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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1836683 No.1836683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /v/ think of Rayman 2?
Best game i've ever played, imo it's far better than the first one and the entire series

>> No.1836691


>> No.1836735

Best 3D platformer of all time.
Calling it better than Rayman 1 is hard though because 2D and 3D platformers are different enough to be their own genre's it's hard to compare.

>> No.1836751 [DELETED] 



>> No.1837012

It is the best 3D platformer ever made.
Rayman 2, Vexx, and Psychonauts are all up there though.

>> No.1837505

Nawww. There are plenty of good 3D platformers. Jak and Daxter, Spyro, Crash, Mario 64/Sunshine/Galaxy...
Never played Vexx though. I remember seeing it in stores for cheap.

>> No.1837509

Best 3d platformer ever made, bar none
>dat melancholy soundtrack
>dat art direction
>dat oppressive atmosphere

>> No.1837515


>> No.1837689

What platform is the definitive version of Rayman 2 on? I tried playing the N64 version I had from my childhood but the horrible FPS just makes it not fun to play.

>> No.1837712


Master Race will argue for the PC version, but at the end of the day, it's just an improved port of the N64 version. The DC version was built specifically for DC.

>> No.1837749

The Dreamcast's huge tracks of land .. I mean texture RAM, coupled with VGA output makes the Dreamcast version the best looking by far.

>> No.1838419

The PS2 version would be if the hub world didn't exist. God damn PS2 Rayman 2 had a shit hub world.

Saging for not-retro.

>> No.1838508

PS2 version runs in 30 FPS. DC is 60.

>> No.1839081

I enjoy the 3DS version. Basically the 64 version with Dreamcast textures/soundtrack, only three issues though:

1) Ubisoft can't port music for 3DS for shit, will literally create that "too loud" static if played at max volume without headphones (Origins for 3DS has same issue)
2) The 3D wasn't optimised, will occasionally go past a visual perception point and confuse the shit out of your eyes - kinda cool in a way.
3) There's a glitch with the level transition after the 1000th lum, make sure you jump straight into the hole, Rayman won't slide on the hill but the game will lock into cutscene mode, forcing manual reset.

>> No.1839096

I wanna try out the PC version. Is compatiability okay?

>> No.1839134

It was an okay 3d platformer. Too linear if you ask me.

>> No.1839309

It was an N64 game first and foremost. From an era when Ubisoft were trying their hardest to support Nintendo.

All the versions are good except the DS and PS1 versions.

>> No.1839313

what the fuck is rayman like a dog or some shit?

>> No.1839328

Rayman 2 is nothing compared to the first one. The original game was a masterpiece and turning it into 3D was the wrong idea, well, except for Hoodlum Havoc which was pretty dope. If you're going to play Rayman 2 though, it has to be the Dreamcast version. It was honestly pretty magical.

tl;dr Rayman should've stayed 2D and I'm glad it's back to being 2D in the current gen.

>> No.1839331
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>rayman 2
>best game ever played.

you people don't play that much of video games or something ?
in a way your are lucky so you can happily pic a single favorite game and call it a day (even for genre as poor as 3D platformer).

>> No.1839339

3D platformers were amazing after a few of them came out. There were a million 2D platformers by then, it was a nice change of pace.

>> No.1839673

It's a pretty great game - great bossfights, fantastic environments, fun characters, lovely sense of humour, decent variety.

The actual platforming however, is a bit of a letdown compared to SM 64.

It's a great game, but it's not the best 3D platformer of its era. That title still belongs to SM 64.

Personally, give me SM 64's platforming and sheer athleticism of the player character, and combine it with everything else Rayman 2. GOAT game.

Also fuck Rare 3D platformers.

>> No.1839713

I actually like Rayman 3 more.

2 is actually my least favorite of the trilogy, but they're all fantastic. 3>1>2.

>> No.1839728

Runs fine on XP, later than that you'll have trouble. It's on GOG though and that works fine for me.

>> No.1839858

Really wish people (probably just the same guy) would stop saying this.

Yes, it was on N64 first, but the N64 version is still the second-worst after the PS1 version

>> No.1840934

How can the N64 version be worse than the Nintendo DS version? The N64 version just... runs. It has slightly different music on which opinion varies. But there are no crippling flaws.

>> No.1840942

The original CD-based Rayman 2 PC has a copy protection problem which conflicts with modern Operating Systems. Use a cracked exe, or get the GOG version.

>> No.1840952

IIRC, the PS2 version has the longest load times of any of the versions, which could be seen as a slight black mark against it. (Unless emulated with a disc-speed boost.)

>> No.1841008

I haven't played the DS version, so I can't comment on that.

Also, you seem to think that "second worst" means that it's bad. It's not. There are no bad versions that I've played. Even the PS1 version is fine, it just isn't as polished and has those dumb voices.

The N64 version is fine if that's the only one you can play, but the DC version is the definitive one. Even Ubisoft recognizes this, and based the recent iOS and 3DS ports on the DC version.

>> No.1842609

I have got it to work on Windows 8 but is pretty screwy sometimes. No issues on my Windows 98 box.

>> No.1842624

Yeah the N64 version is pretty good all things considered. But it's a lower spec Dreamcast version. If you've got a Dreamcast there's no need to go for the N64 version, but if you don't have the choice, there's nothing really wrong per se with the N64 version.

>> No.1842640

I have the opposite problem on Windows 8. It works fine with the CD but I cannot find a working no-cd crack ANYWHERE. None of them work and all are identical to the original exe.

>> No.1842698

The N64 version is a lower spec PC version.

The DC version was developed specifically to take full advantage of the DC hardware.

>> No.1842714

I fucking love this game. I played it again recently though, and there were a few things that kind of annoyed me now that I'm looking at it more critically.
The auto-aim is bizarre and really makes it feel you're out of control from time to time. Camera is hard to control, and sometimes you can't control it. Sometimes, manouvers require you to time a jump just when a platform disappears - this was something that bugged me a lot. If you decide to jump off the platform prematurely, you won't jump NEARLY as far as when you jump off the platform when it disappears. This or the equivalent of it happens in a couple stages and it's kinda shitty.

Other than that, fucking awesome story, super immersive, awesome sound, cute graphics, creative enemies and levels that surprise you at every turn. Fucking masterpiece.

>> No.1842752

>(even for genre as poor as 3D platformer).

2Dfag spotted.

>> No.1843646
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The worst part is using the /vr/-tan image. Victor Radical is mean to be an extremely chill and fun dude to be around. He's a bro. He's supposed to be the best of /vr/. What he isn't is a an elitist prick who won't let others have fun.

>> No.1844726

Gotta disagree, OP.

I really liked it, but having played it more recently, I really think it's aged much more poorly than its peers (Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, etc.). I would place it above the Crash games. Haven't played enough Spyro to make a good call there, though.