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File: 4 KB, 256x240, Megaman II (U) [!]-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1911570 No.1911570 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: that one level/boss/flaw that keeps one of your favorite games from being absolutely perfect GOTYAY

>> No.1911576
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>> No.1911578
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>mfw this thread is made every day
>mfw posts about this level are made every day
>mfw i will never see op kill himself

>> No.1911581


git gud fagits

>> No.1911591

This thread is NOT about "hard" levels or bosses this is about those parts that ruins the otherwise perfect experience.

>bitching about the existing threads on /vr/ instead of making better, more original threads yourself

>> No.1911593
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Hurr, forgot pic.

>> No.1911596

I thought that part was pretty fun, honestly.

Fuck that retarded rope pulling minigame or whatever the hell it was, though.

>> No.1911606
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That shit's casual.

>> No.1911607
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It wasn't the only one, though.

>> No.1911621
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My poor hand.

Pic very related. So long, so tedious, and so boring.

>> No.1911626

Jolly Roger Lagoon on Banjo Tooie
>hey pat our game has terrible underwater controls, what shall we do?
>t-that's not the answer i expected

The Village area is pretty fun, but as soon as you have to swim to Atlantis... dear god, that level sucked. And not for being hard - just annoying.

>> No.1911627

I didnt like it at all. Its pointlessly time consuming for a temporary character

>> No.1911629


>No mention of Grunty Industries

>> No.1911632


How does the boo beam boss ruin the mega man 2 experience? Shit's really not hard to do, even taking no damage while doing so. I mean, I can understand being frustrated because you're a scrub and wasted your crash bombs already, and now you have to grind them off of Mecha Joes...


>> No.1911640

I remember when newfags like you used to lurk the fuck moar

>> No.1911654
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Black mountain mines.

Troika how could you make tarant so grand yet fuck up this first dungeon

>> No.1911674
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oh that's a lot more original then. i misjudged you.

>> No.1911692

Believe it or not i liked Grunty Industries. Annoying mechanics were kept at minimum (flying through windows etc) and the boss battle was platformer. I love Witchyworld but i hated the Mr. Patch battle.

>> No.1911703

That was one of the most entertaining parts of the game.

>> No.1911705

What game is this?

>> No.1911726

Google it, newfriend.

>> No.1911741

I really should have worded it better.

Because it is a boring uninteresting boss fight that isn't challenging in any way provided you enter it with enough Crash Bombs and energy for Item-1 or 3?

> I mean, I can understand being frustrated because you're a scrub and wasted your crash bombs already, and now you have to grind them off of Mecha Joes...
I see you are one of those hipster faggots who play old games you didn't grew up as a kid using emulators, save states and guides to get through them and then brag about your "gaming skills" on internets. Everyone who played Mega Man II for the first time in the 80s fucked up the boo beam boss on their first try, at least I did and am a man enough to admit it.

I remember when "oldfags" like you used to make decent threads themselves and actually contributed in a meaningful way to the existing ones instead of being whiny bitches.

>> No.1911756

>everyone who played the game beat the boss on their first try

That's retarded and you know it. There are plenty of kids back then who probably lied about it to seem cool, and besides that while it isn't as hard as it's made out to be, the simple fact that you can be screwed so utterly with just a simple mistake is bad design marring an otherwise great game.

>> No.1911761


>> No.1911781

Am I the only one who actually liked this part apart from the game giving wrong insructions for getting through it? Also it's a perfect place to level up your lesser used characters.

>> No.1911824

This is my hell.

>> No.1911834

I never had trouble here but I was playing a retarded melee focused half-ogre who started with 20 strength

>> No.1912278

I couldn't beat this part when I rented it as a kid. It was like my 3rd RPG and I had no idea what to do. When I bought it a few years later I breezed through no problem. I have no idea why I couldn't figure it out.

This part was cool. People just get mad because they followed the guy's directions which were a lie, instead of reading the note or w/e right next to him that told you the true path. Still one of my favorite parts of a game.

>> No.1912363

The RM stages are boring as fuck though.

>> No.1912430
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>> No.1912796

>best part of the game
>boring as fuck

>> No.1913367

Eh, there are worse.

>> No.1913597

the random battles and how fucking slow they are in the ps1 final fantasy games

>> No.1913606
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this bastard who flew down to torment me.
links awakening
dungeon 7

>> No.1913610


This is true for FF9.

There's some lower encounter Materia for 7 right? I guess you could gameshark some of that early game to reduce the rates. Not sure about 8-9

>> No.1913628

They're too empty and barebones compared to later MM games.

