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File: 1.04 MB, 2100x1540, 2363809-snes_earthbound_custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1959462 No.1959462 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1959464

if you don't like earthbound you have no soul. that is all

>> No.1959467


>> No.1959469
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x1836, 2014-04-15_12-44-45_711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1959474

>if you don't like earthbound you have no soul.

describe what makes earthbound great without using the following words


or any of their synonyms

>> No.1959478

Best Nintendo game. Very charming and nostalgic.

>> No.1959481

this nintendo title charmed the fuck outta me. every time i think about it this immense nostalgia washes over me.

>> No.1959482

I'm curious as to what its all about. Sadly, I'll have to wait for my everdrive.

>> No.1959489
File: 22 KB, 345x273, the-unassuming-local-guy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon guys, this game teaches you stranger danger, what's not to love?

>> No.1959504


It's a fun game with a wacky sense of humour, a good setting, and nice environments.

>> No.1959516
File: 42 KB, 300x300, in a sky runner over saturn valley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't like dragon quest clones with a nonsensically underwhelming plot that relies only on wacky antics and "charm" to be likeable you have no soul
>that is all

>> No.1959670


no soul confirmed

>> No.1959676

Were you ever a child?

>> No.1959697

Yes, I actually did play Earthbound as a child. I didn't like it then. I tried playing as a teen, still didn't like it, then as an adult, still don't like it.

I don't see how that has anything to do with Earthbound being a Dragon Quest clone with a nonsensical plot and overreliance and wacky charm.

Mother 3 is a good game, however.

>> No.1959704

>Mother 3 is a good game, however.
It's just as awful gameplay-wise, and has a story that reads like a goddamn Beatles song. It could only impress a drunk 17 year old or a person of equivalent tastes.

>> No.1959710

Quality thread OP

>> No.1959712

Guaranteed Replies: The Thread The Book The Game The Movie The Thread

>> No.1959725

The music beat thing in the battles makes it a lot better than Earthbound, and the integration of music/gameplay was nice. It's not the best ever but it's fairly original and works well. The story this time overrelies on you getting attached to the characters, but at least it has some semblance of coherence, even if the wacky component is still in full swing.

The wacky unique humor deal was never my thing and I don't really like any of these games (since they just focus on being as wacky as they can while disregarding everything else), but I can still acknowledge that Mother 3 is a good game even if it's not that appealing to me. It balances out the "unique quirky antics" with it trying to make some sense and some gameplay beyond tapping A, which Earthbound couldn't be arsed to do.

>> No.1959726

>beat first boss
>go to police station
>beaten to death by a gang of cops

>> No.1959728

the final boss was pretty epic, aside from that though yeah I agree

>> No.1961039

The battle system, while fairly generic, is entertaining and rewards those who don't just auto attack or press A over and over.

Music is catchy and includes some of my all time favorite video game tracks.

There's no overworld. This is one of my favorite features of the game. Everything is interconnected.

The ability to avoid monsters is useful and the fact that you can see enemies lends more stategy to a genre ripe with random encounters.

Maps are varied and interesting.

Party member introductions, specifically Poo and Jeff, force you to learn their playstyle without allowing you to fall back on Ness.

Lost Underworld is awesome because of the sense of scale.

The humor in the game is still funny even after several replays.

Learning a new PSI power can really change the dynamics of the world, especially teleportation.

>> No.1961868

jeff was the shit. once he repaired the shield killer and the psi blocker I was beatin badguys left and right

poo's copy ability was the shit too. got through the final level easy-peasy by having poo copy those bomb guys who would heal themselves completely and let poo heal my entire party

>> No.1961961

It's just like modern America!

>> No.1962034

>Music is catchy
That's an understatement. The juxtaposition of the bright and sunny video game-y music and the ambient tracks amazes me. When I first walked into that dinosaur museum, holy shit. It's a shame mother 3 didn't bring a lot of that back, just the standard cave one. Although that game had a good soundtrack for different reasons ( I never thought I'd hear a Satie tune in a video game, and I never thought it'd actually work.)

That combined with the dark, psychedelic undertones and absurdist humor makes the game for me. I don't think you could pick a better medium than a generic JRPG to tell this story. Even the "shitty" visuals and gameplay are all in service of Itoi's vision. One of the most clever games I've played. There aren't enough clever games.


>> No.1962035

Notice how nobody reacts like a real person would react to anything in this game. It's not just unrealistic or wacky or whatever, it's actually kind of disturbing.

>> No.1962053

But what about if it is charming?

>> No.1962057

You can use any adjective you like, anon. Don't listen to that villain

>> No.1962325

grand adventure with childhood friends

>> No.1962330

i don't like rpgs. what now?

>> No.1962412
File: 6 KB, 256x224, RetroArch-0326-162804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The juxtaposition of the bright and sunny video game-y music and the ambient tracks amazes me.
Not to mention the brilliant use of sampling which I'm not sure had been done before, or even matched to this day.


>> No.1963572

>being this much of a hipster tryhard

>> No.1963607

"I know that you're going on a dangerous adventure filled with killing hippies, cultists, possible rapists, robots, aliens, and the embodiment of pure evil, but before you go, I made you some (insert favorite food here)!" - Your mom, basically.

>> No.1963615

I fucking hate that picture. Like, I know it was literally created to troll people like me, but fuck man.

ITAOTS is a shitty album no one cared about when it came out, was 'discovered' by some hipster tryhards and is now a staple hipster wannabe album to like.

Earthbound however is a game that not only lots of American kids played at its release, but also was very popular and well loved in Japan. It was only with the ridiculous upsurge in SNES game prices, with earthbound being the most expensive, that people started to shit on the game. If anything, hating earthbound is the hipster wannabe, ITAOTS garbage opinion.

>> No.1963629

Saw it with a $200 tag at Vintage Stock recently. I shit myself.

I got mine for $8 from Best Buy back in the day, with the big box and the strategy guide with the scratch and sniff cards.

>> No.1963645

> tfw I hated Earthbound from day one
> tfw I can't say this to any Earthbound fan

Accusations of hipster faggotry, no exceptions. Is it so inconceivable that there were people who hated its simplicity and plot? Thing's a mess, frankly, and I've been saying that since way before the internet.

But I also acknowledge that lots of people like it and that I'm in the minority, and that's fine. I just personally have never cared for it.

>> No.1963667

ah didnt think of that. you might have a soul

>> No.1963746
File: 48 KB, 426x465, Lea blow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started playing this for the first time. So far it's been pretty good, but I've been feeling kinda shitty so I haven't been able to really get into it.

Plus I spent like 20 minutes killing the mole boss only to have my brother tell me after the fact I was supposed to have the girl in my party by then. Still kicked his shit in though.

Also inventory management is a bit of a pain but im sure ill get used to it.