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File: 83 KB, 640x480, 31371-the-legend-of-zelda-nes-screenshot-the-entrance-to-a-labyrinths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1847894 No.1847894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would you think of someone whose favorite Zelda game is the first one?

>> No.1847901

Why would anyone care about someone else's favorite Zelda game, how does that impact their enjoyment of Zelda?

>> No.1847929

You can't get your hopes up these are dark days we live in where people validate their ideas with the encouragement or discouragement of others.In the original zeldas favor it might take the longest of any of the zelda games to beat due to the two quest lines.I haven't played every zelda game though so I might be worng.

>> No.1848259

That they have good taste in Zeldas

>> No.1848265

Exactly this. It is the Zelda game that is the most like a game, not a pain in the ass interactive movie with tons of PRESS A TO HEAR 100 PAGES OF DIALOG.

>> No.1848272

I would not care, not one fucking bit.

>> No.1848406


>> No.1848414

>favorite Zelda game
>first one
h-how DARE they... the best Zelda game is obviously the one I grew up with, my favorite, <insert the Zelda game you hate most here>.

>> No.1848418
File: 103 KB, 682x600, laughing man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesn't play the satellaview remake

>> No.1848429

Eh, I loved both NES games, but never cared to even try later stuff. Maybe one day I'll play the gameboy one, just because I have a soft spot for 8-bit systems.

>> No.1848456

I would say that is someone that is afraid of change, but has very good taste.
It was the origin of everything and pretty much the only zelda that is original (all the others just redo the same thing over and over).

But it has it's flaws, mainly the gameplay.

>> No.1848458

Who cares? Sorry no one took the bait, try /v/

>> No.1848460

The Satellaview remake looks horrible.
I'd much rather play a game with a good art style than a remake that ruined it.

>> No.1849786
File: 210 KB, 962x1575, 1338101177279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I'd assume the guy saying this is old enough to have grown up playing NES instead of N64 like the majority of people on 4chan.
Then I'd assume he naturally has played the NES Zeldas back in the day and beaten them both as a kid without any help like I did.
Then I'd assume he played and like LttP better when it came out but eventually started preferring the NES games to it because he grew up with them.
Lastly I assume he played OoT or one of the other modern Zelda games later on and was disapointed in how slow paced they were, how they weren't challenging and how the annoying helper characters took away the exploration part that Zelda games were know for by telling where to go and what to do every 5 seconds.
At least this is how it went for me.

Anyway here is an article about how Zelda games have gotten worse during the years that I fully agree with:

>> No.1849789


Did you ever play ALTTP or LA?

>> No.1849802
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>that unbelievably bad taste

Right into the trash

>> No.1849818
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>remake ruined the art style

>> No.1849832

Not OP but the original has been my favorite in the series since I bear it last year on the virtual console. 22, but I grew up with Link's Awakening and OoT first (the later of which used to be my favorite game, but is something I can't really come back to without being bored by it.) Only, Then I got Zelda 2, Minish Cap, LttP. I like LttP and Minish Cap but only bothered to play through it once. Zelda 2 I also think is fun, but I don't like to compare it to the other games in the series since it's in a different genre all together and more of its own beast.

I haven't played Majora yet but I want to give a try, but so far the original Link's Awakening are the ones I can actually come back to.I think Zelda 1 was onto the right idea but genuinely has its unfair moments and stupid design decisions. It's one of my favorite games, but it's partially lost potential. Link's Awakening started the story emphasis in the series because of the team's influence by Twin Peaks, but I don't necessarily see it as bad at this point. Also, Link's Awakening putted an increased emphasis on the shovel, digging up the secret seashells captures some of the exploration from the original, with the incentive of getting the L-2 sword, the best in the game. So I think it did better at recapturing the spirit of the original than LttP but without the original's rough edges. Though, to me, the experience was weird since the original was reminding me of Link's Awakening.

