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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1814927 No.1814927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Someone on /v/ has come across this video, which claims that Sonic the Hedgehog is the most overrated game of all time. Unsure if it's talking about the entire series or just the first one.



>> No.1814958 [DELETED] 

Report youtube threads, hide youtube threads and move on

>> No.1815564
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>skip through the video
>"Going fast almost makes the game unplayable."

>> No.1815568

>guys failing at sonic and at retro vidya trivia for 15 mins
how the hell is this /vr/

can we just start a thread for every video of people sucking at retro vidya now?

>> No.1815572


They're playing the classic series. I may be biased because I've played the heck out of the classic series, but in the footage I've seen they don't seem to understand that you should be pressing down to blow right through enemies, and they don't know that you can spin dash at all. They don't seem to have the patience to play the game at all or learn things about it. I like Red Letter Media but these guys were way off the mark.

>> No.1815576

Sanic is only really good when you learn the physics and are speedrunning.
Other than that it's just an easy platformer with good production values, like so many others that came out at the time. Also this video is unashamedly view bait, they even showed the like and paypal buttons there, lel.

>> No.1815587
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the only person in red letter media worth listening to is this guy

>> No.1815594

>intentional fuck ups and fake frustration
>going against the popular opinion for the sake of views

This is such obvious view bait, it might as well be Egoraptor's Zelda episode.

>> No.1815595

Oh the critic about loop de loops playing themselves is totally valid, specially in later 3D sanics. Speedrunners figured out that if you jump right at the highest, middle point of the loop right before you start coming down, you will land on the ramp and gain speed. If it wasn't for that little accidental boost loops would be totally pointless.

>> No.1815609

Rich Evans is an idiot, and the glasses guy who no one knows the name of is insufferable. They only put those videos up because the nerds in the comments keep asking for video game reviews and Mike and Jay don't game.

>> No.1815613 [DELETED] 

youtube shit threads fuck off

>> No.1815630

I would prefer to read actual criticisms here on /vr/. At least I can be sure people here knows how the game works and aren't starving for attention.

>> No.1815635

>the glasses guy who no one knows the name of is insufferable
Everyone just calls him AidsMoby. But really, this is blatant clickbait and RLM should just stick to discussing capeshit instead.

>> No.1815636

This is why RLM should stick to movies.

But no, it's the internet, everyone has to like and talk about video games here, they totally have to make a show about video games. This is what you fucking get, faggots.

>> No.1815642

Oh, don't worry I didn't click on it. I follow RLM and watch all of their videos except these. I watched Rich Evans' previous video game show and it was unbelievably bad.

>> No.1815672

>I follow RLM and watch all of their videos except these


It might have been a nice idea if instead of playing mainstream games they found like really shitty obscure games and made fun of them. Why anyone would watch what it is now is beyond me. There's a billion other people doing the exact same thing and doing it better. There's nothing unique about it.

>> No.1815692


Sonic 1 is great. Great level design. tight mechanics. Simple. It works great as a mid-paced game.

Sonic 2 is the most over-rated Sonic game. It had the best music, but that's it. The problem with Sonic 2 is that it's really unfun to play slow. So it's basically a game designed for speed runners. You memorize enemy placement in order to have fun with it.

Sonic 3 + Knuckles brought it back to the slower-paced exploration-heavy gameplay that worked so well in Sonic 1.

>> No.1815695

Most of the things they complain about are non-issues if you know how to play the game properly. I didn't notice a single intentional roll or spindash. That's like watching someone try to play Mario without knowing how to run or bash blocks.

>> No.1815704

This is totally true, the spin dash makes you pretty safe on the ground, and it facilitates speed. The Sonic games were pretty deep actually.

>> No.1815708

This. It's especially sad to see considering that RLM originally became popular because they deviated from the 'lol I'm so angry' screaming and ranting internet reviewer.

>> No.1815721

Who ?

>> No.1815725

Isn't that the guy who plays Mr. Plinkett in Half in the Bag?

>> No.1815735

Well spotted

>> No.1815761

Rich Evans.

He is love. He is life.

>> No.1815764

Even though I love the classic Sonic games, I have absolutely nothing against opposing views, nor am I blind to any of the games' actual shortcomings, but this is just... a bunch of nothing. They babble on without really bringing up anything that would validate their chosen clickbait headline. I mean, yes, Sonic was "designed by committee"; a character specifically intended to popularize Sega and to draw attention away from Mario, but that in itself isn't proper criticism of the actual product, which really was an amazing technological feat at the time it came out, not to mention a very polished, very enjoyable game with vibrant art direction and perfect music.

Plus, how the fuck do you make an "ANGRY REVIEWER IS ANGRY" video out of Sonic? It's not exactly Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.1815792
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Wait. You just realized that?
He's Rich Evans. He's pure Christmas cheer in human form.

The video was great. A lot of things that Sonic fans need to hear were said: the games aren't that bad but they're not good; and what Sonic is at the end of the day is a desperate attempt to have a recognizable mascot for a war that Sega lost years ago.

>> No.1815802



I didn't necessarily have any problem with their opinion, and don't really give a fuck that they sucked at the games, and I regard Richard Evans as the divine humanoid, but it certainly wasn't 'great'.

>> No.1815808

What was great about? What relevant points about the game (not the atmosphere surrounding the game at the time) were made?

>> No.1815819

The video did nothing but show two grown men bitch and moan over a controller because they couldn't grasp concepts made for children.
The games obviously aren't perfect, but they're definitely not getting a fair trial from these actors.

But it's okay. Most of their fanbase is comprised of kids who never played a 2D Sonic game, so they'll parrot their opinions without looking into it themselves.

>> No.1815829

I wouldn't consider the game that challenged Nintendo and began the console wars to be overrated by any means.

That being said, I always found it very entertaining.

>> No.1815831

You blame sanic fans but you're the most blatant fanboy in this thread.

>> No.1815834

>A lot of things that Sonic fans need to hear were said
Literally the only criticism of any substance was the comment about the sections where the game decides to play itself while giving off the false impression of the player actually doing anything cool. Everything else was either utter nonsense ("Going fast makes the game unplayable") or simply irrelevant to the quality of the game.

>> No.1815836

All the points about the game that can be made have been made by the internet.
To remind us of the historical context of the creation of the character, that was new.
It is important, too. Very basic but overlooked: why the fuck does Sonic exist in the first place.
>What relevant points about the game
None. Who cares?
>(not the atmosphere surrounding the game at the time) were made?
But that's important. Important as fuck.
The game came out of desperation and competition. It still smells of desperation and has shameful attitude.

>> No.1815840

>>What relevant points about the game
>None. Who cares?

Go back to Reddit, Rich.
Learn some debate skills and try playing a game for once.

>> No.1815845

>To remind us of the historical context of the creation of the character, that was new.
No. It's not even little bit new.

>None. Who cares?
I do. They say the games aren't good or are horribly flawed but almost all of their points are retarded or not based on reality.

>> No.1815849

>To remind us of the historical context of the creation of the character, that was new.
Yes, those were some very insightful and new revelations. I hope next time they reveal to the world that Mario 2 was actually Doki Doki Panic. Maybe they could cooperate with Kotaku on that one.

>None. Who cares?
It's a game review.

>> No.1815852

My 2cc:
They kinda "fixed" the punishingly short view distance by adding in super sonic, so as a kid you could run as fast as you wanted with no punishment. So you either go super, play slow or memorize the fuck out of the enemy spawn points. This wasn't an issue in Sanic 1.

>> No.1815854

I never cared for sonic games.
This video accurately portrayed why I never really liked them. It was either run forward and the game plays itself, or you have to stop and do some stupid bullshit to proceed.

Never was a fan, the games got worse and worse as time went on.

>> No.1815856

I liked the first Sonic game. It isn't a great game but what the hell. I had fun playing it.

I'm not after a debate. I'm just saying this was a cool approach. The historical context is important and that's overlooked often.

>> No.1815864

You can tell they mostly focused on the character and story because they are really movie reviewers and didn't even care about the game.

>> No.1815867

I guess that means the games are awesome and historical context is dick cheese.
You're right. Let me change my opinion.

>> No.1815868

I think the better question is, is the genesis version better, or the sega master system?

