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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1795698 No.1795698 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/, I recently picked up a Dreamcast at a convention but I don't have many games for it yet. It seems like all my favorite games growing up are now available on different consoles like Sonic Adventure, Jet Grind Radio, Space Channel 5, Crazy Taxi, etc. Are there still any games you can only play on the Dreamcast?

I have Sword of Berserk: Guts Rage(really big manga fan so I love the game), Record of Lodoss War, and Maken X(I hear it was released on the PS2 but I don't think it came out in the US). Are there any more worthwhile single player experiences on the Dreamcast? JRPGS are okay but I was hoping for another action/rpg type game I might've missed.

>> No.1796721


>Record of Lodoss War

>> No.1797224


I can't believe I forgot about Shenmue. I'll definitely get that next. I have 2 for Xbox but haven't touched it yet since I wanted to play the first one(just completely forgot).

>> No.1797228

Check out skyes of arcadia, evolution 1 and 2, super magnetic neo it play like crash bandicoot, armada. Just burn them these they are great single player titles

>> No.1797314
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>> No.1799456

