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File: 71 KB, 450x338, 20100502012425!Fallout2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1895714 No.1895714 [Reply] [Original]

can we get an isometric rpg thread going?

Playing FO2 for the first time and loving it.

>> No.1895724

Fallout 2 is awesome and really the gold standard of isometric rpgs. People really talk up Baldur's Gate 2 but I really don't like having to deal with the unintuitive AD&D rules in that game. It really detracts from the experience.

>> No.1895731

Baldur's Gate is a series a recommend to people new to the genre because it's a good starting point while still being really memorable and can really help you ease into the better games of the genre.

>> No.1895736

When i played Fallout for the first time last year, it really shackled me. However when i finished it i wanted to play Fallout 2 of course. I played past the Tutorial but got bored and haven't touched it yet. Don't know why. But i understand why a lot of people rather play the first games.

>> No.1895741

>I played past the Tutorial but got bored and haven't touched it yet. Don't know why.

Fallout 2 is great but it has a pretty slow start compared to 1. Don't feel ashamed that you got turned off after having to go through a temping punching giant ants in the face.

>> No.1895749

A lot of people didn't even get past the tutorial. I had a friend in high school who borrowed the game from me. After a week he returned my CD and said the game sucks. I asked him how far he got, and he said he got stuck on the first area for an hour. I explained some of the game mechanics to him, and 2 fucking weeks later he beat it twice already and knew more about the game mechanics than me. He was explaining how AP bullets are bad in this game and whatnot.

>> No.1895753
File: 239 KB, 640x480, scr00002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing through Fallout 1 for the first time.

Shady Sands is wiped out, I'm a criminal and almost nobody will talk to me, I only have 100 days left to find the water chip and I have no idea where I could find it because nobody will talk to me.

>> No.1895754

Doing a BG2 after an 6 year break or so. The guard outside the circus bugged out and won't talk to me, other than that everything is going fine.
God Nalia is annoying.

>> No.1895758

2 sucks. I sure love running around in an underground cave and getting owned by a giant rat because all I have is a shitty pipe rifle. Great starting equipment.

>> No.1895760

>I only have 100 days left to find the water chip and I have no idea where I could find it because nobody will talk to me.

Head south of Shady Sands and you should eventually run into Junktown or Necropolis.

>> No.1895765

Everyone is hostile.

>> No.1895773
File: 104 KB, 500x500, 1371475287777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's what happens when you're a guy known for killing innocent people. Your only other option is to find Necropolis which I think is a little farther south from Junktown and just take the waterchip by force.

>> No.1895776

Seth attacked me and I had to kill in self defense. The rest of them followed suit like idiots even though they saw me end him in one shot.

>> No.1895780

Did you refuse to put your weapon back in your inventory in Shady Sands? Cause Seth gave you a clear warning about that.

>> No.1895781

>killing Tandi

You monster

>> No.1895786


I get the idea. I think i will try it in the near future. The tutorial wasn't the problem, altough it was already tiring. The rat cave was really good enough as a tutorial. I think i will try harder now.

>> No.1895792

I didn't. At first. I told the leader guy I would rescue her, then I talked to Seth and he didn't like when I asked him how much my reward would be.

I figured that it didn't matter after I had killed the rad scorpions, because nobody was saying anything.

After I killed most of the town, I went and made a trade for Tandi. When I brought her back, she attacked me and had to die.

>> No.1895798
File: 278 KB, 800x600, 1375295222099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta look at it from their perspective. For all they know you just killed the radscorpions to get on their good side in order to take them by surprise.

>> No.1895803

Kek, that's the beauty about Fallout, you can play it any way you like. I was a reeeeeal white knight on most of my playthroughs

>> No.1895806

You can find a pistol in this very cave, before taking on the giant rat. Or recruit Sulik and he'll murder all the rats easily. Or visit the Den and buy/steal a gun before taking on any major fight around Klamath. There are many possibilities, get creative instead of whining.

>> No.1895809

You mean the pistol you find very late in the cave?

>> No.1895819

It's late in the cave, but you can easily grab it before attacking the boss rat.

>> No.1895828

Aw man, are you guys talking about that albino rat king? I did that quest until much later when I ran out of shit to do

>> No.1895832





I like Fallout. Was probably my first game that I played through like an asshole, not counting anything GTA.

>> No.1895834
File: 4 KB, 150x150, 1408746183702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was Tandi such a qt3.14 in FO1?

Why couldn't she be an official party member?

>> No.1895945

Haha nice. I never saw them as spiders, but now that you mention it BAM!

>> No.1895980



there's a tutorial? I didn't even notice. oh the temple? ez peezy.

>> No.1895986

You can
with cheats.
If i remember correctly the last killap restoration patch let you recruit her at some point. Or it was the MEGAMOD something.

>> No.1895987
File: 275 KB, 421x427, 1349666788174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>kill everyone in a town

>expect them to help you

and this surprises you...how?

It's good though. Because in new rpgs, you do that, and either A. The game doesn't let you or B. there are no consequences whatsoever.

Honestly from an evil perspective I find your execution sloppy. You should have been a methodical killer, killing those that had what you needed (money, possessions) in the dead of night when they were alone or you were unable to be seen committing the crime.

>> No.1895994


>he doesn't steal hunting rifles and other equipment off of people

also stealing in general is good for XP. even with a low Steal skill you can still do it with enough Quicksaves and Quickloads.

Or you could just murder people for their stuff, but you'd have to do it without being seen.

>> No.1895997

>kill everyone in a town
>expect them to help you
>and this surprises you...how?
I would expect at least people in Junktown to be helpful, because why would they know what I did in Shady Sands? That's what I meant.

I was never trying to be evil, just a bit of a dick. I named my character Dick.

>> No.1896018
File: 275 KB, 1600x914, fallout_2_fan_art___cold_encouters_by_cryinghorn-d4z8ccz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not that far in Fallout 2, but I think it would be cool if in it you can be a dick and then join the Enclave to rule the wasteland and do more dickish things.

>> No.1896035

>It's good though. Because in new rpgs, you do that, and either A. The game doesn't let you or B. there are no consequences whatsoever.
Surprisingly the one i can remember that lets you do that (without getting locked forever out of the game) its.... Fallout New Vegas. Oh the irony.

>> No.1896042
File: 56 KB, 468x570, onslow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck is the point of skill checks at all if you're just going to save scum until it works? You might as well be typing in fucking cheat codes or using a trainer.

>> No.1896047

you forgot OH NICE

>> No.1896048


because videogames

>> No.1896062


Games are things with rules that can be won or lost.

Something that just does what you want it to so you can have fun is called a toy or a prostitute, not a game.

>> No.1896067


if you didn't want save scumming in your game don't let me save

>> No.1896096


Yeah, Interplay should totally have expected you to complete Fallout 2 in a single sitting. It was designed with speedrunning in mind.

