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1849653 No.1849653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


If you frequent this board, you might remember someone creating a thread about wanting to get into Phantasy Star a few months ago. Well, that was me. And I finally picked up Phantasy Star 1-3 and I'm making my way through PS1 right now.

Holy fucking shit I love it. Dem scrolling dungeons, those animations, the party members. All clutch as hell. I'm currently looking for all the Laconian Gear so I can beat the fuck out of Medusa and advance on the final boss without a qualm, and it's tedious but still fun.

So, I wanted to discuss Phantasy Star because it's fucking sweet and I'm about to start PS2 and my hype level is at max.

>> No.1849662


Things I like:
Soundtrack. Catchy enough to stick in my head and never gets boring.
Party Members: Role-based but still unique and unlike other RPGs of its time
Blatant Sci-fi Reskins: The Land Rover and Hovercraft, for one, and then how the rest of the game doesn't even try to be futuristic aside from laser guns and aliens
Money: I love how things are actually expensive and how the enemies only drop money.
Random fucking sidequest: Really just referencing the Pot sidequest, but it's actually fun!

Dialogue-locked, progression-based items: What the flying fuck?
Useless Mage: But for real, this was a problem with every RPG at the time
My sense of direction: I get so fucking lost in these labyrinths, I swear.

>> No.1849768

>Phantasy Star 1-3
I do hope you're talking about either actual copies, emulation, or the games being part of that Ultimate Sega Genesis Collection, and not that GBA port of those three games, which I've really not heard very good things about.

>> No.1849776
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Played Phantasy Star II for the first time a month ago, it was awesome. It doesn't have scrolling dungeons, but the music, party members and setting were all great. I thought it was better than PSI. The connections to PSI are neat, its more sci-fi and you really feel things have changed. The story had certain moments that blew me away, especially the ending. Boy was that a cool ending!

So I got all hyped for PS3... and I had to force myself to finish it, playing it ended up feeling like a chore. The premise is really interesting (multiple generations, branching paths, civil war, even the way it handles being a sequel), and there's sparks of brilliance here and there, but overall it's very underwhelming. Everything is samey, gameplay is slower, dungeons are FAR less inspired, characters barely speak, the story is very undeveloped, it just feels lacking all around. It did have another REALLY cool ending though, but maybe that was because of the generation path I chose.

Anyway, I'm about to start PSIV which I've Heard is the best one in the series. My hype level is also at max now!

>> No.1849891

>I'm currently looking for all the Laconian Gear so I can beat the fuck out of Medusa
Well, since she has the Laconian Axe you'll be looking for a long damn time. You remember how the mythological Medusa was killed, right? Laconian equipment won't help you there.

NPCs tell you where to find the item you need. If you can't remember NPC clues, write that shit down.

By the endgame my Meseta was capped at 65,535. The hell are you spending it all on? Burgers?

>> No.1849902

>Useless Mage: But for real, this was a problem with every RPG at the time
Lutz/Noah (depending on translation) is actually your strongest physical attacker. The musclehead Tyrone/Odin is the weakest. Strange but true.

>> No.1850257

Yeah, but the other Laconian gear makes her tower an easier climb. I have the Mirror Shield, I and no bloke.

I've just had a hard time keeping funds up, although I could argue I just got to the point where I bought all the best equipment for the party. And the Land Rover.

And that fucking Ice Driller.

>> No.1850262

Yeah, but Odin is better for crowd control despite his subpar damage distribution

>> No.1850269
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>> No.1852567

That's pretty cool.

>> No.1852570

Can I skip 1? Don't have Master System and don't like emulating.

>> No.1852664

Do you have a flashcart? You can play Master System games on an Everdrive.

As for skipping, if you just want the best you may as well just play 4 but if you are thinking of playing in order to get all the references then 1 is easily the most important one.

>> No.1852853

>Can I skip 1?
I enjoyed the shit out of PS1. Can't stand PS2.

>> No.1852867

Look up the PS2 remake, there's a fan translation patch out if you're interested. It's not retro but doesn't look much different than a sprite based snes game.

>> No.1852868

I mean, the playstation 2 remake of Phantasy Star 1.

>> No.1852885

>can i skip the best game to play an okay game (PS2) and a terrible one (PS3)?

your call

>> No.1852913

Phantasy Star 1 pissed me off because in the final dungeon you basically have to stop and talk to an empty wall to progress. I ended up having to look at a guide. Its also too grindy. I guess it was a pretty amazing game for its time though.

2 is perfect in every way

3 is okay but could have been better

4 is good but WAY too easy

>> No.1852925
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I'm the complete opposite of you guys. I feel 1 was "okay" but 2 is perfection.

>awesome story pacing
>awesome graphics
>awesome monster animations
>catchy synth-pop music


>> No.1853542

Anyone want to play Phantasy Star IV on Genesis together through netplay? We could just take turns playing, while the other person watches.

>> No.1855573

Terrible advice though, it's a completly different game.

>> No.1856401
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I love PS games, the dungeons are very difficult but are nice games, and the music is excellent.



Is a shame officially we can't have the remakes.

>> No.1856424

I don't know what your definition of emulation but Sonic's Genesis Collection has all 4 Phantasy Star games. I asked about your definition because I tend to feel Nintendo's VC and the Collection as not really the same as emulating on your computer. But that's just my opinion.

I wish I could enjoy the original PS1 again. But I just can't deal with map making. Games like Etrian Odyssey and other games with an ingame map maker is really as far as I can go. Which is why I felt the PS2 version of it is better for me. Just to warn you that Phantasy Star 2 has some of the most hair pulling dungeons you have ever seen.

>> No.1858352

Phantasy Star 1 is trash. Most disorienting 3d dungeons.

>> No.1858432

Not excellent for its day, but not at all bad either.

>> No.1859063

Has anyone ever done a patch or romhack of Phantasy Star 3 to improve it's dialogue or combat or anything? I know there was one done for Phantasy Star 2 that really made the plot darker than it was originally.

3 had the potential to be something great, but it got jacked up.

>> No.1859104



>> No.1859110

I can't imagine playing 4 without playing at least 1 and 2. The game assumes you know what's going on in the overall story.

>> No.1859121

I've been playing the SNES version of Dragon Quest 5 and it really makes me miss the tone color of the Genesis sound chip.

>> No.1860157

When I originally played PS4 way back when on the Genesis I hadn't played any of the previous games, the knowledge isn't required to enjoy any part of it, but playing after knowing it does make for a richer experience.