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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1793492 No.1793492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The internet was a thing in the late 90s so what are some good retro online games? Web games or MMOs.

I'm pretty sure some of the Nick Clickamajigs are from before 2000.

>> No.1793564

Unfortunately a lot of the old games that still run by the original devs are clusterfucks because they want to be like WOW.

Old online games either ran out of subs or changed a lot for the worse, removing the "online" feature and basically becoming single player experiences with a dash of co-op every once in a while.

EverQuest and Ultima Online were really good games.

>> No.1794814

I used to play a lot of games but I think they're early 2000s now 90s

>> No.1794831

Ultima Online is still running to this day from 1997- to present. But it is nothing like it';s original self.

Luckily there are private servers which retain the original beauty.

>> No.1795265

EverQuest. Ever-god-damn-Quest.
I had this fat gay bitch friend who would not shut the fuck up about this game ever. And when he caught on to the fact that he was the only person who played it and no one was interested in hearing about it, he'd start his sentences with "I know you don't care, but in EverQuest..." FFS. God damn. Seeing that behavior may have been the reason I never, ever played an MMO in my life. It turns people into shits.

>> No.1795291

>Old online games either ran out of subs or changed a lot for the worse, removing the "online" feature and basically becoming single player experiences with a dash of co-op every once in a while.

I think the same thing happened to Final Fantasy XI, but that's not quite retro, just almost there (came out in 2002). The once extremely difficult story-heavy expansion that was Chains of Promathia is entirely soloable now and most content is 1-6 players instead of the 18+ man craziness that used to dominate the game.

Then again it's FF, multiplayer was something that was never associated with it, so a single player mode would've been nice for all the story bits. FF11 has one of the least shitty FF stories and it's a shame most of the series' own fans didn't get to experience it.

>> No.1797976


>> No.1798163

>not playing project 1999

>> No.1798205

Rose tinted glasses.

I signed up on a Private server with like 8x exp or some garbage and like 15x pots that could be spammed. I grinded a Warrior to 75 with /dnc sub just to experience the story.

Its typical JRPG bullshit. The limit quests are annoying as fuck and Limit 2, which I think was the one where you need to kill 3 NM's in Xabarcard is -still- a fucking 18+ level 55 player level monster. Which is annoying as fuck cause it takes forever to solo, even with Rampage and HP draining.

Its also still a fucking maze, and even shit like clipper and cupper doing the missions to finally fight the shadow lord (much less the other tedious shit for Chains of Promathia (I did about 60% of promathia), Zilart, and all that) was just... still too grindy. I can only imagine how bad it was at retail. I only got to 54 paladin and 51 warrior before I quit for good.

Its not as good as you remember, trust me.

>> No.1799035

SE needs to just release a single player/co-op HD remake of FFXI already.

>> No.1799417


When did evercrack come out?

>> No.1800046

Anon, how much has it changed?
Which private server do you recommnd?

>> No.1800504

But you can still play EQ without seeing any of the new content and go exploring all the old zones

>> No.1800902

What about all those text based browser games back in day.

>> No.1800913

you could just play project 1999 and get the kunark experience.
You cannot play the live servers and have anything close to the original experience. There were no aa's back then, you had to scribe spells, hell levels are gone, xp rates have skyrocketed. It just doesn't even resemble the original game anymore.

>> No.1800925

Are there any good ones of these still around? I remember finding one called equinoxi think and it was actually legit. I know racewar kingdom is still around but for some reason i never really liked that.

>> No.1800926

>project 1999

kill yourself

>> No.1800936

I just might trying to get through hell levels.

>> No.1800946

In the beginning, there was one "world" aka facet per server.

In this world, there was very little rules.
It was like the wild wild west.

Player killers, PVP, Full loot. (Everything that person had on them dropped for you to be able to loot)

The PVP was fantastic, especially for mages.
64 spells, you had to out cun and out cast your opponent in mage vs mage duels. It was fucking amazing.

Players could have a total 700.0 skill points.
And your "skills" was all you really needed to compete in PVP for the most part.

Eventually, shitty faggots complained hard enough, and the "facet" was split into 2 worlds.

