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1877987 No.1877987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What went right?

>> No.1877990

Dragon Ball Z

>> No.1878065

The game was made as a collaboration between the biggest and most influential minds in jRPG game design. It was like a supergroup for videogames.

>> No.1878083

That and it came at the end of the SNES's life cycle after they had a few years to really learn the ins and outs of the hardware.

>> No.1878102

Confession time:

I bought this game maybe 3 years after it was released. I played it for 5 minutes. Immediately turned it off.

I don't know what pissed me off. I think it bored me, the setting, god knows what went through my mind at the time. To this day it's 'that game' I refuse to pick up.

>> No.1878143


this, the character designers and story planner from dragon quest, the graphics / map painter from secret of mana, the programmer from romancing saga, the director from final fantasy 4, 5, 6, plus new guys that would become known like yasunori mitsuda and masato kato

>> No.1878150

Absolutely everything. The stars just happened to have aligned this freaking well. Except for game design, but oh well.

>> No.1878153
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you were probably too young.

>> No.1878194

I played CT a couple of months ago and I thought it was just ok.

>> No.1878258

>closed an rpg after 5 minutes

>> No.1878284

Well the intro certainly went right. Jesus christ that shit was epic

>> No.1878309

It's an RPG. How can you expect to get a proper understanding of an RPG in 5 minutes? With Chrono Trigger in particular, the story doesn't really even start until you first go back in time, which takes about 15 minutes or so. Before that it's meant as setup and to give you an understanding of the world in the "present" before you travel through time and see the differences.

You don't have to like it, but you can't in fairness judge the game after only 5 minutes. As an RPG, it's not the sort of game you can do that with.

>> No.1878315

When he first played it? Or when it came out? Because I never played CT on release as I didn't own an SNES. I played it years later, as a college freshman, on a SNES emulator and absolutely adored the game.

>> No.1878318

I remember back when the SYFY channel was the Sci Fi Channel, they would run the trailer for Chrono Trigger and it even had subtitles.

>> No.1878321

>I played CT a couple of months ago and I thought it was just ok.

This either means you're not a fan of JRPGs or you've played one of its many imitators to death.

>> No.1878336

Came into this thread to make sure someone said the everything.

>> No.1878341

Why did we need a second thread?

>> No.1878357

babby's first jrpg

>> No.1878365
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It's like you don't eve like feels

>> No.1878429

But my first JRPG was the first Final Fantasy. This is /vr/, buddy. You're in the wrong place if you think CT is anyone's first JRPG here.

>> No.1878438

I am 25 and the first rpg i played to completion was chrono trigger, I beat it on emulator and then bought the psx final fantasy chronicles and finally the snes version.

as a kid I only played fighting games and first party sega and nintendo games for the longest time. the first rpg I touched was pokemon blue on my neighbors gameboy. nobody I knew growing up ever showed me rpgs and it's weird how many kids I knew and the only 16bit rpg I ever saw at another friends house was mario rpg, and the kid refused to let me play it cause it was "too hard"

the NES was my older sisters so she only owned the littler mermaid and mario brothers 1-3

>> No.1878449

But you did play other JRPGs first. CT was just the first one you beat.

It's ridiculous to bash a game as "babby's first" anyway, especially when CT wasn't really known as an entry level JRPG, either by design (ex. Mystic Quest) or by context surrounding release date (ex. FFVII).

>> No.1878454

Seems like all the "babby's first" RPGs are the only ones worth playing.

>> No.1878462

>Confession time

More like bait time. Stating you barely even turned on the game and then now refuse to play it is nothing more than attempting to bait people into getting mad at you.

Go back to your containment board.


>> No.1878648

It gave us Chrono Cross.

>> No.1878665

Xenogears is better.

>> No.1878671

My jaw dropped when I first saw it.

>> No.1878678

Not with that second disc.

>> No.1878719

Chrono Trigger is the best RPG I ever played, but I only played three RPGs so far.

>> No.1878725

Xenogears is pretentious trash

>> No.1878737

You'll never play a better rpg, so you might as well stop now.

>> No.1878747
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I like Chrono Cross more. Diverse cast, more engaging story, better OST, and of course, no more DBZ art-style. CT just feels immature in comparison.

>> No.1878749 [DELETED] 

Breath of Fire 2 miles ahead of this trash.

