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File: 53 KB, 400x300, death-castlevania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1803759 No.1803759 [Reply] [Original]

Can't beat him. Can't.

>> No.1803790

use holy water and trap him on the platform if you still can't beat him end your life.

>> No.1803796

Yeah, you beat me to it. With the level 3 holly water it's the cheapest battle in the game.

>> No.1803798

I find going to the left and throwing a shit load of axes right works.

>> No.1803821

I always focused entirely on destroying scythes while damaging Death with stray crosses

>> No.1803843

There is no holy water on this level. So I have to get all the way to him without dying once

>> No.1803845

I beat him on 5-6th try, whip-only, on my first playthrough. Never played Castlevania again. How lucky was I?

>> No.1803853

golden god

>> No.1803858

You should have bought a lottery ticket that day.

>> No.1803861

I'm having trouble making it through the hallway before him. Fucking Medusa heads.

>> No.1803891
File: 51 KB, 400x400, campbellwhyte7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the way I do it.

>> No.1803909

Medusa heads themselves are piss. You just STOP.

But when combined with axe armors who fucking retreat...

>> No.1803940

there are spots in the hallway you can stand where the heads wont hit you they do move in set algorithms, that is why I rage when fucking idiots with no pattern recognition cry random. There are safe spots you can deal with the armours though and not get hit with heads

>> No.1803973

Death and his stage isn't that bad.

That clocktower with the fleas though, that made me salty.

>> No.1804941

You can still do it with the cross, not as effective as the triple holy water, but still effective, especially if you can time the spacing right to trap him there, also buffer him with the whip to keep him in place. It's the effect of him being hit, even while not being damaged, that is keeping him from moving.

>> No.1805278

>That clocktower with the fleas though, that made me salty.

that's easy as hell though, especially if you use the stop watch they give you earlier in the stage. plus you only have to beat it once and you can continue right before Dracula.

>> No.1806170

>the moment you realize that Holy Water is the best weapon in the game
Useless against Dracula though.

>> No.1806182

its effective against his second form though that is why it gives it to you in the room

>> No.1806214

>There is no holy water on this level.
Yes there is.

Walk toward the axe armors, jump forward and throw a holy water while in the air.

>> No.1806523
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>using glitches to win

kill yourselves

>> No.1806543

>With the level 3 holly water it's the cheapest battle in the game.
Don't forget that to make it happen you have to beat the stage without dying once.

A lot of kids who only watch games on Youtube instead of actually playing forget this. I'm not talking about you, you know who I'm talking about.

>> No.1806547

I spent my whole life unable to beat him too.

Until I decided to spend my whole afternoon playing the game to finally beat the game and I did (didn't even spend all afternoon)

It honestly wasn't that hard. I guess those games get reputation of being hard as balls because people give up way too fast, even when there are infinite continues.

>> No.1806554


they get those reputations because people played them as kids and we all know kids suck at gaems
But when you grow up you get better coordination in your fingers

>> No.1806562

>implying it's a glitch

Stunlocking is a part of the game.

>> No.1806590


The holy water is supposed to stun enemies for a second or 2 so you can land a hit
being able to freeze the enemy with the holy water
so you can comfortably wallop them to death is a cheap glitch

>> No.1806602

>The holy water is supposed to stun enemies for a second or 2 so you can land a hit
And that's exactly what it does. How is that a glitch?

Being able to chain several of them together isn't a "glitch", that's the whole entire purpose of the double and triple shot.

>> No.1806608

If you get to Death with triple Holy Water, I don't see how using it against him is "cheap." It doesn't act outside of the intended gameplay mechanics.

>> No.1806620
File: 17 KB, 353x334, 10482146_760992220617967_7791922876610699665_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It does that, but it does even more than supposed to because it's broken.
You're not supposed to trap enemies like that because it ruins the challenge.

Look, this is a NES game we're talking about.
Remember that these kind of games back then had to be extremely hard because they were too short.
Why would the game designers purposely add a weapon that is basically an instant win button?

The enemies don't have an immunity period after being hurt with the holy water because it's a fucking glitch; or bad programming.

>> No.1806625

Nothing in CV1 has an immunity period after being hit with ANYTHING, except for Simon.

>> No.1806630

Every Dracula End boss, In every Castlevania is easy as shit.

>> No.1806632

ur rtarded

>> No.1806634


If I recall correctly; your whip has a delay.
That's their immunity period.
The holy water has a continuous effect for a second once it hits.

>> No.1806638

Hurling crosses at him and destroying scythes is the easiest way to beat the Grim Reaper, if I remember correctly.

50% of the challenge is getting to the fucker without losing any health thanks to the annoying fucking axe knights before that.

>> No.1806683

>Remember that these kind of games back then had to be extremely hard because they were too short.
That's a myth, actually. And stunlocking bosses with the holy water is a valid strategy; why else would it be in the game?

>> No.1806695

>why else would it be in the game?

glitch comes into mind

>> No.1806696

You keep using that word; I don't think you know what it means.

If the holy water is a "glitch" then why is it in several other Castlevania games, where it works exactly the same way, stunlock and all? Do you even know what a glitch is?

