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1884745 No.1884745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Dune thread, /vr/?

What is the best Dune game?

What is the best version of the 1984 film?

>> No.1884764

Best soundtrack


>> No.1884815
File: 17 KB, 693x312, Alans_mithee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune 2 on megadrive was pretty sweet for its time

Dune on Sega CD is good, better if you're familiar with the source material.

Dune 2000 on PS is GOAT Westwood RTS

What is that? Some Moroder shit?
Best Soundtrack right here

>best version of the 1984 film?
The unreleased uncut one that will never be seen thanks to Lynch disowning the film and refusing to be involved in anything with the Dune name

>> No.1884820

Uncut version is available on DVD.

>> No.1884826
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>> No.1884831 [DELETED] 



Stay pleb.

>> No.1884835

How's that PC version of Halo Wars running for ya?

>> No.1884836

The "uncut" Dune is the theatrical release. There's an extended version that was created without Lynch's supervision, and thus, he disowned it, having his name removed from the credits as director.

>> No.1884837
File: 61 KB, 649x487, leyland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no rebuttal

Stay shitposting

>> No.1884852

is there a blu-ray release?

>> No.1884857

Of the theatrical release, yes. The extended edition is only on DVD (possibly older media, like LD...not sure)

>> No.1884861

Lynch's intended cut of the film (as reflected in the 7th and final draft of the script) was almost three hours long. He compromised due to pressure from Universal and financiers and with the producers dumbed it down, cut it and filmed new scenes. Whatever versions we have, and have been released, aren't Lynch's vision of a Dune film.

>> No.1884863

Then he would have removed his name from the theatrical, as he did witht he extended.

>> No.1884884

He wasn't satisfied with it, but had worked hard on it, spent so much time and effort on it, had no option but to release a compromised version of it.

After the fact he wanted nothing to do with it, including an extended cut or even a director's cut.

>> No.1884908

Removing your name from something you have been given millions of dollars to direct isn't as easy as you think.
It's Hollywood. Lynch was an up and coming filmmaker given a lot of backing, not a big name with any real pull.
Years after the release he could refuse his name being plastered on a recut of the film for VHS release as he did.

>> No.1884973
File: 75 KB, 578x356, dune-1992-virgin-games-pc-world-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought the original Dune and Dune II for the PC were the best. The console versions were clunky for me and Dune 2000s building placement was off. The first game has tons of replay value and is just a lot of fun. I've gone back and played it several times over the years trying different things. Its slow starting but really cool once things get going.

>> No.1885242
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All your opinions, invalidated, etc.

Anyway, here, have some Brian Eno.


>> No.1886109

The first Dune game was incredibly good. I had way more fun with that than Dune 2. The Sega CD port was clunky and slow as you couldn't really skip around FMVs, but it was impressive nonetheless.
Plus the soundtrack was awesome, both on SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold (with reverb card), and the CD release. One of the best ever VGM soundtracks easily.

Dune 2000 was kind of boring to me, but Emperor: Battle for Dune was an absolute classic Westwood RTS, I loved it. And the movies were absolutely sweet.

>> No.1886117

Just started reading the books. Shit's pretty great. My only exposure was the game and Sting's Thong The Movie beforehand, but IMHO the books are where it's all at.

>> No.1886303

I get what you're saying

Dune 2 was hugely groundbreaking, influential, spawned a genre, etc.

But time has not been kind to it.

Dune 1 still works, since there's a kind of uniqueness to it that has not been spoiled by bazillions of superior clones.

>> No.1886309

>in plural

>> No.1887443

>Dune 2000 on PS is GOAT Westwood RTS
>Dune 2000
>GOAT Westwood RTS
I was very disappointed by the introduction of rock-paper-scissors concept. Thanks to Dune II until this day I cringe when an obviously HE tank shell or a fucking HE missile visibly hits a soldier and takes about 5% of his health. Bloody travesty is what that is.
Also Death "Fucking Joke" Hand.
The only thing they have really improved was air play, airborne units finally were working properly.
Emperor was not perfect, but at least it moved away from "all factions should have 85% exactly same units and structures" formula.

>> No.1887670

The ones written by his son are just terrible.

I've only read dune itself so far, I've heard it becomes a bit of a soap opera.

George Lucas stole quite a lot from Dune though if you think about it. Bene Gesserit are Jedi the Voice is the Force, the Emperor, etc etc.

>> No.1887736


>Bene Gesserit are Jedi
>The Voice is the Force
what the actual fuck. What the hell does a manipulative sect of witches practicing eugenics have in common with an ancient chivalrous order? And what does their thoroughly mundane technique of imposing their will have in common with mystical force binding all life and guiding all development? (or alien microbes for that matter)

>> No.1887753

I'm surprised how many people took ideas from Dune.

