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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.1956085

I thought the main complaint about the retron 5 was poor emulation? If their software just copied then?

>> No.1956125

>I thought the main complaint about the retron 5 was poor emulation?

That's just ONE of the complaints

>> No.1956132

Then what's the problem? Or did they copy crappy emulators.

>> No.1956137

The main complaint is that it's just a phone innards box that needs actual cartidges.

>> No.1956138


They're copying good emulators, but they are doing different things than intended, and changing things. These emulators were never meant to interact with real hardware. So there's bugs.

And on top of that now it turns out that they did in fact just copy some open source emulators, several of which have strong non-commercial clauses and then sold them. Violating licsense.

>> No.1956143

I'm not surprised at all by this, nobody should be. It takes years to develop emulators, these people couldn't have made their own in less than a year or two.

It does have controller ports. Which is something, I guess.

>> No.1956145

Maybe they copied ZSNES and nesticle when it's not even an x86 machine?

>> No.1956147

But the retron 5 just rips the rom. There's no hardware from the game being used after that.
I'm just curious which emulators they copied.

>> No.1956158
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>the comments section

>> No.1956159

Holy shit is that thing a controller, what a load

>> No.1956164

It runs on Android. No matter how awesome the emulators are, it will still suck suck.

>> No.1956172

>I'm just curious which emulators they copied.
According to that they're using the following: Genesis Plus GX, SNES9x Next, FCEUmm, VBA Next, and RetroArch

>> No.1956178

This does not suprise me at all. Do you know how difficult it is to write an emulator? I wrote a basic C64 emulator, with basic VIC and no SID, and that took a lot of time already. Now imagine having to emulate 5 different consoles and all their chips, including special ones in cartridges. It would never be finished.

>> No.1956213

Hard? How is it hard to copy an emulator? I compiled an emulator. I installed an emulator on a system it wasn't supposed to run on. It wasn't hassle free, but despite my very limited experience, it ended up working quite well!

>> No.1956348

Literally retarded

>> No.1956354

I think it's hilarious

>Hey people like old games right?
>Why don't we make a kickstarter, hire some guy to figure out the specs to plug the hdmi and controllers in, then just get an Android board and load it up emulators they're free anyways
>What can go wrong?

>> No.1956382

Hard to take anything seriously from that seething fanboy in website form.

>> No.1956397

Oh, I'm so sorry, you're right, it's so understandable why they would set out to make yet another emulator box, this time with with "ZOMG, loadsandloads of slots/replicated consoles", get totally selfrighteous about it, rip off open source emulators, then do a horrbible job of it.

>> No.1956406
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what a trash

>> No.1956410
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>reading through the comments section

>> No.1956415
File: 95 KB, 917x323, retron shill self busted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Retron shill outed himself out a few weeks ago.

>> No.1956424

it's not like they were even trying to hide it in the first place

>> No.1956426


>Advertisers also must disclose any material connection between a person endorsing a product and the company selling the product. A "material connection" is defined as a relationship that might affect the weight or credibility of the endorsement. For example, if an endorser is an employee or relative of the advertiser, that fact must be disclosed because it is relevant to how much weight a consumer would give to the endorsement. Similarly, an advertiser must disclose if a consumer has been paid for giving an endorsement.

>> No.1956428

Because that stopped all the fucks in the viral plague in 2012-2013 right?

>> No.1956436
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>Guy in comments taking soapbox stance comparing emulators to deadly weapons

>> No.1956446

Yeah unfortunately most of them never reveal themselves and they tend to post through anon so nothing can ever be proven. If you see them again though be sure to keep an eye on them in case they fuck up again.

>> No.1956450

I think its awful that the people who worked on these emulators have had their work stolen and sold without their permission

>> No.1956475

As much as I despise hyperkin with all their shit products and marketing I get a kick out of this hypocritical outrage from all these faggots who emulate or play off flash carts.

>> No.1956482

RetroArch. The non emulator. Complaining about other people using other peoples emulators.
Sounds legit.

>> No.1956490

I used to hate these things but honestly I don't even care anymore.

I mean, if someone is actually retarded enough to spend money on a retron at least it means there's one more snes/nes/genesis whatever left over for someone who actually has the ability to distinguish real hardware from a shitty stolen-emulator box.

>> No.1956520
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That site is a haven for Nintendards. I'm a Nintendo fan but the fanboyism from both staff and readers drove me away.

I checked out the comment you cited, and as if that wasn't bad enough, check out what followed:

>I think comparing an emulator to a 'powerful weapon' is not a strong enough example. An emulator is more like making a device that would allow someone to blow up a planet.