>> No.1896108

Trying to play Darklands for the third time and it's fucking hard god damn fuck

>> No.1896115


I also used a guide to build my character

>> No.1896128


That's okay, that's just learning from someone else's advice. That has nothing in common with savescumming.

>> No.1896154


I also had a guide right next to me

>> No.1896157
File: 30 KB, 620x450, Wanamingo_render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout 2 is great, but there were some realistic issues I had with the game

>enemies have insane movement AP
>these fags can attack 3 times
>I can only shoot my rifle or pistol one time with 9AG, but switching out weapons or healing takes no, or little AP

yeah alright. I get it guns are OP and we had to nerf them somehow, but come on.

>> No.1896164

>I can only shoot my rifle or pistol one time with 9AG
someone picked the wrong perks here

>> No.1896168


well it's just, how does a guy hit me 3 times and in the same amount of time, I can't fire off three shots?

Fuck rapid shot. I got finesse and small frame. That sounded pretty decent to me.

>> No.1896205

I hated those fucking things. After completing the main quest I made my mission to find and destroy as much of them as I could

>> No.1896218

Elder God Tier:
Planescape: Torment

High Tier:

Mid Tier:
Fallout 1
Fallout 2

Low Tier:
Diablo 2
Icewind Dale
Icewind Dale 2

Shit Tier:
Baldur's Gate 2
Baldur's Gate

>> No.1896232

I love the reputation system in the original Fallout. In one mission I was working as a hitman and threw a grenade to kill someone across the street and some child ran across right when it blew up making everyone hate my guts.

>> No.1896242

I beat the first game a year ago or so, but I have yet to start the second. I have it installed with bug fixes/WS patch, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I tried a few years ago, got to the first town, and quit.

The first game was a lot of fun, though. I'm sure if I actually took the time to play it, I'd probably like the second, too (especially since they improved H2H from the first).

I've also tried starting up BG1&2 and PST, and I just got bored sometime early on in both. Not a huge fan of the IWD games either.

I also have Arcanum, but I haven't played much of that either to form an opinion. Even with real-time off, though, the combat feels weird compared to F1&2.

>> No.1896262

Enclave would never have you, you're a dirty mutant. Cannon fodder at your best, never allowed in the new Enclave utopia

You kind of can help the Enclave Remnants and have them joining you in New Vegas though.

>> No.1896265


you sad Arcanum was shit and BG1/2 was a more enjoyable and intuitive experience then that pos ever could be?

>> No.1896305

How is FO and FO2 compared to FO3 and New Vegas?

>> No.1896313

Entirely different kinds of games.
That would be like comparing a realistic sports game to a platformer.

The original ones are better RPGs, are isometric, and turnbased. The writing is better, overall, as well.

>> No.1896321


Are there any trusted DL links for FO2? I'm not buying it on stream for $10.

>> No.1896335

>he didn't get all of the Fallout games when they were free on GOG

>> No.1896341


>> No.1896391


>all those games

maybe play one at a time?

>> No.1896397
File: 39 KB, 587x389, 344435555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't tell you because I haven't gotten to them yet. Which is why I'm playing Fallout 2. After that I'm skipping tactics and playing 3. I'm probably going to hate 3, since I love 1 and 2, and from what others have said about it.

>> No.1896398

This is over a period of several years, m8.

>> No.1896402
File: 113 KB, 960x540, scr00017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get a gog version from torrent

if GoG still sold it, I'd tell you not to be a faggot pirate and give GoG your money, but Bethesda a shit.


oh Interplay

>> No.1896430


Already piratebay'd it and burnt it to a disk. I'm getting my ass kicked from the start by these scorpions. I keep missing.

>> No.1896446


if you need help there's this


also make sure your game is patched. Also the FIXT mod is pretty cool. I think I remember it patching the game for me so all you need is that I believe


>> No.1896464
File: 375 KB, 640x480, Captura de pantalla de 2014-08-28 22:40:42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rapid shot it's the single worst perk you can get.

>"Yeah, let's shoot twice to the body for 5 damage, instead of hitting a 120 critical to the eye"

If you didn't made your character to fight melee, don't fight the scorpions at the temple. If you get poisoned, there are antidotes nearby.

Can't unsee, fuck.

>> No.1896478


oh scratch that I thought you said you were playing Fallout 1, my bad. Ignore me.

there IS an ultimate fallout 2 guide

>> No.1896497
File: 223 KB, 550x413, 8738945793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Interplay is dead.

>> No.1896525

I've never played a Fallout game before, but weren't these games made for low rec CRT's and not our modern LCD's? What is the best ways to experience these games? From best to worst

>> No.1896529

>but Bethesda a shit.

I'm as "fuck bethesda" as the next guy but if your idea of justice is getting the people who made the game their due, buying it from fucking Herve wouldn't have been any better. And considering Titus bought Interplay in 99 (and FO2 came out at the end of 98) that's a fucklong time ago.

"During this time, the employees did not receive their salaries, medical insurance, worker's compensation, and other benefits for many months. The state of California filed charges against the company for multiple labor violations, forcing the company to cease operations until the problems were corrected. A $79,000 fine was levied against Interplay, in addition to $179,000 that they owed California in unpaid taxes. Eventually, the company was closed when the owner of their corporate headquarters evicted Interplay for not paying their rent, reportedly totaling $432,000."

Screw Herve.

>> No.1896571

>What is the best ways to experience these games?
By playing them?

>weren't these games made for low rec CRT's and not our modern LCD's?
There's hires patches that work just fine.

>> No.1896574

Fallout's native resolution is 640x480.

These sort of patches will just zoom the game way out, which can be annoying.

>> No.1896581

>These sort of patches will just zoom the game way out, which can be annoying.
Playing the game with 2x scaling looks just fine for me at 1920x1080.
At lower WS res's on my laptop, I didn't notice anything being too small either.

>> No.1896583

>not having a CRT for old PC games

>> No.1896586

Wait, wut? My gog copy is still there and just fine.

>> No.1896591

They still host the game and downloads are legal if you owned it, but they cannot legally sell the game anymore.

Right before they stopped selling the games, they gave all three away for free, though.

>> No.1896597

That list is almost as retarded as you.

>> No.1896604

I didn't know that was why they did that, but that explains why I have them in there since I also have hard copies and would otherwise have no reason to buy them again.

Bethesda is a garbage churn factory, but EA is worse. I have never forgotten how they ruined Ultima.

I miss the Black Isle era, that was the last true crpg golden age.

>> No.1896607

There's a high resolution patch that lets you play at 1920x1080. There's also a patch to restore things that were cut during development, but it's optional.

>> No.1896614

>no ultima
>fallout below arcanum

I can at least get Planescape, even though the actual game platy is shit, but I mean, come on.

>> No.1896616

If you're going above 1280x720 or so, I'd recommend 2x scaling for the HR patch since everything gets itty-bitty like >>1896574 said.

Also, aside from the cut-content patch, the author also made a bugfix patch, as well. You can get both at his homepage: http://killap.net/

If it's your first time through, I wouldn't recommend the cut-content patch since some of the content is buggy.