>inb4 muh simplicity

>> No.1913639

Couldn't give less of a shit about that. The RM stages are the whole reason I like the games. Hell, if anything the Robot Masters are the starts of the game, and their stages and designs are the most interesting parts.

Sure, MM2 had simple stages for them, but they worked. At least it isn't riddled with shitty design like 3 is.

>> No.1913647

It's definitely the worst in 9

>> No.1913670

8 was just as bad.
there are a ton of battles where using an esper is faster that spamming X.. but that esper lasts 2 minutes in which you have to spam square just to keep from being bored to tears while watching the same animation for the ten thousandth time.

at least in 9 you had the illusion of choice after the 45 seconds of camera pans and cuts.

>> No.1913693

>Bad design
Wut the fook r u on about m8

>> No.1913705

Also MM3 is the best Mega Man Classic and you're wrong if you think otherwise
>fight me fegits
>inb4 shitstorm

>> No.1913708

I don't know, just the everything?

The stages were all drab, short, and uninteresting, unfun, and had shitty visual design. The only thing good is that some of the music stood out as good.

It made you go through even shittier redos of the already shitty stages just to fight bosses from the previous game, which pans the game out in an unecessary manner. The Proto Man fights were completely retarded with how they were handled, and they could have done a lot more with them, like MM7 did. Even the Wily stages had nothing really going for them, and the weapons felt completely cookie cutter in comparison to the previous game.

The only good things it brought to the table long-term were Rush and the Slide, and other games use both way better.

>> No.1913730

>weapons felt completely cookie cutter

Gemini Laser, Search Snake, Magnet Missile, and Hard Knuckle had pretty neat effects, at the time.

>> No.1913749

I'll give you 2/4.

You can make an argument for the Gemini Laser and Magnet Missile, but the Search Snake and Hard Knuckle were really not that revolutionary.

>> No.1913751

>Unnecessary Doc Robot stages
>Short and littered with powerup Wily stages
It would have been the best if it had kept up the quality of the RM stages until the end of the game.

>> No.1913762
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This level

>> No.1913775
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>> No.1913781
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>> No.1913782
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>> No.1913806
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Bullshit evasion, bullshit MP stat, and why the fuck does he have Freeze lv3!?

>> No.1913824

This isn't even that bad. It's a challenge, yeah, but just strategizing properly makes the whole thing a cakewalk.

Don't get me wrong, I love SF but they aren't the hardest games in the world.

>> No.1913831

I remember that fight being absolutely impossible when I was a kid. Yet I just replayed it a year a go and curb-stomped everyone.

>> No.1913836

Sounds about right. When you're older and have a head for tactics, it isn't a problem.

Now let's talk the Chess Battle from SF2.

>> No.1913872

Fuck that stage.

>> No.1913878

He'd be a cake-walk if it weren't for his stupid Freeze3. Lost a lot as a kid, but later in life I had less problems.

>> No.1913910

Should have posted the Kraken from 2.

>> No.1913939

None of these parts ruin anything, you just got triggered by them and are looking for ways to justify being mad about the game taking you by surprise, also telling someone to get good or that they've seen this before is hardly bitching

do you play games to be surprised and entertained or to be spoonfed?

stay lame kiddo

>> No.1914051

Right, so no games have flaws that hold them down at all. That sure makes no sense.

>> No.1914108

I didn't say anything like that that. Don't project. If you follow the string of posts I was referring to MM2 and S3, and these things are hardly flaws. They're portions that you don't like for whatever reason.

A portion that requires thought doesn't necessarily break the action for me. The game is still being played it's critical thinking. You may not be moving but there's a scenario being played out in the mind. Once you get past it you reflect on what clued you in on what to do to progress.

>> No.1914128

Sonic is excusable, but Megaman is not. It is critical thinking yes, but when a single mistake immediately requires you to regrind your only weapon with which to succeed, it is bad design. It is a flaw.

>> No.1914146

fuck this fucking level.
On the otherhand, S&K is 10/10

>> No.1914148

Tooie overall just can live up to how good the original was

>> No.1914152

Grinding in Megaman isn't necessarily as taxing as it would be in say an RPG that does it to make up for a lack of content. If you're grinding because you made a mistake then that means the game provides a method to right a wrong. That's not bad or a flaw. It was a just a discourse from your prime directive (getting past the problem area)

Some people tend to jerk their knee at the mere semblance of grinding and I think that's a bit silly and harsh. I'm going to call it a day and simply agree to disagree.

>> No.1914157

That's fair enough. Good day.

