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File: 388 KB, 943x511, monkeyisland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1951273 No.1951273 [Reply] [Original]

Ive never played these games but I always hear about them.

Worth the change and 40+ hours of my life?

>> No.1951308

Get the originals, even if you have to pirate.

>> No.1951449

Why, exactly?

>Purists will also delight in the ability to seamlessly switch between the updated hand-drawn re-imagining and the original classic version.

Also, there's zero nostalgia factor for me on this game
I know nostalgia fuels most of you over here at /vr/...

>> No.1951520

I have been a huge Monkey Island fan since the early 90s. The remakes are just as good.

Don't like the new graphics? Switch to the old.
Either the voiceacting is turned off when switching to the old, or you can turn it off yourself. They are just as good as the originals, anybody saying otherwise cares more about technicalities than actually enjoying a good game.

Not sure it'll take 40 hours, but it'll be a little while and $5 is easily worth it.

If you don't like the 1st, you may still like the 2nd which is my favourite of the two.

>> No.1951579

Thank you for the legit info.
Anyone else played this or the originals?

>> No.1951612

I played the originals as a kid. The remakes are literally, LITERALLY, better, since they include the originals entirely (well, technically MI1 Special Edition the CD version of MI1 which isn't the "original," but it's a pretty straight update as far as graphics and interface goes), and all the changes are wholly optional. I play in classic mode because I grew up with classic mode, but this is absolutely, unarguably the definitive edition of both games (assuming you don't have moral problems with Steam, that is).

>> No.1951617
File: 179 KB, 879x670, 20 bucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add, these games are fantastic. Some great comedy, and some genuinely fun adventure as well. There's a reason why they're considered some of the crown jewels of the adventure game genre.

>> No.1951650

I hadn't really played many adventure games until recently.

I backed Broken Age (Double Fine Kickstarter) and although it was short, it looked great and was moderately fun.
I also played most of the original Deponia game and that turned out to be relatively similar.

>> No.1951672

Deponia is very, very strongly influenced by the classic LucasArts adventure games like Monkey Island. Broken Age is a very light adventure game; kind of weak puzzles, not really all that much exploration, too much emphasis on story progression rather than just giving you tricky puzzles and space to figure them out, which is what games like Monkey Island and Deponia are better at.

Broken Age is probably one of the better intros to the genre, though, because it's so easy. I'm sure there were probably points in Deponia that tripped you up because of some moon logic puzzle, and MI has a small handful of those as well. Just a fair warning,

>> No.1951682

Yeah, some of the 'logic' in adventure games isn't really logical at all.

I also hate when there's some dumb little piece of the puzzle you missed 10 screens back because you didn't click on every single thing.

It's probably worth an attempt, and at that price I can't say no.

>> No.1951689

Monkey Island is better than Deponia. Deponia was a breath of fresh air because it came out after a relatively long drought of good adventure games, but there's a reason MI has held up as a classic. There really aren't any puzzles that are totally unfair; most of them are "Oh, man, why didn't I think of this sooner!" not "Oh, what? How was I supposed to figure that out?"

At least in my experience.

>> No.1951692

Yes OP.
Also please, don't listen to detractors about monkey island 4.
It's a game that moved from the silly comedy to modern satire, there's no reason to hate that game, especially if you take into consideration the ps2 version which had better graphics, a simple and reduced version of the monkey kombat and more tight controls.

Most complaints come from people that just wanted the same game, with the identical atmosphere.

>> No.1951704

I don't think there's anything wrong with expecting a sequel to keep the same tone as its predecessors. And Monkey 4 isn't the worst game ever, but it's still a step down from the first three, and especially the first two in terms of puzzle quality and setting coherency. MI1 and 2 are tongue-in-cheek, but MI4 was just too much.

Plus, really unnecessary retcons.

>> No.1951709


I still loved the comedy, more than the other episodes.

>setting coherency

I think they didn’t care much about that, because they wanted to use every island as a topic for satire, lucre island (bureaucracy), Jambalaya (globalization) etc.

>puzzle quality

I enjoyed the puzzles more than in 3 but a little less than in 2, so i guess it's a matter of tastes.

At the end if you don't take into consideration the name behind MI4, the games is a solid 8 even 8.5 if you particularly like the comedy.

>> No.1951717

I did enjoy a lot of the satirical humor, not gonna lie. A lot of it has to do with Dominic Armano basically being the perfect voice for Guybrush. But it just feels off to me. I'd rate it as my least favorite, even if it did get some laughs from me. Not a bad game, really, but one I think doesn't hold up to the others, and suffers from some pretty obvious lack of polish.

>> No.1951734


Awesome games. I still think MI1 is better than 2, 2 has some ridiculous story and puzzles. Still a good game.
Without a guide, it might take forever to finish 2.

