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File: 47 KB, 605x336, WaveRace64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1887739 No.1887739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this still the best racing game ever?

>> No.1887770






God I love that game.

>> No.1887830

You forgot the "VROOM" that comes with it
so based

>> No.1888149


Played that game a lot back in the day. Still have it. Are there any benefits to picking a racer that's not Miles J?

>> No.1888284
File: 24 KB, 400x275, 1367097211577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not picking Dave Mariner.
Maybe if i bump you with Dave and send you into your doom you will understand the benefits.

>> No.1888297

Our mother used to take away games when we really made her upset with whatever we had done.

We convinced her Wave Race was our favorite game, so she always took that one. In reality, it was one of our most underplayed games. I didn't like most racing games other than Diddy Kong Racing and Mario Kart 64 until I got much older.

>> No.1888343
File: 15 KB, 240x240, hydroooooothunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far better.

>> No.1888346

I played that shit on the VC.

I don't get it.

>> No.1888474
File: 80 KB, 640x480, waverace1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like you read my mind. I've been listening to the soundtrack lately. Did anyone else know some tracks like Sunny Beach were actually remade for the Japanese and Best Seller versions?


I really wish jet ski games were more common. The only recent one I can think of is Riptide GP/2.

>> No.1888482

It's simple. You pass the red buoys on the right and the yellow buoys on the left and try to make it to first place without missing all of the buoys. If you go into the practice mode (Dolphin Park) it will teach you how to do various tricks off of ramps and waves. The waves get a lot heavier in later courses, plus you'll have to deal with obstacles such as fog, icebergs, and floating cargo/debris. But it's fun if you can master the controls.

>> No.1890204

The water effect was so smooth.
GOD Drake Lake!

>> No.1890206

This and Pilotwings 64 are the essential N64 sports games. So much fun to learn.

>> No.1890208

that's not Crash Team Racing

>> No.1890209

>why is this bext x
>what is best x and why is it y

Shit OPs like these should be bannable offenses. As it is, they're not, so the best solution is to hide them.

The sad part? You ruined a good thread with a fully-shit OP. What a shame.

>> No.1890218

Wave Race 64 is practically a Sega arcade racer developed by Nintendo.

>> No.1890221

Because if you play as the girl and intentionally make her fly backwards off the jetski, then pause at the right moment her crotch will be right up against the screen.

>> No.1890241
File: 82 KB, 320x240, Jetmoto_gameplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jet Ski games?

Jet Moto was hard as balls, especially the second one.


>> No.1890392

Holy shit every song in the game is the fucking best.


>> No.1890405

>20fps racing game
Choose one.

>> No.1890545

>music from a Single Trac game
Fucking beautiful, man.

>> No.1891807

litterally this

every track is like a 10/10
muh child hood

and the production quality is outstanding

and you can ride a dolphin .


>> No.1892461

>Shit OPs like these should be bannable offenses. As it is, they're not, so the best solution is to hide them.
Please, if the rules included every autismal pet-peeve you fucktards have, the board would be unusable.

>> No.1892512

>Riptide GP/2
Always reminded me of jet moto for some reason though. I guess wave race just feels heavier somehow. Still a good game though. Glad it saw a steam release. ( actually hoping their next game gets one too )

It'd be nice to see a sillier care free wave race like game though... Even if its on land. The weight and dolphins and solidness of the whole thing always stuck with me

>> No.1892520

>Wave Race and 1080 Snowboarding take place in the same universe

I always thought that was neat of Nintendo.

>> No.1892573

It's the only racing game on water where the waves are actually relevant and part of the gameplay

There's even a button to stabilize (B)

>> No.1892578

>girl is recommended for beginners
>Miles is much easier to play