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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 74 KB, 640x640, kirby dream land game boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1829076 No.1829076 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't played a whole lot of Kirby and I was wandering what game would be best to start out with?

>> No.1829095

Kirby's Adventure, then Kirby Superstar

>> No.1829101

Kirby's Dream Collection on the Wii, since it has all the mainline games up to the N64 version.

>> No.1829253

You can play them in any order technically the storyline isn't horribly complex. Might as well start from the first and move on up from there though they're not very difficult games.

>> No.1829264

I have to be frank OP, Super Star is the only good Kirby game.

>> No.1829282

Just play the good ones mang

Best ones:
>Kirby's Adventure on nes or gba remake Nightmare in Dreamland (don't be a retro fag gba version is same game better gfx so just get it)
>Dream Land 3 on snes
>Superstar on snes or Superstar Ultra on ds (ultra is same game with additional content)
>Kirby 64 is only ok

Kirby games after n64 era, excluding remakes, get more mediocre as time goes on. Kirby 64 is actually pretty average itself. Epic Yarn is boring as fuck.

Also don't worry about playing in order, if you're expecting some grand storyline spanning multiple games then you're not playing for the right reasons.

>DeDeDe is being a faggot
>make him stop being a faggot
>oh niggerfuck there might be a plot twist where DeDeDe isn't true bad guy
>don't count on it

Metaknight is cool as shit tho

>> No.1829286

And by retro fag I mean playing the nes version of adventure just because its on nes even though gba version is objectively better.

>> No.1829287

It is the best tho

>> No.1829294


Kirby's Adventure got a 3D remake though.

>> No.1829303
File: 71 KB, 313x286, 1405888165202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck nigger really? It's on 3ds, right?
>nigga just made my day

>> No.1829312


Yes and the 3D effect and graphics are amazingly well done, imo. It's like $5 too.

>> No.1829472

probably pic related since it's both the easiest and the shortest.

You can easily defeat it in less than an hour

Or if you want a Kirby game to get you into it, Nightmare in dreamland, Superstar, or Dreamland 2 is probably for the best.

>> No.1829486
File: 4 KB, 222x211, finger guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the best Kirby game is Crystal Shards.

>> No.1829492

It's definitely the most fun to dick around in.

>> No.1829525

>gba version is objectively better.

looks and sounds worse

>> No.1829545
File: 10 KB, 200x214, 678851a4-0d23-47e0-8ac8-3e67430c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wut r u on about m8

>> No.1829550

Nightmare in Dream Land sucks

>> No.1829558
File: 995 KB, 250x250, 1405922037221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same game better gfx additional content
>mfw stupid faggot prefers old nes version

>> No.1829564

>small screen
>ugly backgrounds
>platforms just float in the air
well, as long as you enjoy it, lol

>> No.1829581

>small screen
On gamecube player or emu upscaled, dont care
>ugly backgrounds
Don't remember that part
>platforms that just float in the air

>> No.1829604
File: 45 KB, 390x577, Complete_Manual_of_Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for you

>> No.1829609
File: 18 KB, 560x421, wilbon_michael_cropped-4_3_r560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha this guy's getting defensive over a GBA Kirby remake. It wasn't even good, either.

>> No.1829615

Kirby's Fun Pak was the most fun.

>> No.1829632
File: 32 KB, 300x900, 1405550551215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit fine just play the nes version then you fucking faggots. If you really enjoy playing the older, worse version then go ahead.
I guess if upscaling on an emu is so fucking bad, you really do enjoy worse graphics for no reason. Thats fucking stupid but whatever floats your autism boat.

>> No.1829667

You realize they remade it for the 3DS in HD right?

>> No.1829679

Yea but I was arguing gba vs nes tho

>> No.1832031

You need to play them in canonical order

Dream Land > Adventure > DL2 > DL3 > Crystal Shards > Amazing Mirror > Super Start Ultra > Squeak Squad > Return to Dreamland >Triple Deluxe

In that order, Kirby's abilities get more complex.

>> No.1832073
File: 95 KB, 1023x718, kirby's dreamland 2 super gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally I'd recommend starting with dream land 1 gb, moving to dreamland 2 sgb and then kirby's adventure nes.
finish with superstar snes.
dreamland 3 snes and crystal shards 64 are optional.

>> No.1833071
File: 52 KB, 500x349, kirby64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1833312
File: 75 KB, 1024x663, HMaiL7N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend either Super Star (the original or the remake; both have their advantages), Kirby's Dream Land or Air Ride.

Honestly, Nightmare in Dream Land was easy as fuck. The only thing worth talking about was the Meta Knight mode.

>> No.1833475

The one you posted. Then Kirby's Adventure, then Kirby's Dream Land 2. Then Dream Land 3 and Crystal Shards if you're so inclined.

>> No.1833646

being easy is not a minus in Kirby games, they're all easy. But NiDL kind of stinks. Adventure on the 3DS is great.

