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File: 432 KB, 600x547, Bya8lE5IAAAwHpA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1965234 No.1965234 [Reply] [Original]

This collection is being released in physical form in Japan, it includes:

3D Space Harrier
3D Fantasy Zone
3D Outrun
3D Streets of Rage
3D Shinobi 2
3D Ecco the Dolphin
Space Harrier 3D
Out Run 3D

The artwork is by Ken Sugimori of Pokemon fame, that is Blaze drawn in Pokemon style.

Lets hope they release it in the west too, there will probably be a second collection later with

3D Super Hang On
3D Sonic the Hedgehog
3D Altered Beast
3D Galaxy Force 2
3D Afterburner 2
3D Fantasy Zone 2
3D Thunder Blade

It seems that Ken is a big Sega fan, his username in twitter is Super 32 x https://twitter.com/SUPER_32X

>> No.1965237


Fucking awesome.

>> No.1965267

That 3D Space Harrier is one of the best ports I ever played in my life.

>> No.1965281

I just might buy a 3DS for this, so it would be a good move at Sega or Nintendo's part to localize this.

>> No.1965292

Don't buy one till next year (also wait to see if they localize it, it is not certain at all)
Nintendo is releasing a new 3DS in the Asia Pacific region this Xmas with twice the power, better 3D, 2 extra buttons and a c-stick, for the same prize as the old 3DS. Next year it comes to the west. It is going to be the Game Boy color of the 3DS.

>> No.1965303
File: 96 KB, 418x600, decapattack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.1965320

That and all these games are on the eShop in the same form. This is just a physical release.

>> No.1965336

I'd prefer the physical release. My SD card is running out of space.

And yes, I also like shelf porn.

>> No.1965340

>that is Blaze drawn in Pokemon style


>> No.1965347

Yeah, gonna need an enlarged version of that, stat.

>> No.1965497

Might be kind of silly given the arcade standards they have for this series, but I'd kill for a Phantasy Star 1, 2, 4 done in this style.

>> No.1965523

Having played a few of these games I can vouch for the amount of quality M2 put into these ports. They're really well done, the 3d effects are nice and in some games (shooters and Streets of Rage in particular) they actually enhance the gameplay by giving you better depth perception.

>> No.1965536
File: 189 KB, 614x355, 1387506125375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space Harrier with the 3D on
>good head phones jacked into the 3DS
>turned on all the different settings like displaying it like a arcade screen, allowing the screen to shift like the original cock pit styled ones

Jesus christ, that game is the hypest shit.

>> No.1965539

M2 has been on top of shit with Sega ports so I'm totally up to buy this when it's localized.

>> No.1965549
File: 1.59 MB, 426x319, d68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems that Ken is a big Sega fan

Sega did everything better than Nintendo except management.

>better hardware
>better games
>better policies for third parties
>better music
>better innovations
>Sega funded and nurtured third parties unlike Nintendo

None of that matters if you're a poorly managed company. If Sega was anywhere as well managed as Nintendo, Nintendo would've been the one being a software publusher.

>> No.1965578

Meanwhile, half those titles haven't been brought to Western eShop. All I want is Out Run...

I do kind of enjoy how Sega's 3D Classics blew Nintendo's own out of the water.

>> No.1965582


We'll be lucky if we even get fucking OutRun digitally, nevermind the real thing.

>> No.1965585

>It seems that Ken is a big Sega fan

Stolen from NeoGAF, because fuck uploading all those images here:


>> No.1965597

>Slap Fight MD

I kinda wish Sega still existed, at least Nintendo wouldn't be alone in being irrelevant in the hardware market.

>> No.1965605
File: 43 KB, 636x399, PULSE-ART-001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems that Ken is a big Sega fan
He did worked on Pulseman

>> No.1965630

I wonder how GF would have been like if they never made Pokemon. What if a completely different company made the game instead, like MELDAC or Naxat?

>> No.1965631

Yeah but that was game freak when they were just getting started.

>> No.1965641

Judging from his oversight with Drill Dozer, Sugimori probably did the lion's share of the co-directing for Pulseman. Tajiri was off doing Pokémon by that point.

This physical compilation won't get localized if the digital releases aren't, and then I doubt SoA will eat the costs of retail production and distribution. A second cart with 3D Galaxy Force II and the rest would be logical for Japanese customers. However you get them, the M2 3D Classics will go down in memory as some of the best-ever porting efforts. I'd love to see one last hurrah beyond Thunder Blade, like Power Drift or (lol no) OutRunners.

>> No.1965645

Who knows they might have become like a second treasure if they kept releasing with sega.

>> No.1965664

I keep having this crazy fantasy where I somehow found myself back in time, and I change some historical events related to videogames. What if Sega made Super Mario Bros? What if Nichibutsu made Zelda? What if Sony never made the PlayStation? One such idea would be going to a company like KID and proposing the idea of Pokemon for the Famicom, complete with special hardware.

>> No.1965673

If nothing else Pokemon on Sega could have very well been a thing.

If only.

>> No.1965685
File: 93 KB, 400x399, frodo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Pokemon's developmet start, anyway? 1994? That's plenty of time, and I reckon the GameGear still had some traction left in it. And before they became a subsidiary, Gamefreak was a third party through and through, so this begs the question. If Nintendo was such a tormentor of third parties, then why did some of them come to them and eventually become part of Nintendo? Was Nintendo selective of companies, or was that whole "Nintendo is the bane of third parties" thing exaggerated?

