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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1944456 No.1944456 [Reply] [Original]

The bimonthly format also might not stick if y'all wish for more frequent threads (or if we hit the bump limit quick enough). This thread's for J-PC games/emus/devs/pubs, but hardware discussion's appreciated.

| Pastebin |

Here be links to online vendors, assorted emulators, software databases, fan pages, and music outlets. General purpose, feel free to share it.

| Games |

First places to look for the game(s) you want, hassle-free and on the cheap, are at Retroprograms, the Internet Archive, and The Old Computer:

If you want to buy classic Japanese PC games as digital downloads, head to Project EGG (they take PayPal, note that it's a subscription service). Or, if you're collecting Japanese PCs and their related software/hardware, try bidding on Yahoo! Japan Auctions while using a middleman delivery service like Celga. A quick search engine for auction items of this sort would be FromJapan:

Finally, some Anons here are super cool and have put together TOSEC sets as well as library dumps.

| Emulation |

There are guides out there specifically for systems more difficult to emulate. Here's three from Illusion City's blog:

Now a guide to making bootable HDI files for the PC-98:

Make sure you get an OS for your emulator/computer of choice. DOS 6.2, MS-DOS, and Windows 3.1 work well for the PC-98, and Hudson made proprietary systems for the X68000 (same with Fujitsu and the FM Towns). The 8-bit machines run DOS packs.

>> No.1944460
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| Translations |

Romhacking.net has some translations for NEC machines and the X68000, where you can find patches to play classics like Die Bahnwelt and Marble Cooking:

Sadly, Illusion City's translation effort has stalled due to reasons. At least folks want to translate Micro Cabin's games.

| Stuff to do as a J-PC gamer |

Many J-PC games do not require Japanese-to-x language translations for full enjoyment (titles from dbSOFT or Exact, for example). But translating documentation beneficial to J-PC ROM hacking is a long term goal worth pursuing. Some guys like Retroprograms are already pursuing these texts and scanning them for future use. More than a few of these games made it to the West for MS-DOS users—Sierra published Game Arts' games up to Zeliard, SoftEgg localized Princess Maker 2, and Megatech brought over Power DoLLS.

Japanese CRPGs got their start on the early 8-bit machines. Here's a great series of articles talking about games like Mugen no Shinzou and Poibos:

| Music |

Feel free to post music links, they're joyous.

Euphory (X1, Saito): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPsfwq25FiA [Embed]
Gage (PC98, Koshiro): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy0h33s6NHI [Embed]
Testament (PC88, Koise): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm-6LsIZ1J4 [Embed]
Genocide 2 (FM Towns, Shimono/Kimura): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FRKeUzzUQY [Embed]
Neural Gear (X68000, Yonao): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyRm48xgw6c [Embed]

>> No.1944463

| Projects |

•An Anon from the /vr/ thread has written text pointer documentation for Chitty Chitty Train, a PC-98 puzzler that deserves more notice and a full translation: http://pastebin.com/pzC8xBpj

•It would appear that a member of D4 Enterprises embezzled money some time before the new decade...this blog has some details worth translating down the line: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://ameblo.jp/akatenjpn/entry-10158393627.html&usg=ALkJrhi61P9N5qik21Xsqe2tiyp5gbNE7A

Games we've fiddled with:
•Chitty Chitty Train
•Nobunaga no Yabou Bushou Fuuunroku
•Tokyo Twilight Busters
There, new thread made just as the old one went to archive.

>> No.1944482

Only 2 year and 9 months of japanese learning left to be able to play Powerdolls

>> No.1944524
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Thank you Anon for making the thread. Might never know what the temp ban was for, now that it's been lifted. This could have gone smoother if it weren't for the timing, but at least it's here.

In slightly related news: FFXIII is coming to Steam. Okay Square, let's see Alpha, Genesis, CCBlassty, and the Death Trap games on GOG (not to forget everything they acquired through Enix).

>> No.1944547

awesome pic

>> No.1944607

>The bimonthly format also might not stick if y'all wish for more frequent threads
No way! I love the bimonjapcomcon!

>> No.1945539
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Holy shit, this man's the programmer/designer behind Japan's first Java-based graphical MUD, Lifestorm: https://github.com/kengonakajima/profile/blob/master/README.md

He later worked on a commercial release with Japan Supply System, making it the first domestic MMORPG (since that's what graphical MUDs were referred to as following UO's arrival). Unfortunately, it and the sequel had a chronically limited userbase, and JSS' following MMORPG Stone Age (which Bothtec soon acquired and ran successfully) bankrupted them. Kengo went on to make a smaller MMO, Gumonji, before hitting the lecture circuit.

Not talking about the thread, just the posting format. :)

>> No.1946067

If the game just needed embedding and a server connection, someone could simulate the behaviors needed to get a session running so we could play.

>> No.1946205 [DELETED] 

are DOS/V games allowed?

>> No.1946263
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I would think they are allowed, which reminds me I have some DOSV games that I should probably upload.

>> No.1946635

Sure. Japanese PC games using DOS/V are preferred, unless there are interesting differences in ports of Western games you want to discuss.

I can't see myself playing Thinking Rabbit graphical text adventures for a long time, lol.

So, so many throwaway Win9x-era "multimedia" products and CG adventure games. I've found a few more interesting titles on Suruga-ya, though, and two on which I can't find any info (クローン・レンジャー~盗まれたDNA~ and http://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/145003353001).).

>> No.1946654
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The cover of this game intrigues me very much, and also looks like there's no trace of the game on the maker's website either. Assuming this is the same Cyber Arts that is.

>> No.1946660
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Oh wow, take a trip on the Wayback Machine, turns out it is the same company. They just removed references to it on their current site (least I was unable to find any reference)


There's videos but they seem like they're using a special form of Cinepak or something, as when I try playing them it looks like part of the video is cropped. These screenshots make me even more curious too.

>> No.1946662

Just gotta take the URL to Wayback and, oh, here it is: http://web.archive.org/web/19970405154201/http://www.cyberarts.co.jp/CR.html

I'm very glad the website got captured properly (check out those .mov nodes!). My biggest fear is that I'll never get to read some of those Star Cruiser rooms/Site Urdcat because Wayback fucked up.

>> No.1946663

Ninja'd because I was too busy looking at the .mov nodes. They work for me in Chrome, you just look around environments with the arrow keys.

Amazing that, with such reviews, there's nothing in regular webspace for this at the moment.

>> No.1946667

>Amazing that, with such reviews, there's nothing in regular webspace for this at the moment.
I'm guessing it's like with other 90's games, some exposure for the time but then vanished. Like with stuff like Garage or Chu-Teng and for US examples that one Stalker game and there's Plague of the Moon that to my knowledge no one has ever posted the full versions to online.

Sad to think about, so many games lost to time.

>> No.1946669

Huh, according to this
Clone Ranger was licensed for release in North America or something like that (Google Translated it) in Dec 1996.

>> No.1946687

Now we have to find their edutainment title Magic Gumbo.

From what I've been reading, there was some kind of "multimedia rash" (machine translation) that helped tarnish the Japanese PC game industry in transition. The culprits for influencing KSS and other companies to make FMV games/VNs likely were Myst, Lunar's cutscenes, and Osamu Sato, not to forget QuickTime's innovations and a brief period where these games came out on both Windows and Mac OS w/Kanji Talk (so-called hybrid releases). No one remembers or talks about The Saboten Man, Radio Zone, Incarnatia, or Alex Wold; at least Witch of Salzburg got a PS1 version. Sacom even fell into a trap after releasing multimedia games for PC and PlayStation (like Gaball Screen). One game I see bandied about is Jungle Park from Digitalogue, which got ports to the Saturn and PS1 (though only the PC version has this awesome soundtrack: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6422291).).

Whether any of these games are or were worth playing, they're out of my league for a while.

>> No.1946723 [DELETED] 

is there any top down scrollers for DOS? w

>> No.1947047

Harushiko Shono (Alice, L-Zone, Gadget) had a larger effect than any of the early multimedia people IMO. I bet no one played The Journeyman Project in Japan, though that might have been due to a lack of distribution. Osamu Sato's games were almost as important.

>> No.1947153

any games on pc like shin megami tensei?

>> No.1947896

Psychic War from Kogado lets you persuade enemies to join your party in case anyone expires; already localized for DOS, so it's an easy retro pick.. King Breeder's also worth a look, though it has you raising monsters to fight for you in first-person dungeons (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ulo4ZQHVeM0).).

>> No.1948030 [DELETED] 

I was excited to see this thread, but dismayed at
>East Asian PC Games also encouraged
in the image.

Why this specification? Language and particular culture doesn't matter, it can all be lumped together as long as it comes from countries where the people share a certain look?

I know it was not intended to be offensive, but really, it is.

>> No.1948037 [DELETED] 

i think you meant to type reddit.com, it's okay we all get confused sometimes.

>> No.1948042 [DELETED] 

Per the 4chan FAQ, your response qualifies as "shitposting".

Please respect and obey the rules so that we can all have a harmonious and joyful experience posting to /vr/.

>> No.1948070

i learned the rules 10 years ago, son. thanks anyway

>> No.1948272 [DELETED] 

Because "North American" is a perfectly legitimate distinction, but "East Asian" is racist.

I guess when you're defensive enough, anything can seem offensive.

>> No.1948307

Nobody said it was racist. Also, nobody said anything about North American being a meaningful or useful term for game discussion (outside of region locking, I haven't seen NA used to lump USA and Canada together in /vr/ ever).

It's not a big deal, just offensive. I don't see what Japanese games have to do with other East Asian countries, I really don't.

>> No.1948327

>I don't see what Japanese games have to do with other East Asian countries, I really don't.

Maybe the fact that OP wishes to talk about both is why he included both in the OP. Just a shot in the dark here, though.

>> No.1948348

Any brotips for Power Dolls? I'm getting ruined pretty hard.

Fuck off and go back to Reddit.

>> No.1948354 [DELETED] 

Oppression Olympics is not a retro game, sorry.

>> No.1948371

I don't see why you're all being so nasty about this issue.

>> No.1948384 [DELETED] 

Then maybe you should fuck off somewhere else where people will play your "I'm offended!" game.

>> No.1948401

You've said that already. Please stop shitposting and heed the 4chan FAQ and rules.

>> No.1948406

no u

>> No.1948437

you're wasting valuable bandwidth on our board

>> No.1949118

>Any brotips for Power Dolls? I'm getting ruined pretty hard.
Everyone should hold a D1 weapon, it's the only weapon type that allows "reaction fire" on Enemy Phase IIRC. Try to include a weapon that allows them to shoot down enemy missiles too.

Have at least 1 "super radar" girl with most of her EQ slots being multi-sensors and other scouting equipment (and a D1 weapon). Use them to scout ahead using the Radar command so you can make better decisions.

Use Line of Sight and try to lure enemies around corners to kill them with Reaction Fire. NEVER end your turn out in open space because that's just asking to be blown up on enemy turn. At least try to make sure your units are behind some form of cover at end of turn.

That's all I got for now.

>> No.1949184

Thanks for all the music links, I haven't played any of these games but likely will after hearing all these great soundtracks.

>> No.1949682

Here's an interesting Japanese blog I'd like to share:

Guy writes about computer RPGs, both retro and recent. It's also interesting to see what some Japanese guy things about Western RPGs.

>> No.1950310
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Re: the >>1944456 image's wording, I noted in the last thread that it was a first draft to be revised before posting the thread: https://archive.moe/vr/thread/1773818/#1941998

I was banned for most of Tuesday, which distracted me from doing any edits I wanted to the pic. An about-face I had going to bed Monday was to ditch the East Asian thing and include computer producer/developer/publisher names there. Regardless of what "East Asian" means in this context, I don't talk about Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese PC games often enough to justify mentioning them in the first post. Lot of interplay between each country's output starting in the DOS/V era, though, so I'll post resources for looking up and playing those games in the next thread's OP, probably as a third post.

There's an excellent Korean DOS version of Genocide 2 in the previous thread, and finding Neural Gear, Euphory, and Testament should be easy. Gage is a hard one to get a ROM of, but that's what Tokugawa is for.

Speaking of which, new music time—
Advanced Fantasian (PC-88, Fujioka): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogMYxztZClM
38 Man Kilo no Kokuu (PC-98, Saito): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHVsSL0znDA
Dialide (X1, Baki): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka6FK9KqqeY
Knight Arms (X68k, Yamanaka): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ege9zvwVSJg
Psychic Detective Series (FM Towns, Yasuhito Saito): http://polsy.org.uk/play/nico/?vidid=sm4698583

Guess I'll share Melancholy PC Gamer, who's reviewed many Western and Japanese CRPGs: http://homepage1.nifty.com/PC-GAMER/

I found out about Little Shaker and other games through his reviews, so there's not much to be sad over.

>> No.1950331

>banned for most of Tuesday
For what? Posting loli on a worksafe board?

>> No.1950343

It was for something on /d/, probably Western art.

>> No.1950361 [DELETED] 

>western art
You're technically not even a person

>> No.1950803

They missed a chance to talk about Sakimoto's music from Revolter and Starship Rendezvous in the RBMA episode. Maybe Koshiro?

>> No.1951168


I love this intro, the music is amazing

>> No.1951791

Shop demos are an interesting subject. I really like the one Panther Software made for their initial product, Kami no Machi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QLHdW2vNzs

Still not sure what effect changing your movement speed has in that game. I've guessed it has something to do with encounter rate.

>> No.1952468

Google Translate's pretty good...at fucking with HTML layouts. Some Jap website are giving me issues, like I have to squint.

