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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 84 KB, 550x440, tibia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1926510 No.1926510 [Reply] [Original]

Dead Thread Edition

Tibia is a MMORPG from 1997.

FAQ: http://pastebin.com/2C1vdQvM
Beginner Guide: http://pastebin.com/ppWS1kt6
Useful Links: http://pastebin.com/WK8cm3wm

We play on Secura, post your character's name and we'll invite you to the Yotsubas guild.

>> No.1927579
File: 24 KB, 348x268, 131132096377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more exp gained below level 50
couldn't you fix it by, you know, making the game not shit

>> No.1928247
File: 28 KB, 324x291, ayy-lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>more exp gained below level 50

>As announced, characters of level 1 and 2 will benefit from a bonus that doubles their experience gain, this bonus will slowly decrease as they advance in level until it reaches the normal experience gain at level 50.

Tibia's officially become an OT server. Might as well play one of those.

>> No.1929764

Do any of you even still play?

>> No.1930086

gonna give Tibia another chance

Tekelili Gyugaroth

>> No.1930103
File: 2.63 MB, 1920x1080, whatt4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw used to play
man premia was such a nice server

>> No.1930352

Tekelili Gyugaroth has been invited.

>> No.1930686

I play some on Gurrenlagann. Lvl 50 EK

>> No.1930704

Gurrenlagann has been invited.

>> No.1930879
File: 75 KB, 800x768, 1410417458462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14:39 You see yourself. You are a knight. You are Rookgaard of the Yotsubas, which has 199 members, 1 of them online.

>199 members, 1 of them online.

>> No.1931187

Character transfers ruined everything.

>> No.1931225

someone made a fake dice bot that takes money, splits it up and then scatters it around the dp
this shit is hilarious

>> No.1932719

skilling on pve is so much annoying >.<
/harmonia 33k 57/55

>> No.1932732

haven't played tibia in forever. got an email the other day that they deleted my account

>> No.1933230

Why not make a dicebot that takes the GP and transfer it to your account?

>> No.1933232

good goyim

>> No.1933268

nice. The other day started a thread on /v/ but one care aboyt this game anymore. Im playing on xantera, had a char on secura but my old acc was deleted

>> No.1935084

I give up

>> No.1936750


>> No.1936753

dead thread
dead guild
dead game

>> No.1937379

Does the guild still need vices or will be disbanded?

>> No.1937402

no, Zomijikoo was made a vice so the guild is okay for now

>> No.1937470

please go and stay go

>> No.1938164
File: 231 KB, 550x440, vr-tibia-group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened /vr/ ;_;

>> No.1940393
File: 1.29 MB, 935x680, il devo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New patch with spell sprites and hotkey enhancement y/n?

>> No.1940396
File: 103 KB, 640x480, Client_Artwork_7.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did anyone else had to stare at this sight for long periods of time cuz muh server was full?

>> No.1940401

Any /vr/tard on Magera? 195 ED here looking for free items

>> No.1940419

I'll consider playing again if they get rid off bots, update the only viable client, stop selling shitty cosmetic mounts/outfits and fix their damn vocations.

>> No.1940563
File: 14 KB, 64x64, new dragon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hotkey presets is great
the clouds on rage of the skies look very basic compared to the rest of the game
all new spell animations last far too long, exura lasts 2-3 seconds, exevo mas san lasts 3-4 seconds
healing and utility spells have small sprites, hard to see if you have yourself muted
new mwall looks fucking retarded, holy shit
I don't really like the new invis sprite, it just feels too small

stalagmite now has rocks falling on your target, I don't feel this one at all
light magic missile and heavy magic missile would look better if the sprite ended earlier
new gfb is great
new energy field is good
new poison field is not good
fire field is still shit
not a fan of the new explosion
I don't remember if sd had a death face before, but it sure does now

new knight spell animations are trash
fuck the new flame strike
fuck the new ice strike

I didn't check out any new creature animations except for dragons, which now look FUCKING RETARDED HOLY SHIT compared to how they were before
seriously, i'm depressed that they've ruined one of the best looking sprites in the game

dead game

>> No.1940824
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>> No.1940896
File: 466 KB, 1020x717, Tibia0676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1940903

What's so bad about it?