Both also include the HR patch, too, IIRC.

>> No.1896618

There's also the engine update patch, sfall. That said, the HR patch includes sfall (albeit, an older version), so installing it yourself isn't really necessary.

>> No.1896637

Ultima 8 is the only true isometric game. The engines for 6 and 7 used an oblique projection where one axis is half the size of the other two.

>> No.1896652


But it's coming back!



No, not really

>> No.1896778

I started playing Arcanum few years ago, and i still haven't finished it.

>> No.1897040

different type of games, from isometric rpgs to action-fps-rpgs

ignore FO3 totally, the writing is completely retarded, skyrim quests~npcs retarded. Obsidian takes the helm at NV, with many staff from the deceased Interplay/Black Isle, and then it looks like Fallout again. NV it's also kind of a continuation of FO2 so play after that

>> No.1897094

>I was working as a hitman and threw a grenade to kill someone across the street and some child ran across right when it blew up

Such is life in the wasteland.

>> No.1897103

>During this time, the employees did not receive their salaries, medical insurance, worker's compensation, and other benefits for many months.

It's scary how often this happens with game development companies.

>> No.1897105

Geneforge=GOAT. I've been playing through just the first and already I'm hooked.

>> No.1897210


Fallout MMO released September 1st.

Might be fun. Might be shit.

>> No.1897231


This could be a interesting version of FOnline, but it needs a combat system similar to dead nation.

>> No.1897243

I played 1 this year and loved it. It was my first isometric RPG. Haven't got around to 2 yet.

>> No.1897282

>better games of the genre.
there are none

>> No.1897449

>>1896616 this guy has it, the killap missing content patch is a must
>tfw saving suliks sister after 14 years

>> No.1898904

It's the mechanics' fault since they encourage degenerative gameplay.

>> No.1898908

Or they could have designed the game without mechanics that encourage degenerative gameplay

>> No.1898909

Arcanum's combat is bad even in TB mode.I would recommend making an OP build so you don't have to deal with the awful combat

>> No.1898915

Aside from the different perspective and type of combat they are fairly similar to NV. NV is basically a FO 1 and 2 style game made in FO 3's engine.

If you liked NV because of its quest design,reactivity, C&C and skill checks then you will probably like FO 1 and 2 as well.

>> No.1899015
File: 107 KB, 463x651, VaultPrivilege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast Shot with Extra Rate of Fire and 12 AP, you can shoot 6 times a turn with Gauss Pistol, and with a pretty high crit chance with Sniper and stuff

>> No.1899061
File: 261 KB, 640x480, scr00005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout 1 has crashed on me, twice. First time, I was in combat and scrolling through my inventory. Second time, it crashed as I attacked a giant mole rat. What might it be?

>> No.1899146

Fast shot was cool in 1 when you could actually get down to 1 AP with the Turbo Plasma and Super Sledge.

>> No.1899150

The problem with Geneforge is it gets worse and worse after 1 and 2...

Like the dev loses all creativity and just keeps making it for a cash check.

>> No.1899182

But it's only good near the end of the game, unless you go to navarro at the beggining of the game. Before that it is a pain.

Although, 6 gauss pistol shots with the sniper perk are a fucking destructive force (.223 pistol being a great contender). When my brother played fallout 2, he used the "mutate!" perk to get the "fast shot" trait later in the game, already having the sniper perk and a gauss pistol.

You're right, that trait is quite good given the right circunstances.

>> No.1899210 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 1024x768, Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire (05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna play JA2 COOP Multiplayer with my friend and I heard it's possible with 1.13. I have only played a vanilla version of the game.

Any help how to set it up? Do we need a hamachi to set up LAN or do we just need a public IP adress?

>> No.1899215

It's good in the beginning because you're too shitty for aimed shots anyway.

>> No.1899258

Yup, that's the proper way to utilize this trait. Add a level of Bonus Move for hiding behind corners and you're pretty much unstoppable. Before the Sniper perk and endgame, though, aiming for the eyes is a better idea than 1 AP less per shot.

>> No.1899528


>that pic

is that really in the game? if so that's hilarious

>> No.1899530


use FIXT

it could be your resolution too

>> No.1899814

Will FIXT break my save if I install it a few hours in?

Also I'm running at 800x600 on my second monitor. Is the game unstable with dual monitors?

>> No.1900014

>dat pic
>dat filename

top kek. Black Isle were fucking geniuses.

This thread made me play Fallout 1 (I only beaten fallout 2...I considered playing Fallout 1, but I didn't like being limited by time on my quest). Made an unarmed dude with fast shot and gifted traits. I'm currently having lots of fun.

(Tandi was such a lovable character)

>> No.1900021
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>Will FIXT break my save if I install it a few hours in?
Replying to myself

The answer is yes.

>> No.1900080


that blows

>> No.1900086

Rapid shot is incredibly worth it late game, it's just that it takes so long to get there it's not. Once you have 10 luck and sniper/slayer (So you critical every hit), you no longer need the critical bonus for shooting people in the eyes. Max your AP with an overcharged plasma rifle and rapid shot, and you'll be hitting for 150-250 damage a shot, 5 times a turn, and possibly strike instant death if you have better criticals. It also turns burst fire weapons into monsters.

Doesn't really matter though when you have to get to level 18 to see any benefit, however. I finished F1 at level 12, and I think F2 at 15.

>> No.1900142
File: 11 KB, 467x207, faust88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you'll have the same problem, but with the most recent steam update and FIXT at the same time, I had a crash when trying to blow up the base at the end of F1. Setting the timer to 3 minutes, no alert gave a crash, while any setting with alert did not.

>> No.1900152
File: 56 KB, 464x342, Checkit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's in a rare special encounter you can find while travelling, It's a cafe filled with a bunch of vault dweller player models that talk about how they were built when their player went thorugh the game

>> No.1900448
File: 151 KB, 640x480, scr00007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard people say that Swift Learner is a waste of a perk point since the main reason you want to level up is to get perks anyway. Thoughts? not sure which perk to pick

>> No.1900524

I remember using it on my first playtrough and it didn't make much difference on the long run. Perks that add point to your special stats thingie are more usefull

>> No.1900562

That early in the game what you usually get is awareness, so you can tell what the enemies' HP is and what they're packing (use the cursor on them during fights). Toughness, Quick pockets and earlier sequence are good to decent, in that order. Swift Learner is a waste. You don't want to level faster, you want to level smarter. Besides, XP is not a limited resource.

>> No.1900575

Regardless, this really isn't the game to ask for hints. Play the way you want to, have fun fucking up and once you "git gud", restart and go from there.

>> No.1900656


Earlier sequence is also a waste, it only has influence on the first turn after initiating combat.

>> No.1900797

It's one free turn to get away from a fight you can't win, which is of particular interest if you're not planning on a die>reload>die>reload experience. There's worse things to spend your perks on.

>> No.1901361

They're right. Swift Learner is a terrible perk. You'll be maybe half a level higher per rank than a character without it by the end of the game.