>> No.1849838



Opinion discarded.

>> No.1849839

Yeah, both of those had pages of fucking dialog. LA was the worst in that every time you picked up certain items it would explain what it was. Every single fucking time. Ain't nobody got time for that shit.

>> No.1849843

One example of what I mean about the NES game is that the bow and light arrows and entirely missable so it is possible to to ganon without the means to defeat him.

>> No.1849867


>both of those had pages of fucking dialog.

Yeah if you add up all the pages. The actual dialogue you have to sit through is fucking nothing. You can get through any important scene in 2-3 minutes tops if you read at an average rate. I don't care if you hate the games, I just find your claims rather incredulous.

>> No.1849908

Wow! Link's
script looks
pretty heavy!
You won't be
able to lift it
with just your
bare hands...

>> No.1850205

>mfw my favorite Zelda game is the first one

I like the straightforward gameplay. Later Zeldas like LttP and OoT are too big and the complex for me.

>> No.1850219

Admirable. Sure beats "OOT IS DA BEST" "HAHA MM IS GOTY!!! HAHA" people.

My favorite one is Wind Waker, but that's not /vr/
How many times do you think you've beat it?

>> No.1850239


>> No.1850248 [DELETED] 

You can get through important scenes in both Z1 and Z2 in 1-2 seconds, tops, which is around 90× faster than LA's 2-3 minutes. So... what was that point you were trying to make, Anon? Other than you like bedtime stowies, cwadle-wocking and hand-holding stwolls thwough Hywule/Koholint?

>> No.1850448

Twice, possibly three times.

I've played every one since Link Between Worlds and the CDi games, but for some reason I keep coming back to the original. That isn't to say that the others are inferior or anything; just something about the original that keeps bringing me back

>> No.1850449


Good for them at least they have better taste than 90s kids.

>> No.1850480
File: 17 KB, 286x395, 10417752_422406774568320_4734810110087707402_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>us millennials mirite

Inb4 you're an one thousand year old shota dragon.

>> No.1850497



>> No.1850502

>What would you think of someone whose favorite Zelda game is the first one?

I think that your favorite Zelda game is the first one. That's literally all it means.

>> No.1850618

I've have yet to beat it yet but I recognize it as being a total classic.

It's quite well made and it's a lot of (frustrating) fun.

>> No.1850652

I would think, "I like him. He's a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything."

>> No.1850737

I would think that their favorite Zelda game is the first one.

>> No.1850749

cant say i blame them. you can travel throughout most of map without any special items. the rest of the zelda series required you to beat dungeon so and so and get item what and what to progress further in the world

>> No.1850761
File: 5 KB, 256x240, Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (U) [!]-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you think of someone whose favorite Zelda game has always been the second one?

>> No.1850763

This, but also that they're in denial. A link to the past is basically a perfected version of the original.

>> No.1850789

Except the whole... you know... go to area A to get item B to unlock are C to get item D to unlock area E to get item F to unlock area G to get item H and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on gameplay.
And the walls of text you mash buttons to get through then accidentally hit "not at all" and have to go through it all the fuck over again.
Fuck that noise.

>> No.1850807

They're either gluttons for punishment or the bravest of the brave.

>> No.1850817
File: 64 KB, 550x550, Reading_9884be_1436772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Walls of text

>> No.1850819

>reading the same, unchanging thing every play through is enjoyable
>implying american

>> No.1850831
File: 63 KB, 640x824, 640px-IKB_191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on if they're one of those people with their heads shoved up their asses. Are they one of those people that simply enjoyed it the most, or are they like the people that will hail THIS as a modern masterpiece? Pic related, this sold for a couple million dollars.

>> No.1850840

The game doesn't have "walls of text", I'm pretty sure that was his point.

You must have a hard time getting through life if what amounts to maybe 10 or so pages of written dialogue (through the whole game) feels like a chore. Have you ever re-read a book? It's essentially the same concept.

