty damn badass and scary compared to the troopers that populated the rest of E1M1. I used to call them "brown bastards" and physically duck left or right in front of the monitor to avoid their fireballs... This was all pretty new stuff (light years ahead of Wolf3D) and to me felt like the first taste of virtual reality.

>> No.1968473

>The game was clearly designed with multiplayer in mind.
>Is quake 2 any better?

What do you think? Quake2 was more focused on single player.

>> No.1968494

I disliked Quake too.
My reasons were that I didn't like the music, most guns had really weak sounds, and the enemies were bullet sponges.

>> No.1968584

If you want to see Trent Reznor do this kind of stuff except while putting effort in it this time, listen to "Ghost I-IV", and you should see the difference.

>> No.1968624

I like Quake but I don't like how spongy some of the enemies are. That shit gets boring fast.

>> No.1968643

I felt the same way at first, but I played a bit more, and I think Quake is a masterpiece.

The mistake I made when I first played was using the shotgun all the time. The shotgun does too little damage and made the game feel like a slog. The primary weapons in Quake are the grenade launcher and the rocket launcher, use those and the game really starts to play a lot better.

>> No.1968653
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, ep3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should actually use all the weapons. Very situational.

>> No.1968658
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, e3end2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1968673

nailgun for those flying things
super nailgun (pref. with quad) for shambler
grenades for zombies
super shotgun for close-up ogres, knights, and those jumping demons
shotgun for plinking weak monsters at distance (if don't want to waste rockets)
axe for sneaking on other players when I have the 666 :->

otherwise it depends on the level...

>> No.1968681 [SPOILER] 
File: 203 KB, 600x776, 1411844419576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What puts me off is the aesthetic.
People call it "Lovecraftian" or "eldritch" but it rarely encapsulates the atmosphere of H.P. Lovecrafts writings, nor does it create a strange and eldritch mood in most cases. Lovecraftian and eldritch are just buzzwords that are tossed on it to make it sound unique, instead of actually describing it.

>> No.1968691

While the soundtrack isn't bad, I agree that it isn't really great either. It's not something I'd listen to in my own time but some tracks do indeed go nicely with the game.

I like these ones in particular:
^While you're playing Quake and this shit is blasting in the Underearth level it's pure gaming fucking bliss. It sounds so slow when you hear it without the Quake violence going on in the background. That's why playing the actual game is so key to these being good. This applies to pretty much all the ones I like.
^This is probably my favourite one. Again the build-up sounds so much better when you're actually playing and have all the Quake noises/battle sounds going on at the same time.
^This bass is always satisfying to hear at the end of a level when you've finished
^Main theme is okay, but on the better side of okay than on the bad side. Wish we heard it more in the actual game.
^This shit droning on in the back during the Ziggurat Vertigo (the low gravity level) and The Nameless City is pretty sweet.

These ones are fucking boring:
^I hate that stupid baby noise in particular
^This one's okay, but still mainly boring.

>> No.1968696

well it also depends on how close you are to enemies etc. you obviously can't use rockets in tight proximity. also depends on ammo management. if for example you had loads of ammo for lg you'd use it a fuckload more.

>> No.1968726

Did you miss the parts where you fight literal Lovecraftian horrors? It's not a buzzword, they're in the game.

>> No.1968739 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 624x351, 1411846528619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having Lovecraftian horrors doesn't make something Lovecraftian.

>> No.1968749

Arguing semantics like troll doesn't make you one.

So what Quake weapon is best against troll? :-/

>> No.1968765

LG will be sure to b him tfo

>> No.1968770

*Add a rocket launcher at the end to gib for good measure.

>> No.1968774

>Implying I don't have 666

>> No.1968786

>implying I don't have QD and yours isn't just about to run out

>> No.1968790

>Implying I haven't recognized the console commands.

>> No.1968876

Same. Doom's gameplay is a lot faster.

>> No.1968887

Quake's LG looks so much better than Q3's.
SSG is good on shamblers too if you can bait their melee attacks.

>> No.1968893

Quake is a totally different single player experience compared to Quake - less arcade like and therefore less fun. Quake is more about "being there" and feels more fragile than Doom's super solid Nintendo'esque world.
Multiplayer is superior to Doom's though - by far. It's when being 3D truly unwinds.

>> No.1968896

>Doom's gameplay
>anywhere close to this


top lel

>> No.1968901

Haha - seems like Donald was the original Slipgater!

>> No.1968903

>Implying speedruns apply to 85% of the people who play games

>> No.1968926

>implying that makes it any less relevant to the argument
This is what Quake is capable of. Doom is not. So stay pleb and enjoy your grandpa reflex shooter baby boy.