>> No.1901457
File: 174 KB, 1784x1740, vector___the_chosen_one_and_dogmeat___fallout_2___by_themidknightstar-d4nmxfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone read the Fallout Bible that came as extra content in the GoG version? It's pretty neat. Chris Avellone is my new hero. Dude is a full on fa/tg/uy, special system and all.

I think part of why I loved Fallout 1 and am liking Fallout 2 is how exhausted it makes me...because there's just SO much fucking content and so much...WORLD shoved into this game that it's just fucking astounding. And it's not copypaste or anything really. You know, like most "open world" games of today try to say they are.

>> No.1902874

Do the colors show up fine on newer windows for Fallout 1/2? I remember there being some problems on Win7 with the loading screens or something that wouldn't go away unless you used the hires patch.

>> No.1902901

>put 9 in perception
>small guns
>get a sniper
>enjoy the bloody gore and killing everything in one hit

Fallout is a bit too easy IMO.

>> No.1902945

>Using jinxed+the one perk of meaty deaths+10 in luck+burst mode

>> No.1902978

Cap 'em in the knees. They run away and can barely attack.

>> No.1902982

>Not shooting at the eyes
I shiggy diggy

>> No.1902993

Wanamingo don't have eyes.

>> No.1903001

>Not shooting wanamingos in the groin socket

>> No.1903007

It was running fine for me. Until I installed FIXT. Then the colors fucked up and I was getting screen flickering until I activated the hi res patch.

>> No.1903064


Sorry not too familiar with older games, did GoG used to host only abandonware?

Were there any other extras that came with the GoG version? I'd hate to think I'm missing something.

When I first saw the fallout loadscreens I thought they were fanart, and I was looking all over to find more, stuff like that really adds value to the experience.

>> No.1903075

I remember just running the TeamX patches with the hi-res patch on my old desktop to fix the colors. Otherwise everything was a mess.

I've never heard of FIXT and I don't think it works with Fallout 2 (of which, I'll probably be using Killap's unofficial bugfix patch).

Strange stuff, though.

>> No.1903083

gog is a legitimately licensed site. Abandonware is an excuse for piracy, not a legal term.

>> No.1903107

GoG sells actual games. They aren't an abandonware site. The game comes with some wallpapers, the manual, and the fallout bible. The loading screens are actual artwork made for the game, IIRC.

>> No.1903125
File: 148 KB, 800x600, lionheart 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this has kinda turned into a fallout thread, but has anyone other than me played Lionheart: legacy of the crusader?

It was actually one of my first rpg's so I suppose I'm biased but I really loved it.

It was the vaunted "Fallout Fantasy" Using the SPECIAL system. Its got black isle's name on it but I think it was actually made by reflexive.

Its set in a parallel 16th century Europe, after a terrible event where magic and demons have entered the world, Its filled with history and I really liked that.

Gameplay isn't fantastic to be honest, and the special system isnt well tuned for some builds, like melee characters, but music, writing, voice acting and maps are top notch.

The second half of the game is a grind fest, I have a feeling they rushed it or that black Isle just did the Barcelona section and left the rest to reflexive. The early questing around Barcelona is what made it worth it though.

>> No.1903130

But bethesda realised they could make more money selling it on steam then? Sounds kindof like Amazon right now. Capitalism needs competion to function well!

>> No.1903141
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 187668-lionheart-legacy-of-the-crusader-windows-screenshot-taking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its quite pretty, I think someone was trying to mod it ages ago, or at least reuse the city maps.

>> No.1903148

Anyone else feel like PC RPGs went to shit when everyone starting moving towards isometry? It's like developers just stopping giving a shit about good controls or game mechanics and focused on storytelling to the detriment of gameplay.

>> No.1903181
File: 60 KB, 800x600, lionheart brambles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a small reference to fallout; the tree dude.

If anyone wants the strategy guide email me

I'm not really old enough to say but I suppose what people want changes over time, personally If something has a good story i'll play it even if it has terrible mechanics, thats just what I'm like if the story hooks me. Mario games hardly had any story but the gameplay was great, so maybe you do have a point in there being a trade off.

Are you talking about any non Iso Rpg's in particular?

>> No.1903214

>Anyone else feel like PC RPGs went to shit when everyone starting moving towards isometry?

Mechanics and gameplay definitely took a nosedive, but I don't believe isometric views had a direct effect. You gotta remember that all the gold box games had isometric battles.

Personally I believe it was the inclusion of realtime combat. It's very hard to make interesting tactical decisions when the combat is all realtime.

>> No.1905387
File: 89 KB, 640x480, Diablo-Not-Enough-Inventory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must get around to playing the temple of elemental evil then. Anyone have any experience with it?

I gave Diablo 2 a try recently and ended up playing as a necromancer, it just seemed like so much effort to keep clicking on the relentless hordes, maybe I was doing it wrong or something though.

Couldn't make much headway in the desert with my necromancer though.
Think i'll have to give it another try.

>> No.1905410

I am struggling to get into Baldur's Gate. Don't hate me for this but I really can't stand the combat, it feels so chaotic and tedious, like a bad semi-automated Diablo clone. Any tips? I really want to enjoy the story.

Meanwhile I honestly love FO1 and FO2 combat once you get a few skill points and can actually hit stuff

>> No.1905463

Don't feel bad, the combat in the IE games is pretty poor, and that's coming from someone who likes them.

>> No.1906446

You can try that, but try not to be surprised when all that seemingly complex system it has reveals itself for a pick-your-spell-to-win, build-your-character-optimally deal with an awful UI and still a number of bugs even with all the patches.

>> No.1906536

I've never been a fan of the Infinity Engine in those games. Just feels clunky to me.

>> No.1906550


I still remember that old urban legends "do x and then you can bone Tandi"

>> No.1906551

>Are you talking about any non Iso Rpg's in particular?
One particular example that strikes me is what happened to Spiderweb Software's games after the Exile series when they made all their new ones isometric. I am really not a fan of their isometric games at all. They are tedious to navigate around in due to the automap being rotated 45 degrees for some insane reason, and they mostly feel like they have dumbed down mechanics and are more restrictive. In one of their most egregious errors, their latest non-retro game is a goddamn click-to-movefest without any of the numpad movement support they all at least had. Fuck any game that forces you to click on everything to get around, turn-based or real-time, that shit is fucking NOT FUN.

>> No.1906561

ToEE is the only game that I tried playing several times and each time I gave up just after the first town. It is just so... I don't know. Mechanic wise it is best port from actual D&D bud everything else is just... its like they made demo for game system.

>> No.1906648

I have to agree DnD rules are pretty impenetrable,
especially if you are eight and have never encountered them before.

Games do ask a lot from players, more than people realise.

With that sort of game I always just held down the mouse and directed myself that way, it didn't bother me that much.

>> No.1907893


It's one of the few games where being a necromancer was honest to god amazing.

