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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1811689 No.1811689 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1811705
File: 1.19 MB, 2620x1420, N64-Controller-Pak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no memory card
Yeah on first party titles only.
I fucking hated this thing so much.

>> No.1811710

Fuck I hated these things.
I started Rayman 2 over from the beginning about a million times because these constantly erase saves.

>> No.1811716

Luckily I never lost a save on my 3rd party cards

>> No.1811729
File: 2.11 MB, 2449x3000, 1405550216907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 would've been the superior console if it had more storage, a CD drive perhaps.
Cartridges are nice, but shitty in many aspects and ultimately are too expensive.
Batteries can die, but I'm sure n64 carts are still fine.

>> No.1811739

I never saved anything on an external memory card on N64. How do they even work?

>> No.1811748

Badly optimized with pages instead of blocks or kb. I think Turok 2 alone would take up the entire thing.

>> No.1811756

Pages? The hell is a page?

>> No.1811764

Same as a block on the ps1 but a single game would take hundreds of them.

>> No.1811771

>no memory

>> No.1811775

I could never finish Gauntlet Legends as a kid because I didn't have enough time to play it before I had to shut it off, I had a rumble pack but no memory cards.

>> No.1811778

The only game I remember needing a memory card was Mystical Ninja and I think Armorines. I know there were more, but they're the only ones I encountered. I still don't have one so when I play Mystical Ninja I have to marathon it.

>> No.1811787

Sega was the only company who did it right, by giving you a free built-in memory card inside the saturn.

>> No.1811794

How about decent boxes too. Fucking N64 boxes are made out of toilet paper or something

>> No.1811957

..one that would arbitrarily die taking your game saves with it

>> No.1811969

The jewel cases CD games came in were all super fragile as well and they sometimes cracked for no reason even when you completely babied the things. It wasn't until 6th Gen when everyone started using the softer DVD cases where we had good boxes for optical disc games.

>> No.1811972
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>Pick up a copy of Mystical Ninja at a flea market
>Pumped to play, used to rent it all the time as a kid
>Play it straight through until I get all 4 characters
>Save and turn it off
>Turn it on the next day

>> No.1812002

It would last long enough for you to buy your ass a proper memory cart.

>> No.1812009

These are what killed the 64 for me and ultimately led me to prefer discs and memory cards to cartriges.
Not to mention, you could borrow/rent a game, get halfway through it, give it back and then get your own copy to finish up.
You could lend out games without worrying about twats deleting your saves.
You could bring your memory card to a friends house and have all your saves instead of risking losing or forgetting games, and if you forget your memory card, that's why you're able to back them up. Always have a regular backup in slot 2 at home.

>> No.1812064

Which defeats the purpose of even including a built in one completely nullifying that guy's praise.

>> No.1812074

>Controller Pak always corrupting and losing my THPS saves

>WWF No Mercy cart memory is fucked rendering career mode useless unless I want to keep the damn console constantly on.

>> No.1812083

Is it true that you couldn't delete/manage saves unless you had Diddy Kong Racing?
I had a shitty 3rd party memory pak and couldn't find any other way to do it.

>> No.1812092

I didn't have a memory card at all so when I played mystical ninja I knew what would happen when I turned it off.
So me and my brothers all got really good at running through certain parts of the game and we'd take turns all throughout the day trying to get as far as we could before turning it off. Eventually we got to the last stage in one go, but we couldn't beat it so we just turned it off and left it alone after that.
It never occurred to us to just leave it on all night.
To this day I've never finished that game.

>> No.1812102

Pretty sure every N64 game that uses controller paks is required to have a built in save manager. Each game just has a different way of activating it. Read the manual.

>> No.1812104

most games that used the memory card had a manager that you could go into if you held start while turning on the console

>> No.1812149


Just hold down L and R when turning the N64 on to enter the memory pack management menu.

>> No.1812189

>Saves from 15 years ago still work
You're pretty lucky then.

>> No.1812197

Wait, so the No Mercy thing wasn't just my copy? What the hell was wrong with it, then?

>> No.1812235
File: 9 KB, 256x222, 77297-dragon-view-snes-screenshot-beautiful-intros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nostalgia goggle love of the N64 baffled me. For those of us that had to choose just one console and unwittingly chose the N64 out of some stupid fan boy obligation got to enjoy Star Fox for about a year while our friends were raving about Final Fantasy 7

>> No.1812238

same. n64 is shit and I even knew it as a kid. I always wanted a ps1 but rents would never give in

worst library of the three (real) consoles of 5th gen

>> No.1812253

regardless both consoles are still 1000x better than our current generation of dog shit, DRM, and facebook integration.

one could only wish for another 4th or 5th or 6th gen

>> No.1812267
File: 283 KB, 638x492, 1389962054674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally agree.

Maybe with exception of the N64.

>> No.1812271

>Costs 70+ dollars
>Couldn't hold as much data as CD games

>> No.1812273

It was some stupid programming glitch. It's rather well known.

>> No.1812281

I would take a thousand years of N64 over a month of next gen systems.

>> No.1812285

The main issue with the N64 at the time is that good releases were so few and far between. For literally every 5-10 awesome AAA games the PS1 got, the N64 got 1-3, maybe. MAYBE.

At that time, a lot of people liked the PS1 more because of this fact. I myself am one of those people. I mean, I'd rather be playing new survival horror, RPG, action, racing and stealth games every month than replaying Goldeneye for the 40th time waiting on the next actual good release.

These days, the N64 has an audience because it ended up having some great games. Greater even than those on the PS1 in some cases. And faggots gonna fag with the whole "hurr, no loading tiems!" bullshit. So the N64 has merit these days to many. But mostly people who weren't around to see the waiting for months on end before getting anything good while Sony had good shit come out literally every week.
And honestly, the whole industry is now like the N64 was then release timetable wise. So perhaps these people just refuse to believe that there was ever a time when good and great games came out that frequently.

And that's not even getting into the fact that while the N64 had arguably better games in many genres, if frequently had 1-10 games in genres that Sony had hundreds of games in. And the fact that Sony had more genres covered to begin with that never saw the light on the N64 at all. And Sony literally changed the industry while N64 just kind of floated along beside it for the ride.

Personally, I like the N64 for the same 10 games everyone else loves it for. But that's the only reason to get one (or emulate), while the PS1 is still one of the best consoles in history that brought us more genres, more new genres, more games, more revolutionary games and more overall quality than almost any other console ever.

N64 just doesn't compete in any kind of serious way.

>> No.1812296

Yeah, only revolutionary thing about it was the analog.
That was new.

>> No.1812347

Most of the saves on my Game Boy cartridges from 20 years ago still work. The only dead one that I know of is Donkey Kong.

>> No.1812350

I prefer ps3's library to n64 anyday . unless your talking about the latest gen. games aren't even out yet though so that's kinda a silly argument.

>> No.1812359

I have 4 times as many N64 games as I have PS3. The only non-retro system I have as as many or more games for as the N64 are GameCube, Wii, and modern PC games.

>> No.1812364

List them, bet they're mostly ps1 ports.
Nintendo and Rare games don't count.

>> No.1812368

er, forgot about the PS2. I have quite a few PS2 games as well.

>> No.1812376
File: 8 KB, 310x315, ego.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>list the games to prove that you have a lot of them
>if they're multi-platform they don't count
>popular and good games don't count

The fuck?

>> No.1812378

>Nintendo and Rare games don't count.
Too bad Sony doesn't have any good first party games I care about other than Legend of Dragoon, Ico, and Shadow of the Colossus. First and second party games do count despite how you feel.