>> No.1815870

One thing they seem to have overlooked, though, is that you can kill enemies by rolling into them. To them, "going fast" apparently meant actually running all the time, which leaves you more vulnerable than rolling.

>> No.1815871

I didn't see any of that in his posts. You're obviously pulling arguments out of your ass in an attempt to convince yourself that your video wasn't shit.

>> No.1815875

Huh? I'm not the same guy you were replying to in the thread.
I just felt they play the game for 15 minutes and made the review based on the marketing that was used to make it into a success.
I admit sanic was mostly the result of good marketing, but the game themselves still hold up.

>> No.1815876


>> No.1815880

I'm not a sonicfag at all, but I think it's pretty obvious this is just viewbait. Just by looking at their gameplay, it's clear that they don't know what they're doing, and they're bitching about problems that are mostly caused by their own incompetency.

Also, the fuck was with the Crash Bandicoot bashing? The PS1 Crash games were pretty damn good, and they still hold up pretty well compared to most other 5th gen 3D platformers.

>> No.1815882

>The historical context is important and that's overlooked often.
Where do you get this idea from? This is mentioned in just about every Let's Play or review of the classic games. It's constantly brought up that Sonic was indeed designed to take on Mario and to establish Sega as the console manufacturer with "attitude".

And, of course, it is absolutely irrelevant to the quality of the games.

>> No.1815895

You also can't accelerate while rolling, only gain or lose momentum. I don't expect a newbie to realize you can gain speed rolling down slopes and then doing a short jump to go back to running.

>> No.1815896

>Literally the only criticism of any substance was the comment about the sections where the game decides to play itself while giving off the false impression of the player actually doing anything cool
Even then, that doesn't really happen in Sonic 1 outside of maybe Star Light where at most you have 3 loop de loops back to back a single time and never again. There's nothing even remotely close to something like Chemical Plant in the first game.

>> No.1815901

I'm sure some successful products have come from corporate desperation, but Sonic isn't one of those products.

Sonic is and has always been Poochie the Dog. To this day is 90s XTREME.

If you think the games still hold up, fine. I'd probably would have some fun playing the one I played as a kid; but let's be honest here and admit the games are mediocre at best.

Sega just shoved Sonic in our faces with every console and absurd peripheral they came up with and that's the only reason more than two Sonic games exist. The length of the series has nothing to do qith quality.

>> No.1815905

>sonic isn't a successful product

Entire post disregarded as low quality bait.

>> No.1815907

>let's be honest here and admit the games are mediocre at best
What if he doesn't think that the games are mediocre? I know I sure as fuck don't. What incentive does he have to agree with that? Because RLM said it wasn't good?

>> No.1815908

That's pretty obvious, sega bashing is like kicking a dead horse by now.
>mediocre at best
Cool opinions, bro. It was alright for something that came out in '91.

>> No.1815914

Sonic is quantity, not quality.

But sure, if success means number of produced games and units sold (and of course it could mean that), then yes, Sonic is successful.

Sonic fanboys won't listen to reason, though. Some defend the 2006 abomination just because Sonic.

>> No.1815915 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 818x487, wolfietylerpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/ think about the big gay dicks?

>> No.1815916

>if success means number of produced games and units sold
That would be the definition of success, yes.

>Sonic fanboys won't listen to reason
>People think Sonic is good? SONIC FANBOYS!
Shut up.

>> No.1815917 [DELETED] 

Haha, oh wow, enjoy your ban.

>> No.1815919

The only fanboys left now are either mentally stunted people like chris chan or 11 year old boys.

You're literally getting angry at retards and children.

>> No.1815925

Not my thing, but whatever. As long as no one forces me to handle big gay dicks I don't see a reason to have a problem with them.

I didn't jump to the fanboy conclusion lightly. Also, have you met the fanboys?
Do the thing with google. Your name + "the hedgehog"
Correlation isn't causation, I know; but the fanbase makes me think there's something about the games themselves that drive people to insanity.
Of course that's not the case, but the fandom is weird and whiny.

>> No.1815926

The reason fans of the classic games won't listen to any reason is because you simply won't provide any.
You've yet to give a single argument for how the classic Sonic games are mediocre, probably because you don't know enough about the games to say anything other than what you've heard from others.

>> No.1815928

I don't think any video game franchise fanbase is easier to troll then Sonic.

Its like taking Candy from babies.

>> No.1815929

>The game came out of desperation
If this affects your enjoyment of a game, take my advice and avoid articles that mention Radar Scope and Mario/Donkey Kong.

>> No.1815931

>I don't think any video game franchise fanbase is easier to troll then Sonic
Dark Souls

>> No.1815932

What's the story behind radar scope?

>> No.1815941

Oh hey, and what about Final Fantasy? Is there a more obvious example of a game that came from desperation than that?

>> No.1815945

Everyone knows that, but how exactly does the fanbase detract quality from the game?
You can't play a game because someone you don't like is playing it too?

Also, one more thing about furries, I always thought it was weird how on 4chan weeaboos, neonazis, pedophiles and gays are accepted and fine but furries for some reason is crossing a line. I'm not defending furries either I just think it's funny.

>> No.1815948

FF is probably easier.

>> No.1815949

>4chan literally based on 2chan a japanese image board
>somehow being a weeb is now akin to being a racist, child molester, or sexual deviant
You have to be trolling.

>> No.1815950

It was a flop, so in a "desperate" attempt to get at least some use out of the hardware and to appeal to a western audience, the machines were converted to newly conceived Donkey Kong, whose characters in and of themselves were a "desperate" move to save a design concept that couldn't be executed as intended, because Nintendo wasn't given permission to use the Popeye license.

>> No.1815954

>obvious old info
Actually being a weeb means you're very likely to be all those things. Again, how is fantasying about a 9 year old hermaphrodite girl's armpits ok but fapping to an anthropomorphic person isn't?

>> No.1815957

Dude, right now you're the only person openly drawing a connection between Sonic fans and furries.

I told you, I'm OK with the first game. Pretty sure the first games are OK.
I can enjoy an OK game. Not everything needs to be a masterpiece.

>> No.1815959

>Also, have you met the fanboys?
They are exactly like >>1815919 said. What did you expect?

>> No.1815961

4chan doesn't accept real weeaboos, I don't think. I've never been to /jp/ though.
I know overuse of the word makes it seem like it's synonymous with "someone who watches anime sometimes and likes some of it" or "someone who isn't bothered if a game was a made in Japan", but that's not what a weeaboo is.

>> No.1815963

>Everyone knows that, but how exactly does the fanbase detract quality from the game?

When it affects the quality of the series drastically.

See: Final Fantasy Resident Evil Paper Mario

>> No.1815964

Yes it does, try browsing /cgl/, it's filled with animecon sluts and naruto fans.

>> No.1815968
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>letting some shitty fanbase affect your opinions

>> No.1815971

The word doesn't actually mean anything. It was a wordfilter for "wapanese" back in 4chan's early days, taken from a Perry Bible Fellowship comic strip.

>> No.1815972

>But sure, if success means number of produced games and units sold (and of course it could mean that), then yes, Sonic is successful.
It was also rather influential, for better or worse. It spawned a flood of anthropomorphic mascot games of varying quality, but also influenced absolutely top notch titles like Jazz Jackrabbit.

>Sonic fanboys won't listen to reason
You can't just spam "Fanboy, fanboy!" whenever your views are challenged. Look at the first three or four Sonics as both, games and products, and then by all means, tell me how they could be considered *unsuccessful* in any sense of the word.

>> No.1815975

What? It looks to me like pretty much all Paper Mario fans ever wanted was a proper followup to TTYD? How are they to blame for Nintendo not delivering a proper followup to TTYD?

>> No.1815976

I enjoy the work of RLM, but AIDSMoby and Rich Evans are wrong this time. Plinkett > BOTW > HITB > PreRec

>> No.1815980

So in the past three weeks, I've listened to three hipsters tell me that old games I like are actually shit.

Egoraptor with Zelda.
Colin Moriarty at IGN with Another World
And now some bald idiot who isn't Plinkett with Sonic the Hedgehog.

In EVERY case, it was some older douchebag with a bone to pick. Is this a trend now? I'm I going to hear from Spoony how ChronoTrigger is actually gay soon?

