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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 199 KB, 610x343, sotn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1885890 No.1885890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a Metroidvania thread! What's your favorite? Know of any hidden gems? Why is (Insert game) superior to (insert game)?

>> No.1885904

I haven't played any Castlevania game all the way through.
I have only played Metroid Primes 1, 2 and Hunters all the way through.

What should I do now?

>> No.1885905

Super Metroid > SotN, fgt

Was there even anything that counts as a "metroidvania" between SotN and the GBA entries?

>> No.1885910

To each their own, I suppose.

Are you asking castlevania wise?

>> No.1885914

Play Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, SoTN, and the GBA castlevania games, obviously :P

>> No.1885946

I've heard Metroid 2 was bad though, and wasn't even canonical.

>> No.1885952

I think you've got some bad intel, hombre.

>> No.1885957

>Metroid 2

>> No.1885979

There is only one "Metroidvania" that's relevant to /vr/. Just say you want a Symphony of the Night thread if that's actually what you mean.

>> No.1885990

Metroid games also apply.

>> No.1885998
File: 5 KB, 256x224, Super Metroid_00001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't even canonical

>> No.1886025

There are other Castlevania games that apply, although in hindsight don't know if they count as retro, and besides that Metroid and Castlevania weren't the only Metroidvania that existed.

>> No.1886027

Yes. They all counted as Metroidvanias. Next question.

>> No.1886032

There is a whole slew, however they are mostly forgettable. Wonder Boy III comes to mind....

>> No.1886050

I'll grant you that.

>> No.1886056

What other good metroidvanias are out there?

>> No.1886062

Goonies 2 comes to mind as an old and not very common one, even if some features really stand out as not fitting for a metroidvania (bottomless pits, point-and-click segments).

>> No.1886071

Uh no, those are called "Metroids".

>> No.1886084
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>> No.1886091

??? "they all"? I asked if anything that could be considered a Metroidvania came out between SotN and Metroid Fusion?

>> No.1886098

Here is a list of games I've stumbled upon. Some, I don't feel exactly fit the bill, but, it's a pretty huge list.

>> No.1886102
File: 76 KB, 300x360, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1886105

I've seen lists that say Mario 64 counts

>> No.1886108

Ah, sorry. I must've misread that.

Zero Mission debatably although I find it quite linear, and most of the GBA Castlevanias, at least for those franchises. Metroid suffers from a serious lack of games in general, really.

>> No.1886113

"Every thread until people stop using the term!" I guess?
Have fun.

>> No.1886120

The Divide: Enemies Within was the closest thing to Metroid on the PlayStation.

>> No.1886125

So now that the guy who supposedly coined this has finally been outed as the corrupt cocksucking industry shill that he is, can we finally stop using this idiotic phrase already?

>> No.1886132

Sure, Do you know of any Castleroid games?

>> No.1886147

You seem really hostile to an agreed-upon word with an agreed-upon definition.

>> No.1886149

No. It's been used fucking forever, no one is going to stop.

>> No.1886153

It's very much not agreed upon. Nobody can seem to make up their mind on what it actually describes.

>> No.1886169
File: 142 KB, 325x325, sad_sue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be a sequel to Demon's Crest

>> No.1886172

why would you do this

>> No.1886189

An action-adventure game, usually sidescrolling and sometimes with RPG elements, where you gain access to new areas by acquiring new items/abilities.

It's not our fault that people around the internet are too stupid to know what an action-adventure is.

>> No.1887086

Been fucking around with ROM hacks more lately. Why hasn't anyone put Samus in a Castlevania or a Belmont or whoever in a Metroid? Too complicated?

>> No.1887162
File: 19 KB, 316x316, Shantae_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shantae is the shit tho

>> No.1887185

Now you've asked 2 different questions, as CotM came out before Fusion

>> No.1887192

I endorse this idea.

>> No.1887196

Don't know if this counts, but there's a pretty cool free-ware game called Return of Egypt that plays like a mix between conventional and exploration-based castlevania games

>> No.1887206

To be perfectly honest, Shantae was super fucking boring.

The graphics and animations are light years beyond anything else, and the music is okay, but the gameplay was pretty meh. Go here, get that, then go here and get this, then get an upgrade that allows you to reach an unreachable location, then repeat ad infinitum...

>> No.1887217

I just played an old dos game called Vigilance on Talos V. It's pretty much a straight, budget PC clone of Super Metroid where you are this contra looking duder.

It's hammy, and great.

>> No.1887236

This is so hilariously wrong. The definition of a Metroidvania is simply a game in the Castlevania series that rips off Super Metroid and throws in a bunch of RPG elements.