>> No.1956732

True. And as an added bonus you can pick up the retron for a buck at a garage sale when the hipsters parent throws him out.

>> No.1956773

>it does have controller ports. whitc is something

before the R5 alredy exist usb cartrige and usb controller adapter.

>> No.1956787

>Emulators aren't a threat. Its when you use them to get games illegally.
good to know emulators are rom-getters

>> No.1956796

every day "some anon" will make a post asking a blatant question/claiming a bold lie about the "newest retron", and even recently shiposts like "why not just get a retron instead" pop up in unrelated threads

>> No.1956809

>doesn't know the difference between taking something that isn't yours and making money off of it and taking something someone else made that's open source and building on it

epic simply epic

>> No.1956859

Like right now though i'm sure someone read your post and did it on purpose.

>> No.1956887 [DELETED] 

I don't see a problem with outlawing emulators, to be perfectly honest. Shills like byuu will spout some idealistic bullshit about "preservation", but as Virtual Console proves, Nintendo is capable of preserving their own games.

The only thing most people use unlicensed emulators for is piracy. That is an undisputed fact. The DMCA made reverse-engineering DRM illegal, and I don't see how extending that to proprietary hardware would harm anyone.

>> No.1956893 [DELETED] 

>doesn't know...well much about anything.
>making money is evil
>epic lol my sidez

>> No.1956896

That's all well enough, but comparing them to world-destroying weapons? Come on.

>> No.1956961

>Nintendo is capable of preserving their own games.
I forgot that Nintendo made every single game ever. Man, and here I was worried about all those titles where a legal option is getting even more infeasible, as even console like the PS2 break down and require replacement lasers that are in dwindling supply.

Emulators should never be illegal as long as they use no proprietary code. Outlawing code like that is a couple of steps away from "you aren't allowed to write programs without a license".

>> No.1956986

You realize with patent trolling we're almost there anyway right?

>> No.1956991

>as even console like the PS2 break down and require replacement lasers that are in dwindling supply.
>dwindling supply
Wow you're serious aren't you?

>> No.1956998

They were discontinued nearly two years ago, and I haven't seen a brand new one in stores in a while. Whether you want to argue that they're still readily available or not, his point still stands--what's out there is all that's left, and these things aren't going to hold up forever.

>> No.1957002

NEC cd drives are still going. There hasn't been new parts for over a decade.
If there's a will or want to preserve something parts will be made or saved. Hardware will never die.

>> No.1957005

Have you ever owned a Sony system? These things are notorious for their eventual certain failure.

If there's a will or want to preserve something, emulation will never die. There's no one way to achieve preservation, nor one correct/"morally defensible" way.

>> No.1957009

Emulation doesn't preserve anything. It's a means to play roms. Usually with little care for correctness.

The only way to preserve is to save. Emulation does not save anything.

>> No.1957016

I'm not going to argue with you. Emulation isn't for you, and that's very noble. It's a viable option for others. Let them be.

>> No.1957018

>I am well aware of emulators not being illegal and I can imagine it being a lot of work. But that's not the point. Having to put work into anything certainly doesn't make it better. I would imagine planning and pulling off a bank heist would be quite a lot of work, too, but so what? And emulators for platforms like the NES, SNES, Mega Drive or whatnot might not be illegal per se, but it is obvious that they are used for illegal actions well over 99% of the time. These guys behind those emulators are well aware of that as well or if not, then they should be.
How about another analogy? I create a powerful weapon (the emulator) that can also be used as a can opener (the legal options it provides, yet nearly nobody uses). I only construct the weapon, but I don't manufacture any ammunition (the roms) for it, despite this ammunition being really easy to come by for anyone. Does that mean I can wash my hands in innocence? Certainly not.


>> No.1957023

Oh I'm all for emulation. I just think the people that try to say it's some holy gift to retro gaming or "it's saving video games" are out of their mind.

Like I personally don't care about PS1 hardware so I'll be trying out an emulator soon as I get my ps4 controller hooked up on my PC. But for something like a snes. I'll spend hours locating a snes to buy and fixing it up. For others it's probably the opposite way around.
If there was no ps1 emulation it really wouldn't effect me much. I'd just get the hardware.

>> No.1957032

>Oh I'm all for emulation. I just think the people that try to say it's some holy gift to retro gaming or "it's saving video games" are out of their mind.
But that's exactly fucking true. Our ability to experience the vast majority of games depends solely on emulation.

>> No.1957041

>Our ability to experience the vast majority of games depends solely on emulation.
I give flashcarts a lot more credit for that personally.
If anything the games I really want to play and haven't yet have no emulation or it's shit. Talking about games that are actually unfeasible for the average person. Things like magical chase.
I can get a flashcart and a console and play that game though. Not cheap but much cheaper than buying the game.
Emulation has a long ways to go before it can say it's preserving video games.

