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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1885460 No.1885460 [Reply] [Original]

What are some RPGs that really break the cliches of the genre? RPGs that feel really unique and innovative...just games that stand out from the rest in terms of plot, items and gameplay?

Whether it's console or PC doesn't matter.

>> No.1885474


I'd also say Pokemon, since it was unlike any other RPG at the time, AFAIK

>> No.1885478


>> No.1885480

Eternal Filena.

The only thing better than a waifu is a waifu with a waifu.

>> No.1885484

Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story, SMT 1 and 2 come to mind. Parasite Eve mixes it up by adding survival horror elements and having a unique action-based combat system. Vagrant Story also has an interesting combat system, a heavy emphasis on weapon customization and a very complex weakness/strength system. SMT 1 and 2 feel different because of their settings/atmospheres and the demon recruitement system.

>> No.1885490

Live a Live

>> No.1885494

>Pokemon unlike any other RPG
Also wrong, Megami Tensei had been around for a decade before Pokemon.

>> No.1885496

Do you have anything constructive to add?

>> No.1885497


>> No.1885501

Harvest Moon
Vagrant Story

There, stop busting my balls for chastising an obvious underage.

>> No.1885502 [DELETED] 

Go back to /a/ Weeb. We want to help the guy, and don't let the door hit your funk on the way out

>> No.1885508
File: 12 KB, 320x200, Superhero League of Hoboken_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First we have to establish what the cliches of the genre are.

But if you want a zany, non-serious point 'n' click adventure cross RPG, you can't go wrong with Superhero League of Hoboken.

>> No.1885510 [DELETED] 

The age limit for this board is 18, not 35.

>> No.1885527

Azure Dreams

Sort of a "roguelite" mixed with Pokemon and Harvest Moon. Tons of fun. Has actual waifus.

>> No.1885530

How is he wrong about earthbound? It deviates from the RPG story cliches, even if the combat system isn't much different from any other turn based combat. True SMT had been around for a long time, but pokemon was not a carbon copy, it had a totally different atmosphere, and the story and main idea of the series was totally different.
It also gained huge popularity SMT still hasn't, despite releasing, imo, better and totally different games as opposed to a yearly rehash with a few new monsters.

>> No.1885540

Paper Mario and Megaman Battle Network are perhaps the only RPGs that have actual battle systems

>> No.1885543

Valkyrie Profile
I don't even play RPGs but you're just spewing shit man

>> No.1885548

>How is he wrong about earthbound? It deviates from the RPG story cliches, even if the combat system isn't much different from any other turn based combat.

You've answered half your question right there. As far as plot goes, Earthbound is well on the typical vague "Save the crystals, get to the next level" quest storyline BS until about the last 15% of the game, which goes flat into complete tonal shift.

Is it unique? At times, but it's far less unique than people remember.

>Pokemon was not a carbon copy

Its entire premise and combat system is Megaten simplified. Simply put, there's nothing Pokemon does that Megami Tensei hasn't been doing better for decades. It's not unique in the slightest.

>> No.1885557

Shoalin on the ps1 was interesting, it was a sort of Wuxia RPG mixed with a fighting game. The fighting was kind of floaty though but could have up to eight players at once which I've never seen an actual fighting game do

>> No.1885561

Megami Tensei did not have a huge emphasis on weaknesses like the SMT games do and you aren't exactly meant to form a bond with the monsters you catch. Dragon Quest 5 is much closer to Pokemon, but even then it's an entirely different game.

>> No.1885565

The first few parts of DQ4 were pretty interesting even if the setting was standard DQ

>Part 1 - Detective investigation of missing children
>Part 2 - Princess runs away to join a fight club
>Part 3 - Judaism simulator
>Part 4 - Sexy dancers seek revenge

>> No.1885575

Ultima 4
Instead of defeating an evil boss the goal of the game is to become a virtuous person. Various aspects it innovated ended up becoming standard and the execution was limited by the technology and capability but in 1985 it was groundbreaking.