>> No.1887247



it doesn't have to be in the castlevania series to be a metroidvania

>> No.1887254

Yes it does.

>> No.1887257

It's funny when people are hilariously wrong about calling things hilariously wrong.

This term has been adapted to mean a certain genre of video game. It's generally accepted as such.

>> No.1887258


nigga shut the fuck up with your contrarian bullshit

all you have to do is google metroidvania to see that you're wrong.

>> No.1887263

The Dizzy series obviously

>> No.1887268

It's a complete misuse of a term and only serves to obfuscate discussion. Please stop.

>> No.1887272


By putting such a strict limit on what the term is you close discussion of other similar items, which is the entire point of this board.

>> No.1887276

Nah, I'm going to call it what I want. See, the thing that happened in this thread already is that people knew EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Why is that? Because the term is ACCEPTED to mean exactly what it means. That's what happens with terms. They get coined, slowly grow to be accepted, and are used more heavily.

>> No.1887279


I don't care if you think it's just games in the castlevania series with metroid elements. I'm looking for games that are similar that fall outside of that series. Any moron can get ahold of the castlevania metroidvania games. I want more obscure titles to play.

>> No.1887282

>This is so hilariously wrong.
Not really, but keep on shitting up the thread. Sure is video games in here.

>> No.1887286
File: 13 KB, 320x200, vig1_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is that old Dos game I mentioned, Vigilance on Talos V. Seriously, you guys should try it out.

>> No.1887324
File: 1.05 MB, 985x976, teenageMutantNinjaTurtles3RadicalRescue_GBBOX_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people forget about this gem. A nice little proto-SotN

>> No.1887327

It's absolutely canon. It's one of the four "main series" games, the other three of which are the original (obviously), Super Metroid, and Metroid Fusion.

>> No.1887345
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 2362336-nes_ufouria_eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of all time favorites
Maybe I should play it today

>> No.1887471

I bought this for like $10 and was actually kind of disappointed at its difficulty. Maybe it's just that I didn't get far enough but there doesn't seem to be any kind of save or password system, and IMO trying to beat any Metroidvania style game in one sitting blind is a little intimidating

>> No.1887485

I would definitely say that Castlevania 2 arguably counts as a Metroidvania.

Blaster Master, Strider and Rygar are three examples on the NES. The only downside is that NES-era games like this tend to suffer from various flaws like big difficulty curves, no in-game map, and usually no idea of where you're supposed to go next. I suppose if you like exploration and trial and error a lot, there's tons to be found, but I wouldn't be ashamed of pulling out a guide.

>> No.1888852


There's a password system. It even has a "password" option on the main screen...

>> No.1888853
File: 184 KB, 1440x1290, Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_3-_Radical_Rescue_-_1993_-_Konami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1888887

it was an pretty exploitable password system. I remember that putting the last digit to 9 gave you 9 lives or something.

>> No.1889276

Why aren't metroidvania-style games just called metroid-style?

>> No.1889432

Because SotN babbies feel the need to shove their game into the definition despite it bringing nothing to the table on its own that other Metroid-style games actually copy.

>> No.1889646

if you turn out to be an academic, fair enough. If not then get off that horse, it died years ago.

>> No.1889762

Usage determines meaning. You'd learn that in linguistics.

>> No.1889775

>this tired excuse again
I suppose we should all just talk in incomprehensible gibberish then.

>> No.1889814


Strict Metroidvanias in the purest sense:

> Symphony of the Night
>Circle of the Moon
>Harmony of Dissonance
>Aria of Sorrow
>Dawn of Sorrow

Portriat of Ruin and Order of Eclessia are basically just action CVs with RPG and VERY vague adventure elements. So fuck those games. No other CV counts, because they're just action games.

>> No.1889816

It's a bad game though...

>> No.1889821
File: 45 KB, 538x400, wario-land-4-gba.1516165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Wario 3, 4 and so count as Metroidvanias.

You go exploring huge worlds, unlock powerups hidden that allow you to backtrack and explore old areas while also open new ones to explore, etc.

>> No.1889826

ub8, m8?

>> No.1889841

I fucking hate that shit SO much...

Apparently, to millenials, "hur, I so RETRO!" fucking cock-wipes and general retarded bastards, literally every action/adventure game ever made is "Metroidvania" now...
I saw some dumb fuck on /v/ last week call Shadowman a Metroidvania for fuck sakes...

