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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 409 KB, 900x788, graver.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1875540 No.1875540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Filters. Good? Bad? Only in 3D games?


pic related. it's my custom woodcut engraver filter

>> No.1875548

Not a big fan of that filter honestly. I usually don't like filters on my games because I feel that the 2-D sprites (especially in 16-bit and higher eras) generally look alright. They tend to have held up better without needing filters unlike early 3-D games which can look fucking amazing with a good filter.

>> No.1875549

To each his own. Just keep them to yourself and don't post bloated, overfiltered screenshots.

>> No.1875554

If anything, I'd be using a simple scanline filter.
Things like in that webm are neat, but would ultimately drive me fucking insane.

>> No.1875560

>Things like in that webm are neat

No they're not?

>> No.1875565
File: 184 KB, 640x640, 1399875981169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using filters

>> No.1875568

Sorry guys, fun's over.
There's no deviating from standard discussions with this kid around.

>> No.1875575

How about adding argumentation to your own point as to why desaturated screens with curved black lines all over it are supposed to be neat? Even cartoon shaders for 3D games are prettier.

>> No.1875581

It's not like you can form an argument against filters anyway, it's a matter of personal preference

>> No.1875583
File: 33 KB, 1024x896, Nearest Only, No Sanlines, Final Destination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one filter is allowed on /vr/

And remember:
If you're not playing your games exactly as I am, than you're wrong and aren't allowed to play them at all.

said literally every anti-filter elitist ever

>> No.1875607

why would you restrict that, you are pretty much telling people to post something only if you might like it

>> No.1875609

Do you know how often we have filter threads? At one point they'd be deleted on sight because it was just shitflinging.

>> No.1875612
File: 2.65 MB, 1440x1080, RetroArch-0328-145355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a CRT filter when emulating. It looks so much closer to how I remember from childhood and still play the games on consoles to this day.

It's far from perfect, but it's more appealing to me than clear pixels which I'll argue is not how the artists intended the game to be seen but I realize that's a whole other debate

I find any other filters to be absolutely disgusting

Also this. I go out of my way to capture a clean native res screenshot if I'm sharing it. Pic unrelated obviously

>> No.1875618

i have always found that the gamma is different from the original games as i played them, mainly because no one had an rgb output back then, so earthbound's grass was more like a turquoise color

>> No.1875627

you're a faggot

nice meme bro

I like everything except the curvature. Might look OK on a MAME cab

>> No.1875637

>you're a faggot
>doesn't understand satire
>thinks he's better
I even put a spoiler for people like you.
Guess I won't overestimate your intelligence next time.

>> No.1875708

I wish there was a way to make a filter that made everything less pixely without just making everything look like a round blobby mess. Impossible to do, I know, but I can dream.This is especially for handheld games, since they're often so low-res that sprites look like shifting pixels. Metroid Fusion comes to mind (hurr durr not retro)

I also tend to use scanline filters. I used to think they were shit because the old filters from like 10+ years ago just added black lines over everything, but now they actually look like what I remember

>> No.1875763


That looks like the monitor has some serious defect and nothing else. Also doesn't look like woodcut at all, just like someone hung a net in front of the screen

>> No.1875812

Don't quote me on this, but iirc someone planned a special genesis emulator that hijacked the graphics drawing routine and relied on external graphics binaries that were allowed to be double the resolution

>> No.1875826

Yeah but you still need to redraw the graphics.

>> No.1875845

It looks like a mosaic.

>> No.1875873

I actually kinda like that filter. It suits yoshi's island pretty well

>> No.1875937


>> No.1875952

This guy is doing it right. A little distortion is all you need.

Photoshop filters are cool and all but I feel they detract from what the hell the game is supposed to look like initially.

>> No.1876151


>> No.1876397
File: 1.73 MB, 960x640, filter_vector_magic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1876405

That filter isn't good enough, I can still kind of tell what's going on.

>> No.1876415

way to over exaggerate fag, i hope at least you wasted 10 minutes of your life doing that

>> No.1876420

I think I'm going to challenge myself to playing through the whole game with filters like that. That will be quite the experience.

>> No.1876429

If a game was released and had that sort of van gogh impressionist style, you'd all be creaming your pants over it.

>> No.1876697
File: 71 KB, 1120x1008, RetroArch-0820-184653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1876727

What is actually the closest filter to the original stuff?
This can't be discussed, either it's close or it's not.

>> No.1876736

There is no "original stuff". The only thing close to original is what comes out of the video buffer, which gets converted to analog RGB signals and then encoded into composite or just output the way it is. You can buy some expensive capture card and connect a console through RGB, that's a close depiction of what should "original stuff" look like.