>> No.1957061

Emulation is preserving video games.

>> No.1957063

>replacement lasers that are in dwindling supply
Did no other devices use PS2 lasers?
I know a fuckton of CD players used PS1 lasers which is why clones are still being made and even new-old stock official Sony ones are easy to come by.

>> No.1957070

you can buy it new boxed directly from china for 20

>> No.1957080

>I give flashcarts a lot more credit for that personally.
Original hardware is extremely faulty and prone to failure. Running code on a well-written emulator is always better than running it on 30 year old hardware.

>> No.1957086

does it come with a SD card slot & run roms directly off the SD card? is it cheap? no? don't care. emulated hardware that only plays cartridges is a waste of money. should have designed it to play both & rip carts.

>> No.1957114


Console hardware is not going to last forever, cartridge hardware neither but software emulation will, especially when it is open-source and hardware-accurate. THIS is what preservation means, it means it gives you the ability to preserve games as computer files and use software to play them, even in 100 years when console hardware has died out of corrosion and capacitor leaks.

There is also the current speculation and those insane prices going on for anything that relates to retrogaming, which prevents reasonable people from experimenting those games.

"Collectioners" saying that emulation is "evil" or that emulator developers are encouraging piracy and harming companies like Nintendo or Sega are just hypocrites: in my book this is still more creative and less harmful than resellers and profiteers turning retrogaming into a juicy business for themselves. This is exactly what companies like Hyperkin are living on by the way.

>> No.1957121

>Nintendo and other companies sue their shit off and they stop selling
>someone already bought all retron models
>in a few years, resell them to neo-hipsters for bazillion dollars
>it'll be cheaper buy a cabinet than a shitty Android emulator

>> No.1957124

that makes me wanna laugh, not mad

>> No.1957128


Me too. Probably there are people who would pay big money in things like Game.com, R-Zone or Zeebo, it's unbelievable.

>> No.1957131

go back to nintendo life faggot there is so much shit that wont get a digital rerelease. I buy all my games and my collection probably dwarfs yours but I still see nothing wrong with emulation. What is your problem with it? All these games are old as shit, trying to protect the value of all your mario/duckhunt carts?

>> No.1957137

people already try to sell used retrons on craigslist for more than they sell retail...

>> No.1957168

>what are frame-perfect emulator projects
>what is bsnes

although most emulators just want to get to a point where games are playable (which can be already argued as a way to preserve them) there are efforts to get full compatibility, to the point where you could just plug your PC into a CRT monitor and it'd be the exact same thing

>> No.1957306

>what is MAME
>what is MESS
>what is BSNES

>> No.1957365 [DELETED] 

I like the term "Nintendorks" better.

>> No.1957382

>Original hardware is extremely faulty
You guys seem to think that some y2k bug is going to hit all hardware or something. Something like a NES is going to be around for at least another 100 years. There will be replacement hardware and there already is for some components. Software even "frame perfect" emulation is not perfect. Doesn't seem like it ever will be since the focus is shifting to portables.

>> No.1957386

>Something like a NES is going to be around for at least another 100 years.
haha oh wow

>> No.1957389

Replacement hardware will never be the original hardware and thus not perfect.

>> No.1957390

Replacement hardware even "chip perfect" hardware is not perfect.

>> No.1957406

Reminder that there's still no 100% accurate clone of the Famicom CPU and PPU and they've been out for 31 years now.

There are soviet hardware clones that manage like 95-99% accuracy but those are also becoming uncommon because NOACs that have 90% compatibility are far cheaper to produce.

The closest thing we have is this
and the dev went on hiatus for a while

>> No.1957407

UMC cloned NES CPU and PPU perfectly in early 90s (they are still being made)

so did the AMD with Intel CPUs

>> No.1957416

That controller looks awfully uncomfortable.

>> No.1957469

Good shitpost.
Hardware made to the same spec as the original is the same. It's like I'm dealing with /v/ kids or something. Legitimately trying to tell me that two different pieces of hardware made to the same spec is different because they were manufactured by different companies.
Oh man I can tell you never handled real hardware. Your mind would probably blow with how many different manufacturers/supplies just Nintendo uses for their boards and chips.

>> No.1957472

>checks ebay
>ebay shitters already hawking this shit for $280
ebay should die already

>> No.1957485

I just assumed that guy was joking, because I can't imagine anyone posting that seriously.

>> No.1957625

>frame perfect emulation is not perfect

It's perfect enough if you can't see or hear the difference playing games side by side, which is already the case for many 8-bit and 16-bit emulators.