Listen up anons; the following (and ONLY the following) is the formula for defines is a "Metroidvania":

>RPG elements (leveling up, equipment, abnormal status, items, a shop, ect)
>set in the Castlevania universe
>adventure elements similar to those in the Metroid series (needing to find items to get new skills and enter new areas)
>emo vampires and or sickly pretty boys

That's literally it. Just because an action game makes you beat a boss before you can get to new places (like Soul Reaver), does NOT make it Metroidvania. Because Metroidvania literally means "Metroid-like entry in the Castlevania series" Literally everything else is just a Metroid rip off of it's own arguable sub-variety or a standard action/adventure game.

Like the Aliens game for the DS as an example of a separate, non "metroidvania" Metroid rip off in it's own right.

And Metroid games DO NOT count either, as those are "METROIDS", and have none of the "-vania" elements (no RPG stuff, basically).

Stop misusing the term, or just call them action/adventure games like a non mongoloid retard.

Somebody repost that on /v/. Hell, plaster this info all over the fucking internet. We need to stop this shit.

>> No.1889857
File: 65 KB, 700x650, u mad neon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when you are the owner of the absolute truth, matey?

Since when /vr/'s voice is your voice?

Take your hateboner and shove it deep in your arsehole, wankster.

>> No.1889860


>> No.1889870

>non retro games
>tripfags with shit opinions and attitude
>white knights on /vr/

This thread is the very definition of cancer on 4chan.
This board is on the downward spiral.

>> No.1889890

> samefag

>> No.1889891

What would you call Bunny Must Die?

>> No.1889896

Nice try, but no cigar.

>> No.1889919

You're thinking Other M.

>> No.1889924

>Listen up anons; the following (and ONLY the following) is the formula for defines is a "Metroidvania":
>RPG elements (leveling up, equipment, abnormal status, items, a shop, ect)
>adventure elements similar to those in the Metroid series (needing to find items to get new skills and enter new areas)

>> No.1889934

If you don't like games, why are you here? We like games. We like talking about games. We like discussing pros and cons of various games. We don't generally piss and moan about the validity (or lack there of) of what expressions people use to affirm their enjoyment or distaste of and for particular games.

Go to >>>/v/. They hate games and talking about games there, just like you do.

>> No.1889953

>We don't generally piss and moan about the validity (or lack there of) of what expressions people use to affirm their enjoyment or distaste of and for particular games.
Sorry, you don't get to decide if something is off-topic just because it makes you look stupid. This whole thread practically is because SotN is the only retro Metroidvania.

>> No.1890030

3 counts sort of.
Only thing stopping it from being a full blown metroidvania is that it's level-based.
Other WLs don't count though, seeing as they're all pretty linear and not about getting upgrades.

>> No.1890042

According to your parameters, Super Metroid isn't a Metroidvania, which is a retarded statement.

When people say Metroidvania, they refer to games with maps that make you backtrack constantly when you get items and abilities that allow you to access a previously sealed off area, and are exploration-heavy.

>> No.1890046

>Super Metroid is a Metroidvania
No, THAT is a retarded statement.

>> No.1890059

>series' name is half of the term metroidvania
>game somehow isn't a metroidvania


>> No.1890063

Correct, Super Metroid is a "Metroid".

>> No.1890068

That's the series' name. It doesn't mean shit.
Metroid Pinball is a Metroid, so what?

>> No.1890071

Metroid Prime Pinball is not retro.

>> No.1890075

And what does that have to do with the discussion?
Oh wait, you're trying to change the subject because you can't form a compelling argument.

>> No.1890081

>And what does that have to do with the discussion?
It means "fuck off back to /v/ if you want to have a general discussion about video games, where it belongs." That clear enough for you?

>> No.1890090

It actually means "I can't defend what I'm saying without using /v/ as a boogeyman"

And you still can't apparently.
So I'll understand that you actually agree with me but you're too proud to actually admit it.

>> No.1890097

Nope sorry, I'm not playing your game. You little shits try to sneak /v/ discussion in here all the time like this and I won't be a part of it. If you have a retro game to lend support for your moronic "genre" definition I'll be happy to refute that.

>> No.1890103

>definition spans several generations and is still used today to refer to modern games, just as it is used to refer to retro games such as SOTN and Super Metroid

>r-r-retro games only

Come on, you're making yourself look like a fool.

>> No.1890109

The genre for Metroid games and others similar to them is action-adventure platformer or "Metroid-like". "Metroidvania" is not a genre.

>> No.1890110

Says who?

>> No.1890115

It's what I typed, so yes.

>> No.1890124

So you're the judge who defines what counts as a game genre and what doesn't?
That's what you're saying?

>> No.1890130

It's simple common sense, that's all.

>> No.1890136

No no, common sense says that Metroidvania applies both to Super METROID, and CastleVANIA SOTN.

And even if it WASN'T common sense, common sense doesn't dictate what something is or isn't.

So you're gonna have to try a bit harder than that.