>> No.1952859
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The most annoying bit is when websites built around Y2K are still using frames, so I have to bring up the HTML source and find the individual page I want to load as a new tab and have Chrome translate. Not to mention no Shift JIS 0208-compatible fonts stored on my computer...

Jungle Park was created by Gento Matsumoto, who lived at Nintendo working with Miyamoto and some others. This game's similar in ways to Cubivore, the next game he and Saru Brunei made (funny how a few of the Marigul people, like Iida and Noise, either started in or were aiming at PC game development). Lots of mini-games, some adventuring and puzzle-solving required to go from area to area, but I'm not sure if there's any ultimate goal to the game. For the most part, it's a chill, laid-back island exploration game where you travel across four seasons. It got half-assed console ports, so people must have bought the game more than others.

Footage: http://polsy.org.uk/play/nico/?vidid=sm7027498

>> No.1953569

Are there any PD strategy guides with stats and maps? Sounds like a game that needs coverage.

>> No.1953670
File: 423 KB, 600x375, Tuned Heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a HD copy of Tuned Heart for PC-98 lying around handy? It's like SRW: Bubblegum Crisis edition from the screenshots I've seen

This is basically the best PD fansite I've seen on the web but I haven't been searching a lot or anything.


It has maps but the strategy section is pretty skimpy.

>> No.1954564

I like how it look.

>> No.1955430

Can't find a ready HDI, but you can grab the install files from http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=320480 and make one.

There aren't a lot of maps on PD.info, not for the earliest games anyway. Strategy looks fine, though hard to trust with machine translation.

>> No.1955598

Not that anon but I've been trying to go about creating a bootable hd image of the game. While I can install it just fine whenever I run main.exe or opening.exe the screen goes blank (or mostly blank) and just stays there. Tried on T98-Next (20100525 build), NP2, and Anex86.

>> No.1956628
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Late at night, so I'm watching commercials.


I really enjoy Fujitsu's suited salesman. He would have fit in with Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra during their early years.

>> No.1956639

Hey man there's good western shit out there. Heavy Metal is full of excellent fap material.

You gotta dig back into the 80s and early 90s and find all those guys who did traditional art.

>> No.1957540

Any ruck? One of the emulators should have a trace function if you can't figure it out.

Those Casio things look adorable, but it's like BASIC was the only language devs were using back then.

>> No.1957929


I don't see zombies; is the whole party dying over and over? Never played that far into Runescape to think of any similarities.

>> No.1958091

OP and some others were playing games in the last thread. Thexder and Power Dolls. Think I'll try Farland Story when I get time.

>> No.1958559
File: 16 KB, 640x481, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow avoided being hit by one of the twirlers as usual. It's the one below the other, barely scraping by me as I piloted down to the first safe zone of Level 2. Shame everything else seems to be hitting me in ways I never before experienced.

Thexder's big flaw is that it's a tedious game to learn. Something like DoDonPachi, a game of the same 1cc progression and philosophy, is at least scrolling forward all the time. Not so here. This game also encourages and rewards me for playing encounters safe in order to get energy ready, so that I can learn new levels I haven't been to yet. Combined with the auto-aiming laser, it's hampered by an inability to let players target enemies manually and lock into position (no hovering) in order to aim in one direction at a time.

>> No.1958661

xnp2 isn't loading my fdd's. Is there something I'm missing?

>> No.1958705

Gotta reset the emulator after inserting the floppies, that usually does it (dunno why).

>> No.1959375

That was quick

I tried EGG a while ago, okay I guess, but not aa flexible as emulation. Gonna have to find the right monitor for playing 640x200 games in full-screen.

>> No.1959417
File: 145 KB, 476x354, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok what are some games you recommend?

>> No.1960020
File: 24 KB, 255x384, A wild Shibusawa appears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOS/V specific or just in general? YU-NO is the essential VN from what I've heard, and a few of Koei's historical games received localizations (Uncharted Waters: New Horizons, Celtic Tales, Water Margin/Bandit Kinds of Ancient China, versions of Nobunaga's Ambition and RotTK, Genghis Khan, Liberty or Death, ). There's even a Windows version of Dark Hunter, their unique dual-language adventure game.

My general list from the last thread:

>Some of English-translated games by genre:

•WiBARM, side-scrolling/first-person action adventure, DOS local.
•Power DoLLS, hex-based wargame strategy, DOS local.
•Die Bahnwelt, top-down run and gun, fan patch for the X68000
•The Screamer, CRPG, fan patch for the PC-88
•A-Train, city-builder sim game by way of economy, DOS local.
•Thexder, action platformer, DOS local.
•Daiva: Ashura's Bloodfeud, space strategy, fan patch for the MSX
•Omotesandou Adventure, English-compatible text adventure, PC-88

Other games that aren't translated/localized, but don't require you to read:

•Thunder Force, STG, Sharp X1
•Mike's Lonely Journey, action, Fujitsu FM-7 (not sure where to find the ROM)
•Yuureikun (Mr. Ghost), cute-em-up, MSX
•The Scheme, Metroid-like action adventure, PC-88
•Chitty Chitty Train, puzzle, PC-98 (we've been working on this one for a while now)

>> No.1960510

Do I have to play Power Dolls 1 before Power Dolls 2? And what's the difference between PD2 and PD2 Dash? My Japanese is pretty poor -- I can understand everything in Madou Monogatari, but not much in more adult games usually. Is the text necessary to enjoying the game? It just looked like a fucking cool strategy RPG.

>> No.1960515

I just wanted to point out that I recently played this, and for some reason the intro hit me in the nostalgia fucking hard. I've never played it before or anything, but for some reason it really just went straight to my heartstrings.


Game kinda sucks, but the dialogue is entertaining.

>> No.1960527

There isn't a patch available?

>> No.1960720

You don't have to play the first game if you're familiar with the game mechanics and feel up for a lot more content. Text in PD isn't for flavor: the pre-battle descriptions of environmental hazards, enemy activity, &c. are essential to completing missions without losing part of your force. If you can read the menus and look up strats on http://powerdolls.info/, you should do fine. Please grab screens if you're playing!

This is a Compile Disc Station game, right? It's available on EGG.

No fan patches for any of the games, only a localization of the first (which killed MegaTech despite being the best game they'd so far released).

No Thexder tonight, my muscle memory's deteriorated just enough that some weird-ass bullshit is fucking with me.

>> No.1960868


>> No.1961053

>Do I have to play Power Dolls 1 before Power Dolls 2?
Well, it's not exactly a story-based game or anything... I guess you could play the English version to get used to the mechanics before you move on to the other games...

>And what's the difference between PD2 and PD2 Dash?
PD2 Dash and Advanced PD2 are basically stand-alone expansion packs, I believe. It's basically different missions, more shit (weapons/mechs/vehicles) to play with.

>> No.1961421
File: 31 KB, 640x400, 2225554-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a Space Harrier clone Atlantia looks pretty fucking fly.

>> No.1961706

Until you actually try to play it.

I love kusoge, I love panties, and Space Harrier is actually my FAVORITE game.

And Alantia a shit.

I'm still trying to beat it though. It's absurdly difficult.

>> No.1961759

Heard nothing but bad things about this one. It's a Sword World game, though, and that's pretty cool (D&D never got a rail-shooter like this).

I'd rather play Knight Arms or Neural Gear. There's an impressive port of Space Harrier to the PC-6001, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WYEpH-bKDs

>> No.1962012 [DELETED] 

I thought it was just so the limies and the micks would know you were talking about gooks and chinks rather than curry-eating ragheads.

>> No.1962020

Ah that sucks I hate when a game looks interesting and then it turns out to be Kusoge.

>> No.1962414

Something to watch out for when playong these games. I think sone reviewers shouldn't play rail shooters, though, if they lack the skill to beat much of them.

>> No.1962590

I really love the PC-88 and 98's style of graphics and some of the stuff I see screen shots for looks amazing. However I'm not sure if it's worth the effort of emulating one if I'm not into eroge at all, since that seems to be the dominant genre.

>> No.1962973
File: 139 KB, 600x849, Night Slave Cover 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However I'm not sure if it's worth the effort of emulating one if I'm not into eroge at all
If the game comes in a HD image, it's as simple as just loading the game up, so in those cases it's not like its a terrible commitment or anything.

Also start liking Eroge now. They are cool.

>> No.1963401

I used to conflate eroge with VNs—should have known better than to ignore Pink Shock Pirate or Kichikou Rance. Emulating any of these games is usually painless, though many still documentation.

How many games came with on-disk protection? I'm thinking of cases where we can produce HDIs of them on modern OSes, but there's no way to successfully install the game onto hard drives of their era.

On another note, I'm going to do some game wishlist profiles on GOG this weekend. Current list:

•Relics series
•Soft de Hard na Monogatari 1 + 2(X68000, Sacom)
•Lizard (PC-6001, Xtalsoft)
•Death Force (FM77AV, Riverhill Soft)
•Adventure Forest in Wonderland (MZ series, Bond Soft)
•Produce (PC-88, dB-SOFT)
•Nyancle Racing (MSX, Bit^2)
•Hioden (PC-98, Wolf Team/Telenet)
•Bokosuka Wars (X1, ASCII)
•Genocide Squared (FM Towns, Zoom)
•Space Griffon (Windows, Panther Soft)

Trying to have a varied selection, some heavyweights and some unknowns (relatively speaking). Chime in if desired.

>> No.1963909

Christ that's fast scrolling, even if they've dithered the heck out of it. Looks like the PC-6001 emulator is supported too.

>> No.1964356

Didn't know Space Griffon got a Windows version.

>> No.1964578

It was first released on the PC-98 as HAMLET, then refurbished as Space Griffon for Windows and PS1/Dreamcast. Definitely deserves more attention.

>> No.1965191

Dr. PC's ad is funny, most of them just rely on kawaiiz

>> No.1966436
File: 61 KB, 306x384, 145003668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Starfish made a Windows CRPG before Elminage
Karma: Immortal Wrath looks pretty good. It's closer to Final Fantasy than their Wizardry games, with an ATB battle system and large world to explore. Balance is apparently good, the visuals were solid for the time, not sure about much else. It even has a dark, complex story according to Melancholy PC Gamer: http://homepage1.nifty.com/PC-GAMER/games/kar_cri.htm

What remains of the original web page: http://www.s-f.co.jp/soft/pc/krm/krm.htm

Before making this, Starfish did a bunch of fishing games for PC users, and they localized the Korean RTS Counter Blow (possibly to compete with Bothtec's Final Odyssey, which that company made domestically).

>> No.1966934

I like games with similar gameplay to the original corpse party

>> No.1966975
File: 81 KB, 774x583, 68k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

68k noob here, how do I run chorensha on winx68k? I get this after loading the disk image.

>> No.1967458

Pc-98 Corpse Party? Still wondering how to play it, maybe we have a RPG Maker ROM.

>> No.1967672

want the hdi file?

>> No.1967742

So this is for all early comps not just NEC PCs right? Cause I just downloaded a X68K emulator and I'm fucking loving this thing. Great arcade ports, that sweet ass castlevainia update, and tons of odd douijin games like sailor moon majong. I also find it hilarious how every game tells me not to play them outside Japan.

>> No.1968102

Yup, everything from the PC-8001 to Windows games around the turn of the millennium. Glad to hear you're enjoying the X68k experience...try the system exclusives!

>> No.1968152
File: 126 KB, 822x591, rise-and-fall-pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a graph showing marketshare of pc's in japan, similar to pic?

>> No.1968280

I'm going to, I downloaded Aquales to play later.

>> No.1968601

No idea where to get industry numbers, so no one's making that chart anytime soon. All you need to know is that NEC reigned, Sharp and Fujitsu were neck-and-neck in their respective markets, and Epson/Toshiba/Casio/Sony tagged along during the MSX days. Then Compaq came and wiped everyone out.

Here, have a Fujitsu FM77AV demo, with nice scrolling and an entertaining manga story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSs29uJXwVU

>> No.1969687

I wonder if they've got prototypes of Dragon Slayer on display at that Falcom retrospective...

>> No.1969916

too bad almost none of the pc emulators are open source which means in some time there will be no way to play any of these games.

>> No.1970207

I think MIJET has access to XM6 since they made that fork of it, so their updates are better than nothing. Will be a pain to contact emu writers in Japan otherwise.

>> No.1971082
File: 922 KB, 639x399, Death Force.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was the Japanese Defenders of the Crown: it's fondly remembered for introducing gamers to the FM77AV's graphical prowess, in addition to playing well (you have eight-way moving and strafe in various stances to avoid offense). I'm not surprised it was one of the first games D4 uploaded to EGG.

You can see this and more FM77AV games/ports here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSlIpseoUrU

I'm grabbing GIFs from this awesome wiki, just in case the site goes down and nothing's preserved: http://www49.atwiki.jp/retropc/

>> No.1971315

>putting phone in this graphics

>> No.1971464

pc98 emulator for ds when?

>> No.1971590

Dunno about DS but there's at least one for Android though I couldn't seem to get it to run any games.

>> No.1971605

i'm actually trying to use it now
whenever i load a game nothing happens and after the memory usage thing the screen just goes black

the interface is inhumanely small too
this is why i want one on ds

>> No.1971973
File: 21 KB, 640x480, 01-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Griffon and Relics series profiles are up:

Couldn't find any footage for 2nd Birth, but I found this. The games are really interesting, and I have no excuse not to play the 1986 original.

>> No.1972180


>Night Slave
Awww yis. This game is fantastic. You can just turn all the eroge stuff off and still get an excelent run and gun game.

>> No.1972579
File: 165 KB, 600x450, Taiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, by the way, if anyone is looking for a Windows version of KOEI's "Taiko Risshiden V" for whatever reason... well, here you go.