The rest is all about placebo effect and sick obsession for "perfection" that man will never reach.

Also, almost all clone hardware are actually less compatible than emulators and have shitty analog audio/video, which makes them worst than original hardware.

>> No.1957659

>It's perfect enough if you can't see or hear the difference playing games side by side, which is already the case for many 8-bit and 16-bit emulators.
That's only true for a few games. Once emulation is acceptable enough for world record runs or tournaments then you'll have an argument.
Idk what you're getting at with the clone stuff.

>> No.1957681

>That's only true for a few games, because I say so.

A big reason (not the only reason) why emulation isn't accepted for world records is that those who officiate are uber-purists like yourself who not only insist that the original hardware performance can never be replicated, but are incapable of accepting that it can and is very nearly there. Another big reason--and a much more valid one--is that emulation opens the door to all sorts of hacks/exploits/cheats.

>> No.1957702

The Brazilian Phantom System has actual NES hardware on it, thus being 100% compatible.

Then again I wouldn't consider it a clone because of that.

>> No.1957704

>A big reason (not the only reason) why emulation isn't accepted for world records is that those who officiate are uber-purists like yourself who not only insist that the original hardware performance can never be replicated,
It can be replicated. It's not near replacing hardware though. New glitches are found in games that are 10+ years old. New glitches were found in OoT just this year that allowed for a 18min run on any%. Many glitches in hardware don't work in emulation.
To say emulation is close to replicating real hardware just means you looked at some screenshots and went "yep that looks the same to me".

>> No.1957713

If you play an emulated game for enjoyment, and it looks/sounds/controls/plays exactly how you remember it, is it really imperfect?

>> No.1957720

I've seen one of those on ebay before they're pretty uncommon though. Do they really use the official hardware? All I can see is that they eventually went legit and got a license to manufacture and sell legit NES consoles in Brazil but the phantom console appears to be from before that.

>> No.1957725

Emulators are fine for that in some cases. You still have a lot of emulators that don't work very well and many controllers that don't have support or have problems connecting to a pc. Like Nintendo 64 for example.
Replicating real hardware though? Emulators have a long ways to go as a whole.

>> No.1957737

And then you find out that different revisions don't perform the same, sometimes even the hardware of same revisions act differently due to variations in the oscillators.

Seriously, the obsession with uber hardware accuracy is a mental illness, at some point, the line needs to be drawn between useful accuracy and accuracy to the point no sane person could care.

>> No.1958032

>What are programs that let you emulate ancient console games on a state of the art PC a little more accurately than others let you do on a phone.

>> No.1958034

>Seriously, the obsession with uber hardware accuracy is a mental illness, at some point, the line needs to be drawn between useful accuracy and accuracy to the point no sane person could care.

Useful accuracy is cycle accurate or as close as we can get. Pointless accuracy is transistor accurate, which we can't even do with Pong.

>> No.1958913

> Once emulation is acceptable enough for world record runs or tournaments then you'll have an argument.
Many world records are already done on emulators. Look at the Ocarina of Time world record.

>> No.1959091

>Many world records are already done on emulators.
You mean virtual console? That's a lot different than the emulators being talked about itt.

>> No.1959107

Ocarina of Time world record was not done on an emulator.

>> No.1959153

>Original hardware is extremely faulty and prone to failure
I think you mispelled "The Retron is very faulty and prone to suffer failures, overheating, data corruption and cause catridge damage", anon.

Which has been proven over and over to happen on each and every Retron version.

>> No.1959163

No longer have to guess at it now.

Thing is, they are still not being complete about the extent of their stealing. RetroArch GPLv3-licensed code has been found in their frontend, yet their ZIP does not contain the sourcecode to the frontend.

Having GPLv3 code in your project means the entire project must be covered by this license. They are likely not giving up the sourcecode to their frontend because

1) they want to protect that
2) it would give away that it's RetroArch
3) then the issue would become license incompatibilities between core and frontend, since the moment you would 'dynamically link' one of these cores, if a frontend is GPLv3 and a core is noncommercial or GPL-incompatible, it would constitute a license violation.
4) It is obvious TIVOization to have a system of forced firmware upgrades where you 'fix' any ability to run non-Hyperkin authorized code, such as the official version of RetroArch. Especially when your own frontend has code of RetroArch in it.

>> No.1959165



>> No.1959201

The remaining big problem with emulation is accurate latency. Traditionally this has been worse than original hardware, but with things like RetroArch KMS + frame delay it's theoretically possible to be better than original hardware. Audio latency is probably still worse, although there's big variation in what "original" latency was because the speed of sound is so slow that distance from speakers/headphones matters.

We really need accurate measurements from original hardware, and lots of them so we can check the consistency too.