>> No.1890141

It's simply, really.
1) Metroidvania was originally coined to mean exactly that: Castlevania games which incorporate Metroid elements.
2) It makes no logical sense to imply an attribution of Castlevania elements to Metroid-like games by the portmanteau itself when it has done next nothing to advance the formula and practically zero games use its specific series' elements.
3) The alternative definition is so wishy-washy and vague that it shouldn't be used.

I mean when people call shit like Non-retro Game A or Non-retro Game B a Metroidvania these days you know there's been a serious lapse in communication. Someone even said they heard some idiot call Super Mario 64 one in here didn't they? There's obviously a real problem here. You can either stick with the strict definition so people know precisely what you're talking about when you bring it up, or you can continue to use vague language and both communicate and think duller for it.

Or you could stop using the silly term altogether and avoid this kind of confusion or discussion entirely.

>> No.1890143

>common sense says that Metroidvania applies both to Super METROID, and CastleVANIA SOTN.
I don't know what kind of retard universe you exist in, but common sense dictates that a word combining two different things should implying a melding of them. What the fuck does Super Metroid take from Castlevania? Fucking nothing, that's what.

>> No.1890152

But if that was a valid line of reasoning, then Metroid-like wouldn't be a valid term either.
Most games referred to as "Metroid-like" don't involve weird alien fauna.

"Metroidvanias" don't necessarily have to take every aspect from Super Metroid or SOTN, that's not what it's about.

All I see is people getting their panties in a twist because of a popular term for a specific kind of game.

>> No.1890164

One of the interesting things about linguistics, specifically the English language, is that a term doesn't have to be correct to fall into common use and thus be accepted. While metroidvania is not 100% accurate, it's a common enough term that people will understand what it means -- a game focused on non-linear progression, exploration, and open endedness.

This is no different from the regions of the US that call a Cicada a Locust. Even though the term is incorrect, it's such common usage that people will know those buzzing insects that molt by the name. Likewise, in the gaming world, people will know what a metroidvania is even if the word's origin isn't perfectly correct. You can continue to try and go against the grain and call these games something else, but ultimately threads will just wind up derailed with arguments over syntax.

>> No.1890189

Man "Metroidvania" a Castlevania game with Super Metroid formula, simple as that.

>> No.1890194


>> No.1890446

>Someone even said they heard some idiot call Super Mario 64 one in here didn't they? There's obviously a real problem here.
There are tons of idiots who call LttP and OoT RPGs.
Doesn't mean there's a problem with the term "RPG".

>> No.1891501

>a game in the Castlevania series
The fuck are you smoking?

>> No.1891523
File: 20 KB, 326x352, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded
I just don't even anymore. How can you live with yourself?

>> No.1891904

>Take your hateboner and shove it deep in your arsehole, wankster.
Fucking, lol.

>> No.1893554

Playing Metroid

How beat Kraid?

>> No.1893595

shoot him with missiles

>> No.1893674

That's not working

>> No.1893713

also, don't die

>> No.1893715

Roll into a ball, roll into him and dump bombs on him.
When you're low on energy, grab the tank.
Then go back to bombing him.

>> No.1893775

grab what tank? What's to say I dont already have all the energy tanks?

>> No.1893779

If you already have all, then just farm to full life and then do the bomb tactic. As long as you have the Varia you should be fine with 3+ tanks.

>> No.1893791

I was looking for a site that had a list of hack roms of Super Metroid that was posted either here or on /v/ before, but i didn't save the link.

It had a list with 10+ hack rooms, a score to them (0 to 5 with stars images) and a short description of what it changed compared to the regular game. Alternatively, any recommendation of the good/popular ones is fine.

>> No.1893821

Order of Ecclesia was pretty good. The gameplay was refreshing, with a really interesting story. It wasn't SotN, but it was better than the prior DS entries, and the gameboy ones.

>> No.1893843
File: 34 KB, 512x448, adventure_island_4_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroidvania games are truly awesome, but they also fall in the Action/Adventure genre, which Zelda is part of for example. I'll be dumping some games.

>> No.1893846

Hum.. megaman ZX?

>> No.1893848
File: 60 KB, 496x443, Cosmo police galivan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good one. It's a mix of Metroidvania and straight forward Platformer, as in, you explore each stage individually. It's based on Gavan, a Metal Hero Tokusatsu series.

>> No.1893850

Where is Legacy of the Wizard niggas

>> No.1893854
File: 171 KB, 640x480, Elemental Gimmick Gear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elemental Gimmick Gear is a neat underrated Action/Adventure game on the Dreamcast. It's top-down though.

>> No.1893860
File: 158 KB, 512x480, Bio Senshi Dan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one but it's kinda stiff.

