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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1827378 No.1827378 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to get into the genre, what's the best game to start with? Something pretty addictive and not too hard preferably.

also discuss point and click adventure games in general ITT

>> No.1827386

Day of the Tentacle is my favourite. the puzzles aren't typical brainteasers, but rather figuring out the game's logic and fitting pieces together into one huge metapuzzle that's only really finished when you end the game.

any of the old Lucasarts classics - Monkey Island, Full Throttle, DoTT, etc - are totally doable for a newbie and very compelling, though, just pick whichever looks most interesting to you.

and have fun!

>> No.1827396

Is The Dig good? I love sci-fi stuff

>> No.1827403

never played it. heard good things.

>> No.1827420
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>> No.1827435

I played and loved the phoenix wright games (not /vr/ I know), anything else entry level with that sort of mystery/detective element?

>> No.1827560

I second Day of the Tentacle
You should also play the first two Monkey Island games, Sam & Max Hit the Road, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, and the first Gabriel Knight game.
I'm not as big a fan of the Sierra games, but I hear the Quest for Glory series is good.
You already seem to know about Broken Sword. I'd say at least the first two are worth playing.

There's probably a couple non-/vr/ ones to check out that can be found along with reviews of retro titles at: http://www.adventuregamers.com

>> No.1827571

Famicom Detective Club Part II is probably the only translated retro game that's at all similar to Phoenix Wright. It probably closer to a visual novel though.

>> No.1828174

My three faves:
Broken Sword 1
Curse of Monkey Island

I digested most of my P&C games in college 10+ years ago, when I discovered SCUMMVM, after trying to find a hassle-free way of running Broken Sword, and rolled through the list of compatible games one after another.
It's hard to wrong with Lucasarts and Revolution games, but there's other gems too.

>> No.1828183
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>> No.1828332

Yes, the Dig is good. For sci-fi stuff I would also mention Beneath a Steel Sky.

>> No.1828338

Ease yourself in with an easy adventure game. I'd recommend Broken Age to be honest.

If you like that then you should look to the past starting with the LucasArts graphical adventures.

My all time favourite adventure game is Bad Mojo but that's not really point-and-click.

>> No.1828345

hey nerds, i am making a text adventure game in the Adrift engine. what do you like to see in adventure games, and what do you hate?

>> No.1828384

No King's Quest recommendations?

I know they might be on the easier side but they're great fun.

Definitely do Kings Quest V + VI, best 2 in the series.

Like I said, the series is a bit on the simpler side, but they're great fun

>> No.1828387
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>> No.1828491
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I was so scared to play Creature Crunch when I was a kid.
Those eye monsters

>> No.1828503

start with Monkey Island

if you dig it, then play every single other Lucas Arts adventure game

and if you dig those, but want more challenge, start playing Sierra adventure games

>> No.1828573
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pic related if you like British humour

>> No.1828580


I didn't know this existed, and now I want it more than anything. Does it run in Scumm?

>> No.1828582
File: 21 KB, 480x269, Quest_for_Glory_II_-_Shema's_Dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raised on Lucasarts and Sierra.

And fuck I love QFG till this day.

Too bad there aren't that many Adventure-RPGs these days

>> No.1828590

>you will never fuck shema's fat cat ass

>> No.1828596


Don't even attempt to play this until you've read most of the books because all the logic in it will be lost on you.

>> No.1828598


>> No.1828602

>British humour


>> No.1828607


I hate how the fucked up that scene in the remake. It lost all smoothness and quality animation and came out choppy.

Still, I mean I never felt that weirdly attracted to 16 colour graphics. And I've played all Larry games.

Whoever animated it knew what they were doing.

There's so little porn of Sheema.

>> No.1828610

it was a fan remake, what do you expect

>> No.1828629


A bit more competence? Their KQ remakes were actually good but see for yourself:




>> No.1828657

wow it looks like they just traced her body and gave her an ugly face and retardedly long tail

shit like this is why I never play fan remakes

>> No.1828662

>shit like this is why I never play fan remakes
Streets of Rage Remake, hop to it.

>> No.1828670
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>> No.1828905


Check out Heroine's Quest and Quest for Infamy.

>> No.1828969
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>King's Quest on the easier side
What? I mean, they're straightforward I guess, but I would not say KQ5 is an easy game for a beginner. And I'm not just parroting the "lol that one puzzle" comments the internet likes to make about KQ5, even as a fan I know the player can get screwed pretty hard and hit walls very easily without genre-savvy experience.

KQ6 isn't too rough though.

>> No.1829530

You should check out Gemini Rue and Resonance. Both are Wadjet Eye games and are freaking awesome.

>> No.1829710
File: 16 KB, 170x220, gabriel-knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you liked Broken Sword you really should check out Gabriel Knight. The games have a very similar style (Humor mixed with history, detective work and paranormal stuff).
It's a bit harder than Broken Sword, but is among the most forgiving Sierra games. There's also awesome voice acting by Tim Curry, Mark Hamill and Michael Dorn.

>> No.1829750

and not /vr/

>> No.1830181

Is Broken Sword a good place to start or is it pretty tough for a beginner?