Buy them.

>> No.1951737

I like MI2 better. The atmosphere, and the extremely open-ended middle section are fantastic. But they're both must-plays, in my opinion.

>> No.1951748

I will admit that MI1 is tighter from a narrative perspective, but that's to be expected. Sequel stake ramping and all that.

>> No.1952282

Has anybody played Tales of Monkey Island? Been meaning to check it out but haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.1952283


I played the first episode, and after those terrible jokes i stopped.
Maybe i didn't play enough, but the comedy in that game was weak if not bad.

>> No.1952307

I thought it was pretty fun. I liked it better than Monkey 4, but not as much as the first three games.

>> No.1952343

My recommendation is to get SCUMMVM and play the following:

Monkey Island 1: Amiga Version - The original Monkey Island version. The graphics have less colours, but the palette is better balanced and looks more aesthetically pleasing. The music is stunning and adapted to amiga soundcards by none other than Chris motherfucking Huelsbeck, and for me is still the best version of the soundtrack, no matter what people have to say about the FM-Towns version. UI is a bit more crude than the PC version, using words for describing inventory objects, instead of pictures. Nevertheless, the aesthetical advantages of this version far outmatch any other disadvantages.

Monkey Island 2: FM Towns version - Most MI2 versions are essentially identical in terms of graphics and gameplay, so the best one to pick is by far the one with better music, which would be the FM-Towns version.

WHY YOU SHOULDN'T PLAY THE REMAKES: Because they're rushed cash-ins. The graphics were outsourced to a shitty singaporean studio who just drew the worst digital art adaptations you can imagine without improving animation frames at all. So essentially you have hi-res frames with a low-res framerate, which makes characters and animated objects look like they're paper marionettes. This is espeially notorious in the MI2 remake, where some characters have visibly more frames than others, which gives out the idea that they run out of time/money at some point. Voice acting is also bad for the most part, though the music is decently adapted. HOWEVER, the iMuse music system was so poorly reproduced it works either badly or not at all as is the case in the xbox version.

>> No.1952557

Surely the PC mt32 soundtracks are the ones to go for?

>> No.1952562
File: 141 KB, 853x1080, Curse_of_Monkey_Island_-_1997_-_LucasArts_-_Lucasfilm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to finish up with this bad boy.
Though not the same as the first two in either tone or wit, it's a fine Disneyfied attempt at a sequel.
You can skip both Escape from Monkey Island and Tales of Monkey Island, both have some funny jokes here and there but Escape has horrible controls and story and Tales suffers from the Telltale syndrome of first episodes being pretty shit.

>> No.1952579

Mt32 aren't bad, but the FM-Towns are better. I prefer the Amiga soundtrack for MI1 due to nostalgia, the amiga soundcard sounds themselves, and due to being the original.

>> No.1952598

Oh fuck those games are finally on a sale? I've been waiting for this since forever, thanks for the tip! I've already played and enjoyed the originals long ago, but I've been wanting to check out the new versions too.

>> No.1953708

Download the fan version on Piratebay for the first two games where you can play with original DOS VGA graphics but with the remake's voice acting. It's the best of both worlds.

>> No.1953751

>but Escape has horrible controls and story

Please, if he can emulate or has a ps2, he can enjoy the fixed controls\menu on ps2.
And for the story state what you don't like, because for me it's better than the one in the third.

>> No.1953767


And why skip it ?
It's a good game for god's sake, let's be honest MI fans suffer from that horrible syndrome that make them hate anything that stray from the standard formula.

MI 1 (the original)= loved
MI 2 (the sequel from the same authors in the same style) = loved as the first
MI 3 (not exactly like the first one, but the original author helped) = 50% love it, 50% hate it
MI 4 (completely different authors, S&M hit the road writer, different comedy and setting) = 90% of the fans hate it, just because it isn't a real MI (and because most played the inferior PC version)

>> No.1954291

This. The games are great, and don't force the new graphics or voice-acting on you.

>> No.1954384

These are well worth the $5 OP. I wouldn't really blame you for resorting to a guide at times though. Getting through the insult sword fighting section in the first game can definitely be frustrating to anyone that doesn't have a fondness for the old LA adventure games.

>> No.1954386

This. I don't understand the hate for EfMI. I also really enjoyed Tales of Monkey Island. It's unfortunate that it doesn't look like TT is going to be revisiting the MI universe anytime soon now that they're big time.

>> No.1954391

I agree with this man.
You can switch everything off in the remakes (because the new visuals and also the voice acting are truly atrocious) but then what's the point. Save your money and play the originals, they are timeless classics for a reason.

>> No.1954510

2 > 3 > 1 >> Tales >> IV

These are facts.