>> No.1893872
File: 8 KB, 512x448, Holy Umbrella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game about a shota boy who finds a magic umbrella.

>> No.1893880

None of those are remotely Metroidvanias.

>> No.1893886
File: 31 KB, 283x400, Rastan-SMS-EU-R-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rastan is the masterpiece for SMS, maybe not like Psycho Fox, but I love this.

>> No.1893887
File: 18 KB, 640x400, The Scheme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are Action/Adventure games where you explore a open ended world, acquire new power ups that unlock other sections of the world to explore. You can also backtrack to get optional upgrades.

Sounds Metroidvania to me. Also here's The Scheme for the PC-8801.

>> No.1893890

Isn't that a straight platformer?

>> No.1893903

not completely, any phases are in vertical too

>> No.1893904

>Sounds Metroidvania to me.
You need to learn what a Metroidvania is then.


>> No.1893906

Not a Metroidvania, since it has stage-based progression.

>> No.1893931

Well ok have fun with your castlevania and metroid thread. I was recommending some games I know but know what fuck it.

>> No.1894337

ITT: people who don't understand what a metroidvania game is

>> No.1894357

I don't think anyone does anymore. Maybe it's time we retired the term for something more descriptive.

>> No.1894515

So, basically, you're shitposting at this point to dissuade any discussion about neat games because you're too autistic to adapt to varying definitions of a term.

>> No.1894516 [DELETED] 

portrait of ruin or metroid fusion.
granted, they aren't the best, but they're my personal fav's

>> No.1894935

>Doesn't mean there's a problem with the term "RPG".
He's not saying there's a problem with the term, but with the way people use it.

Calling videogames RPGs was always kinda nonsense, though.

>> No.1895005

There's a term already and it's called Action/Adventure. Metroidvania games are Action/Adventures.

>> No.1895042

Metroidvania was always a shitty term for a genre. They're exploration-oriented side-scrolling games.

>> No.1895050

>metroidvania game
That sounds so strange because "metroidvania" implies that it's a game. Almost like saying "RPG game".

>> No.1895069

There are tons of side-scrollers which focus on exploration. The real thing that sets metroid and the like apart is that the transitions between the levels make it feel like you're exploring a giant, organic world. Otherwise we might as well call mario bros 3 and the adventure of link "metroidvanias".

>> No.1895070


>Started a thread ages ago about Action/Adventure games
>No replies

Retards don't even know what genre their games are. It kinda pisses me off because it's my favorite genre.

>> No.1895072

Adventure of Link is an Action/Adventure RPG so it's definitely close to Metroid.

>> No.1895075

Adventure game, platformer game, turn-based strategy game...

My personal and not very out-thought opinion thought would be a general guideline could say that abbreviations don't need the word "game" after them (RTS, Shmup, etc) while full-on wotds could use them. Some exceptions like Doom-clone and Roguelike are still awkward to put the word "game" after though.

>> No.1895106
File: 48 KB, 640x480, shot01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Wonderboy in Monster Land count as a Metroidvania? How about Maze of Galious?

>> No.1895124

>Super Mario Bros. 3
It's a stage-based platformer with a map hub.
>The Adventure of Link
It's an action RPG.

>> No.1895147

No and no.

>> No.1895180
File: 119 KB, 476x286, pacman consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I've got flash news for you: that's ONLY the origin of the term.

Reviewers, fanzines and gamers in general back then, classified the Castlevania games in 2: Classicvania, the action/adventure games like NES, SNES, and Metroidvania, the other Castlevania games with Metroid elements + the RPG elements.

Since then, they find out they can explain the mechanics and how a game plays easily with with this term.

A convention about the exact meaning doesn't exist yet , but roughly, a metroidvania is a gema with:

>RPG Elements
>Emphasis on exploration
>Needing to find items or improve skills to reach new areas

That's it. This is not an absolute thruth, but its more or less the recurrent features the reviewers and gamers evoke when they talk about a "metroidvania".

So stop whinning like a faggot and accept the term explains very well how a game plays. Even if you don't like it, when you listen "Hey, this game is a metroidvania", you automatically knows how the game is.

>> No.1895204

PS: The element I mentioned are the recurrent ones, but if we're looking for the features who are the ones what defines a metroidvania, these are:

>Needing to find items or improve skills to reach new areas
>Action Adventure

PS: a metroidvania game* is

>> No.1895208

>super metroid
>super castlevania IV
Yeah no go fuck yourself

>> No.1895212

Most action adventures that require you to improve your skills or find items to unlock new areas, so the two are kinda the same thing.

>> No.1895216

>super castlevania IV
You mean Rondo. Though the only upgrade you need to reach new areas is maria.