>> No.1830257
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Pic related.
One of the best adventure games ever created.

>> No.1830268
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that filter can fuck off though, using filters is bad enough as it is but on dos games?

>> No.1830361
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Almost all the Sam and Max games aren't too hard and they're also actually very good.

I really like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade but it can be very cryptic.

Full Throttle is very fun and just a bit harder than most Sam and Max games.

LOOM is hit or miss with most people but I like it. I honestly forget if it was hard to figure out or not.

>> No.1830383

>38 posts
>No Harvester

>> No.1830402


So many memories of that game.

I still think it's the most solid Indy vidya, really captures the feel of those movies well. I also love how replayable it is for an adventure game.

>> No.1831001
File: 27 KB, 250x323, Screamcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 posts
>No "I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream"

>> No.1831014

what are you talking about. I beat both discworld games when i was a kid and i didn't even know about the books until around when i was out of high school. though i will admit they were not beaten easily, but most point and click games arn't

>> No.1831038

well most games I would of recommended have already been said, but I will say a few that I don't think i saw.
Laura bow
cosmic space head, for the genesis
deja vu

>> No.1831052

maybe, just maybe, because the game is shit

>> No.1831057

It's not that great. The ending portions fucked everything up.

>> No.1831242

It's not perfect. Some of the puzzles are dumb and the endgame is rushed and makes little sense. But fuck is it more interesting than 99% of other games.

>> No.1831292

m8 I completed full throttle, aged 8, in about 6 hours. Sam and Max took me months and I resorted to a guide
>taking the screw driver to the guy in the tower I mean watfuk

>> No.1831849

He bends stuff though.
That puzzle was easy.

>> No.1832296

>and not /vr/
Who gives a fuck? OP is going to play those two games and have fun. Fuck you.

>> No.1833029

I have no idea, the game was sold in a VERY limited print

>> No.1833031

You are posting in /vr/ ergo the rules say the content of the posts are retro

>> No.1833037
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>> No.1833043

Right, because only Americans can be funny


>> No.1833045
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 313920-the-x-files-game-windows-screenshot-craig-willmores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game was scary as fuck

>> No.1833542

I think the Mac version used a filter like this by default.

>> No.1833770

I got a bin file of the CD, mounted and stole the files but couldn't get it running. Worse is you can't just whack it into DOSBOX or anything, it's a 98 install that refuses to work on any other system. Basically you have to install a Virtual Machine running Windows 98, and because my laptop is 64-bit I can't.


>> No.1833879
File: 6 KB, 471x163, mp8ycmG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually install Duckman on 64-bit, however at this point I haven't gotten it running but it appears to be a game error rather than an 16-bit EXE error, the setup is just an InstallShield 3 installer so grab this

Re-mount that game, extract it's contents to a temporary folder (don't need the DirectX one), extract the setup32.exe from Is3Engine.zip into wherever you copied the data to, right-click setup32.exe → Compatibility tab → Change to Windows 95 and hit Apply/OK. Now run setup32.exe and you should be able to install it, now since the game is old it won't detect that there's a "Program Files" (for 64-bit) and "Program Files (x86)" (for 32-bit) I don't think it really matters which one it's in but I like to be sure that 32-bit programs are in the x86 folder.

Now as I said above, I haven't gotten the game to actually run, as I get pic related, but I'll see if I can get the game to run.

>> No.1833919
File: 4 KB, 320x200, Game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, thanks! Works for me!

Now I just gotta fix the colours, took a screenshot to show how the sky was fucked up... Looks all rainbow. The rest of it is fine, despite how the screenshot looks, I assure you, must be some difference in Windows 7 default display colours vs the game.

>> No.1833929

Try enabling the 256-color mode under Compatibility settings for duckman.exe? If that still doesn't do it, there's something else I know of that works for many games that get that "tootifruty" effect. Also you do anything special to get it to run? As said in my previous post, I only get that error message.

>> No.1833943

256 colors didn't help, I just have to turn off Windows Explorer - had to do the same thing for Heart of Darkness.

Nope, nothing special, exactly as you said. Sorry dude... I guess you just don't have the right drivers.

>> No.1833968

Here's the thing I was talking about, no need to kill explorer.exe

Wish I could get it running on my machine, thinking it has to do with the fact that the gfx card I have may not be able to accurately do 320x200, but at least you were able to get it running.

>> No.1834083

Sweetness, so I managed to get it working on my PC, had to get NVIDIA Control Panel installed and in it I could set custom resolutions so after I made a 320x200 one the game ran!

I suppose what I should do is possibly make a write-up on how to setup the game, as well as maybe try making an installer that'll easily run on Win7/8 too. As I doubt this game will be put onto GOG or Steam anytime soon.

>> No.1834127

Huh, though something a bit odd, at least in the menu the background music just stops after a few seconds of playing and doesn't come back even after starting the game.

>> No.1835369

Try Syberia or Longest Journey.

>> No.1835445
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>> No.1836536

What Space Quest game should I play first ?

>> No.1836560
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Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is a great place to start

>> No.1836568

Dude from >>1833919
Having the exact same issue... Maybe the game just, kinda doesn't have music? I mean when I went to Duckman's house I could hear the fence guy's headphone music.