>> No.1968930

>grandpa reflex shooter
Do you know where we are?

>> No.1968935 [DELETED] 

Yes. On a board filled with tryhard doom babies that can only play that one casual as fuck shooter.

>> No.1968943
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>> No.1968982

All of Quake's weapons feel much better than Quake 3/L imo.

Q3A always felt like you were firing toys to me. I loved how bass-y the super nailgun sounded in Quake. The plasma rifle however sounded like a toy and like it was projecting out water bubbles or something.

>> No.1969057

>says this while Doom's nightmare mode exists or even the -fast option, which makes any Quake SP look like a joke.

>> No.1969060 [DELETED] 

Information was previously sent to the White House on or around June 2nd with an interest in sharing some useful, pertinent information I've come into
through years of research into the biological effect of dissociative drug application.

Over an extended course of time, the drugs ability to temporary limit the overall use of resources internally has allowed me personally through tissue
stimulation to alter the basic structure of the interior of my sinus cavity. Upon relating this information, with an interest in trying to get across
the legitimacy of this as a medical discovery, I recently attempted to contact the White House, thinking in the circumstances that if the information
was related to someone in a better position to distribute it, some response might occur in the medical community.

Instead I've found that all products containing dextromethorphan in my surrounding area have suddenly had the dextromethorphan removed. This is an
obvious and simplistic verification of the information that has been shared, but rather than instituting some method of distribution to improve
the circumstances for constituents, has resulted in a blockade of an important medical discovery. I urge you to read over and judge for yourselves. While
certain content in the letter expresses personal religious views, the bio information is all solid and tested, and the response taken by the administration
to block the information from distribution is something I take as a personal affront.

I urge you yourselves to attempt to find dextromethorphan containing products, and should you find the dissociative drug absent, question why an
administration would tactically work towards the removal of an important medical substance immediately following a letter (not the first, but clearly
the last) regarding this important discovery.

Letter is shared word for word as sent to the White House website.

Copy saved on date in personal email.
Letter: brucevain.blog.com

>> No.1969085


Hey, I know you're trying to act well informed and all but... you haven't provided any evidence suggesting that he didn't make any effort. All you have is your opinion.

Sorry troll, try again :)!

>> No.1969091
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>> No.1969092


Yeah it does, sorry :(.

>> No.1969095


I know, I just meant on here they don't.

>> No.1969101


Guns are toys anyway.

>> No.1969215

One thing I really hate about Quake is that the game punishes you for gibbing enemies. What was id thinking? Especially since it's much easier to gib enemies in Quake compared to Doom.

>> No.1969218

>implying you're ever short of ammo anyway
come on son

>> No.1969228

>implying that makes it any less of a stupid design decision

>> No.1969379

I think the reason the Quake hordes are smaller than Doom hordes is because it's easier for computers to render a bunch of 2D sprites than it is to render a bunch of moving 3D objects. At the time Quake came out, some computers were still struggling with framerate issues in Doom 2 due to the large number of monsters on screen at once... imagine if it was all 3D!

So they were like, "lets have fewer monsters with more HP, but to make it still be fun let's use this new engine to make a spooky game." I feel like all of Quake 1 is kinda like the shareware episode of Doom, which itself didn't have huge horde of enemies either and was more deliberately paced and atmospheric than other Doom episodes. You have to be someone who gets immersed in the world of the game to truly enjoy that philosophy of design. Those who are more interested in the raw "arcade" experience tend to be bigger fans of Doom 2, which is full of "game-y" map designs and LOADS O' MONSTERS!

>> No.1969384


>> No.1969457 [DELETED] 

>Doom is my favorite videogame of all time
for the last year or so

>> No.1969461

>Doom is my favorite videogame of all time
for the last year or so
before that it was what, Halo 3?

>> No.1969482

What are you talking about
Gibbing enemies is even more satisfying in Quake because of the cool blood effects. Where's the "punishment"?

>> No.1969485
File: 52 KB, 365x366, id.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brutal Doom & 2 > Quake > Vanilla Doom & 2 > Quake 2 > Rage > Doom 3 > Command Keen (series) > Wolfenstein 3D & Spear of Destiny

>> No.1969489

clearly a bait post. The "criticisms" are a fucking joke. Yet I'm still mad.

>> No.1969497

No ammo pickups from enemies that normally drop them.

>> No.1969504
File: 112 KB, 350x326, 176798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doom 3 above commander keen? fuck you.