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File: 353 KB, 512x512, Nibelheim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1803152 No.1803152 [Reply] [Original]

Coziest moments in video games for you?

>First flashback to Nibelheim right after your party leaves Midgar for the first time
Always brings back the first time I played the game and why I'm replaying it. First real game I cared to play through all the way when I was a kid. Nibelheim is a really chill play too.

>> No.1803154
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Icicle Village

>> No.1803179
File: 250 KB, 512x512, Mt_Corel_railway2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care for trains, but I find this area (and the train graveyard) to be super cozy zones.

>> No.1803185


What game is this OP?

>> No.1803192


>> No.1803234


>> No.1803237

That's beautiful, never did play a FF game, but that makes me want to

>> No.1803302
File: 86 KB, 480x672, Ancient_City_FFVII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to be another post for Final Fantasy 7 but the City of the Ancients was my shit. Love "ancient" quiet, deserted locations like this The imagery made me think of Myst games.

>> No.1803304

Final Fantasy VII's world is so wonderful it's almost a character in itself.

>> No.1803307

>you will never uncover the mysteries of that place

One of my favorite parts of the game was how much was left unsaid, but only implied.

>> No.1803312

That flashback takes fucking forever, I'm always like "Let me just get back to te game"

>> No.1803319

finding a handful of places in morrowind to set up a house
>tfw mining company hq hnghh

>> No.1803484

The submarine in Riven. Driving slowly with all the *blublub* sounds in a tiny lake.

>> No.1803530

This and placing all the equipement and rare stuff on the tables.

>> No.1803546

I thought Midgar itself was rather cozy. All dose nooks & crannies.

>> No.1803569

Lindblum and Nibelheim in their respective games both greatly resemble Ljubljana to me, just minus the canals.
Such a beautiful city, Ljubljana. It's like a faerie tale.

>> No.1803576

Well, think about game's main theme of planet being the living organism. The world IS a character in FFVII.

>> No.1804012

That's my fav FFVII place as well, together with the Sleeping Forest and Corral Valley

>> No.1804019

I love the backgrounds from inside all the houses and shit in FFVII. Each house looks the same at first, but there's so many small details that set them apart. This is truly the last game Square poured their hearts into.

>> No.1804096
File: 118 KB, 320x240, BLUE_2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I miss pre-rendered 3D backgrounds.
I'll gladly sacrifice 3d camera for awesome details.

>> No.1804110

Also, I can't agree with your last sentence.

FFIX is beautiful and Square really put their hearts into it.

>> No.1805045
File: 273 KB, 512x512, Sector7-ffvii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still love the slums

>> No.1805073
File: 233 KB, 233x228, klayman pulls the switch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coziest moments in video games for you?

When it was TIME TO GOOF OFF.

>> No.1805130

I loved how all the buildings you went into still had everything you'd expect a home that was lived in was still there. Like whoever lived there just went out for a walk and never came back. There's even some stuff still running. Gives you an idea of just how fast Jenova messed things up.

>> No.1805763

Skull Monkeys too.

>that goat music.

>> No.1805784

You and me both.

The music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZIrfUHDWjA

>> No.1805787


Eh? I didn't hear any bleating going on in that video.

>> No.1805891

Yeah, that combined with the hollow musical score of the city really makes it pretty horrific on reflection.

>> No.1805913
File: 108 KB, 640x480, prev9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citadel Island
After Funfrock is overthrown and before the Esmers arrive

>> No.1805916


>> No.1806020

fucking love these types of graphics

>> No.1806032

yeah but then u gotta go to the spooky castle....

>> No.1806145
File: 460 KB, 1282x898, 1392079556868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything Kirby and Klonoa.

>> No.1806618


This is why i love this game to death, many people says that is overrated but they are just thinking about the movie impression that was left over the saga. Thye little details on this game are amazing and is much more than cool characters or cool fights. Its really sad how actually this game is now underated because of haters that never actually played the original game

>> No.1808675
File: 635 KB, 1434x680, 1398508100040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played it for the first time one year ago and i can say the same, so it's not just nostalgia.
Midgar it's better than the rest of the game though.

>> No.1810421
File: 6 KB, 160x160, 1405718231839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just bought Black Label FFVII complete for $23.50

>> No.1810482


>> No.1810521

Fuck off you bid sniping piece of shit

>> No.1810557


Oh god Anon I love you. I want to marry you, adopt children with you and watching them play LBA 1&2

But seriously, this game's comfy as fuck. I loved the village of the Knartas, was pretty comfy. Though the bees were cool, too.

>> No.1810563

tfw got it for $2 at a garage sale last year complete

>> No.1810564

I wish prerendered backgrounds made a comeback. Look at how beautiful these are and then consider the age and the low compression/resolution.

Imagine how wonderful these backgrounds would look on modern hardware.

>> No.1812759

These days they wouldn't even need to be pre-rendered. A fixed camera would allow for a massive boost in quality.

Besides, the visual style of FFVII's backgrounds are part of the time it was made. If it was made today it wouldn't have that same bubbly, dirty look.

>> No.1813038

They had fixed cameras, or fixed cameras with slight movements, back during the PS1 era already though. See Dino Crisi for example.

A good example of high quality prerendered BGs would be REmake and RE0. Those games were pretty as fuck still and they were on the gamecube and already a bit dated. There is an immense quality gap of prerendered backgrounds that was made in just one generation of consoles.

If they would bring them back today I'm sure they'd be really fucking good.