>> No.1836589

How about 1 VGA remake?

>> No.1836613
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>> No.1836620

Monkey Island 1, 2 and 3
Simon the Sorcerer

that's the only ones I've played and I liked them.. I need to play more retro games

>> No.1836724
File: 91 KB, 640x480, Toonstruck_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toonstruck is a fantastic game that needs to be played if you haven't. You even get to play as Christopher Lloyd!

>> No.1836884

Create a batch file and copy and paste the following text. All it does is close the desktop (explorer.exe) while running the game.

@echo off
TASKKILL /F /IM "explorer.exe"
cd %windir%
start explorer.exe

Of course, just edit the bold text above to your own personal location of your game exe and save the text file as GAME.BAT inside your folder where GAME.exe is. You can now simply create a shortcut for this batch file on the desktop, double-click on it and that's it, fixed colours.

>> No.1837369

I dunno, I think it's supposed to have music, if you go into it's Data\Music folder you can see a bunch of MIDI files that play fine in regular music players so I'm thinking there might be some issue in whatever code it uses to play music within the game.

I tried to see if using an alternative MIDI driver (BASSMIDI) but I can't seem to find a proper soundfont to play the music. Though it is possible the game doesn't have music, it's just odd how the menu music just stops after a few notes like that.

>> No.1839084

I think I tried running it through DOS and all my saves disappeared so I'm not going to risk it. Don't really mind, just occasionally get a green where it should red or blue.

Kinda weird really, but I don't get how Windows 95 colours work so whatever.

All I go to do now is figure out how to make the fireman used the petrol truck to put out the fire at the christmas tree shack. I mean I've painted it red and put a ladder on it, what else do I need to do?

Gotta say, this game has some nice cartoony logic to it that seems to slightly more straightforward than a few LucasArt games, but it kinda sucks in giving you the slightest inclining in what you should be trying to do.

>> No.1839104

Grim fandango

>tips skull

>> No.1839142 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 369x500, syberia-pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syberia is currently on sale on steam

>> No.1839154

>Release date(s)
>9 January 2002

Wrong board, ese

>> No.1839158
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>> No.1839165

Try this out
Works perfectly

>> No.1839196


This is one of those games designed for 50 year old women. The writing is embarrassing, the puzzles are boring, the setting is, well, for 50 year old women and you can't skip the arduously slow walking animations.

Don't listen to the hype. This game had good ratings because Those Guys had a monopoly on reviewing games back in those days.

>> No.1839250

Didn't work for, unless I was doing it wrong...

Opened the exe, found the Duckman.exe, "patched" it, no effect.

>> No.1839252
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>> No.1839273

Haha at the end when she started spinning all I could hear was the MOTHER3 "Open Sesame Seed Oil" music.


>> No.1839281
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>> No.1839285

Oh my god that face is atrocious

>> No.1839292

That's odd, wonder why it wouldn't work, you try running as Admin with it? As it does do some registry modification. There's a manual way you can try, if you'd like

You could also look into DxWND as I believe that can do some color patching as well

>> No.1839383

There's honestly no point anymore, I'm at the final screen.

>> No.1839401


>> No.1839402

I just recently started getting into the genre. The first one I played was actually a relatively new one called Gemini Rue. I hate to use a cheesy word like this, but I was immersed completely in the dingy city. The other environments do not feel as good.

After finishing that, I tried an actually /vr/ relevant title: Beneath a Steel Sky. Even though I found myself getting stuck often, I felt comfortable exploring around and taking my time. I used a guide only a few times, and in each case, I felt that I would have never figured it out otherwise. The writing is hilarious. The art beautiful. The soundtrack has its moments.

Can anyone recommend me another game? I love cyberpunk style cities and old style detective show aesthetics.

>> No.1839405
File: 51 KB, 500x290, spacequest (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SQ1VGA Remake by Sierra
SQ2VGA Remake by Infamous Adventures
SQ3 (no remake yet)
SQ4 (Talkie version)
SQ6 (cd version)

Optional but awesome fan games:
Space Quest 0
Space Quest The Lost Chapter

Space Quest was my shit as a kid. Loved em all.

>> No.1839430

Seems like Blade Runner is your next stop. Though I should warn you it's a little different from a regular point-n-click. Less inventory puzzles, more talking, multiple branches/endings, no humor. Easy to get stuck too.

>> No.1839438
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>> No.1839458

Day of the Tentacle.
The 2d old Broken Swords.

Then you are all set.

>> No.1839464

Agreed 100%

>> No.1839473

and I forgot the Indiano Jones fate of atlantis game too. You can also try the Last Crusade.

>> No.1839478

Don't forget to speak to/look at the camel many times

>> No.1839497

So wait, that ugly face is non-canon? Is there a better reference for how she should look in the series?

>> No.1839512
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>> No.1839536

Don't play the SQ2 fan remake, play the original.
Also the voices in SQ4 are fucking garbage, play the floppy version.
And SQ6 is literally the worst game Sierra has ever made, why would you EVER recommend that