>> No.1965701


1996. And not in america until like 98 I think. Sega was a sinking ship by that point. A very prolonged, hilarious sinking ship, but one nonetheless.

>> No.1965704

>The artwork is by Ken Sugimori of Pokemon fame

It's nice to see he hasn't been ENTIRELY replaced by that shitty copycat Yusuke Ohmura.

>> No.1965706

He asked about development, not release. Even so, Game Gear was a dead duck by time Pokemon really got rolling. It helped that they had Miyamoto in their corner.

>> No.1965740

Is this still worth it if you play without the 3d effects?

>> No.1965743

They are fantastic ports which give a ton of options, so I'd say yes. I doubt this will come to the west in physical form though, let alone digital form as most of these have been on the Japanese eShop for quite a while.

>> No.1965759

>What if Sony released the Playstation for the SNES meeting critical failure?

I would prefer this scenario

>> No.1965776
File: 828 KB, 200x189, 1402246660630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother of god

>> No.1965787

This is one of the few arcade perfect Space Harrier ports. The fact it has extras makes it that much better.

Also, I know Sega won't do it because lolSega, but I'd kill for them to make a limited print of this in the US. I have quite a few of the 3D Classics already, but I'd love to actually have a physical set, Nintendo ended up bringing the NES Remix physical release to the west after all.

By the way, is Season 2 hitting the US any time soon? By the looks of Season 1's American release, it seems we'd get it by November.

>> No.1965795

I hope this makes it to the west, not gonna hold my breath though

3D Outrun appears to have 2 brand new songs composed by someone at M2 in the style of the original arcade game.
>the casiopea is strong in this one

Songs exclusive to Master System/Genesis versions

>> No.1965801


I'm going to be honest with you

This is 100% of the reason I would buy this since I downloaded half of these already.


>> No.1965806

I posted Step On Beat twice. This guy..

here's what i meant to link

>> No.1965807

I will kill a man for OutRun 2019 3D.

Show me a trailer and give me a name.

>> No.1965813

Sega is lucky to have even been able to finance this sort of thing. SoR would only put them deeper in the hole

I feel like most but not all game developers still in the game today are playing it safe so they don't go bankrupt.
>pachislot pachislot pachislot

>> No.1965821

When they announced that two new songs would stand alongside the original three, I highly doubted they would compare. But I'll be damned if they didn't. Camino a Mi Amor has gotten a lot of play in my rotation.

>> No.1965850

>Having a proper final boss.

I love when they edit old games in good ways.

>> No.1965867

>localization never

>> No.1965881

You can already have all the games for the same price RIGHT NOW, you know. They've all benn out for more than a year.

>> No.1965882

A spacier sd card will cost you much, much less than this, and will be more sueful in general.

>> No.1965989

Actually, the early development for Red and Green in Japan started in 1990 and they were originally called Capsule Monsters (Capumon). It has been a very difficult development, stopped and restarted many times because of several issues, financial ones too. The games were to be published in 1995 in Japan, but then they were definitely postponed for '96. Gold and Silver faced also a difficult development, but a less longer one.

>> No.1966010

I just want Streets of Rage 2 for 3DS. Then my life will be complete

>> No.1966024
File: 261 KB, 438x616, Capsule_Monsters_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capsule Monsters
Should have kept that title and aesthetics... Damn, Nintendo should have picked it up in 1990, might be looking at a whole different climate then.

>> No.1966105

I wish I could get 3D Outrun and 3D Fantasy Zone right now.

>> No.1966232

yeah I'd kill to play the alpha or beta version of R/G, according to the drawings and some interviews with the staff the game looked very different from what it actually became, you could buy monsters or eggs from the shops and carry them with you and appartently it had different mechanics too, based more on the player than the monsters, IIRC. Also, there's leftover data in the game about different Badges and what looks like a ranking system.
Another thing that looked very interesting from the screenshots is how alpha Gold/Silver looked like.

>> No.1967590

Wait, I didn't even notice, the collection has the SMS OutRun 3D And Space Harrier 3D? Neato.

Hopefully M2 fixed the framerate issues.

>> No.1967618

That's a good question, actually. What if Nintendo went through, but the Playstation (as it was called) was a failure? Would it have been a failure? How would it be possible for it to fail?

>> No.1967749

>Wait, I didn't even notice, the collection has the SMS OutRun 3D And Space Harrier 3D?
got a vid?

>> No.1968027

>How would it be possible for it to fail?

Mega CD.

>> No.1968046

hmm depends how well the 3D is implemented

>> No.1968058

The PS1 being a failure is just too grand-scale and unfathomable for me to imagine. The Sega CD being a failure makes tons of sense. It couldn't do nearly enough to distance itself from the Genesis. The PS1 did stuff the Sega CD could only dream of. As for what the 3D0 could do, I actually have no idea and I'm probably going to look into.

These whatifs and dream scenario discussions are hilarious and always fun to ponder on.

>> No.1969781

M2's got enough talent now that they could make great new arcade games for SEGA and others. Their work with ports is amazing, but the Rebirth series and Fantasy Zone II DX shows their instinct for game design.