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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 63 KB, 332x293, 1407637603971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1892569 No.1892569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD - Last thread >>1888634
(other retro FPS games also welcome, chances are we played 'em too)

FAQ/Pastebin, updated semi-frequently

http://vrdoom.weebly.com/ (obsolete)

##Our WADs can be found here!##

Steam Group:
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/vrDOOM (unused)

IRC (Password is in the FAQ.)
Channel: #vr


Wanna learn...

>More about Doom? Check the OFFICIAL Doom Wiki!

>To create maps?

>To open/Edit WADs/PK3/etc for mod compatibility?
http://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloads (download 3.1.0)

>How to load multiple WADS and mods at the same time? - ZDL (v3.2.2.2)

/idgames torrent (as of Nov.25, 2013; 12 GBs of wads, 18 years worth of user-made content!)

Vanilla/Boom related projects can be found here

ZDoom mods/projects can be found here

>> No.1892571


The Doom infographic image got updated, ask for it in the thread!

Doomhack! It's...well, it's something. It's also legal now! http://pastebin.com/X5dddz3F

Doom 4 reveal! Well, kinda. Only those who went to Quakecon got to see it, but here's a basic rundown of what was shown. http://pastebin.com/W8P7fdq3

The rumor mill/Tarnsman says Back to Saturn X's 2nd episode will come out on August 31st (6 days away!).

Because we don't have enough Plutonia wads (I guess), Plutonia 1024 is near! (Sept 1st) http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1286407

Demonsteele lets you slash demons, Donte style; while being lml METAL lml . Try it here! https://github.com/TerminusEst13/Folded1000Times

Here's a music stream that only plays Doom music, 24/7; feel free to listen if you're interested http://liquiddoom.net/

Hocus Doom got an update a few weeks ago! It's a pretty neat TC, check it out: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=45804


200 Minutes of /vr/: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=17781
GMOTA: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=742401
HDoom: http://www.best-ever.org/download?file=m12-hdoom-techdemo5.pk3
Metroid Dreadnought: http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4561
The Space Pirate: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxbbtKR5bll_anFPaVhUQVZqcnM/edit?usp=sharing (tutorial: http://youtu.be/mrFF8LCZw5Y))

Doom RPG: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=33292
DoomRL Arsenal: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=37044
Hideous Destructor: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=12973
Pirate Doom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=32674

Got something news-worthy? Reply to this post, or it'll likely be missed.

>> No.1892587


If the website/steam is unused/obsolete, wouldn't it be best to nix them from the post?

>> No.1892589

Good work!

>> No.1892591


I was actually going to, but then I decided not to do it to avoid an unnecessary shitstorm pretty earlier in the thread

As a matter of fact I'm looking forward to compress the OP as much as I can for the rest of this thread.

>> No.1892596

Nice OP, anon, you did good

>> No.1892601
File: 657 KB, 500x281, revenant kills doomguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What OBLIGE settings does /doom/ usually roll with?

Also, is there a decent source port for Android yet?

>> No.1892618

I haven't used OBLIGE other than generating .wads to fuck around with DRPG/DRLA/DRLM in for a while.

I'm a fan of wider open arenas with few/no agitating skellies and hitscanners. Usually have lots of barons/imps/archviles on the really fun ones.

>> No.1892627


>> No.1892669

I played through doom a few days ago and absolutely love that style of gameplay so I thought I'd ask you folks since you'll probably know what are some doom-esque games? I plan on getting duke nukem 3d but I know there's other goodins out there.

>> No.1892671

You have the Final Doom iwads, you have the other Doom engine games like Hexen (more exploratory-switch based), Heretic (more outright doomy), Strife (more story focused), then you have the BUILD engine games like Shadow Warrior, Duke Nukem 3D, Blood.. Plenty of goodies.

>> No.1892672

Found this game

>> No.1892676

Chex Quest

>> No.1892689

Yeah but its 2 bucks

>> No.1892704

what's it called?

>> No.1892705

>Hexen (more exploratory-switch based)
What anon means to say is that Hexen is like Doom except boring.

>> No.1892706


Don't forget the centaurs which bring the flow of the gameplay to a goddamn screeching halt, and centaurs are extremely common foes.

>> No.1892713

Doom Touch but you need your own iwads.

>> No.1892714

b-b-but I like hexen ;_;

>> No.1892715
File: 44 KB, 670x531, 1403135023889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should edit this to be a Centaur.

>> No.1892718

Anyone else love that game?

>> No.1892719

I like the aesthetics, the design, the graphics, sound and music, but I just find the gameplay to be a sluggish chore.
You shouldn't have to switch and key hunt as much as you do, and the Centaur is annoying as shit to deal with.

>> No.1892720


Hexen has a great art style, character design, and weapon sprites.

But fuck the gameplay.

>> No.1892721

Here here. \o

>> No.1892723

Oh yeah, I understand you completely. I wish there'd be mods that focused more on more straight up action or more lenient exploring than just switch hunts.

>> No.1892724

I do, I really like the setting and design for that game as well, it has a very special charm to it that few other things have, I wish it had a sequel or user made content worth talking about.

I love it, but if you've played it once, there's little else to it, and that makes me sad because I really wish there was more, there's so many things one could do with it's textures, the setting and plot, it's strange how that hasn't happened.

>> No.1892725


>> No.1892729
File: 2.61 MB, 400x400, 1401569160250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When new monsters don't have a custom bloodcolor to match their sprites

>> No.1892741
File: 197 KB, 1052x736, 1404368208270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gives me enough OCD to begin with that the Caco and Knight blood doesn't match their sprites.

>> No.1892746
File: 155 KB, 499x396, 3241636246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried.

>> No.1892748

I mean, it's trivial to fix it myself, but come on.

>> No.1892753

Thanks guys.

>> No.1892805 [DELETED] 

>yasou in charge of carrying

>> No.1892813
File: 86 KB, 480x270, 1404162223570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want to know is whether I can use its persistent level system and streaming with doom iwads.

>> No.1892831
File: 2.90 MB, 853x480, Hunters.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd share what I've been working on.

>> No.1892856

DooMRL + DooMRPG are my new friends.

Which megawads do you recommend to play with them?

>> No.1892862


Oh! Forgot to tell I'm just started HellBound as a Renegade.

>> No.1892896

There's a bunch of stuff you can try out like Scythe 2, any of the popular megawads, Back to Saturn X, etc.

>> No.1892921


It's Doom with medieval features, better graphics and more cool features.


The sequel of Heretic. But i didn't like it much.


It's Doom + a kickass storyline. Maybe the most underrated game of all time.

>> No.1892923

>Doom Confessions

I've never played Mordeth.

>> No.1892924

I'm a little confused by this. Are you controlling them? Is that a thing?

>> No.1892935


No, I spawned them in using "summonfriend".

It's just to show that I have started working on Marathon enemies for Monster Mixer.

>> No.1892939
File: 9 KB, 349x314, 1314074582773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jojo.wad when?

>> No.1892947

Eh, I didn't like Heretic that much. I thought the level design was really boring.

Are there any good level mods for it?

>> No.1892950 [DELETED] 

Sup /vr/onies? How's it hanging?

Just wanna say I was visiting /v/ for a while and I had forgotten just how terrible that board actually is. You guys are lame but damn compared to them you are a godsend. You're the worst we have on /vr/ but life is all about relativity so overall you're not actually so bad. I guess that shows how much better /vr/ is as a board than /v/. Just sayin'. As you were, kids.

>> No.1892953 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 421x399, z07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1892959 [DELETED] 

Do not respond to any of the two posts above

>> No.1892969
File: 142 KB, 358x500, laughing lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you just did that.

>> No.1892976

So how's that Vivian mod coming along?

>> No.1892989

What's a good place to pick up Strife, and what source port should I run it on?

>> No.1892993

Feel free to use GZDoom, you won't miss much, but there IS a Chocolate Strife.

>> No.1893018 [DELETED] 

If you're going to do the next thread you might as well trip for it.

>> No.1893021
File: 15 KB, 168x363, 58R4Srj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that you have absolutely ZERO business defending someone's questionable works if you're playing them on Skill 1, which in most of the cases isn't that much considered by mappers (or at all)


Progressive, with weak monsters; even if you follow these, you might encounter a Cyberdemon around MAP07

>is there a decent source port for Android yet?

Not that I know; I was about to link you to a program based on PrBoom but it seems it has "online verification DRM" or some shit like that


It hasn't even begun, but I can guarantee you people will start to use the Doom monster sprites with the corrected offsets and clean pixels anytime soon. Not that it's a bad idea, mind you. But people are going to have a little bit of a hard time getting used to the new offsets

>> No.1893028

For vanilla I'd recommend DOSBox over Chocolate Strife at this time, as it needs more testing. They don't have the luxury of source code unlike Doom/Heretic/Hexen.

>> No.1893031

Heretic guns feel so bad though.
And I really don't think the graphics were so good. Hexen, that one I liked.

>> No.1893035

Does it actually play any differently?

>> No.1893046

I'd assume not, it'll be more faithful than GZDoom guaranteed. It's just probably too new to trust as much as you would the other Chocolate games.

>> No.1893048

>PrBoom port
Have as much fun as you possibly can.

>> No.1893067

That works, thank you!

>> No.1893094
File: 846 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20140827_200326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i summoned myself a friend

>> No.1893106


That invisibility will do him well.

>> No.1893108


They'll never know.

>> No.1893127


>> No.1893129


Looks just as clunky as the bike mod it was based off.

>> No.1893138

looks like shit honestly. One of the funniest parts of carmageddon is seeing your car or the enemies' car losing pieces everywhere or have them hanging, and having your car changing its shape depending on where you hit. I don't see how you can reproduce that without extensively modifying the engine.

>> No.1893153
File: 909 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20140827_204003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw chocolates

>> No.1893190

Who said we don't have anything else to discover?


>> No.1893191
File: 21 KB, 503x232, quake quacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1893192

I found a carmageddon resource thread for you on the ZDoom forums.. unfortunately the download is broke, due to being hosted on drdteam before it first got killed.

I've requested a reupload at the following link so you can keep an eye on it if you want in case it does get reuploaded.

>> No.1893201

Changelog for the lazy:

New Quake Live Ruleset

Players may now hold jump to continuously jump.
Players may now hold forward and jump to 'bunny hop', allowing them to slowly gain up to 2x their base movement speed.
Introduced Loadouts in select modes; allowing players to select one Primary Weapon (hmg, rl, lg, rg) and one Secondary Weapon (sg, gl, pg, mg).
Added the command "weapon toggle" to toggle between your Primary and Secondary weapons. Defaults to "f" for new users.
Unified weapon respawn time to 5 seconds across all game modes.
Unified friendly fire, disabled across all game modes.
Added global Ammo Packs, in lieu of weapon specific ammo, where each pack grants you a small amount of ammo for each weapon in your inventory.
Reduced ammo respawn time from 40 seconds to 10 seconds.
Added in-world item timers for "major" items, including armors, megahealth, power-ups, and medkit.
Items have taller pickup collision boxes, so that players will not miss items as they jump over them.
Added Power-up Spawn POIs, that appear 10 seconds before a power-up spawns.
Added Power-up POIs, that indicate when an available power-up is available in the arena.

Overall I'm okayish with this if I'm honest. Eases new players into the game while not absolutely destroying everything, I think people overreacted a bit. For example, strafe jumping still exists and is better than bhopping.