>> No.1959218

Any emulators running on bare-bone hardware (understand without any kind of OS running in background and with direct access to video framebuffer and audio interface) can get you latency very close to real hardware, you do not need Retroarch, just well written emulators and open console hardware.

>> No.1959245



Is this Tanooki guy for real ? Is he really defending a sneaky company which is obviously only trying to get his slice of the juicy retrogaming business and has now been caught several time lying to their customer base and say a big FUCK OFF to amateur emulator developers who only want their work to be credited and respected ? ?

Does he even realize that he is just another tool for that Hyperkin tech guy that makes him think he is their #1 supporter ? The only reason they are friendly with people like him is because this is free promotion for their product and free connection to the retro-gaming community, which is their customer base. Just like "offering" people to report bugs to them is just free-of-charge betatesting for their unfinished products.

I knew people could be fools but seeing a fool saying so much crap, back-pedalling and blatant lies just to defend a company he does not even belong to is astonishing.

>> No.1959258

You guys notice that the other recently made Retron shill thread that keeps appearing got deleted? kekaroo

>> No.1959278


That's almost impossible to achieve though and it certainly would not be cheap.

Almost any SoC out there gets drivers written for Android first, anything else second. (including ARM Linux).

Easier said than done.

>> No.1959308
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>Is this Tanooki guy for real ?
What is a planted shill.

I'm guessing the Retron shill is laying low for a few days in the (vain) hopes that /vr/ would forget his accidental slip seen here:

>> No.1959371

>speed of sound is so slow that distance from speakers/headphones matters.

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.1959459
File: 2.56 MB, 480x360, caveat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just well written emulators

>> No.1959473

>who only want their work to be credited and respected ? ?

And their licenses respected.

GenplusGX and SNES9x have clear non-commercial clauses.

>> No.1959484

As does anything with GPL with certain exceptions. All of which requires that you publish either your entire code, or at least the code of the emulators. (GNU Licensing almost requires a lawyer these days).

>> No.1959892

He is there too: http://www.racketboy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?nomobile=1&p=919199#p919199

Same guy, same crap... comparing a sneaky family business only caring about profit with individuals developing emulators for free.

>> No.1959907
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Another victory for RMS and Free Software. You're welcome.

>> No.1959930

>free software putting a small business out of businesses
Some victory.

>> No.1959949

>putting a shitty shady business leeching off of others hard work out of business
This must be how Hitler felt when he gassed the jews.

>> No.1959967

Sup shill.

>> No.1960046

>Thieving cunts putting themselves out of business.

>> No.1960087

Time to sue these shitboxes might actually be worth something if they end up getting recalled

>> No.1960106
File: 3 KB, 726x35, ps2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS2 break down and require replacement lasers that are in dwindling supply.
plenty left

>> No.1961019
File: 43 KB, 704x396, Ticked Off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That controller

>> No.1961027

If you are going to play on a frankenstein machine like that which has to use emulation anyway, just use a regular Android device, a hacked Wii, and Ouya or something. You aren't playing the actual cartridges anyway, and you can't even save your games to the carts. Retron 5 is just a huge flop all around.

>> No.1961034

This is what years of Nintendo Power propaganda does to fragile minds. Those magazines were constantly demonizing "illegal emulators" and "unauthorized cheating devices." They even trumpeted in numerous issues that using a Gameshark could potentially destroy your games permanently, and warned readers not to use them.

Hell, even Gamespot for years would issue suspensions for mentioning emulators. Emulators have become such a staple of gaming culture now though, that there is no way to police discussion about them other than to say "don't post links to sites with ROMs." They tried to fight the tidal wave and lost.

>> No.1961049
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>> No.1961094

Why not got a x86 machine with real GNU/Linux or Windows? You get far better emulation and can use it for a lot of other stuff.

>> No.1961097

>want to play old games on original hardware
>eBay scalpers have jacked up all the prices so it's 80 bucks in my area for any console
>games are priced just as stupidly
>flashcarts are super expensive because they're niche products for old systems all made by hand
You've got to love capitalism. No wonder idiots think garbage like this is a good idea.

>> No.1961102

Where the christ do you live where an NES or something of the like costs more than like at most $50?

>> No.1961103

Why can't flash carts be mass produced ?
were is muh capitalism ?

>> No.1961104


For some reason I'm imagining /vr/ in like 20 years with still daily viraled retron 25 threads.

Kill yourselves ffs

>> No.1961105

Because no one has the capital to throw into something that has more risk than selling buckets of shit? I'm not saying I wish they could be mass produced and cheap either but it's too risky for a grand scale right now, or ever.