40k with the God Emperor and the Sardukar(sp), Neo becoming blind in the Matrix, lots of stuff.

>> No.1888178

I meant it in a more general sense, but details really do give it away, mentions of spice mines and smuggling in star wars, the sarlacc monster is practically a sandworm. Jabba has a dais and so does the Emperor in dune, it was partly these references that lead me to read Dune.

It was also the surrealness that I liked - the image of huge sandworms rising out of the desert. There were even sandworms in one Beetlejuice scene.

The book itself is a little bit psychedelic, seeing as it was written in 1965, and I suppose the closest parallel to the plot in history is Laurence of Arabia leading an uprising against superior forces. Its just interesting to discover what inspired something.

>> No.1888885

How is the original Dune game?

>> No.1888912
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Very good. My favourite Dune game of the bunch. Even just roaming the desert and watching the day change is a great experience.

>> No.1888913

fucking awesome. It loosely bases itself on the book, at least on the start. You have to travel in an orni around the world map, meeting new fremen and building up spice production economy so the emperor doesn't send sardaukars on your ass (ie. instant game over). Then it eventually transitions into not-quite-real-time strategy where you have to train troops, get them equipment, spy and attack enemy bases, etc., eventually conquering all the Harkonnen forces.

It has an alternate ending wherein you can just plant so much vegetation on the planet that the Harkonnen leave and their palace is empty.

It can glitch up a little bit during the last few scenes, I once managed to not-quite-trigger the endgame part, where the emperor stopped sending spice requests, but the fremen still behaved normally... I could freely work my way on the entire planet, doing anything, mining, planting, etc.

>> No.1888932
File: 1.35 MB, 848x1346, Sarlacc_full_shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spice mines and smuggling

These are things in real life, too.

> the sarlacc monster is practically a sandworm

You've never seen a sarlacc before, I take it.

>Jabba has a dais

Lots of royalty have daises. Or pretentious assholes in custom mansions. Or religious leaders. Your comparison would be no different if you had said "fireplace" instead of "dais."

>> No.1888964
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, 11383_nebula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't see Dune's influence on Star Wars you are fucking blind!

Pic related. It's a fucking nebula.

>> No.1889117

Perhaps most damning of all though, is not the similarities in plot. Nor the similarities in the characters, the powers, or the techs. The most damning piece of evidence that Star Wars is derived from Dune is that the original script was rejected by the studio because it was almost exactly the same as Dune. Gary Kurtz was hired to help re-write the script, and many drafts later they finally had a version which the studio believed wouldn't result in there being sued for plagiarism by the Herbert Partnership.

>> No.1889286

>dose daychanges
>dose lonely orni flights/worm rides with Chani/Harah/Stilgar/Gurney Halleck in search of an undiscovered sietch or village with stray weirding modules begging to be used...
>those beautiful sietch interiors/village exteriors
[urge to reinstall intensifies]

>> No.1889452

>sarlacc has tentacles
>sarlacc being anything other than rows of spikes in the walls of a hole

special edition revisionism. begone, satan

>> No.1890140
File: 2.34 MB, 632x396, ba795b021d3d117982a1d37ca71479f0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I stumbled into this thread and asked, because this game is awesome! I'm not to far in but I like how the game slowly introduces you to all the features of the game. Not to mention the awesome soundtrack.

>> No.1890724

don't think so. RA2 did better than Dune2k imo. it's close though, and graphics still hold up even to this day.

>> No.1890726

>What is the best version of the 1984 film?
None of them. The movie was dog shit. Even Patrick Stewart couldn't save it.

>> No.1890735

He also stole from Foundation.

>> No.1890969


don't forget scifi melee fighting and lightsabers.


let's see...
both have a galactic empire
coruscant = trantor
jedi mind tricks = mentalic ability

anything else?

>> No.1891156


Most of all he stole from the Bible.

>Sand - check
>Messiah - check
>Sand people - check
>Sacrifice - check
>Imperial oppression and rebellion themes - check
>Good guys win despite appearing weaker - check
>Turning bad people to good side - check

>> No.1892615

Theres another game, Frank Herbert's dune, no one seems to have mentioned it.

Is this series any good? - Its says its unavailable in the UK though, frustratingly.


>> No.1895004

It's bad, like really bad. It was basically made by a french dev to pave the way for a MMO and a cartoon series (with Feyd Rautha as the villain). Both were cancelled. Don't play it.

>> No.1895059


/vr/ is for video games, not movies.

>> No.1895074

Second this. It`s horrible.

>> No.1895098
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>Sting's Thong The Movie

>> No.1895104

>Dune MMO
Am I the only person who wants this?