>> No.1893205

Should've just had it as an optional thing...

>Added global Ammo Packs, in lieu of weapon specific ammo, where each pack grants you a small amount of ammo for each weapon in your inventory.

This sounds stupid as shit though.

>> No.1893206

if this changelog was released ten, even five years ago, people would've accused them spunking their April Fool's load waaaaay early. jesus fucking christ. it's like a bad parody.

>> No.1893210

>Should've just had it as an optional thing...
It is. Read the article.

>> No.1893219
File: 372 KB, 854x859, 1373336098697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice find.. though it was a pretty jerk-ish response from American McGee, especially toward an homage

>> No.1893228
File: 1.30 MB, 2000x1300, gentleman_Blaz_and_koreaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im like one whole week behind..

>> No.1893232

Revenant does seem like the kind of skinny dude you'd see working at a burger stand.

>> No.1893239

Sounds like the people in charge of the game have never really played it before. Like completely tone deaf.
>Hey, why isn't this game like these other popular games? Let's change that!

>> No.1893251

What's the one mod where you get to play as every protagonist from the series

>> No.1893260
File: 119 KB, 800x800, Tarkin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to stay away from the addons (except Kyle Katarn and Serious Sam).

>> No.1893261


>> No.1893267

Classic Rivalry

>> No.1893268



Samsara: The Retro FPS Encounter

>> No.1893269

Haven't touched the Serious Sam one. Where do I get it. And also Kyle Katarn while I'm at it. Formatted a while ago.

>> No.1893276

what about the one where you play as the Antagonists?

>> No.1893278

As far as I know Sam isnt finished yet, but it looks very promising.
Katarn is here, the one and only decent addon:

>> No.1893280

Thank you so much!

>> No.1893283


Warning, may contain small traces of earrape

>> No.1893292

What addons? Which FPS classes are included?

>> No.1893294

it may be a setup, lets see how it develops

>> No.1893296


Fucking hell this is magnificent.
Do you mind if I repost this? Do you have a site/tumblr/dart I can link to, or should I credit Caco-Bro?

>> No.1893298


>ss addon


>> No.1893308

Hoo, just went through Sapphire with Demonsteele. That was a fun ride, I recommend it.

>> No.1893310


Looks alright for an early test I'd say !

I love carmageddon. But I mostly like it for the physics, I doubt there's any way to reproduce that in Doom.

I guess it could be cool to have a "grand theft doom" with a huge sprawling city map/hub and you can use the car to move behind missions and buildings and shit...

>> No.1893324
File: 17 KB, 305x330, FlyingBFGRdux.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1893330
File: 1.58 MB, 320x182, 1394139886447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to switch to Xonotic and Warsow, foo'.

>> No.1893331


>> No.1893332


There's something really touching about a wad made by the father years ago getting polished and enhanced by the son.

>> No.1893337

Caleb (Blood)
Freeley (Rott)
Blakestone (Blakestone)
Mooman (dont know)
Doom64guy (Doom 64)
Seal (Corridor 7)
Grondoval (Witchaven)
Eleena (dont know)
Lo Wang (Shadow Warrior)
Morgan Freeman (Half Life)

>> No.1893338

At least this one sprite. Not too keen on doing a million leathery flying baron sprites.

>> No.1893340
File: 53 KB, 948x711, morgan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Morgan Freeman

My, my, wouldn't that be something?
Why, I can almost imagine it. Picking up a shotgun and mowing down hordes of zombies.

I don't think there's anything quite so fine as that kind of weapon. Ooh, the thought just makes me tingle.

>> No.1893346

Pure arena shooter fun, none of the corporate bullshit.

>> No.1893347


The thought of ripping and tearing those huge guts just gives me goosebumps all over my body.

>> No.1893349

Well fuck
meant to say Gordon Freeman

>> No.1893352

I actually wouldn't mind the addons if they were balanced. The redundant roles they play aren't really an issue for me.

Doom 64 Guy and Kyle Katarn are alright though. And I didn't remember hating Blake Stone...

>> No.1893353


We know anon, we know...

>> No.1893354

Because it's not what it was meant to be, think of it, at this point QL is no longer the Quake that these people wanted to play. Considering the way that this update is I'd rather play something else at this point.
Much like Runescape's EoC it drove me to actually play another mmorpg that had the same sort of combat system and actually did it better rather than playing the newer version of it, along with other updates that Jagex did drove me to dislike the game more among other things like generally not really wanting to touch it after those updates etc etc.
Change can be good but by far it just seems as if sometimes they mess up what was great about the game in the first place, by far the 2 things of change that I can think of in a series is the change from Ratchet and Clank to Up Your Arsenal as well as DMC 1 to DMC 3 DMC 2 was a good example of change gone horribly wrong

>> No.1893359
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 1402209071596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of my head.

>> No.1893362
File: 1.05 MB, 267x219, 1379829249179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, I can hear his voice RIGHT NOW.

>> No.1893364

>Because it's not what it was meant to be, think of it, at this point QL is no longer the Quake that these people wanted to play. Considering the way that this update is I'd rather play something else at this point.
Explain. I lost you after this.
I think it eases up new players into the game but doesn't ruin it for everyone else. Duel is untouched for example, bunnyhopping is still slower, loadouts give you shit for ammo.

>> No.1893371

it removes one skill barrier: memorizing the timings of pickups. Also 10s instead of 40s is a bad move, encourages a bit more camping and makes ammo feel less precious.

>> No.1893375

If we could get someone whose voice has as much grace as that of Morgan Freeman, (most likely impossible) could we have a Morgan Freeman class?

>> No.1893376

>memorizing the timings of pickups
You still have to though, time doesn't show up in your HUD.
>Also 10s instead of 40s is a bad move
Remember that they're global now.
And camping is a horrible idea.

>> No.1893389
File: 132 KB, 471x567, archa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might start a tumblr but until that, give credit I guess.. :3

>> No.1893392

What wad was this from?

>> No.1893394

Maybe you could get ZeFrank to do some Doom Comic lines.

>> No.1893420 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 351x351, 1409171591039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw tumblr, get a soup instead.

Where the /vr/ servers at?

>> No.1893421

>the redundant roles they play aren't really an issue for me.
This is what annoys me the fucking most.
Caleb is basically Duke 2.0, fucking boring.
Blakestone is an overpowered Blazkowicz, Freeley is quite original and decent, but he is not balanced at all.
Then there are weird as fuck classes that are just as balanced as the mod itself.
I dont know about the addon Donald was going to make, but it would be just as bad as the other addon.

>> No.1893429

My dads old wad from 1996/1997

It works best in PRBoom+ with all the compatability flags set (ghost generator in the first level) despite the zdoom name...

>> No.1893430
File: 458 KB, 1920x1080, do_it_fgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I might start a tumblr

don't think about it, just DO it m8. you know you want to

>captcha: reasons csafear

>> No.1893431

I suggest we backstab each other.
Someone should make a /vr/ WDI server

>> No.1893436

Redneck Rampages protagonist would've been a fun addition imo.

Caleb would be fun too. I don't see a problem with the roles being interchangable so long as they're balanced. Might be boring for you, but if the way they play is different enough to be fun for some people then so be it.

Blakestone should be nerfed, but I'd rather play as him than Blaskowicz just because I played a lot more blake stone as a kid than wolfenstein.

>> No.1893439 [DELETED] 

It's from groovy.wad that was posted in /vr/ long time ago. It was not very bad to play once or twice, but it couldn't be properly played anywhere but in the pre-hacked .exe it was posted with. Unfortunately I don't have the .exe on this laptop and too lazy to look up for the link in the archives.

>> No.1893440

>I don't see a problem with the roles being interchangable so long as they're balanced. Might be boring for you, but if the way they play is different enough to be fun for some people then so be it.
Not him, but the big problem I'm finding is that the way they play isn't really that similar. With Caleb you throw a lot of dynamite and Napalm. With Duke you throw a lot of pipebombs and use the RPG.

It's like, I can understand if you like Caleb?
But that's kind of like wanting to play as Dr. Mario instead of Mario.

>> No.1893447

>the way they play isn't really that similar.
Isn't really that different, sorry.

>> No.1893448
File: 578 KB, 1680x1050, Screenshot_Doom_20140827_224027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this "Plutonia 2" had maps which were hit or miss, and in the middle of the wad more often miss than hit, but I'm glad I hanged on. This map is one of the bests I've played in a while.

>> No.1893462
File: 18 KB, 315x325, HEADE1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been converted for use with modern source ports. Surprised you remembered though.

>> No.1893463
File: 233 KB, 381x575, 1337529878364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open this wad with slade to make sure i dont get terry'd
>slade crashes
Oh god its a malicious wad, DO NOT OPEN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES

>> No.1893464

>slade crashes

what slade? 3.1.0?

>> No.1893468
File: 71 KB, 825x637, MaiqYouLiar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working fine here

>> No.1893472


Dude, Slade crashes if you even fucking tweak some maps in it.

>> No.1893473

Oh alright. Been using Slade 3.0.2 because 3.1.0 beta was missing certain features and I just sticked to the old version.

>> No.1893475

I don't really see an issue with it. It definitely shouldn't be crammed down terms throat every time Samsara comes up, but I see nothing wrong with a balanced addon. Hurts nothing.

>> No.1893482

>Missing certain features
Like what?

>> No.1893502
File: 240 KB, 563x689, mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + arrows cant move entries within a wad / pk3
>error string bug not fixed yet
>slade throws exception everytime I try to compile an ACS source file
Not today.
I'll stick to my lovely 3.0.2

>> No.1893508 [SPOILER] 
File: 595 KB, 703x514, 1409174364723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if anyone knows the source of that gif.

other than me

>> No.1893517

>what is google

>> No.1893525

I actually don't know

>> No.1893529

>Did you see how agitated you were going?

>> No.1893540

So you didn't know then?

>> No.1893541

I'm pretty new to this and I'm clearly missing something obvious. I've downloaded the DOOM RL Arsenal .wad and the latest dev zdoom. When I click and drag the wad over zdoom, it opens and asks me to select a wad (rl arsenal isn't there). I've selected every wad there is in the menu but instead of playing the rl arsenal it just starts a generic doom game. What's the problem here?

>> No.1893542


Doom RL Arsenal is a mod.
When it opens and asks you to select a wad, that's the game you'll be playing the mod with.

For the most part, mods will use Doom 2, though you should always double check and see if there's a readme or documentation in the off chance there's a mod for Doom 1 or Heretic or whatever.

>> No.1893543

Wrack is very doom-esque.

>> No.1893564

>Players may now hold jump to continuously jump.
meh, they killed overbounce anyway
>Players may now hold forward and jump to 'bunny hop', allowing them to slowly gain up to 2x their base movement speed.
full metal retard, with continuous jump it will be a casual fest
>Introduced Loadouts in select modes; allowing players to select one Primary Weapon (hmg, rl, lg, rg) and one Secondary Weapon (sg, gl, pg, mg).
>Added the command "weapon toggle" to toggle between your Primary and Secondary weapons. Defaults to "f" for new users.
>Unified weapon respawn time to 5 seconds across all game modes.
>Unified friendly fire, disabled across all game modes.
meh, fine.
>Added global Ammo Packs, in lieu of weapon specific ammo, where each pack grants you a small amount of ammo for each weapon in your inventory.
>Reduced ammo respawn time from 40 seconds to 10 seconds.
totally lame, last time i quit the QL, weapons already give their default ammo count anyway. Even with that changed still silly.
>Added in-world item timers for "major" items, including armors, megahealth, power-ups, and medkit.
>Items have taller pickup collision boxes, so that players will not miss items as they jump over them.
>Added Power-up Spawn POIs, that appear 10 seconds before a power-up spawns.
>Added Power-up POIs, that indicate when an available power-up is available in the arena.