It's really tiring and of course younger idiots are going to completely dismiss the games because they like the personalities.

>> No.1815982

I think you have a reading comprehension, i meant it literally when i said it affects the quality of the series. i'm talking devs listening to stupid shit people want.

You should watch the Paper Mario Iwata Asks some time.

>> No.1815983

You realize that wapanese has a definition, yes?

>> No.1815987

Fine. Let's say for now that the first games are good. Great, even. Influential, too.
Let's agree about that for now.

Now tell me that, because the first games are great and influential, the series shouldn't have been cancelled with dignity after Sonic CD.
Tell me the characters themselves don't stink of 90s attitude.

>> No.1815990

Majora's Mask was way way better than Ocarina.

>> No.1815992

>I'm I going to hear from Spoony how ChronoTrigger is actually gay soon?
Doubt it. I haven't been following the guy in ages, but from what I recall, he kept to mocking and bashing games and movies that were kind of popular to hate anyway, at least among his fanbase. The only popular games he's ever pissed on were the Final Fantasy titles, from what I remember. Maybe things have changed.

>> No.1815993

Not retro.

>> No.1815994

I'd say better. Not sure if way better.
I have every Zelda game. Silly me, I even have two copies of some titles.

Some people don't care for Zelda. That's fine. To each their own.
Hell, my best friend has never played even one Zelda game, and I love that guy more than my actual brother (because my friend is cool and my brother is a nasty little fuck)

How is this related to Sonic?

>> No.1815998

>Is this a trend now?
It's just a tactic to draw controversy so they can get more views.

>> No.1816000

Nah, I've got it. Next we'll hear from the Needledrop who will explain that Parappa the Rapper is actually shit because of the QTEs.

Why wouldn't he make that video? Every other uninformed asshole is cashing in on video game videos on the UToons!

Why don't we get some ASMR bitches in on the racket. Make a video where WaterWhispers explains how Aero the Acrobat gave her an eating disorder!

I fucking love it! The scrub tsunami never ends!

>> No.1816001

I think he's making a point about controversy and view baiting.

>> No.1816002

>Now tell me that, because the first games are great and influential, the series shouldn't have been cancelled with dignity after Sonic CD.
Just to make this clear, I wasn't defending Sonic as an ongoing series. The video was about the first three Sonic games and so were my posts in this thread.

However, if you want my opinion on what should have become of the character after his heyday, I would only half-agree with you about the cancellation, since I do consider the basic concept decent enough for solid platforming. There are the GBA Sonic titles, for example, which to me have been far more entertaining than any of the 3D ones. I would agree that the overwhelming majority of Sega's attempts to maintain Sonic as a serious Mario challenger have been absolute failures, though, both commercially and just quality-wise.

>Tell me the characters themselves don't stink of 90s attitude.
They do, but I don't necessarily see this as problematic if it were handled properly. You can take a cringeworthy try-hard attitude and turn it into something legitimately entertaining, like in Broforce, for example. Having said that, I would never try to defend Sonic's cast of characters as well-conceived, let alone fleshed-out enough to make their stupid relationships the focus of the games. Basically, I think Sonic's 90's shtick can still work today, but you have to do it with a bit of a wink and not take the whole thing so damn seriously. Sonic isn't made for character drama or overly serious storytelling, in my opinion.

Note to any fans of the Sonic comics and/or cartoons: I have never read/watched either. I know Sonic only from his games.

>> No.1816006

>You should watch the Paper Mario Iwata Asks some time.
Are you referring to that poll or whatever where people said the least important element of the games to them was the story or something along those lines, and instead of Nintendo interpreting this as "oh, that means other aspects of the game were more interesting/better implemented, we should try and make the story as worthwhile as the rest of the game" they interpreted it as "welp, gotta throw out all story and not even try then"?
What about the game's biggest failing? You know, gameplay? What did fans do to cause those changes?

Also, I'll just say that if the devs choose to listen to stupid fans rather than trying to make a good game, that's a failing on the part of the devs. THEY fucked up by taking shitty advice in an attempt to sell more copies without really thinking about what they were doing.

>> No.1816012
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>the games aren't that bad but they're not good
Does it really matter as long as you're having fun?

>> No.1816014

But don't developers like release surveys and stuff to find out what fans want anyway? It's pretty much Nintendo Club.

>> No.1816015

I don't think any of the designs could work with today's audience, if that's what you mean.
I still like the classic designs, specially the metal sonics and egg robots were pretty cool.

>> No.1816016
File: 13 KB, 346x219, jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a video where WaterWhispers explains how Aero the Acrobat gave her an eating disorder!

>> No.1816020
File: 18 KB, 328x376, 3FLKX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, look at this sick motherfucker.

>> No.1816021

>release feedback surveys
>listen to false positives that are liked among fans
>hurr it's the devs fault

How? They're just reacting to their feedback. Of course i'm angry about their decision but i'm still more angry at how it came to be.

>> No.1816026

I like the part that doesn't look retarded, the part that doesn't scream "trying too hard", and the part that doesn't look like the design of a nine year old.

I like three parts.

>> No.1816027
File: 179 KB, 550x576, Classic_sonic_channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the classic designs are for the most part very iconic and timeless (some like Vector aren't).
It's just the 'tude and poses and shit that might be dated.

>> No.1816030

>Tell me the characters themselves don't stink of 90s attitude
I wonder, how was Sonic marketed in Japan? The 90s attitude always seemed like an exclusively American thing to me.

>> No.1816032

I like the specificity of your critique.

>> No.1816034
File: 66 KB, 337x500, Sonic_CD_Metal_Sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about not looking retarded
>giant metallic cartoon animal robot
Pleb. This shit's WAY PAST COOL.

>> No.1816035

They took somewhat of a different approach:


>> No.1816036

That's a fucking good question.
Anyone knows? It'd be interesting to know.

>> No.1816038

All I know is that it didn't do very well over there.
The japs mostly ignored Sega consoles until the Saturn came out.

>> No.1816040

What the fuck is that?!
Here I was, thinking Sonic looks retarded in the west. So naive...

Maybe it would have done better without a creepy clay Sonic dancing like a weirdo.

>> No.1816041

I think I said how. It's up to them to choose to gather and listen to dumb ideas, and if and how to use any of that feedback.
>instead of Nintendo interpreting this as "oh, that means other aspects of the game were more interesting/better implemented, we should try and make the story as worthwhile as the rest of the game" they interpreted it as "welp, gotta throw out all story and not even try then"

Every fanbase has retards, but not all series are terrible. How can that be if it's the fault of fans and not the developers that actually develop the games?

>> No.1816043
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Reminds me that most megaman robots were ACTUALLY designed by 9 year olds.
Yet you still liked them.

>> No.1816048
File: 56 KB, 640x440, 1240255257-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how this is any less dumb and tryhard than sanic, besides being animu robots instead of anthropomorphic.

>> No.1816050

>Yet you still liked them
Actually I didn't.
I liked most of the games, but hated the designs.
With a few exceptions. Napalm Man looked kinda cool.

I hated the fact that they are animals. Great game, though.

>> No.1816052

They both have a childish charm.

>> No.1816053

So you see, you clearly hold prejudice against animals.
Check your human privileges.

>> No.1816057

Now I see the error of my ways. I am deeply ashamed.

>> No.1816064

I think it;s mostly because the japanese have no idea on how to make something cool.

I think in large part the downfall of Sonic came when Sega japan started with their "deep" stories in the Dreamcast game and it only got worse from there. We've been having japanese "cool" with Sonic ever since then.

In my opinion >>1816002 said it pretty much perfectly. I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but I'm under the impression that Sega of America knew what they were doing back then. And I still believe that if Sonic left all that garbage storyline baggage behind he could be cool today. And this is coming from a former hardcore Nintendo fanboy.

>> No.1816137


they suck at sonic, it's not about going fast all the time, your just suppose to go fast when there's a slope

>duh this game is shit
>if you go to fast enemies get you
>they don't even roll down slopes

>> No.1816146

nailed it.

>> No.1816147

Let's try to settle this.


>> No.1816150

One Piece

>> No.1816153

pretty much my thoughts

>> No.1816163

Didn't watch the video, but i'm glad they kept this shit separated from the rest of the stuff on RLM.

