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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 80 KB, 585x569, pso02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1812202 No.1812202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>1768173

>Beginner's Guide

>Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst Servers
http://phantasystaronline.net/ (Increased EXP rates and rare monster appearances)

>Phantasy Star Online Version 2 Servers

>Episode 1&2 Servers for Gamecube

>Steam Group

#/vr/_netplay on Rizon

>> No.1812225

I love PSO but this is going too far.

>> No.1812439
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>> No.1812691

Why not, where else are we gonna talk about PSO?

>> No.1812779
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>> No.1812817
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> tfw you lost your characters 4 times

>> No.1812820

Wait, is this someone's own take on an updated PSO, or are these mods that I need to download right the fuck now

>> No.1812854

>I love PSO but this is going too far.

if a game is online and active it's good to have a place where we can discuss shit and plan up meets and junk

>> No.1812867


It's someone's personal art project, sadly. There's just the one area.

The engine could never handle those grafics anyway.

>> No.1812881

This game was great, even though I first played it on the original Xbox. I have good memories of playing it on the Xbox, but Schthack just doesn't compare.

>> No.1812952
File: 1.89 MB, 1680x1050, e9jv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few years ago someone went and remade the assets of PSO in 3d, it's not a mod, it's simply somoene else's work.
I posted on my blog along with the guy that did the panoramas of PSO and PSU.

I'm usually involved with extremely high res and high quality screenshots

>> No.1813039

>How PSO2 should look like

>> No.1813048

If only EP4 was as good as it's OST

>> No.1813051

>4 times

One of the reasons I always played gamecube offline.

No way was going online worth losing a level 150+ over.

>> No.1813149

>AVGN general is acceptable
>PSO general is too far

You don't love PSO, you humongous pleb.

>> No.1813207

Did this video a few minutes ago, mods used just incase someone asks:
- PSO 2 forest skin
- Mass effect soundtrack
- Camera mods
- Custom effects/particles skins
- HD gameplay
- Bloom


>> No.1813210

I don't find any generals acceptable. Try not to shit up the board more just because everyone else is.

>> No.1813212

Fuck off and die.

>> No.1813217

You're the only one being offtopic.
Get a life and stop trying to protect discussion on children's videogames.

>> No.1813219

It's one of the slowest boards on 4chan, why would you be opposed to it actually being active?

>> No.1813221

Doesn't look too bad, some things just look out of place like the water though.

Still interesting.

>> No.1813365
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How old are your characters, /vr/?

10+ years strong here.

>> No.1813713

Someone is trying to show off good pictures and videos about PSO, trying to encourage gameplay on servers and all you do is say that person to die?

What's the problem, the posts don't contain the word schtserv so the comment is bad by default?

>> No.1814008

Can I do anything with photon drops offline?

>> No.1814084


>> No.1814534

So does anyone here play on the http://phantasystaronline.net/ server? I used to but I got tired of my options being Do it Solo and JAJAJAJAJAJA

>> No.1814547
File: 685 KB, 642x502, datslop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll niggaz can't handle da slop

add me

>> No.1814560

Which private server should I play? Or which one does /vr/ play?

>> No.1814567

play with me on schtserv

>> No.1814620

Yeah, I can see why PSO died with Blue Burst. Really uninspired enemy and level designs compared to previous episodes. Not to mention that lame bullshit plot that smacks of anime.

But dat soundtrack doe.

>> No.1814621

sloppy is no more. just got banned for making a room called "no faggots" gg no re

anyone wanna start a new toon?

>> No.1814653

I'll be chillin in Lobby 4 if you still wanna play. I can even start another char if you want to go from the beginning

>> No.1814659

yeeeeeus sounds good. just rolled a new char "Sloppy 2"

>> No.1814667

Hang on, I screwed up something

I can only write in nipponese. Remaking a lvl 1 and coming again

>> No.1814751

So glad I have SCHT's old installer so I don't have to look at that hideous new UI they put in.