>> No.1893596


one of life's greatest mysteries is:

How the fuck does Blaz eat through his visor.

>> No.1893601


He bites down on the food, duh.

>> No.1893604

*tips coke can*

>> No.1893608


Yeah but how does he get past the visor? Does he force it through?

It's obvious he never lifts the damn thing

>> No.1893609

put it in a blender and pour it down a funnel

>> No.1893619

>dat unamused face
Oh god

>> No.1893620

what if he has no head and the helmet is part of him and the visor is the jaw

>> No.1893626
File: 19 KB, 290x705, 1364118680466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1893628


Damn that's a pert set of knockers.
What's her measurements?

>> No.1893631

Why is Hae-Lin so perfect ynnnggggggggggggg

Caco bro get a tumble plz

>> No.1893648

How do I compile Demonsteele

>> No.1893649

Run the file that says "_Compile." Or was it the one that says "_Zip?" Double click 'em both to be sure.

>> No.1893650


<Ryan_Cordell> quick TerminusEst13
<Ryan_Cordell> they want bust sizes for Hae
<TerminusEst13> Uh.
<TerminusEst13> dunno/idc/whatever

that means i can imagine her with a musclegirl figure and d cups, right

>> No.1893653


>> No.1893658
File: 57 KB, 720x540, 1408576283315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have no idea who either of those two are.

>> No.1893659


Protags of DemonSteele and GMOTA.

>> No.1893660

Cool, thanks.

>> No.1893663

Armor dude is from Go Medieval On Their Asses, which is old platformers and shit in Doom and it's awesome.
Animu grill is from DemonSteele, a WIP mod mixing anime and metal, with a focus on melee combat.

>> No.1893670


knight guy is the main char in Gay Munching Or Transvestite Actresses

grill is the protag of DonutSteele, the female demon killer

>> No.1893685
File: 282 KB, 1000x500, blazo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his lower helmet isn't closed, and a lot of practice.

the second best otp.

>> No.1893689



>> No.1893692
File: 41 KB, 192x171, 1532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus christ 10/10

also I don't think an otp would work Caco-Bro, it's more of a platonic family thing between the two

>> No.1893695

nah bro she probably fucks like a tiger

>> No.1893704

hey >>1892591 here, just testing something


no idea how to put the password in the above line (probably shouldn't). what i'm trying to do here is to save lines in the OP so it doesn't look convoluted as fuck

this is what i have so far

>> No.1893705


It's a uncle/niece sorta thing anon, Blaz is too oblivious for romance, and Hae prefers stoic guys.

and Blaz is anything but the strong, silent type.

>> No.1893707
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1379614124280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The handle of her katana is hollow, and contains a strap, which she can easily attach to the handle and use for lewd reasons.

>> No.1893714

>and Blaz is anything but the strong, silent type.
you never put in the one-liners so he never says anything


>> No.1893718
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1358862784763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm really torn on them okay, I don't want them to grate on people's nerves and while I'd probably trim out the referential one-liners, there's still some really good ones.

>> No.1893720

are you gonna button bind them?
if so then i'd just put them all in
people who don't like em just won't bind them, like brutal doom

>> No.1893723


Or include a cvar to turn them off.

>> No.1893751
File: 270 KB, 800x600, trueamericanhero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"it's always the quiet ones"

I think they would fit ok, since Blaz's voice its quite delightful (not like some other brutal modifications), plus you can make him talk just on weapon pickups and when killing a cyberlelmon/ finishing blue sayan mode/getting 100~ dmg/ stepping on lava, etc

and >>1893720

hammer progress? :3

>> No.1893754

Caco-Bro how can I become as cool and devilishly handsome as you

>> No.1893760

is it possible to beat the Icon of Sin with GMOTA weaponry?
cuz im doing congestion 1024 with it and i'd like to beat it for real, but i'm not sure if the icon of sin is only damaged by rockets...

>> No.1893761


well... okay, I'll bring them back. Only because you like them and Blaz so much. plus I love your art.

no hammer yet, makin monsters first

>> No.1893765


almost everything the arm cannon fires does splash damage.

>> No.1893790
File: 9 KB, 184x172, uhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Say can I post these on -MY- Tumblr? Please?

>> No.1893851

Late to the party, but still. Maybe the hunting for switches is a bit lame at times, but centaurs are nothing but fodder for a mage. You can stunlock them and just fire blindly with your wand and they can't do shit. Once you've gotten the third spell they're one-hit enemies anyway.

>> No.1893856 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 599x534, 1409189787276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caco-bro.tumblr it has come to this..
still a wip, will make it a nice place and upload everything I've done and is presentable

:3 btw do you have a self made reference pic for lord Blaz? I kinda made him blindly using the sprite...

I'm taking a break from working on "mecha doom" so if anybody wants something drawn just ask!
doom related obviously..

>> No.1893863

A siamese cacodemon?

>> No.1893876
File: 103 KB, 600x600, Lord Blaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all I got is this

>> No.1893879
File: 207 KB, 300x376, See Blaz, See Blaz Run, Run Blaz run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay and I got this made too

>> No.1893885

[Moonlight Sonata Intensifies]

>> No.1893891
File: 64 KB, 320x240, EWJ2_jimidle_MDietzHD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>someone got the EWJ2 reference I was making with that filename

You're okay anon.

Also I'm gonna have that Doom-Monsters gal make a gif of the second playable character doing gif related eventually

>> No.1893912

Draw Doomguy staring down Master Cheif, both of them looking kind of intimidated.

>> No.1893913

its from roll the bones

nobody will ever forget that fucking skeleton

>> No.1893921
File: 199 KB, 5000x5000, you wont sleep tonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that make you go MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

>> No.1893923

Say, why don't we use the steam?
At the very least schedule or announce some events so that the people not on 4chan can join in on a server or discuss a certain topic. Just a thought.

>> No.1893936

D-Touch; it has Chocolate Doom and now GZDoom along with PrBoom. I've been rolling with this since it first came out, it's bananas.

Alternatively you can use ePSXe with PS1 Doom; the touchscreen D-Pad is somehow really good for a phone emulator.

>> No.1893941


>> No.1893951


Because it's headed by an incompetent who doesn't do anything with Doom anymore.

>> No.1893978

Would it be possible to takeover for the owner?

>> No.1893990

4chan-related Steam groups are hardly ever a good idea because most of the time they end up being the same shit, filled with memespouters and usually end up dead before long. I remember one anon saying that the same people joining those groups may as well be visitors from other sites trying to fit in, I don't think he's far off. Only so much can go right with these.

The only thing I can see Steam groups working are those for /vg/ generals that talk about games actually on Steam, given the circlejerk nature of that board. Considering Doom is often played on source ports now it doesn't really work as effectively as something like TES.

>> No.1893991


If you can figure out his password and give adminship to someone else, sure.
In the meantime, though, he's not the least bit interested, and his response to "hey maybe we should merge with the ten other fucking 4chan doom groups" was ">implying we need to".

>> No.1893997

and truth be told, for good or bad, the irc channel is fairly more active compared to the steam group, and they can also help you if you have questions related to DECORATE modding so yeah

>> No.1894035

Draw an imp on all fours, ripping and tearing a civilians limbs off while another imp is torn between using bricks or wood for the level.
Bonus points if you make all the walls exclamation points.

>> No.1894036

Was it Doctor Amazing?
That guy's a dick.

>> No.1894042

talking about that, didn't someone make a website?
i'm sure it could be a lot more useful than this steam crap

>> No.1894093

>Choose your favorite stand user
>Bro-op as Hol Horse and J. Geil
>Throwin' knives
>Ragequitting the server once someone gets GER
Mite be cool

>> No.1894101

Where dafuq my Hamon at.

>> No.1894129
File: 113 KB, 939x501, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in progress.
I'd rather it not be news'd until it's finished. It'd probably need to be spam-filter-protected every new post in its current state.
If you ever need to find it without the link, use this search query: "gut emporium site:googledrive.com"

>> No.1894130

Not with the iwads, no, but those features CAN be used in user-made wads. Very few wads have done a very good job of it though.

>> No.1894149

Maybe McGee didn't know it was supposed to be like that, and instead was like, "This is just a shitty version of something I made, make your own thing."

That said. American is the worst Doom 2 level designer, actually being worse than Petersen

>> No.1894153

There's already a winged Baron or Hellknight on R667, anon. Just use that. It's not even overused like a lot of the R667 crew

>> No.1894175

Isn't the IOS immune to splash damage?

>> No.1894176

>Ragequitting the server once someone gets GER
never-ending is an ending

>> No.1894180


I thought that was the only way to kill the IOS

>> No.1894181

Splash damage is the only way to kill the IOS, actually. His weak point is positioned so that only a rocket explosion can reach it.

>> No.1894183

Splash damage is the only way to kill it anon. At least D2 style ones.

>> No.1894190
File: 88 KB, 912x317, 1408936771789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty sure it's still the standard doom2 IOS, but goddamn the waves of enemies i went through to get to it.

Congestion 1024 is a fucking amazing wad.
this version of IOS is good and hard enough to rival the original

>> No.1894195

is congestion 1024 that was that likes teleporting hitscanners near you
i found it annoying as shit
looked prettish tho

>> No.1894202

not so much, they like spawning hell knights and revenants near you

with GMOTA the close quarters gives you some great fun with the sword and still plenty of reason to use the arm cannon and throwables

BTW fucken love that shield.

>> No.1894218

there is a map where they spawn you in sight of 4 big ass spider demons that are on 4 distant towers while you race around a 1024x1024 arena at breakneck speeds avoiding their gunfire while an assortment of monsters teleport in.
that was actually my favorite level though.
after a few attempts of trying to beat that level with the spider demons alive, i quickly realized that they die fairly easy in GMOTA with a RMB cannon ball while in special mode. so i just killed those fuckers before i started the gauntlet.

>> No.1894221
File: 6 KB, 130x280, CPOSE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to look for one actually. Hopefully the one you mentioned was decent enough to use, even if I have to change a few colors, or darken it or somesuch.

I'd still have to clean up his dead marine,MegaImp and duke nukem (keen replacement) sprites if I wanted to do all of them.

>> No.1894223
File: 2.98 MB, 1300x800, morelikegayloamIrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's well known that you can't intimidate the inferno-man.

thanks, now that I see it, Ididfukup

>> No.1894227


Hmm, that's one splattered spartan

>> No.1894228
File: 191 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140827_215421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1894230


Follow the ceiling lights

>> No.1894232


Well hello there, Phil.

>> No.1894237

trust your step and walk in the path of light

or something

>> No.1894254

I think it's pretty obvious anon

>> No.1894261

Come on man. Can't you bother to experiment at all? It's not exactly a mind bending puzzle.

This is what modern games that hold your hand and tell you exactly where and when to go do to people.

>> No.1894262
File: 279 KB, 1600x1598, talking-heads-remain-in-light-1980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1894270

>implying it's not still doing that
wait a minute, those lights...

>> No.1894273


>> No.1894276
File: 203 KB, 843x463, the retard scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1894282
File: 266 KB, 640x400, 1358579595761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's still funny.

