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File: 189 KB, 960x670, mednafen save states.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1803463 No.1803463[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mednafen added save states in latest builds

Thank god.

>> No.1803471 [DELETED] 

>using save states


>> No.1803474

>41 FPS

>> No.1803476


>not using savestates

>> No.1803592

>not using save states to practice for the ultimate 1CC run

>not using save states on actual hardware

absolutely plebian

>> No.1803602


>> No.1803609
File: 3 KB, 222x217, 1395715765188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mednafen is garbage it doesn't have save states


>save states is cheating

>> No.1803641
File: 308 KB, 650x650, xenogears son of a bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes save states are okay.

>> No.1803657

tell that to prometheus . (full extent of the jam)

>> No.1803660


There's no point in 1CC runs if you're gonna savestatesctumming. Full pleb. 1/10.

>> No.1803681
File: 2.00 MB, 313x240, 1391541653332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>something optional happens
>Thank god.


>> No.1803682
File: 223 KB, 968x726, weltal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're playing this on a ps1 or 2 when you here the disc start to rev, that's a sure sigh a random battle is about to happen. This will help you a lil bit. (unless you're emulating then save state away!)

>> No.1803685


>epic may may reaction image


>> No.1803686

for practicing for the 1cc, or high score for that matter. complete plebian tier. read full extent of the jam

>> No.1803689

Now if they could just fix that garbage UI.

>> No.1803694 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 658x493, 1384881383632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1803809

And how would one "fix" the supposedly "garbage" UI?

>> No.1803815


you need save states to practise your 1cc run, you're the pleb here, pleb.

>> No.1803824

Nobody ever said Mednafen was garbage, it has the superior netcode compared to most other emulators. Also, I thought Mednafen had save states already.

>> No.1803829

There isn't even an official GUI. It is console based.

>> No.1803864

>it has the superior netcode compared to most other emulators
Client-server architecture will always be garbage. Peer-to-peer or piss off.

>> No.1803994

It doesn't even sound like you have tried it.

>> No.1804004

git gud faggot


>> No.1804007

>save states
>captured program window
>saved state at title screen
>save states

Is this a troll thread?

>> No.1804015

I absolutely have. You're stuck relying on some other server if you want a playable experience; if you try to host one yourself the lag/resyncs increase substantially.

>> No.1804029

Anyone has a Win32 build?

>> No.1804034
File: 61 KB, 184x184, 1392450115160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mednafen added save states in latest builds
You know what that means... PS1 netplay with Mednafen.

>> No.1804046
File: 142 KB, 1020x783, 1384235812174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Git gud at what? Save stating? LOL

>> No.1804050

I challenge you at any game we both haven't played. I'll practice using save states and you practice normally . I'd bet some real mulah on myself.

also did you even follow or read my link. jesoos

>> No.1804053


>I challenge you at any game, I get to cheat by using save states

you are pathetic.

>> No.1804064


holy shit you are pants on head retarded.

I mean practicing using save states, and then doing a run without using save states, and seeing who gets further on 1credit or high score.

god damnit just read this you fucking idiot


>> No.1804072


hes winding you up dude

>> No.1804074


Yeah, I got what you meant.
It's still save state scum, I don't pertake with such plebeian activity, I'm sorry. I do legit 1cc runs.

>> No.1804078

Man you people manage to argue about the stupidest shit.

>> No.1804086

my fucking autism is off the charts right now.

>> No.1804210


>> No.1804279
File: 22 KB, 219x229, 1403999291953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got a problem with epic may-mays, punk?

>> No.1806432


Mednafen in general has save states.

Mednafen PSX just got them recently.

>> No.1806441

Help me vr, why is the title written in romaji?!

>> No.1806449


It's a translation patch and they also did the title screen change which is also stupid.

>> No.1807391

>Nobody ever said Mednafen was garbage,

A lot of people in fact say Mednafen is garbage for PSX and insist on using HLE.

>> No.1808403

It took them about a decade too. LOL

>> No.1810198

I've never played this and can't make magic engine work
wat do

>> No.1810415

stop holding it wrong

>> No.1810448


Stop holding what wrong?