>> No.1814765
File: 68 KB, 411x381, BB-LIBERTA_MAG-ACTION-FULL-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it added the best mag.

>> No.1814892

That's not the Sato

>> No.1814895

I don't think that's installed automatically even with the new installer. You have to go to the custom skins section to get that shit.

>> No.1814920

Is someone in a game right now?

>> No.1815004


I should specify. I played offline too.

> lost characters to failing to understand temporary character function
> lost characters to saving during power outtage
> lost characters to read error during saving on a friend's dirty gamecube

And the final straw
> lost characters to asshole "friend" who pulled the memory card out during saving

Fuck you jason, and fuck you too rick for always inviting jason.

>> No.1815023

Well, since this is a general, might as get some form of idea of how /vr/ likes to play.

What is your favorite class/race to play as? Is there a particular class you like to party with?

What's your favorite weapon type of your favorite class? If you play FO classes, is there a particular spell you consider your bread and better?

>> No.1815042


>What is your favorite class/race to play as?
RaCast since day 1

> Is there a particular class you like to party with?
Do you mean who you prefer in a party or who you play only when in a party?
Either way, someone who can heal balances out a Cast. If i'm not playing my cast then I go fonewearl.

> What's your favorite weapon type of your favorite class?

> If you play FO classes, is there a particular spell you consider your bread and better?

Foie. Watching that fireball grow in size as you progress was a nice touch.

>> No.1815063
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>That part in the Soul of Steel quest where it turns into Metal Gear Solid

Took me 15 minutes to get through that shit.

>> No.1815082
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>favorite class/race to play as?

>particular class you like to party with?
I like having all hunter groups just for fun, but if it's for harder stuff obviously whatever class I'm not playing.

>favorite weapon type of your favorite class?
Mechguns all day

>> No.1815089

I'm partial to RAmarls because they're the best soloing class, which I used to do a lot of.

Zalure Needle in V3 is godly.

>> No.1815098
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>lost characters to asshole "friend" who pulled the memory card out during saving
>lost characters to saving during power outtage

That can corrupt even while offline?

I thought I was safe, thanks for the paranoia.

>> No.1815123

Well, I should probably answer my own questions too:
>What is your favorite class/race to play as?
RaMar. Providing long range assistance feels good.

> Is there a particular class you like to party with?
I prefer to party with a Damage Force or a really tanky Hunter to take the heat off. Either one makes me a happy Ranger.

> What's your favorite weapon type of your favorite class?

>> No.1815892

>What is your favorite class/race to play as?

>Is there a particular class you like to party with?
FOnewearl + other casts

>What's your favorite weapon type of your favorite class?
Swords, I guess. Shots are my overall favorite weapon type (Charge Arms and Baranz Launcher)

>If you play FO classes, is there a particular spell you consider your bread and better?
Gifoie, Shifta and Zalure.

>> No.1816047

It is, the is a file in the data folder that can be deleted so that the game loads the default one.

They decided to place a new hud made by one of the staff into the installer, reception was as expected, it does seem appealing to many ppl.

>> No.1816049

It is, there is a file in the data folder that can be deleted so that the game loads the default one.

They decided to place a new hud made by one of the staff into the installer, reception was as expected, it doesn't seem appealing to many ppl.

>> No.1816067

> lost characters to asshole "friend" who pulled the memory card out during saving
Holy shit, what a cunt. I hope he gets buttfucked by a rhino with AIDS.
But bro. Bro. Why didn't you back up your characters after the first couple of losses? I don't know how the Gamecube's save system works, I've never owned one, but surely you can copy files like with Playstation memory cards?

>> No.1816078

>What is your favorite class/race to play as?

>Is there a particular class you like to party with?
Not really. I just like playing with people who can crack a joke and not play TTF all the time, because that feels like I'm back on WoW during Cataclysm. The two times I played with people from this general and the previous one were fan-fucking-tastic

>What's your favorite weapon type of your favorite class?