Also I really liked the skyhook and the melee attacks you delivered with it in Bioshock Infinite, easily the best part about that game

>> No.1894289


Can I request something?

I can't find that pic for the life of me, but there's a three-panel picture where Mario and Luigi call by each others' names in the first one, look at each other in the second one, and then they look at you in the third one

Not sure if anyone in this place have seen it

So yeah, would you do a version with revenants (both Doom 2 and Doom 3 versions)? and in the third panel they're screaming at each other

I will post that picture if I find it

>> No.1894291

>and in the third panel they're screaming at each other

I dun goof'd, I meant to write "and in the third one they're screaming at you"

>> No.1894295

I just got back from a Doom session, looking good! Thanks for fulfilling both requests at once!

>> No.1894296


I think I know which one you're talking about, the guy did a bunch of comics where it's Mario getting face to face with a boo and just giving it an absolute fucking death glare

>> No.1894303
File: 1.72 MB, 1975x1900, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1894304

Oh shit, that sounds really good.

>> No.1894310


and another comic where he gets a fireflower, makes a fireball and just fucking smashes it into his own face.

Trying to find these comics is fucking impossible

>> No.1894323

Is it just me, or are the textures mucked up in that pic?

>> No.1894324


How so?

>> No.1894326

The blue orb-lights look like they're cut off.
It's probably just the angle though.

>> No.1894336
File: 97 KB, 397x452, 1402608526944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HERE! Well, not the actual pic, but whoever did this one also did the one I'm asking for reference

>> No.1894338
File: 200 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140827_225714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these things and how do I reach them?

>> No.1894339


YES. IT'S THESE COMICS. They're all so fucking good but good luck trying to find them all.

>> No.1894340


it's just decoration. you're not intended to grab 'em or something

>> No.1894341

They're just hell decor. You can't do anything with them.

>> No.1894347

that decoration always annoys me
like, it looks like the're pointing at something, but noo, they only have one face, so it's absolutely nothing

>> No.1894349
File: 83 KB, 1282x1027, Screenshot - 08282014 - 02:03:00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm seeing in chocolate. Looks fine to me.

>> No.1894353
File: 451 KB, 1010x713, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1894359
File: 8 KB, 551x650, 2ev3rr4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1894360



>> No.1894365


Shit nigga what are you doin

>> No.1894370


yep, that's the one

thank you so much

>> No.1894375

You don't happen to have a link for that do you? I looked but all I found was an imp. I think I saw a cyber demon too...

>> No.1894384
File: 30 KB, 389x388, felgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw playing doom for the first time.

>> No.1894386
File: 237 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140827_233302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1894389

What I meant was a PWAD made to work with either doom or doom2 iwads.
I just want to make a huge map without raping everyone's framerate.

>> No.1894393
File: 3.68 MB, 1543x4500, SoYouWantToPlaySomeFuckingDoomV5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to the funhouse.
Enjoy the ride.

>> No.1894405
File: 85 KB, 219x229, Mrbones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1894409
File: 116 KB, 320x200, POKE2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blaz please stop that cannon has feelings

>> No.1894425
File: 140 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140828_001553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game, you cheeky fuck, you.

>> No.1894497
File: 65 KB, 448x403, 1397080312632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how far are you willing to go?...

>> No.1894501
File: 234 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140828_011449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like rooms like these.

>> No.1894514

Good show.

>> No.1894525
File: 31 KB, 393x648, flyingBFGBasicSheetx3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone was curious about the other frames...

Just gotta do a firing/death animation.

>> No.1894597


>> No.1894608

i love the alien-y look

>> No.1894625


The sound of an Arachnotron dying.

>> No.1894630
File: 7 KB, 247x281, 1364114628479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1894672

This only gives me a hilarious idea of Hae-Lin and Lord Blazkowicz having lunch with Mancubus.

>> No.1894676
File: 13 KB, 141x91, And then John was a zombie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiderdemon dying.
Cyberdemon roar (it also scares the shit out of me)
Mancubus pain noise
Archvile dying
Powerup noise

Also: >>1894630

>> No.1894737

Thanks! Those cacos look so silly!

>> No.1894772
File: 69 KB, 640x360, arthur and doomguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Caco-bro I got a request for you, a few years back I had a draw friend draw this for me but never got a chance to get a scanned version.

I want to see your take on this.

>> No.1894847
File: 467 KB, 500x234, Super shotgun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1894864

>Spiderdemon death.

I made some sounds for the spiderdemon and arachnotron a while ago I'd like to share.

Spiderdemon sight- http://vocaroo.com/i/s0npxHuqUGs4

spiderdemon death- http://vocaroo.com/i/s1kDl2CeFHeo

Arachnotron sight- http://vocaroo.com/i/s1xLOLC43T8M

Arachnotron death- http://vocaroo.com/i/s1hOeVN5l3RG

Arachnotron active- http://vocaroo.com/i/s0exiirHSKzj

>> No.1894882

I made a pretty cool sound for the Pinkie:


>> No.1894905

Trust me--you can't make a map so big that it'll fuck up how the game runs.

>> No.1894907
File: 486 KB, 670x433, Obama Hangout Road Trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i really liked the gameplay and story.
the only thing i didnt like was spending 20 minutes after every gunfight walking around and rummaging through trash cans and end tables.

but keeping this doom related, i wonder if we could implement a skyhook rail system into doom...

>> No.1894910

Can you put these in a wad/zip?

>> No.1894918

for some people he can
i can't run half the maps on reelism without getting vertigo from the framerate

>> No.1894921

i like that that scene from Rick and Morty has effectively replaced the "X, X everywhere" thing

>> No.1894961

Has hdoom gotten any updates in the last few weeks?

>> No.1894975

The last official statement was "Progress is happening." I'll take that to mean "Check back in a year or so."

>> No.1894983
File: 142 KB, 473x551, 1405664949661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is all it takes for a revenant to break down your door and massacre you and your family with rockets.

What are YOU doing to stop something like this from happening?

Calling the cops so they can chalk outline your body?

>> No.1895007

That's an issue with 3d floors, most likely.

>> No.1895012

Punch him in the face with a crowbar that might or might not be there.
Or with something that is hard and pointy enough to penetrate his boner head along with his invisible brain.

>> No.1895017

Fucker is probably too tall to get through the doors on my house.
Failing that I'll use pro monster strats and beat him to the punch.

>> No.1895018

They can survive a direct hit from a rocket, I don't think "something hard and pointy" is going to be real effective.

>> No.1895027

>try pro monster strats
>realize you're not as fast as Doomguy
>get your head punched off

>> No.1895040

>jump to his face
>put mi dick in his empty eyesockets
>cum inside his skull
>revenant too traumatized to fight back

>> No.1895061

Unless they're into that. Who doesn't enjoy a simple skullfucking? :v

>> No.1895087

>mi dick

>> No.1895093
File: 171 KB, 1024x768, 1379627567302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1895102
File: 486 KB, 475x347, 1406834024673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As a skeleton I am personally offended by this mockery. Not only do we BUST our bony asses to support you silly whelps, we have to hold all of your precious organs in place so you don't fucking die. Do we get thanks? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT.

All we get is le 2spooky faggotry, and frankly, I've had enough of this devious trickery. The least you meatbags can do is reflect on the good times your inner skeleton has given and perhaps ritually set up candles to say thanks to the Skellington overlord every night, a simple "thank you" a day goes a long way.

Did you perhaps consider that skeletons are proactively trying to attack humans on purpose because of the hate crimes against us? Didn't think so, humanfags.

Any further abuse that the skeleton master-race have to undergo will not be acceptable in any stretch of imagination. Just remember, there is a skeleton inside you right now, it is waiting to come out, it sits there keeping you alive, it's inside everyone. We are all skeletons and humans are the problem.

Thank you for your attention.

>> No.1895110


...hey buddy, can I ask you to use this in...something? how should I credit you?

>> No.1895113

B-b-but I just thanked my skeleton..

>> No.1895114

Play Doom for the first time. Is it heresy to bind movement to wasd and use the mouse for turning?

>> No.1895115

>Is it heresy to bind movement to wasd
hell no, literally 99.0% of doomers have wasd movement

>and use the mouse for turning?
nah, not heresy

>> No.1895116

Deep inside of us, there is a skeleton just waiting to pop out.

>> No.1895118

Romero used to mouse turn. It's all good.

>> No.1895119

Zandronum Master Reiss

>> No.1895120

Key rebinding and mouse movement were possible in vanilla.

>> No.1895121

>you can't make a map so big that it'll fuck up how the game runs.

Uhhhhhhhhhhh yes you can.
If your map is too big you can completely break the renderer.
This is what killed Cyberrunner.

>> No.1895126

>that gif
the way it throws it's head is weird

>> No.1895145
File: 324 KB, 1072x1120, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1895150

But the cyberrunner maps weren't even that large.
I thought it was that cyberrunner was just moving too damn fast for the renderer to keep up.

>> No.1895162


It was both.
And yes, the maps were that large. CYRC01 was large enough that it managed to break collision detection in several areas.

>> No.1895181

>Samsara Whodunit
I want this.

>> No.1895183
File: 651 KB, 1300x800, bonerkiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit I know the knight on the left, but cant recall his name/game for searching, halp
someone is pelvis-blasted..

>> No.1895209

Bait his punches

Take a seat bonehead

>> No.1895217

>but cant recall his name/game for searching, halp

Sir Arthur from Ghosts n' Goblins.

>> No.1895232

>implying a Mancubus can't kill a Revenant

>> No.1895236

fucking skeleniggers
>Captcha: excretory tiliesp

>> No.1895238

The sound of the Icon of Sin dying as I finish yet another 32 level megawad.

>> No.1895252
File: 150 KB, 640x480, 1825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1895256


No wonder the Security Officer is such a mopey dick.
He's got three different AIs yanking him by the collar constantly.

>> No.1895259

>implying i wouldn't rip and tear

>> No.1895261
File: 161 KB, 748x1000, 1374632882582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Durandal is coo'.

Think of the typical tryhard, trilby wearing tosser we all know. Durandal is like that except he pulls of what that guy is trying to be so he comes out awesome.

>> No.1895353
File: 1.33 MB, 400x182, Doomcar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New WoC server started running on BTSX.

Server: :: [BE] Montreal :: /vr/ plays Dungeons and Dragons!
Password vrtroopers

>> No.1895427


A rocket hitting a group of imps and zombiemen.

>> No.1895428


I just realized that's supposed to be a head. Eyes on both sides, crusher in the middle.


>> No.1895432

Is playing it through an emulator still the best way for Marathon?

>> No.1895437

Emulator is fine.
I used AlephOne, in fact as far as I know that's the only one there is.

>> No.1895441

I've just always heard that Aleph One is complete shit and to avoid it at all costs, but never really got an answer why.

>> No.1895450

kinda in aleph one decent but it kinna feels lacking plus the gl render is somewhat mediocre
but nothing beats playing on an actual mac

>> No.1895452
File: 24 KB, 252x393, done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished. Feel free to use it for whatever, or not. Just don't claim you did it yourself.

>> No.1895459
File: 144 KB, 640x480, 2031310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1895460

>I just realized that's supposed to be a head. Eyes on both sides, crusher in the middle.
holy shit you're right

>> No.1895463
File: 9 KB, 613x309, sweetjesushowdoomifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1895468

holy shit anon

>> No.1895470
File: 189 KB, 1299x625, spooky_scary_skullfucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you deserve to be remembered, for the sake of skull justice!