>> No.1813170

I think Lhasa from Terranigma is one of the warmest feeling villages I ever played in. Mixed with the music and the outside snow covered ground, I think it was quite an experience.

With a dying CRT television, the screen was darker and more orange than it actually was, but I think it felt a bit better than what the actual image was like.

>> No.1813245
File: 107 KB, 600x450, 1406404016884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feel, I got it 3 years ago for 4.50 at a yard sale with someone who clearly doesn't get value. All other titles on the table were shit, unfortunately

>>mfw It's not even my favorite FF

>> No.1813246

Also the Onimushas and the first Devil May Cry.

>> No.1813275

The name Kalm was pretty fitting for the first town after Midgar. You just felt safe there. Plus the music is incredibly soothing.

>> No.1813280

>Twinsen Odyssey
beaten me to it
combined with that soundtrack, hnnngh. could play forever

>> No.1816440

>"I will finish zipping up my shoes when you zip up my wounded emotions"
This line. Oh my god, it always gets me.

>> No.1816881
File: 501 KB, 600x400, Br69kciCQAAgloT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/agdg/ has you covered.

>> No.1816892

everything before you get out of midgar is some of the best RPG stuff ever. After that it gets worse in my opinion

>> No.1816901
File: 95 KB, 280x189, 280px-Azalea_City[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon gen 2 is just cozy bits stretched out for a whole game

>> No.1817140

Midgar is the worst part of the game for me and it doesn't get good until you're finally free to go where you want on the world map.

>> No.1819343

>that map theme

>that part where it keeps playing when you're crossing that bridge

So cozy. I've got a massive urge to replay it.

>> No.1819351

Gameplay wise maybe. Thematically the beginning in Midgar is the best.

>> No.1819352

I loved midgar, but once I found out there was a big giant world to explore past it, I never thought about midgar again. I was busy finding ultimate weapons and materias and shit on distant islands.

>> No.1819385

Midgar is great for setting a tone and themes. Pretty much everything in the game comes back to Midgar. Even in the Northern Glacier, Barret brings the theme right back to Midgar when he says it's the exact opposite of the city.

>> No.1819584
File: 8 KB, 259x194, cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1819591
File: 96 KB, 332x200, crystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha oh wow wrong save



>> No.1819594

looking at your thumbnail i thought this was warcraft 3

>> No.1819596

as a kid, when you go back to Nibelhiem and all the cloaked figures are acting weird it got 2spooky for me
especially the one just shivering in the corner of a house

>> No.1819626


That whole place is fucking weird. If anything the black cloaked figures are the most normal aspect.

>> No.1820060

I just feel sad that of all the stories they could tell, they always choose the lamest.

Why not a Fall of Reach/First-part-of-FF6-esque story told from the Cetra's point of view as they slowly succumb to Jenova's virus? See their civilisation break down, or join the last surviving enclave in their last desperate battle.

I mean, they don't have to reveal every mystery (the contents of the City's orbs can remain a mystery), and it wont tell anything we don't know, but it's a story of the world that could be told without messing up the original game.

>> No.1820109

In setting, Midgar is the best and most interesting area of the game. In combat and customization it's so dull and static that it's kind of mind-boggling that anyone designed it that way.

Shit, half the of the most interesting gimmick materia are just completely unavailable until there's no one left in the entire game but Sephiroth to use them on! If there's one thing about this game that needs redoing badly when they remake it, it's materia distribution.

>> No.1820126


>Shit, half the of the most interesting gimmick materia are just completely unavailable until there's no one left in the entire game but Sephiroth to use them on! If there's one thing about this game that needs redoing badly when they remake it, it's materia distribution.

couldnt agree more. in general, i wish a lot of the materia were more useful as well. there are so many abilities that are just never very good throughout the game.

this is a problem with all FF games though i suppose. pretty much all status effects are annoying as fuck when they are cast on you, and sometimes quite debilitating, but with very few exceptions they are borderline useless when casting on the enemy. always seemed like a waste of content to me.

at the very least, they should've introduced more status-oriented materia early so you had to rely on that for a while before getting all the heavy-damage stuff.

>> No.1820135

I don't think I used anything outside of the main offensive elements and curative spells.

>> No.1820202

Funnily enough I just romhacked in a significantly more diverse materia start (nothing extremely OP, mostly for diversity and not power, plus a bunch of utility support materia to let you customize more) and gave the basic Fire/Ice/Lightning spells status ailments that help to make them more different from each other AND to scale up to high infliction rates in their 3rd tiers so that they aren't 100% redundant relative to Contain and summons later. The ingame descriptions also detail these chances.

Enemies have 1.25x str/mag and 2x hp (with exceptions being enemies that could otherwise partywipe you with that), so you could call it a mild challenge hack.

I made this for myself to make the game a bit different to play through repeatedly but would anyone be interested?

>> No.1820236

Sure, I'd want to play that.

>> No.1820238

>with very few exceptions they are borderline useless when casting on the enemy

bio works against almost all bosses. silence and darkness as well.

>> No.1820294

Okay, here you go!

>> No.1820303

Darkness can be APPLIED to enemies but very very very few of them will be affected if any because they don't use your same attack scripts. It's a major oversight like MDEF not working. You shade them black a bit and that's the only effect you'll find.

>> No.1820314

There's so many cases of this in FF games.

Don't the goggles do nothing in FF6?

>> No.1820587

>when they remake it

>> No.1820617

They're slow assholes but they WANT to and know it would be a huge cash cow. Could be 2030 when they release it but they will.