>> No.1850848

Books usually have interesting stories.

>> No.1850854

>Ocarina of Time

Fucking what?

Seriously, explain this to me.

>> No.1850862

That image is full-retard. He posted a link to a kotaku article too, pretty sure it's troll-bait.

>> No.1850864


I'd respect their opinion. The original zelda is fantastic, and still holds up to this day. One of my favourites.

>> No.1853695
File: 1.20 MB, 1638x1449, 1399141771410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: fags who can't enjoy things

>> No.1853787

Wait, Skyward Sword is liked? I need a new peer group.

>> No.1853815

Because Skyward Sword is hands down the best Zelda game.

I love Ocarina of Time, but Skyward Sword is just better.

>> No.1853919

Id say they are good people that I would have a beer with.

>> No.1853938

is forcing yourself to like it really enjoying it?

>> No.1853941

>What would you think of someone whose favorite Zelda game is the first one?
Someone like me then? Probably cool. Nothing against people that like the other games. I don't.

>> No.1853994


I'd say you know what makes a good Zelda game

>> No.1854001

2.5D is stuff like Doom and Daggerfall, where the underlying level geometry is made up of non-overlapping two-dimensional sectors. OoT is 3D.

>> No.1854029

While it is far too story heavy, fi gets annoying, lacks a proper hub, and has a lackluster soundtrack (a handful of songs are great), it's still a great game. It's just not a great Zelda.

>> No.1854036

That they care more about the journey than the destination

>> No.1854039

It was my favorite one until part 2 came out. But probably is still my second favorite one.

>> No.1854075

Are they me? because that's my fave. since I was a kid.

>> No.1854098

I assume whoever made the picture has only seen screenshots of the game and not actually played it. I guess if you only saw screenshots of building interiors and some parts of Hyrule Castle you might think it's more isometric than true 3D.

>> No.1854167


>> No.1854180


>> No.1854346
File: 139 KB, 506x600, 1306462179969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pages of fucking dialog

>mfw this is presented as a negative in a fantasy-adventure game

>> No.1854365

Non-interactive storytelling in video games, be it cinematic storytelling through cutscenes or digital picturebooks with text-crawls, music and pictures, is always a flaw.

>> No.1854413
File: 4 KB, 256x240, 1295screenshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're right. Best game.

>> No.1854452

I would think the he and I have something in common.

>> No.1854493
File: 51 KB, 625x370, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R.I.P Robin Williams. My thoughts go to Zelda Williams.

>> No.1854518

You talkin' shit about Ninja Gaiden?

Anyway, yeah, I prefer it when games SHOW instead of relying entirely on TELL.

>> No.1854545



>> No.1854561
File: 5 KB, 66x80, sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double whammy becaue he was an eva fan

>> No.1855106

>Skyward Sword
>Best Zelda

I like my Zelda without tutorials and hand holding

>> No.1855151

And in 2d

>> No.1855181

Basically I don't like Zelda after the nes.

>> No.1855190

And without puzzles in every damn thing.
And without kawaii.
And without Link sitting on a toilet.

>> No.1855548

Whoever made that image was laughing his ass off.

Honestly the only Zelda game I ever tried that I didn't like was 2, but I can respect that others like it. I don't understand anyone not liking any of the games after the NES. I haven't played Skyward Sword to see what everyone's bitching about, but the rest are all at least solid adventure games. I can't help but think these people are just letting expectations rule their opinion instead of judging the games on their own merits.

>> No.1855556

this is bait

>> No.1855557

anon you seem like one of the cool anons
you can stay.

>> No.1855652

I'd think I can understand good reasons for that, even if I disagree, and I'd respect them for being a unique thinker.

>> No.1855654

>mainly the gameplay
That's one of the things that I would not even consider putting in flaw category. What the hell?

>> No.1855680

I would hate them forever and ever and I would not invite them to my next sleepover.