>> No.1895473

Hey, anybody got any Quake 2 servers up? I'm takin' a break from trying different WAD combos.

>> No.1895474


credits to Revae, right?

>> No.1895478

Aleph One is okay. The biggest problem is that it tries way too hard to be more like what it's not: a modern game. There are two different OpenGL renderers, even though they don't look any different besides the fact that one causes intense amounts of lag, the mouse input is way too sensitive, where you have to be absolutely precise with the sliders if you want the sensitivity you want, it absolutely adores crashing very often, and it's got a lot of weird limits and options on it that don't make a lot of sense (lookspring is forced in multiplayer? Why?)

But it works if you can get it to.

>> No.1895483

If you feel like it.

>> No.1895486
File: 2.44 MB, 640x400, whowouldmakesomethinglikethis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty okay in game too I might add...

>> No.1895510

sprayless BFG?

>> No.1895520

You can see the spray at ~0:14. He's just in God mode.

>> No.1895532


You can actually circle strafe the bfg 95% of the time though. It tends to wander after it fires and it's generally already re-aiming at you by the time you're out of danger... It's best just to hide behind a wall though.

>> No.1895554

someone go post this in the "things about doom you just found out" thread on doomworld

>> No.1895558

just don't remove the phrase "DOOM THREAD", it's how i find these things in the catalog

>> No.1895589

Found a gdrive link shortening service that uses iframes to mask the URL.
tl;dr: here's an easier-to-copy site address.


Currently working on the mods page. Mods can be individually linked to and are organized as they should be.
E.G. http://gdriv.es/ostar/doomsite/mods.html#space-hulk

>> No.1895613

I dont know how to make my own server, so I'll ask here:
Can someone make a Samsara server?
I tried to play on those BE servers, but the addons suck and they use some sort of extremely unbalanced monster randomizer. It's horrible.

>> No.1895629

>It's horrible.

It's unbelievably horrible. The core mod is still great but all the servers have been ruined by all the shitty addons everyone but /vr/ refuse to play without.


>> No.1895636


:: [BE] Montreal :: Presidential Campaign /// Samsara on Heretic Hordes of Chaos X

someone just made one
jump on the jelly train

>> No.1895646

ur dad

>> No.1895656



>> No.1895659

Oh. I was actually looking for Doom Samsara servers with a very good megawad, Survival and 1 life max.

>> No.1895661
File: 125 KB, 640x480, blasphemer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blasphemer will never be finished because people aren't that interested in Heretic

brb, killing self.

>> No.1895728


Looks awesome. I love heretic.

My secret dream is hereticRPG

>> No.1895742

How should I play Heretic? Never played it before. How is it in zdoom?

>> No.1895746

have you played WOC?

>> No.1895768
File: 16 KB, 256x233, 1336879536681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1895785

So, I've been doing some stuff, like adding a heat mechanic to SE's plasma gun.


>> No.1895789

Holy shit, you're right. Took me this long to finally find out the point of that fucking room.

>> No.1895794 [DELETED] 

That's odd. I've been playing all three games and I haven't gotten a single crash.

The mouse sensitivity thing I'll give you, though. You can see the lack of mouse precision in higher resolutions (9-point precision or something like that http://pfhorums.com/viewtopic.php?p=98928#p98928 ). Classic and Shader GL renderers both run fine on my laptop that has Radeon 3000 graphics, so I dunno what's slowing em down on your end.

Other than the "choppy" mouse, I can honestly say that it's bad.

>> No.1895795


That's pretty cool dildoman, I always like it when weapons that can overheat fire faster as they reach the heat cap

>> No.1895807

I think calling it heat at this point can be a bit of misnomer. It's more like excess ionized gas overflowing out of the exhaust vents as it goes into overdrive. I like to imagine there's some kind of reservoir that bleeds out the extra energy or else it would fire even faster, risking the gun blowing up WH40k style.

This is all subject to change, though. Depends of how many people hate it.

>> No.1895810

That's odd. I've been playing all three games and I haven't gotten a single crash.

The mouse sensitivity thing I'll give you, though. You can see the lack of mouse precision in higher resolutions (9-point precision or something like that http://pfhorums.com/viewtopic.php?p=98928#p98928 ). Classic and Shader GL renderers both run fine on my laptop that has Radeon 3000 graphics, so I dunno what's slowing em down on your end.

Other than the "choppy" mouse, I can honestly say that it's not bad. Just make sure you turn acceleration off.

>> No.1895814
File: 2.71 MB, 960x540, zandronum 2014-08-28 02-54-43-54.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is a demo of my bike wad. Give me feedback about the overall feeling and playability. WASD controls the bike, Spacebar switches to third person mode.

I was planning to add a biker enemy, and parked cars with alarms, but I decided to leave it to another day.

Map is fucking huge. Do not use Software mode to play it, or you can expect severe fps drops.

Map 02 is an "abbandoned" version of Map 01. There are no cars, no monsters, and all roadblocks are removed, so you can run around the city without having anything to worry about. Also the bikes in Map 02 have no guns.

>> No.1895816

Do you want a dxtory license? I have one that I legitimately bought.

>> No.1895838


Well, it has happened.

August 28th, 2014, the day Doom got actual vehicles

>> No.1895840
File: 2.59 MB, 640x360, 1407274113288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gonna be honest, this is a pretty resounding "meh" all around.

First thing I did was get on a bike, exit off of it on the ledge it was next to, and then watched it flicker and then spontaneously vanish.
Doing a nextmap while on the bike keeps you frozen and unable to do anything once you spawn on the next map.

The actual controls of the bike are unbelievably clunky. Acceleration and braking are there, yeah, but there's no variance in turning and it's just a flat amount. If you want to do sharp turns or easy turns, or see something jump in front of you, you're kind of FUBAR'd.
Overall, it just handles like a hacky tank rather than an actual agile cycle.

The view change and clunk when you go up and down a bump is pretty clever, but happens actually after you go up the damn thing, and if you're trying to weave between enemies the momentary freeze in control can get you killed.

Frankly, shooting and fighting while on it sucks a big fat floppy donkey dick. I can understand the technical limitations of being restricted to aiming where you're driving and not off to the side or something, but that's a huge damn death knell--combat on this is simply unviable.
For one, considering even enemy tiers as low as demons will make you crash and send you flying if you hit them, if you're going to shoot them you pretty much are forced to come to a slow pace or a standstill.
For two, add onto this that the weapon animation is slowed even further, and you have to spend a much longer time gunning enemies down than you would have just swerving to the side to avoid them or (in the case of extremely low-tier mooks) running them over.

I'll be honest, this is probably one of the more admirable attempts at creating a functional vehicle in Doom, but it still doesn't work because of the inherent problem in controlling the damn thing. It's not driving like a vehicle, it's not smooth, it just feels clunky and (ironically) slower than foot movement.
Vehicles just don't work in Doom.

>> No.1895853

>Doing a nextmap while on the bike keeps you frozen and unable to do anything once you spawn on the next map.

not him but try assigning a key to chasecam

>> No.1895859

I drove through a tunnel
Then I got off and bunnyhopped/SR50'd through it faster

technically impressive that you got it done but plays like ergfjdjjdjsjng

>> No.1895860


hi torrid

>> No.1895862

It's alright. Enjoyed it. Looking forward to whatever else you plan on doing with it.

And the day I turned 18.

>> No.1895869

I like the concept and the map. The actual driving handles like a fucking canoe

>> No.1895872

>First thing I did was get on a bike, exit off of it on the ledge it was next to, and then watched it flicker and then spontaneously vanish.
The bike flicks for a while in a way to tell the player that he just left it, and can't enter again. (To allow the player to move out and not enter it again). But did it VANISH? Can you record a webm of it?

>Doing a nextmap while on the bike keeps you frozen and unable to do anything once you spawn on the next map.
I will fix it.

>The actual controls of the bike are unbelievably clunky. Acceleration and braking are there, yeah, but there's no variance in turning and it's just a flat amount. If you want to do sharp turns or easy turns, or see something jump in front of you, you're kind of FUBAR'd.
Overall, it just handles like a hacky tank rather than an actual agile cycle
I can fix it.

>The view change and clunk when you go up and down a bump is pretty clever, but happens actually after you go up the damn thing, and if you're trying to weave between enemies the momentary freeze in control can get you killed.
Well, actually if you run a bike into a curb it will get yourself crashed. I think this adds some strategy and makes the player analyze the terrain and think well before taking action.

(continues on next post...)

>> No.1895874

Neat concept, map kicks ass, but the bike itself turns like an aircraft carrier. Needs a handbrake for corners

>> No.1895879
File: 337 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140828_194958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno how but this happened.

>> No.1895881

Frankly, shooting and fighting while on it sucks a big fat floppy donkey dick. I can understand the technical limitations of being restricted to aiming where you're driving and not off to the side or something, but that's a huge damn death knell--combat on this is simply unviable.
For one, considering even enemy tiers as low as demons will make you crash and send you flying if you hit them, if you're going to shoot them you pretty much are forced to come to a slow pace or a standstill.
For two, add onto this that the weapon animation is slowed even further, and you have to spend a much longer time gunning enemies down than you would have just swerving to the side to avoid them or (in the case of extremely low-tier mooks) running them over.

The gun is actually a "last resource option", you only use it to shoot an enemy that is too close to avoid, like the zombies on the car park, or the mancubus at the hotel's elevator. You are supposed to be evading everything, and not engaging the enemies.

To make monsters work well, it would require to modify their animations when getting hit by the bike. Try running it with Brutal Doom, which features knockback animations. Running over low tier monsters, and even pinky demons will feel much better.

>I'll be honest, this is probably one of the more admirable attempts at creating a functional vehicle in Doom, but it still doesn't work because of the inherent problem in controlling the damn thing. It's not driving like a vehicle, it's not smooth, it just feels clunky and (ironically) slower than foot movement.
Thanks, but you are incorrect. Try to finish the map on bunny-hopping and sr50. You are going to take twice as much time.

Can you reproduce it and record a webm?

>> No.1895883

I already played the fuck out of Dukebike so this doesn't really come off as a novelty to me. Congrats Doom, I guess.

>> No.1895884

He said that it feels slower, not that it is. Cornering is slow and bogs everything down

>> No.1895887

The map is an edited version of your Downtown Remake map, right?

>> No.1895890


yeah, we also just got a voxel player model when you guys had actual voxel enemies planned for a Duke3D expansion

>> No.1895892


dunno why thats significant, but congrats I suppose

>> No.1895896

I thought Risen3D had voxels.

>> No.1895912
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, look ma, three hands.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me a few tries, but it seems to happen if you get knocked off with exactly 24 HP. Any less just kills you, any more doesn't trigger it.

>> No.1895914
File: 1.92 MB, 800x450, zandronum 2014-08-28 20-02-16-11.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But did it VANISH? Can you record a webm of it?

Done. Took me a while to recreate it, but it seems like it happens if you dismount the moment you crash/bump/whatever.

>I think this adds some strategy and makes the player analyze the terrain and think well before taking action.

I can understand adding some strategy, but ideally players are going to be zipping along at fast speed. Trying to make them stop and think about every little bump and where it's located (especially when things don't look like bumps), especially in normal maps where bumps may be fuggen everywhere is an exercise in futility and a strong argument against using the motorcycle in the first place.
Sure, it might be more "realistic", but the gameplay is bogged down because you're less occupied with going fast and more occupied with "okay where in this environment is raised a few notches".