>If you play FO classes, is there a particular spell you consider your bread and better?
I don't really play Forces, but Resta, all day erry day, along with buffs.

You can't copy PSO files, they're copy-protected to counter item duplication, which doesn't work as intended and only fucks people over.

The only solution is having a second mem card with PSO data and having a char temporarily transferred there. If the data gets corrupted, you transfer the character back and all characters regain pristine status, no corruptions

>> No.1816082

Wait, correction. It was actually 3 times, not two. If anyone wants to kill something, just say so. I have a few hours for myself.

>> No.1816458

> lost characters to asshole "friend" who pulled the memory card out during saving

That qualifies for a major ass beating. If someone did that at my place, they wouldn't be walking out how they walked in.

Another reason why Dreamcast controllers and their memory card slots are superior. No ones coming near my shit.

>> No.1816463

Wait, so you always play with the character on the transfered memory card? And it gets corrupt on it, you can move it back with no problems?

>> No.1816468

You will lose your entire inventory and bank if you don't return a temporary character to its memory card.

>> No.1816502

The first time I lost my character it was because my faggot friend turned off the game without saving. He actually freaked out and just ran out of my house when it happened while I just stood there in shock of what happened.

>> No.1816508

He knew what was coming if he stuck around.

>> No.1816894

>But dat soundtrack doe.

Think this has to be my favorite track next to Jungle.


>> No.1816896

No, you have 4 char slots, so you transfer a char you don't use or just made specifically for this reason.

Say I have McHueg Lv199 and, fearing corruption, I make Wimperman who gets perma-transferred to memory card 2. If for some reason McHueg gets corrupted, I bring Wimperman back, and this will recover McHueg as well.

Don't know how, but it works. It happened to me.

>> No.1816934

That's weird as fuck, thanks for the tip, anon.

So does it recover all the progress or just from the point of when you transferred?

>> No.1816957

I cant get JP input at all.

pls, i dont believe you

>> No.1816961

I think it recovers everything.

I remember it happening when I combined the items to make my Aura Field, then Quit and during save, power outage. When I tried to load the character, he was corrupted. Luckily, I had a transferred character, so I tried returning him and my original character was as he was supposed to be, Aura Field and everything.

I pressed alt+shift while looking for the combination to make the chair appear. (alt+i or alt+u for anyone who's interested). This changed the language to moonrunes.

>> No.1816969

All the information, when it works. It doesn't always work--sometimes a corruption is more severe--but it's not a bad idea to keep a transferred character around like that.

If I didn't have 16 different characters in active use I would do it myself, but I really need all four of those character slots.

>> No.1816992

Funny, when I try to write in moonrunes it doesn't let me type -anything-, but I know I managed it once because my main was called 青空.

>> No.1817009
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you fuck.
no it still dosent allow JP input it changes the locale to kanji but you cant input ching chong
lee broke it a while back, you used to be able to type in jp


>> No.1817013

Οh, didn't know that. I have the ooold client, so it stil lworked.

>> No.1817016


>> No.1817021

Dunno mang, it worked yesterday. I'll try again later when I get online.

>> No.1817025

okay thx

>> No.1817338
File: 42 KB, 250x244, SHPsoBBw_2014_07_29_22_41_11_333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, now it gives me random characters when I try it. Maybe it's broken, as you said. Still strange. In any case, if anyone wants to play, I'm available

>> No.1817437

Why do you need moonrunes anyway?

Are there a lot of JP players on scht?

>> No.1817452

I don't and I don't think there are any at all. I'm answering the other anon's question. It just happened by accident yesterday and the conversation carried from there.

>> No.1817453
File: 2.59 MB, 1680x1050, psobb 2014-07-28 12-18-27-90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New stuff to share

>> No.1817491

>favorite track


But yeah, every damn episode is motherfucking strong with the OST game. Check out the remix album on Kireek's youtube channel. Shit is fiya, broham.

>> No.1818110

>16 active characters

Too much grindan. I hope those all aren't yours.