>> No.1878757 [DELETED] 

Top lel
Trigger is so much of a success, its sequel dropped everything the original "innovated" and make the new game entirely from scratch. Go be a fanboy somewhere else, triggerturd.

>> No.1878761

Kek, this faggot right here. You're just mad that a game you regard as pretentious trash is better than Chrono Trigger, your favorite game.

>> No.1878767

>Diverse cast
More like a diffuse cast
>more engaging story
It's a 2deep Katostrophe, I don't see how that is engaging
>better OST
Your opinion is wrong
>no more DBZ art-style
DBZ is preferable to everyone looking like a glazed ham

>> No.1878768

The start is kinda boring. It gets much better once you get past the forest.

>> No.1878772

dat 2nd disc dough

>> No.1878775

The only people who think Xenogears is good are intellectually stunted manchildren

>> No.1878781


>> No.1878787 [DELETED] 

Funny but given the large cast, CC manages to do character developement better than CT. Besides, isn't trigger's cast the same type of your so-called "randoms". Check out this.

>> No.1878802

Nobuo U. was on the team initially, until yasunori was tired of being an audio programmer demanded that either they fire him or he composes.
Xenogears and Chrono Cross had better OSTs though for sure.

>> No.1878806

Everything except Schala/Magus being unresolved.

>> No.1878813

Becomes an amnesiac faggot magician and loses all badass points.

Gets fused with a Lavos spawn and becomes the Time Devourer.

>> No.1878818

I am saying the fact that they weren't resolved in Trigger is something that went wrong.

>> No.1878821

>2nd disc hate
You guys are worse that those people who say OOT is shit because "navi is so annoying".
What, 70 hours wasn't enough? although I do like to think about
I actually liked the change of pace at the second disc as by that point I became slightly tired of the gameplay and really just cared about the plot.
I dunno, I remembering liking disc 2, but its been so long since I actually played it.
What it would've been like had square used the budget for FFVIII to complete it.
Its funny how you can't even compare FFVIII to Xenogears, yet the former is 100X more popular.
Fucking FF weeebs.

>> No.1878828

>More like a diffuse cast
Sure, the party split up on occasion because of the storyline, but having more characters to choose from is always a good thing.

>It's a 2deep Katostrophe, I don't see how that is engaging
It expands on the human vs. reptilian ordeal that Trigger introduced, along with several other sub-plots worth considering, and subtly wraps up what really happens after Trigger ends.

>Your opinion is wrong
I'll take CD-quality Celtic music over SNES' pathetic ultra-compressed instrumental quality any day.

It helps that the actual music compositions in CC are much greater, too.

>DBZ is preferable to everyone looking like a glazed ham
Sorry, but Toriyama's samefaces are the epitome of bad, lazy artwork.

>> No.1878829

Why would anyone even do that? Jesus...

>> No.1878846

It isn't how long the game was. I got a ton of time and a lot of enjoyment out of it, it's the feeling that the game is unfinished and disjointed.

I like how you assume just because people go off on the second disc they like Final Fantasy. As a series I think it's just okay, and yes, Xenogears would have made infinitely more use out of that money.

>> No.1878850

While I can't say I liked it more than CT, I gotta say that I really did like a lot of the characters and dat OST.

>> No.1878852

Man, I loved BoF2, but that english translation for garbage.

>> No.1878858 [DELETED] 
File: 669 KB, 1380x1746, real game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is something trigger has done properly, it is it being a compilation of equally average pieces so a baby player who is generally distracted from any form of diversity can progress through. Game has a variance of almost absolute 0. Other games do have a better mean value but a variance more than 0 which results in baby player sperging out of being unable to transit between energy levels. Other games do have much better music and story but at the same time gameplay worse than trigger's mean, they do have much better gameplay while the story and music are worse; the point is other games do have an integral index of quality aka mean greater than trigger's. Those are generally better games but trigger has its own merit in form of being able to attract hypercritical autists for whom one piece being bad means everything.

>> No.1878859

I don't even know what you meant by glazed ham, but I laughed.

>> No.1878863

>implying they don't both have god-tier music

>> No.1878873

Manage to fit enough buzzwords in that?

Seriously, that's unreadable. You're trying way too hard.

>> No.1878878 [DELETED] 

Elementary school math much?

>> No.1878892

Not everything has to be resolved you know

>> No.1878894

I know that.