>> No.1895916


Hey now, voxels actually look better in comparison to what Risen3D has

>> No.1895927

It has potential.

The biggest problem for me is how hard it is to kill anything while riding the thing. Maybe make it a car with a turret where one player drives and the other shoots like in Halo.

Also, the map lags for me even on OpenGL.

>> No.1895930

Drink up! Depending on where you live! If in America: Do it anyway!

>> No.1895931


you didn't answer me before
hi torrid

>> No.1895934
File: 42 KB, 458x80, myfile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had this happen to me. I can confirm it.

Also, should these errors happen?

>> No.1895937

>Also, the map lags for me even on OpenGL
The map lags worse for me in software than in OpenGL.
How the hell is that even possible.

>> No.1895939 [DELETED] 

you should really consider making a map pack.

>> No.1895942

I actually kind of like the Risen3D models...

>> No.1895943

you should really consider making a map pack.

>> No.1895946

Does anyone think/hope that there'll be mod support in Doom (4)? It's such a no brainer that it should.

>> No.1895947
File: 119 KB, 680x510, 1398287194003-13983977844-943aa30877-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi, Burger King.


Why should I do Mark's work for him?

>> No.1895953


>Also, the map lags for me even on OpenGL.

weird, it doesn't lag *that* much for me when in OpenGL like Mark said; MAP02 runs smooth as fuck, though.


Don't take my word as true, but I seem to recall he's doing something called "Beyond Hell and Earth" or something like that.


They should REALLY consider adding mod support or fucking else; Carmack did The Right Thing with Doom and look where we are right now

>> No.1895956

based macd's

>> No.1895960

I feel I should clarify that it doesn't lag to the point of being unplayable. I'm just so used to playing Doom in fullscreen at 60fps that it just feels off when the framerate drops at all.

>> No.1895961

The modding and mapping for Doom 4, if it has such things, will almost assuredly be harder than Dooms modding and mapping.

>> No.1895971


>> No.1895983

What game is this from? Sorry but I always wanted to know where the security officer came from.

>> No.1895984

one of the marathons, dunno since never played them

>> No.1895985


>> No.1896000

>Fractal Doom
Is this meant to be played by humans? It's stupidly hard.

>> No.1896021

Monsters are harder but pickups and your weapons are more effective. You can become invincible at will if you have enough ammo in your BFG. You just have to get used to it.

>> No.1896034

I know the weapons have alternate fire modes, and I'm using them, but they it still seems much harder.

Not sure what you mean by the BFG bit, just idkfa'd and it only shoots normally or shoots a big green ball with other green balls swirling around it that explodes. I'm also not on levels with the BFG so I don't know if it would help anyway. I just get swarmed by a multitude of tiny imps, cacos and skellies and then I die.

>> No.1896046


Have you tried playing on a lower difficulty?

>> No.1896051
File: 49 KB, 793x494, 1409097630141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing on a lower difficulty

>> No.1896052
File: 1.71 MB, 960x540, zandronum 2014-08-28 21-56-16-53.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


- Improved turning rate.
- Holding the button to turn left or turn right for more than a second makes the bike turn faster.
- Using the brakes while turning will make the bike turn MUCH faster.
- Fixed all the bugs mentioned (exept the one making the player frozen in place when using changemap while mounted in the bike)
- When crashing the bike sideways on speeds lower than 20kmph, it will not slow down the player as much, allowing the bike to "slide" on the wall.

>> No.1896056


then acquire consistancy

>> No.1896059


Then it's your own damn fault for dying and crying about it.

>> No.1896064

Beyond Hell and Earth is not being done by me. I'm working on a megawad called Extermination Day.

>> No.1896080

this so much, people complain "oh no! hard mode is too hard! "

>> No.1896081

Small thing but (obviously) the Turn Left/Right buttons don't work for turning.
Also the inclusion of the metal music imo unnecessarily bloated the filesize.

>> No.1896098

I've noticed a couple more things now.

>I can't use the chaingun while on the bike.
>If I drive straight at one of the cars, I can use it as a ramp to jump off of.

>> No.1896129

>>I can't use the chaingun while on the bike.
Well obviously.
>>If I drive straight at one of the cars, I can use it as a ramp to jump off of.
Please don't change this, Mark.

>> No.1896170

Why wouldn't you be able to use the chaingun on the bike? It'd sure make it easier to hit anything.

>> No.1896176

Fine, I went back and tried on the one it puts the cursor at by default, the third one from the bottom, Cartesian, the easiest one that still gives you Ultra-Violence spawns according to the forum post. It's still stupidly hard.

It's a shame because this could be really fun but it's 2hou4me instead.

>> No.1896191
File: 791 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20140828_211901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to jump into the demons asshole again.

>> No.1896209

Exactly what I was referring to

>> No.1896212
File: 574 KB, 854x480, output2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not related to the bike, but this whole bit of the map seems broken.
I get it's supposed to kill me, but MAP01 seems to not block me out enough and MAP02 seems to do it too earnestly.

>> No.1896213

Not him but I just played WoC for the first time today and it was great.

>> No.1896225


Nice framerate. What's your recorder, HyperToothbrush Pro?

>> No.1896228

I think that's the least of your problems dude

>> No.1896275

Fuck you, i have a shitty computer.
It would've been worse if I was using Windows. It runs other maps just fine so I'm not sure what the problem is here.

>> No.1896283


>you weren't using windows

So what were you using?

>> No.1896314

There are other OSs anon

>> No.1896318

I think he's playing on a calculator

>> No.1896323



Nah, calculator Doom is smoother

>> No.1896340
File: 18 KB, 146x187, 1409263754178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a calculator runs doom better than your shitty comp

>> No.1896368
File: 500 KB, 264x251, eDDbZx[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing a huge ZDoom level with numerous 3D floors and countless thing placements to a calculator running base 1993 specs

>> No.1896374


b-b-but muh ebin jokes :(((

>> No.1896410

It's a playable WIP, hoping to make 7 more levels for my first levelset. Looking for bugs, errors, texture misalignment's and general feedback.

>> No.1896419
File: 1009 KB, 1280x1024, 1407223274547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that map.

>> No.1896423

Invisible monsters blow, don't ever use them
That thing at the beginning, where the door only opens if you go near the blue door? don't ever do anything like that. Players have no reason to go towards the blue door and will likely end up stuck for a while
don't use invisible walls in the middle of entryways, made killing those cacos from a distance a bitch

bad map, misaligned textures are the least of your worries

>> No.1896439

Alright, scrapping the map and working on another one right now, thanks.

>> No.1896441

>That thing at the beginning, where the door only opens if you go near the blue door? don't ever do anything like that. Players have no reason to go towards the blue door and will likely end up stuck for a while
Fuck that. I nearly got stuck on MAP 1 of TNT because of that.

>> No.1896483
File: 266 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_Doom_20140828_215842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1896490

telefrag the nerd and collect your complementary BFG

>> No.1896562
File: 1.92 MB, 320x240, 1219208965458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great concept, kinda bad implementation.

The map is really nice looking, but some sprites are corrupted and cant be displayed properly.
You can also walk through fences, but thats just a minor problem.

>Bike mod itself
Many bugs. Crashing with the bike causes sometimes a bug, where you clip through walls, what the hell.

Crashing causes another bug: You keep the "steering wheel" of the bike in your hand, but you already fell from your bike. If you press forward this time, Zandronum crashes.

Another problem with crashing: It does not always happen. Sure, if you're driving slowly, you cant drop. But it doesnt even happen if you're really fucking fast. Sometimes, you even fly ridiculously far if you hit something.
But why does the bike get destroyed when I hit a demon, and doesnt when I hit the wall?

Also if you accelerate, release the forward button, and just keep turning, you never get below 9 mph, this doesnt make any sense.

Can you tell me why Zombiemans gib when you shoot them? Guess you forgot to add +NOEXTREMEDEATH to the bullet puffs, I've never seen someone gib because of a single pellet, ridicolous.

The engine itself feels weird. Sometimes you accelerate extremely fast, sometimes you need up to 10 seconds to increase your speed by 10 mph. Why does this happen?

The controls are stiff. Its damn hard to turn around when you're driving with a really low velocity. Just why? Try to increase the angle per tic variable when you're driving really fucking slow.

If you shoot the bike a few times (TRY NOT TO DESTROY THE BIKE), and get on it, it suddenly explodes. I dont know what causes this, I'd take a look at the code, but I'm afraid its a mess just like Brutal Doom.

Everything else was okay.

I also agree with this anon (well for the most part):

Would give this mod 4/10, needs a lot of improvement. I was kinda disappointed to be honest.

>> No.1896569

>Can you tell me why Zombiemans gib when you shoot them? Guess you forgot to add +NOEXTREMEDEATH to the bullet puffs, I've never seen someone gib because of a single pellet, ridicolous.
>not always grabbing the "bloody mess" perk

>> No.1896587 [DELETED] 

fuck off torrid

>> No.1896687


Yes, we get it, you hate seeing your idol being criticized.

>> No.1896746 [DELETED] 


>> No.1896779

chainguns are usually two-handed guns

>> No.1896791

Well technically they are normally mounted on something.

But if we're going by say.. Wolfenstein logic it's a one handed weapon. Since BJ is always shown dual wielding them but never in gameplay.

>> No.1896804
File: 47 KB, 600x419, WLOCKdoom_chaingun_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see in the Wolf3D and Doom pickup sprites that the Chaingun has a rifle/pistol grip. I'd still say it's two-handed, but a proper badass could probably heft it in one.

>> No.1896805

I actually think it's a magazine, no idea why though.

>> No.1896807
File: 57 KB, 600x419, WLOCKdoom_chaingun_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, mag is up in the middle

>> No.1896809
File: 163 KB, 807x344, chaingun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, to help illustrate my point, here's a cool 3d model I found on facepunch

>> No.1896810

Oh I see what you mean now.
I was completely lost on rifle/pistol grip and thought you were talking about the magazine there.

>> No.1896813

So are pump shotguns, you're meant to operate the pump with your off-hand.

Doesn't mean you can't actually do it with one hand.

Just give the chaingun more spread to imply that it's harder to control.

>one barrel is inexplicably longer than the others

>> No.1896816

Because that's how it is on the pickup sprite, which he modeled it after

>> No.1896817

I think some of those rotating guns actually operate like that.

>> No.1896818

I kind of assumed that was just some muzzle-brake/flash-hider mounted on a cover plate, which the barrels would shoot through when they reach the 12 O' Clock position.

>> No.1896823
File: 24 KB, 250x160, n_chaingun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That too, pretty sure some rotary cannons actually do that like >>1896817 said

Now, the Doom3 chaingun is totally a two handed deal

>> No.1896826
File: 69 KB, 365x194, Chaingun_(TA)_–_Black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Quake 3 Chaingun also has a pistol grip. Interesting design.

>> No.1896838

all the barrels spin until it reaches the end faceplate, thats when the bullet comes out
the longer barrel is stationary

>> No.1896881


HOLY SHIT, do you have a link?

>> No.1896885

I think most people are missing something here

>I was planning to add a biker enemy

How much will it take you to do one? Because doing an enemy that can get off a bike would be baller.