>> No.1972751

looks interesting but i wish there was a translation for it!

>> No.1973235

I decided to do pages for the two Eggerland MSX games instead, along with Bokosuka Wars (which influenced Kure Software's Silver Ghost):

One Anon from the last thread wanted to hack and translate the older Koei games, I wonder if he'll return.

>> No.1973689

Adventures of Lolo's got a Windows version too, called Egger Land. I'm surprised HAL still made games for non-Nintendo platforms at that point, let alone PC.

>> No.1974301


Anyhow, I'm off to bed. I can report that Thexder's no longer treating me bad. By this, I mean I can get to 490% health by the fourth stage, which hasn't before happened.

>> No.1975092

Not gonna make a thread, but what's everyone's opinion of The Untold History of Japanese Game Development? Saw the HG101 article in OP, I passed on the Kickstarter though.

>> No.1975816
File: 76 KB, 640x480, 1410656230132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Griffin sounds pretty cool. I wish I could find some more info on it. I'm guessing it never got any sort of translation or US release.

On a side note, how often do wishlist games actually make it to GoG? It seems like anything requiring a localisation might be a long shot. Although, I'm not aware of games localised for English release on GoG.

>> No.1975823

GOG would be the ideal store for a long-shot project such as this, though setting up a team to localize the games is out of their budget. Licensing fan translations of a certain quality would alleviate time and money.

The PS1 port of Space Griffon (not the Bluesteel Variable redux for Windows/Dreamcast) got localized by Atlus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrwCeDdJUV8

>> No.1975894

Looks, cool. I'll see if I can try this version out.

>> No.1976635
File: 163 KB, 640x480, rinne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for all of those. Thanks for your submissions and sharing these games :)

>> No.1977898
File: 193 KB, 640x400, hi9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm trying to figure out what genre Hioden I and II belong to. Players control up to 24 units in one team (heroes (all human) + possessed monsters) while ordering them around. Though they can auto-battle if you wish, movement is triggered by clicking on either the minimap or view screen, and battle behavior you have to configure before ramming into enemies. You can, in some situations, switch between multiple teams during a level, and each team can be divided into squads (lot of windowing and custom interface options in these games). All movement and passage of time can be paused, allowing players to sort party/unit inventories and change strategy.

Whether it's real-time strategy (or tactics) or a real-time-with-pause TRPG, I'm not certain. Could be that it's more like the latter with just one team, and then more like the former once it scales up.

>> No.1978653

Birthday bump

>> No.1978683

>being such a geezer than you can't see mobile OS's being the next big gaming platform

>> No.1978686

it's an RTS . I was loving hiouden on snes but then there was this level where you had to press a bunch of switches and then get ambushed and they killed a bunch of my nigs . any tips?

>> No.1978727

How far in the game is that?

>> No.1978746

I donno can't remember was a while ago. It's like the first level after you beat one section of the game. I think you are retreating into a castle or something like that?

you have to presh a bunch of buttons to opent he door , then get ambushed. seems like the difficulty spikes up. I fucked my save and lost a bunch of guys. Willing to try the game again though i recently got a mounse for my snes

>> No.1978756

Man, if only Telenet had kept Renovation past 1993. We could have gotten something cool to use the SNES mouse with.

>> No.1978757

it works with hiouden and cannon fodder. I'm getting it for free so these two games alone have me pretty pumped

>> No.1978760

actually learned it works on a shitload more good games. check it out.

Acme Animation Factory
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder
Alice no Paint Adventure (Japan only)
Arkanoid: Doh It Again
Asameshimae Nyanko (Japan only)
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo! (Japan only)
Brandish 2: Expert (Japan only)
Cameltry (called On the Ball in North America and the UK)
Cannon Fodder (PAL only)
Dai-3-ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan only)
Dai-4-ji Super Robot Taisen (Japan only)
Dōkyūsei 2 (Japan only)
Dragon Knight 4 (Japan only)
Farland Story 2 (Japan only)
Fun 'n Games
Galaxy Robo (Japan only)
Hiōden: Mamono-tachi tono Chikai (Japan only)
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: Volume 1
Jurassic Park
King Arthur's World
Koutetsu no Kishi (Japan only)
Koutetsu no Kishi 2: Sabaku no Rommel Shougun (Japan only)
Koutetsu no Kishi 3: Gekitotsu Europe Sensen (Japan only)
Lamborghini American Challenge
Lemmings 2: The Tribes
Lord Monarch (Japan only)
Mario no Super Picross (Japan only)
Mario Paint
Mario & Wario (Japan only)
Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun
Mega lo Mania (PAL only)
Might and Magic III
Motoko-chan no Wonder Kitchen (Japan only)
Nobunaga's Ambition
Operation Thunderbolt
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods (PAL only)
PowerMonger (PAL only)
Revolution X
Sangokushi Seishi: Tenbu Spirits (Japan only)
Sgt. Saunders' Combat! (Japan only)
Shien's Revenge
Sid Meier's Civilization
SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony
Snoopy Concert (Japan only)
Sound Fantasy (unreleased)
SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor (unreleased)
Super Caesars Palace
Super Castles
Super Solitaire
T2: The Arcade Game
Tin Star
Tokimeki Memorial: Densetsu no Ni no Shita de (Japan only)
Utopia: The Creation of a Nation
Vegas Stakes
Warrior of Rome III (unreleased)
Wolfenstein 3-D
Wonder Project J: Kikai no Shounen Pino (Japan only)
Zan II Spirits (Japan only)
Zan III Spirits (Japan only)
Zico Soccer (Japan only)

>> No.1978761

SNES version doesn't have windows like the PC-98, right? Someone should hack Gideon's translation into the PC version.

>> No.1979215

Damn, are those Compile Disc Stations for Windows still untranslated?

This is suffering.

>> No.1979219
File: 538 KB, 1020x1516, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn Japanese

>> No.1980480
File: 43 KB, 640x480, Kitade 2014-09-09 21-09-22-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't remember why I hadn't grabbed this before, but it's TNS, so why not.

Definitely gonna have the Hioden wishes done tomorrow, among other things.

>> No.1980515

May i add another tip?
Artillery is a damn damaging and deadly. Use in conjunction with radar bot and you can easily won the 2nd mission (defense against rushing enemy iirc)without even need to expose any of your unit to enemy fire.

On power dolls 2 and later there are multiple ammo types,so take this into account. Frag for mechs and apcs, armor piercing for battle tanks. Special note,the shoulder weapon named 40mm light cannon, abbreviated LCAN, damage both mechs and battle tanks, can shoot air units, and can interrupt (D1). USE IT

D0 guns can be precise aimed for maximum chance of hitting. So it does have its plus side.

>> No.1980810 [DELETED] 

But Japan is in the East of Asia you fucking tumblrina

>> No.1981251 [DELETED] 

Do not respond to the post above

>> No.1981812

I do.

>> No.1981815


Also humored a question for the upcoming Twitch Q&A: http://www.gog.com/wishlist/questions/will_you_consider_partnering_with_d4_enterprises_of_project_egg_to_distribute_translated_classic_japanese_pc_games_msx_pc8898_fujitsu_and_sharp_machines

I found the English-translated (guessing WOOMB.net) MSX2 Xak disks in case anyone wants them: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3q868wo3b1iclog/Xak+I+Updated.zip

>> No.1982449

Like that you're using Polsy to show smile videos without requiring an account, but could it take any longer to start loading?

>> No.1982493

damn, if only.

>> No.1982496 [DELETED] 


>> No.1982739 [DELETED] 

Check in archive, there was another post there before.

>> No.1983804
File: 20 KB, 640x400, img_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done with the update:


Definitely a lot more variety in this wishlist fest than before. I encourage voting if you have a GOG account, as always.


Power Dolls 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hZAUQaCDg8
MasterJaceBeats did a mix using Star Cruiser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKXDEtwRxkw
Destruction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYv3E8AvymU
King Breeder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvPMPHlng0w
SILsteeL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv3KzAJuVs4
Mesuneko Hishoshitsu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oOnEDBvJEA
Hole Chaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goB1hvwVd2M
Xak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhWYkmPCNAY&index=17&list=PL06LomyIGUgPLajaP-Jm7e6N39SIZ7Kj4

>> No.1985189

Somehow we still don't have their Wizardry games. Ghostlight better do that.

>> No.1985905

Getting any of the non-Bradley Wizardry games onto GOG and elsewhere could take forever. Woodhead, Sirotek, and IPM each have a claim to the franchise in some way, making it a legal nightmare.

>> No.1985918
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, 2014-09-21_00004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least, we have Elminage Gothic on Steam.

>> No.1986040

>please select a command, H butt.

>> No.1986741

Looks, cool but wondering what's up with the mixed reviews. If I like Wizardry would I like this?

>> No.1986747

It's better than the vast majority of recommended Japanese Wizardry games, so I hear. Closer to 7 and 8 while still channeling the classic influences. Like with Way of the Samurai 4 (Ghostlight's other upcoming PC port), it has a fair amount of jank, though nothing bad enough to neutralize some very strong qualities.

>> No.1986776

WHICH Wizardries?

The Japanese ones are basically 1-5 on crack. I don't think there has been any JP Wizardry that try to take after 6-8 (outside of the actual JP ports of those game on consoles like the Saturn and PSX)

>> No.1988070

Looks like there's a new Madou Monogatari compilation going for physical release: http://www.amusement-center.com/project/egg/special/package_madou123ars/

These games are definitely Wizardry-lite, but it inspired Puyo Puyo, so.

>> No.1988831
File: 15 KB, 640x481, Back to the tech zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I've cracked this fucker. Managed to get a no-shield bonus in Level 4 for the first time, and had 450 when I hit Level 8, which is really fun even though I died near the end. Seems like Level 4 and the following cave levels are tedious, but it's great to know I've beaten about half of Thexder.

>> No.1988839
File: 21 KB, 640x481, sorry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1988845
File: 1.37 MB, 900x653, jbowNkxhYdcXMz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, I just posted what I could screen from the emulator.

Falcom always includes catalogs with their games...this is a White Witch promo from the Brandish 3 PC-98 release. I need to scan the Artdink catalog I got with Tokio, since it's charming.

>> No.1989567

Murder Club was a fun one when I played it last year. Didn't get very far, but it's cool to see where Hotel Dusk started.

>> No.1992068
File: 29 KB, 640x481, MegaBlox trashed muh robot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of progress I've made in a day is staggering. Just gotta make it to Level 15 and beyond, and then Thexder has been beaten.

What are you guys playing at the moment? I'm going to fiddle with A-Train after this winning run, but Power DoLLS is next in my queue.

>> No.1993297

Thread was ded until last night. Is it just weekdays or are the regulars gone?

>> No.1994097
File: 16 KB, 640x481, A game beat in(to) bits and pieces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekdays in October/November, everybody's busy.

Including me. The game wraps back around to Level 2 after the final chamber, so I could theoretically play forever. But why would I do that, mighty Thexder has been toppled.

>> No.1994121

My god that kanji is small.

>> No.1994137

There probably isn't a better scan online

>> No.1995179

I think they are having a retro thread:

>> No.1996236

But Anon, that's for console gaming. Here, let me offer retro PC threads:

PC-98: http://kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/retro/1404770572/
X68000: http://kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/retro/1412510546/
Project EGG: http://kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/retro/1403956789/

Just plug into Google Translate and have fun.

>> No.1996510
File: 96 KB, 640x480, Adith Alchemy 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on writing a blog post about Adith - The Forgotten Alchemy - that someone posted in an earlier thread, which is a DOS Korean Atelier clone.

>> No.1997628

>NEXT big gaming platform
They already are a big gaming platform whether we want to accept it or not.

>> No.1998321
File: 173 KB, 320x240, Little Shaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 replies an hour in the eroge thread
I wonder where last thread's Anon who bought FILE has gone.

Alright, now it's time for Little Shaker.

Developed by Bottle Cube.404 and released for Windows 9x, this one's an action-adventure game set in the remote U.S. countryside, where Americans have grey or blonde hair and pigs stand on two legs. Playing the young man Cliff, you gotta use the eponymous device (a multi-tool you customize to explore and solve puzzles, much like in a Zelda game) to help what neighbors you have, as well as go on some unknown quest. There's a good amount of combat involved, too, and platforming along the likes of Landstalker and other isometric adventures. Overall, the script deals with some themes Mother 3 would tackle (humans vs. the environment, small-town culture vs. urbanization, &c.), and your character progression's tied to earning hearts from NPCs (think Moon RPG), so it must be a side-quest game more than anything.

Developer's profile: http://www.eants.co.jp/game/etc/404.html

Finding screenshots is a pain, but someone did an incomplete playthrough on NND recently. Not sure why he's suffering from graphics layers popping in and out all the time—hopefully that's just a consequence of compatibility mode or emulation, not a native bug. This was the company's first and last PC game release before retreating to the PS1, and they also put out a demo CD. Unfortunately, I can't read shit on the game's old page in Wayback thanks to gibberish. Melancholy PC Gamer's impression is that it's quite good, though he doesn't like isometric controls and doesn't like the maps for some reason.

Dayum, I want to read this.

>> No.1998327
File: 69 KB, 270x384, Rumpshaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding story progression: Melancholy PC Gamer played up to the middle and posted cheats, saying that he ended at Episode 6. So there's missables for certain, assuming that beating major bosses or visiting new areas marks a new episode.

>> No.1998547

>Dayum, I want to read this.
Here you go.

>> No.1999283

Came across this English fantranslation for Princess Maker on the MSX while casually browsing Romhacking.net.


Not sure if I like the fact that it's based off a Spanish translation rather than the original JP though.

>> No.1999320

hooo, look intersting. any more ?