>> No.1885627

Riviera the promised land

One of the most unique level system try it out

found it few days at my emulatorside.

sucked it up in one day its f*** brilliant. story is nice and 8 different ending scenes.

you are the only male in the party. the other people you will get are female. (like harem anime i know XDD)
But this opens up to the funniest scenes i have ever encountered in a video game and it doesnt lose any seriousness in the story 8.5/10


unique fighting system unblelievable ahead of its time

>> No.1885634
File: 30 KB, 320x280, shadowrun-screenshot-002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadowrun on the SNES.

-One of the few non-Japanese RPGs for the 4th gen consoles.
-Great story
-Unique gameplay
-Unique cyperpunk + fantasy genre

If you haven't played this game you're missing out.

>> No.1885645


So grindy.

>> No.1885646

And for that matter, Shadowrun on Genesis too.

>> No.1885704

Ultima VI was quite innovative for its time, after a while you realize that the evil demons weren't so evil, they were just a mere faction and the ultimate main goal changed from defeating the Enemy to help reach peace between the two races.
Oh, and the total open world was quite an innovation too, you could reach any point of the map, but some zones were extremely dangerous and it was wiser to follow a certain path.

>> No.1885854

Super Mario RPG

>> No.1885876

yeah but it gives you fucking xp fountains to grind at e.g. the arena

>> No.1885901

Paper Mario

>> No.1886031
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>> No.1886076

Emerald Dragon for the SNES. Here's a boss battle to show how the combat works.

>> No.1886327

I was really impressed by the structure and pacing of dq4 given how old it is. I don't think there was really anything like it before. Not even really since either

>> No.1886389

Ayo Alundra just be ya boi Zelda wit da purple hair
rate comment subscirib!

>> No.1886424

What's so unique about it? The setting and story are great yes, but the gameplay is the same as a more directed Ambermoon and even disregarding its predecessors it's pretty standard turn-based RPG stuff. It's overall very similar to the Ultima series.
Maybe the colorful detailed visual style is kind of unique but not really.

I really love the series by the way I just wouldn't call it innovative.

>> No.1886451

Parasite Eve. it has survival horror elements (puzzles, exploration and item management), the game is split up into chapters and then sub-devided into "plot" and "gameplay" sections. It also has the best weapon customization in any game I've personally played and a really well conceived psudo science driven plot. Also, the totally gameplay driven post game is longer than the main quest.

Need for Speed Carbon (not /vr/ I know, but still). It has a world map, territory conquering, stat and appearance customization, car classes, party members, party member classes/skills, is story driven, has random encounters and even boss battles. It has almost all RPG archetypes, only with racing gameplay. (NFS Underground 2 and Most Wanted have elements as well, but lack actual party members and territory conquering, So I'd argue that they're less RPG-like)

Can't think of anything else that hasn't been mentioned before. And I only included PE in my post because I think it's just that fucking good. It deserves to be mentioned a hundred times in the same thread.

>> No.1886490

I was mostly thinking about the story and setting, and also the top-down & 3D combination. But yeah, you're right it ain't that unique.

>> No.1886493

Well OP never specified whether he wants unique settings or unique gameplay and that's also why not only Earthbound gets posted, but also slandered.

>> No.1886518

If your answer isn't Moon, you're wrong.

>> No.1886532

Valkyrie Profile is pretty unique both in terms of the combat system and how the game is structured.

Dream Master has finite enemies and resources, so each dungeon is sort of like a puzzle to work through.

Sweet Home has stereotypical JRPG combat, but the plot, setting, puzzles, and environmental hazards make it stand out.

Most of the SaGa games also qualify.

>> No.1886538

That sounds interesting. Shame there isn't an english translation so far as I can tell.

>> No.1886558

In progress.

>> No.1886587

It's finished except for one bit of the outro (like an intro... only at the end of something). It's been finished for about a year, I think?

>> No.1886653

Pokemon presents one of the first ever instances of an RPG designed specifically for Vs. combat between players. It's also one of the only RPGs in which every single unit in the game can be used by the player (there are no 'boss only' monsters so to speak).