This is a big ass shot in the dark, but, have you ever played Cadillacs and Dinosaurs? There's this area in the desert where you fight tons of those motherfuckers who are in motorbikes (even the boss is in a huge motorcycle)

If we were able to choose, I'd suggest him having two chainguns strapped to the bike, and add some A_JumpIf to detect whether he is close to the player or not to shoot at him, just to avoid making him an unfair enemy because he was able to snipe you from far away

Just a suggestion

>> No.1896915

that's a cool revenant

>> No.1896918

call me gay but I think doom 4 is actually gonna rule, what I heard is everything I wanted to hear honestly... I don't think it will ever be a replacement for the classics (which will never be recreated 100% right) but I think ti will be a spectacular and badass ACTION shooter

I hope it will have the variety of animations of RAGE; it was cool to see the mutants wall running or dynamically climbing the roof or whatever

>> No.1896921

is... is a ghost holding the second shotgun??????

>> No.1896978

I'm slightly new to DECORATE and I need some help with these ideas. I've got past basics and now moving onwards.

I'm trying to create a custom-power up by using a custom inventory, but I don't know how to add DURATION to the changes, like the effect only lasts X seconds before being removed.

Also relating to this, I want a player to receive a "change" when a monster enters a state, for example if a player causes a monster to enter its pain state, you receive an item, how is this done?

>> No.1896989 [DELETED] 

>I'm trying to create a custom-power up by using a custom inventory, but I don't know how to add DURATION to the changes, like the effect only lasts X seconds before being removed.
I dont understand what you're trying to tell us.

Anyways, if you want the monster to give the player a CustomInventory (needs +INVENTORY.ALWAYSPICKUP and +INVENTORY.AUTOACTIVATE):

>> No.1897006 [DELETED] 

thank you based janitors

>> No.1897013

If you *must* use CustomInventory for powerups instead of PowerupGiver, then I think the easiest method to decrement the timer would be to use ACS, and take said item away upon expiration. Otherwise, letting the monster influence the player? Yeah, you can use something like A_GiveToTarget or whatever Zandy/ZDoom supports best.

>> No.1897015


I've not used ACS yet, but is there no ay to build this into the item?
Say if my player died 10 seconds in, respawns and gets another power-up of the same type 10 seconds later (30 seconds total duration), would that also reset the duration? Can you remove the duration upon death? So many bug preventions needed this way.

About A_GiveToTarget, what if you attack a monster that isn't currently targetting you (like a co-op game), how does that work out when attacking it?

Also when a target receives damage, but no enter a state, how do you create triggers when it "suffers damage", something happens?

>> No.1897018

Yeah, you raise up good points. I can see A_RadiusGive or something be used as an alternative for A_GiveToTarget, in case of co-op (only Archviles instantly switch targets, on that note. Painchances and flags are bastards).
If you want a monster to be triggered when it only receives damage, I think ACS might still be your best way to go, since you could compare the monster's previous health with his current and go about that way.

Also there may be a way to build the timer into the item itself or into the player, using states, but I think it'll end up being way more of a mess than if you just used a scripting language. The problem with doing timers via decorate is that it all relies on states and the actor can only do so many things in one frame, where as a scripting solution would be able to run at the same time and not be interrupted.

And yes, if the player died with the powerup (unless you hack in a way to make him preserve the powerup timer upon death), it would most likely be reset. And if you want to remove the duration upon death, all you have to do is check for the player health being 0 or less (zdoom also has ClassifyActor but I doubt Zandy has that).

>> No.1897020
File: 455 KB, 900x1200, imggrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, how do these clothes look on imp-chan, /vr/.

>> No.1897023
File: 11 KB, 488x300, SPIT AND SPUTTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1897025

Ok thanks. Shame about the timer, since it's important, I have to study ACS a bit more then

Also, something else I forgot about. When a monster is created (like exspawn etc), can you give it an flag upon creation? I want to filter out summoned monsters and pre-placed monsters.
The problem is that the summoned monsters are spawned and blocked inside their summoner sometimes, and I need a way to prevent them from spawning in this case, or to kill them off preventing the movement block.

>> No.1897026

I.. honestly can't say whether you can give spawned monsters a flag. I think you could give them TIDs and probably unset the SOLID flag on them or something? Might want to look at how 0x or 10x do it.

>> No.1897032


Monster A.I is unpredictable, so I can't expect them to always move out before becoming solid again.

The wad i'm making is made for online co-op, so it requires zandronum limits, so the flag for MASTER IN RANGE would solve this problem, it won't work on the code.
So I'm trying to find ways of prevent the spawned monster from spawning, or killing it after spawn if its blocking its creator (or another boss monster). One idea is to make the summoned monsters receive 1.0 damage type which normals have 0.0, and the boss will create a "explosion" within colllision radius to kill any blocking summons with the damage type. However I don't know if this kill summons that are not blocked JUST outside of range, could be buggy. Need an easier way

>> No.1897035

Perhaps what you could try out is.. The Spawn command for ACS is actually a boolean (or an integer, I forgot which. Probably bool), and you can feed that into some check or other to determine whether the monster had a chance of spawning at all.

>> No.1897039


maybe, although A_RadiusGive could do my explode technique by giving "death" items to nearby monsters.

Although using it for giving a player something from earlier could be hard, since its caused by a weapon (???? range max), and there's no check to find the killing/pain caused player.

God, I just want to do a simple feature, fucking decorate

>> No.1897052

>I think some of those rotating guns actually operate like that.

No. They don't.

>> No.1897053


This hand-wringing about the pistol group doesn't matter, because

A) There's no such thing as a real handheld gatling gun. It's a pure fantasy weapon.

B) It's a videogame. It doesn't matter. Do whatever you want.

By the way, a gatling gun is not a chaingun. They're completely different weapons.


>> No.1897054

This kids a killer.

>> No.1897056



It's early.

>> No.1897058

what soundtrack is it using?

>> No.1897072

wonder what bike model you made that from...

>> No.1897076

This pistol grip always confused me.
Try doing bulk as fuck BFGs that somehow have pistol grip to make sense in 3d

>> No.1897092 [DELETED] 

He obviously stole it

>> No.1897116

That's fucking cute.

>> No.1897128
File: 1.62 MB, 2091x1509, Railgun_usnavy_2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mods for a rail gun that behaves like this navy one?

>> No.1897134

US Smoking Dildo

>> No.1897159
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_mjmnueXWP81r2to8go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to make a map for shits and giggles on Doom Builder for the first time in a while, and I happen to remember I had a fucking hard time figuring out how to make a sky. Any tips on how to do that? Also for the record, I'm not trying to be the best wad maker or anything, just doin this for fun.

>> No.1897178

Source? Google turns up nothing.

>> No.1897201

The guy who posted it.

>> No.1897213

which version you tried? >>1895814 or >>1896052?

>> No.1897216 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 465x390, 1409033215553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modding community where people have been stealing and ripping resources for literally two decades

>> No.1897218

do you like new monsters, /doom/?

>> No.1897224

Set the ceiling of the sector you want to be the sky to F_SKY1.

There's more complicated stuff you can do with skyboxes and shit with ZDoom, but this is the easiest way.

I look forward to playing your map! Don't worry about being "the best," although do try to keep in mind Romero's mapping "rules" (more like guidelines) and don't forget to unpeg your textures above doorways and windows, inset your doors (put a sector between the door and room with a low ceiling), use border textures between different textures (Support2 is best) and be creative with your lighting!

>> No.1897229


Thanks! It'll prolly be just a plain ol box to see if I can get a sky but I appreciate your interest.

>> No.1897241

I think the Doom chaingun is intended to only have one "barrel" end at the top, and the entire front is flat. Kinda like how it's drawn in the Doom comic. I actually don't think it's supposed to be a Wolfenstein-style six-front barrel weapon at all.

>> No.1897249

Pretty cool but I can't really tell what that thing is. Looks like a demonic whale shooting bfg.

>> No.1897252

It's obviously some kind of floating robot sentry.

>> No.1897258
File: 190 KB, 1000x637, helpful_tips_they_said.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>although do try to keep in mind Romero's mapping "rules"

>> No.1897270

Eh, they are pretty sound.

>> No.1897276
File: 27 KB, 343x317, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romero will be able to show off these helpful tips with Daikatana when it ships in mid-1999

>> No.1897298

you should have grabbed it through the wall earlier already :)

>> No.1897312

i see his point, but severely restricting the player's movement is annoying.

>> No.1897325

>>1897159 here. I got a basic room set up, and a secret door in the back of it. For some reason, however, it opens down, plays the closing sound effect and lets me go through. If I use it again, it goes up, play the opening sound effect, but it's closed somehow. What do? Also before you go off on how I prolly made some obvious mistake, it's been a while.

>> No.1897359


I like creative new monsters, not direct reskins (minimum is ok)

I'm working on a wad for my unofficial doom2 expansion, since I crave new gameplay concepts. Some things you might have since from other wads, due to common obvious features, but some of the inventions (items, monsters, maps) have not been done, or at least in very obscure wads. I had lots of monster ideas, but for balance purposes, I've included 7 (1 boss) to be added. There's a possible 8th final boss, but its only if the wad ACTUALLy gets finished

>> No.1897428
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, I&#039;M FUCKING INVINCIBLE!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Blaz met his match?

>> No.1897435

Ranged battle mode initiate! YOU CAN DO IT BLAZ-KUN I BELIEVE IN YOU

>> No.1897443
File: 1.99 MB, 375x375, 1407565335139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1897451


Is that a Heretic mapset?

>> No.1897453
File: 10 KB, 199x435, UndeadWarrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1897458

It's called Raven Crypt, it just one lengthy map though

>> No.1897461

Not him, but there's a difference between using resources from other sources and trying to pass off those resources as your own, either through blatant "I made this" or by omission of information (eg "I finished working on this sprite" without mentioning that you used other sprites as a base, which while not outright lying is still dishonest.)

That said Mark hasn't given this an official release yet as far as I can tell so I don't see the point in passing judgement before he actually releases it.

>> No.1897468

It's from Redneck Rampage Rides Again, but apparently even himself didn't know that.

Honestly all I see in that video is a patchwork of textures from tons of games.

>> No.1897474
File: 497 KB, 1920x1080, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who made pol.wad? I want to tell him he's a genius.

>> No.1897483

He's in the irc from time to time

>> No.1897497


what's that ammo meter below the wand mana?

>> No.1897498
File: 82 KB, 175x173, 1402529781121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she getting fatter?

>> No.1897504

The word is "curvier".

>> No.1897506

The ass must be fatter

>> No.1897509

Also Caco-bro, I admit, it's ridiculously hard trying to pull off the same kind of psycho-sexy look your archgirls have got going on, just for a piece of fan art, heh.

>> No.1897512


If that's considered fat I don't even want to fucking know what you consider "thin".

>> No.1897513
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, THOU HAS JUST WON THE WET TSHIRT CONTEST.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you asked.

It came with the map

>> No.1897517
File: 214 KB, 562x523, Postal guy is amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that weapon
>that filename
>punching the corpse after he blows up

>> No.1897524

You moron, that's DOUK

>> No.1897528
File: 14 KB, 489x514, Paris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, that's clearly postal dude I know what I'm talking about. Just like how this guy here is the hero from Witchaven

>> No.1897531


That was probably the joke.

>> No.1897532

>revenants with jetpacks
Oh my god. I haven't been to a /vr/oom thread in literally a year and I'm very, very pleased with things.