>> No.1816186
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1-3&K are great.
The recent Sonic games have been good.

>> No.1816247

good, not great.

>> No.1816258

>red letter media

Never heard of it. Why should I care what they say? I just came from /v/, they're taking what these people say as gospel. Same as any ecleb I guess.

>> No.1816281

Just saw that thread. It's awful. Most people really are just parroting what was said in the video.

>> No.1816292

>Sonic isn't made for character drama or overly serious storytelling

There was an era in the comics where it was all about character drama and "serious, dark" storytelling. Even the most hardcore fans of the Archie comic I know of say that era is shit.

>> No.1816297

Wouldn't trying too hard fit Eggman to a tee though?

>> No.1816310

So because they're not magically the best at the game during their, what I'm assuming is, first play through. The game is shit?

By that logic every fighting game is shit because I can't magically be the best tourney level player the first time I play a match. I shouldn't have to learn the tools the characters have at their disposal and the physics to be good. I should just be good instantly.

>> No.1816319

And throwing around buzzwords that mean "If you like what I don't like you have a problem" but /v/'s like that with any game. God I wish there was a place like /vr/ but for not retro games. /v/ is just memes and eclebs.

>> No.1816330


That's right Jay.

>> No.1816462

it's the same as their titanfall review. they're both shitty at the game so they trash it for being too confusing/difficult/simple.

aidsmoby should stick to garbage like team fortress 2 and godawful indie games, and rich should keep playing boring autism magnets like RTS games. they obviously can't venture outside their comfort zone and watching them fail and complain is neither informative or entertaining.

>> No.1816467

>and rich should keep playing boring autism magnets like RTS games
>boring autism magnets

Didn't they play Sonic in their video?

>> No.1816476
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>people that seriously had trouble with Sonic 1
>"I can't go fast, because if I do, I might hit something! I need to slow down so I can see the enemies!"
What the hell is wrong with these people? Is 'learning' a foreign concept to them? You make mistakes, and then you learn from them, so you don't do it again. Did you accidentally run into an enemy? That's fine, because now you know it's there, so you can roll into it or jump on it next time. I mean come on, It's not fucking rocket science here.

>> No.1816534

>Is Sonic the Hedgehog the most overrated game ever in the history of our lives? Does asking these kind of questions make you want to: Like, Subscribe, Thumbs Up, Retweet this video? LET’S FIND OUT!!!

>> No.1816580

I think the Genesis Sonic games are good, but the first Sonic isn't as good as many of the disney or warner licensed games of the 90s for SNES and Genesis.
I would rather play both Aladdins over the first Sonic game, although it is still a good game.

I think 3D Games have more potential, because in 3D you can both go fast, and see what is in front of you, kinda like a platformer + racer. It surprises me that 3D games have been so bad.

>> No.1816597


More like they should stick to movies and not feature Rich at all because I don't want to hear his mutant fucking hyena laugh

>> No.1816607

Holy fuck, this is bad. I hate the Sonic franchise as a whole, but the Genesis games were well made and enjoyable if you don't suck at them. This is seriously the worst Sonic gameplay I've ever seen.

>> No.1816619
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>I follow RLM and watch all of their videos except these.

So much this.

>> No.1816620 [DELETED] 

obvious nintenchildren are obvious

mario is obviously the most overrated game of all time

>> No.1816621

>go fast
>get punished with seemingly misplaced enemy or spike trap
I am a fan of the original Sonic games, but I never understood how people defend this. That's horrible game design.

That being said, just about every thing else holds up.

>> No.1816641

Well if you're good you learn how to deal with the enemy or dodge them while still keeping your speed up.

>> No.1816662

>doing it for free

>> No.1816673

>The games suck because you have to avoid enemies, THEY'RE TOO HARD
>The games suck because they play themselves, THEY'RE TOO EASY

Make up your minds.

>> No.1816675

nintendo fanboys are just the worst people

>> No.1816692

I've been watching Pre Rec because I'm subscribed to RLM and I have nothing better to do than watch what pops up in my RSS feed but I skipped this one. They're stirring shit up for views. I'm not big on classic Sonic either but damn. Fuck them. No one could possibly benefit from a 17 minute debate about Sonic, positive or negative. It's all been said.

>> No.1816717

What really bothers me about this fucking video is how this is supposedly about the original Sonic on Genesis, but they show footage of Sonic 2 in-between, as if they're fucking interchangeable.

>> No.1816725

And no Sonic 3.

>> No.1816734
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hating on famous videogames is the new clickbait

>> No.1816762

ocarina is actually over rated though. people like to think its the GOAT. Nobody gives 2 shits about old sanic. I love me some sanic but I never praised it or head praise.

>> No.1816783 [DELETED] 
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Overrated, underrated, does it even matter? How insecure are these people about their own opinions that they have to put down the opinions of others.

>> No.1816785

I never realized how annoying Rich Evans' voice is. His laugh is glorious, but his voice is eargrating.

>> No.1816801
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Here's a friendly reminder to use Adblock so people like this don't get money.

>> No.1816810

Holding on to one ring is hard apparently

>> No.1816813

Why is this e-celeb jewtube thread still alive? this isn't /v/.

Do your part, /vr/ tropper, and report this shit.

>> No.1816841

/v/ doesn't think that way.

>> No.1816842

I think I have a crush on Jay. He's stupid and fat but his voice is amazing and his opinions are sexy.

>> No.1816850

We need to put together a video reminding people how thoroughly mediocre the Dreamcast was.

That way /v/ will eat it up and use it to justify their hatred and we can laugh at them for being so malleable.

>> No.1816851


He's absolutely fine now you /fit/ fag

>> No.1816852

God, what is with people constantly blaming game design for their own fuck ups. Is "game design" just a buzzword that means "my ability to complete a game with no effort what so ever" now?

Sonic games are about speed management not speed. To use the Grounder example, they should be reacting to the potential of danger and slowing down before the Grounder ever appears on screen. I don't understand how people can play Sonic for longer than 10 minutes and not realize that it's not a good idea to dash through a level like it's Sonic Rush and that you need to pay attention to your surroundings and the potential dangers you might run into and if you get hurt running through a tunnel then you should learn not to run through tunnels.

>> No.1816858
File: 241 KB, 622x336, Red Letter Media_Header.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a crush on Jay
>He's stupid and fat
Jay is the smaller, skinnier one. You´re thinking about Mike.

>> No.1816860

What we would really need is a couple of independent game makers discussing games just like RLM is to movies. Instead of this ranting and that horrible childish editing with non jokes.

>> No.1816864

I do think Sonic 1 may be remembered more fondly than it deserves but anyone trying to shit on the later Genesis entries is clueless as all hell.

>> No.1816870

Making a playable game is a lot harder than making a watchable film unfortunately.

>> No.1816874

It's not only that. The games are designed for you to tap down and roll. In the event you don't, you lose rings which act as your health. Rings which also act as a means to get extra lives and enter special stages.

>> No.1816890

It won't be long until some geek on youtube tries to claim Street Fighter II is "overrated" for guaranteed views.

>> No.1816897

The word overrated is losing its meaning by the day. I wonder how long it will be before it's wordfiltered.

>> No.1816906


im sure red letter media is really hard up for views

>> No.1816908


Honestly, THAT was what bothered me most about the video.

Not enough to complain about or anything, but still. The PS1 Crash Bandicoot games are some of my favorites.

Although I think/hope that what they meant was that Sanic was a better mascot than Crash. I guess this is true, but Crash had a sexier GF.

>inb4 furfag

>> No.1816909

Both lost their meaning a long time ago on 4chan.

>> No.1816918

That is an EPIC observation.

>> No.1816925

You mean on the internet in general.

>> No.1817006

I don't defend that, but I do claim that the original Sonic the Hedgehog very rarely had anything like that.
Here, let me just repost a comment I made on the video. This will be in two parts because I'm an asshole.