>> No.1878902 [DELETED] 

Resolving 99% and leaving the 1% is a bad practice you know

>> No.1878906

>schizophrenia intensifies
You are putting words together but they convey no meaning and that's kind of scary. Only two sentences there meant anything

>> No.1878907 [DELETED] 

Well, not all of people are equal you know. That's the source of them missunderstandings

>> No.1878913

>but having more characters to choose from is always a good thing.
I categorically reject that.
>It expands on the human vs. reptilian ordeal that Trigger introduced,
It never needed expanding because it's a silly cartoon conflict. Cross doesn't change that, it just lays on a bunch of pretentious blather.
>along with several other sub-plots worth considering
Everything that needed to be tied up was tied up already.

Not to mention the actual resolutions to these things that didn't need them are just dumb as hell.

The music and art might have more sophisticated technology behind them but otherwise it's strictly inferior. Particularly the character art, which is just awful.

>> No.1878916

No it isn't.

>> No.1878938 [DELETED] 

It is not a pretentious blather, it is called growing up

>> No.1878940

Hey, he makes a lot of unfair points, but Cross has a lot of ridiculous plot points, and some of the dialogue doesn't even really mean anything.

>> No.1878946 [DELETED] 

Well, not all of people are equal and can equally interpret things

>> No.1878954

That's a fair enough point, different people would probably take different things from it. But then, people could also take a lot from CT that others couldn't.

>> No.1878965

>It is not a pretentious blather, it is called growing up
Please, if you want to play the growing up card, read some actual literature, not this z-grade moody teenager shit.

>> No.1878974 [DELETED] 

Teenager is a point between a child and an adult. If you skip it, you are basically a child as an adult.

>> No.1878984

If there's anything we learned from this thread, it's that Trigger is overrated, Cross is actually the superior game, and Xenofags got blown the fuck out.

>> No.1878985

Sounds about right.

>> No.1878996

That's not entirely untrue, actually.

I was a "fairly normal" kid (well, except all the sexual and emotional abuse I suffered and whatnot), but I had friends, learned to socialize, ect. My teen years were spent totally isolated from the world, I was obsessed with collecting things and my own thoughts were my only companion most of the time. I never really got to emotionally make the transition from child to teenager. Instead, I went from child to total weirdo. So when I became an adult, it was sort of a major change. No easy transition into it. Just "move out, get a job, learn to take care of yourself, learn to deal with complicated emotional shit that your life didn't prepair you for and be a fucking MAN about it!".

Well, I won't say that I'm literally a child in a man's body, but I will say that I'm pretty badly fucked up. I can't handle relationship arguments at all, my GF having male friends bothers me to no end (and largely for no reason) and I misread everyone I know's intentions. And I'm gonna be a daddy soon on top of it all!

I think I'm handling things better than most in my position would, but I have to talk myself down and work out shit all the time that other people seem to just deal with. So I'm not exactly on top of things either.

It's always amusing though when people pull the "I know ESACTLY what you're going through" bullshit. And I have to bite my tongue, because people always give me "that look" when I start in about sexual abuse and literal, total isolation and the emotional and psychological issues that stem from that and how literally no one on earth could know how I fucking feel. I mean, I smile when I say it, but they still get the look...

>> No.1879000

That goes under the assumption that any media is better than any other. There is just as much shitty literature as there is shitty writing in games, and there are games that blow a lot of classics out of the water.

>> No.1879009

Wow snowflake.

My mom physically abused me and my sisters to the point of hospitalization numerous times, forced me and my sisters to have sexual encounters with each other while she watched. She also took us to watch her cheat on my dad. That's only the tip of my story too.

You're one of many, get over it already.

>> No.1879013

SPOILER ALERT: You can't be a fairly normal kid while getting fucked in the ass by your uncle while your dad beats you.

You could still be a decent human being the future though.

>> No.1879016
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This was a quality thread derail. Classic front page browsing madness.

>> No.1879032

nice blogs

>> No.1879045

>what went wrong
The fanbase.

>> No.1879069

All of this answers OP's question

>> No.1879087

It has one of the tamer fanbases out there, honestly.

>> No.1879126

>Well, I won't say that I'm literally a child in a man's body
You're like the definition of a manchild.

>> No.1879416

You could say that about any game.

>> No.1879650

Not him but lately Chrono Trigger threads seem more like bait threads than anything else. They tend to always use the same statement along with shit like "Best JRPG ever? Or best JRPG ever?" and things like OP. It's unfortunately starting to turn me off of the game.