>> No.2000523

Whoa, didn't know you were the guy behind that Mujintou Monogatari R post.

I found a screen of the demo CD on Suruga-ya, but that's all the rest I can locate. Let's be glad there's any footage of LS at all.

>> No.2000751

>top left
>mfw old Japanese Myst games are discovered

>> No.2002775


>tfw not in sharedb

>> No.2003056
File: 135 KB, 267x529, Ass Chaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's in Perfect Dark circulation.

I wouldn't mind using a Falcom image for next OP (with the current menus bordering it). Not enough Falcom regulars on the board yet.

>> No.2003149

>Maybe it's in Perfect Dark circulation.
I've had a query up for リトル・シェイカー|LITTLE SHAKER on PD for a short while and nothing has popped up so far sadly.

>> No.2003995

I don't know if this has been asked/discussed...But are there Japanese games that work with DOSBox (aside from Princess Maker II and Ys)?

>> No.2004015

>But are there Japanese games that work with DOSBox

Yes, there are some of them, but you will still need to install DOS/V or they wont work/they wont display the kanjis at all. Also the fact that some of them are easier to get for PC-98 makes everything a chore...

>> No.2004065


Where do I get DOS/V?

>> No.2004870

Yeah I've got a handful of Japanese games for DOSBox, and like >>2004015 said without DOS/V all the Japanese characters display as gibberish/garbage text. Unless the text is displayed via graphic files.

I found some things that apparently give you DOS/V capabilities or something (basically just displaying the characters without issue) within DOSBox however I could never seem to get it to work.

>> No.2004878

Perhaps Taewoong's DOSBox SVN Daum may support DOS/V?

>> No.2004921

That's the only version of DOSBox I use, though I should make a correction to my previous post >>2004870 the DOS/V font thing I have does work but only in-game stuff, meaning if it's a setup utility that's nothing special it'll display gibberish no matter what. But when I went to test install a different game, it used it's own special graphical installer and the text showed up correctly after I did the DOS/V font thing.

Which for reference, here's what I used

>> No.2004970


I just installed this...Do you have a download for a Japanese DOS game that I can test it with? I really have no clue where to find Japanese DOS games for IBM-based computers.

>> No.2004978

What games did you try to install and which had which result?

>> No.2005063
File: 302 KB, 640x960, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the ISO for Merry Go Round and it's a dual-CD or whatever you wanna call it as there's installers for both PC-98 and IBM machines.

What you'll wanna do is mount the image, CD into the directory you have that DOS/V stuff extracted to in your mounted DOS folder and run that batch file, then change to the D: drive and CD into IBM and run SETUP.EXE. You'll need to also run the batch file each time you want to load up something that needs it, so you could make a batch file in the game's directory that runs it before running the game.

Image is how the first screen in the setup looks with and without DOS/V fonts.

>> No.2005246

Argh, Tokugawa Corp's down: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://fullmotionvideo.free.fr/phpBB3/index.php

First Asenheim, now Ben's got some problems.

I've changed games: J.B. Harold Murder Club's up next. Power DoLLS will have to stick around.

>> No.2007432

Tokugawa's back up now.

Who knows about Project EGG's YouTube channel? https://www.youtube.com/user/ProjectEGG

Most of the videos are redundant because of NND, but they're well-produced, and Super Schwarzschild gives me a boner watching those cinematics.

>> No.2007858


I downloaded the pack from here, and all of the folder titles just show up as random latin characters where I imagine Japanese text is supposed to be...Is there a way to fix this?

>> No.2008043

Install Japanese language pack, or try changing your locale to Japanese.

>> No.2008571

Make sure you have Japanese fonts installed, and the right encodes.

>> No.2009197


I have Japanese fonts installed...Japanese fonts display just fine on my system...What do you mean by "encodes"?

>> No.2009228

Curious, could you show a screenshot of the messed up folder names?

>> No.2009492
File: 226 KB, 824x540, Joshua.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Panther Soft made strategy games. Yum.

Now that folks want DOS/V games, what's the ETA on this dump? Merry-Go-Round's a good start.

>> No.2009956

>Thexder's big flaw is that it's a tedious game to learn.

>Shit, I've cracked this fucker.

The amount of progress I've made in a day is staggering.

>Thexder has been toppled.

That upside-down difficulty curve was my experience too. Took ages to get off the first level, gradually picked up speed, blazed through the last few in one sitting.

>> No.2010960

>Tfw had a huge ass torrent from UG of old PC-98 games
>Hard drive crash
Well fuck.

>> No.2010983

Just hit CTRL+A, right-click, select "Download as ZIP" and you'll download the entire thing. Dunno how it compares to the set that was on UG though.

>> No.2011735

>looks up obscure PC-98 game on NND
>expects BGM + playthrough videos
>gets Touhou yukkuri/Id@lmaster skits with/without Japanese Windows speech
NND is life, NND is cringe.

Most arcade games have a difficulty curve like this due to the mechanics requiring a lot of investment. But the latter halves of great arcade titles don't slacken pace or run out of interesting conflicts I need to shake down. Thexder is front-loaded, the level design becoming more cramped (not really more linear, though) and stale later on. Upon learning the behaviors and knowing exactly what can be done with the controls, the middle third onward is easier, and the last third has either palette swaps or a dearth of contrast between open and closed spaces. Definitely bars the game from the pantheon, though I love it still.

Märchen Veil I + II will probably have a similar difficulty curve, and a frustrating quantity of "visual scenes" (walls of text and mostly static art between stages).

>> No.2012235
File: 665 KB, 982x741, muf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry for the late reply...

>> No.2012315

Hmm, going by the file icons for your ZIPs I'm going to guess you're using the built-in Windows ZIP utility? If so that might be the issue, as I opened the archive with WinRAR and the filenames showed up correctly. Though it looks like the filenames within the ZIPs weren't converted to a proper character encoding set as they show up as garbage text.

I think if you use Universal Extractor with Applocale set to Japanese it'll extract the files with proper filenames.

>> No.2012496


I used 7-zip...I just tried WinRAR and it solved the problem. Thank you for your help.

>> No.2013812
File: 589 KB, 640x480, Just need a cape and pauldrons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to play more First Queen WEB: http://www.kure.sakura.ne.jp/FQ1AS_0/FQ1.swf

FAQ: http://www.kure.sakura.ne.jp/FQ1ASSOUSA/index.html

Copy the whole help text and paste into Translate (Chrome's auto-translate doesn't preserve the formatting). Be sure to hover over any bullet points on the English-translated side to find where the equivalent Japanese text starts. Images won't copy, so it'll help to keep the FAQ page open.

Only things I don't understand are how the save options work (possibly disabled because this is a "sample" version) and when enemy leaders make their move on the flowchart map. You can save the SWF, at least.

>> No.2016416
File: 203 KB, 639x299, spaceship.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know what game this is from and have this image (not animated) without the scanlines? I'm trying to upscale it to use as a wallpaper, but the scanlines make it look bad.

>> No.2016447

It's from Possessioner: http://fullmotionvideo.free.fr/screen/G2728.html

That image is the interlaced product of two different bitmaps, though my estimation could be off. You can find a CG rip of the game at sad panda or g-e.

>> No.2016491

It looks like she's looking out of a window with the game displaying her reflection and the outside view.
Take a close look at her face and you can see how the 'scanlines' display the building.

>> No.2017814

Looked at the CG rip, Queensoft laid a moving sprite in one layer over an image (combined reflection/backdrop).

>> No.2018046

A project: I'm going to want a multi-synch CRT monitor (15-24-31 kHz) for use with multiple Japanese computers (this is way down the line). NEC PC-TV models would do the trick, but I'm curious about compatibility with Sharp X# and Fujitsu things, which should naturally output 640x200 and 640x400 in one mode or another. The best thing I could do to compare monitor quality/interfacing is visit a BEEP store if I can save the dough for a trip overseas. It seems that PC users preferred a 24 kHz refresh rate + 10-inch ≤ x ≥ 20-inch screen around the turn of the '90s, which no doubt influenced game developers back then. NEC's PC-TV line has RGB ports and fits all the criteria, but I don't know the steps needed for getting a quality image with other computers.

>> No.2018051

*10-inch ≤ x ≤ 20-inch

Can't into math tonight.

>> No.2020787

Hmm, I'm coming across a lot of translations recently...


A translation of "Rune Master" for the MSX. Not sure if this game is any good and I never tried MSX emulation at all yet...

>> No.2022269

Both the Whirlpool (no idea who) and Starscream (awesome Tokugawa regular who occasionally uploads Windows games) added these ancient Oasis translation patches back in 2013, and now someone else is filling out the collection. Excellent to see, of course.

>daily reminder that fan translation started on the MSX in Dutchland

MSX emulation's easy for cartridge-based games, which you can play in BlueMSX real easy. Setting up openMSX is more complicated, but provides access to more advanced emulation and disk-based games. Thing is, my binary doesn't want to run, for seemingly no reason I can locate in the openMSX forums.

>> No.2024259
File: 277 KB, 1024x768, dinor_03m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insert Walk the Dinosaur joke here
I'm enamored with this soundtrack now:

Music comparison:
FM Towns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFY5-8jzWUo
Windows remake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6UZnmI7H_4

Dinosaur has only a slightly weirder name than Lizard, the latter of which came from Xtalsoft where Dinosaur's creator made Heart of Phantasm and Borfes and 5 Demons. The game apparently breaks the fourth wall more than any Falcom game, let alone most PC-88 stuff. Weird how Tetsuya Takahashi first worked on this (Kazunori Tomi later did Lunar, too).

>> No.2026329

Their eyes are all blank. What the fuck is this Dinosaur Erection.

>> No.2027931

But the dragon's eyes have pupils...

Wonder how many are lurking this thread.

>> No.2028542
File: 49 KB, 640x481, Bring her in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of the Arlington College Cinema Club
>has a jazz dance teacher's license
Muh waifu.

Everyone's white as a clown, the women have small mouths, Japanese graphics haven't been replaced...what a weird-ass localization. Only a minor grammatical error so far, though.

>> No.2028735
File: 45 KB, 640x481, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternatively, he was catching himself on someone's identity.

>> No.2029013

Maybe the CRT people can help you.

>> No.2029650

Is that the DOS version or the one for PC-98?

>> No.2030331

DOS version

>> No.2031140

It's the version closest to the original and in English. No copy protection, thankfully.

>> No.2033526

What kind of shit did they use against pirates compared to Europe and America? Collectables or just on-disk copy protection?

>> No.2033807
File: 7 KB, 320x200, 2574254-0253597663-GUNDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, on Giant Bomb I found some English screen shots of Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 1: Gundam Daishi ni Tatsu and The Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 2: Tobe Gundam PC-9801, 8801, Sharp X1, and FM-7. Apparently it's a fan translation I'm guessing? Do any of you know which versions were translated and where I can get them? Also it seems like these games are a mixture of text adventure, visual novels, RPG, and shooters, so I'm interested in it for reasons other than just being a Gundam fan. Thanks in advance.

>> No.2033810

*The Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 2: Tobe Gundam ON THE PC-9801, 8801, Sharp X1, and FM-7.

>> No.2033820

Sorry, I figured things out myself. Apparently both of the games are entirely in English by default.

>> No.2033824

That picture reminds me of that one reaction image where a distorted Gundam looks at some guy, and vice versa. I guess both images stem from the fact that it's hard to draw Gundams at certain angles.

>> No.2033886

I can't find dumps of the games anywhere, but...

Over hear it seems like someone has the PC-88 the games and is willing to upload them, but that was years ago and they haven't been on the site in years. I think that Plissken COULD be Snake Plisken on Tokugawa Corp's forums. I might contact him to make sure.

The game is likely awful, but being Gundam AND in English would probably make it a really cool thing to have available.

>> No.2033901

Definitely Plissken. I've had no luck searching the resources posted in OP, and no keywords of use are coming up searching Tokugawa, but I'm going to request for the images there, mainly the PC-88 one. One of the users might just be sitting on the files waiting to reupload them.

They still haven't gotten back to me on Relics: Recur of ORIGIN, but it's better to ask now than never.

The games look interesting and full of quality Engrish, here's Trickless' write-up for reference: http://pixelmenu.22web.org/features/gundam/gundam1.html

>some guy
Bask is not some guy, son.

>> No.2033913

Bad English or not it seems playable in English, which is great. And, yes, the PC-88 version seems to be the one Plissken said he had.

I'm actually not part of Tokugawa yet, so I'm glad you can request it. That way we could get it quicker than just me trying to sign up there, waiting to get the email accepted and then asking for it.

>> No.2034032
File: 281 KB, 610x342, 1396165435028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this went more beautifully then I could have possibly imagined.

Now it's just a matter of testing to see if they work and putting them on the usual archives so they'll be easier to find from now on.

>> No.2034335

I have a shit ton of PC 88 games which I could upload somewhere if you wanted. II doubt it's what could ever be considered a complete set and there may be duplicates, but it probably includes the Gundam games. Would anyone want me to upload it? It's like 600MB. If so where should I upload it to?

>> No.2034347

Looks like he got it: http://fullmotionvideo.free.fr/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&p=14347&sid=333820ef5c2bd649599498d553398d9b#p14347

Upload it to MEGA anyway

>> No.2034369

Scratch that you can get them here:

>> No.2035945
File: 16 KB, 640x400, TACO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

System Soft made an old-school adventure game too, ミオのミステリーアドベンチャー (Mio's Mystery Adventure). Definitely a tribute to Sierra's Mystery House, but much wackier.

It's mostly in English (text + parser) aside from the intro and some weird stuff.