>> No.1914197 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1409898042302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git gud

>> No.1914230

Fuck off. I've played Megaman enough to do that part with ease, it doesn't make it good.

>> No.1914329

>implying every Troika game isn't a mess

>> No.1914463

Fffffffffffffffuck that desert. Completely stopped me from playing bof3 recently.

>> No.1915017

Better than those stupid fucking plains in 4.

>> No.1915129
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>> No.1915150
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Goemon's Great Adventure has money grinding if you go for 100%. There is no reason for that to be there. You have to give one guy thousands of gold just to pad the game out longer. You can't even carry that much at once so you have to leave and come back multiple times. The first N64 game had money shit as well and it's just as annoying. It was even required just to finish the game though the amount was lower.

>> No.1915218

Really? Learn to wall jump.

>> No.1915224

I like that the devs put a save point down there, so once you fall down, the only way out is to learn how to wall jump. Jokes on them though, when I first played it, I simply restarted because I could not for the life of me understand what they meant for me to do. I had never accidentally wall jumped in SM before and assumed it was some upgrade that made it work like Megaman X.

>> No.1915272

>fire rod
>noted as ineffective

>> No.1915285



>> No.1915297
File: 530 KB, 2120x1277, SuperMetroidMapMaridia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of worse in Super Metroid.
For me, Maridia is what keeps SM from being perfect.
Don't get me wrong, it's nearly perfect, but Maridia is just such a linear piece that it's unforgivable. Almost every zone has skippable moments, except for MAR which has (what I find the worst) boss-locked doors in the open.

If I am wrong about parts (which I guess I am, not being a SM buff and all) feel free to point them out, but Maridia was just the "don't even try" part of SM for me when it came to trying to break sequence.

>> No.1915493
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it's not that it's particularly hard, but this entire section is the most tedious shit. You basically have to keep going forward and backward so you don't get fucked by a thousand enemies. God I hate this fucking place.

>> No.1915525
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In a similar vein, this mess from Mother 1.

>> No.1915646

Magicant was worse.

>> No.1916263


>> No.1916519

>I had never accidentally wall jumped in SM before and assumed it was some upgrade that made it work like Megaman X.

There is no upgrade required to walljump in Megaman X.

>> No.1916562

After a bit of grinding Magicant is cakewalk.

But that fucking swamp tho

>> No.1916620

>born after this game came out
>figured it out in a few minutes

>> No.1916694

The grinding is the problem.

>> No.1916741

enc-none is your friend in ff8

>> No.1916743

>game giving wrong instructions
pretty sure the translation is to blame

>> No.1916751

This was already addressed earlier in the thread. It isn't the translation.

>> No.1916754

I found this part dirty easy...

Because I sequence broke by wall jumping all the way up the noob shaft my first playthrough >_>

>> No.1916773

Everyone here could learn something from you.

>> No.1916776

I think he was saying you get an upgrade for it in SM to work like X, not that you had to get an upgrade in both games.

>> No.1916918

Everytime I replay SM I just put the bomb in the glass and say "fuck it" and start doing something else.
The room next to the other one in the map that are not connected really fucks up with me

>> No.1917983

A lot of these games let you skip a lot of these animations.

Why do people have so little patience?

>> No.1918085
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Oh sweet Jesus, that part sucked. Especially with all the dead ends.
That is a massive pain in the ass because of the damn oaks.

>> No.1918086
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>using hookshot and shield
>not being a man and using feather + sword and swapping to shield whenever he tries to knock you off

>> No.1918123
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>> No.1918249


>> No.1918391

What exactly is the flaw there?

>> No.1918395

People have talked about this all thread. Go read the arguments.

>> No.1918410

All I'm seeing is that somebody said "it's boring" which isn't really a flaw and the old tale that a single mistake fucks you up when you can in fact make several mistakes when going in with full weapon energy.
I can understand the boring part, although I disagree with it, but it's not really a flaw but just an opinion.

>> No.1918417

Then you already have the points you need. Don't act like no one's said anything about it when they've made their points. Go argue those points if you really want to, don't just ask what the problem is when people have said what they think the problem is already.

>> No.1918427

>Go argue those points
I just did. Looks like you lost.

>> No.1918432

What. I don't even care about the argument. You didn't argue those points at all. You just said you disagree with it being boring, and said that the argument that a single mistake fucks you up is really old.

Are you drunk?

>> No.1918790
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>> No.1918791

Not even that bad.

>> No.1918974

Yep, this made me delete almost every Zelda save file I have. Fucking bug... They revised the goddamn game TWICE and it's in every one of them.