That said, I still like Chrono Trigger and I like that Chrono Cross reveals that Crono and co. fucked things up, it gives the game a kind of hidden harsh lesson.

>> No.1879670

>games that blow a lot of classics out of the water.
Such as?

>> No.1880141

plenty of characters, and tons of team attacks to discover. multiple endings, time travel, varied locations.

also battle mechanic was very well implemented.

basically the game was more than worth the money.

>> No.1880724

You ignorant cunt, you may never play a better JRPG in your life than Chrono Trigger. It really is that good.

>> No.1880735

But that's easily Pokemon. I literally finished Blue before I could read.

>> No.1880796

>no more DBZ art-style
How is this a complaint?

>> No.1880806

As long as it had RBE, it can never be superior.
Sorry, faggot, you lose.

>> No.1880846

Damn, Chrono Trigger fans are really defensive.

>> No.1880849

It isn't. You need to play more JRPGs.

>> No.1883029

A lot of people dislike Akira Toriyama's style because of his blatant sameface and some anatomy issues that all his muscular humans suffer, which is understandable.
I'd hardly call whatever the fuck Chrono Cross's art direction was better, though.

>> No.1883039

Chrono Cross was good whenever it was doing its own thing.
It got retarded whenever it tried to tie itself to Trigger, especially near the end of the game when everything was rushed to hell and back.

It felt like the game wanted to tell two different stories but never agreed on a direction to go in, and failed to become something cohesive in the end because of it. Maybe it's because a lot of content got cut so the game could be released on time but the second half in particular is very awkward.

It's a shame because it really was a lot more ambitious than Trigger. It just lacked the same level of polish.

>> No.1883047

Watching Cross kids attack Xeno kids is like watching boys with aspergers cover girls with down's in chocolate and lick them as they rape them and whisper "you're my girlfriend now, you're now pregnant" in their semi-deaf ears.

>> No.1883114

Not the same guy, but almost any given RPG has better writing than shakespeare or most modern classics. This is because most modern classics are pretentious, and Shakespeare is overrated and boring.

>> No.1883138
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>there's somebody who honestly believes this

>> No.1883146

It's obvious bait.

>> No.1883147 [DELETED] 

You guys really need to expand your horizons a little.

>> No.1883208

It isn't bait. Shakespeare is terrible, and a lot of modern classics are exactly the same as each other. There's no originality, no creativity, no sense of wordplay or character.

>> No.1883217

whoever designed the colour pallets and menu graphics in cross was a fucking dolt. game feels so genereic, and I had like 5 party members in the first hour, shits ridiculous.

if I want a game with a giant cast I'll play suikoden

>> No.1883229

JRPGS aren't alot better in that respect though.

>Shakespeare is terrible
Still more interesting characters and conflicts than FF though.

>> No.1883231

No. No they aren't. I'm not even a huge FF fan, but Shakespeare has some of the most mundane, simplistic characters and conflicts of all time.

>> No.1883243

fuck you nigga macbeth is the most gangster shit I ever read nigga ima name my son banquo why dont you fuck off the edge of this earth. I would fucking dust you in the streets

>> No.1883247

Hey dickhead, don't act like you know everything. Macbeth was one of the only things he wrote that I actually liked.

>> No.1883259

I think this thread has been officially derailed.

>> No.1883269

But Macbeth is pretty cool though.

>> No.1883270

Glad we can agree on something at least.

>> No.1883310

romeo and joliet a shit

>> No.1883325

I can agree with that.

>> No.1883336


>> No.1883337

That's a of hate in one post.

>> No.1883365


You're either being deluded or you never read any of those "classics" you mentioned. RPG stories are cliche at best, total trash at worst. Even those with a story which is generally praised as being good aren't better than, let's say, Twilight. Yes, it's that bad. You just don't realize it because the settings captivate you enough to make those silly crap enjoyable - and that's okay. Just don't fool yourself.

>> No.1883404


Pretty much this.

I like Cross, but am also disappointed by it. It always feels like quicksand when I play it. Not pulling me into an engrossing experience, but drowning me in what a clusterfuck it is.

Trigger is a much more satisfying experience. I guess I'd prefer a simpler game that was polished/focused, than an ambitious game that was a mess.