>> No.1907913

Just by looking at the damn pointer I already know than this is one of those games that have a stupidly complex combat system that was almost completely exported from dungeon and dragons, clunky inventory system, and weird magic adquisition metods.

>> No.1908163

Guys, I have a problem.

I've been playing Fallout 1 today, and I've been all this afternoon exploring the glow. Here I fell in love with this fucking game.

>Going down on rope
>The tension of a desolated facility with burnt bodies
>Right! I got the Disk for the brotherhood, but what's down the elevator?
>dat suspense,
>dat dialogue with the main computer
>those files with the FEV development story.

I could only think "Brian Fargo and his team are awesome guys".

The problem is, that I got out of the glow, and after going to the map, I died. I lloked up why, and realized that I died because of radiation (I never faced that problem while playing fallout 2)

>Go to the wiki, look up for "radiation"
>If you have over 1000 radiation, you die in 24 hours
>Go to game
>activate geiger counter
>12.390 radiation

>I opened an editor and lowered my radiation level so I could live after leaving the area, but I kept dying after some hours
>Cheat 99 radaways into the file. drink those fuckers like crazy. Still dying

What can I do, /vr/? I just want to keep playing this aweseome game, but it seems that my saved game just dun goofed.

>> No.1908217

I have the same problem, only with 1700 rads or so because I forgot to eat another rad-X after reaching floor 4 until it was too late.
Also >Playing the sequel before the sequeled game

>> No.1908231

>Playing the sequel before the sequeled game

I know, it was a huge mistake. I played fallout 2 first because that was the first one I knew (my brother and I bought it on a flea market out of curiosity back in the 2000's) and I was already familiar with it. I missed a lot of the surprises that the secuel kept.

>What happened with Tandi
>"Yeah Deathclaws are totally an urban legend"
>What happened with the main character in the ending

All that good stuff.

At least that will not be the case when Mutants Rising finally gets done,

>> No.1908636

>It's one of the few games where being a necromancer was honest to god amazing.

Really? I thought the opposite was true, your mana would drain real fast If you had a summon, and to be honest alot of the enemies were undead to start with. Maybe I don't know how to build a mage huh.

I only ever played a fire mage or a ranged character, being an archer with high luck and crit chance really helps, just like fallout I suppose.

You could even fight unarmed but I never gave it a serious try.
To be honest it really needed a second quest hub area, like Barcelona, maybe a Persian city, because questing was the most fun, not running horde filled maps.

One great moment I remember:

>Down in a deep dungeon
>Its full of lava trolls
>I'm getting charred to a crisp
>thinking damn I could use a potion of fire protection right now
>See a skeleton
>Click it
>Ironically, it's holding a potion of fire protection, just what I needed
>This dude came prepared, but clearly didn't quaff it in time.
>That's a whole little story right there.
>Think to myself I best not let that happen to me.

Thats the most creative way I've seen of giving you something you need without it feeling like a deus ex machina.

>> No.1908809

Guys, how can I into Arcanum?
I can play M&M6-8, Fallout 1&2, BG and IWD, and PS:T no problem, I actually enjoy the graphics and combat.
But Arcanum is unplayable for me. I can't get past 1st zone before quitting in frustration. For some reason the graphics are unbearable and the combat system is mindbogglingly bad.

>> No.1909080
File: 136 KB, 640x480, scr00008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A child was killed by Dogmeat and it showed up in my Kills stat page. I heard that people will hate you if you kill a child, but nobody is reacting any different. Is it safe to assume this only applies to kills your character makes?

Play turn based, maybe even turn it down to Easy difficulty. The combat is not the appeal of that game.

>> No.1909148


Steam version is now incompatible with mods thanks to Bethesda/ZeniMax, so you'd be paying for less game.

>> No.1909157

I know it's actually a 2009 game in the style of older isometric RPGs, but what about Inquisitor? I found it very interesting from what I played of it, but fuck is it hard.

>> No.1909185

I had an argument a while back about it on /vr/.
It is hard, unpolished and what not. But when you think about it what isometric rpg isn't. For me it is a good game with good atmosphere. Sadly I haven't finished it when I first played it, moved for uni, but I've decided to play it again.



>> No.1909210

If you're a childkiller it shows up on the perks tab. Or maybe the karma one, can't remember. If it's not on there, you're safe.

>> No.1909278
File: 134 KB, 640x480, scr00010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I check my radiation level?

>> No.1909312

With a Geiger counter.

>> No.1909732

>Get out of the Glow
>Check radiation counter


>> No.1909739

Being a childkiller was just the best.

>> No.1909827

This one time I was bored and decided to figure out how much radiation a character can take before turning into an ooze. I did that by sleeping near the hole and reloading about fifteen times. If I remember correctly it's a signed word, 65535.

>> No.1909853

Nothing more satisfying than grave robbing then using your newly found collection of rocks to pelt the local children with.

>> No.1909857

>local children steal your Gauss rifle.

Kill them all.

>> No.1910283

>kill local children with your gauss rifle
>no one steals it

>> No.1910291

>Not playing Punch Fisto the magical knockout fairy

>> No.1910303

Speaking of which, playing unarmed in Fallout 2 is kind of magical. Power armoured troopers and super mutants exploding or flying off the map because of a 3AP unarmed strike are hilarious, plus there's a ton of xp and reputation traits in the boxing and kung fu quests.

>> No.1910628
File: 72 KB, 634x900, 1397265470816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

melee, throwing and gambling 4 lyfe

>> No.1910660

There is nothing, NOTHING more satisfying than local children stealing your LIT DYNAMITE.

>> No.1910662

Too bad the Restoration Patch "fixed" unarmed being viable on their way to repairing the Factory of Nothing Interesting between actually-needed bugfixes.

>> No.1910668


With my radiation level, I had to cheat 400 radaways into my save file, so I didn't die after going on the world map.

>> No.1910676

I'm playing fallout 1 with an unarmed character with fast shot and the "Bonus Hand to Hand Attacks" perk. With 9 AP's I'm hitting 9 times per turn.

Can't wait to have the slayer perk, or a mega fist.

>> No.1910714

I've been told that the deal with radiation is that it instantly kills you if one of your stats drops below 1, or if you have 1000 rads, kills you in 24 hours since exposure if you don't drop below that amount before then. The 1000 rads thing seems to be true, because I absorbed that much from fighting the master only to die once the endgame video finished (IE when you're getting expelled from the vault).

>> No.1910720

The sad thing is that I managed to complete the boxing and kung fu quests without spending any points in Unarmed, just by relying on my high criticals. While criticals are a nice addition to the system, I think they are far too decisive and reliable.

>> No.1910721

I'll share with you guys the ONE way to get a dual-wielding gunman badass without it being completely redundant:

The H&K P90C is a gun with a base AP of 4 and a burst-fire mode that uses up half its loaded ammo each use.
If you dual-wield H&K P90C guns you can eventually get in 4 bursts a round after 2 ranks of Action Boy, Bonus Rate of Fire and the Fast Shot perk, unloading all of their ammo into some poor asshole's torso. Best used after the RP's armor-pierce ammo fix but if you can get to Sniper you will rip anything to pieces regardless.

