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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1841413 No.1841413 [Reply] [Original]

What is /vr/ playing right now?

What I am playing right now:

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Quake II
Spyro the Dragon
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

>> No.1841417

My backlog is so fucking huge.
Gonna start Castlevania Symphony of the Night today.
Legend of Legaia is on Haitus until my PS1 mini with the LCD screen and memory card transfer pack arrives from eBay, then I can finally finish that game thats haunted me for years.

If you're wondering, theres a well documented Conkram glitch that freezes the game while playing on PS3, so I need to transfer my save to a ps1 memory card beat the part, then transfer back to my ps3.

Then I'll probably play shit like Vagrant Story, and maybe then something a little more action oriented.

>> No.1841424

Super Mario Land 2
Serf City

>> No.1841427

Replaying Lunar for the first time in 20 years.

>> No.1841436


>> No.1841441

Well I fucking hate Mega Man except for the Mega Man X series. Probably fucking blasphemy to some but its my opinion none the less.

>> No.1841443

Maybe its just a non-glitched magnet beam you fucking retard

>> No.1841445

Well, I'm in the home stretch of Phantasy Star, collecting all the Laconian gear. I've also started Secret of Mana but I was hoping to have someone to play it with and that doesn't seem like it will be happening anytime soon. I'll probably move on to Phantasy Star II and I have FF and DQ VI to complete.

>> No.1841471
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>> No.1841484

I don't really know if it is /vr/, although the console it is for, but I am playing Battle Kid - Fortress of Peril and must say that it isn't as bad as I suspected.

>> No.1841485

Oh, and I started to play Spyro 2 with a friend of mine.

>> No.1841503
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Rockman 2. I'm pretty drunk and I managed to take out Bubble Man and Air Man on 1 life before finally dying to spikes.

Feels pretty nice.

>> No.1841513

On my pretty much yearly rerun of Final Fantasy 6. After that, Star Ocean, Seiken Densetsu 3 and maybe EarthBound.

>> No.1841547
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>> No.1841608

Donkey Kong Country (just started replaying the trilogy for the 102nd time) and Breath of Fire (first playthrough, absolutely love it).

>> No.1841628

>playing more than 1 game at once

>> No.1841642

Playing some Metal Slug X.

>> No.1841647

Mega Man X4 as Zero.

Sigma is kicking my ass. I'm ashamed because I've beaten this game before.

>> No.1841648

>dat pic

>> No.1841651

Super Mario Land 2
Donkey Kong Land
Secret of Mana
Wario Land
The Frog For Whom The Bell Tolls

>> No.1841661
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>> No.1841665

Well I am a fucking NEET, why do you care?

>> No.1841674

Just finished Ghost Sweeper Mikami and The Ninja Warriors on SNES and currently on the home stretch of Link to the Past and also attempting to get up the nerve to go back through Arkista's Ring.

>> No.1841680

I've been experiencing a mad hankering for SNES and GBC/GBA games recently.

Chrono Trigger
A Link to the Past
Donkey Kong Country
Contra III
Wario Land series
Link's Awakening
Oracle of Seasons
Final Fantasy Adventure
Mega Man Battle Network

>> No.1841684

On a whim tonight I decided to start to run the Final Fantasy Gauntlet. Gonna replay 1 through 9. Stopped for the night at Elf Town. I just hope I can keep my sanity through this.

>> No.1841770

Armored Core 1; just beat it for the first time in fifteen years, and I was mopping up missions after then end when the game started goofing up. Quits for the night.

AC2 and AC3 as well, alternating between each series to keep from burning out.

>> No.1841775

Wolfenstein 3D

Gonna 100% the Banjo games
They are on XBLA though, which sucks, but i can't afford carts of them, i'd rather play on original hardware

Either way it's still a great goddamn game

>> No.1841780

After Wolf3d i'm going to play Spear of Destiny, then the Wolfenstein games after that (excluding the iOS one because it was taken down)

After the Wolfenstein games, i'm going to play the doom games, and also Duke Nukem 3D

>> No.1841787

Donkey Kong Country 2
FF7 again (don't think I'll make it through again)
Jet Force Gemini for the 105854 time

>> No.1841796

Final fantasy III for NES actually a good game, I liked the onion knight game so far

>> No.1841801


Yep. There's classic and then there's something like this.

>> No.1841817

Mega Man X
I-I'm even worse than Arino

>> No.1841819

seiken densetsu 3

>> No.1841847
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I'm playing Mother and Earthbound back to back. It's because I'm not really like Mother, but I feel guilty for trying to skip right over it. I'm about to go to Twoson in Earthbound, but I kind of want to just finish Mother before I keep playing.

I will say one thing, the music in Mother is some of the best I've heard for something that was originally a NES game.

>> No.1841848

That's a damn good game anon! Have fun. Which 3 characters did you choose?

>> No.1841862

I love Mother, i'll admit it's tough to get into for most people but I had a blast with it. Best of luck anon.

>> No.1841869

I'll try. I'm going to Duncan's Factory. Although my inventory is full. Is there no way to access storage in Merrysville? I still have the Onyx Hook, so I guess I could use it to go back to Magicant.