Would post links to guides (oldavg.blog.shinobi.jp and the EGG Wiki should have them), but the URLs have lotsa hex in them due to Japanese characters, and that would look nasty.

>> No.2036026

http://oldavg.blog.shinobi.jp/ま~も -12- ミオのミステリーアドベンチャー/ミオのミステリーアドベンチャー攻略 -完全ネタバレ-


You can run the URL through any site that decodes HTML encoding to get a proper looking URL as opposed to the hex data.

>> No.2036034
File: 12 KB, 640x400, MIOTV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty, bookmarked.

>> No.2036484

What's funny is that there is a port of Mystery House for PC-88, along with a port Sierra's Soft Porn Adventure. Both of them have much better visuals in my opinion.

>> No.2038072
File: 7 KB, 500x400, tumblr_m6pxycOxVB1qzylvvo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Japanese article about the port and resulting impact on Japanese adventure games: http://homepage2.nifty.com/furuiotoko/room06/mystery1.htm

It's fun to look back at how many games by Micro Cabin and Falcom aped the Hi-Res Adventures and subsequently grew out of that paradigm to become VNs. Starcraft and other companies also upgraded Sierra and LucasArts games both visually and aurally to take advantage of superior video resolution, which is awesome.

>> No.2039935

Suddenly Sharp X68000 mag scans: https://archive.org/details/OhX1990-1995

Those are some big type-out listings.

>> No.2040885

Can someone explain to me how the pc-98 got so popular all of a sudden? I thought I was alone in my interest.

>> No.2040921

I think it's always had some sort of popularity it's just with /vr/ you're seeing more people who like it as well.

I've always found the system interesting, but never really knew of anyone else who knew of it before these threads on /vr/.

>> No.2040929

Always been a tiny interest in it since the turn of the millennium, which was apparently when Tokugawa Corp. first came about. We've had Japanese PC threads since the beginning of /vr/; they got more popular during last winter, and then fell out of vogue until recently (maybe). Blame Hardcore Gaming 101 for having an outdated but useful primer on the subject.

I first learned about the PC-98 through a review of Night Slave on Insomnia.ac, lol.

>> No.2041416

I learned about it like a decade ago, when I was looking the color pallets of older consoles, and that brought up some screen shots of the PC versions of Snatcher and Policenauts. I knew the Japanese PCs existed, but I didn't know what games might interest me, if I'd be able to play any because of the language barrier, or I could ever play them on something other thant he original hardware. Though, yes, it's mostly with /vr/ that I'm learning more about them and playing the stuff.

>> No.2041815

I feel like it's a bit of collateral damage from people getting into the original Touhou games.

Which isn't me, I was playing PC-98 porno games ever since I was a teenager

>> No.2041865

try play pc98 on android but gampad isnt compy hope someone make new emulator for android like gamepad msx emu and bios option
when Tokugawa Corp make grup like nointro or redump org make pc 98 all file hdi tired fdi and install is only dream dream dream.....

>> No.2041867
File: 717 KB, 695x409, kugyokuden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, I should be posting a spooky thing, but I've been gathering info on Michiaki Tsubaki games instead. Here's some old flyer for Kugyokuden (den for densetsu?).

>> No.2042282
File: 26 KB, 640x400, dotb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you (belatedly) covered

>> No.2042468


The first game had really sharp graphics... it's a shame that the sequel looked so washed out.

>> No.2043583

fMSX looks very interesting. I'm not used to carting a gamepad around with my phone, but it'd be a convenience. Shame that PC-98 Android emus don't work with those external devices yet.

>> No.2045410

Before the weekend finishes, some Halloween tunes:
Laplace no Ma (X68000): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGztF8wpmUg
Yougekitai (PC-98, ESPer horror CRPG from Wolf Team/Telenet): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFQrupLCtsU
Destruction (PC-88): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FBkLQot9u4

>> No.2045661

Man Aquales is really fucking great, aside from the shined to death drawings in the cut scenes, it plays better than Genocide imo. However I'm a huge sucker for grappling so I'm kinda biased.

>> No.2046323

Genocide 1, 2, or Squared? Most people say they prefer Aquales to any of them, which wouldn't surprise me, as Zoom chose Phalanx to port to WiiWare, not their other computer games.

>> No.2046350

I've only played Genocide one so far, but yeah Aquales is kicking it's ass in terms of gameplay. I'm stuck on level three right now because i kinda suck and every time I miss a grapple I have to start the whole room over again. Exact's other game Geograph Seal is pretty good, it's the best 3d fps I've seen for the X68K, though it's not like there's much competition there.

>> No.2046359

Likewise, Overtake's the racing game Exact didn't make, and I've heard great news about that. It's funny how both Zoom and Exact became PS1 developers, with Zoom doing Zero Divide (supposedly has its best entry on the Saturn) and Exact responsible for Jumping Flash.

Sad that, outside of these two studios, the X68k's selection of exclusives is limited compared to the PC-98, or even the FM Towns (though Data West ruled that machine with an iron fist).

>> No.2046364

Yeah I can find tons of games for it, but they're mostly ports of arcade titles. Which I don't mind all that much because I can't run mame too well, but still I wish there were more exclusives since it was the superior hardware.

>> No.2046375

Thankfully I was speaking out my ass: the X68k *does* have more exclusives than the FM Towns, like Flappy 2, Will no Dengon, KU2 (amongst other shooters), War-Torn Versnag, Robot Construction R.C., Arcus Odyssey, and Die Bahnwelt for certain. Most of these games are easy to play with Japanese knowledge, too.

>> No.2046380

I'll look into those I was gonna play Die Bahnwelt next since it had a translation patch.

>> No.2046384

It's a classic Glodia title, basically a sci-fi anime version of their game Testament which was popular for the PC-88 in the '80s. Wonderful news to know the translation's finished.

>> No.2046387

Never heard of them since I just got into Japanese PCs, though I'll take your word for it. Also where is the batch of PC-88/98 games that the opening post mentions? There's no link there for anything.

>> No.2046397

This is what's posted for PC-98 games: https://archive.org/details/PC98_Games_1813
Anon's collection: https://mega.co.nz/#F!F59WkSqQ!quGKSFIswBgv0rxAAaF8Pg

For PC-88 images, you can search The Old Computer.com for ROMs, and Retroprograms has them as well (both in OP), but anything I can't find I'll go dig/request for on Tokugawa. Let me know if links are broken so I can fix or replace them for the next thread.

>> No.2046404

Alright, everything's working I guess I there was just a problem on my end, thanks.

>> No.2046925

Speaking of that who's played Rune Worth? I heard someone translated it.

>> No.2047369
File: 667 KB, 1041x1439, 042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Araki (Saint Seiya) did the character designs, and Takiya Iijima (Last Armageddon, that game where humans are extinct and you play as demons inheriting the Earth) wrote/directed the game and novelized it. Burai's also got a neat structure where you play each character's story up to the point they join the party; the PC version lets you start with any of them, rather than a prescribed order.

>> No.2049079
File: 37 KB, 640x400, burai1_03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_qvVoG0tiE

Music from Chihiro Fujioka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXTOiiyzxLQ


>> No.2049109
File: 620 KB, 636x1887, xe_relentless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'd figure this would be a good thread to ask, do any of you all know of a Japanese city building game that was kind of like Simcity? It came out in the early to mid 90's on PC. I've seen it talked about on her and it looked really interesting.

>> No.2049123

It's either some version of A-Train (III and IV get discussion here) or Tokio; both were developed by Artdink for Japanese computers.

>> No.2049134

I can't find trustworthy looking roms for SD Snatcher anywhere, I just keep finding links to the patches. Can anyone help me out?

>> No.2049140

You're looking for disk images, actually: http://www.theoldcomputer.com/roms/index.php?folder=MSX/MSX2/DSK

Ctrl+F for Super Deform Snatcher, there's what you need and more. Use openMSX, I'm pretty sure BlueMSX only plays cartridge games.

>> No.2049146

Thanks I've also been having some trouble with Blue MSX.

>> No.2049148
File: 521 KB, 739x509, Maxis_a-train_on_mac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is it, dude thank you very much!

>> No.2049260

Read the set-up files carefully, you'll need to get the necessary system ROMs for emulating specific machines (try a Sony Hit-Bit MSX2 or a Matsushita).

Make sure you read the manual and try the Maxis tutorial: http://www.4shared.com/office/o2psdLW7/A-Train__Manual_.html

>> No.2049963

Does anyone here know how good Enix's Adventure games were? Cause from screenshots Jesus II and Angelus look really good.

>> No.2052583

Haven't given them a whirl yet, but at least someone loves Jesus and wrote about the other Enix adventures: http://pixelmenu.22web.org/features.html

Be sure to check out Tokyo Twilight Busters also. It's a hybrid VN and P&C adventure, completely unique in the PC-98 library.

>> No.2053009

I'll be sure to check it out, I also found out Jesus got ported to the famicom so I'll probably check that out before messing around with their PC-98 games since it already has a translation patch.

>> No.2053032


The Famicom port has some differences here and there but it's pretty much the same game.

>> No.2053037
File: 25 KB, 642x401, rusty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is my jam.

>> No.2053093

That's the dominatrix Castlevania game with grapple and swing parts right? I've been meaning to check that shit out.

>> No.2053130


Yep. It is the best game.

>> No.2053224

Yeah but just from loading it up I'm kinda depressed since the PC version looks so much better. I wish there were patches for the MSX2 or PC 88 editions.

>> No.2053327

Seems like games with grapple mechanics do well on the X68000.

It could be just the burden of hacking the computer versions open for text insertion, and I don't know what limits the FC port has (i.e. monospaced characters?).

>> No.2053337

Nah the guy translated the famicom version and was thinking about translating the PC-88 edition as well as the sequel but was busy. I'm just kinda bummed out that these games aren't likely to ever receive any translations.

>> No.2053350

Jesus II didn't get ported to consoles, did it? If not, starting with Jesus for PC-88 would be a good project. I don't believe all of the J-PC games are so hard to hack that it's not worth bothering. A lack of documentation for machines other than the X68k isn't helping, but that can be remedied. Whether or not I can eventually translate games like these, I'm most interested in hacking them.

>> No.2053362

I don't think Jesus II got ported either. Unfortunately I know shit about programing and japanese so I don't know how hard it is to do translation patches for old jap PCs are. I just really love the dithered look the adventure games on them have. I wanna be able to pull off making things like the PC Ys logo someday.

>> No.2053383

Yeah, the original Gundam had mecha go off-model all the time.

Nowadays it's easier to stay on-model because you can just create mecha in a 3D modeling program, and use the model as a reference.

>> No.2053402

Just have to scan in art and dither it manually or automatically. That's what they did

>> No.2053403
File: 25 KB, 640x400, 414685-princess-confusion-pc-98-screenshot-first-room-in-the-story[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a sokoban game called Princess Confusion, but for some reason there isn't any sound whatsoever. Has anyone else played this before? Do I need to mess around with some settings or did I just get a bad dump?

>> No.2053405

Never played it. Maybe it doesn't have sound (no music rips in Hoot archive), but maybe the SFX is finicky. Won't hurt the game much since it's Sokoban.

>> No.2053420

Yeah, it's not that it's hard to dither it's more like I'm shitty with digital coloring. I could dither something colored traditionally, but when you do that it doesn't look as good based on what I've seen from Eiyuu Denetsu Saga.

>> No.2053441

Don't remind me of how awful those Arrowsoft games look now, lol. Carmine sort of gets off easy because the non-scanned artwork is sleek and minimal.

>> No.2053456

I'm kinda surprised they let them go through when they look patchy as hell, though I guess they might have been past the point where they could have done anything else.

>> No.2053460

Likely business related. Micro Cabin didn't make their games internally, so this was probably a commissioned project they were going to sell at stores like their own, starting from a set release date. Arrowsoft's games aren't that well-built to begin with, so that would say much about their ability to develop games.

>> No.2053706

I've no idea where this connection between Alantia and Sword World comes from. It's not mentioned within the game or any where else.

It looks nothing like anything from Sword World

>> No.2053725

I re-read the HG101 forum thread a while back, seems like it was some one-off note the authors found on a Japanese website they forgot to bookmark. So I'm really suspicious of that part now.

>> No.2054053
File: 242 KB, 1024x1445, onryo_handbill_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I could have talked about Soft Studio Wing games back near Halloween. They're the classic Japanese horror adventures, kind of like what Horrorsoft did but geared towards modern occult and supernatural plots. Also has a very small cult following:


The MSX games could easily get patched for translation.

>> No.2054278

>The MSX games could easily get patched for translation.
Is there something that makes MSX games easier to patch?

>> No.2054606

I'm real late to the party, but why are you using winx68k instead of XM6 TypeG?

>> No.2054712


I've played a little bit of MIRRORS like two years ago, it had some really interesting parts but everything was getting duller as I progressed.

>> No.2055145
File: 184 KB, 1064x1517, hadoh_ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better documentation, small but active hacking community pre- and post-Project Melancholia, and great emulation tools for testing patches and insertions.

Honestly one of the less interesting games in their catalog for me. Alien on Sunday, Onryo Senki, Black and White Legend (and Destuction, the sequel), Legend of the Melvel (subtitle, can't figure out main title), and Constructors' Grand Prix look more interesting, and Moriko Intimidation Incident as well.

>> No.2055180

>project melancholia
i still cant believe they want people to pay for a fucking unofficial fan translation, maybe in the 90's this was acceptable with the Oasis translation since they had to put it on floppies and distribute it, but now we have the internet.

>> No.2055203

One of rare PC88 CD games

>> No.2055209

At least it's been found. Tokugawa Corp.'s still looking for Zainsoft's DIOS on CD for PC-88.

>> No.2055232


Actually I played the FM-Towns version.