>> No.1886656

Is the CD one good too?

>> No.1888125

Its issue is that the game expects you to master everything the moment you get any gear with skill not yet learned. Therefore, you absolutely have to put progress in halt and grind a lot of times when you get a new gear.
Other than that, it's breddy gud.

>> No.1888204

If you like your moon runes and snatcher then yeah. Catchy music as well.

>> No.1888247
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Hybrid Heaven

>> No.1888291
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Destiny of an Emperor really stands out for me.

It was like ROTK meets final fantasy. Soldiers replace hitpoints, tactics replace spells using "TP" instead of "MP", and enemy generals replace monsters. A fire spell was really just setting the field on fire, a water spell was slooding the enem camp, and the "death spell" was an assassination of the enemy general.

Virtually every enemy in the game could be captured and lured over to your side (although most were shit). Some were very powerful and were good to recruit early on, but only the core characters (Liu Bei's generals) would actually level up and grow over time.

This really added a lot to the game because you were constantly rotating your party members as new ones emerged and older ones became obsolete. Other characters left at per-determined points (you could have Lu Bu in the party for a while, but eventually he leaves the party and becomes a boss fight due to destiny).

Outside of combat you explore towns, buy gear, and quickly learn to examine every crate, bush and well in every town to find loot. It was similar to FFIV towns and exploring was rewarded.

>> No.1888305

>Emerald Dragon for the SNES

This game is awesome, I played the PC Engine version that has some differences (actually almost every version of the game has differences with the original). The story is quite unique, good characters and a really dynamic battle system.

>> No.1888307
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>> No.1888316
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Fire Woman Matoigumi (PC FX/PS), it might seem like your average japanese dating sim where you can move in a map, but the game has some RPG elements (more important than those in Tokimemo) in short, you have to help the different girls and your character will learn different techniques according to what activities you do at school (you can learn judo, karate, aikido, wrestling, etc.).

>> No.1888321

Valkyrie Profile is definitely Atypical.

The combat is incredibly unique and focuses on building combos to unleash special attacks.

Dungeons are built like 2D platformers where it takes more skill than usual to progress through a dungeon, and you actually have to think and have some skill to get to the more secret areas and items.

When it comes to plot elements there is an overarching story, but the main meat of the game comes into play with the characters you meet throughout.

Its a shame we don't see more RPGs like it.

>> No.1888362


>> No.1888538

a racing RPG was already done by namco as final lap twin, they also made a tennis. Both have dragon quest over world and equipment and stats

>> No.1888546
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Captain+Tsubasa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some RPGs that really break the cliches of the genre?
Captain Tsubasa is a SOCCER RPG.

>> No.1888560


>> No.1888573
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>> No.1888589


both are minimal compared to MMBN and PM

>> No.1888668

Nah, a bit of careful examination and you find a lot of other RPGs that did the same thing.

>> No.1888673


>> No.1888685

Paper Mario was pretty stock, in terms of the actual battles. Outside of them it was kind neat, but it wasn't what I would call atypical other than a small quirk.

>> No.1888704
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It's obviously not that unique since it's the second game in a longer series but most other games like this aren't translated to English.

>> No.1888776

Where's Gendo?

>> No.1888796


It's also the only one in the series with actual RPG elements.

>> No.1888808

Aren't all of them based on raising stats to influence the way your daughter grows?

>> No.1888814

I don't know what you see as RPG elements or much about the later parts but 1 is the same game with some missing polish.

>> No.1888829

This is so dumb it's almost funny. I can't really take much out of your nonsensical one-liner unless you explain what you're trying to say with "the only RPGs that have actual battle systems" but Paper Mario is a shallow linear adventure game with minimal character development and a simple, trivially easy combat model that includes a timing component.

>> No.1888850

Stop replying to obvious retards.

>> No.1888858

>RPG elements

I meant the adventure parts that play like Dragon Quest. I thought those were missing in the other games, but it seems it's missing from the third game and fourth game only.