>> No.1818129

They are. One for every Section ID and a bunch of challenge mode characters.

>> No.1818143

That's some hardcore dedication to PSO.

Makes me look like a pussy with my 3 characters.

>> No.1819268

Only have 1, took me ages to get to it to lvl 200, lot's of fighting against tanks that hit like a truck.

but hey, i did it eventually.
Now i use state mainenance, zalure and some red daggers, but before i went with that i used a more simple startegy.

>> No.1819791

Anyone up to kill something?

>> No.1819823


>> No.1819873

I'll be with you shortly. You'll find me in lobby 4

>> No.1820536

thanks for confirming


>> No.1820562

>imperial axe
>red handgun

fucking HU solo is so suffering lel
fucking v2 shit.


no really do you not have charge mech in v2?

>> No.1820598

BB is PSO for babbies who can't grind like men.

>> No.1820672

Can you explain me how would i hit anything with a charge attack on a poor ATA weapon on a poor ATA char? My friend, this is PSO v2, this looks like many other PSO games but this one is it's own game.

I can't ask players to use "From the depts" on GC now can i?

Charge mechs on v2 = average at the very best in my case, if the enemies had 524 evp then maybe, but a basic ruins enemy has 980 evp, it's just to much for my humar.
I maybe a walking god but i can't make miracles yet. :P

I really wish things would work that way, sadly they don't, charge mechs are just to inacurate and weak for my taste.

>> No.1820690
File: 1.73 MB, 371x257, hwbvcz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain me how would i hit anything with a charge attack on a poor ATA weapon on a poor ATA char? My friend, this is PSO v2, this looks like many other PSO games but this one is it's own game.

I can't ask players to use "From the depts" on GC now can i?

Charge mechs on v2 = average at the very best in my case, if the enemies had 524 evp then maybe, but a basic ruins enemy has 980 evp, it's just to much for my humar.
I may be a walking god but i can't make miracles yet. :P

I really wish things would work that way, sadly they don't, charge mechs are just to inacurate and weak for my taste.

>> No.1821695

We're never gonna play again are we guise?

>> No.1822359
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Reminder that FO are objectively the best class.

>> No.1822372


>> No.1822384


>> No.1823691

Think I'll keep it going, just for you.

>> No.1823798

Just got a new copy of Version 2 for Dreamcast but the private servers look dead.

Why doesn't anyone play V2 online?

>> No.1823821

Because v3 and BB are better.

>> No.1823824

I wish we could get rid of the GC CX generals on this board, it's not even relevent to video games or retro gaming, just random personalities.

>> No.1823840

Why not? I'm chillin in lobby 4 as usual. No leaving this time. As usual, up for anything.

>> No.1823912
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>Not liking Arino

Comeon, it's /vr/ related. Who cares anyway, this board is underused.

Which is why I don't get why sperglords lose their shit when they see a general here.

>> No.1823937
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>just random personalities.
>not relevent to video games or retro gaming

you don't know what you're talking about, though

>> No.1823945
File: 16 KB, 324x271, opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not even relevent to video games or retro gaming, just random personalities.

>> No.1823946

Nothing but ttf atm. If anyone decides they want to kill something, post and I'll come.

>> No.1823947

Why'd they even turn drops back on for TTF?

The one thing they did right and they pussed out and reverted the change.

>> No.1823961

It was too little too late maybe. After years of everyone just spamming TTF, it's hard to change their ways.

It's similar to what's happening with WoW. If they remove or attempt to balance out DF now, the outcry will be tremendous

>> No.1823964
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>it's not even relevent to video games or retro gaming, just random personalities.

>> No.1824078

Well I'm glad they turned them back on. TTF is nice quest for hunting certain things occasionally (particularly Pouilly Slime drops). Just because some fags do nothing but spam it to level up doesn't mean we should all be deprived of a feature.

>> No.1824091

Where the fuck are we supposed to go? /jp/? Have you seen that board?

