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1938460 No.1938460 [Reply] [Original]

What are some games with really fluid/high quality animation?

>> No.1938464

metal slug

>> No.1938470
File: 209 KB, 320x200, PoP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1938473

earthworm jim
lion king

>> No.1938504

garou : mark of the wolves
breakers revenge

>> No.1938521


>> No.1938616

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Metal Storm
SMW2: Yoshi's Island

>> No.1938682

Vampire Savior

>> No.1938690

Most of Symphony of the Night's animation is sprite rotation and resizing.

>> No.1938694

At least Alucard has butter smoove animations

>> No.1938792

A lot of SNK developed Neo-Geo games had nice fluid animation.

•Samurai Showdown series
•Metal Slug Series
•Sengoku Series
•The Last Blade Series

Metal Slug probably stands out the most though.

>> No.1938837

No mention of Guilty Gear X? For shame.

>> No.1938846

Street fighter III is the first game that comes to my mind.

>> No.1938884
File: 53 KB, 163x126, Shuma1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not /vr/ any way I'd like to nominate Shuma Gorath from capcom versus series.

>> No.1938946

The first Guilty Gear had some neat animations though.

>> No.1939152

Art of Fighting 3

>> No.1939159
File: 51 KB, 254x132, jedah-hands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Vampire/Darkstalkers games. Here's an interesting post on it.


>> No.1939194


Guilty Gear's animations are choppy as shit you blind bat

>> No.1939202

GGX is /vr/. It's on the Dreamcast.

>> No.1939234


>> No.1939464
File: 56 KB, 289x293, 1282689915724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. I love ASW's sprites but their lack of animation is off-putting

Martial Masters is up there with Third Strike and MotW

Warzard/Red Earth

Elevator Action Returns

Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden would probably be my top nomination




>> No.1939490

yeah, but sprite bog just kills it

>> No.1939501
File: 323 KB, 428x299, dizzy-a9[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys aren't giving GGX sprites enough credit. I mean, they are at a HUGE resolution and that makes the job of animating them so much harder, especially considering the extra complex character designs and special effects. Capcom never bothered trying with this and SNK had to trace over 3D models whereas ASW did them from scratch. Plus, most of the choppiness comes from the frames not playing out at the right speed due to longer hitstun so that people can actually follow up Roman Cancels. Try downloading a character sprite pack and I'm sure you'll come to appreciate GG's animation better.

>> No.1939565

>not posting the gif
thanks for helping

>> No.1939583
File: 242 KB, 384x143, q-scarespeople2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's a shame. I would've loved seeing what the 3S and MotW teams were capable of on better hardware. I've seen the GGX and BB sprite packs. They're nice but seem to be animated based on oldschool 12fps cel animation opposed to the aforementioned at 30fps. I could be wrong so any enlightenment is encouraged

>> No.1939680
File: 321 KB, 1024x526, untitlededsggggggggg_zpsb3c02516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rondo of Blood is one of the most fluidly animated 16-bit console games. The use of a CD definitely helped a lot with this, just compare Rondo's animation frames with Dracula X's.

Symphony of the Night also had some very well-animated characters,(especially Alucard) but most enemies were either taken from earlier games(mostly Rondo and even some IV) or use a lot of rotation/resizing and 3D effects instead of seperate frames. In a strange way, the more limited hardware of the PC Engine might have helped promote more detailed spritework.

>> No.1940502

>You guys aren't giving GGX sprites enough credit
>arm goes from bending with the hand touching the face to fully extended in one frame

I think I'm giving it more than the credit it deserves

>especially considering [..] special effects. Capcom never bothered trying with this

U wot


>> No.1940530
File: 53 KB, 115x215, Sf-pyron.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1940814

Every TMNT game on the GBA.

>> No.1940816


>> No.1941072
File: 1.23 MB, 667x398, kykiske-bigsuper[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially considering [..] special effects. Capcom never bothered trying with this

I was talking about high resolution sprites you idiot. Of fucking course they had special effects going on in their games. Regardless, they're still not as detailed as ASW's.