"the levels are clearly designed for fast gameplay"
Is this some kind of trick?
Go fire up your Genesis or emulator of choice, play Sonic the Hedgehog, and come back and tell me, honestly, that you believe the underground sections (the majority) of Marble Zone, and the entirety of Labyrinth and Scrap Brain Zone are designed for fast gameplay.
All three of those levels have few or no slopes you can use to pick up speed and no fancy loops or anything like that, instead opting for slow-paced blocky platforming and obstacles that grind you to a halt, all three of those levels go in all sorts of directions rather than mostly just to the right like the levels that are about speed do, none of those levels have the speed shoe power-up in them, and Labyrinth and the last act of Scrap Brain mostly take place underwater where your speed and acceleration are a fraction of what they normally are.
If you aren't blind or making a click-bait video, it should be immediately apparent that half the game is not about speed in the slightest. It should also be obvious why. The levels I've pointed out are the parts of the game with the most obstacles by far, and these would be really cheap if the game encouraged you to go fast in those levels. Luckily, it doesn't. At all.

>> No.1817010

That said, Sonic 2 is a bit of a different animal. I don't think it's anywhere near as well designed as the first game.
Almost all levels encourage you to go fast, sometimes to your detriment, and even if the levels bring you to a stop or discourage going fast with their design, Sonic 2 added the spindash, giving you access to potentially hazardous instant speed that's only usable when you're at a stand still, so it's easy for the response to become "I've been stopped, I better spindash," and the levels can no longer properly dictate the ideal pace at which they should be played like the first game did as a result.
Plus, even if you're going slow, the enemy placement can sometimes just be bullshit and almost guarantee a cheap hit for a first time player. Metropolis Zone is the king of this.

tl;dr: No.

>> No.1817027

This reminds me of that old cringeworthy JonTron video where he said the exact same thing. I think people are just getting worse at video games

>> No.1817036

It's a tale as old as time.

>> No.1817053

I like Redlettermedia but that video was pretty bad. Everyone else has pretty much pointed out what was wrong but I want to through in two cents about something. It isn't a game flaw that you can play Sonic games fast or slow, the games were designed for two different kind of players. People who wanted to explore and people who wanted speed run go fast. It isn't a flaw to caterer to both, since you can pick your play style and go with it. Also if you think 8 frames is too fast to react to something I guess they must be pretty shit at fighting games.

I recently played and beat Sonic 1, which I haven't touched past the first zone in like 10 years.

>> No.1817064

>Never had a Genesis growing up
>Played through 1-3 a year ago when I found them at a garage sale

1 was a little annoying just because of limited continues, but I really enjoyed them. I just think these guys are bad at video games.

>> No.1817071

>limited continues
do you even up down left right hold A and start?

>> No.1817073

Wasn't that 8 frames at their recorded 30 fps? That's more than a quarter of a second.

>> No.1817078


I didn't know. :(

>> No.1817083


The average (median) reaction time is 215 milliseconds.

Most people are physically UNABLE to react that quickly.

>> No.1817085

>average reaction time is 215 milliseconds
Last I checked, more than a quarter of a second is more than less than a quarter of a second, but what the fuck do I know?

>> No.1817095


Once you account input lag and the time it takes to actually jump over the enemy, it starts to add up more than a quarter of a second.

>> No.1817105

Then it's wise to preemptively roll when confronted with a steep slope or sideways spring.

>> No.1817110

>input lag

>the time it takes to actually jump over the enemy
Have you ever even played Sonic? The exact frame he starts jumping, he's curled into a ball and the enemy is the one who'll get hit.
You could also just tap down on the d-pad and roll into the enemy.

>> No.1817185

>I know Sonic only from his games.
If you only know of Sonic about the games, how can you fucking think Sonic is edgy to begin with? The only attitude you see is a sprite of him waving his finger at you.

>> No.1817207

didn't know RLM did game reviews

mike and rich are funny. jay is the straight/insightful one but still enjoyable to watch
>rich's laugh is annoying its almost kind of funny when its in response to mike's deadpan jokes/observations
the other guys are mostly just tag-alongs

>> No.1817208
File: 50 KB, 320x225, 1342376820980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe we're living in an age where we have to defend the classic Sonic games.


>> No.1817229
File: 1.97 MB, 320x180, #rekt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe we're living in an age where we have to actually make videos show how truly awful the classic Sonic games are.


>> No.1817230

I love RLM and watch all their videos, but what makes their videos so great is the high level of technical and historical knowledge Mike and Jay possess with regards to film making, which allows them to provide insightful commentary. Rich and Jack don't have anywhere near the same level of knowledge about the video game industry as Mike and Jay do about the film industry, and this video is a good demonstration of that. It's a shame, because I would love to see video game reviews with discussion on par with Half in the Bag.

That being said, I do think they made one good point: it would be better if Sonic's sprite shifted to the left side of the screen, at least when moving fast. On a side note, didn't Sonic CD have a type of dash that produced this effect? I think it was the one where Sonic runs in place instead of curling up in a ball.

>> No.1817238

Which video was that? The one in OP certainly didn't do that.

>> No.1817243

Go home, Jack.

>> No.1817252

Nothing should be sacred, here.
The problem isn't that they've dared to criticize Sonic the Hedgehog, but that they've failed to do so with any degree of success.

>> No.1817261
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Another World wasn't safe from being shitted on despite not being relevant for years. I wouldn't be surprised if many years from now, some ass came out the woodwork to complain about something like the GC or Dreamcast with the only argument being "It wasn't the PS2".

Yes, Sonic CD did have that.

>> No.1817262
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You're right, it's hard to criticize that which is good.

>> No.1817278

This is the problem.

I don't care what game they're criticizing. The problem is that they're blaming the game for things that can easily be overcome by being better players.

>> No.1817285

The Dreamcast is still a joke besides a handful of games, most of which were either arcade ports, or got ported to another console.

>bu-bu-bu-but mah shenmue
Shenmue, was never good.

>> No.1817289

m-muh jet set radio

>> No.1817294

Every game ever made from 1972 to the modern day was never good and you all were just tricked into thinking you were having fun.

>> No.1817313


>run forward and the game plays itself

yeah pretty much this

>> No.1817318

I'd rather have arcade ports than shit like OoT to be honest. Maybe that is why my saturn gets all the playtime while my n64 sits in my closet.

>> No.1817324
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>mfw reading the comments

I figured the "arcade machine at home" appeal was what many people, including myself, liked about it. And I didn't even own Shenmue (barely anyone did), Power Stone was where it was for me. The lack of variety from other genres would've killed it in the long run but they probably would've been fucked in that department anyways considering how Sony was swooping up deals left and right.

>> No.1817325

The arcade ports are the reason most DC fans are DC fans, though. The DC is the same hardware as the Naomi arcade system, so ports are easy to make.

Sega consoles always got the most arcade ports and arcade-style games. If you aren't an arcade fan, it's easy to see why you wouldn't like Sega consoles. It all depends on what kind of games you like.

>> No.1817331

Its on Xbox

>> No.1817335

what kind of sick faggot actually thinks rpgs and bloated adventure games are better than straight up gameplay?

>> No.1817337

>The DC is the same hardware as the Naomi arcade system
It has half the RAM actually.

>> No.1817340

Yes, it does, but it's not a difficult hurdle to overcome.

>> No.1817342

Well that was terrible. I'm gonna cleanse my palette with this.

>> No.1817353

>I figured the "arcade machine at home" appeal was what many people, including myself, liked about it.
>The arcade ports are the reason most DC fans are DC fans, though
This is the reason my friends and I still play the DC every friday night. Plus the system is amazing for arena shooters and racing games.

>> No.1817365

>for some reason there are people who claims to play games that can't play a simple game which only have one action button

I am too old for this shit. Saw posts about input lag and all other modern bullshits and buzzwords, it's only Sonic, guys. A platformer for Genesis, it's not even the hardest one. When I return home I'll probably try a one-handed gameplay to this "POORLY DESIGNED UNFAIR UNFUN" game.

>> No.1817374

That's the inherent problem. Mike, and to a lesser degree Jay, are the RLM guys. Rich Evans is just the guy with the funny laugh that they get to act in their skits. This shit is the B-team and it sucks. I don't watch their videos for dumb opinions by uninformed people, which is what this is. Its just clickbait for their nerd fans who demand video game reviews that Mike has no real interest in doing.