>> No.1841876

I don't know why I called it Merrysville when the map says Thanksgiving.

>> No.1841885

Dump stuff that you don't need, maybe sell some things, and if you still have your GGF's diary you won't be needing it after the first time you enter Magicant. Is Lloyd's inventory full too? Duncan's factory is an asshole, I suggest using a map. The place is a labyrinth. Mother is the only game in the Mother series where there are two Franklin Badges, assuming you got the first one, the second one is in Duncan's factory. Make sure you find it.

>> No.1841892
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I don't have Lloyd yet. He told me to get a bottle rocket. I think I'll sell some items, I just didn't know if I'd still need some of them.

>> No.1841905

Duncan's Factory isn't where you get the bottle rocket for Lloyd. On your way out of Magicant to Merrysville/Thanksgiving you should've seen a factory, I forget the name of it but this is where you get the bottle rocket for Lloyd. Duncan's factory is for later.

>> No.1841919

Oh okay. I thought there was only on factory. I should probably start using a guide.

>> No.1841951
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Secret of Mana
Ni No Kuni
Medal of Honor (The first one on PS1)

>> No.1841978

Im playing Ninja Gaiden. Tried a bit of Holy Diver. I might try and beat that when Im done Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.1841993

Been playing Mega Man V for the Gameboy, and so far I'm having a blast. I thought the Stardroid arc might be fun, and I'm happy to say that I wasn't disappointed. Currently, I'm on the last level about to face (surprise surprise) Dr. Wily.

So, my thoughts on the powers: Mars' Photon Missile makes me think of Tunnel Rhino's drills, except nowhere near as slow, nor as expensive. Sure, there's still the wind up when you initially fire it, but after that, it takes off like no one's business. Mercury's Catcher Buster, while not as strong as some of the other weapons, is definitely a life save in a pinch. Neptune...eh...I suppose his Salt Water is somewhat better than Lead Bubble...I guess. At least it literally does splash damage when hitting walls. Venus's power is definitely great against those assholes in the sky/ceiling. Pluto's I don't use much, but it's great if you just want to dash past an enemy and have some invincibility frames. Kinda like an improved version of Train Man's power...hell, why didn't they make it so it worked like that in the first place? Uranus is pretty much Gutsman's Super Arm, Electric Boogaloo. Saturn's Black Hole (no relation to Galaxy Man's power sadly) is more or less an improved Power Stone that won't miss so horribly. Jupiter is pretty much a short range electric blast which is surprisingly powerful and cheap. Finally, Terra, who's power is pretty much Gemini Laser if it didn't suck and instead just repeatedly homed in on the enemy.

Surprisingly, it wasn't the bosses that offed me so much as the stages themselves, which resulted in me raging against what may or may not have been bullshit deaths that might have been my own fault. Despite that, having tons of fun despite having done so much in a short time.

>> No.1842041 [DELETED] 

Monster Rancher Advance on GBA.

>> No.1842319
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>> No.1843343
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Silhouette Mirage

>> No.1843353
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>Phantasy Star II

>> No.1843363
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Nothing retro, unfortunately.
Trails in the Sky and Growlanser IV.

I might start the Langrisser series after I'm done with both of them.

>> No.1843438


Breath of Fire 2. I just picked up a save state more than halfway through the game because fuck grinding and I can't believe I spent hundreds of hours as a kid playing this game. Back in the day, I even maxed out all the stats on Nina/Spar by grinding out ingredients for cooking.

>> No.1843473

X4 sigma is the hardest one anyway.

>> No.1843487
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Replaying Illusion of Time (Gaia)
Chrono Trigger

Just starting Marine Philt for the first time. I'm thinking about trying to translate it as a pet project on my days off

>> No.1843497

Been playing through the Ys games lately as I only got to play Ys 3 on SNES in my youth. Currently on Dawn of Ys (Fan dub). I'm really enjoying this franchise so far.

>> No.1843617

Working on finally beating The Legend of Zelda.

I've been playing these games my whole life but I never seem to finish of them.

>> No.1843653

I always felt that X3 and X5's Sigma battles were the worst. In X3's, I had a lot of trouble hitting that ONE SPOT where you can damage him.

>> No.1843728
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Replaying the Wario Land series until my glorious acrofatic is back in Smash
Seeing how far I can get.

>> No.1843743

Doom 1

Gonna go flea market hopping in a couple days so hopefully I'll have more.

>> No.1843758

I'm trying to play the entire Final Fantasy series this summer, I'm currently on FFXII.

>> No.1843774

Wasn't that the one where Sigma was in this giant mech suit and the only place you could hit him was his tiny head?

I know I just described MMX1 as well.

>> No.1843894

X1 was much easier to hit

>> No.1843921
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Wild Arms 2.

>> No.1843942

Yeah, Sigma's giant battle mecha suit thing in X3 was hard to deal with, for me. I can beat him, but I usually go through a lot of sub tanks in order to do so. X1 wasn't all that bad, so long as you were good at staying on Sigma's hands.