>> No.1888875

Such as?
I'm genuinely interested, I didn't know there were any other games with that sort of gameplay.

>> No.1888903

Holy fuck this fucking game

The ungrateful little bitch won't work twice in the same month without turning into a sorrid cunt the next month jesus fuck.

I just want her to be a fucking princess not a megabitch.

Fucking hell.

>> No.1888949

Well it depends. Do you mean the battles, or the multiple character thing? Not the same guy, but it could depend based on what you mean.

>> No.1888975

The battle system.

>> No.1889024

Then I'm not personally aware of any other games that are horribly similar to that. He might've been talking about the different stories, but it's hard to tell.

>> No.1889159

this game is so fun... I had a blast with this on the famicom as a kid.

>> No.1889224


Earthbound had a couple unique things going for it. Combat-wise, the rolling HP meter was a huge innovation. Skipping battles because you're so goddamn stronk was also really nice.

A lot of the uniqueness of the series started with Mother 1, and is really only relevant to the time period in which it came out. At that time (1989), literally EVERY SINGLE RPG was swords and sorcery themed. By giving you control of a kid with a baseball bat living in Podunk, America, Itoi & friends were turning the entire genre on its head. Add in some fourth-wall jokes ("Can I speak to the person playing the game for a second please?") and Mother was probably the most innovative and unique RPG. At the time.

>> No.1889229

Was I the only one who felt a similarity in game play between Parasite Eve and Secret of Mana? maybe it was just the action gauge, but it felt pretty damn similar at the time.

>> No.1889241

While not japanese, there were a plenty of sci-fi RPGs out by 1989.

>> No.1889281

Legend of Legaia. The arts system was pretty nice, and the magic system was definitely unique, at least for it's time. The soundtrack and well, pretty much everything else is breddy gud too.

>> No.1889293

It was also hard as balls.

>> No.1889296
File: 163 KB, 744x526, metal max returns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Metal Max games. You travel around post-apocalyptic wastelands, and the combat mostly involves driving around tanks.

Only one game ever got translated unfortunately, Metal Max Returns.

>> No.1889305

Oh shit, I didn't expect anyone to post about Metal Max. Returns was fucking great.

>> No.1889309
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I fucking love this series, I need to get around playing 2 and 3 now that I've got decent moonspeak reading skills.

2 is the best one, IIRC. Did I mention those games are nonlinear?

>> No.1889317

It's times like this I really wish I knew moon. I need to hurry up and figure it out just to play these.

>> No.1889318

Thanks, I've downloaded every single NES game but never thought to give this one a chance. Will try later tonight

>> No.1889330

Talking about atypical RPGs, there's one I remember playing, but I can't recall the name. The MC had red hair I think, and you had to build up and customise a mech to fight along side you. It was pretty fun, and I wish to play it again, so if someone remember the name it would be great.

>> No.1889337
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Robotrek. That was a pretty fun game.

>> No.1889338

Quest 64

>> No.1889353
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Thanks a lot, fun times are going to be had again.

>> No.1889431 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1409014899587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you like this game and 2hu

>> No.1889443

>implying anyone kicks the ball

>> No.1889450

there were also numerous japanese sci-fi RPGs out by then

>> No.1889459

I think the point of the matter is that they didn't have a lot of modern day stuff. It was kind of out there as far as it went, and the weird way it told the story stood out.

>> No.1889614
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Dragon Force
Front Mission 3
Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu
Harvest Moon
Kagero: Deception II
Legend of Legaia
Live A Live
Metal Max Returns
Paper Mario
Parasite Eve
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Seiken Densetsu 3
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Skies of Arcadia
Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden
Vagrant Story
Valkyrie Profile

Not sure if you're including action RPGs and some of these are similar to each other but you might enjoy them

Beyond Oasis
Crusader of Centy
Illusion of Gaia

Technically not /vr/ but Dark Cloud may interest you

>> No.1889654

If Shadow Hearts counts, so does Dark Cloud.