>> No.1824108

Ignore him, he's likely just some xenophobic westaboo. Notice he didn't say shit about AVGN generals, despite them being marginally worse in terms of quality and interest, not to mention it's not even an actual television show built around retro gaming, which GCCX is.

>> No.1824146

But is ruining the entire leveling experience worth having a quest where you can hunt a few items?

I don't think so.

>> No.1824187


So turn off the experience gain instead.

>> No.1824252

I'm sure that would go over well with the casuals.

>> No.1824258

>But is ruining the entire leveling experience worth having a quest where you can hunt a few items?
Yes. You always have the choice to not play TTF. I prefer vanilla functionality to be preserved.

>> No.1824262



>> No.1824274

>It's there, but you don't have to do it

I hate that argument.

When they give you no reason not to do it, it kind of defeats the purpose of everything else in the game.

>> No.1824289

I'll play with you, trying to get my pathetic hunter ready for Ultimate.

>> No.1825048

I would've complained about AVGN if I actually knew his threads where a thing. Really, I just hate general threads more about random youtubers/actors since they're only tangentially related to video games.

>> No.1825417

Sorry, went to sleep afterwards. Available now for a few hours if anyone wants to play though.

>> No.1825437

Yeah i wonder why a game released in 2000/2001 on the dreamcast is dead after 14 years :S

>> No.1825481
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Still my char is still alive, usually the problem with BB is that when the server has issues, your char has issues.
So playing offline is appealing in it's own way i guess.

>> No.1825593

Old Schtserv player here.

Is Lee still a piece of shit?

Are they still being complete jews?

>> No.1825595

Dunno, don't pay attention to server drama.

>> No.1825712

It's kinda hard to miss it really

>> No.1825785

lol, is it really? We don't all waste our time on the forums.

>> No.1825905
File: 784 KB, 1920x1080, pso_hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I don't like about that is how drab everything looks. The PS series has always had a bright, vibrant color palette, which is part of its visual appeal IMO. Pic is how I think it should look.

>> No.1825919

So? Blue Burst is 10+ years old, still very active, and is the inferior version of the three.

>> No.1825928

dreamcast fags will justify this

>> No.1825938

>the inferior version of the three.
I fail to see how, it's a direct port and a very good one.

>> No.1825960
File: 97 KB, 1674x948, psov2 6400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having the original pic, changing it to appeal anyone is rather easy, but yes the vibrant colors do make it nicer.

I also take screenshots that might have skins and other graphical effects to make them look better.

Actually pso v2 seems to be the only game i have that enables me to take screenshots at a res higher than my monitor, sadly there seems to be limit in order to take an actual screenshot, i once tried a screenshot at 6400x4800, needless to say the game crashes, but the game does work, kinda

>> No.1825979

Well, BB has one connect option and on the dc you have sereral, however they each have drawbacks

Codebreaker codes - require a separate memory card (otherwise say bye bye to rare drops), codes take a while to input and are hardly updated with new ips
Autconnect disks - work nicely, one server pretty much trew this connection option away by insulting the creators work, so finding to proper autoconnect disk for a specific server might not be easy but it's doable
pc-dc server - not exactly a connection method for newbies
Patcher disk - works only on an official game disk
Dialup - finding a free dialup is not easy everywhere
BBA - heavy initial investment

Obviously BB is still popular, it's the main focus of Private servers and connecting there is easy and accessible to everyone.
If the connection method required something like a pc/dc server then it wouldn't be the same.

With pso v2, just arrange a game with someone on sylverant.

>> No.1826016

>it's a direct port
Not even close.

>> No.1826037

Isn't dialup like $1 a month for most?

Dreamcast's BBA is fucking expensive on ebay though.

>> No.1826053

Care to elaborate? Not him, but I'd like to see some arguments to the contrary.

>> No.1826070

Version 3 (Gamecube and XBox) changed up the game mechanics rather hugely. New characters to play as, different damage mechanics, different experience gain, completely different item drop charts and drop frequencies, basically every item rebalanced in some way along with some new items, and a whole new episode with new quests for a game with nearly twice as much content as v2.