>> No.1961106

The UK. It's like 30 quid for a broken NES, 40 if you want one with a 3rd party controller.

Because there isn't much demand for them. So all we have is shit like the Everdrive, and the chinks won't bother cloning them and selling them for 5 bucks each, like they're worth.

>> No.1961108

Don't do direct translations of currency your goods are more money than ours in general.

>> No.1961117

Retron 25 plays all your xbone games plus vita games

>> No.1961131

The NES and SNES didn't sell well here, so it's not surprising the games are usually rare and expensive. Megadrive games are dirt cheap though.

>> No.1961147

>Megadrive games are dirt cheap though.
I've always suspected that the boxes they came were important. Since SEGA didn't skimp on the boxes, complete boxed games aren't that hard to come by, so they don't suffer the inflation seen by SNES games. Following from this, people use those boxed games as a reference for pricing their unboxed games, increasing the average price of SNES games.

Of course this is only a general thing. Stuff like Phantasy Star on the Master System is still stupidly expensive despite not being that rare. I'd love to have access to ebay's data on this stuff.

>> No.1961152

I'm simply referring to people who want something dirt cheap (<$100) and can't be assed to build something on their own.

>> No.1961196
File: 50 KB, 460x328, messiah-generation-nex-20051220054918078-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there ever be a famiclone as good as the Messiah Generation NEX?

>> No.1961208

In the US, Nintendo stuff, Genesis/MD stuff and Playstation 1 stuff is generally very cheap because of how popular the systems were, and unfortunately that means shelves are often lined with shitty sports and licensed games for $1-$2 a piece. Master system games are harder to find and therefore more expensive, even though in the rest of the world Master System was supported until the early 90s. The same is especially true of Sega Saturn, which was pretty much only popular in Japan. Surprisingly though, it's the easy to find imported games for it pretty much anywhere that sells Saturn games (a strong import market kept the system alive for quite a few years despite it having been considered "dead).

The real thing that drives up prices though, are 1) is the game rare, and 2) is it worth playing? Scarcity does add value, although it's the games that everyone feels like they missed out on in their misspent youth that will always command top dollar.

>> No.1961347

Every meter distance from the speakers adds 3ms latency. Speaker crossovers potentially add more.

>> No.1961358

this thing sucked ass, are you kidding me?

>> No.1961382

>it's infringing on my rights to copy someone else's material

>> No.1961391

The emulators are the property of the people who made them. You are one of those propaganda-brainwashed moralfags who think that emulators and roms are one in the same.

>> No.1961419

Not him, but I believe hardware architecture can be copyrighted too.

>> No.1961437

>Not him, but I believe hardware architecture can be copyrighted too.
To a limited extent, yes. The actual layout can be, and if you incorporate some kind of proprietary algorithm to do a thing then that too can be protected.

BUT emulators aren't going to be duplicating a chip design so case 1 isn't going to come up. Case 2 is more problematic but it really only becomes a problem at the Xbox/gamecube era but it's not as big a problem as it sounds.

Emulators operate more on the black box principle. Data in -> [something] -> Results out. This [something] is usually a fairly simple task like add 1 to X, vertex 1,2,3 colour data, etc. etc. there's just LOADS and LOADS to do. They would never duplicate a hardware method because it's completely opposite to the way software is written.

>> No.1961442

>mfw every time I go into my local retro game store, this one employee pushes this thing on me hard
Every time I explain to him I have zero need for it, but every time
>but dude it's fucking awesome. It plays everything.

>> No.1961447

The patents are all expired.

>> No.1962143

it was an example, physical hardware will always break down at some point

how many vectrex machines still exist today?

>> No.1962157

How many vectrex machines existed at all. There are still many working.

>> No.1962169


>> No.1962281

A lot if you are in this hobby you need to be good at repairs anyway

>> No.1962569

>mass produced
Because a handful of poor kids isn't a mass market.

>> No.1962860

>This is what years of Nintendo Power propaganda does to fragile minds.

I wouldn't say it's that, I'd say it's more that the people who dropped over $100 on a shitty emulator box are just in full blown denial they wasted their money on a product that has now been proven it stole code from free emulators.

>> No.1962881 [DELETED] 

That doesn't mean anything. Everyone on this site is so paranoid of marketing that I intentionally act like a marketer and then do the classic "we" instead of "I" post and then quickly delete it. I guarantee all those retron posters on here are the same guys who posted about ZSNES and filters in the past because they know it causes a shitstorm.

>> No.1962893

>Usually with little care for correctness.

If that were the case NES emulation would have stopped at NESticle.

>> No.1962915

But bro if you buy it then you can save some room in your house because you don't need all those consoles hooked to your TV anymore. Hell if you want I can take those pesky extra consoles off your hands at a good deal.