>> No.2055234

>Legend of the Melvel (subtitle, can't figure out main title)

Hadou no Hyouteki

>> No.2055254

I'm kinda surprised that with the recent popularity adventure games got recently that there hasn't been any more of an effort to translate some of the big ones on the old pcs.

>> No.2055264

The console ports of PC originals have gotten priority (Portopia and Jesus on FC, in particular), and not enough discussion's come up for the old Japanese text adventures from Hummingbird Soft, Riverhill Soft, &c.

Most of the activity surrounding these games began in 2009 and dwindled off after 2012, but interest's coming back and ever-present in some communities (VNdb and MSX Resource Center). Tokugawa doesn't chat about the games themselves, as they focus on keeping image dumps in rotation, so that's where threads like this come in.

>> No.2055273

I see, what companies do the best Sci-fi, mystery, and horror adventure games. I'm gonna be honest in that I don't know shit about any of these companies aside from hearing Jesus was one of Kojima's inspirations while doing adventure games.

>> No.2055298


For mystery/detective drama I'll go with Riverhill Soft, Data West, Enix and Thinking Rabbit.

>> No.2055327
File: 232 KB, 700x958, Oh!FM 84-4-コピー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Jiro Ishi from Chunsoft actually worked on Data West's Imitation City, a 1986 cyberpunk adventure that Kojima considers an influence on Snatcher: http://www.kjp.konami.jp/gs/hideoblog/2011/11/000464.html

For sci-fi, T&E Soft did the space-opera Star Arthur trilogy; Square did Death Trap 2 and Alpha in a sci-fi mold, and Enix produced some games like that (Zarth is popular). Hummingbird Soft's Abyss is a two-parter sci-fi text adventure, writer Sakyo Komatsu did some games in the early years, and System Sacom's earlier Novelware titles are in this category. Great's adventure Imitation is Not Love gets a lot of praise on AVG blogs, as does The 4th Unit.

For mystery, Riverhill Soft and Data West (Misty, Psychic Detective) mostly produced this kind of adventure, whether or not you played the detective. J.B. Harold Murder Club got localized out of these. But Yuji Horii's adventure trilogy is a good example also. Kogado also produced Harajuku After Dark, and Zainsoft's Alfaim deals with straightforward high-school paranoia and suicide. A lot of the early Mystery House clones from devs like Xtalsoft and System Soft apply. Thinking Rabbit's adventures stay within this genre, and they've even done an online VN recently.

For horror, Soft Studio Wing is key, but other examples of the genre range from Tokyo Twilight Busters to Fairytale's works. Kami no Machi's a good blend of horror and sci-fi, as well as Sacom's Darkness of Kin; Makyouden and Elf's Isaku count.

>> No.2055431
File: 207 KB, 1369x1085, LOGIN198512-170-171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man... Death Trap... made by a young Sakaguchi and Tanaka.

Time flies!

>> No.2055441

I wonder if anyone's ever interviewed the oldest Square developers about that period in the company's history. Going to happen soon, I bet.

>> No.2055457

Journalists only ask about Final Fantasy when they meet Sakaguchi, sadly.

>> No.2055460

Heh, meant to say non-Japanese writers, since I'm sure there's been some questions asked by domestic journalists.

>> No.2055507
File: 32 KB, 640x400, marine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sci-fi, mystery and horror - all in one!

>> No.2055882

Don't know what's scarier, the alien being there or that I can't figure out its anatomy in this screen. This is almost Last Armageddon-tier.

>> No.2056102

Cool thanks for all the information guys.

>> No.2056791

Re: Tuned Hearts, is this you?

This guy's done write-ups on that game + Elm Knight and the Project EGG service, and he's working on Solid Lancer atm. Excited to read some more.

>> No.2056852

Are any of the text hookers for Anex86 any good, or is it not worth playing on the outdated emulator for it.

>> No.2056856

Anex86 is fine if you're looking to play with a text hooker, but Neko Project II fmgen's the best emulator for everything translated or playable otherwise.

>> No.2056859

So do you have any experience with the text hookers? Like are their translations ever super broken?

>> No.2056870

It's been a while since I've used a text hooker but from what I recall you're just running the text through a machine translator. So the translation will only be as good as it's programmed to be.

>> No.2056871
File: 17 KB, 640x400, 1360435686547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you use text hookers with emulators? I've never tried, I only use them for VNs.

>> No.2056876

>Can you use text hookers with emulators?

Only with Anex86 and it doesnt work for all the games.

>> No.2056878

AGTH captures text, but I don't know if it comes with a machine translator.

>> No.2056881

Alright I mean it can't be any worse than badly syntaxed eurocomics translations then, but still I guess it'll make them playable at least.
Anex86 is the only one that works with one
I think.

>> No.2056990

As well as anex86, there's also...

>> No.2057090
File: 6 KB, 300x400, timetunnel_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derp, here's the best option then. And I was just about to check the PC-98 tech thread at VDNB.

>> No.2057104
File: 81 KB, 578x313, Apparently she doesn't show up in game.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cool image on how Zarth was drawn in. I kinda figured they just blotched in areas and then changed the color value later but it's pretty cool to see it as a gif.

>> No.2057110

You know, I like seeing these images draw, rather display immediately. The aesthetic makes for a neat surprise every time the image upsets your expectations when drawing. Games built in assembly from that era were normally faster, avoiding this entirely (many programmers built games in BASIC due to its ease-of-use and widespread education). But I'd like to see this make a comeback for doujin and homebrew purposes.

>> No.2057126

Well, it did make a bit of a comeback with Steins Gate 8-bit hehe

>> No.2057161

So good.

Hovering >>2056871 around on my mediocre LCD is reminding me I need to plan for a multi-sync CRT monitor for when I want to display these images convincingly.

>> No.2057272
File: 341 KB, 1240x1753, teradrive_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bad boy looked slick as hell back in the day

>> No.2057275

Not as sick as the X68K

>> No.2057320

Yuzo Koshiro rocking on his PC8801 in this doc

To think he still uses the machine to compose music is awesome

>> No.2057328

His early demos—
Dungeon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUHdGeC-PfU
Fusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CojGp_jyERU

MML is something I ought to look into, though I've ignored music theory for other pursuits.

>> No.2057349


>> No.2057390


what the fuck LGR you're not supposed to hold CDs like that pls stop

>> No.2057487

what does this translate to?

>> No.2057694

None of these games wont work? Recommed me something that supports NDF.

>> No.2057708
File: 18 KB, 671x471, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get working Neko Project II fmgen fork with touhou games.
I've configured everything while following this guide https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php?topic=11117.0 multiple times, and no matter what build of fmgen I use or what settings I try, everytime I'm getting "A>op" and "むやみにSTOP。。。".

Any help?

>> No.2057789

Load and then reset?

>> No.2057803

Well, of course I've tried that... But, thanks for response.

>> No.2057869

>No Suruguya links

What are you doing m8

>> No.2057874

I'll see if I can squeeze a site link into the OP. Some of the sentences need to go anyway, and I think we can transition to a non-bimonthly format during the holidays.

>> No.2057889
File: 349 KB, 600x197, 723722720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a hell of a lot better than Yahoo Auctions.

>> No.2058157

Not me, but that's where I heard about the game from.

Machine translations are MOSTLY super broken. I think the only time you get a working sentence is if the sentence is like textbook style teaching sentences and EVEN then I think it still fucks up half of the time and translates a sentence to the opposite of what it really is.

As soon as any attempts at actual casual conversations with accents etc comes into play, you can expect a machine translator to shoot itself in the head.

It's still a useful tool but mostly for creating easy scripts for use in Let's Play or to look up very specific Kanji rather than translating the entire sentence.

>> No.2058634

If you're talking about .NFD then only T98 can read that format.

>> No.2058654

'Target of the Surge'
'Target of the Wave Motion'

>> No.2058721

I struggle with Google Translate when reading all these websites already, but at least I can read between the lines most of the time.

Target of Wave is what I got through Google, but Target of the Surge flows better.

>> No.2059116

What differences are there? there's a wider selection of things on Suruguya, how are the prices though?

>> No.2059318
File: 44 KB, 637x396, sakus_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, I hope you guys have played this masterpiece.


>> No.2059390

No... yet!

>> No.2059520
File: 64 KB, 639x397, sakus_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not yet
Come on son.

Also, here's the weird-ass Sharp X1 troll thread if anyone's missed it (not that I mind since I had to do some research): >>2058292

Interesting to see how the X1's high price might have forced buyers to get cheaper, arcade-style games, thus spurring programmers to make smoother scrolling routines and effects more relevant to shooting and puzzle games.

>> No.2059694
File: 284 KB, 1279x1813, yuno 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever dreamed of killing everything in your path and raping anything that has a vagina?

It's fucking hilarious and no Japanese knowledge is required

>> No.2060014

Is there any way to play this?

>> No.2060019

Someday maybe, but Lifestorm's not up anymore. It might be possible to revive the game if we can get in touch with the original programmer.

>> No.2060021

>Have you ever dreamed of killing everything in your path and raping anything that has a vagina?
No because not everyone is a fucking psychopath like you.

>> No.2060035
File: 583 KB, 1391x2021, 056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't there be copyright problems?

No fun allowed.

>> No.2060043

Not if the game/server set-up package's distributed free. Alternatively, the rights might be in the programmer's hands.

>> No.2060045
File: 58 KB, 634x442, ls13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Lifestorm images:

>> No.2060046


>> No.2060052
File: 523 KB, 1229x1763, rance 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, the game is fun.

>> No.2060108 [DELETED] 

And you're a psycho who needs to go tip his fedora on /r9k/ instead of shitting up this board.

>> No.2060665

Lot of Korean MMOs like this worth rescuing too. They prevented Japan from having many big MMOs for a while other than FFXI, let alone MUDs.

>> No.2060987
File: 38 KB, 588x550, fucku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When ripping CGs from a PC-98 image how do I turn them into actual image files?

>> No.2061092

where can I find this game?

>> No.2061102

You can buy it through a middleman from Suruga-ya: http://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/145002458001

Amazon.jp's description says the game is playable offline, for what that's worth.

Might wanna search for developer graphics tools on Tokugawa and load them in your PC-98 environment, then export as bitmaps. Someone's been making CG dumps for sadpanda, so it's been done somehow.

>> No.2061230
File: 72 KB, 640x400, 388899-filsnown-hikari-to-toki-pc-98-screenshot-forest-dungeon-with.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding that is going to be a pain in the ass.

Trying to get the files for Leaf's gorgeous Filsnown.

>> No.2061536


Well that's fucking sad.

>> No.2061550
File: 105 KB, 824x588, exll_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat related:

>> No.2061593

Contacting Marston would be interesting, because I've no evidence he got in contact with the rights-holder(s) other than his apparent enthusiasm for LFII.

Somehow I overlooked this when reading those Japanese MMO history primers (http://sii.xrea.jp/navi_mmo_rekisi_f.htm).). This would be even more interesting to get running. More websites:

>> No.2061683

The lack of video evidence of these games is kind of sad.

Any contact info for Exll?

>> No.2061687

There's a couple of screens and music here, though the video cuts off way too soon: http://polsy.org.uk/play/nico/?vidid=sm24283852

Not yet sure who developed or published, but it came out right before Meridian59, which is pretty impressive timing. Currently unplayable because it's server-only.

>> No.2061696
File: 54 KB, 640x384, forestx0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see "Real Time Interactive" below the logo

>> No.2061698

This also has a publisher listed.

>> No.2061703

That's just how they describe the game (fun with acronyms!).

Just found out info on a planner/writer, Katsuyo Ishikawa (mainly does VNs these days), who worked at Oaks Haven (OCS.net):

His blog has a guestbook, so that might be an avenue for contacting him.

>> No.2061704

*Yoshitsugu Ishikawa. Should know better than to listen to Google.

>> No.2061710

Heh, I just found that page too.

Do you happen to know what visual novels he's worked on?

Also, I have very little knowledge of Japanese so I can't exactly converse with him.

>> No.2061720

Here's his Twitter:

>> No.2061723

Latest he credits is Tenebrae.

Here's a blog with many more details on Lucion, the in-game world, and other elements of Exllusion: http://worldoflucion.blog.bsnec.com/

>> No.2061726

Mind if I post this on Tokugawa Corp?

>> No.2061728

Do it. The Lancers profile didn't appear until a year ago, so this is minor news for the game's history.

>> No.2061735

Alright, done. Let's see if those wizards can find anything.

>> No.2061740

Check this out: http://ex.dat.bsnec.com/lucionguide1/lucionia_map.html

Monster graphics, town artwork, you name it. What a capsule—pages date back to ~1998.

>> No.2061745
File: 21 KB, 300x300, tachiki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the monster sprites are anything to go by, this is turn based, right?

Fascinating stuff.

>> No.2061751

The one other screen in the BGM vid shows player-characters engaging with monsters in the overworld (shield/sword icon over them likely indicates battle in progress). So it could be that battles are first-person, and the icon signals to other players regardless of if they can/cannot join, or battles are third-person and the page author examined the monster's stats and visage somehow. Who knows.

>> No.2061763
File: 176 KB, 630x624, astor_all.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about in-game chat?

>> No.2061765
File: 19 KB, 640x400, 133117.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone able to play this wicked looking Area 88 strategy game for the PC-9801, "Area 88: Etranger"


It looks awesome.

>> No.2061767

No screens of the interface sadly.

Since this is called a Real-Time Interactive Network Game, it's possible the game has a real-time battle system, or maybe an in-universe clock. Grasping for straws at this point.

>> No.2061776

It's even got sick music.