Blue Burst is version 3 with another episode and some new items to go along with it, along with server-side saving. It plays pretty far away from v1 or v2. The only versions of PSO that it really makes sense to call "ports" are v2 for the Dreamcast and PC and Episode 1 & 2 for Xbox and Gamecube.

>> No.1826075

All well and good, I get that there are differences but is it really this much different?

It's the same game with some additions or tweaks, along with new content that noone ever plays

>> No.1826080

>It's the same game with some additions or tweaks, along with new content that noone ever plays
That's an apt description for Blue Burst compared to Episode 1 & 2, but as I said Episode 1 & 2 is practically a total game reworking compared to v2.

>> No.1826085

Hmm, I see. Maybe if I had played the actual ver2 I'd be able to understand better.

>> No.1826091

Of course Dreamcast versions are a lot different. The mechanics are different, what's viable on your character is different, the difficulty of enemies is different.

Nigga we don't even have red boxes. They may essentially be different versions of the same game, but the meta is vastly different.

>> No.1826450
File: 2.28 MB, 1680x1050, pso 2013-06-13 20-25-17-62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still PSO, that makes the game attractive on GC also exists on the dreamcast versions.
It's limited fun and unbalanced in certain ways but that's PSO v1 and PSO v2

>> No.1827443

Awful nice evening for some PSO I bet...

>> No.1827470

pso is dead

>> No.1827492 [DELETED] 

Please take this warning seriously and move all general game threads to /vg/

>> No.1827556 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 300x166, 1400060076926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat a dick, backseat mod.

>> No.1827656

At the risk of sounding like a complete dumbass, is SCHTHACK down for maintenance or is it something else? Server status is offline and I'm unable to register.

>> No.1827661

Did you make that thread on /v/ earlier? The server has been just fine for me and I've been popping off and on looking for people to play with all evening.

>> No.1827675

Nah that wasn't me. This is the second time tonight someone has mistaken me for another anon though. Anyways, I'm getting these error codes at the top of the page:

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to gsproduc.ath.cx:8555 (Connection refused) in /home2/crono114/public_html/stats/inc-pingdomain.php on line 17

Warning: file_get_contents(http://gsproduc.ath.cx:8555/stat.html)) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Connection refused in /home2/crono114/public_html/stats/inc-pingdomain.php on line 37

I'll mess around with my comp settings and see if something's amiss.

>> No.1827678

Oh yeah I see that junk on their front page too now. Well whatever the problem is it's not affecting the actual game server.

>> No.1827681

Can confirm the server is working. It's just their site.

>> No.1827684
File: 8 KB, 183x251, 1404892971718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"extremely hi res"

>> No.1827685

Alrighty then, I'll see if I registered successfully and what not. Thanks for the info guys.

>> No.1827774
File: 235 KB, 639x480, whelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp, I'm pretty sure the site fucking up is preventing me from actually registering, hence pic related. I'll try to play some other time then.

>> No.1827786

Did you try running the client in admin mode?

>> No.1827808

I'm a fool. Thank you anon, that let me connect. It's now telling me my password or username is incorrect, so I'll see if there's anything I can do about that.

>> No.1828047

>dat disgusting UI
Do me a favor and go to your /data folder and remove f256_hyouji.prs. You'll thank me later.

>> No.1828103


I second this.

Seriously, what is up with that shit.

>> No.1828153 [DELETED] 

Please learn to filter threads, you subhuman faggot.

>> No.1828172
File: 172 KB, 640x480, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that's a lot better.

Also, because registration is being weird, how do I know if my account was successfully created? Should I get confirmation email instantly or something like that? Or is this proof enough?

>> No.1828393

Well, grab PSO v2 and take similar screens, enjoy

>> No.1828618

You don't even actually need to give a real e-mail address to register.