>> No.1918976

...there is no bug in the water temple.

>> No.1919312

>requires thought

>> No.1919335

oh please god no, don't remind me.

also this: >>1914329

>> No.1919345
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Hate this place. It's basically luck based.

>> No.1919383

That fucking dungeon.

>> No.1919403

Factory was the worst part of Mother 1.

>> No.1919419

> It's basically luck based.
Only because it has like three monsters that can cause your party to stall before they get started, which is only one more than the Earth Cave has and that's the Sorcerers. Granted, they ARE assholes when they actually kill you, but the odds are pretty low.

>> No.1919432

The music more than makes up for it though.

>> No.1919441

>pissing everyone one off

>> No.1919646
File: 61 KB, 1306x850, SOTNreversecastle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thing.
When I played it the first time I was cumming buckets at the fact that there was a whole hidden 2nd castle to explore, but as years went by and I played through the game more times I realized just how lazy the whole thing is.
By the time you get into the 2nd castle you already have all relics except one or two, and you can just go wherever you want, yet the bosses aren't balanced for it, so suddenly you get to fight Beelzebub and he wipes the floor with you while you had beaten all other bosses in two hits. The game was definitely not designed with the 2nd castle in mind, since a huge lot of platforms are just a bit out reach for the 2nd jump, forcing you to use the super jump which in this game isn't as simple as just pushing L in mid air. The whole thing was obviously an excuse to make the game longer.
Still my GOTYAY.

>> No.1919687

I remember the dread I felt in this area but seeing this map reminds me why I pushed through.

I find it very pleasing to look at, the art of the game is really interesting and the isometric view makes everything look super interesting.

>> No.1920175

Mt. Itoi is worse. Itoi went on record by saying they didn't test for balance in the last part of the games, and unless you are lucky to abuse Eve long enough to farm levels, you will be using all your instant kill PSI and 4-D a lot

>> No.1920182

Not as bad as when you go to the cemetery and get constantly hit by enemies that can possess you or worse

>> No.1921030

The whole game had a lot of mechanical issues really.

>> No.1922508

>that feel when I always build him up so much he can one-shot any member of my party

>> No.1922979

>Hurr Durr you're just dumb

The problem with the water temple was poorly implemented level design and bad game-player communication, not complexity.

....why didn't you just save and reboot?

>> No.1923031

I consider the crash beam boss to be one of the elements that prevents MM2 from being methodical, overly precise ordered design

there needs to be a bit of randomness, a bit of design that isn't quite perfectly consistent with your expectations, that's what makes it great

just like the fact that many robot masters have more than one weakness in MM2, unlike many future games

btw its very easy to kill the door boss on one life if you just pause and think about it

most of us failed, but its totally possible, so people who bitch about it are both bad players and bad designers

>> No.1923102

Get the Crissaegrim, mop the floor with everything on your path. If you have it on the PSX, and either a Pro Action Replay or a Game Shark, there is a hidden Plasma Rifle in the code. I think you had to fuck with the hexadecimal to find it, but I know the little bastard is in there somewhere.

>> No.1923209

The level design was fine, and I don't know what you're talking about in terms of communication. I had none of those problems.

>> No.1923215

>people who bitch about it are both bad players and bad designers

No, they aren't. I understand what you're saying about it changing things up, but that just means they aren't good at that kind of gameplay. Don't give me this garbage about being a bad player for having a hard time with part of a game.

Besides that, it is badly designed. I don't mind thinking things through, but when you only have exactly enough ammo to everything in exactly one order, it is a problem.

>> No.1923242

You're playing FF8 wrong if your GFs are better than your phys attacks.
Also FF9 isn't bad, go play the port of VI on ps1, that shit is slow.

>> No.1923395

What I don't get about FF8 is why everyone complains about grinding. It isn't that hard to do it only from time to time, and just focus on progressing the game for the most part.

>> No.1923429

Who really complains about grinding in FF8? The draw system and limit break system in that game are so broken that you become an unstoppable juggernaut in like 2 hours tops.

>> No.1923438

At least the mode 7 looks nice...

>> No.1923753

Mode 7 was SNES. This isn't the same thing.

>> No.1923759

It's the same, only achieved via different means.

>> No.1923760

Are you serious? Is this for real?

>> No.1923836

Yes, the Crissaegrim is a thing.

>> No.1923853

I think he means the plasma rifle.
Which isn't even the weirdest SotN and onwards weapon, AoS has both the Positron Rifle and the Excalibur complete with the stone it's stuck in, which you use to club enemies with.

