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1844316 No.1844316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So was the old Rare pretty much the ace of up Nintendo's sleeve during the N64 era? Arguably, pretty much the trump card for capturing Western audiences? Otherwise, without them, the library was in danger of falling down like a house of card?

>> No.1844418

Rare imo the only reason to own an N64. Mario 64, Star Fox and both LoZ were good, but Banjo, Conker, DK, Perfect Dark, 007, Jet Force Gemini, Killer Instinct and Blast Corps made that console.

>> No.1844508

It was the only 3rd party that did well with it. N64 wouldn't have been a total flop but Rare did double the playable library.

>> No.1844514

2nd party, m8

>> No.1844518

Rare's biggest problem was they didn't do enough diversity. The N64 was lacking in a lot of genres and yet Rare felt fit to make a lot of 3D platformers when the machine already had a definite one - Mario 64.

If Rare really wanted to be useful they should have tried making an RPG instead of DK64.

>> No.1844534

They made 4 Platformers, 2 FPSs, 1 TPS, 1 fighting game and Blast Corps. And Banjo> Mario 64, everyone knows that.

>should have tried making an RPG
>on the N64
what? Is this a serious statement?

>> No.1844806

>>should have tried making an RPG
>>on the N64
>what? Is this a serious statement?
Dinosaur Planet was going to be an action-adventure game, which is pretty close to an RPG if you don't get fickle.

>> No.1844841

What's wrong with doing an RPG on the N64? Did it really need 4 platformers? One less for one more RPG sounds good to me.

Don't you dare say the N64 needed a CD drive to do a RPG properly. Cause it didn't.

>> No.1844865

So Ocarina is an RPG?

>> No.1844869

>So Ocarina is an RPG?
It's very close. The line between "adventure" and "RPG" is pretty slim, and usually boils down to arguments over the necessity of stat sheets.

>> No.1845102

>should have tried making an RPG
>on the N64

What is Quest 64 & Ogre Battle 64?

There was already RPGs on the Nintendo 64.

>> No.1845108


>> No.1845146

This metaphor

>> No.1845181

>what? Is this a serious statement?
What about the N64 makes it inherently bad for RPGs? We're listening.

>> No.1845210

Why does ff7 models look like ass? They were developed for n64. Add to the fact you couldn't have cgi cutscenes like panzer or ff7. Then n64 handled audio like complete piss on top of not enough storage on carts. Suikoden, gears, cross, ff9, dq7 etc. could not be handled on a n64. There's also a 2 rpg per gen policy that seems to still be in place by nintendo. I mean xenoblade was even translated to English and barely made it to the states. Nintendo never reached snes status with mana, ff, bahmount lagoon, live a live, chrono, mothers, tales, evo etc

>> No.1845236

% of total library it doesn't look good for RPGs

there is not a single factual statement in this post

>> No.1845253

FF7 was in development before the n64 released.

Also the n64 could handle polys much better than ps1, so the models would have probably looked better on that system.

>> No.1845261
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I'm fucking up, my bad. I didnt know it was exclusive at the time.

>> No.1845273

>Dinosaur Planet was going to be an action-adventure game
You clearly don't know what an Action/Adventure game is.

Because Banjo is just that as well as a Platformer. Most of Rare's titles are Action/Adventure and something else, because they specialize in that genre.

>> No.1845289

Not that guy, and not saying this makes it inherently bad for RPGs, but the n64 carts didnt have the storage space necessary for the hq music and fmv's in the 5th gen FF games, that's why square moved over to sony. (even though RE2 may have disproved this, they didn't think it was possible around launch)

However, one look at Ogre Battle 64 shows that the system was more than capable of handling very large rpg's with lots of content, provided they skipped out on the videos and cut back on music a bit.

Personally I really like the n64 and would have loved to see more 2d rpgs like Ogre Battle, as I think they held up better than the early 5th gen rpgs on playstation.

>> No.1845307

>n64 carts didnt have the storage space necessary for the hq music and fmv's in the 5th gen FF games

It would have been more than capable of FF7's music. It used sequenced music using sound samples not of a significantly greater fidelity then the SNES games. It's redbook audio that takes up unfeasibly large amounts of space, not sequenced audio.

Square moved over to PSX because they fell in love with their own cinematic movies and could not tolerate a version without them. Of course an RPG does not need FMVs, though they certainly were a very important part of how FF7 turned out to be.

>> No.1845315

I can agree with this, since ff7 does use midi tracks.

It really did boil down to the fmv's, and it's debatable whether or not fmv's really added much to those games. I loved them back in the day, but when I play ps1 today the cuts between the really choppy polys and the 90s cgi used in the fmv sequences can be very jarring.

>> No.1845350

They definitely aged like shit, but at the time they were all the rage.