>> No.1828883

*Opens up a random pso v2 screenshot topic*
screenshot resolution of all screenshots: 640*480

*opens up a random page on a pso bb screenshot page*
Screenshots resolutions:
1024px × 819px
640px × 480px
960px × 720px
1365px × 691px
1169px × 653px
(wtf are these res anyway?)

I guess that sums it up

>> No.1829449

Anyone out there want to kill something together?

I'm trying to play PSU to while away time but the thing is terribad

>> No.1829513


>> No.1829523

People playing in windowed mode I imagine.

>> No.1829554

Awright, cool. You want low level or high level? I have s2 lowbies at around 4-6, a guy at 15 and another at 130. I'm not very good for Ultimate though.

>> No.1829578

What's an s2? I'm good for Normal or whatever. Can play Ultimate too if you really want.

>> No.1829583

Don't know hiw I typed that. I meant I have 2 lowbies, not s2. I'd rather play low level, as ultimate can be a pain in the fundament. Logging in a few minutes, where do we meet?

>> No.1829590

Apparently lobby 4 is the new home of /vr/, despite lobby 8 being objectively better.

>> No.1829598

Well, let's go to number 8 then. Don't know what's so good about the whole rainbow thing, See you in a bit.

>> No.1829614

>Not like based purple lobby where no one else goes

Screw Lobby 8. Rainbows were ruined by homosexuals and the MLP fanbase.

>> No.1829617

All right glorious lobby 7 then. 4 is too close to the default normie lobbies.

>> No.1829621

Speaking of the lobbies, how do we get in touch with Lee to remove those stupid ancient JPEGs of cats and PSO fan art?

>> No.1829624

Going have to see a screenshot of lobby 7 before I decide on anything.

>> No.1829631

fyi we're in a lowbie game called "el vidyo"

password "rage"

>> No.1829634

....aand the server restarted.

So try again?

>> No.1829639

You got disconnected too? I can't get back on yet. Server might be crapping itself at the moment.

>> No.1829642

There was a message about the server restarting. I wonder how long it'll take

>> No.1829646

Oh do it did reset. Was it one of those banner scrollers at the top? All I noticed was my disconnect message.

>> No.1829652

Yeah. Too fast though, didn't even get to complain. It's back on now. Be back in a minute.

>> No.1829657
File: 994 KB, 1032x795, glorious planet thingamajig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1830146
File: 559 KB, 765x757, errorcode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to register, keep getting this. Anyone know what's the deal? Blacked out is desired username and password, not that it really matters.

>> No.1830192

registering is fucked up at the moment

>> No.1830195

Alright, that's what I figured. Thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.1830692

>What is your favorite class/race to play as?
>Is there a particular class you like to party with?
Hunters or Rangers. Anyone who can stand between myself and monsters.
>What's your favorite weapon type of your favorite class?
Despite my previous comment, sabers and double sabers are best.
>If you play FO classes, is there a particular spell you consider your bread and better?
Well, I like using Shift + Deband for buffing. For offense though, I like to stick with good ol' Foie.

>> No.1832042

Can't decide on my new V2 character

0-2 Hunter
3-6 Force
7-9 Ranger

>> No.1832053

Humar, equip him stuff to compensate his weaknesses (state maintenance, sense plate) or make a hucast and make a twins oriented build (use most of your armor slots with pb creates)
Don't make redrias if you're a hunter, anything else is ok

>> No.1832063

>Don't make redrias if you're a hunter
Are you intentionally giving shit advice? Redria is the only ID that gets God/Battle with any ease, and has some other nice drops too.

>> No.1832103

Didn't user ask about a new V2 char?

V2 =/= GC/BB

>Redria is the only ID that gets God/Battle with any ease, and has some other nice drops too.
Yeah, that doesn't apply to v2

>> No.1832116

Derp, my bad.

>> No.1832456

Don't. Just come play BB with us :')

>> No.1832556

Anyone up for some indiscriminate monster slaying?

>> No.1832605


>> No.1832625


Anyone else?