Trammel and felucca.
Trammel was a safe haven. Where you couldn't freely PVP,Loot,Kill do anything bad towards anyone else.

Felucca retained the original rule set.

The damage was done though. Why Grind/hunt/mine etc in a place where you could get killed when you can safely do all that in trammel.

The population of felluca dropped immensely.

Moving forward, an expansion later came out that ruined the game even further, called "Age of shadows".

This brought in ANOTHER world to split the population (same ruleset as trammel).
But the worst part of it, was it made everything "Item based". Meaning if you wanted to fight monsters/PVP you needed the best of the best gear with the best stats.

It turned the game beyond repair. It was not the same game anymore.

Every expansion past it just made it worse and worse.

I could go on and on.
As for servers, try http://www.uosecondage.com/

or look for other servers looking to be authentic the original first few years.

>> No.1801301

>try to get people from /vr/ to play Ultima Online with me
>no one joins
>I get bored and leave forever
Thus is life in cyberspace.

>> No.1803417

This. I played uo durring launch through tsa. Then I tried playing uo again around 7th anniversary or so. Fuck I lasted like a month. And all I did was chop wood because the Item stats sucked dick.

I also played eq from launch to first expansion. I wanted to do project 1999 but fuck when I saw it didn't have the old interface.

>> No.1803423

Ultima Online isn't really the kind of game you just invite people to play.

Learning everything about the game is daunting. There is so much to take in.

yup, fuck item based games.

>> No.1804713

>playing any Ultima game
>supporting Lord British
>the faggot who tried to sue every competing RPG for "stealing his style"

Every game that used the Questron engine had to pay him a royalty despite him having fuck all to do with it

>> No.1805256 [DELETED] 

>dissing Our Lord and Savior Lord British

off with your head, fegget.

>> No.1805259

>dissing Our Lord and Savior Lord British

Off with your head, fegget.
even the japanese show respect to Ultima's Creator.

>> No.1805592

I still get on EQ to this day, but only to ask players about WoW. Simply mentioning WoW will send them into a blind rage and erupt in 50+ people PMing you with their bitchfits.

>> No.1805597

Sounds fun.

>> No.1805642

>respecting somebody who ripped off D&D then claimed to had invented the genre and slowed the development of RPGs by suing indie devs who dared to compete with him

>> No.1805650

Yeah, but the actual game is alright too. Sort of fun with friends too, especially around the higher levels.

>> No.1805658

>just making shit up

Where is your sources?
Wikipedia says nothing about him suing anybody for NCsoft after they fucked him.

>> No.1805660

Anybody besides NCsoft*

>> No.1805865

Any point in playing this if I haven't ever played Everquest before but I'm just into dungeon diving with some bros?

>> No.1805925

Both modern EQ and Project 1999 are great for going in with some bros and having fun, but expect almost two entirely different games.

>> No.1806769

Honestly, any game without seriously flawed gameplay/programming is fun to go into with a bunch of mates you already know.

>> No.1806960


I think the difference here is that you were solo'ing everything in an incredibly team-based game.

It won't mean anything if you get a new piece of gear every day, a lot of the fun was fighting that uphill battle with your friends to get that piece of gear and then hanging onto it for a while. I wouldn't want to waste all that time either if I was going to throw away the reward in a day.

>> No.1806972


I could never understand UO, it sounded cool in how open it was but I could never understand what the hell you do in the game.

It sounded like a big PvP arena except you need to spend the time to level your character, and get griefed a lot on the way. I guess pvp was never my thing so I find it hard to think what I'd even do in UO.

>> No.1806978

It's a sandbox.
You make your own adventures.

>> No.1806995



I would disagree with this slightly, P1999 is a wonderful server and is definitely a lot of fun but it's not like most mmo's where you can join and breeze through levels.

If you expect to make any headway you need to be aware of how long it will be between levels or new pieces of gear and also you absolutely have to engage the community, you can technically duo\trio for exp but really it won't work unless you guys already know what you're doing.

So yeah, wonderful game, lots of fun to be had but brace for the grind and ask lots of questions to randoms on the server and ask to tag along for their parties.

PS: The less you look up on wiki's the more fun you guys can potentially have, but that's just my opinion.