>> No.1897539
File: 92 KB, 700x520, sundowner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a shitty joke

>> No.1897543

Skeletons, obviously

>> No.1897546
File: 2.86 MB, 800x450, kamen_doomer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /m/.

As usual, punching sprites are placeholder. I need some rad armor and to put a visor effect on the HUD.

>> No.1897547

why do people constantly forget that adjectives used like that imply relativity

and yes, i prefer imps having a fit figure as they usually have

>> No.1897548
File: 22 KB, 389x341, Cyberdemon returns the favor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. Well.

You smell.

>> No.1897551

I know, it's my natural musk

>> No.1897554
File: 520 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20140829_124201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only part of pol.wad I got.

>> No.1897556

Whatever happened to the /board/ wad, anyway? I remember submitting a really shitty /tg/ map to it, but I don't remember what happened after.

>> No.1897559


Too many idea guys, not enough people actually mapping.

>> No.1897568


What are some good .wads to play hideous destructor with? I just started playing it and it's great, but some maps are almost impossible to beat. Fucking Circle of Death is a nightmare.

>> No.1897575

Aw man. I don't feel comfortable with any other boards to make more and hopefully kickstart the thing again. I guess I'll just fuck around in decorate some more I guess, because I'm a terrible mapper.

Quick! If you could change any weapon or monster in vanilla doom or doom 2, which would it be and how?

>> No.1897595

>change any weapon or monster
>Cacodemons have much less health, but split into two fast mini Cacos on death
>Pinkys bite slows your movement to a crawl for a half second and is much faster, but does less damage
>Spectres are completely invisible from far away
>Mancubi can't flinch during their attack

>> No.1897609

Strangely enough, most of that's already actually done, in the mod I'd been working on and just came back to now. Cacodemons spit out cacobabies on death, mancubi are tougher and impossible to flinch...

I think I like what I have for spectres better right now. They just kind of phase into another dimension when they flinch, and don't come back until you're looking away from them or out of line of sight.

I'll consider making pinkies weaker and faster, though, because right now I have them tougher but slower, but making them flinch will make them angry and jump bodily at you.

>> No.1897643

Those changes I listed were actually from "Make It Snappy", except for the last one. I've never liked how, in vanilla, Cacodemons are bland bullet sponges, Demons are completely nonthreatening unless they corner you, and Mancubi are piss easy to neutralize most of the time.

>> No.1897678

I can't seem to get the biketest.pk3 or bikesecondtest.pk3 to work. Loading them with Doom 2 gives me plain old Doom 2.

>> No.1897683


but we *did* actually got /vr/.wad

200minvr.wad, that is

>> No.1897685

Oh, wait, fuck. Still downloading.

>> No.1897708

They are entirely possible to melee.
Blaz also has ranged options.

This doesn't make them any less annoying to fight though.

>> No.1897710

>Rad armor
Wait wait
Like I will get to punch the shit out of things in armor?

I really fucking like the hand gestures before the punching mode

>> No.1897712

>Like I will get to punch the shit out of things in armor?

Oh, yes. Note that connecting the punches results in everything freezing for a moment, tons of shaking, and the enemy getting thrown back. Though you can't hear it, there's also the sounds of bones snapping and crunching.
See, that's nine tons of punching force accentuated with heavenly armor.

>> No.1897713

This is quite literally what I have always wanted to do in Doom.

So what is the catch?

>> No.1897716


A few. See, it's the super mode like Shining Knight in GMOTA is.
1: Going into it requires at least a full meter of special.
2: When in it, the meter constantly drains at one sliver every 15 tics, and kicks you out if you run out.
3: You can't swap to any other weapons, and are stuck with your fists and palm-mounted sacred laser turrets until you run out of meter or dismiss the armor.
4: This is a temporary thing but the input is actually really needlessly complex and I want to figure out how to simplify it. At the moment it's Forward+Left+Right and both attacks at the same time but who the fuck is going to remember that?

>> No.1897724

How about a special input and the Reload button?

As far as I'm aware it's not being used by Demonsteel right now.

>> No.1897728


reload button isn't in zanbooper
current special inputs are all after holding the sword down, maybe another button in combination with that
alt-fire? use?

>> No.1897734

Probably shouldn't be several buttons at once though considering you could accidently shoot or attack when you don't want to.

How about something like up down left right in ready mode?

>> No.1897742

speaking of which is Cheesewheel still doing an episode?

>> No.1897745


I'm already doing some for my unofficial doom 2 expansion was right now.

A minor would be Berserker pack, which gives 125 max health on pick up, and no auto-switching to fist. Fists damage increased too.

>> No.1897749

Mark isn't that possible to turn the bike's direction with mouse and using the sidestep buttons for whipping the tail and leaning to sides?

backtrack the level you'll notice a teleporter you didn't notice before in the middle of platforms. If you can time it right you'll telefrag the bazterd. There's still a small possibility that you may miss it and he socks a rocket in your face.
Once you telefrag Cyberdemon, use that small barricade to get out it also opens a secret passage to a secret exit to the right wall of the lava pit.
Also you can grab the BFG behind the wall, before bothering Cyberdemon. You need to find a secret passage for that and teleport to a small space behind it (which has Mega Armor on a small step). Dash to the wall across mega armor a few times and hopefully you'll pull it.

>> No.1897758

>no auto-switching to fist

>> No.1897763
File: 11 KB, 500x500, 1409340983686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit when did we hit bump limit?

anyway, Op here, want me to do the next one? this is what i have so far concerning the Op post (as shown on >>1893704) and the news

Op: http://pastebin.com/xzeANWqR
News: http://pastebin.com/WgkGk3xw

once again, i tried to save as much space as i could in the op. thoughts?

>> No.1897765

just do it. don't ask for permission or we'll be here all night.

>> No.1897768


okay, but i'll wait till page 5 or so. it is still 2early

>> No.1897769
File: 58 KB, 500x492, PAINKILLER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having played the bike mod, I have to say it's the most pulse-poundingly fast mod I've ever played for Doom. Just gotta make the controls a little less clunky, make it easier to aim, and add some auto-save points to your map because I can't quicksave while I'm screaming down the highway like fucking Painkiller.

>> No.1897772

>I have to say it's the most pulse-poundingly fast mod I've ever played for Doom.

You must not have played many mods, then.

>> No.1897774

I'd add the weapons instead of changing them.
If reload would be implemented, I'd add a combat shotgun with less shell capacity but unloading shells rather faster.
And a special secret weapon which is a fuckin' Assault Cannon which overheats but eats away shotgun shells in a rapid way. Think of the Metalstorm MK6 from TheCraftyTitan's DoomHack, loved that weapon.
Other than that I'd love to see Unmaker back in the game

As for monsters, I'd like to see Baron of Hell charging at you with an overcry, and wiping that smile off from your face with rapid melee attacks

>> No.1897778

I mean in terms of pure speed, Anon. Besides, I haven't played anything that actually had my heart pounding afterward. Not even BURTL DUUUUM did that, nor did Hideous Destructor even though I was hyped the fuck up when I played through most of Winter's Fury MAP01 with it.

>> No.1897782


Ah, my mistake, then. Sorry.

>> No.1897792
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20140829_173834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm making a map with a secret room in it, but everytime I play it, the door keeps showing the sky texture I have and not the texture I want. Plus it won't open at all. What do I do?

>> No.1897808

I think MSX might be faster.

>> No.1897815

>Winter's Fury + Hideous Destructor
I'm still waiting for you to get to the first boss fight.

>> No.1897821

It might be, yeah. I'll have to compare the two.

I still have that save. I might come back to that soon.

>> No.1897824

Can't say much if you don't give us the .wad file.

>> No.1897845
File: 338 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20140829_170529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost at the end of this level. This part's gonna be fun.

>> No.1897851
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20140829_170706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mancubus down!

>> No.1897862
File: 406 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20140829_170955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another two bite the dust. They were pretty damn easy to kill once I'd gotten myself set up near a pillar with the chaingun.

>> No.1897868
File: 1.73 MB, 1998x1815, get me closer, I want to hit them with my sword!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's what I call co-op

>> No.1897879


You know its annoying just as well as I do. Fist should be a choice when picking up.

>> No.1897885


The sector of the door/room has the sky flat texture on the ceiling. Replace it with a non-sky texture

>> No.1897893

>Pain Elemental is sad and scared
>Even though it's a complete bastard in Demonsteele
No sympathy from me.

>> No.1897896

That one is definitely Marathon 1.

>> No.1897901
File: 77 KB, 447x483, 1382044951286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

>> No.1897905


It's the artist's take on the pain elemental. Which is generally cute and innocent.

That being said. Term is the real monster here for making the pain elementals the way they are.

I plan to make my archviles worse

>> No.1897908


Good Lord, that is truly magnificent.


Mate I'm not even at my final draft on them.
When I'm done, Pain Elementals are going to make you fucking suffer.
Bring it.

>> No.1897912

Term's Archviles are right bastards too. I still don't really know where to shoot the flames they summon to dissipate them.

How can anyone make a meaner Archvile?

>> No.1897934

Make it like half the size of the lost soul so you can't SSG them well anyway? I dunno, strap a fucking turbo engine one them so they can drift around corners to blow your ass up in flames.

>> No.1897957

making new thread

>> No.1897976


new thread
new thread
new thread

>> No.1898000

This, and consider making it a lowering floor instead so the door doesn't appear to slide into non-existence, as it will look if it has a F_SKY1 sector next to it.

>> No.1898138


I wonder how the community reacted when it came out. Are there any archives of it ? When I started playing I expected a shitfest of epic proportions, just room after room after room of millions of nazis, i was pleasently surprised !

>> No.1898159

The Doompaul Reichstag was genius.

The four branching rooms... not so much.
>I'm just going to drop you into a crowd of monsters with way too much HP so you can circle-strafe the mob for five minutes.
>This is fun, right?

Which is disappointing, because there's a lot of untapped potential there.
>Escape from the Bronx
>Mel Gibson's JEWS IN SPACE
>The SJW/Shrek swamp or something
>And I don't know what the deal was with that last level. The floor was a swastika? That's the joke?

>> No.1898160


>> No.1898249

Yeah. Robot thingy.

>> No.1898254

>I wonder how the community reacted when it came out. Are there any archives of it ?

>>And I don't know what the deal was with that last level. The floor was a swastika? That's the joke?
Are you talking about the computer room (The blue flashy room)? It was meant to be an homage to the swastika room from e1m4 IIRC.

Here's the author talking about it some, also check the release link above:

>> No.1898304
File: 250 KB, 548x864, 1400928911687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change the rocket launcher to something like the Autocannon from MSX.
Change the plasma rifle sprite, and probably the plasma bolts too.
Cacos have less health.
BoH are more dangerous, more attacks or something.
Revamp sounds in general. Monsters have better death sounds, weapons sound more punchy.
Make the chaingun an assault rifle and increase it's damage a bit or make it fire like a real chaingun and have the pistol fire as fast as you can click or replace it with something stronger.
CHANGE PAIN ELEMENTAL ATTACK because I fucking hate them. Lost souls are annoying and not satisying at all to fight.

>> No.1898496

You should've been here when the unfortunately ill-fated CyberRunner was in development

>> No.1898703

Is the bike wad available now? Did I miss it?

>> No.1899470

See: >>1896052

>> No.1899629
File: 63 KB, 484x363, sabage.wad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1900351
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2014-07-28 19-26-26-92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said it