>> No.1923916

Well, the protagonists were already killing vampires with whips, so it's not like this is out of the ordinary in this series.

>> No.1923942

A whip that has been anointed with holy powers and passed down by every generation

>> No.1923946

Not all of the whips you use are holy. Sometimes you get stuck using other whips.

Which still kill zombies just fine.

>> No.1923982

Isn't the current canon (non-/vr/ as it may be) that Vampire Killer was the whip used in all the Belmont CV games? Even the upgraded versions in CV2SQ?
The only two non-holy ones I know of are the Jet Black and the Nebula, and those were pretty bad at killing anything, and the Whip-Sword I don't know if it even qualifies as a whip.

>> No.1923987

If we're talking non-/vr/ a lot of the metroidvanias let you wield ordinary leather whips. Hell, Circle of the Moon doesn't even -have- the Vampire Killer, and doesn't even star a Belmont.

>> No.1923995
File: 585 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2014-09-08-18-19-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking jump was ridiculous.

>> No.1924016

Doesn't look that bad.

>> No.1924104


Most of the sequence breaking that was discovered was never an intended part of Super Metroid. The whole game only gives you the illusion of choice while actually being pretty fucking linear. Maridia just so happens to near the end of the game and is the very last zone before you get the Space Jump, which completely blows the entire game open for you.

But I'd still have to admit that the "use super bomb to break glass" trick was really poorly telegraphed and is the one blemish on the nearly-perfect game.

>> No.1924114

It is, it is a pixel perfect jump. You don't land on the grey pillar, you land on the inclined platform.

>> No.1924180

Oh god, I see it. Speaking of pixel perfect jumps, Megaman has a lot of those as well...

>> No.1924195

>Easy as fuck part
>Fucked up aspect ratio
>Blurry as fuck image

>> No.1924384

Be helpful, oldfriend

>> No.1924395
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For the cause.

>> No.1924409
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This nigger right here...

>> No.1924434

That doesn't look like the Earth Cave...

>> No.1924438

That's because it's the ice cave.

>> No.1924472

It's called being facetious.

>> No.1925742


fuck's hard about the Earth Cave?

>> No.1925801

The only thing I can think of is running into a pack of Cockatrices just before Vampire/Lich. If you get petrified, you're fucked.

>> No.1925831

Either that or the WarMech.

Got lucky on my first playthrough and missed out on it, but then I backtracked after beating Tiamat.

>> No.1925838


Maybe anon is not complaining about difficulty, but rather about the tedium of murdering your way down to the vampire, running back out and cashing in the ruby, then redoing the top floors again on your way to Lich?

>> No.1925875

This. It isn't hard, it's just long and boring. It's tedious going through the same dungeon again like that.

>> No.1925915

It's not even all that long. Trip to the Vampire is quick if you're not going around and gathering all the treasure on your way down. Takes less than 10 minutes to get there and get the ruby and get out.

>> No.1925924

It doesn't need to be long. It's tedious because the game is forcing you to redo something you've already done, not to mention on the first trip you would have already had to backtrack your way out. It gets tiresome.

>> No.1925927

Once you figure it out, it's so fucking easy.

>> No.1925973
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This walk is one of the tensest moments in any game I've played. And would you believe I've run into that asshole literally every time I've played through FF1?

>> No.1926459
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>> No.1926470

I heard rumours that there are exactly two squares on that bridge that trigger him, and each have a 75% chance of spawning him if you have an encounter there.

>> No.1926474

The stages were the problem, not the Doc Robot.

Now you want a bad boss, Darkman 4 from MM5 is a piece of shit.

>> No.1926494

Stages were pretty bad, but Doc Robot also had the distinction of being much bigger than the robot masters he emulated. Flash Man and Wood Man suddenly became way harder than they used to be because jumping over DR is a bitch.

>> No.1926504

He can be encountered across the entire floor, and his encounter rate is 12/256.

>> No.1926553
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1202651605933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oaks were a good early gauge of how well you managed the game's combat system.

As a side note, I'm loving all of the maps in this thread.

>> No.1926594

Darkman 4 is fucking trivial. You don't even need robot master weapons or E-tanks or anything.

>> No.1926617

using all of your continues in sword master brings you back to the beginning but doesn't reset your max health amount.

Quake will never have a mode harder than nightmare.

>> No.1926779

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1929949

what game is this?

>> No.1929974

Breath of Fire III

>> No.1929980

Marsh Cave system in the NES version of FF1

>> No.1930007

which means it's not mode 7