>> No.1817380
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>> No.1817386


>rich evans is just the guy with the funny laugh

I guess you didn't see that masterful prank call. Also, they all help with production work.

>> No.1817396

>Shenmue, was never good.
The game's execution might had been flawed, but you can't blame Yu Suzuki for lacking ambitions.

>> No.1817451
File: 240 KB, 366x400, 1401416931811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was...that was pretty great.

>> No.1817480

>all these intelligent posts

/vr/ once again proves it has more sense than /v/.

I don't care if you agree with them, just agree with them in a way that doesn't make you sound like a hate-monger trying to rile everyone up.

>> No.1817505

I think the worst thing about this is it comes off hard to defend. Since you can be written off as Sonic fanboy so easily.

>> No.1817527

Heard nothing BUT about this fucking video all day on /v/ and everyone think's its great because they can't form their own opinions

Personally i'm pissed off because all the impressionable new gamers will take this as gospel and think Sonic is shit by default

It's sad because literally the only reason they think it's shit is because they suck at the game

>> No.1817696

Believe me, some hipster is waiting in the wings to make money from dismantling Shadow of the Colossus for its controls.

Ico is already dismissed by /v/.

>> No.1817814

Ico is shit though, it's just running around an empty world.

>> No.1818138


That's the perfect, most objective analysis I've ever heard of the Sonic franchise.

>> No.1818168

I only cringed a little.

>> No.1818169

They claim they're talking about the original 4 on the Genesis but don't really bother mentioning S3&K. They basically just cherrypick shit to complain about in Sonic 1+2. Supposedly trying to be funny at the same time. The comments are the worst part of that video. Fucking white knights everywhere.

>> No.1818172

Yeah but he doesn't do the voice in the movie reviews. Hence why he was called "Fake pinkett" for a while.

>> No.1818187

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.1818195

They were bitching about the commercials claiming how fast you can go.

Literally. Bitching. About. Marketing.

>> No.1818202

Both sides are pretty bad, but picking on Sonic fans is low-hanging fruit. At this point I don't know what's worse, the Sonic obsessive or this "stop liking what I don't like" mentality.

>> No.1818218

Sonic 1 is objectively shit but it pissed me off more than anything that these two shills basically talk like their opinion matters.

At least Jay and Mike know their stuff when it comes to movies.

Rich and BaldFaggot are not only terrible at games but can't even give a fair review and resort to being controversial just for views.

>> No.1818245

>Sonic 1 is objectively shit
Do you mind explaining why?

>> No.1818256

I played 2 and 3 before I played 1 so I was incredibly spoiled by the spindash move. There is no spindash in 1. That's really my only reason for disliking it

>> No.1818274

There is spindash in the 3DS 3D version, you might be interested in that, I still think Sonic 1 is rather average.

>> No.1818289

Don't forget the Sonic Jam and Taxman ports. There's also quite a few Sonic 1 hacks that put in the Spin Dash as well.

>> No.1818291

That's understandable.

>> No.1818317
File: 38 KB, 580x295, 1402445501757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll start coming to /vr/ more often (Though, I already was). Even discussion about game mechanics are much better on /vr/ because it's actual discussion.

I'd say Nintendo fans are very easy to troll, especially going by the response those "Nintendo is DOOOOOOOOOOMED because ________" get.

>> No.1818337

I don't think so buddy. Taxman's games are straight-up remakes in his Retro Engine.

>> No.1818380

Sonic 1 is bad because levels are dragged forever. Seriously, 3 acts per zone? And that clunky Marble Zone for second level? Thank God they didn't leave Labyrinth zone as second level.

>> No.1818406


>> No.1818449
File: 240 KB, 500x375, 1348233045153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Since 1991 there are people in the world that still have problems with the classic Sonic games now in 2014.

It really makes you doubt the cognitive abilities of these people. It's quite simple; Use the D-Pad on the controller to move and then use A,B,C buttons to jump when necessary. This means that you have complete control over Sonic.


>> No.1818515

No. Maybe a little while back when "recent Sonic" referred to Gens and Colors, but now that refers to garbage like Lost World and Boom. Sonic is still a B-List platformer at best, we can just somewhat realistically hope for something that isn't shit from the next game the main team makes.

>> No.1818538

>There is spindash in the 3DS 3D version,

I've heard good things about SEGA's 3D Classic offerings in general. Kind of surprising considering how they've halfassed ports to nintendo handhelds in the past with the DS Sonic Collection and Sonic Genesis.

>> No.1818545

>AidsMoby is a big fan of Egoraptor's Sequalitis

No wonder why this video got fucking made.

>> No.1818648

Sega's 3D Classics were done by M2. I don't think they ever half-assed a port.

>> No.1818657

another reminder that the best way to ruin a videos reputation in it's first days is to watch a small part of it and close the window.

>> No.1818687

It plays apart in the overall game design. It brings in a sudden vertical shift in the camera, the top of the loop provides a hard to reach but easy to view area to tease you with secrets. It also slows the screen down while keeping sonic in motion.
And if sonic isn't in motion it's harder to get over it, so it's a barrier for people progressing through the game slowly.

>> No.1818695

How to play sonic 2
Speed run through Emerald hill
Speed run through Chemical plant
Speed run through the first half of Aquatic ruin and tread carefully over the second half.

Congratuations, you made it to Casino night! Explore, have fun, play minigames. Well that was fun.

Turn the console off.

>> No.1818709

That's how I used to play Sonic 2 as a kid. I knew I was a man the moment I pressed on to Hill Top Zone.

>> No.1818731

Seriously? Is this an actual google metric?

>> No.1818739

Something along those lines. They tally up minutes and view count, and Youtube has very little data to work with on a video during it's first few days, so they pick up on any little bit that they can.

Alternatively, if you want a video to succeed, in addition to like/comment/subscribe. Clicking a link to another Youtube video after watching is also something youtube pays attention too, since they want people to stay on the site as much as possible.

>> No.1818759

>Sonic 1

>> No.1818767

I would be lying if I said I didn't agree that the quality steadily drops somewhere around that point.

>> No.1818770

They played 1 and 2.

>> No.1818780

The title of the video is misleading. They also thrown in Sonic 2 and act like it's interchangeable with the first game (it really isn't).
If it makes a difference to you, they don't seem to understand in either game that it might be a good idea to roll from time to time, despite the fact classic Sonic's entire gimmick is physics and the ability to curl into a ball.

>> No.1818794

Wasn't Labyrinth originally going to be the second level too?

>> No.1818802

Oh okay, my mistake. Not impressed with the video either. PreRec as a whole is just everything I hated about online review shows before I watched RLM. The only good thing to come out of it is the occasionally interesting Mike & Jay trivia in the livestreams. Even with this vid, I still think Rich is based

>> No.1818804

It's how games without save points were designed.
1st level is a sandbox, Middle level is a better sandbox that rewards you for beating the first half. The rest of the game is purely for challenge and story.

God I loved Green clocktower though. It had such a sense of massive scale to it. It always gave me that "Almost there. Just a little more" feeling to it.

>> No.1818860
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>The game came out of desperation and competition.

So it has things in common with basically every commercial product that's ever been invented?

How the fuck is that automatically a dirty, dirty, super-negative quality? Is it just because you personally don't like Sonic and you're a biased shithead?

>> No.1818871

Except Super Sonic isn't even an auto-win feature to begin with. The increased speed makes the controls more floaty and any platforming sections become a nightmare.

Seriously, try to play Chemical Plant Zone as Super Sonic and tell me about how game-breaking you still think it is.

>> No.1818879

Don't foget that Super Sonic requires 50 rings to activate. In most levels, you will be halfway through when you have 50 rings.

>> No.1818881

More like try Wing Fortress. You have to go a little bit out of your way to avoid rings near the beginning of the level if you don't want to be forced into Super Sonic the next time you jump. On the other hand you can do take that shortcut through the fan that skips like half the fucking level without taking damage, so there's that I guess.

>> No.1818885

>RLM is making me angry again

What was the first time? Is he the guy who wrote a 100-page angry letter about their Phantom Menace review?

>> No.1818887


I feel the opposite way. I always felt that the levels I speed ran through were too easy and boring, but the later half of the game were really tough.

Interestingly, right after Casino is about the point where you can have Super Sonic if you didn't fail the special stages, and that allows you to continue speed running if that's what you like.