>> No.1895218

>Even if you don't like it, when you listen "Hey, this game is a metroidvania", you automatically knows how the game is.
Hah, not even. With the ridiculous assortment of games every idiot deems to be a "Metroidvania" simply because they have the smallest amount of exploration, you have no idea what something could play like when people use it nowadays. The phrase has lost all function. It doesn't describe any "genre" of games well literally, and the assumptions about about gameplay derived from using it figuratively are inconsistent and murky at best.

>> No.1895219

Yeah,, "kinda" is the key word here. Like I said, I don't have the absolute thruth, so maybe here we can reach a convention on what is a "metroidvania" exactly. The only sure thing here is that a metroidvania is not ONLY Castlevania games with metroid features.

>> No.1895226

>The only sure thing here is that a metroidvania is not ONLY Castlevania games with metroid features.
The fuck? No, that's exactly what a Metroidvania is.

>> No.1895227

play prime 3

>> No.1895229


>> No.1895231

You're right, but like I said, that's no longer the only definition of a Metroidvania. With this selective arguing we're reaching nowhere anon and this becoming an ego fight. Just stop complaining and accept other people have different opinions. Cease activity.

>> No.1895235

And Zero Mission > Super Metroid.

>> No.1895237

Demon's Crest is one of the most boring and slow "Metroidvania" games.

It's praised because of the visuals.

>> No.1895239

No... It's -still- the only definition of Metroidvania. Trying to use it in any other way is stupid.

>> No.1895240
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>> No.1895247

This is a shitpostingvania thread mate no games here

>> No.1895248

>super castlevania IV
>any kind of exploration
There's literally NOWHERE to go except forward without turning back in that game.

>> No.1895357

1. regardless of what captain "you are only allowed to use words the way I say you should use them" may claim, I think it's extremely useful to have a term for games that are not just Action-Adventure, but specifically have that gameplay where you gain new skills/items and then have to backtrack to a previously locked area.

2. please, please don't let /vr/ degrade into another /v/. arguing about how your opinion is right and people who do not agree with your tastes are all stupid is not as fun as talking about video games.

3. the music in Blaster Master makes me erect

>> No.1895360


OH SHIT that reminds me...anybody here played an indy PC game called Lyle in Cubeland? not sure if the release date counts as "retro", I guess, but it's a very retro design, intended to be similar to Blaster Master...and it fucking rules. And has rad music.

also like Cave Story I think Cube Sector might have been entirely created by one amazing dude with too much time on his hands

>> No.1895375

>I think it's extremely useful to have a term for games that are not just Action-Adventure, but specifically have that gameplay where you gain new skills/items and use them to unlock new areas
Hey, agreed! Metroidvania already has a definition though, so we'll have to use a different phrase. Perhaps "Metroid-like"? There's already Roguelikes and Cabal Shooters, so it's not like there's no precedent.

>> No.1895482

>3. the music in Blaster Master makes me erect
That's called "normal", and not anything else.

>> No.1895902

Monster World series yes. From part 2 on.

>> No.1895991

The Shaman King games on the GBA were pretty great for their metroidvania fight system

>> No.1896030
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There's no such thing as Metroidvania games.

Any game with a map system like Super Metroid, save rooms and power-up rooms like Super Metroid, and required weapon upgrades to progress similar to Super Metroid, is a METROID game.

Symphony of the Night is a very good Metroid game. Symphony of the Night is basically a Metroid clone. Nothing wrong with that, but let's give credit where it's due. Just because the game features RPG elements doesn't change the fact it's a Metroid clone.

>> No.1896072
File: 47 KB, 640x400, typical doom clone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no such thing as first-person shooters.

Any game with a first person viewpoint like Doom, various kinds of guns, and power-ups like health and armor like Doom, and required finding keys and backtracking to progress similar to Doom, is a DOOM game.

Duke Nukem 3D is a very good Doom game. Duke Nukem 3D is basically a Doom clone. Nothing wrong with that, but let's give credit where it's due. Just because the game features inventory items doesn't change the fact it's a Doom clone.

>> No.1896113


The term has fallen into common use. It happens all the time. Get over it already.

I enjoyed those, i must admit.

>> No.1896178
File: 43 KB, 640x480, symphony4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom wasn't the first FPS...

And yes, Doom inspired many shooters that came after it. That's why Doom is considered one of the most innovative games of all-time.

And sure, I'm all for giving credit to Doom for its inspiration on other FPS games. What's your point?

I remember when I first played Symphony of the Night back in 1997. I was like, "Nintendo is gonna sue somebody!" Haha

>> No.1896196

This. It was smart on Konami's behalf to copy what Nintendo did. I still don't care though, I love the Castlevania games.

