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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1808040 No.1808040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was meeting up with a fellow local collector today in order to discuss potential trades and what not and he showed me he has 3 copies of Little Samson and 2 copies of Surprise at Dinosaur Peak. He didn't want to sell or trade them because he "Wants 3 copies of every game"

What's your opinion on those kinds of guys? I was kind of pissed and felt like he could be driving the prices of those games up by hogging all the rare shit.

>> No.1808051

having 3 copies is retarded, but one person holding 3 copies won't drive up the price at all.

>> No.1808090

Locally, he could.

>> No.1808118

>3 copies
fucking stupid
sure it's acceptable with games now or if you bought them at launch but this is the sort of shit ruining it for the rest of else

>> No.1808125

>collecting 3 of each game
>collecting 2 of each game
>collecting games

How about trying playing games instead, maybe try collecting flashcarts.

>> No.1808129
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>> No.1808137

is there a big local market for late-era NES Taito games in your area?

>> No.1808163

he's scum

>> No.1808170

Can I just say, Little Samson was fucking HAERD?

I've beaten Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania I. I understand Nintendo Hard. But this game just fucking #rekks me.

>> No.1808172

He's a hoarder faggot who wants to drive up prices.
He's not collecting three copies of every game, he's collecting one and selling two when the prices are appropriate.

>> No.1808202

>3 of each
Sounds like he's doing the Lucky Star approach (One to play with, one to display, and one to trade) minus the trade part.

I could understand getting duplicates if they're cheap and you intend to trade later for something else rare, or to replace a game you already own that's in shitty condition, but this guy sounds like a faggot.

I don't get why the dude needs 3 of every game. Even the common ones? That sounds like real OCD shit, not just autism as a buzzword.

>> No.1808230

1 copy to pick and play
1 copy to put on shelf and leave untouched forever

What's the purpose of the third one?

>> No.1808238

have sex with obviously

>> No.1808240
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I don't have a problem with someone keeping rare games. I take issue with resellers artificially increasing demand.

>> No.1808249

>That torn Hagane label

Man this sucks. Nice collection though.

>> No.1808283

>not getting one copy and a flash cart
He's hoarding.
Go kill him.

>> No.1808290
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Gawd I want Hagane so bad but I can't throw down so much for it. Hopefully I'll get lucky one day

>> No.1808293

It's not that great, I'd rather play shinobi 3 or shadow dancer.

>> No.1808301

>i don't have a problem with people taking more than they need
You have a problem with resellers artificially increasing demand, but it's okay when everyone else does it?

>> No.1808303

It's just the collector in me that wants it so bad. I also want that Ninja Gaiden Trilogy but can't find one for a decent price.

>> No.1809770

Or he could be hording them to mark up the value.

Pat contri says there are resellers and traders who buy a big stock of one game and sit on them so they can put them on ebay in a few years at a mark up.

>> No.1810250


Reminds me of that pic of stacks upon stacks of a Dragon Warrior game sitting on some dudes table.

>> No.1810257
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>Wants 3 copies of every game

>> No.1811742

Fucking greedy waste of space scumbag who deserves to die in a fire.