>> No.1883417

Or maybe I actually have an opinion. It isn't being deluded, it's actually recognizing that most of what I've read isn't as good as what I've played. And Twilight is garbage, and I wouldn't compare even the worst games to it.

>> No.1883420

Super Metroid fans are even worse.

>> No.1883424

>thinks Twilight is garbage
>is actually just bitter because he couldn't decide between Edward and Jacob

>> No.1883425

Not gonna lie, that was pretty funny.

>> No.1883431

Is this kind of shit really even still a thing.

For fuck's sake, this is dumb. Every medium can be used to tell a story, and a damn good one. Quit acting like the medium matters more than the individual work. This is fucking stupid.

>> No.1883439

> Every medium can be used to tell a story, and a damn good one

No one's saying game's can't be an effective storytelling medium. The argument is that JRPGs in particular have the most simplistic, cliche stories in gaming, which is 100% true. That doesn't mean the game can't be emotionally affecting, but the stories in JRPGs have always tended towards cliche and, yes, sometimes even plain garbage. There are VERY FEW examples of actually good stories in JRPGs. Final Fantasy Tactics is one. Every other entry in the FF series, or DQ, or CT, is certainly not (no matter how much I may enjoy those games).

>> No.1883445

And all of this is just another opinion. Who decides what's cliche and what's a classic? You? I don't think so. You don't get to decide what is and isn't garbage for everyone else, they decide themselves.

>> No.1883453

Are you fucking kidding? Do you even know what "cliche" means? It's not a subjective label. Read a fucking book.

>> No.1883457

No, it is exactly a subjective label. Everything about it is a subjective label based on what a community or society considers cliche. I love books. I love the stories they can tell, but that doesn't automatically make an entire genre of games cliche.

>> No.1883508

There are different kind of stories. I'm not gonna get into this argument about cliches, but different people are going to think different things are good.

Personally, I think FFT is pretentious and games like the earlier FFs, DQ, and CT tell much more compelling stories.

>> No.1883636

Pretty much, it all comes down to preference. I like it when any story gives a lot of focus to the characters. For me, they're what makes the story, so things like DQ generally don't do it for me, at least the earlier ones. I hear the ones with Party Chats actually put a lot of detail to even minute interaction.

Chrono Trigger doesn't really -do- that though. There's some interaction, but with all the interchangeable lines, it sometimes doesn't feel like your party members are really interacting with each other rather than just reading scripts.

Really, even just a lot of dialogue or chances to talk to them about their thoughts on the current situation do it for me.

>> No.1883661 [DELETED] 

>hurr cliche simplistic buzzword story durr
Fuck off to /lit/, faggots. These are videogames.

>> No.1883671

Pretty much this. If you want to argue about JRPGs and books, this isn't the place to do it.

>> No.1887065

Whats the best team

>> No.1888454


>> No.1888473

The team you like the most.

>> No.1888487

Pretty much this, the game is easy enough and the characters are balanced well with the multi-abilities that you can use really any combination and get through the game without issues.

But Crono Ayla and Robo are the strongest damage dealers.

>> No.1888491

I hadn't even played it till maybe 2 or 3 years ago.
I beat it and it's a strong contender for my favorite game of all time. Once you get past the robot factory and have more options, that's where the game turns from ok to amazing.

>> No.1890212

>I actually liked the change of pace at the second disc as by that point I became slightly tired of the gameplay and really just cared about the plot.

Die in a fire

>> No.1890243

crono/frog/marle is an underrated team btw.

>> No.1891036

Yasunori went right.
He said "Look, Nobuo, you classical boring song writing piece of shit, this is not the game for you, Im about to pump some actual melody into this bitch"
And then that squirrely little bitch Nobuo went back to his generic ass boring series while big daddy Mitsuda became top dawg

>> No.1891653
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>> No.1892998

I didnt like rpg games until i played chrono trigger

>> No.1893000

>But Crono Ayla and Robo are the strongest damage dealer

I always picked them lel

>> No.1893098

So these are the kind of people that browse CT threads. Explains a lot.

>> No.1893209

I'm on Crono Ayla Frog right now. Is that a lot worse?

>> No.1894472

I played it on an emulator first, up to the future thing where you had to press three or something buttons, couldn't figure it out and quit. The game was so boring I couldn't even bother googling how to get past that part. Everything about it just feels like an amalgation of mediocrity.

>> No.1895910

>b-but it gets better later!