>> No.1818891

You can have super sonic right before the boss of Emerald Hill.

>> No.1818903

Naw, I just disagreed with their entire commentary track that pissed on Ghostbusters 2 from beginning to end. It's certainly not as good as the first movie (sequels rarely are), but they were making it sound like its mere existence was a crime against humanity.

>> No.1818909

You can have super sonic from the very beginning if you reset and go to the options menu each time you get a chaos emerald. Did that all the time.

>> No.1818914

What 100 page letter? What was wrong with the Phantom Menace review?

>> No.1818920

I feel the same way about that video they put out a few months ago where they were sarcastically excited over every Summer movie being a sequel

>> No.1818936

I don't find any part of the game aside from maybe the final boss to be challenging.
There's some stuff that's annoying or cheap, like those seahorses in Oil Ocean that shoot a fast moving bullet right at you the instant they appear on screen and which always appear in small downward slope areas that seem to encourage you to just run or roll forward, or shit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JKHA75Kh6o (bonus points if it happens at the top of a screw you spent like 15 seconds running a bolt up and you have to leave the screen to make the bolt's position reset so you can try it again), but the game rarely seems to achieve any actual fair difficulty the way its predecessor did.

>> No.1818942 [DELETED] 

I just remembered in that commentary, they're basically doing the same flip-flop shit they do in this Sonic review. For the first half of GB2, they're bitching about how it's a scene for scene rehash of the second movie and how Ramis should have come up with new ideas, and then when the second comes by with the ghost train and the Titanic and shit, they start bitching something like "What? That goes against the rules and that's stupid!"

RLM really seems like the types that when they decide they want to hate something, they're just keep switching their argument at the drop of a hat just so they can keep hating it.

>> No.1818951

>>1818903 (You)
I just remembered in that commentary, they're basically doing the same flip-flop shit they do in this Sonic review. For the first half of GB2, they're bitching about how it's a scene for scene rehash of the first movie and how Ramis should have come up with new ideas, and then when the second half comes by with the ghost train and the Titanic and shit, they start bitching something like "What? That goes against the rules and that's stupid!"

RLM really seems like the types that when they decide they want to hate something, they'll just keep switching their argument at the drop of a hat just so they can keep hating it.

>> No.1819001

I don't like this thread anymore.

But couldn't they at least have mentioned how cool the music is?

>> No.1819625

honestly sonic 1 IS pretty shit.

sonic 2 and 3 are 10/10 classics though

>> No.1819632 [DELETED] 

this thread shouldn't be on /vr/

this board isn't about how shit games are, it's for people who like games. youtube celebs get out.

keep /v/ on /v/

>> No.1819761

Will this horrible trend of e-celebs being bad at video games and then shitting on them ever go away? See also: EgoRaptor, Giant Bomb.

>> No.1819790
File: 127 KB, 640x1066, inthenightdreamdelight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giant Bomb
Fuck those guys for shitting on NiGHTS. It's one thing to shit on a classic everyone has played, it's another to shit on an underrated gem.

>> No.1819840

>The game came out of desperation and competition. It still smells of desperation and has shameful attitude.

A lot of now successful game series were produced out of desperation. And if you don't think they weren't made to compete, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.1819843

I didn't take that one too seriously. It was a joke about there being so many sequels out there, but they weren't declaring all of those films shit. They really liked the new Apes.

>> No.1819852

>those guys
It's one guy. I only dislike the rest of them because they take the attitude "well, I haven't played this game, but you don't like it, and I've seen some people on the internet who disagree with you being mean, so you're right".

>> No.1819878


Why do people who like less popular games get so iffy when others don't like them? You people are more annoying than anyone who just happens to dislike NiGHTS.

>> No.1820101

I haven't even played NiGHTS, I just dislike the GB crew's tendency to quickly adopt opinions on games if they feel they're spiting "internet bullies" if they're doing so.

>> No.1820183

Like the video in OP's post, they didn't know how to play the game and just assumed it sucked. Try watching the actual video... or, actually, don't. I'd recommend you don't.

>> No.1820194


Not to rub it in your face, but I've played Nights in passing and thought it was pretty damn amazing (especially considering how old it is).

But to the other anon, it was never underrated as far as I recall from a critical perspective. It received much praise when it came out and I've never heard something like "Oh its just another one of those OVERRATED sega saturn games!"

>> No.1820228

It's only considered underrated because the Saturn itself was ignored in the States. Those that did own the console probably owned NiGHTS as well.

I recently played a port of it, and I was really impressed. The story and music was neat, and it had a great "easy to play, hard to master" style that would have made it a fun party game in the alternate universe where the Saturn was a US success.

>> No.1820241

Most gamers haven't even heard enough about the Saturn (aside from how it was colossal disaster) to really call it "overrated". Usually, when someone calls something "overrated", there's a strong implication that the overrated thing is/was quite popular.

>> No.1820252


>Reading the American manual and taking it seriously as far as Sonic's origins and power set are concerned

And that's where I shake my head and walk away

Also, another great time to mention, there's a Sonic General on /vg/ now. Classic game talk is always welcome in /sthg/!


>> No.1820297
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>mfw they complain about the branching paths
The branching paths, imo, were what set it apart from other platformers of the time which were VERY straight-forward with maybe a few secret shortcuts here and there. Also, I love how they complain about how maze-like it is and they didn't even talk about CD. In fact, I'm glad that they didn't because they'd probably shit on that as well.

>> No.1820397 [DELETED] 

I can handle people not liking these games. Not everything is everyone. The problem is when these critics try to asset that those who DO like these games are nostalgia-blind fanboys. At that point, it just feels like a personal attack. It's possible to criticize beloved games without belittling the tastes of others.

>> No.1820409

I can handle people not liking these games. Not everything is for everyone. The problem is when these critics try to assert that those who DO like these games are nostalgia-blind fanboys. At that point, it just feels like a personal attack. It's possible to criticize beloved games without belittling the tastes of others.

>> No.1820430

Can't agree on Egoraptor. I don't know what retarded nonsense he might say on Game Grumps, but the Sequelitis videos seem totally on point to me, and I don't think he's ever said that anything is too hard or whatever in any of them.

>> No.1820441

Personally: 3&K > 1 > CD > 2
And I wouldn't give any of them less than an 8/10.

>> No.1820557

The last time there was a Sonic general it was terrible.

>> No.1822335

Why are sonic fanboys so easily angered?
Is it due to their autism?

>> No.1822386

Condescension paired with ignorance is real damned annoying to everyone with the capacity to recognize it.
It has nothing to do with fanboys.

>> No.1822387

/v/, plz.

>> No.1822424
File: 262 KB, 309x338, 1405713386365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this video killed red letter media for me. These two unfunny faggots cant push down on the d-pad to roll.............. literal retards.

>> No.1822505

it's because they wish Nintendo still had an iron fist monopoly on games and hate Sega for breaking it

>> No.1822508

it is a very boring game, I think wind waker is the best 3d zelda even if the only real difference is graphics and travel

>> No.1822520

shenmue is better than anything on n64 blurry mess

>> No.1822697

B-b-but Soul Calibur.

Really, suck a cock.

>> No.1822708

Well if games don't require skill to play you won't develop skill from playing them.

>> No.1822730

Honestly you can defend any game with actual facts with a well thought out argument and just be written off as a fanboy.

>> No.1822739

What ever happened to reviewing games without doing skits? Stop pretending to be an actor. You're terrible at it and fully cringing would be too good of a reaction to you. Just give me the information about the game. If most of your "review" is a skit it's shit.

>> No.1822837
File: 27 KB, 512x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sonic 2 & 3 are actually good games. While the first game is bad they are really really wrong about the sequels. Everyone pretty much agrees that when the series started out they were just making a Mario clone.

Case and point: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzf76LqOx3Y

>> No.1822838




Double agree.

>> No.1822839

"Bad"? No, just unrefined.

The graphics in particular were pretty meaty for 1991.

>> No.1822846


The way this guy talks about the game makes way more sense compared to the two guys above. Sonic one isn't very good and he makes some good points about it.

>> No.1822852


It was the cost of making a new game on a new system. They didn't know of all the power Genesis had. That's the reason the game looks the way it does.