>> No.1962917


>hipster garbage for hipster garbage is unethical

It's like you haven't been awake for the past month.

>> No.1962918

>Emulation doesn't preserve anything. It's a means to play roms. Usually with little care for correctness.

>Its main purpose is to be a reference to the inner workings of the emulated arcade machines. This is done both for educational purposes and for preservation purposes, in order to prevent many historical games from disappearing forever once the hardware they run on stops working.


>> No.1962926

That's just a lame justification for piracy. Of course they are gonna lie out their ass instead of just saying they wanna play all da arcade games for free.

>> No.1962951

Physical inventions are patented not copyrighted. The patents have long since expired on them.

Copyrights apply to art including software.

Trademarks apply to brand, names, and logos.

>> No.1962986

Get stuffed. Mame did nothing wrong.

>> No.1962989
File: 69 KB, 813x479, smb2jcompare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patents seem to be part of the reason some of this hardware isn't around anymore:

But conversely, a ton of the standard parts that were used are no longer produced anymore.

If only the hipsters were using reproduction carts that are plainly, if not easily distinguishable from originals, and/or burning through that gigantic supply of sports games.

>> No.1962996

How is this any different than purchasing one of those prebuilt MAME cabinets?

I'm not angry, I want an actual answer. I don't really see the difference?

>> No.1962997

>But conversely, a ton of the standard parts that were used are no longer produced anymore.

>> No.1963018

Well MAME doesn't allow commercial usage but it's probably impossible to stop independent sellers from selling. Aside from that everything about MAME cabinets themselves is perfectly legal, the illegal part is all the ROMs that they come with.

MAME cabinets almost always use regular old computers with regular MAME installed on them so the end user has access to the source code on the MAME website which means they're valid there.

>> No.1963037

Sports games are a waste of plastic and silicon. I am glad that people are finally finding a use for all those carts I see clogging the shelves at my local shops. Now if only they could find a way to recycle Playstation sports discs...

>> No.1963043

Huh! That makes sense.

>> No.1963045

Just imagine how much landfill space could have been saved if EA used DLC so people could update the rosters on their yearly sports rehash

>> No.1963049

Imagine how much better sports games could be if they released them every 2-3 years with semi-annual roster updates instead of redoing the game every year.

>> No.1963071

>how many vectrex machines still exist today?
A lot. Even with that screen that hasn't been made for ages. Because of that, some day in the far distant future the Vectrex may become the first console for which a replacement part simply doesn't exist. And this just show how crying about a shortage of parts is silly. And crying about a shortage of PS2 parts is bat shit insane.

>> No.1963126
File: 16 KB, 425x265, 9977483060000000057689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the Dreamcast, which everyone was bawwing about dying from old age, is fixable. Everyone was saying "the laser dies eventually, and Sega doesn't manufacture them anymore!!!", and it turns out that the laser from a commonly available, still-in-production Sanyo PC disc drive is a perfect replacement, and it in fact reads GD-Roms FASTER than the original Dreamcast laser.

The new consoles are a bit harder to fix, but with the right equipment it is quite doable. The most common problem is the GPU becoming de-soldered due to poor quality, lead-free solder. The problem is so common that people have created tools specifically for placing new solder beads on the GPU, and now even a bad PS3 or Xbox can be fixed better-than-new in most instances.

>> No.1963174

The motorola 68030 CPU. used in Amiga A3000's, or any compatible processor that's at least as powerful.

The powerVR GPU, the Neon250 or Evil Kyro version(whichever of those two was earlier) in the Dreamcast.

The pentium 3 in the XboX.

The sound chip in the Commodore 64.

>> No.1963331

>You wouldn't download a 68030 would you?
If I couldn't find an original I would. By the time we run out of P3s I'll just use replicator credits. Custom chips are more of an issue. The SID has been done though so that's bad example. By the time we run out of DC I'll use those replicator credits.

>> No.1963343

how far back does ebay display completed listings?

>> No.1963359

I thought those DC lasers had a custom firmware in them that couldn't be duped? Unless the FW chip is on the mobo?

>> No.1963420

The actual laser is a tiny LED the size of the tip of a pencil and has no firmware. I think he was talking about the optical pickup though, which is much easier to replace.

>> No.1963428


>> No.1963610


If you would happen to have any links to articles, DIY instructions, or other news on these topics, I'd much appreciate it.

>> No.1963970

>Custom chips are more of an issue.

A lot of Custom parts are just mildly altered versions of standard parts. Like every past Nintendo CPU, the later Geneses' OPN2+DAC chip, the Saturn's sound chip, the gamecube's outside-to-inside reading miniDVD drive, nintendo's or sony's mips CPUs, if they aren't fully standard.