>> No.1941130


Again could you please look at OP's image and compare it with yours? Not only is it less detailed it's also less fluid, the higher resolution has nothing to do with it since creation process is still the same

>> No.1941158


Ky himself is a much more detailed character design than Chun and his lightning blade has a lot of fine print on it in addition to all the dangling electrical bits. Chun's chi orb has a lot of 'ribbons' coming off it at varying sizes. I honestly fail to see how it's more detailed beyond simply having more frames in it. Disregarding all this, why does GG always have to compete with Capcom or SNK in the first place? I don't know of many companies that can in terms of art/animation.

And, apologies for lashing out, it sounded like I was having my words twisted around.

>> No.1941270

Any SNK game

>> No.1941272

man, look at those moves

>> No.1941294


>> No.1941310
File: 167 KB, 675x1655, donkey-kong-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1941326


>> No.1941360
File: 262 KB, 968x1834, donkey-kong-5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1941797
File: 83 KB, 143x117, Elena-ts-stance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this rotoscoped?

>> No.1941821

If it is it's highly exaggerated, those proportions are way off.

>> No.1941918



>> No.1941925

Elena rotoscopes my dick.

>> No.1941950

>dat amazon ass
We'll get along just fine, anon. Just fine.

>> No.1941952

Dragon's Lair
I won

>> No.1941963


>> No.1942236

Braindead 13

>> No.1942245

I never liked SF3 animation. There's far too much movement. To my taste, the whole thing's rather overdone.

>> No.1942420


Typical Arc Sys fan.

>> No.1942429

Eh, you'd be surprised you hear that sort of thing from people who grew up with limited animation when they see full animation. It's hardly limited to Arc Systems VS Capcom/SNK debates.

>> No.1942480

>from people who grew up with limited animation when they see full animation
Every piece of character is shaking and wobbling. This has nothing to do with the framerate. It's just in bad taste, regardless of the technical quality. Happens often in modern indie 2d animations, too.

>> No.1942481

Love this game

>> No.1942485

This is how I feel about the newer ren & stimpy episode compared to the old ones, aside from generally being over the top and unfunny the animation just seems too overdone

>> No.1942510
File: 22 KB, 225x252, klaymen225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys.

>> No.1942558

>This has nothing to do with the framerate.
Yes. Do you know what "limited animation" and "full animation" mean?

>> No.1945198


>> No.1945250

Is Dalkstalkers good, what game should I get

>> No.1945267

Darkstalkers 3/Vampire Savior are the newest with the most content, although in the arcade version Pyron, Phobos and Donovon were removed due to space constraints. Also, I generally prefer the music in the earlier DS games.

All console ports to my knowledge restored the missing characters, but I'm not sure about the XBLA port. Stay away from the Playstation port, but all other ports(including the superb Saturn port, which even has barely any loading) should have all animation intact.

>> No.1945269

you can play hunter and savior on ggpo.

>> No.1945664
File: 78 KB, 658x582, smears1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can, get the Japanese PS2 Darkstalkers Collection. It has every game in the series plus extras.

The two best games in the series are generally considered to be Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (aka Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge in Japan), which is the second game in the series, and Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (aka Darkstalkers 3 in some international ports), which is the third game in the series.

The first game (Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors, or Vampire: The Night Warriors in Japan) might be worth playing a few times for curiosity's sake and the see the series' roots, but not for much else.

Vampire Savior 2 And Vampire Hunter 2 are bad updates of the third game in and aren't worth playing. Basically avoid anything with a "2" in the title.

Vampire Chronicle (Dreamcast)/Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (PSP) is a weird sort of mashup that is kind of like Hyper Street Fighter II but way less accurate and with a lot of content missing. It tries to jam the entire series in one game, but does a bad job of doing so. Not recommended.

The Darkstalkers Resurrection bundle that was released on PSN and XBL last is comprised of online play-enabled versions of the two aforementioned best games in the series.

>> No.1945752


best animation there is.