>> No.1810478

>Not keeping save states from just before fun boss fights

>> No.1810487

The only objection I've seen to Mednafen is its UI, never its emulation. In particular, its Playstation core doesn't require you to mess around with plugins, or stupid game hacks and is actively developed and open source.

>> No.1810498


someone pls respond
I want to play this ;__;

>> No.1810501

You do realize that those opinions are from different people, right?

>> No.1810504

Why should I use them anyway.

>> No.1810527

>Gekka no Yasokyoku

Is this a song about Castlevania?


>> No.1810556

Practicing for a world record is completely different from practicing for a vanilla 1CC. If you use save states for something so trivial, you're a scrub.

Also, come up with your own ideas. Nobody's impressed that you can regurgitate the arguments of a guy who's a hundred times better than you.

>> No.1810568

Originality is not a prerequisite for correctness you twit.

>> No.1810581
File: 13 KB, 640x360, marceline eyebrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the word "scrub"
Seriously? This isn't Gamefaqs.

>> No.1810692

Retroarch has already done that. :^)

>> No.1810708

There are plenty of shmups where vanilla 1CC-ing is pretty difficult. Have fun replaying the first level 10,000 times just to practice one specific bullet pattern of the boss.

>> No.1810712


I'll kill myself

>> No.1810764


How about using a better emulator? And don't don't ask "which emulator". Use Google.

>> No.1810773


which emulator?
and it's not really the emulator
every ISO of the game I download my computer says it's corrupted or something
So I can't mount it

>> No.1811464

Just don't go around bragging about all the games you've 1CC'd when you didn't get through a single one without your save state advantage.

>> No.1811470

>bragging about legit 1ccs on an emulator
Whoop de doo it's fucking nothing.

>> No.1811480

>bragging about your sperglord timewasting at all


>> No.1811665

>Caring about save states at all
>Getting mad for non forced option
Stay mad. I'm glad my use of save states makes you angry LOL

>> No.1811963

>using savestates
>not playing the game in the way the developers originally intended

I bet you don't even use a CRT shader

>> No.1811968

what if i practice using save states and then do a legit 1cc on actual hardware. u mad at all the time you wasted?

>> No.1811973

I bet you don't even use an arcadeVGA card w/ an i7 overclocked to 10 Ghz , hooked up to a 15khz arcade monitor via custom RGB cable.

I wish I had enough spare cash to make a mame machine like this :(

>> No.1811982


>People who have never accomplished anything noteworthy in their lives.

>> No.1811986

is there a retroarch core update yet?

>> No.1811989

Joke's on you, I beat oshaberi parodius in one credit!

>> No.1811993

tell that to danmaku players that set world records in mame.

really seems like no one in this thread knows what they're talking about.

>> No.1811994


ok that's breddy kool.

>> No.1812010

>go to the ice rink
>get 1cc
>get wedgie

>> No.1812014

>in mame
Mame doesn't emulate blitter delay properly, it's either faster than the actual board or slower with glitches.
Not even the Xbox 360 ports run at the exact same speed as the PCB, if you're talking about CAVE SH3 hardware.
So essentially their WR are useless unless they can replicate it on real hardware.

>> No.1812021

And this is what I was getting at when I quoted
>in emulators

>> No.1812023

whatever nerd

>> No.1812028


check out the drop down list for systems

also try telling that to these guys http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=38524&sid=0f8a6efb1f0942f2ed7ab62c53cf4e42

>> No.1812030

Suck my C0CK duuuuuuuude.

>> No.1812041

Turns out these gusy agree with me. How in heavens would that happen?


>> No.1812042

>but m-muh BLITTER!

whatever the fuck that is.

>> No.1812050

The thing that draws bullets on screen, when there are too many at once the game is meant to slow down.

MAME didn't support that shit until recently, and even now it's still imperfect.

>> No.1812051

random thread about crt-tier faggots discussing dat dere blitty delay VERSUS the official high score thread.

mmmmmk dood

>> No.1812059

Try reading the threads, sperglord. Quoted from the second one:
>Post subject: Re: Mame 0.153 Cave SH-3 emulation
>PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:53 pm

>They aren't 100% accurate to the PCB and never will be but the same can be said for the ports. That doesn't mean that people can't have fun playing them.