>> No.1964408

How is any of that a standard part?

>> No.1964486

>what is MESS
fucking garbage?

>> No.1964595
File: 4 KB, 126x123, 1148408752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a MESS indeed

>> No.1964659

The hundreds of custom MCUS and ASICS used in game hardware that have been decapped so far.

I mildly altered version of a standard part has to be recreated in that mildly altered way if you want to recreate a replacement instead of creating a famiclone.

>> No.1964697

>>You wouldn't download a 68030 would you?

But you would download a 68000, because that has been swiftly emulated inside out!

>> No.1964986

Downloading a 68000 emulator is not downloading a 68000.
Besides, using an emulator in a hardware replacement for a 68000 CPU is so far beyond retarded it would actually be interesting to see.
But I would download a 68000 if I wanted to put a lot of logic in a single package.

>> No.1965106
File: 185 KB, 1006x768, zeus_cpu_speed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that WOULD be interesting to see, to emulate a CPU would call for a fairly efficient processor, like an ARM or transmeta design, well, moreso if you were emulating a higher end chip, perhaps the core of such a hypothetical setup would depend on what precisely you'd need to replace?

My understanding is that the only 68k series CPU still being made is the 68SEC000. I'm Not sure if it has at least all the features of a classic 68000(or if it could by chance somehow replace a 68010 or higher chip, I figure not really), it can run at 50mhz though(pic related). So maybe emulating a 68010 or 68EC020 perhaps would allow leveraging the well ironed out 68k emulation methods?

Oh, and what I find interesting about having that arm or Efficeon/successor chip to emulate a 68k would be the potential to repurpose it.

>> No.1965231

>would call for a fairly efficient processor
More like cheap and accessible, so the Efficion's out.

>> No.1965439

At least TRY to google next time before asking

english guide, image links ded

spanish guide with images

>> No.1965476

There can be practical applications of emulating an IC with an MPU. Emulating a CIC with a PIC a good example. There's no reason a more powerful chip couldn't be emulated with a more powerful processor. There are certain situations where you really want logic accuracy though.
For CPUs I think the approach TM took with CMS has a lot of potential as a sort of middle ground. When you have a fairly specific emulation target you can be highly accurate and the price difference is attractive. I'm not totally convinced it would work well as a drop in replacement for a console though. Emulating the a CPU to run software designed to run on hardware made by thousands of different vendors is one thing. Emulating a CPU for software designed to run on an fixed spec where timing can be critical might be more complicated and I remember the issues the first chip had. It would be more interesting (and practical) to see than some frankensoftwareemulation device.
I think the main reason people opt for logic is if you're reproducing a console you have a bunch of logic aside from the CPU that needs to be reproduced. It's generally easier and more economical to put that all in one package like Sega did. Minimig uses an actual CPU but I'm guessing that's because it's not mass produced and the FPGA is filled up with all that chipset shit.
The 68SEC000 is a full featured 68000 but no 010 extensions.

The Efficeon would cost less then a FPGA that had enough resources to handle a 68000. And be massive overkill. Even a 333Mhz Crusoe would be massive overkill if was using a 68k CMS.

>> No.1965657


Those reused image URLs...

>> No.1965694
File: 254 KB, 871x720, incredulous banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, so that's why MAME doesn't use GPU acceleration. Obviously.

>> No.1966845

Oh yes that's right! Link to an archived forum post, very neat.

Totally uses a laser that is still produced!

Only works on one type GD-ROM drive!

Should have called bullshit and not have asked in the first place.

>> No.1966896

the OP image gives the idea the Retron 5 can play classic Game Boy games.

But it can't.

>> No.1967078

The 68000 series was almost a commodity CPU.

PowerVR chips were used by a few different video card vendors. That neon250 could conceivably be used in dreamcast emulation (perhaps the kyro too?)

The P3 in the xbox has been successfully replaced with 1.4ghz celerons by modders.

The SID floated around on the open market, and was used in a PC sound card.

>> No.1967752

It can't? I thought that was one of the features they claimed it had.

>> No.1967989


It can play Game Boy/Color and GBA games. I don't think the Super Game Boy works though.

>> No.1967993

>The SID floated around on the open market, and was used in a PC sound card.

can someone confirm this?

>> No.1968412

Can't say who else MOS tech sold the SID to before they were bought out by Commodore, but...


>> No.1968440

are there some cool music programs for that?
like trackers

>> No.1968535

Can't imagine why there would be, it was extremely rare.

>> No.1968539

collectorfag detected. waste more money on justifying your existence with your previous vidya collection. mom + dad are proud