Also never heard of Dragon Force. What's that like?

>> No.1889681
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Whoops, forgot to move that down with Dark Cloud

Dragon Force is a strategy RPG for the Sega Saturn. Reminds me of Langrisser a bit. Think Dynasty Warriors as an SRPG.

>> No.1889747

>japan vs germany


>> No.1889806

Sounds like it could be fun. Well, I have something new to play.

>> No.1890116

It wasn't that unique.

>> No.1890248

Can Brigandine be considered an RPG?

>> No.1890251
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>break the cliches of the genre

>> No.1890253

The battle system. Also a mech punches a dinosaur.

>> No.1890258

Yes, or at least it has RPG elements.

>> No.1890261
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Need I say more?

>> No.1890269

What exactly stands out?

>> No.1890278
File: 148 KB, 650x800, bof4-misc03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breath of Fire 4 is based on a more Chinese Korean setting which is a great change of pace from the usual Medieval England fare

>> No.1890280

You play the villain from Wizardry 1 and summon monsters to fight groups of enemy heroes while you make your way up through the dungeon.
The difficulty is absolutely ridiculous.
It also gave you multiple save slots which wasn't common at the time.

>> No.1890293

Essentially you play as the resurrected villain of the first game seeking his revenge, and fight parties of heroes that users submitted from their own Wizardry runthroughs. You don't have a party, instead you summon generic monsters to aid you. Essentially in this game, instead of being the heroes, you're the walking random encounter (and it's just about as difficult too). Meanwhile there's an invincible ghost chasing you through the dungeon IN REAL TIME WITHIN A TURN BASED GAME and when he catches you he kills you instantly. You also have a limited amount of steps to finish the game. Else you die. Did I mention that the game has some of the most complex dungeon layouts out there and is full of some of the most ridiculously obtuse puzzles to ever grace an RPG? Many require knowledge of previous Wizardries and/or one-time only quest items that can be lost or stolen forever. You can save anywhere, but loading resets all the encounters you've so meticulously weeded out (with 50% success rate at best) on the whole floor.

>> No.1890297

One of the best parts was how well fleshed out it was. Same thing for 3, the environments all had a life of their own.

>> No.1890638

>all these Vagrant Storys
I've never been so happy

>> No.1890905

>dat crafting system
>dat combat
>dat focus on specific weaknesses to exploit

>> No.1891018

Anyone have any other games where you play as the villain? I love this kind of shit.

>> No.1891060

Treasure of the rudra did the multiple character thing, but more in a rashomon way.

Talking about rudra, it's spell system is pretty fucking unique.

>> No.1891069

Planescape Torment.
Cobra Mission

>> No.1891101

>D&D game
Even the plot isn't terribly original, it's just done very well.

>> No.1891105

Planescape barely rely on that.

>> No.1891115

It's literally the default setting for D&D (or at least, it was back when it was released).

>> No.1891118

>default setting

Your youth is showing, or stupidity.

>> No.1891171

No, it isn't. If anything the closest to a default setting was Greyhawk at the time, and that was typical fantasy fare.

>> No.1891385

>not terribly original

Uh-huh. Because so many settings and stories out there function like planescape.

>> No.1891417


I'm saving a screencap of these posts just so everyone at /tg/ can grumble about this.

>> No.1891425

SD Snatcher for MSX (and there's even a translation floating out there)

>> No.1891492

moraff's dungeon of the unforgiven for the lelz

>> No.1891554

I'm not a faggot.

>> No.1891670

Could've fooled me.

>> No.1891681

I hope some stranger cuts you open you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.1891961

I always thought it was Forgotten Realms.

>> No.1892110

Parasite Eve had a pretty great system for making weapons too.

>> No.1892119 [DELETED] 

Wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself..."wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself.. "wow i played this game...so long ago and totally didn't remember doing it til i saw this pic and said to myself..

...you get the idea.

>> No.1892123


Torneko Talloon is a jew?

....wow that explains so much.