>> No.1833682

NOt one of the ones you're responding to, but I don't see how the original is the worse version.

>> No.1833849

This, if you want more something more specific, trying the first NES one. Or the Crystal Shards, pretty nice environments and I just think Adeline is the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen

>> No.1833969

>Abilities get more complex
KDL: 0
KA: 25
KDL2: 18 (6 powers * 3 animals)
KDL3: 42 (7 * 6 animals)
KCS: 56 (7 * 8 combinations)
KAM: 26
KSSU: 25
KSS: 30~ (depends if you count ice-bomb, fire sword etc)
KRDL: 22
KTD: 26

Yeah I'm gonna have to say no to complexit.

>> No.1833971

Wait I might have fucked Crystal Shard up, it should have probably been 8 factorial not 7*8.

>> No.1834230

I actually started getting into Kirby a bit more. Haven't touched it for the longest time. How is the Wii collection? My friend was offering me his copy to play some of the older ones. Since I loved Triple Deluxe.

>> No.1834308

>Nightmare in Dream Land was easy as fuck
Nobody plays Kirby games for the difficulty. They're all about fun, immersion and a little bit of exploring.

>> No.1834442

>Nobody plays Kirby games for the difficulty.
Maybe you don't. But I have always found Dream Land 3 and Crystal Shards intolerably easy.

>> No.1834498
File: 76 KB, 255x274, Poppybrojr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's the best helper?

>Anything other than Poppy Bro Jr.
Guy's a cold hearted mofo who will blow you to smithereens while never wiping that smile off his face. Even while exploding, he smiles.

>> No.1836563

Trust me, play them in this order.

Dream Land -> Adventure -> Dream Land 2 -> Dream Land 3 -> Crystal Shards -> Super Star Ultra -> Amazing Mirror -> the rest

>> No.1839216
File: 49 KB, 626x352, kirby-epic-yarn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played long times Epic Yarn with my kids. I fuond it interesting with the different gameplay, and the objects quest make the game last quite a long time.
Plus most of the soundtracks are awesome.

But this game is also very chisldish, and the unability to die is quite weird. But if you don't want to lose beads to score high, you still have to be careful.

Epic Yarn is an interesting game, it's really worth a try.

>> No.1839640 [DELETED] 

Back to /v/ with your modern garbage.


>> No.1841618


>> No.1841981

Should I get the 3D Classic version of Kirby's Adventure or the NES version on my 2DS?

>> No.1841996

The Wii collection is actually really good.

It has all the essential games up to the N64, and some extra levels that were made with the engine of the wii game. The extra levels are actually a lot of fun and it's pretty addictive trying to get the best rank you can on them. I'd say they make the collection worth getting over just downloading roms. Well, that plus the multiplayer makes it worth it. KDL3 and KSS are nowhere as entertaining played solo as they are played with a pal.

>> No.1842029

If they're the same price(I can't recall) go with the 3d classics version, it has a few extra features like programmable controls, so its worth it even if the graphics will be identical.

>> No.1842158

Apparently the nes version is only on the wii/wiiU for 2 bucks less than the 3d version.
So 3D on a 2DS or NES version on VC/Dream Collection?

>> No.1842172

If you play them in order it gives you a certain appreciation for how the series has evolved. For a long time each sequel felt like it really added something to the formula.

Dreamland = no powers, spit and swallow enemies only
Adventure = get the ability to copy enemy powers, each power gives you one attack (except ufo, which is god tier)
Dreamland 2 = ride animals, each animal modifies each power in a different way, giving each power more versatility than in the past. Animals also basically function as vehicles and change your movement. A few hidden collectibles unlock the true ending.
Superstar = introduces 2 player co-op, almost every power comes with about 5 different attacks that you use with different inputs and combos, added different stories/adventures instead of just one main one for the sake of variety (one plays out more like a metroid game with emphasis on finding secrets in a huge maze, one lets you activate any power you want whenever you want, one has a time limit on each level, etc.)

Dreamland 3 was the first game that felt like a step back in some ways. Player 2 has a bit more agency than in Superstar, but powers are back to each having one attack instead of multiple, though the animal partners that were removed in Superstar return, and some new ones are introduced. This was definitely more of a sequel to Dreamland 2 than it was to Superstar, which isn't a surprise given the name. It did start the trend of having collectibles hidden in every level instead of just one per world, so if you like exploration and puzzle solving then I guess that's a plus. I'd recommend skipping this one if the art style doesn't grab you.

Kirby 64 is worth playing, though it feels like more of a sequel to Dreamland 3 than a successor to Superstar. No animal partners and each power only has one attack, but you can combine any two 'base' powers into a new one, and this results in a pretty ridiculous number of abilities. Lots of stuff to collect in every level too.

>> No.1842186

> Dreamland 3 was the first game that felt like a step back in some ways.
Dreamland 3 is a very solid and fun game.
Superstar sucks balls. 90% of the game is collecting treasure, which is fucking boring. Game runs most of the time at 5 fps, because of shitty programming.