>> No.1910751

Criticals are the main factor in FO/2 being mostly a savescumming game.

>> No.1910779

As much as I like criticals, in practice they're pretty shitty. Doesn't matter how much armor your wearing or what sort of drugs your hopped up on, unless your health is incredibly high to survive a 300 shot, you're going to wind up reloading at some point if you do combat. I like that heavy armor will outright ignore some weaker weapons, but the armor piercing attribute should've been tied to certain weapons rather than on criticals.

There's also the issue that eye shot criticals do so much damage from the 2.5x multiplier and ignored armor that it's never worth targeting anywhere else, especially because your critical multiplier is lower. Why would I ever care to kneecap them when I could shoot them in the fucking head for 10 less accuracy?

Also, AP being tied so hard to agility sucks as well, to the point where Agility is the single most important combat stat. There's so many things I'd like to change in the original two fallouts but never will be able to, it's kind of disappointing.

>> No.1910814
File: 148 KB, 299x653, FFT_Bard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most isometric turnbased tactics games can be talked about ENDLESSLY for their design problems. Somehow they stand strong despite them anyway, or maybe just the combination of so many of them makes the game more complex and creates greater addictiveness.

>> No.1910834

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I fucking love Fallout and FFT and a lot of turn based strategy games. It's just when I look back, I start seeing different ways to handle things and wish I could do something about the shortcomings, if for no other reason than to just find out I'm not very good at design either.

I'm certainly no stranger to ancient systems that could use some rebalancing, I used to play a good amount of tabletop.

>> No.1910865
File: 1.53 MB, 696x945, tob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw The Big Book of We're So Sorry For Our Past Mistakes Please Forgive Us is still banned by like 80% of d&d groups for being 'overpowered'

>> No.1910896
File: 42 KB, 360x471, The_Book_of_Weeaboo_Fightan_Magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, that thing brings back some memories. What happened to you, /tg/?

>> No.1911310

>[the avernum series is] tedious to navigate around in due to the automap being rotated 45 degrees for some insane reason

I dunno, I got used to that pretty fast

>they have dumbed down mechanics and are more restrictive

streamlining the mechanics was the best change from exile to avernum after iso perspective. exile was more complicated but the complexity (for the most part) didn't really add to the fun

the avernum 2 reboot got announced today which is pretty neat. i'm not really into their other IPs but the avernum series is so warm and nostalgic. granted it's not an amazing groundbreaking game but I like it

>> No.1911318

You ask /tg/ how to balance 3e, people WILL tell you "Ban core, allow psionics and ToB".

>> No.1911462

>mad baldurfag detected
The story and gameplay were shite in BG games, get over it.

>> No.1911476

Modern D&D is such a bag of sphincters. There are hundreds of better systems nowadays.

The truly terrible thing is that publishers keep trying to cram the D&D system into a video game, despite the fact that it's explicitly a pen and paper system.

>> No.1911508
File: 35 KB, 230x328, Mobile_Fighter_G_Gundam_DVD_volume_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kind of magical
You called?

>> No.1911541

At least D&D can sort of fit into a video game since it's mostly mechanical. Trying to fit WoD or FATE or some of the more "loose" systems into a video game is next to impossible without striping out all the stuff that makes it great.

>> No.1911583

I agree. So many of the spells in Exile were absolute trash with only a handful of actually useful ones.

>> No.1911628


that's true... although I was mostly referring to the skill system. are you gonna get excited about the avernum 2 reboot with me?

>> No.1911645 [DELETED] 

>Video games
>not toys




>> No.1911650

Not that guy but I'm pretty fuckin' excited for it. The first reboot was pretty fun to play having gone through the original Exile so many times back in the day. I played some Avernum 2 but never Exile 2 so I was just thinking about starting it up when news of the reboot came last month.

I wonder if they'll ever fix that bug that empties every container in the world.

>> No.1911652 [DELETED] 

Nice shitpost I upvoted it.

>> No.1911660 [DELETED] 





>> No.1911662

No, I but I think shitposting is shitposting.

>> No.1911669 [DELETED] 

Stupid noob, you're probably underaged. i'm a hardcore gamer whose prestige 10 at CoD, and I say that only real video games involves running down hallways with a single objective. Take your open world "toys/prostitutes" and go play in the kiddy pool. #BTFO

>> No.1911712



Thanks for remindiing me that it's time to watch this show again. Onslow is probably my favorite sitcom character of all-time.

P.S. you forgot OH NOICE

>> No.1911737 [DELETED] 

Fo2 is not a good game. A lot of old-timers like to reminisice about it, but it was basically a cash-in, just like FO3 and FO:NV. In fact, I even like F2 less than F3, because the guys @ Bethesda were true fans, even if they couldn't quite make a game equal to the FO legacy, they at least tried; the FO2 guys were just there for a paycheck.

>Start a new F2 char
>Head south straight to SF
>Go to Chinatown; get the mission to infiltrate the base at Navaro or whatever
>The guy standing guard @ the entrance to the Navaro military base is an unarmed, robed FOA fool; kill him, sneak around him, whatever.
>Grab power armor, energy rifles, etc. from the base; be ridiculously strong for the rest of the game.
>Game over.

>> No.1911796

That's not really any different from the seven minute speed run of F1. Guy goes to the military base at start, gets captured, steals stuff out of a locker, blows up base, then runs to the cathedral to do the same with some stolen robes. The game is literally over before some people even make it out of the starting cave.

F2 is more like a game built by community modders with a large budget. There's a lot of stuff added in their for the "cool" factor, a lot of silly references and jokes that don't mesh with the rest of the theme, and a bunch of guns that sort of violate the design rules. I can appreciate there's more stuff in there, but it just doesn't feel as coherent as Fallout 1. Fallout 3 just feels dull and bland, although they did an ok job of sticking to the Fallout lore and spirit. And at least like any Bethesda game, there's a ton of unmarked stuff to explore.

>> No.1911848
File: 66 KB, 570x764, 1407472264790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing fallout combat with anything less than 10 AG

>> No.1911853

>although they did an ok job of sticking to the Fallout lore and spirit

you're embarrassing yourself heavily

>> No.1911856

What about 9A for minmaxing?

>> No.1911869

Compare it to the tons of real-life firearms in F2 that just feel out of place or the combustion fuel using vehicles of FT, and yeah. It did at least as good of job not breaking the style of Fallout.

What it completely and utterly failed on is the writing, imo. The vampire quest, THEY, Superhero Showdown, the DC supermutants being as weak as raiders, the entire main game being about finding your dad to complete some silly project when the rest of the world has little trouble with water purification is terrible. The one quest I thought was kind of interesting (That android one) ultimately was short and not as good as it could've been.

>> No.1912651

I like brotherhood of steel

>> No.1912670

Early game is most difficult so it's worth the loss of maximum stat points.

