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File: 3 KB, 256x240, super-mario-bros.3-usa-rev-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1871963 No.1871963 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people seem to think NES graphics couldn't be very detailed like pic related. What are some of the most visually beautiful NES games?

>> No.1871976

Nigra Central III for the Xbox One

>> No.1872019

Kirby's Adventure looks nice

>> No.1872027
File: 22 KB, 192x263, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure any1 would agree but I think Battle toads had some pretty nice graphics though some parts were ugly.

>> No.1872049
File: 9 KB, 256x239, CrisisForce_(15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crisis Force had some great sprites and was otherwise really good at stretching its on-screen color limit.

>> No.1872126
File: 72 KB, 496x448, sunsoftbatman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1872156
File: 10 KB, 512x480, Metal Slader Glory (J)_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1872171

This. Battletoads was incredibly detailed.

>> No.1872181
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Super-Mario-Bros.-2-USA_070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with the NES is that many games use very subdued and generic colors, such as your title screen. There's red, and a lot of beige, and Mario is also red. There's green and blue, which contrasts somewhat with the drab colors, but the game still looks dull.

This is running on the same hardware, yet look at how nicely the colors work together.

>> No.1872223

I always thought that most NES games looked like shit due to the drab colours.

>> No.1872230

I've always wondered why the NES had such range when it came to graphics. Why does SMB3 look infinitely better than SMB1?

>> No.1872269

more knowledge of the hardware and tricks you can do.

>> No.1872281

Also memory control managers, aka cheating on the hardware.

>> No.1872353

Wasn't this game hailed as pushing the NES to its limits?

>> No.1872416

Technology advances. Development kits, cartridge limits, and more all change over the lifespan of a console. For example, Kirby's Adventure would have been impossible to make early on in the console's lifespan due to the technology utilized.

>> No.1872423

Using trickery, how many palettes can you get the NES to display at once? Are there games that can exceed the normal limits, due to chips, kind of like how some JP games have special sound chips?

>> No.1872437

If by palettes you mean actual displayable colors then I don't think it's possible. If you mean display all the 52 available colors at once I think it can be sort of done but don't quote me on it.

>> No.1872801

>cheating on the hardware

Most of them just allowed for bigger games and a means to switch data around, very few can actually alter how the NES itself works. The MMC5 comes close, since it increases the VRAM EXPONENTIALLY and can display a unique background color to a space as small as a tile, or an 8*8 area. The NES can normally put a new palette down on a 16*16 area, which is far more restrictive.

If you want 'cheating the hardware', look no further than the SNES. The poor thing was such a disaster, most games developed for it had to use some sort of co-processor.

>> No.1872806

That and color choice is incredibly important, the colors need to pop away from eachother, not blend in.

>> No.1873073
File: 261 KB, 1280x960, nestopia 2013-07-04 07-54-23-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on what you mean by detailed.

>> No.1873106
File: 185 KB, 512x448, metal-storm-20081001073146716_640w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little gem has parallax scrolling emulation (on NES!), some detailed sprites and one of the best explosion animations of the gen.

>> No.1873331
File: 9 KB, 256x240, Little Samson (U) [!p]_063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Samson looks really nice for a NES game.
Not only that, but the gameplay is also fucking amazing.

Game needs more love.

>> No.1873337
File: 13 KB, 276x129, radiasenki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1873386

Can confirm that this game is absolute tits.

>> No.1873761

>inferior American version

>> No.1873771

That game looks like a lot of fun. I think I'm gonna pick up a c-
>$500 minimum
I think I'm gonna download a copy!

>> No.1873776

Yeah dont bother, its a collectors item by now and it was never that widespread.

>> No.1873906

Cocoron is awesome.

>> No.1873925

It's a damn shame that little samson is one of the few super rare games that's actually good. Most of the ones with like a dozen copies in circulation are so rare for a reason: they're usually garbage

>> No.1873935

"Visually beautiful" and "highly detailed" are very different. So is technical achivements.
For instance, Batman looks gorgeous, but it's not really highly detailed nor is it that much of a technical achivement. It just has a fucking great art direction and uses black and shading really well.

I feel kinda the same about Little Samson, often regarded as one of the most gorgeous NES game; but the backgrounds are flat and lifeless. I could be wrong, but technically speaking it's not that awesome.

Shatterhand is pretty amazing.
For instance it has backgrounds with several layers, each of which have moving stuff in them.

Megaman5 and 6 were pretty good too. They even used a trick in most levels, that would allow them to load new tiles half way through the level; which means that they could change the palette and how the visuals look half way through the level for better diversity.

>> No.1873980

>I could be wrong

yeah you are wrong. totally wrong, parallax scrolling doesn't imply technical mastery any more than highly detailed sprites.