>> No.2062848

Thinking of making a reference chart for the 8-bit machines (mainly PC-88, Sharp X1, and FM-7) based on hardware, software, and history/culture, just so we can pass it around. I also measured the inner dimensions of the OP pic's view-window...comes to about 456x256 pixels, so we could use the surrounding frame and replace the inner with another image for next thread.

Going to sit down and do Murder Club sometime this Thanksgiving, because I've got school and work to deal with before I can focus on the mystery.

>> No.2063338

Any PC-98 recommendations?

>> No.2063380

Wrote down a multi-platform list here: >>1960020

For PC-98 games: translated or untranslated? There's some games untranslated but originally in English, also.

>> No.2063410

Gameplay titles that require little Japanese knowledge/if any.

>> No.2063527

A-Train (localized, tycoon city-builder): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3pRUb7_VQM
Chitty Chitty Train (puzzle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV9trL5GvUk
Moon Ball (pinball): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiyfWvBJWek
Night Slave (side-scrolling action): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1hZgesGN94
Power DoLLS (localized, strategy): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq9JW62eG4I
Relics (mysterious adventure platformer): http://polsy.org.uk/play/nico/?vidid=sm21274697
Uncharted Waters II/New Horizons (localized, CRPG): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PLm-uoL2is

>> No.2063974
File: 121 KB, 640x480, ruriko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a DLL link for Night Slave and Power DoLLs?

>> No.2064087

Night Slave:
4chan doesn't let me link directly because it thinks its a spam link.

Google for "Japanese PC Compendium: Night Slave ナイト・スレイブ" and you should find it

The PC-98 version of Power DoLLs isn't in English, the DOS version is... in case you really wanted it to be the PC-98 version.

Anyway, you can find DOS English PowerDoLLs on like, just about every Abandonware website really.

>> No.2064512

Can't go wrong with Farland Story games, or a Marble Cooking.

A macro Pc98 shopping guide would be cool

>> No.2064984

>Uncharted Waters II/New Horizons (localized, CRPG): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PLm-uoL2is

Composed by Yoko Kanno

>> No.2065107

It bothers me how in FS using the healing spell doesn't give EXP.

>> No.2065202

Can't get Night Slave to run on NP2.

>> No.2065232

Well I used Anex so shrug

>> No.2065240
File: 331 KB, 1024x1535, salesbill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people were using Anex86 to play Chitty Chitty Train last thread, so it's probably some issue specific to the game/image dump.

Can't find any substantial footage of Mole Mole, but here's some ad.

>> No.2065354

Little sad no one has gotten back about this on the forum.

>> No.2065430

I've come to expect it unless we're dealing with news and new dumps.

Here, ApolloJoe's gotten Desert Dragoon tracks up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P4VF7rA_4c&list=UUQ4Rny7rVyp44EclyAcE0mw

>> No.2066000

In case you want to try again in NP2 and you're talking about the 2.5MHz GDC startup error.
Here's how I fixed it on NP2.

> * Enter the system setup menu by selecting Emulate --> Reset while holding End until the screen appears. Select the second option, then change GDC clock from 5MHz to 2.5MHz.

I still couldn't finish the game as it crashes on the desert stage boss, on both Anex86 and NP2.

>> No.2066004

Well that sucks.

>> No.2066013

Strange, I completed Night Slave, guess the most accessible version is a bad rip?

Maybe I should just upload my version

>> No.2066023

How do I even save in Night Slave?

>> No.2066038

The game saves itself at the end of a mission. You can't save manually

>> No.2066597

It's not a very active forum to begin with.

Why don't you guys just ask him yourself.

>> No.2066614

Matter of when, not if. Assuming he and other Japanese PC devs aren't going to flop dead from lung cancer and sleep-related illnesses these upcoming decades, I'll have enough Japanese ability to contact effectively.

>> No.2067330

Hey, in the PC-98/FM Towns version of Brandish, can you save anywhere or is that gated in some way? I hear you can do the former in the SNES and PSP versions, just wondering if that was in the originals.

>> No.2067361
File: 587 KB, 837x607, lip_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Brandish. Can't say I can help you with that, though. Try looking for a guide?

>> No.2067449
File: 161 KB, 600x800, akw_069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MobyGames says it's save-anywhere. I'm weirded out by this because the game has the Retry Bread item, which gets rendered useless with a save/load function like this. Maybe Falcom included this for players who didn't have a save disk? I want to know if Brandish was designed around the usage of this item or save-states.

>> No.2067623
File: 28 KB, 464x384, chara2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contacted 石川 克世 with the help of a friend. He doesn't know what happened to the source could, but he said if you have a Facebook account you can try asking 石山隼行.

Anyone have a Facebook account?

>> No.2067662

What are these from?

>> No.2067671


>> No.2068707

Cubivore's one of my underrated games. Wonder why the director moved to PC from Nintendo.

>> No.2069313

Still have an account I stripped for privacy. But I don't wanna take credit for the message your friend's going to have relayed to 石山隼行. Did he tweet 石川 克世 or use some other avenue? Can't see anything on the writer's Twitter out of the norm.

>> No.2069373

Look under tweeted responses. I asked him to TL what I wanted to ask and posted it on Twitter.

>> No.2069652

Guess I'll post it on Tokugawa Corp

>> No.2070827
File: 5 KB, 320x200, post-3819-129685320888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kazuhro Furuhata is a mensch. EUGEA (pictured) is done completely in text graphics on an MZ-700, and the GIF's not as smooth as the game in motion.

His MZ game page: http://www.openspc2.org/mz700/

Footage (no sound in-game): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAWWoE6CgfE

>> No.2071820
File: 6 KB, 640x400, tfcvx1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why I thought it was animated...

Pictured: Thunder Force X1 on disk, early 1984 release w/construction mode added. Pretty sure it has 8-way movement and 32 pre-built stages, if not the tape version.

>> No.2071857

>SoftEgg localized Princess Maker 2
GOG could take that for sale, be better than more Long Live the Queen sales and would make Gainax munny

>> No.2071878

If I recall though, plans fell through for an actual release and SoftEgg's localization was never finalized so I dunno if they could actually use SoftEgg's localization.

I'd want GOG to get the "Princess Maker Memorial Collection" on their site though. Offering both classic and modern versions of each game.

>> No.2071991

Have all the games been translated yet? I know the first two are (MSX and DOS), and GOG would just have to contact Takami Akai/Gainax and then fan translators/SoftEgg.

>> No.2072030


This shit right here is wizardry.

>> No.2072035

I know there's a TL project in progress for the fifth one but that's about as far as I know.

>> No.2072041

Enjoy his R-Type/Darius-like MZ shooting game Side Roll F: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie8v1Q-Ap_o

Figures. Third and fourth are going to need attention for a collection like this, but the first and second games could go up on sale.

>> No.2072486

What's up with level 8 of Night Slave?
I got past the first 2 maps but on the third it's asking me to insert a disk or something. What do?

>> No.2072551

Isn't the main Night Slave file on the internet a HD image? There shouldn't be Disk switching...

>> No.2072950

Unless he's got FDI images of it, which is also available on the web.

In which case you just have to insert the disk in the drive it asks you to

>> No.2073396
File: 12 KB, 640x400, LL2TI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lagrange L-2 is one of the most surprising text adventures I've seen, released in 1984 for the Sharp X1 on tape. You play as a shipwrecked pilot just within reach of an abandoned toroidal space colony behind the Moon (in L2, duh); the game has password saves and supports Roman-character inputs, as well as including pre-defined commands and some inventive beeper sounds.

X1: http://polsy.org.uk/play/nico/?vidid=sm4492109
PC-88 walkthrough: http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/ラグランジュL2

First puzzle's opening an emergency airlock, where any and all actions you take deplete your oxygen gauge. Game has lotsa small details uncommon in that era, like simulated terminal consoles and HUD descriptions for some puzzles. You get a cute girl as sidekick just like in Bond Soft's sci-fi adventures; the story revolves around (predictably) a rogue AI having killed the former inhabitants, trying to spread its dominion through robots and hacking other stations (which forms the plot of D-Side, the sequel).

>> No.2073564

So this and the X1 + keyboard + VRAM + TV would have be around $3000 according to MSRP then. Too expensive.

>> No.2073591

Do you have more information on Saboten Man, Radio Zone, and Alex Wold? Extremely difficult to find anything on them

>> No.2074246
File: 4 KB, 640x400, V0fDY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex Wold has some comments (most speak unfavorably of it), but no screens/footage other than box art. Even less for Radio Zone; because it's listed as "Japanese Version" on Amazon and Suruga-ya, I'm beginning to think it's not even a domestic product!

But some music tracks from Saboten Man are on YouTube:

Composer's thoughts on the game's development: http://www.studiow4m.com/?p=7214

>> No.2074684
File: 18 KB, 416x640, tumblr_nf88z2ZVns1qbzzgco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps a bit off-topic, but has anybody have an idea from which game this screenshot is? The art is seriously amazing.

>> No.2074686

It's from LOGiN's remake of Hokkaido Serial Murders, an earlier Yuji Horii adventure game that sold really well (but he still defected to consoles with Dragon Quest anyway).

>> No.2074687

Reminds me of this I saw a while back that fits the bill:

>> No.2074976


>> No.2076112

For those using different browsers/Java versions: could y'all test Web700's Java applet emulation of Kazuhiro Furuhata's games?


Using Java 7 on Safari (I might downgrade to 6 for Chrome usage), keyboard inputs aren't working properly when I sit down to play EUGEA. These apps are more than a decade old, so it's probably best to use an older Java for runtime.

I feel we're going to dump these games and translate however much is necessary simply because of the unbridled creativity of the period. Same goes for NEC's brief push into graphics acceleration hardware with PowerVR, which led to games like A-Train 5 and ReVolte.


>> No.2077312

>Heavy Metal
>no Shirow
It was never to be, was it? Black Magic and CRW look cool tho

>> No.2077583
File: 499 KB, 640x400, foUkzrz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft Studio Wing really loved distortion, at least for the Black and White Legend/Destruction/Mouryo Senki games. I don't jive with photo-scanned backgrounds much, but using relatively few colors and effects like this? Sure why not.

>> No.2079091

What other games like this? Must all be on the MSX because it has hardware sprites

>> No.2082341


>> No.2082596

PC98 pinball games:

>> No.2082784
File: 26 KB, 560x227, PC98list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's some free/low-cost OCR/text-capture software y'all could recommend for grabbing Japanese text from images? I'd like something I can automate, will support Japanese and Korean, and has cross-OS compatibility. Pic's related, I don't want to wait for someone else's by-eye translation if I can grab the characters and throw them into Google (helps when I'm looking up genre terms).

Speaking of the chart, here's the site with this one and many others: http://homepage3.nifty.com/garakuta-dou/genre/PC98list.html

>> No.2082814

You could look into what this is using

>> No.2083214

Very fiddly. That image in the middle of the graphic threw the recognizer off, which is hard to avoid if these OCR applications try to analyze the whole graphic. I need something I can use to box some text on the fly, like taking the legend on the right and grabbing only that.

>> No.2083715

I'm looking for two specific games, and was referred to here I think, unless there's another Japanese PC game thread on this board.

First game I played this RPG, probably a JRPG because it roughly had SNES graphics and had anime-ish stuff. The title was called Toon Town, no not the Disney thing that plagues Google, it was some Asian game I got from a cracked CD shop for cheap when I was a kid.

Only things I can remember are

>Played on PC
>Game is turn based
>I believe it's Toon Town because it had the logo said Toon Town but my memory might have gotten hazy it's been almost 20 years
>The MC is a kid wearing a blue jacket over a shirt, I forget his initial weapon but when he gets an upgrade he uses dual pistols
>One of the possible party members is a cute little dog I don't even remember if it could attack but it was cute
>Game was in Chinese for me because the shop was Chinese, no idea if the original game is Chinese or if it's just Chinks somehow adding a subtitle patch to it

Now for my second game, which I also played around the same time

>Played on PC
>No idea what the name is no logos or nothing to go by
>Don't even know if it was made in the west or the east, but it was either in Chinese or Japanese as far as my version went (same shop got it for 3$)
>Game was a monopoly-esque game but had JRPG battles depending on where you landed, and could also buy/sell shit I forget

Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.2083727

If you can't find any better solution, this is good for looking up unknown kanji manually:

>> No.2084185

Not enough info to find the second game, but Tun Town was developed by Softstar and had a sequel:

Cool, I'll find some use for this eventually. Not going to solve my OCR issues, though.

>> No.2084817

Aw shit thanks very much for Tun Town!

>> No.2085064
File: 573 KB, 1280x960, RIMG0999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was browsing the BEEP Store blog when ABYSS 2's packaging came up. Look at dat production value...Hummingbird Soft games have great promo art, especially compared to what Square and Riverhill Soft used at the time. Thinking Rabbit could match this with Akira Komeda's work, though.

>> No.2086587

Does that make it harder than Shining Force? Leveling healers was pretty easy last time I played SF.

>> No.2087998

I don't get the hype with Super Mario Bros. Special. It's all single-screen, and Famicoms were cheaper than X1s. Did Hudson think people were going to buy the system because of this version? Probably didn't happen, same with other NES ports.

>tfw you want to play the first Princess Tomato Zork-style

>> No.2089252
File: 117 KB, 640x400, J-PC OP #4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanksgiving break has reached us, and the board's at summer levels of activity for a short time. I've drafted this image for the next OP, am thinking about putting together a macro of starter games for those interested in these machines. Please offer feedback: I think the new side-bars are good, but not everyone might agree with the featured list of companies.

>> No.2090276
File: 113 KB, 640x400, J-PC OP #4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternate version sans graphics on monitor.