>> No.1912729

nigga you ded
Did you play chess with the computer?

>> No.1912742


>> No.1912760

Needing to cast three different spells constantly to receive the same equivalent of blessing and haste is not streamlining. What really did splitting blessing into attack boost and defense boost accomplish?

>> No.1912765
File: 267 KB, 640x480, Captura de pantalla de 2014-09-02 17:31:19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck damn it. I had 8 Intelligence, so I tried multiple times to win at chess,


I used an editor and cheated 400 radaways in my inventory. I tried to lower my radiation level via editor, but it didn't took away my "radiated" status, and I died anyway. So I will be applying one radaway after another.

Wish me luck.

>> No.1912772

I already tried that, I die all the same.

>> No.1912773

Enjoy your Radaway addiction.

>> No.1912774

Yo should really read the fallout bible.

>> No.1912910
File: 268 KB, 640x480, Captura de pantalla de 2014-09-02 17:29:45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were right...fuck

I had an old save from before I obtained the water chip, so at least I won't have to restart the whole game.

I'll have a look at it.

>> No.1913205

>Did you play chess with the computer?
Wait, what? I suppose I'll go read the fallout bible now as well. Damn, I had close to 100% radiation resistance when I went down into the Glow.

>> No.1913220

>Fuck doing challenge runs, I want my games as easy as possible

>> No.1913228

>The original intent of Jess Heinig when he designed ZAX was for it to be beatable in chess if you have 10 Intelligence. Unfortunately, the game engine did not handle critical successes for SPECIAL score checks, even though testing for such a case was scriptable - thereby resulting in a script condition that cannot be fulfilled. Attempting to beat ZAX at chess also has a devious side-effect: Since each game of chess takes a significant amount of time, a player who plays dozens of games in the hopes of eventually beating ZAX will almost certainly accumulate a lethal dose of the Glow's background radiation.

>> No.1913365
File: 205 KB, 640x480, Captura de pantalla de 2014-09-02 17:52:52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>1912910 and I'm actually reading the bible:


>"If you have a character with a 10 Intelligence, there is a vanishingly small chance to best ZAX in chess.
This is a doomed experiment for you, though. It will take you so long to finally win that your Rad-X will
have worn off. You'll stand up from the chess game and then keel over dead from megadoses of radiation
in the Glow. Some days, I am an evil man."


You son of a bitch.

(I'm replaying the damn thing, though. This game is awesome)

>> No.1913658

>What really did splitting blessing into attack boost and defense boost accomplish?

nerfing bless, obviously

>> No.1913689
File: 53 KB, 300x200, OutsidersBeTrippin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be proud, Brother Anon

>> No.1915306
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>everyone saying they are dying of radiation

and all I did was stockpile Rad x and the glow as ez pezee

>> No.1915606
File: 33 KB, 848x900, arino_smile_and_optimism_gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Fallout 3 right now, and I can see how easy it is and I know about what happened with Van Buren.

I do like the item collecting though in order to trade for cash, that's a nice thing about 3. But I'm dumbfounded by how fucking OP I am right now, and I've only been playing for 2 hours.

is there anything lorewise that 3 fucks up about 1 and 2? I just ran into some Feral Ghouls, I don't remember those in the original. Most of the enemies are pretty lame: dogs moles and raiders. They don't really give me much trouble with my vats on.

>> No.1915651
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, Starting a new Fallout 1 game.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1915660
File: 28 KB, 350x335, 1405976028451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you just fucking punch the rat in its eye you scrub, that is its weakness

>> No.1915673
File: 559 KB, 1024x768, faust1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not going with Bruiser for the +2 strength
>Picking gifted, at all.
>Actually getting more than one attack per turn.

>> No.1915678

Due to a bug, you can't actually win against the ZAX, even with 10 int.

>> No.1915718

>Saving game is savescumming
backing up your save when game deletes them is savescumming. Stop using this word.

>> No.1915842

Guys, are there any games of this type I could get running on my PSP? The closest I'm aware of is Shadowrun SNES, and everything else claiming to be an rpg tends to be a diablolike.

>> No.1915891
File: 278 KB, 406x385, 1349669795362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's pretty good

>> No.1917724
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x2024, 415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at last at level 24 with sniper perk and alien blaster Im whipping my arse with enclave soldiers at navarro all by myself, 6 goddamn shots in a row 6 deaths in a row - all critical hits around 100 points of damage.
I wouldnt call sniper perk overpowered as it requires high level to reach and fallout combat involves little to no tactics and responsible decision making but there is no better feeling then whipping ass with crowds of enemies you wouldnt even dreamed about taking all by yourself just at 1 lever lower than you are now .
brb taking frank horrigan

>> No.1917789

That's not a bug, nor is it impossible.

At any INT lower than 10, ZAX cannot be beaten. At 10 INT, it can, but the odds are extremely low (>5% per attempt at the minimum). This was all by design.

>> No.1917821

this is damn accurate

>> No.1917849
File: 225 KB, 1024x768, PyrokineticStream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been getting my Fallout fix lately from this work-in-progress indie thing called Underrail. I fucking love most of it. The one problem I have is that just when I'm getting into a good rhythm and starting to be able to craft some decent shit, I run face-first into the no-warning bullshit level 20 cap. The dev talks about how it's going to be higher later, but he's released massive new chunks of content without raising it and I'm starting to get pissed.

>> No.1918798

I actually didn't like Fallout 2 that much, yet Fallout 1 is one of my all time favourite games. Fallout 1 had an overarching theme that went through the game, it was mostly linear but still very open. Events were timed and there was a sense of urgency to the game. With the second game, it was so open that it felt disjointed. I guess that kind of roleplaying freedom is what most people prefer. Not to mention the pop culture references falling flat and that fucking random event that makes the dog follow you, totally shitting out your luck. It took me a while to figure what was going on and it basically soured my entire first run of the game. I just couldn't get into Fallout 2. Maybe I had a wrong build because I felt extremely underpowered throughout the game. I could barely pass the final section.

>> No.1918923

>Oh the irony.
That's not ironic. It's actually the exact opposite of ironic...

On of Metzger's guards missed me and killed a kid. The entire town trying to attack them was a great distraction as I killed them all...

Ah, the old "Raging Pathological Murderous Psychopath" playthrough. I always lose steam when I'm in The Hub because there's just so many fuckers there.

>> No.1920371

Baldur's Gate series will always be best because it used True AD&D and is the best implementation of its rules in computer form.

Zillions of hours of gameplay. Can Fallout or Torment boast this? To rise in level with True AD&D experience tables, this is what is best in life. The gold pieces are real in True AD&D for you feel them.

>> No.1920383

>True AD&D
This is actually why I don't like BG.

>> No.1920448

>Playing as a melee in F2
>Trap all of my friends in a room behind me while I put myself in such a way that the IA feels the need to send everyone to my face
>Kill half of navarro in that door

>> No.1920463

I agree. Fallout and Fallout 2 are one of the better examples of "quality VS quantity" that I can think about.
>Inb4 ironic anon appears to scream about how F2 is just ironically bad, hence good

>> No.1920484

Seems most of the /v/ presence is joining V-Tec. They even have a small general going in /vg/ about it.