Post more.

>> No.1940985


>> No.1941023

I remember playing this in 2002 when there was no queue. Everyone used macros to make as many login attempts as fast as possible.

>> No.1941060

Yea, I played at that time, too.

I didn't use macros, I've just changed my password to have my account number as first 6 characters. Then I copied it to clipboard, and spammed Ctrl+V to enter it into both fields as fast as possible.Usually made me log in pretty quickly when server was full.

>> No.1941141

I can't stand the memory of how good it felt back then, and how that feel will never come back.

I've been playing for 10 years and I still play nowadays.

>> No.1941150
File: 2 KB, 64x64, GS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at Dwarven bridge in Kaz with bro
>trying to get to thais
>people gathered watching 2 GS 1HKO some lv 20
>high level comes to help and takes them away
>we all run south like bitches
>3 other GS at southern bridge
>lost my knight legs

Good times.

>> No.1941220
File: 1.44 MB, 1444x920, newanime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1941223
File: 1.52 MB, 1444x920, newmwal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1941252

>the game was actually good back then
>tfw plebs didn't have PA

seriously hope you guys had PA at the only time it mattered

>> No.1941260

I created some characters there but I'm not playing at the moment.

Seems like a great server. Closer to me, friendly people, made friends immediately. They've probably forgotten about me by now.

>> No.1941276

What the fuck is this

>> No.1941296

new animations

>> No.1941721

Just spilled another golden can of oil, that's 3kk down the drain. I think I'll just take another month off.

>> No.1941880

I wonder when they'll release some info on the new client

>> No.1941891

New character, Skeleton Jelly on secura

>> No.1941892

Skeleton Jelly has been invited.

>> No.1941959

I like the current client artwork the most even if I do nostalgia for the older times.
It looks like fucking piles of oranges.
I think I understand what they were going for with this sprite, but no matter how good it looks the concept of mostly transparent mwalls is always broken because they make it hard as balls to see what tiles are covered with them.

>> No.1942027

Character Awesome Gralzberg does not exist.
Character Nath Lord does not exist.
Character Brzydki Przystojniak does not exist.

3 botters on my vip were removed, one them was 180, the other was 209 and the last one I don't remember
thank you cipsoft

>> No.1942075

>Awesome Botzberg finally gets deleted
>The whole Nath + something bots get deleted
Now if just Zimperus would get the axe too I would recover a bit of faith on Cip

>> No.1942326

just loaded up the game for the first time in years
there is a get premium button visible at all times in almost every window, awesome
rookgaard is gone apparently, and all the graphics look out of place, pianos and shit everywhere

>> No.1942493


Hitman Level 530 - 200 within 1 Hour

Lipz Smith 420 - Below 50 in less than 1 hour

Jakelicia 420 - 30 in less than 1 hour

Jesus, imagine going from level 420 to 30 in one hour
or level 530 to 200
they better put these nigs on suicide watch

>> No.1943871

That's like >>1941721 happening 300 times in one hour,

>> No.1944995


It's unfortunate that those who hacked them were bot creators (getting that tibia gold), but at the same time it's great because those scum botters/acc traders/sharers get what they deserved.

>> No.1945386

I agree but still. I wonder how he managed to die twice, one within 4 seconds of the other. Sounds like an exploit to me. This could potentially be used against other players.

>> No.1945882

Wasn't the guild going to be disbanded?

>> No.1945984

Black skull spawns you at 40hp, take monster damage. Fire field outside temple = step on and off, back on, dead.

It's not an exploit, and it could be used against other people, yes, technically.



People getting this butthurt, holy shit.

>> No.1946562



>> No.1946889

Character Gas Chamber does not exist.
Character Escape Auschwitz does not exist.

did the account owner actually remove them or was this Cipsofts doing?

>> No.1946897

Paraoka doesn't play, so it was Shitsoft.
Adorable to see a bunch of keyboard warriors getting holocausted over absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.1946904

Can Videras get in trouble for this, like with what happend with the guild ranks a while ago?