>> No.1876878

Technically I think it's called "affine", meaning basically no filtering, you draw one pixel for each element in the buffer. Graphics dont necessarily need to be drawn with square pixels though, like your LCD screen. CRT TV's didn't see "pixels" at a fixed resolution; it could be an arbitrary pixel resolution that's stretched by the screen to a different aspect.

In order to display an aspect correct image, the display filter for any given emu has to do some kind of "filter" to reconstruct the image. Generally it's called nearest neighbor, a quick mathematical stretch, no blending. You'll get some distorted or oversized pixels depending on your display's max res compared to the source (more the better).

There are a few graphics filters that try to minimize the "frankenstein pixel" problem in nearest neighbor filtering. It's called Pixellize or Hardware 2x, 3x, for example in DosBox and some emus. They just try to keep the rounding error down and make as square as possible pixels.

>> No.1876887

1:1 resizing with no filter.

>> No.1876890

>filters are bad
>the devs wanted these games to look like muddy pixel soup
>muh artistic integrity

>> No.1876898

My usual procedure is to increase the resolution by a factor of 2, then use a bilinear filter. For older games, it usually approximates the look that older, non-RGB cables could produce. But, that's as far as I go.

>> No.1876903

every tv had different displays, with varying types of scanlines, blurryness, glass concavity, screen size, depending on whether you were using s-video, rgb, composite, rf cables, etc. There's no universal "authentic" filter, you just use what you think looks best.

>> No.1876907

Is there a shader that just changes whatever I have on my desktop? That would be easier than using retroarch to run complicated systems like playstation, saturn and nintendo 64 cores.

>> No.1876917

I mean,
>whatever I display on my desktop/screen
You got the point.

>> No.1876945

why is the fat guy instead of frank? and why is the blues man there?

>> No.1876958
File: 126 KB, 960x1344, dithering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This filter isn't bad.

>> No.1876964

Yes it is.

>> No.1876965

I hate the look of most filters. Big pixels are nothing to be ashamed of. Hell, I even loved the look of character sprites in Xenogears when I was young and I still love them now. Scanlines can be ok though.

>> No.1876974


>> No.1876979

gens with fast blur

>> No.1876983

No it's not.

>> No.1876986

I owned for a long time a shitty integrated graphics notbook which completely ruined and doubled the lines of anything resized in nearest neighbor, so I grew fond of playing with bilinear filtering ever since then.
Also I don't like playing in fullscreen for some reason. Feels like I'm sitting too close to tv.

>> No.1877027
File: 695 KB, 1200x1080, RetroArch-0818-195129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these shaders that simulate screens

>> No.1877040

pic unrelated because no ghosting and I can see what's going on

>> No.1877050

Which one is with the filter? Top looks better.

>> No.1877061

Filter name?

>> No.1877070
File: 1022 KB, 1136x1046, game boy pocket ghosting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That shader does have ghosting though, it just doesn't show up in screenshots. It will show up in printscreen capture, though. The response time of the simulated dot matrix screen is adjustable.

>> No.1877072


>> No.1877074

Ah but does simulate glare from the sun and scratches on the screen as if I'm in the playground at around lunchtime?

checkmate atheists

>> No.1877152

Actually, it can if you want it to. I remember someone in Emulation General made his look like someone took a pen knife to it and wrote "ur a faggot". I wish I would've saved a shot of that.

>> No.1877167

Does that just make the colors a bit more vibrant?
I can see that being great for something like Sonic, due to the genesis' severely limited color palette.

>> No.1877168

Instead of having to use an intense blur for proper dithering, it mixes the colors automatically, doesn't really make them more vibrant.

>> No.1877176


not bad honestly.

>> No.1877208

No filters are only good when you're outputting it through a display it was meant for, IE a CRT which will give a filter like effect.
Filters/shaders can be good or bad depending on which ones are used. Some create problematic artifacts with layers or lose significant detail or just plain have terrible artifacts anyway. Bilinear is generally accepted as the minimal filter. I prefer a flat cgwg CRT or NTSC filter for most things.
I'm not telling people they have to stop using raw pixels, but I will tell them the truth, it looks like dogshit with raw and it's not meant to look that flat or jagged. Anyone who disagrees with that disagrees with the fact that CRT TVs existed, which is absurd.

You can change the ghosting. I use it without ghosting.

>> No.1877216
File: 142 KB, 1015x243, it was designed to look like this i know because i had a shitty tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a display it was meant for
Here we go again!

>> No.1877234
File: 577 KB, 1600x1200, retroarch 2014-08-21 00-20-23-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently 'in the middle' of trying to fix it up to have color aspect like a GBC. Not too good at the moment. However, it does the contrasty green fine like your image and I played with that for a bit and got the ghosting to go away. I also scaled my zoom to 6x instead of 4x.