>> No.1920494

>+2 strength for what is effectively -4 Agility
shit build m8, Gifted is always infinitely superior to anything in F1/2

>> No.1920534

I am scared anon.
Should I risk?

>> No.1920871
File: 119 KB, 800x600, usingdoorseffectively.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


doors and doorways are SO fucking important during fights

I literally used this to my advantage during the Navarro base and Enclave. I wish stuff like shelves and windows would work with the combat but it doesn't. I love games that utilize terrain in their combat.

>> No.1920876

i also cleared out metzger's den just by locking shit and shooting through doorways/windows

>> No.1920893

Windows work in combat.

>> No.1920981

it's fun, the guys in the mumble aren't totally xD /b/ LE RANDUMBS and don't all sound like whiny spergs

join the steam group, join the steam chat, play with the dudes or ask to join the mumble in-game on V-Tec

>> No.1920993

The makers of either fallout 1 or two went on kickstarter to make a sequel to the old DOS game wasteland...so if you like FO2...you'd like that too more than likely.


>> No.1921028


>tell a friend that I heard that Brian Fargo had something to do with Fallout 1 and Wasteland, and how they are similar in some ways cuz Fallout was inspired by Wasteland

>he spergs out on me telling me that Wasteland has absolutely nothing to do with Fallout and how I'm an idiot for thinking that

it fucking says "Brian Fargo presents: Fallout 1" right at the beginning of the fucking game. Avellone loved Wasteland. So did the fucking team. They are quoted as saying that. The nerdrage is real jesus christ.

>> No.1921037
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there are Desert Rangers in Fallout 2

your friend is a retard

>> No.1921043


Your friend sounds like a big tard because wasteland and fallout are similar in a lot of ways I'd say.

and now the sequel to wasteland is being done by people involved with fallout

>> No.1921212

What if he's not built for melee?

>> No.1921439

>I wish stuff like shelves and windows would work with the combat but it doesn't.
Lock door
Use action points to move towards window, shoot and move away from the window
Repeat till enemies are dead

>> No.1922341

the pipe rifle is enough

>> No.1922404

you can't lock doors

>> No.1922434

>barely having enough AP to shoot and reload AND run away

>> No.1922492

You can, at least in Fallout 2. I think you even get experience for locking previously non-locked doors. Locking some doors in Metzger's guild is one known way to make the fight easier, for example.

>> No.1922565
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>mutants keep killing my doge
why is this allowed.

What can I do in order to level up enough to take on these assholes

>> No.1922580

Pump him full of drugs.

>> No.1922589

Dogmeat or my character?

>> No.1922593

Dogmeat. Your own resistance should be decent with the power armor.

>> No.1922596

FO1 companions don't level up. If Dogmeat is hurt, you can give him Stimpacks. Which, by the way, makes it very easy to keep him alive in Military Base.

>> No.1922597

You shouldn't even bother with Fallout 3. It's not a bad game, by any means, but if you want a true Fallout game, go for New Vegas.

>> No.1922909

...and the people who made Fallout made Wasteland first...

>> No.1922980

They also made Bard's Tale.

>> No.1923096

EEh, New Vegas unfucks the skill system and actually feels like a Fallout game. 3 is okay, but it's not really Fallout...

What, not gonna play PoS either?
>I kid
>That evil

>> No.1923183

Kinda the same with some Resident Evil fans that deny the Alone in the Dark inspiration.

>> No.1923294

There's just one tiny problem with this.
AD&D sucks a big one.

Planescape Torment is the only D&D based game I could bear to play. And I gave the BGs more than 1 chance.

>> No.1923386

>3 is okay, but it's not really Fallout...
honestly, i wouldnt say New Vegas is a Fallout game either purely because its an FPS

>> No.1923598

Planescape Torment combat is shit as well as the rest of the gameplay your bias is showing

>> No.1923757
File: 85 KB, 611x670, glow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the best piece of vediogaming I ever experienced and will ever experience. The Ambient music and sounds too man... It's just too perfect.

About your problem, this is fallout, you fail, you try again, don't cheat your way out of the situation

so fucking good, the vibe it sets, the technological sounds you can hear faintly, the synths... GOD

>> No.1923897

Nah dude, that's just too much purism. Fallout's combat mechanics were a solution to generating a combat in a RPG, not the defining part of the game's genre.

So, if Fallout was a Tactical Turn Based Shooter *first* then an RPG second, I'd say you were right. But as it's stands it's an RPG.
I'd then say NV was an RPG before it was an FPS, though that is a little more debatable.

>Though, even though NV is more like Fallout, FO3's combat was actually much more similar, because the gun mechanics sucked so bad...
>Sniping with iron sights with like 15 in guns in NV afterall

>> No.1923934

>continuing old FO1 save
>take out an item from companion mule, can't put it back (while pickpocketing)
>suddenly companions won't accept barters, they suddenly became jews
>didn't receive any reward for scouting quest for brotherhood
Why am I even playing this piece of shit gog version?

>> No.1924383
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Am I not supposed to be here yet

>> No.1924503

You just need an IV drop of Stimpacks

>> No.1924838

Nigga why you not patching?

>> No.1924858

get the Team X patches

Fuck Fallout Fixt. it adds too much unnecessary shit. starting with flamethrowing? too much

>> No.1925070
File: 707 KB, 1920x1080, scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am about to replay Baldur's Gate 2, but I desperately need some quick advice.

What mods should I use? Tutu and Unfinished Business are the two that jump out at me so far. I'm looking for a "full" experience with the most content available, while still being relatively faithful to the creator's intentions

>> No.1927930

sword coast stratagems
much more challenging combat

>> No.1928014

Any reason why the updated steam version make me experience MASSIVE slowdown randommly when entering locations like new reno and San Fransisco?

>> No.1929687

Bethesda offered the old Fallout games on did something to fuck them up. You could try finding the GOG versions online or just the isos.

>> No.1930475


I agree with you.

This part of the game made me think again of games as an experience (even an artistic experience). It made me remember when I was a teenager and I was at 4 AM rushing through Ray Bradbury and Julio Cortazar's books. The sense of wonder and curiosity for the world presented to you is awesome.

I wasn't just "entertained". I was fucking engaged.

And yes, I won't cheat my way out. I had an old save from before getting the water chip. At least there were only 2 hours of lost gameplay instead of 4

a fist bump to you, glow/vr/o

>> No.1930945

>Ray Bradbury and Julio Cortazar's books
>Putting them in the same line
>Putting that pretentious shit in the same line as Bradbury
I'll let you know, Ray Bradbury is screaming at you from his tomb.

>> No.1931007


>> No.1931092

Ray Bradbury probably wouldn't be as autistic as you are. I bet he's just fine on his grave.