>> No.1892124 [DELETED] 


>> No.1892128


really good game. second.

>> No.1892132

Torneko was a great change of pace from the usual RPG goal you would get.

>> No.1892136


i liked that the ball in the face is a super move in this game too like in the show. I think only Ishizaki can do it thoough.

>> No.1892138

Parasite eve is the fucking best.
Waxworks. Its more adventure game then RPG which I know the quest for glory games do a lot but the setting felt really really fresh.

>> No.1892159


I agree, I literally sat in a store and sold chain sickles for a good 20 minutes and was thinking to myself..."well this is new...."

>> No.1892221

I really, really liked Anachronox in that it was basically FFVII, but IN SPAAAAAACE (and with more likable characters)

>> No.1892328

Realms got a lot more support, particularly when you look at games and the like, but it was always a secondary setting.

>> No.1892483

With its state system, Quest of Glory could be considered as a rpg ?

>> No.1892492

Popularity probably helped there.

>> No.1892531

I've been meaning to play that, how's the combat?

>> No.1892575

And Ultima V flips IV's good vibes on their heads by showing how even the best of intentions can be warped to justify horrible acts of cruelty and injustice and Ultima VI shows how very relative our concepts of morality are.

Really, it's a genius game just for setting up such a great succession of stories.

>> No.1892605 [DELETED] 

>RPGs that really break the cliches of the genre?

Play a different genre you sperg.

>> No.1892610

>being that guy that shows up just to post a contrary opinion he knows isn't constructive

You are the worst kind of faggot.

>> No.1892614

fuck off

>> No.1892620

wow someone hates pokemon

>> No.1892621

I feel like Super Mario RPG was a bit atypical. It had a similar combat system, but the exploration, the graphics, the characters, the humor were all very interesting, and fun.

>> No.1892623

Mario was the master of charades.

>> No.1892727
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>> No.1892728 [DELETED] 

Summon Night series, for its time anyway.

>> No.1892730

Summon Night, Final Fantasy Tactics

>> No.1892732

This game, man.

Super hard (for a young me, anyway), but really fun and long. I never played the Traveler pen and paper RPG but the character creator in MT was fun as hell - decking your team out with 45-year old ex-special forces legends.

>> No.1892760

So, to you, Mario RPG was atypical because it was interesting and fun?

>> No.1893057

Well if you mostly play boring games up to that point, then wouldn't fun be atypical?

>> No.1893068


>no neuromancer
>no ultima worlds: martian dreams / savage empire
>no buck rogers: countdown to doomsday
>no space rogue
>no space: 1889
>no auto duel

do you even /vr/?

>> No.1893081

I tried anon. I tried so hard to get into this series but its just too damn angsty for me.

>> No.1893086


How? Because it's dark?

>> No.1893090

Neuromancer isn't an RPG.

>> No.1893279

Doesn't help anyone at all coming into this thread looking for atypical RPGs.

>> No.1893281

Right, because they'd be looking for terrible atypical RPGs? Atypical doesn't automatically mean good.

>> No.1893285

>Atypical doesn't automatically mean good.
How about you go preach your shit elsewhere since you aren't exactly contributing right now

>> No.1893289

What shit? You aren't contributing either, stop acting like you are.

>> No.1893301

dude play Neverwinter Nights, never played anything better

>> No.1893309


Not even slightly.

>> No.1893316

>No star ocean

>> No.1893320


Star Ocean is pretty typical dude. Just becuse you pepper in a space ship doesn't change the fact that the bulk of the games where straight medieval fantasy

>> No.1893327

But the battle system dude, it avoids the turn based cliche.

>> No.1893329

Plenty of games aren't turn based.

>> No.1893365

What was the first RPG with real time party combat? Dungeon Master is the oldest I can come up with.

>> No.1893387

I never claimed atypical means good.

>> No.1893393

Then what the hell are you complaining about? I responded to your question and you acted like I was preaching, then you contradict your own point.

