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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 53 KB, 640x480, pac-man-2-the-new-adventures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1954764 No.1954764 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most horrible game, or what?

I played it for the first time last night, after purchasing a large box of Super Nintendo and N64 games (and a Super Nintendo console) for $4 at a yard sale. It is the lamest, most boring thing I have ever played. Thank God it's so short. How could they do this to Pac-Man?

At least that box of games had some decent stuff, such as Secret of Mana and Sunset Riders.

>> No.1954783

I thought it was ok

>> No.1954790

An adventure game designed for toddlers.

I think the inspiration comes from the pacman cartoon more so than the game.

Honestly the only real sequel /vr/ pacman got was Mrs pacman maze madness.

>> No.1954794


>A game that can beaten in one hour from start to finish
>No save option; only passwords (for a SNES game)
>Pac-Man turned into an emasculated weenie whom gets yelled at by his wife
>Boring gameplay; a slingshot

>> No.1954820

Thats assuming you know what to do and don't get wrecked during the handgliding segment.

>> No.1954831

An adventure game designed to infuriate toddlers, maybe. A kid isn't going to have any more patience than an adult would, trying to lead Pac-Man around by the nose while the little bastard goes and does whatever he wants instead.

>> No.1954854

I think this is actually the first Pac-Man game I ever played, was at my cousin's house and they had rented it. My older cousin didn't really like it, so he just whipped out the Namco Classics cart for the Genesis and we started playing the original Pac-Man.

I think I thought it was fun, but I was maybe 4 when it happened so I don't know if I'm just remembering wrong.

>> No.1954871


The hang gliding part was easy, I beat it on the first try. The only part I got stuck for a little while was the mine cart part in the city, after you follow two robbers into their secret passage.

>> No.1954991

It's like an escort mission crossed with an adventure game.

>> No.1955005

I like it. it's original and charming with great atmosphere and setting. if you go into it expecting a run and jump action game of course you're going to hate it. at least they tried something new instead of making a generic action game starring Pacman.

>> No.1955118
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I bet it's better game than Skunny Save Our Pizzas

>> No.1955758

I played it for years on and off since I was little, and still play it through every so often. I love every minute of it, honestly. I think it's hilarious, the way Pacman sounds (on the Genesis version) is fitting, and all the little things you can do to make him angry or happy are fun to play around with.

I don't believe there's ever been another game like it, making it truly unique.

>> No.1955776


Damn, Skunny is the only game that ever made me shed tears out of fucking boredom. Pac-Man 2 is nowhere near as bad.

>> No.1955805
File: 2 KB, 270x230, 1405883198097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking shit about the best Pac-Man game on the SNES

>> No.1955831

I played the Genesis version, but I thought it was hilarious. It's more like an interactive cartoon than a game. It takes a little time to really learn what the fuck you're supposed to be doing, but I still found a lot of entertainment value in it.

>> No.1955842

If you want a point and click game with indirect control and mood changes, you should play the wonder project j games