>I don't understand why there's so much animosity towards the fact that some people find the games enjoyable in MAME. If this was an issue of freezing, crashing, and/or graphical glitches and enemies, bullets, and backgrounds not being rendered properly then I could understand the lashing out but that's far from the case. Most people just want to be able to play the game from beginning to the end and get a clear which is entirely doable in this case. If you're going for a world record then I wouldn't recommend playing the games in MAME but if that's what you're shooting for then you may as well just buy the PCB.

>To the OP: 63% - 65% blitter delay is the best supported after all of the research that's been done.

>> No.1812062

its not an arcade game it doesnt have credits so how would u 1CC 0___o

>> No.1812068

is this just cave sh-3? guess those highscores are gonna be contained to the few fagmo's that can afford a jamma setup and pcb

>> No.1812073

i don't think we were talking about any game in particular

>> No.1812087

All cave boards have it now, even SH1 and 2.
You can enabled the delay thing by pressing tab and going into game configuration, then go to slider settings and set it to the same amount these people are using.
Thing is, if you use anything above 60%, the game won't load sprites correctly and there will be glitches.

>> No.1812101

>go to game configuration
>enable blitter delay
>go to slider settings
>set it to 63% which seems to be the amount these people use
>reset game
I'm quoting my dead grandfather.

>> No.1812106

so people playing these games on MAME can just compete with other people playing on MAME and we're all good?

I wonder what the discrepancy in scores would look like between actual hardware and mame players

>> No.1812116

Not just that, and this is pretty well documented, MAME has extra input lag than the PCB.

>> No.1812129

Games with input lag:
Even changing your video settings seem to mess with your lag frames.

>> No.1812136

guess that kinda settles the whole "M-MAH LATENCY" argument then, seeing as plenty of mame players hold world records for arcade games

>> No.1812190

Are you sure about that? How do they even make sure they didn't cheat? Weren't the jap players way way ahead of the western player base?

>> No.1812193

A little bit of latency is fine, people (mostly casual players) get this strange idea in their head that everything you encounter in an action game is pure reflexes but this is hardly true and most untrue for the extreme level of choreography and memorization involved in a world record playthrough.

>> No.1812204


sounds paranoid to me. also I'm sure the guys on shmups forums and twin galaxies have some way of checking for that.

prometheus, the guy with the highest score for dodonpachi in the west, plays on emulators with a keyboard exclusively. and he uses save states.

see the link in >>1804064

>> No.1812237


Don't mount anything.

Use one of these:

Don't use magic engine.

>> No.1812240

Yeah, I just checked and the game he plays - Daioujou - doesn't have a blitter delay setting.
Fair enough, I still think it's weird.

>> No.1812252

thanks for actually taking the time to check, I'm glad. I do agree with you though that actual hardware is always better, but for arcade games , I just think mame is more feasible. and should even be used as the standard

>> No.1812328

It's okay if you have fun with save scumming. Whatever floats your boat. Just don't kid yourself by calling it 'practice'.

>> No.1812520

Fun or practice are valid reasons to use save states or even cheat features. Obviously a playthrough with those is invalid for a 1cc though.

>> No.1813240

Win64 builds:



>> No.1813256

ever tried memorizing a bullet pattern in a danmaku shmup?

>> No.1813262

probably just a hiccup from taking the screenshot

>> No.1813349

I don't need save games for that.

>> No.1813404


have fun redoing the first (second, third) level 1000 times just to practice a single boss pattern

>> No.1813950

let's see some proof.

>> No.1814385



>> No.1815072

>have fun

Thanks. I certainly have fun playing games.

You know, I won't have any problems sleeping tonight even if you don't believe me.

>> No.1816376

>Turns out these gusy agree with me.

Whoop de fuckin do

>> No.1818181



>> No.1819979


Mednafen download page, information, guides and links to GUI frontends.

>> No.1819986

You have a point . My issue is that for alot of shmups, the level's themselves are easy as fuck while the boss will have a pattern or two that takes me many times to figure out down pat. The tedium of redo-ing the easy level to practice the pattern gets to me. especially when I get hit right away.