>> No.1893409

Dungeon Master is oldest for first person RPGs, in general I think it was one of the Dragon Slayer games (the series with Faxanadu)

>> No.1893428

Those didn't have a party as far as I know. With early action games there's the question of whether something counts as RPG or not that I wanted to avoid.

>> No.1893438
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River City Ransom! okay, it's probably better classified as a brawler, but whatever. you grind for money to upgrade stats and learn skills.

if it is an RPG, it's definitely not a typical one.

>> No.1893452
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How about Dungeon Explorer? Though Japan calls it an action RPG, it seems plays out more like Gauntlet.

>> No.1893492

It's from 89 which would place it behind Dungeon Master from 87.

>> No.1893684

So what's it actually like?

>> No.1893690

It's pretty much ATB, but you get to move around in a 3D space and interact with certain aspects of the environment in battle. The camera takes about ten seconds to pan around after anything happens, but apart from that the battle system works really well. Wonderful game all told.

>> No.1893712

I think it's one of the first games to really infuse RPG elements into an action game and do a good job of it.

>> No.1893726

Diablo meets gauntlet with 5-man multiplayer.

Both 1 and 2 are fantastic party games

>> No.1893731

top tier Dungeon Explorer
its like gauntlet with character stats, every character has their own stats between HP, atk, agility, and int. Spell casting classes will want int to do more damage with spells while healers should build tanky int. Warrior classes should be built for strength. You get permanant boosts of one stat you choose after beating a boss and stat boosting items can be found on the map or dropped by enemies. Those boosts last until you die. My friend and I have beat the game many many times without even using a single life crystal and we have had the "knomes" agility boosted so high he could actually outrun his attacks it was hilarious. Dungeon explorer is an awesome game and highly recommended to everybody.

>> No.1893735

just to build on this too the game has amazing replay value. Since me and my buddy can both beat it without dying we try to get through the game with crazy characters like INT stacked warlocks with no strength, it makes the game a lot of fun once you have already mastered ut.

>> No.1893767


what makes live a live unique is that most of the games aren't even "jrpgs", they just use a jrpg framework for the battles and menus, and even the ones that are more straight-forward jrpg still have really unique gimmicks to them

the only ones I'd say aren't unique is the mecha chapter and the two knight chapters

>> No.1893770


>>1893285 wasn't me. I am not contradicting myself at all. All I was saying was that if OP wants atypical RPGs, recommendations should match that. If everyone just posts RPGs they found fun, this is like any other thread, and not useful at all. Atypical doesn't automatically mean good, but it doesn't mean bad either. OP requested RPGs that are not just like every other RPG out there.

>> No.1893776

I was about to point it out this game.


>> No.1893826

Fair enough.

Also I apologize. I shouldn't have just assumed it was the same person responding to me.

>> No.1894087

mario is secretly a wizard

>> No.1894117

This actually sounds fun.

>> No.1894132

What's it like?

>> No.1897389

Parasite Eve has the worst controls ever made in a videogame.

>> No.1897657

Not really. It's better than most all of the standard Survival Horror fare.

>> No.1898408
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It's just tank controls. Avoid using the analog stick

>> No.1898413

If you want unique, check out Chaos Seed on the SNES.

>> No.1898421

shiet, muh waifu bring her's waifu to the bed, she was a prostitute, too.

>> No.1898436

Awesome music, but the so-basic customisation and overpowered enemies made me drop it halfway.

>> No.1898458

>playing any of the cave story ports

>> No.1898469

I loved the party members, especially the planet. The ending made me mad just because there was no damn sequel.

>> No.1901156

There's an active project? I remember seeing one on Romhacking.net and thought it had died.

>> No.1901243

>Front Mission 3
But that's the worst (still great) game of the main series.

Shold also have mentioned FM1 and FM2

>> No.1901442

>Front Mission 4 isn't the worst of the main series

>> No.1902186

>last Moon update in the Romhacking.net thread was a year ago

>> No.1902297


Moon isnt an RPG though. It's an adventure game that uses a classic JRPG parody scenario.