>> No.1954514


Yes anon, those are your facts.

>> No.1954525

I have no nostalgia for these games, played the remakes when they came out and I enjoyed them, though I find 2 to have some moonlogic here and there, and the open-endedness makes it very hard to know where you can progress (or where you missed something). 5 bucks, sure.

>> No.1954728

Are there any point & click adventure games where there is no moon logic at all? It's almost a staple.

>> No.1954763
File: 44 KB, 526x263, mi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tone and story was just completely off.
First two games had this sort of dry, witty humor interspersed with some real themes of fantasy adventure and danger. Curse softened it up a bit but the tone was still there. Fourth was directed by the Sam & Max team, and it shows. Everything happens seemingly at random as a service to a joke. Don't get me wrong though, I love Sam & Max, but I didn't feel like that brand of humor did service to Monkey Island. It turns Guybrush into a bumbling Homer Simpson figure, Ozzie Mandrill is little but a Conroy Bumpus clone, and Monkey Kombat might just be the most ill advised parody in adventure game history. God tier soundtrack though, some of Michael Land's best work.

>> No.1954797

What's it titled on piratebay?

>> No.1954812
File: 368 KB, 1402x1800, Dominic_Armato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remake's voice acting
Please, no, at least not for your first play trough. It has all the right voice actors, don't get me wrong. But the way it's directed/delivered takes you out of the experience. It was as rushed as the graphical overhaul. Pic related does a decent job though, shame he isn't voicing more stuff.

>> No.1954843

It only improves the game I think. Keep in mind Fate of Atlantis wasn't originally a talkie either, but the version with voice acting adds a lot to the experience.

>> No.1954865
File: 108 KB, 300x325, Elaine_Marley_Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about that. I love talkie Fate of Atlantis, Sam & Max and Loom. I don't like talkie MI1&2 because it often sounds as the voice actors read their lines trough the phone. It's obvious that the developer Lucas Arts outsourced development to had no idea how to direct the voice actors and make it all come together, resulting in bland and bored delivery in most cases, often by people who did stellar jobs in Curse and onwards.
Also, how the fuck did they manage to fuck this up so much?

>> No.1954923

>buying this version
>on steam

Shiggy diggy doo, where are you?

>> No.1955064

>The tone and story was just completely off.

Again, this is the most common complain, the game it's a different kind of monkey island.

>First two games had this sort of dry, witty humor interspersed with some real themes of fantasy adventure and danger

This exactly the opposite of the first two games, the humor was childish and corny, and the best example were to pants dropping in the cemetery

>Fourth was directed by the Sam & Max team, and it shows. Everything happens seemingly at random as a service to a joke.

It showed indeed, but not for those reasons.
The game was centred around satire, being caustic around globalization and consumerism, everything was setted for that: characters, locations and puzzles; it wasn't random as one may think.

>Guybrush into a bumbling Homer Simpson

I liked him with his insufferable attitude, he had that "aaaaaah fuck everything let's roll and see what happens", it must be a matter of personal tastes.

>Ozzie Mandrill is little but a Conroy Bumpus clone

He was created to criticize billionaires like rupert murdock, with their "i can buy anything i want and make it soulless" mentality, it wasn't a copy paste character since bumpus suffered from a severe case of narcissism.

>Monkey Kombat might just be the most ill advised parody in adventure game history

True, but on the ps2 it lasted 15-20 minutes, nothing really that atrocious.

At the end this game will always be misinterpreted or seen as a sin to the original saga, even if on its own it's a good game.

>> No.1955073

Never said it was a bad game. It's just that it's a bad Monkey Island, and the PC controls are atrocious, which you can't blame most people being angry about seeing that it is/was primarily a PC series and that it came out on PC first.

>> No.1955079


I don't know why the ps2 version was that good in comparison, but more people should play that version, i tried the pc one, and yes the commands are indeed atrocious.
It's almost like the game was being developed for being played with a controller; it even had a really good vibration support.

>> No.1955413

I see where you're coming from. But anyway, that Piratebay/fan version is worth having if you want to hear the voices but don't want to see the terrible updated graphics (like your screenshit shows), which is not an available option on in the official/paid versions. Both the VGA and EGA graphics were great for their time and have a lot of charm.

>> No.1955724

>40+ hours
nigga please.
They only took me about 9 hours each on my first playthrough, without walkthroughs.

>> No.1955804


Both brilliant examples, I couldn't think of a better one. Elaine Marley is ruined in the new art, and the bones song completely loses it's creepy/horror vibe.

>> No.1955867

Orson Scott Card wrote the insults for the sword battles in the original, so by playing it you're secretly spiting the SJW subhuman fucks plaguing the world today.