>> No.1896201


>> No.1896234

Doom sucks though.

>> No.1896235
File: 51 KB, 300x230, falcon2outta10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom sucks

>> No.1896239

Go play Brutal Doom just like the other kiddies.

>> No.1896243
File: 11 KB, 666x720, Doom_clone_vs_first_person_shooter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom wasn't the first FPS...

You don't have to tell me that. Hell, I know that's not even Wolfenstein 3D. I guess you're not quite as long in the tooth as some of the other folks here. Believe it or not, there was a time when the term "first-person shooter" was unheard of, and the most popular term going about was "Doom Clone". A similar thing has happened in recent years with "Minecraft Clone", but even some of the more dense people are starting to realize that there's room for more of... well, whatever specific name for this subgenre of sandbox games becomes popular, than just Minecraft, that some of these games aren't necessarily uninspired knock-offs and expand upon the concept in valuable ways.

I guess you'd call it something like "genre infancy". People have a history of getting very defensive when others start having their own take on a new and popular idea.

Pic related is even one of the first things to show up when searching "doom clone". Though it's something you wouldn't have needed a chart for if you were there. Like discovering WASD was a little unpopular popular before Quake.

>> No.1896246
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>playing Brutal Doom

>> No.1896248

I hate to say it, but I hated Brutal Doom. I know you guys all hyped that up, but I'm too much of a purist. In particular, some of the sounds were annoying as hell. I forget what I really hated about it, but I remember being less than impressed and giving up on it.

>> No.1896252

Yeah, that's pretty much the whole point I was trying to get across. Symphony of the Night is a great game, but it ripped off Super Metroid to the point of having pink and blue map tiles!

There's been a lot of great Metroid clones released after 1994, I admit. But Nintendo should get full credit for innovating that style of play, in which other developers added to over the years.

>> No.1896274

According to that logic, wouldn't that make Doom a Wolfenstein game? Doom came out in 1993, dude. Wolfenstein was 1992.

>> No.1896286

>Symphony of the Night is a great game
It's not fit to be mentioned in the same sentence as Metroid.

>> No.1896287

Because Wolfenstein 3D doesn't make its way into top 10 best omgsoretro fps lists.

>> No.1896327

That's not only irrelevant, but also debatable. I knew lots of Wolfenstein fans back in the day. If Duke Nukem is a Doom game, then Doom is a Wolfenstein game. Nice effort, though.

>> No.1896339

so does that make duke a doomenstein game :^)

>> No.1896346

It's relevant because if it's cool to like something then it completely overshadows everything else.

>> No.1896351


>> No.1896590


>> No.1896606
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>> No.1896623

Congratulations on being 5-years-old.

>> No.1896625

Congratulations on being assblasted.

>> No.1896632

>Congratulations on being assblasted.
This is my first post in the thread, dumbass.

I'm not the one who posted those terrible logics about that pretend Wolfenstein doesn't exist.

>> No.1896646

>This is my first post in the thread, dumbass.
Actually, this one is your second. :^)

>> No.1896649

What kind of fag keeps a picture like that saved on his computer?

>> No.1896651

The kind that just blew you the fuck out.

>> No.1896658

>What kind of fag keeps a picture like that saved on his computer?

>The kind that just blew you


>> No.1896662

(^: Nice one, m8. :^)

>> No.1896884

Nigga most of /vr/ doesn't like Brutal Doom

Oh yeah here's your reply too by the way

>> No.1896925


I'm gunna have to disagree SotN > PoR > *

As far as Castlevanias in general... SotN > CV3 > PoR > CV1 > CoD > *

>> No.1896926


God I love low color games when done right. So sexy.

>> No.1896940
File: 30 KB, 256x370, 256px-Legacyofthewizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dis wun ov dem casltroids?

>> No.1896943

no thats a roidveinia

>> No.1896970

Epic pwnage. I took a screen shot of that.

I'll have to stick with Symphony of the Night. It's close between Super Metroid, but I invested countless hours in SoTN.

>> No.1897000

>doesn't even mention the exploration and backtracking elements of Metroid
>includes save rooms even though the original Metroid didn't have them

No sir, you are the failure here.

>> No.1897007

>Metroid was the first game with exploration and backtracking
We should just call all games Adventure-clones.

The argument against the term Metroidvania is retarded and people should just stop fucking caring at this point.

>> No.1897021


It's not the greatest. It gets really repetitive after a while, and you can't actually go wherever you want because areas are closed off until you kill enough metroids to lower the lava. I actually enjoyed the first Metroid more because it was more challenging and the levels were more varied. Then again, it could just be a problem with the game boy being monochromatic. The game is dark so everything seems to just kinda blend together.