Going to play Murder Club in a bit. I'm also taking suggestions for the OP post format; gotta unquote the links and sneak in Suruga-ya (and we're definitely not going with bimonthly notice again), but ideas are welcome.

>> No.2090390
File: 28 KB, 642x402, 02962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what game you have to recommend?

Also, http://tss.asenheim.org/ is a good site for playing old eroge.

>> No.2090894

I'd say keep the monitor picture, though it's a bit compressed

>> No.2093858
File: 23 KB, 450x296, 90s Devo Bootleg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate Punishment! 2 is pretty neat. You gotta avoid the big guys' attacks, most of which have lenient hitboxes, but feature imported live-action footage rendered in monochrome atop a scrolling red base. Your character also dances to move in funny ways, and I can't stop thinking about the music video for Dare to Be Stupid when I watch this. Not a very impressive game or demo aside from the FMV stuff, but it's rare to see this kind of rough DIY uploaded to streaming sites—I've a hunch there's more to see from within program listings and circulated disks.


A doujin circle, Honwaka Soft, developed it after making other small disks filled with demos and games:
Dancing to M.C. Hammer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u67T8pU-XBg
Kanai's Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsojaHxe97M
Text-graphics vert shooter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbU89pWDR8w

>> No.2095949

>Dancing to M.C. Hammer
Do you by any chance know where I can download that demo?
This shit is so weird that it somehow fascinates me

>> No.2095952


>> No.2095979

They're here as 7zips: http://www.retroprograms.com/PC98/


Not much to show for Murder Club that isn't spoilers or the progress meters, but I'm plugging away though I'm also on the verge of beating Super Mario Bros. in preparation for trying the Hudson version.

>> No.2096371

Hmm, the dance and song demos aren't in that directory, but they might be on this doujin pack: http://slt.retroprograms.com/Excellent.html

Also, you all need to listen to Spindizzy II's X68k soundtrack, it's pure catchy Yamanaka bliss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKdMPqKOsFk&index=19&list=UUQ4Rny7rVyp44EclyAcE0mw

>> No.2096902

Welp I can't get PC-88 emulation to work. I can kind of handle PC-98 but of all the emulators I try the error messages are prompted in moon so that's way over my head.
Thanks anyway tripfriend.

>> No.2096927

Thanks based anon

>> No.2097840

Are you trying to emulate a certain game? The doujin stuff I mentioned only runs on PC-98 emulators/computers.

>> No.2097898
File: 11 KB, 648x448, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I was going by the youtube video that said it was PC-88
Either way all I get is this in Neko Project II and T98-Next

>> No.2097956

Try booting it up with a DOS boot floppy or hdd image or something.

Least that's what i generally do, as it's essentially like booting up a regular PC with no OS on it.

>> No.2098174
File: 21 KB, 648x448, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I going to all this trouble to just watch a shitty ancient demo in real time
Is this real life

>> No.2098190


You need to put a date there.

>> No.2098271

There's still some weird errors and weird moon prompts but I'm figuring it out I think

>> No.2099980

Untold History of Jap Game Developers is up on Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Untold-History-Japanese-Game-Developers-ebook/dp/B00Q93MQYA/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=&qid=

Kickstarter update: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1748556728/the-untold-history-of-japanese-game-developers/posts/1053542

>The cost for producing the Kindle version was $700. So I'm considering it a test. I really don't have much faith in digital books. For one thing, I don't own any. I'm too old fashioned and reference books are always nicer on paper. But here it is. If it fails to sell in phenomenally amazing numbers, I won't bother making one for volumes 2 or 3 of the print edition.
lol okay

>> No.2101027
File: 40 KB, 640x400, tuned-heart-pc-98.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got off my arse and made a HDI image for Tuned Heart.


Incidentally, is that big torrent dead or something? Wonder if there's enough peers to sustain a seed attempt since I have all 40 gbs of it on my portable HD

Also, why the hell are there like 6 billion floppy disk image formats for the PC-98? I hate having to convert them.

I do find it funny that one of them is apparently called the Mahalito format though. Guess someone was a Wizardry fan.

>> No.2101347

The UG one? Hopefully it wouldn't take too long to leech if you're seeding.

>> No.2101390

I spent ages trying to get this game to work a few years ago. When I finally got it running, it was shit.

>> No.2101403

Thanks for the HDI file anon! I added it to that PC-98 mega folder under ち.

Which I should really look into doing a full renaming scheme for it and possibly do something with t7z and DAT files.

>> No.2101872
File: 2.50 MB, 2674x2051, Comptiq Magazine, January 198737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sczcepaniak's uploaded pics of the January 1987 issue of Comptiq he got from BEEP Shop, which has a cool developer-profile marathon feature traveling the backbone of Japan. Early pics of Reviver, soft-house memorabilia, it's all here: http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/COMPTIQ/comptiq.htm

Excellent! And yeah, it's a shame most of the big J-PC torrents aren't being circulated properly. I'd guess developers came up with proprietary disk image formats to ward off piracy; games like Topple Zip were infamous for using new devices like dongles for copy protection, so that likely hurt sales enough to force more covert methods.

>> No.2102210
File: 78 KB, 640x481, inline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to quote >>2101027

Here, take a gander at this PC8801mkIIsr crammed inside a GBA SP case:

Mini keyboard, loads HDIs/FDIs through SD media, and was apparently sold without legal repercussions (I'm guessing the builder got Nintendo's permission, or they never found out about it).

>> No.2104721

If you have FF, try S3's Google extension, much faster than having to keep a Translate tab open

>> No.2105286

I love how 2ch has so many boards and archives for all of them, probably because there isn't as much posting outside of generals.

>> No.2106560

I'm thinking about buying one of the late 486-based PC-98 laptops (modern enough to run windows 95) for about 30000 yen to be able to play old PC-98 games. Is this a good idea?

>> No.2107567

That can load MS-DOS 6.2, so I don't see a problem. Someone on Tokugawa recently acquired a later model PC-98, and the thread has some advice and precautions: http://fullmotionvideo.free.fr/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1511&sid=ef891b5c0772af11742699b14c039de8

Listening to KSK music right now...I really want Amusement Center to compile their games and release them both as a digital anthology and boxed w/feelies and shit.

>> No.2108386

It doesn't have a VGA out, but well some sort of video out/RGB out porn (some sort of DIN). This specimen is at a well-hidden retro shop in the town I live in in Japan, or at least was last time I was there.

Does anybody now anything about video out ports?

>> No.2108402

>anybody now
anybody know

geez laweez

>> No.2108876

I'd say take a look at this page, could be of use

>> No.2108879

Adding onto this, found this page

>> No.2109246

If we're talking about a laptop model, then the screen's built-in, though having some way to output video to an RGB monitor would be very useful.

>> No.2110671
File: 46 KB, 640x481, J B Harold In Murder Club 2014-12-06 at 9.45.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another grammatical error from the Kyodai translation. I could always just play Murder Club DX and use the bilingual option for Riverhill Soft's own English, lol.

Seems a lot of players get stuck right at the end when interrogation's nearly over.

>> No.2110950

Any websites that has more info about this series? Looks like there are a lot of games

>> No.2111038

Any good roguelikes on PC-98 or 88?

>> No.2111460
File: 18 KB, 640x400, kissofm03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan Adventure Attack has some port comparisons available for Murder Club and Manhattan Requiem:

Wow, forgot that Sara Shields dies at the start of Manhattan Requiem (my favorite character right now). There's also D.C. Connection after that and Kiss of Death, a gaiden story for Requiem; Blue Chicago Blues from 1995 (redundant) is more of an interactive movie, so who knows how well it plays. Lotsa remakes, both for Windows by Riverhill Soft and for mobile by Althi.

Rika Suzuki started focusing on the 1920s Series after D.C. Connection released in 1989, but there have been new stories from Althi recently.

>> No.2113210

There's one Shiren the Wanderer game available for Windows 95, actually, based on GB: Moonlight Monster Village, and another one after that.

I honestly cannot find any games like Rogue during the pre-Windows era, as in they're dungeon-crawling only, may or may not have random generation, focus on item management and risk avoidance, and normally end in death for most players. My definition isn't perfect, but nothing domestically made comes close except in spareness of audiovisuals (thinking of Insiders 1 right now).

System Soft's Tir-nan-og series (and Bretonne Lais) was the first in Japan to focus on randomly-generated CRPG worlds as places to explore and "role-play" within. These games had both dungeon crawling and exploration above-ground. Lunatic Dawn, a spiritual successor franchise, adds more complexity to side-quests and missions in towns, as well as different battle systems ranging from real-time tactical to turn-based to Diablo-like. But it seems as though Rogue-likes were strictly on consoles for some reason (mostly Chunsoft). The closest you could get on a PC-98 were a whole bunch of first-person dungeon crawlers aping Wizardry or Dungeon Master or any of the popular Japanese examples.

>> No.2114074

>Kiss of Death, a gaiden story for Requiem

It's not really a 'gaiden' as such, but more of an alternate reality to Manhattan Requiem.

It still deals with the murder of Sara Shields, but this time she is killed in a jewelry store, from which a special jewel was also stolen. The original game requires the Manhattan Requiem disk to play

>> No.2114119


Blue Chicago Blues isnt that different from the other games, it has only two differences, it uses FMV (in the PC, LaserActive and iOS versions you get the full thing, PS, PC-FX, 3DO and Saturn versions dont have all the videos, most of the time you only get a still with voice acting) and introduces a new mechanic that wasnt really popular for fans of the series, time limit.

You are supposed to find the culprit in seven days or something like that, and you might miss some events and reach a bad ending later. Still, it isnt a long game so you can restart, but it has a specific point that is a pain in the ass (you are supposed to meet some character at a specific time and he is only there for an hour or so).

The versions that have all the videos have the original voice acting, so they are in english and they have japanese subs (it's possible to find it in Adventure Legends). Something curious about the PC version is that it's really easy to translate because most of the subs are just in a plain text file.

Also, Blue Chicago Blues is the last game in the series, all games released after are prequels.

>> No.2114120

Would Gekirin games count? They seem easy as heck, more like Rogue-lites.

>> No.2114802
File: 116 KB, 640x480, kaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. Knew about the subs being easy to locate, but I forgot about the time limit and clock. I also learned the Santa Fe Mysteries ain't from Riverhill as I'd previously thought. Shannon Gilligan wrote and produced them couple of years after making the first QuickTime adventure mystery; Suzuki and co. just localized the games + Private Eye from Activision.

Shouldn't have forgotten about Kiya! I've read the shop economy in these games lets you get the best gear quickly, though 999K randomly-generated floors and low difficulty sounds dreadful. He didn't need to feel so bad about Romancia if Gekirin's that easy in reaction to difficulty (though the former's badly designed).

If I'm counting Windows 9X: GruppoOne's Wind Seekers franchise, Nihon Create's Elder/Master Blaze, and Nihon Softech's Buster Sword would be the main Rogue-likes of the era:


Speaking of former Nihon Falcom employees, GruppoOne was founded by a whole bunch of them. Got a hunch the character artist (designer?) for the Gagharv trilogy worked on Wind Seekers.

>> No.2114860

What? don't angband or nethack count? Or the original hack, which is what I got in with.

>> No.2114875

There's a PC88 version of Rogue.

>> No.2114906

I was looking for Japanese originals, but yeah, there's Western ports available if you're curious.

>> No.2116627

Minako Iwasaki did Shiroko Majo up, not sure why Wikipedia forgot about these games

>> No.2118886
File: 26 KB, 640x481, Keep reading it as Judge Gregory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress report. I need to improve my journal method, but, short of transcribing each line spoken for a topic by someone, I'm going to miss a few subtleties no matter what. Game will progress quicker now that finals are done.

On another note, it's really cool to have Manhattan Requiem, English-translated with art from the Windows remakes, on my phone now. Music sounds good too; I'm glad to see Althi's keeping the franchise alive.

>> No.2120987
File: 76 KB, 618x873, mz1500_2_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must have sold a lot of Thunder Force disks back in 1984. I'm actually lukewarm on Sharp promos from around that era, but obviously this one is the best.

>> No.2121209

They should of waited a couple of years for the DS and put a keyboard where the lower screen is.

>> No.2123636
File: 27 KB, 640x481, [Judd intensifies].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out more about Henry Klein, but the case has now shifted to the life insurance money. I'm starting to believe the Amoenus Club is a culprit. Now there's some wig coming out of the blue, along with a false grave at Downs Hill Cemetery. Still not sure if the rape will be solved.

Also gonna let this thread die once we hit three months (91 days 6 hours); I'll post the next one right after. Gonna strip the bimonthly condition, and I think the OP needs work so it can get attention in the catalog better (though I feel like the only one using it). I'd like to keep an even balance of playing through games and research, but I think some folks are waiting for me to unload a game profile like the one for Little Shaker.

>> No.2124185

Far as I know, you'll have to get a later model. The mkIIsr model plays most games and comes with v1 and v2 modes, but you may have to get a VA if you want the later graphics modes in one box.

I've hit a massive roadblock on beating Murder Club, as I predicted. Time to dig through playthrough videos and Japanese capture sites because, honestly, I'm not going to brute-force if that's what it takes[/spoiler[!

>> No.2125446

You're looking for a PC-9801-86 sound card that includes the YM-2608 synthesizer (OPNA); the -73 card's a good alternative, and the mkIIsr comes with a -26 for OPN sound. More on sound cards here: http://www.geocities.jp/cpuparts98/SOUND/SOUND98/SOUND98.htm

>> No.2128045

When we'll be able to talk about the Eushully here?

Hope next thread doesn't get buried during Christmas

>> No.2130435

Only if you're planning to talk about, like Maid In Bunny or something.