>> No.1806698

>where it works exactly the same way

I don't think so

>> No.1806709

So you've never played Castlevania 3, Castlevania 4, Bloodlines, Rondo of Blood, or basically any Castlevania game before Shitphony of the Night?

>> No.1806721


I don't recall the holy water stunning enemies beyond C2
But I know why you're upset.
You beat death with the holy water and feel disgusted with yourself don't you?
Come on give it another try fairly, I know you can do it and finally become a man

>> No.1806729

>I don't recall the holy water stunning enemies beyond C2
Because you didn't play them.

>> No.1806734


or maybe you didn't
you were too dependent on stun-locks

>> No.1806737
File: 188 KB, 600x750, pb shhsshhsssshhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you start playing armchair psychologist in a thread about video games, it's probably time to get off the computer for a bit. Go ride your bike or something.

>> No.1806750


When you start playing princess tripfag with avatars to get attention in image boards about video games, it's probably time to get off the computer for a bit. Go ride your bike or something.

>> No.1806754

It's a valid strategy, quit sperging.

>> No.1806775


alright bro you win if you want
if you just don't like challenge I can deal with it
it's all about having fun anyway right?

>> No.1806789

>it's all about having fun anyway right?
Y-yes? Why else?

>> No.1806792
File: 47 KB, 655x560, lenny carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to try so hard.

>> No.1806809 [DELETED] 
File: 433 KB, 800x533, 1405331078053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just tell me if you are upset and I'll stop sweetie
just say the word and I'll delete all my comments

>> No.1806815

Delete the coments. I'm upset.
Do it.

>> No.1806821
File: 98 KB, 736x736, 1395609977542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't be upset.
Maybe you should take that bike ride and cool off for a while.

>> No.1806823
File: 26 KB, 256x256, Werewolf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By using your subweapon to break candles, you can get the double/triple shots easier. Get triple shot Crosses and fuck him up real good. Works well for the hallway from hell too.

People complain about Death, but I find he has nothing on this douchebag.

>> No.1806842

>By using your subweapon to break candles, you can get the double/triple shots easier

Don't use your subweapon to break candles, that's cheap and a glitch. Why would the game developers purposely add a feature that basically rewards you for being cheap? It's broken and you're not supposed to do it.

>> No.1806846
File: 115 KB, 400x372, th14 2014-05-23 01-43-45-89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're silly. What does it matter whether you destroy enemies or candles?

>> No.1806847

That post was satire, I'm making fun of >>1806620

>> No.1806851

damn it, I've been had!

>> No.1806853

>That post was satire, I'm making fun of

plis no ;__;

>> No.1806910

Ok, I tried it again, and I did develop a good timing to jump over the medusa heads while taking down the axe armors, but it's still maddening how scythes can spawn right on top of you and their hitboxes seem so small

>> No.1806932
File: 14 KB, 454x532, tr5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1807343

oh wow I guess the holy water was an oversight in literally every classic castlevania game since the stunlock is such a glitch and not an obviously intentional feature

>> No.1807362

don't even bother trying to argue with that guy. It's painfully obvious by his post he actually has autism. I know that word gets thrown around a lot but I am serious this time. People aren't normally as stubborn as that retard is.

>> No.1808395


>> No.1808429

I hope you aren't trying to imply that neogaf invented that term.

>> No.1808448

>Someone calls Holy water's stunlocking a glitch

Also, fighting Frankenstein+The hunchback was harder than Death, and i managed to take away half of its health with whip only

>> No.1808451

Yeah he's wrong; it was those imbeciles in the so-called "fighting game community".

>> No.1808457


They didn't come up with the term either...

>> No.1808459

>oh wow I guess the holy water was an oversight in literally every classic castlevania game since the stunlock is such a glitch and not an obviously intentional feature
Well it didn't stun in CV2, so maybe they just got it wrong everywhere else?

This further proves that CV2 is best CV.

>> No.1808467


>> No.1808476

Yeah duh just go through the entire level without ever dying that sure solves all my problems thanks

Read the fucking thread, shitmouth

>> No.1808587 [DELETED] 

>Portrait of Ruin
>Circle of the Moon

>> No.1808597 [DELETED] 


>> No.1808607 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1405717157068s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up.
The games are relavant to the post, stop crying about a simple mention like it's going to destroy /vr/. Faggot. If I posted a thread dedicated to either of those games THEN you could do that or report it since a thread about them isn't /vr/, but I didn't so you couldn't so shut your tryhard ass up. Fucking lowlife nerd.

>> No.1808609 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 250px-AriaofSorrowCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone mad.

>> No.1808610

Dracula X (snes)

>> No.1808643 [DELETED] 


not /vr/

>> No.1808661

See >>1808607

>> No.1808871

Look at the top of the page and tell me where you are.

Now ask yourself the following: "Would someone have made a thread on /vr/ to engage in general video game discussion of any nature?"

>> No.1808887
File: 3 KB, 256x240, 1405715135488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your point?

>> No.1808903

Tell that to the people who keep making Doom, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and shmup generals herw

>> No.1808945
File: 907 KB, 1024x1280, pirate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he isn't a swashbuckiling pirate.
M8y you don't even know

>> No.1809310

use the cross weapon, play very slowly and focus on killing scythes foremost

>> No.1809321

its called "git gud" junior