>> No.1897617
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>> No.1897648

They're exploration-oriented platformers or EOPs. End of story.

>> No.1897809
File: 84 KB, 253x230, 1391025703647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played any metroidvania of any kind before and I started the first metroid.
That shit is a real maze but I feel like I'm progressing alright, I guess.

>> No.1897829
File: 3 KB, 160x144, Shantae.scuttletownlighthouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently completed Shantae. It's a Metroidvania^W action-adventure game, and it's not very fun. Transformation animation takes too long and you transform a lot. No real sequence braking possible. Lots of blind jumps because of the big sprites and small screen. Then again, I don't like the genre.

On the plus side, it's probably the best looking game on the GBC. Better graphics than a lot of 16-bit games. Music is good too.

>> No.1898045

This game has fantastic soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro.

>> No.1898064

>can't die in bottomless pit

>> No.1898847


>> No.1899170

God that sounds so much worser

>> No.1899189

I don't see how Maze of Galious wouldn't count. Everyone acts like SotN was Konami's first attempt to copy Metroid but MoG came out just a year after Metroid (and before CV2, if you want to count that) and was much more deliberate. The action wasn't as fluid as Metroid, but the much higher emphasis on item-collecting and backtracking, two character system, more bosses, and plenty else made it stand out from Metroid and was overall a much deeper game. Plenty of people consider La-Mulana a metroidvania and that's basically a clone of Maze of Galious.

>> No.1900792
File: 135 KB, 640x480, sotn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Super Metroid is my favorite, but it's not a Metroidvania game. It came out in 1994 before Castlevania copied its style.


I'll say SoTN is my favorite Super Metroid game.

>> No.1901052

I didn't know Shantae is a metroidvania. I really need to play it.

>> No.1903581



>> No.1903990
File: 914 KB, 500x375, steallingalltheburgs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw zero suit samus having a whip in smash bros brawl was a fucking play on the word metroidvania because the main character's common main weapon was a whip

>> No.1904490
File: 269 KB, 1000x984, circleofthemoon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most underrated of the series reporting in.

>> No.1904494

playing through it right now
its pretty good so far but nowhere near SoTN and controls suck ass

>> No.1904496

It plays more like the classic series, whip goodness and all, but with the structure and RPG elements of SoTN

>> No.1904497

Except it's not and it's mentioned as a godsend in every Castlevania related thread I've ever seen.

Also not /vr/.

>> No.1904503

The majority of metroidvanias aren't /vr/

>> No.1904509

I like it. The card-based magic system is cool, and it has a similar gothic art style to the NES Castlevanias.

My only issue with it is that the summoning card (Uranus, I think?) totally breaks the game.

>> No.1904527

My second favorite metroid-like game is wonder boy in monster world.

>> No.1904532

I don't give a shit about naming conventions or whatever, that list sure does look good. Metroidvanias, adventure games, whatever.

Anything else to add to that list though?

>> No.1904536

The game is only hard on Vampire Killer or Thief Mode, all the other modes make the game a joke. Still a damn fine game.

>> No.1904547

I guess I just suck then, because I thought it was pretty damn hard. It took me about a week to beat it.

>> No.1904574

Nah, when you play your first games in this genre you tend to take a lot longer trying to get somewhere.

Once you played like 10 or 20 of these you just get used to it. It's like JRPGs.

>> No.1904575

Crosses are ridiculously broken and destroy the whole game by themselves.

>> No.1904717
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>Any game with a map system like Super Metroid, save rooms and power-up rooms like Super Metroid, and required weapon upgrades to progress similar to Super Metroid, is a METROID game.
I guess this one's my favorite then.

>> No.1905786

I love Metroid but never really gave Castlevania a good shot. I played a few hours of SotN a while back and almost beat Order of Ecclesia recently. Started Circle of the Moon this week and have been enjoying it. Maybe I just prefer whip characters?

Anyways, are there any games I should definitely avoid (so far I'm getting that impression about the N64 games), or move to the top of the list? I want to get a real feel for the series and beat as many games as possible. I'm thinking either Rondo of Blood or Castlevania Chronicles after Circle of the Moon.

>> No.1905824

I believe there's a TMNT game for Game Boy that has the Metroidvania style.

>> No.1906559


I finished it recently and honestly it was meh. From gba I much more prefer HoD and AoS.

The only place where I had problems was the arena and the underground sewers.

The latter only because I hadn't beat Death yet.

>> No.1906627
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>> No.1906628
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>> No.1906630
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>> No.1906668

Too bad
Either way, try to keep it off this board