>> No.1877235

what fucking kind of tv was that

>> No.1877239

The only thing I can think of would be the 320x240 resolution tweak that stretches the aspect ratio crazy wide for VGA monitors.

>> No.1877265

That's a shader to output to crt you idiot.
The crt outputs at standard 240p and the image compresses to give it a proper aspect ratio.

Maybe you should look into things before blindly jumping to an attack phase.

>> No.1877281

If you intend on simulating ghosting, then why not make sure the screen is the same size (2.6") as an actual gameboy?
Do it for
>muh authenticity
and make /vr/ proud.

>> No.1877282

How the hell do I download stuff in this page? I just can't find a download button.

>> No.1877293

U dont
only programmers know how to disperse a repostiory into source exe

ggit gud

>> No.1877404

The filter is on the top, right?
Because that's the one that looks better to me.

>> No.1877427

You know it's not on the top.

>> No.1877435

Filters make the games look like ass. I don't see why you'd use them.

>> No.1877460

Holy shit, personal preference.
I don't know what to do in the face of opinions that aren't my own.

>> No.1877524
File: 337 KB, 964x717, filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I use on Kega Fusion; I think it looks good.

>> No.1877528

I await the day that scanline filters don't make whites look grey.
I love scanlines but that just kills it.

>> No.1877536

>DMG-01 bezel
>sprites have different shade than background tiles

This triggers my autism

>> No.1877713

That should be possible once we have HDR monitors.

>> No.1877718

Consider it a case mod for the GBC.

>> No.1877725
File: 176 KB, 619x597, lookin good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1877727

omg what emulator is that or where can i get that filter?

>> No.1877729
File: 416 KB, 2048x1536, 1406929236869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn how to use github

>> No.1877731
File: 15 KB, 239x217, nicenicenice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that a7217 in the center

>> No.1877734

>then why not make sure the screen is the same size (2.6") as an actual gameboy?
That concept requires a dynamic shader that has the dimensions of your display. Also, that's not authentic because the view scale of the gameboy screen is inversely proportional to the ratio of the physical size to distance of the viewer, also any intermediary devices in between. The scale of something is wholly dependent on how one views it. In short. It already is 2.6" when you sit far enough away just like how a gameboy can fill up most of your view if you get close enough to it.

>> No.1877736
File: 742 KB, 1200x1080, RetroArch-0821-043840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ogre

>> No.1877747

No you don't. That day doesn't exist.
That's like saying I await the day when multiplying two even numbers doesn't produce an even number. No such day exists because it's a state property. Scanlines will always make white look 'greyer' because the distance blurring of light blends and it just so happens to blend white with that pattern. Even if you were using straight scan-line separation with pure black instead of using a dimmed guassian line blend function to simulate smaller breaks than the screen. You can edit some of the filters to adjust the range of the gaussian degree of the function. It'll make it look 'whiter' but it'll still look grey in comparison to having insignificant scanlines of a typical monitor.

>> No.1877952

I like this filter.

>> No.1877997


hellll yeaaa

>> No.1878015

Hey, someone else hangs their dead hard drives from the ceiling too.

>> No.1878607

What about audio filters, such as reverb, echo, bass boost, IIR, and other audio DSP effects applied to emulator audio output?

I think NES and other chip tunes sound good with some reverb.

>> No.1878675

I think the Realtek "parking lot" reverb is what sounds the less intrusive, it resembles the PS1 stock reverb.

>> No.1878823

Just navigate back to the root of the repository and use the download zip button to download a copy of the entire repository

>> No.1879423

I use the low pass filter and 32Khz on the SNES because that's what it sounds like.

I don't put echo or reverb on any of them myself. Bass boost definitely isn't required,
The only other DSP I use is built into my audio system for converting stereo/mono to binaural with HRTF with CMSS3D - For headphones because that's what I wear. If you're using headphones you might want to use some sort of HRTF. Stereo through headphones is kind of awful.

>> No.1880127

l just use the linear filter.

>> No.1880156


>> No.1881421


>> No.1881472
File: 139 KB, 1440x2160, The Power of Dither.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dithering shaders have legitimate uses though.

>> No.1881476

Aspect ratio is wrong. You should use pixellate, the one true filter:

>> No.1881479


>> No.1881567

how are they called and where can i get them?

>> No.1881624

you can just use a composite or s-video ntsc filter for that

>> No.1881634

retroarch comes with a lot of them. just use load shader preset under video settings then try all the ones under handheld. some of them work individually too

>> No.1881665

Didn't know retroarch existed outside of android. I think i'll be maining this one. I like the gui and it's simplicity, and obviously the filters.

I was using higan