>> No.1819996

mfw i made this logo

>> No.1820007
File: 480 KB, 640x480, 1070titlescreen[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do think it would have been best to use the original JP text and then to simply add English subtitle just under it.

>> No.1820012

looks pretty good to me

>> No.1820017


You were one of the devs who helped translate the game? Good job guys. It's my preferred means of playing the game.

>> No.1820028

I was following specs from the project lead. It was fun to rebuild it from scratch with Fireworks.

>> No.1820034


have you done any other romhacking stuff?

>> No.1820069

this crap http://www.romhacking.net/translations/1110/
and then mostly English to Italian stuff

>> No.1821993


how mature.

>> No.1822179

casual detected

>> No.1822943


shit that looks nice.

>> No.1822950

crt-faggot detected

>> No.1823048

you're still a casual though.

>> No.1825037

da fug does mednafen mean?

>> No.1825159

My Emulator Doesn't Need A Frickin' Excellent Name.

>> No.1825690



>> No.1826329


bullshit. they made that up after.

>> No.1828201

I don't believe you.


>> No.1828952


save states are for pussies. saged

>> No.1828979

you should get that rear of your's checked sonny, it's all bloodied up.

>> No.1830634


savestates are still for faglords. ps1 did not have one.

>> No.1831618


This isn't a ps1 this is a PC
Keep living in the past grandpa

>> No.1831726

interesting observation, so by all counts you should be using savestates.

>> No.1833306



>> No.1835558

>download mednafen
>click on exe
>nothing happens
>doesn't even show in task manager

well shit

>> No.1835584

Drag and drop the game onto Mednafen, and make sure you've put BIOS files in the Firmware folder first.

>> No.1835595

it was clearly relevant enough for you to bump the thread.

>> No.1835605


thanks man I luv u

>> No.1835614


It's doing what it's supposed to do. It's command line based and has no GUI. So it opens, sees there's nothing to do and then closes again.

You drag and drop a cuesheet file onto it (if it's a PS1 game).

If you just want to use PS1, then you can use it through the RA frontend, which has a GUI (although ugly one):


>> No.1835635


I want to play rondo of blood
I already dragged and dropped and nothing happened

>> No.1835638


Use a GUI then.

Use Retroarch >>1813240 or a GUI frontned for Mednafen.


>> No.1835695


It turns out the rondo of blood I downloaded is an ISO file
wat do

>> No.1835734

load the cue file that came with the iso, not the iso itself.

>> No.1835741


it came with a .TOC file and it doesn't read it

>> No.1835745

Then convert the iso to a bin and a cue.

>> No.1835823
File: 48 KB, 634x513, what the flying fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that would make sense if there only was one goddamn iso file

>> No.1835827
File: 21 KB, 302x447, tracts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ERROR OPENING CD: invalid track format: 01

it almost feels like I'm using linux here
why doesn't shit just werk

>> No.1835875


You don't need to convert to bin/cue. It can read isos just fine.


It would be too much work to make a cuesheet for that since there's so many tracks. Go with another rip of the game that is a simple bin/cue.


There's also other PCE emulators.


Just use anything but Magic Engine and you'll be fine.

>> No.1835881

What's wrong with magic engine?

>> No.1835892


but it already has cuesheet
I posted it right here


and that rip I downloaded is supposed to be translated and has the music and sounds from the psx version

>> No.1835903


It's payware, and has long been outclassed by other emulators. There's no reason to use it.


Thought you said that was a .toc file? A cuesheet is different, and is a .cue.

>and that rip I downloaded is supposed to be translated and has the music and sounds from the psx version

That's really interesting. Where'd you get that?

There is no PSX version of Rondo. Do you mean the PSP version?

There is a translation patch for Rondo of Blood (it's a bit complicated to use) that patches the game to give it the voice and translation of the Virtual Console release.

>> No.1835934


from here


and mednafen is supposed to read .TOC files
it shows me the .TOC file when I search for .cue

>> No.1835953


I don't know, try another rip or just try another emualtor.

>> No.1835971


never mind I made it werk
I did have to select the .cue and then check the "fast emulation" or something option
I dunno wtf is that .toc doing there

>> No.1836490

It's another way to describe the track layout. Just ignore it it won't hurt anything.