>> No.1822859
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Watching these two back to back it really shows how bad the two guys are. They know about video games but they have not really figured out how to talk about them. That's why I like this a negatives video. YouTube people are always yelling at the camera and making shitty jokes, it's nice to see one that doesn't.

>> No.1822863

>Rich Evans pisses off the retarded aspie furries on /v/


>> No.1822873

anyone else like the master system sonic, I've been playing this and fantasy zone bretty gud

>> No.1822886


Sonic 2 is awesome. If you never tried before, play Sonic Pocket Adventure for Neo Geo Pocket, it's one of the best Sonic titles, it is what SMS/GG titles should have been.

>> No.1822891

snesfag here

sanic is fun gaem

>> No.1822902

All I'm seeing is two manchildren that can't play video games.

>> No.1822913


This video is fucking gay and people should feel bad watching it.

>Enemies aren't fun to fight!
>Boss battles are too plain...
>"Level design clashes with gameplay!" That is incorrect sir.
>Implies its a Super Mario ripoff.

6/10 Terrible analysis.

Errant signal hit the nail on the head, but even I enjoy the original three Sonic games. (including the master system one)

>> No.1822956

Just because some nerds posted a video about a game that millions have played doesnt mean their opinion is valid or not. They obviously knew what they were doing and now we are talking about them. If they had said the opposite no one would give a damn

>> No.1823001


But but... Egoraptor did that shit too and we all know he has no clue what he's talking about.

>> No.1823009

>While the first game is bad

>they were just making a Mario clone.
No. The idea for Sonic was partially inspired by speedrunning in SMB, but outside of that, the only similarity is really that they are both platformers.

>that video
Embarrassing. 0/10, would not watch again.
>enemies aren't fun to fight because some have spikes on part of them and there's no spindash
It's called a challenge, son. And you don't have to fight every enemy.
>bosses are plain and simple and just do some pattern ad nauseum
True of pretty much every Sonic game, yet he claims 2 and 3 are good but 1 is bad and this is supposedly one of the big reasons. Was the drill car going left and then right not a simple pattern? Was the final boss of 2 jumping, walking, jumping, and shooting hands not a simple pattern? Is he retarded? The answer to at least one of these questions is yes, I'm sure.
>Sonic is supposed to be about speed and none of the levels after Green Hill are about speed (what's Star Light?) which is inherently a bad thing and I won't explain how and why, the levels in 2 and 3 are just better designed but I will provide no reasoning to back this claim up, just agree with me
Too stupid and pointless to even bother.

Overall, sounds like he doesn't like it as much because he played 2 and 3 as a kid but didn't play 1 as a kid.
If he didn't play any of them as a kid it'd probably be another video like in OP.

>> No.1823027

Is that you, Abicion?

>> No.1823079
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>"It just doesn't work."

Well, I'm sure their are many people that could say that about a lot of older game titles, but it should almost always be prefaced by: "In my opinion."

In my opinion, its a game that was far more solid than many other failed experiments and contemporaries before it. It worked with the idea of taking great level design, coupling it with gameplay that incorporated momentum and control to create its own unique, but often misunderstood presentation. Unlike "Mario bros.," Sonic the Hedgehog is far less accessible than Mario Bros for a variety of reasons. Mario bros was fairly complex underneath the surface, but easy to just pick up and play, it was obviously part of the draw players had towards it. Sonic took more work to mesh with players on a surface level, it took more work to cleverly find efficient ways to get through a level, and it was far more engaging when a player was doing well that when a player was doing poorly (The main complaint that Sonic doesn't seem to do what the player wants him to do so its the games fault). It has its own difficulty curve essentially built around how decent the player was/ is at controlling his or her momentum as they maneuvered Sonic through these particularly complex yet short levels. Sure they always had an "end" and it was always to the right, but their were many different paths to getting to the goal. Boss fights were really just a cool down period between levels- lets call them "heats" or "laps" just as different zones were similar in this regard.

>> No.1823081
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In most boss fights it was far more difficult to control Sonic when he couldn't build up momentum or had less room to move around in and it was a way of making the boss fights or mini boss sections more difficult. The first three games are still the pinnacle of 2-D platforming and they have their own equals on other consoles around the same time i.e. Mario bros., Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World. but what separates Sonic the Hedgehog from Mario- is accessibility and the fact that Sonic could be a very difficult game until you understood the mechanics, or how a level was laid out and the best method of getting through a level safely while collecting other bonuses like rings or emeralds.

A lot of people don't like Sonic The Hedgehog because they may see the actions Sonic is making on-screen or even describe them as "clunky" and they might even believe its unintuitive at first. However, if you manage to spend more than ten minutes playing the game, you might start to get a better understanding of how to properly manipulate the mechanics and realize that you shouldn't judge a game based on a few minutes of failing at it.

>> No.1823254

I'll agree with a lot what was in the second video. I love the classic Sonic games, but the first one wasn't all that great. That's kind of to be expected though, it's the first game. Not every single series blasts out of the gate ready to go, it oftentimes would take, and still does take, a sequel or two to work out all the kinks.

Those two in the first video however, appeared to be playing badly on purpose. Did nobody tell them that in 2 and 3 you could duck and spin up to get immediate momentum? They weren't even trying to jump over obstacles, and it's easy as fuck to press down if you've already got momentum going to drop into a spindash if there's enemies coming up. Their commentary on branching paths was dumb as shit as well, it's one of the things that really set it apart from other platformers of the time. Made obvious by the fact the only game they could seem to think of to compare Sonic to was Mario bros/world, those two are really obviously Mario/Nintendo fans who didn't know how to play a sonic game, or were intentionally playing bad so they could bash it.

Also like to mention that one of the videos said something about Sega getting into console development, but they were making game systems long before Nintendo ever started to.

>> No.1823293

I actually play through the entire game.

I don't even skip Sky Chase so I can get the huge combo/lots of lives

I do agree with the anon you're quoting - Sonic 2 is really streamlined for speed runners. The longest stage bar Sky Chase is only 50-60 seconds long.

>> No.1823330


>> No.1823393

>Did nobody tell them that in 2 and 3 you could duck and spin up to get immediate momentum?

What's even funnier is that they go on to quote Sonic 1's manual to criticize the game's plot, which would imply that they read it. You can take the time to focus on the plot in a children's game but can't even take the time to understand the controls? Really?

>> No.1823473

The original games are fine and I particularly love the music, but I do think we all have to deal with the fact that the Sanic franchise, for better or worse, is totally lost to us all.

>> No.1823475

>19, 65, 9, 17
>4, 1, 2, 6

Enjoy not even bothering with the special stages

>> No.1823915

I agree with this. The first Sonic game isn't very good.

>> No.1823952

>The longest stage bar Sky Chase is only 50-60 seconds long
>speedrun times
You do realize the same is true for Sonic 1 aside from Labyrinth Zone Act 3 which still takes only a little less than a minute and a half, right?

>> No.1824217


You're exactly right. To me, one just seems harder to pick up and speed run than two does. Two has the spin dash, which is appealing to those who want to speed run and think 'Sonic must go fast.' I guess that's what I mean by streamlined too.

All 3 original games are very short to speed run through though. They all have those stages that just seem like a time sink as well.

>> No.1824263

I don't think they're clickbaiting really, it's just that their opinions are usually fucking grandpa level. They don't know shit about anything. I don't usually whine about people being casual gamerz or anything, but goddamn.

>> No.1824648

Sonic 1 is the worst of the Genesis games, but it's still decent at absolute worst.

>> No.1824689

>all those sonic 1 haters
the first game is different because they still
weren't sure about the momentum gameplay.
That's why half of the game has almost no slopes.
I remember reading somewhere that sonic team
actually thought the player would enjoy a slower pace alternating the faster zones.
Also, all 3 genesis games are very good,
but 2 gets boring fast.
The guy saying it falled apart around hill top was right.

>> No.1824697


>> No.1824708

I liked the first game the most. It was the most challenging, required more precision platforming and wasn't just 'press forward to win'

>> No.1824731


>Colin Moriarty at IGN

He's still around?

>> No.1824823

I agree with these words that are being said, though I slightly prefer 3&K.